The Full Story of My CREEPY TEACHER.. (Brookhaven RP Marathon)

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so today I'm giving you guys a complete creepy teacher series from me meeting her in school to me getting sent to jail with her bro my creepy teacher's gonna be in the yard with me oh my gosh this is so bad all the way to her last moments alive make sure to watch the whole video because this is a full Marathon enjoy so guys today is my first day of school and I was really excited I walked into my class I met my teacher which was a lady named Bertha and the first thing she said to me is wow you are a handsome young man which I thought was a little weird but I just took it as a compliment I also made a friend who was really cool but anyways ask what's going on my teachers were saying some weird stuff to me she asked a question and then said how about you answer cutie and then picked me after school is over I just told my friend about it and he just said I was overreacting she's probably just being nice now I feel like it's gonna get a lot weirder but I guess we'll see ah it's the second day of school today I'm excited again I'm not gonna lie to you guys the first day was a little bit weird with the teacher but um she probably was just being nice so I'm not gonna what the tap is the best okay nowhere assistant on those sign right there she said oh uh and then she deleted it okay this is already weird bro what the heck dude and what's on the TV my little tappy wappy I'm gonna say uh what's on the TV she said ahem nothing bro this teacher is so weird bro oh I don't like this and like my friend just said hey Miss Bertha she said hello she said who's ready for math class I'm Gonna Save Me I can't believe I'm in school right now bro but I hope you are yep super ready she said first question yo what we're gonna test it or something what's one plus one bro that's too easy I said bro that's easy she said then what is it uh two duh and she just said yay bro do you think we're dumb or something I'm gonna say bruh she said you're very smart I'm gonna say uh thing bro why is she being so weird they're calling me smart for answering one plus one uh and my friend Ken literally just said it's just one plus one dot dot dot I know right she said next question on the front board uh okay I'm not gonna answer this one I'll let Ken do it he said oh I know it hope he does bro the specials are easy she said glad to hear what's the answer bro what why are you looking at me I answered the last one and Kendra said what the dot dot dot bro literally she said and this one bro I don't want it okay whatever I'll answer it's 10 bro easy bro this teacher's acting mad weird bro she just said whoa and she started dancing what bro what she just changed the question 10 plus 10 and who said I know it he said pick me pick me bro's jumping what the heck she said okay but it's Taft's turn so tap what is it bro what I answered twice in a row I literally Kendra said what why she said now three no I'm not answering this little just said sigh bro sad she said if you don't answer you will have to retake the class with me and she said I mean I won't mind and she turned her back bro what this teacher actually mad weird no doesn't matter okay fine Final Answer fine fine okay it's 20 10 plus 10 equals 20. easy she said yay okay last one and why is she dancing again and look Kent just said wise only tap why not one of us and who said yeah okay 20 plus 20 who knows the answer I do bro little is so excited to answer the question every time she said it's the last question of the day last question of the day oh thankfully I wanna get out of here she said anyone question mark I'm gonna say bruh they both said they know it they said me me me she said whoa you know is she coming up to me no I don't know it she said oh fine she said anyone else question mark bro they're both spamming me look he's jumping nah this is weird bro I don't like this she said what is it he said 40. he said uh yeah she said class is over oh thank God bro I'm gonna say few thankfully have a good one teach she said you all can leave butt tap huh she said you're not leaving bro what uh why why class is over I thought and look outside it really said why is tap still there she said for them yes um I'm gonna say okay so what do you need then bro this is weird she's only trapping me in here right now she's like blocking the door she said to you bro what and bro look out there he's holding aside they're both holding his sinuses this is us I know help me she said what are you doing after school um just going home probably gonna just chill why she said can I come with question mark uh no I'm sorry you can't you said oh uh yeah I have to get going now actually my mom is gonna be worried she said okay I guess I'll see you very soon a pro what okay I'm leaving I'm leaving I'm leaving leaving bro Ken come here bro why is she outside bro what the heck did you see that he said well yes I did he said I think you're right I'm gonna say yeah you think and where did the bus just go uh he said she might have a crushed on you I'm gonna say bro she obviously does and who doesn't see you tomorrow oh see you bro I'm gonna say whatever bro I'm gonna just go home and chill but if they want to come with I'm not gonna lie I'm a little scared so uh he said sure I don't mind and bro what the look in there she's still in there she says happy makes me happy okay no no no no no no no let's go let's go let's go let's go bro I don't know if we saw that or not but I'm not even gonna mention it I just want to leave I just want to leave bro home we go bro I'm not gonna lie that's been the weirdest things happened to me like all year bro a teacher with a crush on me bro like what is going on it's all right finally home in my beautiful house ah look at it so beautiful this house is actually great bro the windows and everything it is so nice and Kendra said wow your house is nice oh thanks bro anyway what else do you say you said I guess we're pretending we didn't see that thing oh you saw the sign too or the TV he said yeah bro what is going on this teacher is crazy dude and now they're thinking about it let me make sure the door's unlocked okay I'm not gonna lie I don't know like what's going on here year or everyone's coming but okay another lock we're good and Kendra said I'll text my mom and tell him at her friend's house all right cool I'm gonna say bro you gotta watch my back I don't know what this teacher is up to he said don't worry I will oh I guess it's a nice guy and what the heck I hear a car outside um what yo what the heck is that someone chatting uh the same car that's part of the school I'm confused wait a minute uh bro is that who I think that is he said uh dot dot bro no no no no no no no let me see let me listen go upstairs hold on uh upstairs bro he said it's not the car though that's Miss Bertha that's her no no no no she's part of the car with binoculars outside no no no no no no no no Kendra said I think she sees us uh what uh-oh uh he's looking right at us bro no she does oh my gosh no no no no we need to go we need to hide close that door yep we'll close the door lock the house again bro I'm actually scared what the heck close the curtains okay but I want to be able to see her I I don't I can't close the curtains and uh bro she just ran the doorbell um is that her don't tell me sir don't tell me it's her don't tell me sir he said uh let me get a question mark bro that's her she's right there oh my gosh I'm scared bro he said um she just said tappy bro no no no no what do I do okay I can't hide and she knows that's my house she doesn't need to sign out front with my face on it so she goes to my house I'm gonna go I'm gonna go listen listen I got it I got it she said are you home question mark um okay actually I could just hide bro I don't know she ran doorbell again bro what is this girl's problem she said I know you're home I can smell you okay bro no no no I'm going I'm going I'm going down I'm gonna say um hello what are you doing at my house she said it's you she had waving to me bro and Ken literally just said hi Mrs Bertha she said can I come in I'm gonna say uh what why why did you want to come into my house bro she said I want to help you with homework I want to say homework we didn't even get any homework she said well I have homework just for you okay nah nah I'm gonna say uh it's okay um would you mind going away please oh is that bad I I don't want to say that she said yes I do mind uh-huh so you'll go away she said no Pro what is going Owen she said do you mind if I go inside I'm gonna say no you're not allowed inside actually you're not allowed to be in front of my door at all he said maybe you should just go to the back to the school Miss Bertha I'm gonna say yeah she said my work is done so now I want to help tap you with his work bro what is she on about she said actually I'm gonna go inside anyways wait what what does she mean inside where inside beside the school right yo no no no no no no she's already lifted bro run run what the heck listen right now oh my gosh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no we're not gonna hide over here uh in the closet baby no what's over here is there anything any hidden spots where do I hide upstairs ten we need to hide bro no no seriously seriously okay you know what um closet closet closet closet closet closet closet right here right here right here right there right there oh what the heck there's a little hidden wall right here oh let's go he's not gonna find her second gonna find us there's no way she finds us we're chilling bro oh my gosh bro she said I can smell you dot dot she said oh this is a nice house wait what she's in is she in well let me check wait not at the door anymore uh it's not good she's not in the living room she's not in that room where is she bro where is she she's in my house she's in my house bro that's her right there in this bedroom she said oh that's a nice bed bro this girl so weird bro she just sniffed it oh my gosh bro she's right next to us he's right next to us bro and she's laying down in my bed right now bro what the heck she just said ah this is very nice or is it bro Ken she's in the master bedroom I I don't want to say I'm in it because she might see that but oh he's scared he's scared I know he's scared I'm scared too he said let's just hope the best for now I'm gonna say bro we need to run wait wait wait wait wait no she said this is a big bathroom uh Ken she said his clothing no the closet can't hide hide bro she's right there she's in the closet she just said sniffs no no no no no no no no no no no no no bro we're gonna die and we're actually gonna die it takes a few and puts in bag and she's stealing my clothes nah bro where'd you go wait you know the bathroom I think she's gone then she's gone she's just sitting in the chat oh he has a book I know he's always smart wait where's she at again let me check the camera let me check the cameras she's back in the bedroom I'll make sure to leave a note where he left off bro what okay well I have no idea I have an idea listen she's right there water's right there all I need to do is unlock the doors and stick on the back of the door I can run I can run and run bro I'm gonna say Ken we need to run Follow My Lead he said okay oh bro let's get upstairs sticking over there I'm sneaking over where's she at let me see let me see let me see she's still in that room look she's reading my book remember okay we're telling her till we're telling him all I have to do is unlock the door unlock it we're good open it Dad she's right this right there okay okay it's okay close the door back up jump over here she just said hey oh whoa okay run no oh my gosh dude that's a big drop um do we take our car you'll see her go to your car oh yeah dummy that's my car now uh and she's stuck in the house oh wait no she's not never mind a lot I'm not allowed I lied you said faster I'm trying starting from trying oh my gosh bro that's a crazy teacher bro that was insane so guys in my last video I started school and ended up having a super creepy teacher she was calling me cute and saying a lot of weird stuff now towards the end she ended up finding my house and actually broke in I got away I've actually seen her since then and she apologized for what she did instead it was extremely wrong so the creepiness is basically over or at least that's what I thought right now I'm at the grocery store and I just saw her park across the street and then she looked at me with binoculars I really don't know what to do there's nobody here so wish me luck all right so she's still out there as you can see I'm hiding behind this little wall right now so she can't see me but I can clearly see her right there and I'm not gonna lie I'm scared okay I thought she was done but she's not and now she's outside bro and yo what the heck in the chat she just said I can smell you bro bro what what do I do that I can't even run the door's right there the only door out of here is right there or actually maybe that door works right there I don't even know let me let me try let me try it okay here we go and the door to the door and now it opens yo here she said come out come out wherever you are oh that's so creepy bro and you know why she's driving nah she's how we go to the door nothing went that way bro look guys I'm running I'm running I'm running I'm running I'm gone I'm gone okay my house is actually that way [ __ ] that way and we're fully finally fine and no no no no is she coming toward me uh I think she's following me oh my gosh I need to run I need to run why is she following me bro what the heck is this you said tappy I'm gonna say uh hello okay I mean I didn't do anything she said she's done so uh I'm going to say what's up she said what are you doing oh uh I was just getting some stuff from the grocery store but now I'm going home gotta go to sleep bro why is she questioning me she said mind if I join bro what uh yes sorry I I I can't let you do that she said I mean your bed was really comfy bro what uh okay she said well you can come with me uh no it's fine trust me trust me my bed uh works good anyways I have to get going now and she just said are you sure and pulled a gun out on me uh guys guys what is she doing bro I'm gonna say yo calm down with the gun bro we're gonna leave the front of the police station bro what are the cops at she said I'm very calm okay I have to run I have to run because I have to run nothing right now if I get if I get kidnapped right now I will never celebrate it ever again I'm gonna say well what's that behind you there's no way this works I don't know oh god oh she's so dumb she's so dumb it worked I'm running run to run run run to crowd she said hey oh I'm glad I'm So Gone do I lost her I lost her rock on oh let's see there's no clue where I am she thought she could kidnap me bro and uh-oh is that her over there uh oh that's her that's her she just said where do you go that was not nice oh no no no he's getting her car she's in her car oh no no no no no no no no run does she see me does she see me oh she never sees me she never sees me oh no she's coming she's coming I'm in the house hot in the house and come on close close locked oh my gosh that was perfect timing uh hello Miss Bertha uh bro why is she at my house she's like can I come in please uh no and guess what the door's locked LOL I'm watching I'm gonna start dancing bro she can't even get in don't mind me just doing my dance doing my dance Hey I was dancing sauce what the heck there we go she said the door is locked she said are you sure what do you mean am I sure yo she's trying to glitch in no no no no no no no no no no no no no no it's already working uh run run run run hide run hide uh where do I hide where do I hide bro what is this I hear I hear her inside uh dude she's right there I just started walking that room with a gun oh my gosh this is bad what am I doing I can't even run I locked my doors crap right there oh my gosh hide hide hide hide in the closet okay right here right here I'm fine I'm fine I'll find the closet I'm fine in the closet she's not gonna find me let me sit down I'm just fine I'm just fine is she out there oh I hear her I hear bro she just said uh why are you playing games with me what's playing games with you you're trying to kidnap me bro what the heck this girl is crazy she said just makes things simple and we can both be happy uh I'm not doing that there's no way absolutely no way sorry she said ooh his bed bro what you do with my bed what bro why is she on my bed she's laying in it she said ah bro what is this drill's problem this is the creepiest person I've ever met in my life and of course it happens to be my teacher dude she said I wonder if he's seen the notes the notes does not look like it bro I want to walk out there and I'm like what no you're talking about I want to see the notes she just said where are you bro I'm literally trapped in here bro there's nowhere I can go there's no rocking door now that kid I can't go through here she said I can smell you and she said oh he got flowers I got flowers oh what the heck he's over there I don't know what bro what I did not get into those flowers I don't know where that came from she said these are my favorite color he knows me so well bro what oh [ __ ] oh my gosh I didn't hide she said hmm where is he she said sniff flowers ah for what I don't want to explore something about her hair I'll be fine she said also I can hear you wait what uh hot in the corner hide in the corner uh she's right there oh my gosh that is Joker did I just took her bro I'm gone I'm gone I just dude you're out oh I'm gonna just leave leave the house [Applause] how did you just do that bro what I literally was walking out she's ready for that ride um no it's it's okay bro what do I do I can't even run at this point all right I'm putting my hands up he said are you sure I mean what will you do if I don't get in she said you don't want to know winky face um all right bro I'm gonna get it I have to I have no choice I want to say oh okay all right I'm getting in the car oh gosh bro this is so bad she said just uh turn around she's handcuffing me what the heck and now I'm an income bro what is this she said Smiles bro what is this girl's problem dude and why is there nobody here to save me she said ready to go home tappy uh yeah ready to go to my home Pros is actually bad I'm being kidnapped she said uh we're almost out of gas wait what we stop for gas I'm gonna say oh yeah you should probably stop for gas ass he said good idea see you're so smart oh okay okay he's gonna stop for gas and I you know I'll even offer to feel it I'm gonna say let me do it for you please my queen all right listen obviously I don't think she's my queen but I'm just gonna you know let her think that so she gets excited and starts to trust me more see I'm playing chess because I'm playing chess she said you can't you have handcuffs but I guess I could take them off yes yes please do please do I said okay fine ah yes it feels so good to be free I'm gonna say uh all right here we go and let me go and get this and oh perfect don't let the tank yo chill with the gun I'm not gonna do anything bro why can't I go to the store and like find someone bro where's everybody at she said just making sure all right you're full let's go bro I literally can't do anything bro I have to make it I have to come again oh my gosh bro she's a gun dude she said can you pay for it bro what you seem Rich oh all right fine I'll pay for it all right they're done let's go she said yay you're the best bro what is this girl's problem she said welcome home and what uh this is their house bro I'm not gonna lie it's kind of creepy I mean it's kind of cute I guess a little bit of trees and stuff I want to say uh nice house she said thanks it's ours bro what hours and yo she's right lock the door we're chilling she said yes is there a problem and she put a gun at me okay okay uh no no no no no no no problem at all she said I would hate to have a problem oh no no no of course not silly bro I did not want to get shot right now and just locked the door oh my gosh the door's locked I can't even believe if I wanted to I literally have to glitch out bro she said glad to hear she said I have two beds but uh but what you can share right uh share with who you have two beds me obviously ah no uh it's okay she said oh and put a gun in my head okay okay yes we can we can share oh my gosh bro she said we can do so many things cute little guy bro this teacher's so creepy bro I'm gonna say you're supposed to be my teacher not my kidnapper just wait till the school hears about this nah seriously guys once she gets caught bro she's going to jail she just said they won't know if you're stuck here forever and ever bro what I'm gonna say well uh I need to use the bathroom if you don't mind where would that be located she said I mean we could do so many things together bro what down below all right thank you's all I need bro why is she spotting in the bathroom nah that's creepy bro I'm gonna say uh a little privacy please like what is this girl's problem she said sorry thank you okay guys I need to find something that'll help me get me out of here bro I need to find a gun or a knife or something something I can like get out of here with because I I'm stuck here forever if I don't dude let me see what she's at okay she's in there right now watching TV on the couch looking at pandas if I could just uh I can't go upstairs okay I can't upstairs she said oh bro what all right let me see it can I go over here on the bookshelf oh listen listen I need to get to that safe I know there's a gun in there or something let me go ahead and jump up again come on let's go and is there a gun yo what I found a gun okay okay I need to go back down go back down and I'm gonna just get it by surprise all right all right all right he has no clue and she said it's just as cute as tap we talk about the pandas bro what the heck all right it's fine he has no clue I'm gonna put the guns to her face I'm gonna say let me out now and uh hopefully this works okay here we go here we go all right here we go in three two one and hey Bertha let me out she said I can't do that bro what yes you can let me out she thought I wouldn't find the gun huh she said no I can't she said you're here forever and also how did you find that uh and she pulled her gun out uh whoa whoa whoa you weren't supposed to do that uh put that away now she said tap you put that away bro bro why is she why is she funny back dude do I have to shoot her uh I don't want to shoot my t-shirt bro uh I'm giving you one last warning Bertha bro why is your name Bertha I'm actually scared guys I'm actually scared she's gonna put it away or not she said you have one last warning okay I'm doing it here we go oh my gosh they're both so happy together oh I shot her bro oh my gosh ow yo look at her face okay I need to go uh I'm gonna say I warned you I don't know if she's dead or not but uh she said why did you do that what do you mean why did I do that you kidnapped me listen I'm breaking out I'm breaking out here we go use the sleeping bags please please work work why is that working okay come on come on one place it right there they're trying to patch it I think but uh come on come on come on she said we had something going oh no you're tripping you're tripping I'm out I'm free oh my gosh so guys today I was chilling on my house in Brookhaven when I heard my doorbell ring it was my creepy teacher she said look I know you're scared of me stalking you but I have an offer so I said okay she said I wanted to be hanging out to me for 24 hours then after it's over I'll leave you alone forever or if you reject I'll keep stalking you forever and I thought hmm well 24 hours and it's all over I guess I'm in so today I'm gonna be handcuffed to my creepy teacher for 24 hours wish me luck all right guys well I'm in my house and I'm handcuffed to her so I guess we have 24 hours of this and she just said yes I'm so happy I got to spend the whole day with my tap you happy bro what this is about to be bad then why are we so close I don't like this bro she said too bad bro what I'm not gonna lie I can't believe I agreed to this like 24 hours of this is insane but a Deal's a deal she said you made a deal uh yeah yeah I guess I did he said but anyways first thing I need to do is use the bathroom bro use the bathroom uh you know what that means right she said Yup uh I don't want to come with you can we take it off for for just for then she said no bro what no this girl's insane why is she saying that I'm gonna say uh well I guess the deal is a deal she said now let's go watch Happy wappy bro what all right come on oh my gosh bro I have to literally stick with her this is so bad oh my gosh so bad oh dude okay I'm turning around I'm turning around nah this is just weird well bro what is she doing she's just sitting on the toilet bro she said he's cutely oh no bro what how do you pee cutely that's just weird she said if you looked it would have been a nice view bro what I'm not like looking I mean I can kind of see you but you know and then what the heck someone's doorbell just now and she said she said a winky face bro wait who's at the door uh yeah I don't know she said who's that um can you finish up already girls are knocking she said yeah I'm done okay uh let's go actually wait you didn't wash your hands nasty bro what the heck you're gross she said oh yeah bro come on oh my gosh I don't have to tell her to do that that's crazy all right I'm gonna go downstairs someone is down there he said wash his hands cutely bro come on all right well uh here we go downstairs oh my gosh who's that oh what the heck it's Ken he said what's up tap again what's up bro he said uh oh my gosh he's probably so wooded out right now I'm gonna say it's not what it looks like here's an uh my least favorite student bro what she just said why are you handcuffed with her so basically she said if I'm handcuffed with her for 24 hours after it she'll leave me alone forever she said because he's mine's nah nah nah that she she's tripping I would say she's tripping Ralph he said you're weird yeah uh well come in she said that's why you're my least favorite you said anyways she just said wait uh what what what wait for what and yo what did she just say she doesn't put the hashtags oh she said we should go on a ice cream dates bro what state this never included that she said my tap you happy produce girl has a problem bro this is actually weird bro I don't want to do that I don't want to be seen in public like this she said either way if you like it or not you gotta do it bro all right fine whatever let's go she said too bad too sad all right well I'll just spawned my car in uh Bertha bro she's sitting right next to me oh my gosh this is so bad I wonder how Ken's feeling bro look at him in there she just said your hands feel so warm Mickey face bro what the heck bro stop it like I don't like this but I'm uncomfortable all right though it's fine it's fine it's fine going to the ice cream place getting ice cream is anyone out here no okay it's empty there's no one here No One's Gonna See Me I'm not gonna be embarrassed we're fine all right here we go here we go let's say welp we're here all right I'm gonna get uh which flavor should I get I'm not gonna lie it's easy to get it's easy one boys chocolate easy easy chocolate chocolate she said oh I like that flavor bro what why are you copying me bro she got chocolate bro get something else I'm gonna say you're obsessed she said it's like we're meant to be Mickey face but you know what actually I want vanilla then never mind I like vanilla more and bro she just copied me another one of my favorites I'm gonna say you're obsessed actually okay I'm not gonna lie I really don't want anyone to see us like this that would be mad embarrassing she said well too bad but bro what are you planning something like I'm confused I'm gonna say all right you got your ice cream can we go home now like I said I don't want to be seen like this guys you said that people do they will know we are a couple bro what we aren't a couple stuff you're weird she said I'm sure she said wait I need something from school wait what you want to go to school handcuffed to me no no no no no she said yeah Ron cannot take this bro this is too weird and she just inches forward like every step I say she just follows me bro it's so bad all right whatever I mean I guess from school whatever you have to do what you got to do in the car we go bro oh my gosh this is so bad I wonder what she even needs bro like what like what do you do from school it's a Saturday welp Here We Go Again Instagram everywhere we go oh my gosh this is horrible bro oh we're going through the classroom bruh I've never been this close to the board before like I'm about right on the border something and she just wrote my tappy wappy bro what stop please she just said no and now the TV it says tappy wapi is my Boo-Boo Bear okay nah that's weird all right I'm going home I I think we're done here she said perfect I have to take a shower wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what a shower your hand comes to me she said you heard me bro what the heck I could not catch a break okay listen we're we're no we're not doing that she said well you're gonna need to go into then okay nah now listen we're not doing that I don't know why she thinks we're doing that we're not doing that she just said even better bro this girl is so weird this teacher is so weird should I say she just said can't wait to get in the shower with you winky face bro nah nah this is just us all right we're in the house close the garage I wonder where Ken is at bro she just won't get off of me bro it's so weird and why are we going this way no no no bro I thought you were joking she said I would never joke she just said that's better and yo she changed her Avatar bro no no what is this dude what am I witnessing right now bro I I don't believe this bro she's literally showering right now and I'm handcuffed to her nah this is insane this is actually insane what is my life guys she said come in tappy no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no you have a problem I'm gonna say hurry up you're taking too long and she said I have a problem with loving you too much which is great no it's a bad problem problems are bad I can't believe I agree to this guy I can't believe it oh listen listen it's fine because after 24 hours are up it'll all be over I'll never have to see her ever again okay it'll all be good she said problems that include me and you are great the best things no no please okay your time is almost up okay it's up it's up it's done it's done it's done all right we're done she said now I am done finally she just said I'm a bit tired uh well that stinks yawns cutely bro what I'm gonna say uh can't go to sleep yet sorry she just said nah I'm gonna take a nap uh what she said you heard me I mean yeah I heard you but what in the heck are you thinking I'm handcuff tough to you she said you have to lay down with me winky face oh my gosh this is so weird and bro she's walking over there she said let's go oh my gosh bro okay it's fine I'm gonna stay on this side of the bed I'll be fine and yo what the heck all right it's fine it's fine it's fine I'll just lay right here it's chill it's super chill I'm not even touching her it's just my shoulder she said lay down my tap you happy uh no I get it I can't do it I can't listen listen I'm done okay I'm done the challenge is over I can't do it she said stop being so dramatic bro I'm not being dramatic this is actually weird all right it's fine if I let him like this it's not weird I'm all the way over here she's over there it's chill it's chill in the bro what she's copying me and hold on wait it's getting dark uh I'm gonna say welp it's looking like it's pretty dark that means the day is over oh guess the challenge up she said no what do you mean no it's dark we spent the day handcuffed she said why can't be the same every day bro what listen all right listen the challenge is done out of my house please she said I made it on mines bro what I would not agree to a month and she just said I don't think so and yo what the heck on me uh I'm gonna say yo uh chill chill chill and catch here said what's up tap oh God you're saving me yo what the heck she said we will stay handcuffed forever I'm gonna say Bertha Put the gun down she said fine if you can't said back up pal oh my gosh Ken thank you bro you saved me she said I hate you I'm gonna say get out now yeah I guess the God of this house never come here again and she said that's why I hate you you're my least favorite oh my gosh and she's leaving well uh I guess she's out of here well thank God all right and she's gone the door's locked we're safe yeah thank you bro you saved me so today I went back to school and my creepy teacher was there she's been gone for a while now but I guess today she's back now she's already saying weird stuff to me and she's putting really weird stuff on the board so I have a plan I'm gonna get her fired tomorrow I'm gonna go to the principal tell them what happened tell him how weird she is and he'll have no choice but to fire her hopefully it works all right guys second day at school I'm going in right now and uh I'm gonna have to hold you principal and oh my gosh look at her but she's already stuff on the board she's dancing I'm gonna say hoodle she's already being weird I'm gonna go tell the principal right now he said all right I'll be here good luck bro and look at that she said I came from my taboo ever to show up bro it's so weird all right I'm going all right I'm gonna say uh all right thank you all right here we go here we go I'm going to the principal's office guys I'm actually nervous I mean I don't really know why like she'd probably get fired but I just still okay okay I'm in here that's a little Robbie I'm gonna say hello sir she said well hello tap what brings you here oh I'm gonna say I am here to report a crime a crime by one of the teachers he said what crime I'm gonna say um well this teacher has been harassing me for quite a while now he said I don't think a teacher would do a crime okay listen let me explain Miss Bertha has been saying super weird stuff trying to kidnap me trying to break in my house and she has a crush on me I'm only a student he said I don't believe you bro what you actually don't believe me is he joking he said not at all this Bertha is one of our best teachers I'm gonna say well not anymore she's been the best one for four years straight bro what how's such a good teacher but it's so weird when I come in that doesn't make any sense I'm gonna say okay well I guess it makes some sense then but still if you don't believe me how about you just watch for yourself he said all right okay okay here we go here we go I want to say um don't walk in too soon or or else you might spook her so uh yeah all right here we go here we go bro hoodle come on dude it's time and oh my gosh back in class you know what the heck and I was on the board right now it's pretty weird and the people's right there bro it's happy it's an and hoodle bro watch being so mean to hoodle I'm gonna say uh hey she said hello bro he's saying so good so far produce back up I'm pretty sure you can see him that's what it is he said it's so nice to see you I'm gonna say oh thanks Miss Bertha okay I'm not gonna lie she's not being super weird yet she's are you ready for math class uh yes of course born ready she said okay oh why is she not being weird little just said oh my God math she said okay question one what's one plus one bro what why should I be weird guys listen if you watch this series at all if you've seen the creepy teacher every time it's just super weird stuff but I don't know I guess she might see him little just said I know and she's not even picking on him bro or say bro that's easy it's two she said okay that's nice but his Taps turned she said whoa bro okay she's doing that thing again she only picks on me it's a good job the person said not really seeing it and she put another question three plus three and noodle said I know she said okay cool bro what pick hoodle happy bro why are you speaking me again you know what I'm gonna say the wrong answer I'm gonna say ten guys three plus three is obviously not ten it's six but she said tap you happy you make me so happy bro what she's close enough what's not close at all what is she talking about who just said sigh why do I even try and she just said you look extra good today winky face huh I'm gonna say what do you mean by that she just said you just look so cute as always look look that's proof and bro what he said I need more proof and she just said and I really miss spying on you after school bro look that's all the proof you need oh he's coming in he's coming in oh oh oh my gosh look at her she turned around I'm gonna say what and oh my gosh he just said the missile Bertha oh he's mad he's mad look he said hey Mr Robbie she said why hello I'm gonna say you see that okay actually I don't want to set it I want to say it no I'm saying it I told you she's weird the principal said this is extremely inappropriate behavior oh my gosh cotton 4K oh excuse that I've been the best teacher for four years I would never yeah that's a lie clearly you would and she said well you won't be now what does it mean by that she said what oh oh she's mad or I don't know he said I have no choice but to fire you oh my God it's working he said get out now oh he's mad oh my gosh it look even Hooters said oh dang she said don't tell me that dumb size he's gonna get it he said I'll make sure you'll never come back ever again listen you said what I need this job oh she's mad I'm gonna say awkward he said yeah the wish is gonna be fired in the middle of class bro what the heck he's on the phone and she said house do I see my tap you happy I mean my students bro is she still being weird in front of the Tim first of all he just said well he said thought about it before hitting on his students oh my gosh I'm gonna say thank you so much principal he just said I'll make sure you'll never see these kids again oh my gosh thank you mostly tap she said you know what uh and he said now get out now and I'll call the cops oh my gosh dude she just said did you tell about this and oh he's counting oh she won the cops okay I'm gonna say uh yeah I did now you should probably leave one of the cops come she said you're gonna wish you never did that shush oh no I'm so scared Lala she said uh and really calling the cops actually what the heck he said fine I'll leave that's what I thought see you later tappy WAP eat bro what uh what do you mean by that okay she's not gonna see me later bro it's done it's done uh let's go put a little work we got that teacher fired you got the teacher fired he said now for you two I'm gonna say uh yes he said I'll try to find a new teacher that hopefully won't be like Mrs birthday I'm gonna say thank you he said but for now you two can go home early release say thank you so much actually I told you I wasn't lying because I'll see you soon the next day all right cool cool cool all righty see you bro let's go let's go let's go oh we got the teacher fire we got the T-shirt fire hey hey hey look at noodle dance dude I'm gonna say who don't wanna come over to my house in the meantime I mean we have the rest of the day he said yeah sure we can take my golf cart all right let's go bro this is so great oh my gosh um I'm gonna say can I drive but I don't think you know what my house is I'm gonna say ah it feels good to know I'll never see her again am I right am I right he said Phillips teacher I know dude I know oh my gosh it feels so good all righty and we're home I'll put the golf cart in the garage too just to be nice I'm gonna say well we can watch TV or play Roblox whatever you want to do bro he said you got a nice place oh thanks man I'm gonna say I want any food by the way gotta be a good host you know he said oh no I'm good thanks though all righty no worries uh I'm gonna grab myself a little Victory Coke you know what I'm saying ah it feels good it feels good what can I say when I say bro I'm gonna say hoodle are you sure you don't want a little Victory drink come on look at it look at it Coca-Cola right in your face bro he said I guess all right I need to come around there you go bro what are your footsteps outside is that her is that her I'm gonna say dude look around the corner don't make it obvious though oh my gosh I think he saw it he said oh uh yeah oh uh dude call the cops now no no no at this point I'm actually scared he said okay calling he said oh wait what do you mean oh wait my phone's dead well I don't have a phone on me right now dude I was using it in class oh yeah he was I remember that um okay okay let's not block the doors the door's locked so we're fine um bro we need to like what do we do I don't have anything to protect myself bro I don't know what to do and bro she's getting closer she's getting closer and bro shut the door yeah she's literally at the door right now she said oh tappy and why is it starting night time too I don't like that see what do I do it do I say something I don't know okay okay I'm gonna say uh oh hi whoa what what are you doing here she just said there you are I've been trying to find you for a while now dot dot dot uh oh really I'm gonna say uh well uh I'd appreciate if you uh if you if you backed up you know and bro why is she just said all hashtags bro what she's trying to say it's all hashtags that I used to really really like you uh okay she said but I mean I I guess that's good though she didn't like me anymore now I don't so let's make it simple bro I should hold it a gun okay uh I'm gonna say no thank you right there and bro it is the closest part what the heck I'm gonna say uh I'm gonna say back up Bertha she said now open the door or I'll force myself in I'm gonna say bruh there's there's really no need for that I I swear she said that's it it could have been easy what do you mean it could have been easy um we can do it the hard way yo starting to listen here what do we do what do we do uh not a room this one the original trash all of them are trash okay this one right here and then right here and then right here and we're chilling retail right here right here bro bro she is she is she said oh tappy no no no oh she's dead she's dead oh my gosh not the door anymore where's she at where's she at did I know you're upstairs and she's in this room she's in the bunk beds room oh she's talking upstairs crap that's right uh and he just said whisper where is she she said this would be a great room for kids bro what's she doing where's she going if she goes in my room we're screwed actually we're screwed we're so screwed hey she's in this room she said this could be my room uh it won't be what it's talking about guys only want to go upstairs and no she's in my room she said oh this must be his oh my gosh oh my gosh no no no no no no no no I can smell them is right there she said sniffs ah he said what does she have time to get a gun bro I don't know she had it earlier she's saying takes clothes again glitter said don't worry I'll save you for what do you mean what do you mean oh we're out there pro version don't do it bro who knows Hill why is he running and what the heck is she uh oh right there right there she said hey oh my gosh is it in front of us dude he just said if you want to have to get through me he said pushes everybody's got pushed she just said you know what I'll let you have him bro what he said that's fine bro what you're supposed to help me dude you're my friend he said sorry tap bro what a crappy friend this just said you're my new favorite student I'm gonna say uh listen listen listen listen listen you you don't have to do this I I swear and she just said yes I do bro chill no no no [Music] bro what the heck where am I bro what the heck I'm in the hospital whoa whoa what happened the doctor just said glad you're awake tap and he said he's gonna be like hey Doc he said oh tap bro Pro last thing I remember was the the girl shooting and you got into a bad gunshot bro what she actually shot me well who what about you he said but you're lucky that you're alive he said I shot her back oh yeah I remember that he did before with the gun at the last second he said don't know if she's alive oh my gosh dude I want to say who know you saved my life bro I'm not gonna lie I thought it was a bad friend when he ran out but I guess that was all part of the play he's probably getting a gun wow dude thank you okay so I was in Brookhaven when I saw something strange it was my creepy teacher but I noticed she was with a friend which was weird because I didn't think she had any friends but she typed in the chat and said this will do the trick tap is going to be ours now I have no clue what that meant but obviously he's still trying to find me I ended up following her home and guys I'm not sure if it's a good idea or not but I'm going to break into her house to find out what she's up to wish me luck all right guys so I just saw those two going their house and I'm not gonna do it just yet but I think I'm going to break into their house okay and I'm not joking about that now I want to spawn them a little bit longer so I'm actually going to get this house up here and hopefully these people don't kind of watch her from across the street so let me go ahead and just find this little house and look at the time they're just talking about me bro she just said I can't wait for this plan to work his plans all we're gonna do is make him ours and she said yeah it'll work perfectly okay so guys I don't know who it is a Bella is but that's Miss Bertha's friend which is my creepiest teacher and Miss Bertha the group of teacher literally just said nothing could go wrong I thought of everything that can go wrong and I have a backup plan bro what is she talking about that's creepy okay it's whatever I'm gonna go ahead and look for my window and hopefully be able to spawn her a bit better okay I still walk around in there a little bit uh what are they doing when I see him look what the heck they both just sat down on the couch that's weird okay last thing she said was where do you think he might be and she said maybe school and look she just said I love watching that man on the TV it looks just like tappy bro she's talking about oh it's so weird dude she said yeah bro I want to figure out who's Miss Isabella is that like her like creepy teacher friend I don't know and look in the chat Miss Bertha just said you can't deny he looks better than the last person you tried to kidnap she said I mean just look at him and then Isabella said no he was cuter okay okay I'm not sure if you guys get what she's saying here but I'm pretty sure she means she did a similar thing they're arguing about who's cuter like her last victim or me bro that's so weird and then Isabella just said well yeah but unfortunately he's dead now bro bro bro bro bro what does that mean I don't like that dude all right guys I'm gonna go for a closer look right now I don't know what's going on but like I said I want to break in and see if I can figure out more information so this might be a bad idea but we're gonna do we're gonna do it okay first experience I want to get closer all right I'm getting pretty close and she just said Well mine's not dead so I can keep trying to kidnap mine and she just said count me whenever you are bro okay okay no no no all right I'm right beside their house right now it'll be very quiet and very careful because if they hear me that'd be bad okay okay I'm literally right over the wall right now and she just said trust me I will it's happening will be ours bro what okay as you can see that's them right there okay the officer can't see me because I'm looking that way but oh my gosh I'm so close to her but I thought she was dead she said I can't wait for that day maybe it'll be today she said hopefully it is today bro what time are kidnapping me today uh I don't like that I don't like that that's weird so I can't wait any more longer okay okay guys I'm not gonna lie them singing all this stuff I probably shouldn't be breaking in right now but I'm doing it anyways I don't care okay I'm in the backyard I'm looking her house doesn't look too weird in there all right I'm gonna go ahead and jump up there and boom we're up okay that was easy now the best way to break in should probably be the sleeping bag glitch and bro they're still talking she just said should we find him or wait for him to leave school nah that's weird bro she said maybe it's best for him to leave school first just so the principal doesn't see us and she said okay that's what I was thinking oh no no no this is bad well I'm gonna break another house guys this is a good idea is it a good idea probably not but I'm doing it anyways I don't care all right I got something back in my hand I'm gonna go out and just place it right there and okay no that I was not working I'll put it a little bit I gotta get it inside of the window where it's facing that way come on work come on bro it's not working which on this side okay I'm pretty sure this worked well bro what no way okay anything I got it let me try let me try it and let's go I'm in oh that's cool baby okay and I'm inside to be extra careful guys they hear me or if they see me I'm screwed and what that I'm talking about taking away from the principal right now they're saying wanna see how much money from the principal I bet it's a lot she said wow maybe it's happy looking for my money no what I don't want people for their money that's just weird but okay anyways let's go down closer see if I can see anything down there okay I'm getting a little closer and I don't see them just yet okay and bro they're literally throwing money they weren't joking I guess we just got fired she stole from the principal to get back at the principal but I don't know dude oh my gosh it's actually rich and bro she's right there Isabella she said all right girlie I'm gonna go home but we'll definitely kidnap him tomorrow sounds good she said yeah we're going home uh she said we should put it back on this door okay I don't know I didn't run and run around I didn't die I don't know if she's gonna come to that door right now but I'm gonna hide up Peter beautiful and I think she is oh my God she literally just walked out that's one of them gone that's so weird oh my gosh that could have been bad all we have now is just birthed in the house Bros will be easy I'm not scared of Bertha now Bertha just said I hope table stays with me maybe I can get him to stay if I ride him with money he he bro I don't care about that money that much bro that's weird okay anyways um all right I'm not gonna lie it's getting a little weird though I think I'm gonna go ahead and break out now just uh just because I want to you know get out of here for anything weird happens or she sees back upstairs we go because that'll break out my Bertha just said I love looking at the main on the TV and then she said wait what's that sound uh he's talking about me I hope not uh I didn't work out fast whatever I'll break down breaking down it's fine come on come on work I need to face the other way it's not working this won't get me out come on she said was that upstairs uh God I think she hears me she hears me I didn't hide on the toilet no what is this okay in the sink sit down lay down like that perfect perfect okay easy easy she will not see me I'm laying down in the sink and oh guys uh walked in oh my gosh she said she said it smells like someone but I don't know who uh uh guys did you talk about me she said wait Taffy where are you bro bro I just saw a chat in the wall oh my gosh no that's me she knows it's me how does she know oh she's running around in there I can literally see her let me see if I can look in the oh my gosh right there in that room okay she said please come out nah nah nah look I'm over here in the sink she's in the hallway bro look at her bro this is too funny she said I have money bro I don't care about money okay I'm not gonna lie to mess with her I should leave like some kind of some kind of thing when I'm here but I don't want to know obviously that that's just me darling I'm gonna put a sign that says danger keep out all right here we go I'm gonna put it right here oh my gosh bro why did I put her down right when she walked in she just saw it Oh that's bad she said uh oh my gosh she said I don't think I put that there uh yeah she did it oh my gosh dude she's gonna see my feet bro okay it's not long this way so it's fine but she said sniffs bro what she's sniffing it she said ah bro why is she so weird she said smells like tappy she said my little tappy rapping makes me just so happy bro no no no this is weird she said I might just keep a sign for myself but I need to finish what he started and she pulled out a gun yo why is looking this way I don't like that I don't like that why is she so close to me she said no no no come out come out wherever you are but I didn't want it I didn't even want to move I'm gonna move rooms I don't really know where but I think she went downstairs I think she said I can smell you but it's so weird where is she bro okay okay I lost I lost real good okay I got out of the closet in here but seriously I hope like this place is gonna be your new home bro what are you talking about bro no it's not bro where even is she I just need to make sure I get a good spots oh there she is she's in the backyard looking for me outside oh she's so dumb she said well it's all clear let me check the kids area and oh we didn't want to die run in the class run in the closet bro she's right there she just didn't wait uh wait what no what you tell me when she saw me she said did I see something bro where did she go she's right there no she oh my God glitch out glitch out it's not gonna work it's not gonna work I'm gonna say uh [Music] I'm saving here kind of but she's gonna come in I'm gonna say listen listen listen listen just stay out there okay she said do you like the big bedroom licky face I'm gonna say uh yeah she said glad to hear but I'm coming in and locking the door stay here uh yo no no no run run run where do I go where do I go uh not that room no do I go in this room okay no closet closet closet fast okay right there in the closet and I'm hiding in the corner right here okay we're still we're chill all right listen I have no chance to call the cops please work please work she said I sense to hear why do you make things so hard oh my gosh she's out there I think dude oh let me see okay I don't see her in the room right now which is good but she's looking she's right there she's right there oh my gosh she said I can smell you bro bro please please pick up pick up pick up pick up okay the cops coming up this is 9-1-1 how can help you I'm gonna say please come now I'm stuck inside of my creepy teacher's house I know it sounds weird but come uh hopefully that's my location I think I don't know he said okay I'm coming I'll save you okay okay all right thank God thank God thank God he said please stay there okay we're good we're gonna be safe okay the cops coming we're safe and oh oh oh oh uh she said I found you dot dot I'm gonna say oh hi Mrs Bertha buddy see you here and oh who's at the door she said this I don't know who can save you no I think you're wrong I want to say who's at the door maybe it's your little weird friend huh she said stay here oh I'm not staying here but okay I'm gonna say yeah sure look at the chat the dude just said police open up she's not gonna come to the dresser wait wait wait chill chill chill uh she just said police you're staying here oh my gosh and now I have cuffs on okay whatever and oh my gosh look at the chats you said if you don't open up I'll break the door open this is an emergency yo this is serious he just said hold on sir he said hello we got a report of a crime kidnapping she said oh question mark going to inspect this house yeah we broke in but they help he said if we find any criminal charges you will be in trouble and she just said there's no one here sir and she said ghosts good thing no it's here I see chat I see chats in the wall they're close to me hello please somebody help she's right there she's right there where's the combat oh I see him I see him I see him she just said don't go in here uh he said what are you doing you can't really see but she said I have very secret stuff in here and no there he is he said oh my god oh I've been staying on the cops I want to say this lady is crazy she locked me in here I mean to be fair I did kind of break in but she broke into my house I'm gonna say but you can't just handcuff me to the wall she said go give him a ticket or something he said we're investing here some more this is illegal activity he said for now you're under arrest he said tap you right I'm gonna say no he's talking about you he said Come With Me Now oh my gosh he's mad she just said oh man bro let's go I'm insane I don't know what's happening with her but I guess she's going to jail finally guys I'll let me left alone my creepy teacher and I'll finally be okay so today I was just chilling at Brookhaven but I got a call from my friend he said dude I have bad news the creepy teacher just broke out of jail now that scared me so I was like bro you need to come over and we can keep each other safe he came over but after I let him in I noticed something it was the creepy teacher in her car driving around now I'm pretty sure she's looking for me so guys I need to hide okay bro I'm not sure if my friend just saw that but I'm pretty sure that one's a creepy she's driving around just now and he said man that's really odd I'm gonna say wait you saw that that was my creepy teacher's car and no and when I zoomed in on it it was her name too bro that was her she's looking for us bro I swear where he said I heard of driving behind when I was walking up here uh that's not good it's not good that's not good okay listen listen he's not gonna find this though she'll be fine oh Okay I lied I lied she's right there his birthday oh no no no I don't like that bro why is she right there oh I'm locked the door um uh he said Taffy guess who broke out of jail um I don't know you got you uh this is a good bro why is she here she said yes I'm gonna say well you should probably hide because if you get caught you're going back he said no I think I'm good yeah yeah we we have cameras that's true I'm gonna say well you should probably get away though or else I'll snitch he said well no one will be able to see the footage for long but she just said since now that I'm out of jail I need my revenge for you putting me there you scum uh yeah what does that mean yo when she doesn't come out okay she's a gun she has a gun look at that oh I don't like that I wouldn't like that she said open the door um now why would I do that well give me one good reason a good real Frost we're so screwed he said don't open the door I know dude I know we can do this the easy way or the hard way uh I'm gonna go with the hard way yeah uh hard way it is I guess bro I'm not opening that door I'm gonna say please just back up I won't tell anyone you came here if you just leave She's Not Gonna Leave guys she's not gonna leave why people should back out she said all right let's do it the hard way uh Frost we shot a glitched oh my gosh we're so screwed we're so screwed uh let's put the lights off with lights off lights off lights off and perfect okay okay hide hide hide oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh Frost where do we hide bro where do we hide okay my bedroom right here um in the closet no in this closet right here okay right here right here's five right here's fine don't worry we're still right here right here uh dude is she him I don't know let me take the cameras uh she's out of the front door anymore uh it's not in the living room oh she's in my room she just said Taffy come out oh bro bro why is she in my house I can smell you she just said sniff bro bro we're literally right behind her oh my gosh that's us right there she said a vault I wonder if he has money bro and why are Frost's arms swinging so much she said well I'll do that later if she went to the room okay okay she said just close Okay okay we're good we're good we're good she said come out come out it's happy okay Frost dude we need to call the cops ASAP I agree you're coming to say yeah you do it I'll keep eye on the cameras and why are the lights on up here bro I turned it off that looks stuff that you know people don't keep it around and oh my gosh look at her she's in this room now oh that's so weird she said maybe he's downstairs and look at him right now she's downstairs oh my gosh she said come out this is a good bro this is not good she said it won't hurt as long as you do what I say bro what snow and what did she say she said I should check the bathroom I didn't check it and oh she's back in the room uh she's in that room bro we should move we should move we should move or say Frost let's move now run run are we good okay we're gonna where is she she's downstairs right next to us oh my gosh she's right there oh my gosh oh gosh okay okay write this right there and frosty said ah no my phone died after he called bro what okay I'll call him it's fine all right it's fine it's fine it's fine why I just felt so bright oh my gosh okay call the cops location oh thank God and she said what is that sound oh wait a minute did she hear it no oh my gosh he said there you are uh I'm gonna say hey how are you she said good I'm gonna be better when I get you in my car what's in your car uh I'm not going nowhere actually please like just leave me alone oh and wait wait I'm confused why did you want to take me to your car lower I thought you just wanted to kill me she just says you'll see but I don't like that I don't like that uh I'm not gonna lie to this video I'm gonna get out of this room uh but I cannot run bro she has a gun out still um okay okay okay uh chill out she said your friend can come too and you just said what listen leave Frost out of this she said kid have him showing the footage to the police she said listen I needed to go in my car okay bro bro bro why I don't get it he said I can't kill you here it'll be too much evidence she just said now go wait wait I'm gonna make your desk special no okay okay okay we have to go we have to we have no choice bro uh listen we'll stay alive for a little longer if we go out there and get in the car probably I'm doing this bro oh my gosh this is so bad bro I have no choice though she's a gun dude I'm carrying the frosting instead of my lap and I guess we're killing bro what is this okay we're in the car she said finally my plan worked but what was her plan and frost just said where are we going this is not very comfy Frozen my laugh she said yeah yeah I don't care bro but where are we going brother where's she taking us and wait hold on is that a cop right there and she's just running a red light uh did that cop see that oh I think he did so you can stay uncomfortable hold on that got pretty far but uh his lights are up and say ah is that cop coming for us she said what do you mean she said don't say anything uh you hear me uh yes yes oh my gosh this is awkward he just said they always ruined my fun bro what uh bro why are we getting pulled over to the copy code I don't know bro we're actually getting pulled over and oh there he is wait I think I'll be called uh it's just a hello officer he said hello man you know why I pulled you over today uh why did he pull her over she said no she said let me see your ID please he said I don't think I did anything wrong but um okay oh my God this is so awkward there's a frost in my lap that's so funny she just said oh the copper said hold on what's your name wait a minute uh baby's gonna recognize her she said um I am um she said Bertha she said who's in your car oh you see this looks so weird too dude he said you look oddly familiar uh that's because she just broke out of jail she said it's just my customer friends then she said wait said wait what no way this is the prison escape from yesterday oh we're saved he said let me check your pockets I'm gonna say bro put her in handcuffs he just said you're gonna go back to jail oh let's go for a life sentence Oh My Gosh okay finally forget bro he said party at my place and she just said I'll come back uh bro what are you talking about bro don't see wolf he said you hear me I'll come back oh my God have a good day boys stay out of trouble okay well I I guess we're safe now bro we want to see her again let's go today I was showing my friend on my house and broke him and when I heard the doorbell ring I went down to look and it was the cops he said we have a warrant for your arrest come out now or we will come in now at that point I was just scared they had guns out so I put my hands up and walked out the cop told me that I'm being arrested for stalking the teacher now obviously that's not true so today I need to figure out how to get out of jail wish me luck all right guys well as you can see I'm literally gonna get arrested right now he's literally saying moving you're under arrest bro where is he taking me like why am I getting arrested and who told him that like I was stalking my teacher complete lies but whatever and bro he just said time for your mug shot your height I'm getting a mug shot bro I'm not a criminal well whoever told you I was stalking her is a liar he said we're putting you in the cell in a minute okay and now I'm about to get put in a Cell all right we're taking my cuffs off but as you can see I'm literally getting a mug shot right now uh he said Say cheese bro what ah jeez this is toxic bro I'm literally getting a mug shot right now he said now good I got it and why is contempting in all caps I'm gonna say can you chill with the yelling because I do not talk back to me oh okay okay I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry bro this is so weird bro look he's vlogging he said as you should be oh my gosh this cop is rude he said now it's time for you to go to your cell my cell bro am I actually getting arrested oh my gosh dude it'll be time for questioning okay all right whatever let's go to the cell Bros is so dumb this is actually so dumb and bro my creature she was right there that would be herself or not she's literally was right there oh my gosh that's so weird he's gonna end now okay I'm in I'm in chill I'm gonna say wait wait what is questioning though wait wait where's he going he said soon do not be impatient oh my gosh okay okay I get it jeez he said I have to get your paperwork sorted Pro paperwork coming after criminal record oh okay all right let's not talk about it whatever whatever all right let's check out my cell I guess I mean uh I got a toilet uh okay that's weird no no okay I gotta sing that's cool I guess uh two beds and yo what the heck is that a vent up there uh I'm not gonna lie I don't know what that goes to yet but I might check that out a little bit later or maybe let's check it out right now uh should I yes I don't know I'm gonna do it now I'm gonna do it now who cares let's go bro what's up here bro is that a way out uh bro I don't know I have all the comments Hey sir just testing out the bed he's gonna get back down here now bro Wise Guy typing in cap still I don't get it or all cops this like loud this suck uh rude he said I've ever sorted and it is now time for questioning okay okay perfect perfect question me all you want because I am innocent bro oh my gosh this is right there Bertha look at her look at her that's insane he said take a seat take a seat okay okay I got I got it oh my gosh probably an interrogation room right now this is so weird this is actually so weird he said all right chump I'm gonna say uh he said we've heard that you have broken into Miss Bertha's house uh wait I actually did break into her house guys and let's go I'm in oh that's cool baby he said is that true uh well now that I think about it he said sit down now okay okay okay listen listen listen listen I'll tell you the full truth if you just stop yelling at me bro I don't like it I don't like it like actually he just keeps let me love cap he said well uh well what should I not have said that try not to talk to him guys I'm kind of scared uh he said all right fine oh look finally the first letter I've ever seen inside the lowercase okay nice okay okay listen I'm not going to lie to you you I did break in to miss Bertha's house but she really stalking me she broke into my house before he said so you just admitted it wait wait wait wait wait no she broke into my house and the only reason I even broke into hers is because she was going to kidnap me so how am I the bad guy like actually bro I'm a criminal I was literally trying to defend myself from a creepy teacher he said what happened on the night of the eighth uh I think that was the night I broke into her house that's kind of awkward not gonna lie he said wow admitting it once again bro but you have to understand though he said two wrongs don't make them right I mean I guess that is true but still I'm way more innocent she's the one that's doing all the bad things she's literally shot me before I went to the hospital I don't because remember that part or not but you don't have to do this I swear and she just said yes I do bro chill [Music] I really woke up from the hospital because she shot me he said ha this was easier than I thought wait what oh what do you mean he said you have confessed to bring it in the house yeah I guess so now this means uh well what does it mean we have to send it to you to sentence what does it mean by that one week in prison bro dude what I'm telling you it was her he said I don't want to hear it enough talking now back to yourself bro are you kidding me are you kidding me not much myself and she just said oh hey tappy bro this is so dumb this is so dumb bro don't I get a phone call or something you said not yet oh win a lawyer baby what is this I'm in jail now bro he said now hush and he walked away okay all right amazing amazing so now I'm stuck on my cell again come back it was right next to me this is just bad bro this is so bad okay okay luckily though I stole that fan maybe I could break out of you with that uh I don't know I know oh my gosh what he just said do you know what time it is no uh let me check it's uh 3 14 p.m what why he said it's your time oh uh your time but and why is yelling again Bros cannot stop yelling all right um that's cool I guess rather be out in the yard in the cell wait a minute uh if it's your time then bro Mike could be teaching gonna be in the yard with me oh my gosh this is so bad look at her bro already looking at me he said let's go bro this is so bad oh my gosh he said remember no talking oh yeah this is no talking okay uh yes sir is she gonna talk maybe she's listening to the rules actually I mean when did she do that let's be honest she said it's a winky face bro what she just said do you like it here winky face uh no why would anyone like it here and whose fault is it that I'm here huh you sold and she just said she does like it here because I'm here bro you're so weird you're so weird she said what I just missed you oh so now it makes sense she told on me that way I'd be in jail with her wow wow she said yes bro now it all makes sense it all makes sense I'm stuck here for a week I'm gonna say uh how much longer are you here for she said I need you near me Taffy bro you're so weird she said uh I don't really know five more days Baby Bro once I'm gonna be here longer than you you'll be gone when I'm out nah that's it nah nah nah that's it I'm breaking out I don't care she said oh dot dot dot why break out what do you mean why break out because I'm innocent and I don't deserve to be here she said just stay with me heart I'm not doing that bro you're weird gosh it's so weird bro she just said well it doesn't matter I might just break out too no no no no no no no no you stay here you're a bad person anyway we just ignore her for now oh I missed the ball crap come on come on oh I missed again guys I'm not really good at this oh push that push back oh gosh oh gosh I wasn't talking I'm good I'm gonna do it uh Hey sir he said hello Chumps she said hello it's time to go back to yourself tap okay okay okay okay I'm going I'm going going going you have a call wait what I have a call oh let's go someone's gonna help me you're free to use your call oh oh okay okay okay all right we're going to go to the call remember where that happens at but maybe over here where's the phone at he's like you're surprised to see use the phone in here okay okay thank you thank you thank you all right guys she's gone away now's my chance I'm gonna call hoodle and uh ask him to help me I guess I'm gonna whisper two all right I'm gonna go and call my friend hoodle to hoodle I'm gonna say bro it's me tap oh he responded fast he said oh tap I'm gonna say hoodle you won't believe what happened in here I'm getting arrested I got sentenced to one week in prison for breaking into Bertha's home even though she's the weird one so listen bro I have a plan he's like oh oh he's just listening oh my gosh it's so bad this is so bad oh he said what is it what is it okay okay listen tonight at 11 p.m I'm breaking out of here and I need you to meet me outside I need a getaway driver he said all right bro who knows the fast let's go he's not gonna have stuff in my truck all right perfect perfect here we go all right my phone call is ending so see you tonight okay okay uh hello sir he said time is up okay okay perfect well it's time to go back to my cell right just sell time now chump oh my gosh she's so mean all right that's fine he said keep up okay I'm coming bro jeez I'm back in my cell again oh my gosh this is so bad she said now sleep tight know what the bed bugs bite bro what the heck was just outside car crash all right I'm a little myself I should be good oh my is that Poodle's truck no I don't think so I don't think so there's no way the cop just said all right uh wait it would have been all right so why are you in your bed oh okay sorry sorry sorry we're in bed ah there we go in bed nice and calm all right guys I'm currently waiting for the time right now it's 9 51 at 11 p.m I'm bringing out of here okay I'm not gonna lie I'm pretty sure it's that bad right there and okay Bert's right there he's not near me so we should be fine but if he sees him a while I'm gone that could be really bad oh he's like oh I don't know okay okay listen I'm gonna go right now upstairs here uh he's not [ __ ] forced bro what's he doing okay yo don't look oh gosh sorry Trump yeah okay okay good distraction all right simple to stop it I'm gonna go up now I'm gonna go up now guys 10 48 okay okay here we go I told him to go away he's on his desk we're going up and boom Oh my gosh it's Daddy's Daddy's she just said what was that uh guys guys she heard something just another bummer oh she's so dumb listen I don't care it's 10 57 I'm leaving now let's go I'm Gonna Be Free the event where's who the worst noodle oh right there what's the van yo what the heck is that Bertha oh and purchase a tap where's tap Bertha leave me alone all right I'm So Gone in the van in the man in the van Gogh oh my God if she just said no I won't leave you in the cops Chase singer oh little time Drive why is he not driving so let's go yes take me home oh my gosh dude that getaway was insane ah it was a good ride to tell so today I was telling my friend hoodle at the ice cream shop when I had to go home and grab something now as I was coming back I noticed a white van approaching the ice cream shop it was my creepy teacher and she had put a gun on him and said get in the van now I was trying to help but before I could even get there kidnap my friend it drove off so guys I need to find out where she's taking him so I can save him all right guys I'm not sure if you saw what just happened there but I'm pretty sure my creepy teacher just kidnapped my best friend hey look in the chat he's literally saying help help and Bertha said to get in we shouldn't get in the house okay I saw them go up here I'm not really too sure if this was the house and it is it is it is it is look the fans right there the van is right there and oh I see him but what the heck you doing in the basement I don't know if I saw that already I was pretty sure she's from the basement guys I'm not gonna lie I'm scared my friend just got kidnapped he has nothing to do with this I feel so bad bro how did you go to jail bro last time I saw my creepy teacher was in jail but somehow she's not now dude in the chassis just said now sit here guys no no that's not okay I'm Gonna Save him bro I'm Gonna Save him and he just said oh gosh and she said now be a good boy bro what let me get a little closer and okay hide hide hide oh my gosh oh my gosh did you see me and she said now we play the waiting game wait what waiting game what are you talking about wait a minute she knows that I'm Gonna Save him that's why she kidnapped him that's definitely it's got to be it okay okay listen listen I gotta be careful I don't want her to know necessarily I'm going to save him but obviously I will but I wanted to think that you know I'm not going to because if she knows I should be able to capture me I don't want that to happen Okay and as you guys can see right now the door is locked so I'm gonna have to break in oh my gosh this is so bad boys right there okay guys I'm not gonna lie to you I cannot come on prepared again but what you didn't attaches that this taste good what's he drinking bro what the heck and look at the chat poodle just said someone help please bro okay I can't tell because I don't want her to see that but I'm gonna help because I'm gonna help him don't worry I'm going to all right guys listen listen I want to break in in but I need to make sure I'm prepared which means I need a gun now guys this is the only gun I have it's a small little pistol but it showed you the job okay I just want to make sure if I break in I'm not in there empty-handed if she can just capture me like last time and oh my gosh look at the chat Bertha just said can you stay silent and he said uh yes ma'am bro she's being so mean to him listen it's not gonna last for long guys don't worry I'm Gonna Save it who don't understand why don't you just let me free why are you even doing this no he doesn't know it doesn't and she just said no I need to kidnap you because if I have you then tap will have to come save you and he will be all mine what the heck this girl is so weird bro I hate my creepy teacher all right it's fine it's on this final camp upstairs right now as you can see there's a bunch of beds in this house oh this is weird it's probably where she puts all of her victims but all right it's fine it's fine it's fine I'm gonna go ahead and get my sleeping bag out and try to break in all right so I got my sleeping bag and let's go ahead and click right there uh okay let's check it again come on come on oh perfect I'm pretty sure I should be in and yep I'm in so easy let's get rid of that so she doesn't see it and now we are in listen boys we have to be very very careful she sees me I am screws okay and then the chat you just said now if you mind to stay silent bro a little so scared I feel so bad for him okay okay I'm pretty sure I already know where he is okay he's in the basement that's where I saw him go last time oh look at her she's right there bro she's another in the house oh my gosh look you have to be so careful that I don't want him to see me okay she's going to the kitchen I'm pretty sure I can just go downstairs and go in the basement and save him uh should I bro it's risky it's so risky open the fridge what the heck guys [Music] time for some laundry oh join the laundry room uh where is he bro he was down here I I saw him going out here with the girl um okay there's a little secret room right here he's not in here what the heck oh where is he where's hooto I can't ah no no no no no that's not okay it's not okay guys it's risky this is gonna be not here guys I'm in her house right now and she sees me down here I am so screwed [Music] you guys I have to look somewhere else in the house oh she's right there she's right there oh my gosh oh my gosh okay it's time to start crawling guys I do not want him to see me okay what is he doing she just said she just said did I hear something uh guys guys no no no okay I'm out of here Hide right here I'm in the bookshelf stairs right no way she comes down here oh my God she's right there she's right there I'm in the bookshelf so we're safe but she said did I hear something bro she's riding next to me oh my gosh oh my gosh wait is she stuck in the bookshelves too what the heck where's she going bro she's in the room down here this is so bad oh my gosh what is she doing uh just opened that bookshelf is that where Hooda lives is that where Hulu I think I found him she just said in the chat Pluto stop making noises oh my gosh he said I'm not dot dot dude poodles down there she just revealed him yes this is so good this is so good and she said there's no one else in the house besides me and you she said uh whatever oh my gosh okay hide in the bookshelf hide in the bookshelf but we're safe right here very good she cannot see us okay he's gone okay listen now that she walked away just go in there and get a little she made it too easy way too easy all right I'm gonna go and walk over there hopefully she's not see me and figure out how to open the stupid bookshelf throw a button somewhere and wait what the all the buttons right there I never even saw that okay and oh my gosh bro what is down here I'm actually scared why do you have like a little dungeon in your house behind a bookshelf bro there's so something that she would have in her house all right all right it's fine let's find a spot we're going to go downstairs and hopefully what the heck where is he Oh no you're alive oh my gosh it's an old time bro I'm here to save you I'm so it doesn't matter she has no clue even here I'm gonna untie you and we're breaking out right now bro oh my gosh all right and there we go Little's free okay let's be careful be careful I'm not gonna lie she's upstairs though so I'm not sure how it's gonna work so we need to be careful and what the heck is back there oh he's got an ax and what what's going on in the chat she just said okay okay she knows about us just yet but who don't come on bro let's do this okay and upstairs the bookshelf room right there okay follow me follow me follow me in here he just said whoa all right I'm gonna say I'ma check to see if the coast is clear just stay here all right here we go here we go check uh where's that oh my gosh it's not clear she's right there look at that look at that she's literally right there oh it's so creepy and why is she eating ice cream bro she said in the chat why is he taking so long on just not know if you're stupid hoodle right now guys how do we get around that bro she just said you know what let me go ask Kudos some questions wait what no no no no no uh run in there oh my gosh no she's about to come down she's gonna come down here uh okay okay I'm gonna hide somewhere I'm gonna hide somewhere who knows up there so we should be safe but I'm coming around the pool right here right here behind this pole okay okay right there right there right there right there go sideways we're good we're good we're good talking to me oh she's right there she's right there on earth oh my gosh did you notice he's missing did he go oh my gosh this is so bad it's running out oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh okay okay who knows hiding in the bookshelf we should be fine but oh this is so bad she knows that he's missing okay okay he's not she's not down here anymore so we're still be safe bro look at him look at him he's still hiding in here bro she's on to us and she's sitting in the chat I'm locking the house more oh gosh and brush all of the windows just now he said uh-oh what happened oh my gosh he said wait a minute uh why did she say that she said I think I saw someone walking in here she said sniff bro what the heck she said oh I know this smell bro no no she said Taffy okay I have an idea I said where are you bro oh my gosh okay listen listen I have an idea I'm gonna reveal myself I'm gonna go out there I'm not letting Hulu capture it again okay but I can't let her see me come out of the bookshelf or I'll subtract the bookshelf for who said come out we'll come out wherever you are oh this is not good I said at least I know you're locked in here she said Taffy I missed you and she's upstairs okay okay I'm gonna do I'm gonna do I'm gonna do it here we go I have a plan I'm gonna go distractor while I'm doing that you run upstairs did a sleeping bag glitched so we can break out he said all right bro okay okay hopefully that's what I mean the same way I've broken is the same I'm gonna break out she said don't waste time Taffy come out already oh my gosh okay here we go here we go I'm doing I'm doing whatever the chat to go away and oh where's the where's right there I'm gonna say hello in a problem just sitting in her chair and she's turning around oh this is so bad I'm happy you guys this is such a bad plan something about playing I'm gonna say hey how are you hello handsome boy finally came out I see I'm gonna say yeah it's just that now where'd your friend hoodle go to gun I'm gonna say yo yo yo yo I don't want any problems bro we don't just go up there now he said okay then tell me where you went I'm gonna say uh I'm gonna say who's that I pretend I don't know my friend bro okay I didn't get away from the staircase I don't want her to get seen someone just walk over here into the corner she said it's your friend uh oh oh really is it oh there he is there's he's going up he used to go faster yes really I want to say um let's just turned around oh my gosh did you see him she said I thought I heard something I'm gonna say don't look over there look how much they look I'll tell you where hoodle is if you let me use the bathroom instead of um okay okay it's working it's working um wait what she said get in uh uh uh no not this one I want to use the upstairs one please she said oh Taffy bro what why is she why is she saying that anything for you okay okay all right here we go guys that sleeping bag better be working I don't know if it is or not but uh hopefully it's already ready I'm gonna say uh wait my shoe okay where's he at is he up there what's wrong with it I'm gonna say oh oh there's no problem uh it should be fixed now yes jump yes I'm out break it break it he said well now what I'm gonna say run now run oh my gosh that was insane take a van take the van no why we're not trying to okay come on come on come on drive faster okay we're good we're good let's be set we're gone we're gone oh my gosh I saved you bro I just crashed like four times but it's fine you said yeah bro who was the best you saved me I save you because this is a fast man bro I made it fast so today I was playing Brookhaven I heard my doorbell ring it was one of my good friends bombo but as I was letting him in I noticed something across the street there was a lady walking around inside of a house so I got my binoculars out and then I realized it was my creepy teacher she was literally staring at us now if I'm being honest it's only a matter of time before she comes over so I need to hide all right guys so I just let my friend bomba when and I'm pretty sure that's my creepy teacher across the street he just said wait actually bro yes it's her he said there's no way dude I know this house was empty earlier but wait maybe she just moved in like I don't know and wait hold on what's that moving truck bro she just moved in she said I thought you got arrested I I thought so too but I I guess not and there's a moving truck bro that means she just moved in he said bro that's really creepy dude I know I bet she knows that we're here he just said do you think she knows you live here bro definitely what are the odds in uh uh uh brombo what the heck does she walk outside just now okay she's going to the looming okay she's grabbing stuff from the boxes bro she's actually moving bro she's actually I'm not sure if she knows this is me but all I know is this is bad bro he said I'm really creeped out dude I know okay listen let's go upstairs uh and see if we get a better look of this let's go to my bedroom right here and they go on the balcony gotta be careful okay and oh my gosh bro she's right there how much stuff does she have and look at Bob all the binoculars he said yeah that's for sure her guys what are the odds of this bro my creepy teacher moving in next door and oh my gosh it's upstairs look at her she just said in the chat she said ah wait what all tappy's clothes wait what these are my clothes he just said bro dude what okay it's her that's confirmed okay okay well we need to go inside we need to go inside bro I don't want to see us oh inside oh there's a lot there was locked he said you see that that would not be good bro I know I know I know all right uh back downstairs for now and she just said that should be all the boxes okay so I think she's completely moved in now let's see where is she uh she's the balcony from the balcony bro what she's right there he said maybe she's nice now bro what no way bro I don't want her to see me bro she said this is a nice view uh she said look at all the little cows what and bro she's looking at me bro I can't tell dude I'm hiding behind my little uh chimney right now and she just said right in front of tappy's house oh dude she knows oh my gosh this is not good he said oh my gosh bro Bob was scared now bro I know it he said you gotta move dude I know I know I know but listen if I leave she's gonna follow me I'm gonna say dude we need to prepare he said what do we do bro listen just follow me follow me upstairs I'm gonna say um first I'm getting my gun this is not of a joke anymore bro all right in the closet in the safe and boom I got it perfect for perfect and what did she saying the chat just now she just said I wonder if I could find him in his huge house all right whatever I got my gun right now I'm gonna say gun secured let me show you where we're going to hide anyway she doesn't chat just now again she said I'll wait for night time so I can watch him sleep bro what oh my gosh she's literally right there bro that's so creep I can steer from my window all right whatever whatever anyways I want to say bombo this right here is probably the best spot we're gonna get Under the Staircase and also I'll put a little ladder here so she has no clue he said all right dude I really hope he doesn't find us bro don't worry we'll be fine but boom ladder and bro come on no one's walking in here actually let me make a lot a little better there we go and no one's locking in here probably could really walk out perfect I mean we'll see in the chat she just said I can't wait to see if he doesn't need money I can take maybe I can sniff him bro what dude she's literally saying she's breaking in tonight's this is not good bro this is gonna break in dude I know because I'm gonna hide bro listen don't be scared we're fine we're prepared this time all right let me see what else we can place down though we can use for uh declaration to place a little rail in here but I don't think that actually even worse no it doesn't bro Obama put police line bro that doesn't actually stop you he said I don't know man oh my gosh he's scared he said look now she won't come in and put down a danger keep outside bro that that's not gonna work dude but look I got boxes so worst case we just hide in the boxes just like that bro I'm hidden bro he said genius bro what okay but I'm not gonna lie it's getting quite dark now and bro what I'm gonna say bro the Sun is setting dude look at that bro it's a full moon too and it's rising oh my gosh and Bubbles that I'm hiding I don't know where everyone went okay look at that she said it's almost time to start my plan into an action she said let me grab my gun bro what where is she bro no no no I don't like everything like this I really don't like this she's right there she's right there oh my gosh he said this shall do and bro she's there okay close the windows close the windows all right windows are frog down windows are fogged out and steering the doorbell uh do I answer it bro do I let him why is he sleeping she said I can smell you uh hello she said tappy I'm gonna say what are you doing at my house she said just who I was looking for I'm gonna say oh really she just said may I go inside uh no no no no uh no no visitors sorry she said I'm here to see you um well that's cool and all but uh it's all right she said no no please let me in um no it's really okay anyways can you go now bro why is she not leaving she said if you don't I'll force myself in uh no no need for that she said I'm staying here and bro Mama's out here say Bumble hi dude bro he's so scared I'm gonna say listen Bertha I'm prepared to defend myself back away she said are you sure I'm gonna say yes I'm sure bro what does she mean you know she started break in uh no no run run end up sleeping I was like dude wake up she's here oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh I don't know where she's at I heard her come inside I know she's gonna break in she doesn't break in oh my gosh is she almost in she's dead I think oh no she can't do it bro she can't do it there's no way she finds me outside here uh she's in she's interested oh my gosh and she just said happy she said where are you bro no no no this is not good she said my little tappy wappy bro what tappy wappy she said you can't hide forever oh she go upstairs she said he's not in this room and bro she's like looking at every room for me oh my gosh okay I don't think she knows I'm in there obviously she's not in this room either not this one oh my God I don't have any rooms left this is my bathroom now bro she said I could take these towels bro what taking my towels and oh no well she's in my master bedroom this is my room she said she must be here and oh my gosh she's actually looking for me dude and now she's in my bathroom I'm going to my closet because it stays closed his clothes I'm good she said ooh more clothes bro she's so weird Bro Look at bomba what are they doing bro what's in his hands is that a baby bottle I'm gonna say dude what is that he said listen man I'm scared what and Bush's upstairs she said tappy where are you okay uh not good not good not good not good guys she's right there she said oh you got me flowers bro this dog is not for her bro is she dumb okay now she's over there she's uh far away from the uh or this area and what but what's almost saying he just said tap I'm gonna run while she's distracted bro no so I need to go dude no don't run what is he doing oh my gosh he's so dumb dude what was that and oh my gosh he's right there he's right there so the door is locked no crap it's locked oh my gosh I said hey it's got a gun out oh no bro he's in this corner right here but I can't see him he just said ah look at that she said where's my tap you happy because it don't hurt me tap's hiding upstairs upstairs but I'm not upstairs oh I'm pretty he's helping me he said I already checked there oh my gosh okay she did uh it's not falling for it stop playing dumb he said then she said take me to him uh guys that's not good because uh he kind of can't do that he said or else he said uh all right no this isn't good bro okay I thought he came to me for a second that would have been bad guys I have to help him I have to help him okay listen I have a plan I have a plan I'm gonna go off the cameras I'm gonna get my gun I'm gonna hide right behind the staircase okay adventure's gonna come back down and when they do I'm gonna pull the gun on her she said what about tab you happy he said uh not this room haha but she said you think I'm dumb you said uh what she's downstairs I can smell them uh gosh okay hot over here hide in the corner how did the corner be fine oh my gosh he's right there she's right there she said sniffs guys what do I do what do I do I pulled the gun I'm scared bro and Bubbles he's not down here he said you shouldn't be happy he said stop lying okay I'm going I'm going I'm going out he said I promise oh my God it's an interrupt bro this is just a that's it uh what does it mean that's it he said please he's upstairs I'm gonna end you wait what no no no no off the cameras that's it I'm going out there I'm going out there I'm gonna say stop and bubble just said ah he's running he said there you are I'm gonna say listen don't go after my friends and look at bubble peeking on the staircase she said you're right I should go after you bro listen let's just get out of my face guys if I don't shoot her first she's gonna shoot me I'm gonna say uh no I'm gonna say listen Bertha I've had enough for you chasing me around you started as a creepy teacher but now you're just my stalker I'm putting an end to this and bubble just said be careful tap she said what I'm doing it oh shoot I just stuttered oh my gosh uh bubble it's a new gutter she just said uh okay we have to go we have to go we have to go now uh dude dead body my house dead body my house I can't unlock the door I can't even unlock it the thing is in there bro that's fine use the money is the menu and we're gone we're gone we're going get a car get her car all right guys that's the end of the video If you do the video be sure to smash the like button and subscribe for more videos just like this one and I hope you enjoyed I'll see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: Tappy
Views: 4,745,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tappy, tappy roblox, brookhaven, brookhaven rp, roblox brookhaven, brookhaven roblox
Id: 3na5CoTP1mI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 15sec (5295 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 17 2023
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