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you are now banned for 9 000 years [Music] [Applause] taste my band hammer okay cut that's a wrap we're done here great job guys all right Mr Brookhaven your paycheck is ready [Music] my favorite cat actor good job [Music] double my paycheck or I'll hack you well you have the least screen time then triple my paycheck or will you hack you huh okay don't need to get angry like that your cash is over there damn being a director is tiring these days director ah my Superstar what is it why do I always get a bad ending but it's funny isn't it as a main character I want a good ending don't worry you will get it someday you know what director you are fine whoa no see your director it was fun nobody needs a movie director these days maybe I should start a YouTube channel hello how are you we are looking for a movie director you've just found the right man get in the car [Applause] [Music] Welcome to our movie studio Robin the bank production okay that's a weird name so what kind of movie are we making the Heist movie we are going to rob the bank I mean we act like we are robbing the bank [Music] what do you use to the movie I don't see any camera we're shooting stars with this device no that's a lot of damage these are our movie props the cameras are already on the set don't worry what about the actors there are only three of you yeah our roles are the muggers the rest are on the set well let's go to the movie Set then later we're here well done looks like a real bang the actor costumes are very on point they look like axial guards so about the movie script how is the heist gonna go down okay so what making an action movie right going sneaky would be boring I say the mugger's going in as loud as possible front door the muggers go right in let's go [Music] should be injured for some dramatic effect no I'm not doing that why would I let myself get hurt bruh [Music] foreign I can't believe you've done this the dialogue should be light I'm glad shot man go finish the job no brother I'm not leaving you behind hurts help me haha get good enough [Music] thanks to the sacrifice of his comrades the last mugger finally gets to the bang ball using a bomb would be generic I say we use something bigger like a rocket launcher how the heck do we have that stuff oh and that will be the script sounds good enough cut the cash boss you nailed it let's bounce wow you guys have done acting already where is the camera did you record everything bruh hey that's my favorite actor he's a good manga too yeah I used to work with him we made tons of money together go ask him if he wants to join us all right then [Music] hey man want to join us join what robbing bank mugging peoples and stuffs you rob this Bank yeah you might know this guy freeze oh the cops are here get in the car now we were done acting get in the car let's go thank you [Music] you bought we successfully robbed the bank but we've just lost our leader oh my God is this some kind of method acting what is going on here I'll be honest with you we just robbed the real Bank all things to your plan so you are our new leader now I'm just a movie director you means criminal mastermind three days later cut cut as a director I've always wanted to be a leader of a movie crew but somehow now I'm the leader of muggers I can't tell the cops I would end up in jail at least they give me tons of cash [Laughter] [Music] hey little fella who left you all alone here written you there is nothing for you to eat here let's bring you home [Music] welcome to your new home I will get you some food [Music] oh so cute I might keep you forever let's name you floppy [Music] [Applause] [Music] something nice happens to me Yahoo [Music] you dress like the world is about to land is there a nuclear threat coming civilian one there is a dangerous creature lurking around the city please stay at home until further notices okay tell me more about this creature what does it look like it's small looks like a cat but cubic once the creature is bad it will multiply itself and begin to attack people even worse they then begin to Fed on us human and multiply even faster if you see any of them just call us we are Slayer of evil creatures core or s e c c s for short that's all you need to know for now stay safe okay there is no way you are that creature right I mean you are a cute cat Cube no way would attack people right maybe I'm just overthinking I'm going to sleep now [Music] there are two of you now didn't know you have a friend floppy okay okay I will go get more cat food hello director Juan oh hey bacon what are you doing here I'm just wanna pay you a visit after you got fired you know I'm going out to buy some cat food right now just get in and watch the cats for me okay you have cats yeah I will be back in a Flash [Music] later I'm back bacon where are you foreign there are four floppers that means oh no they ate bacon bacon you called me sir oh thank God bacon you are still alive of course I'm still alive sir how would I be dead get eaten alive by cats haha by the way why are there four Flappers now I just fed them some milk and left them there oh this is bad cats don't reproduce this fast I'll get some food and we'll talk okay [Music] what is that noise oh again hey director I got a new job for you oh hey employer Patrick what's the rush [Music] well I didn't know you were a cat person [Music] they're so cute where did you get them I don't think you should get too close to them don't worry I love cats too [Music] I should go the sex headquarter for help several days later oh no do it do it there are too many of them evacuated civilians now bring them to the six head border [Music] okay [Music] oh my gosh welcome to the sex headquarter Humanity's Last Hope we are researching floppa's weakness and stop them from dominating the world have we found a way to stop them sadly we can't stop them from multiplying but the floppists have one weakness their King all floppists seem to serve a king if we can eliminate the floppa king all floppists will lose their will to live only then may we have a chance to defeat them I'm a good planner give me a team of good soldiers and we will slay the king then follow me I got something to show you we got the Alpha Team a group of Mankind's greatest soldiers they are currently on a mission here I will show you on the screen [Music] all right maybe any Soldier will do we lost the rest of our troops at the hospital sir well humanity is doomed wait I know a group of special individuals maybe they can help [Music] is this Robin the bank production director I mean criminal mastermind so you guys are still alive yeah we are living a pretty good life in the basement with all these cash wanna go save the world sound fun what's the reward become the greatest heroes saviors of humanity no we don't want to be famous maybe they won't let you rob the bank legally it's a deal then we're coming I will bring my new training who is this new guy this is my trainee sneaky Timmy he's good at sneaking trust me thank you [Music] [Applause] what the dog doing what he's doing you all must have seen the situation by now humanity is in danger as team leader I say we go slay the Flopper King okay and then we brought the bank right yeah anyway sccc's gave us the king's location I will come up with a plan when we get there just like when we robbed the bank [Music] you guys robbed a bank just acting haha alright your ride is ready we will bring you to the floppa king's location good luck you're a last hope uh okay listen up game yes sir this operation will be more dip than the last sneak in is our only option only one person is needed to slay the king this is their territory we don't want to get caught this is the perfect job for sneaky Timmy I know this house is structure get in there and I will guide you through take my trusty hammer and slay the king let's go sneaky team okay wow okay Timmy stay hidden and check every room [Music] if you see a big flapper with a crown on top then it is the king yes sir [Music] the king is just one big flapper and a flapper is just a cat one smack of hammer should kill it easy okay once the king is gone all the other flockers will be confused you can just run out of there and the world is safe strange he should be back by now according to the plan hey disconnected we lost connection to him oh man he was the second sneakiest person I've ever met is there someone sneakier than him yes our next leader the mugger oh the one cop bite on the cover cop liquor what do they call him he's known as major mugger with the punchline and smoking time all right let's get him out of jail hope he's still alive he doesn't seem so alive to me sir the world is officially doomed I'm here guys oh [Music] it's mug in time maybe it's eating time first okay that wasn't me trap the next day wait what oh I'm not dead where am I I got captured at least I didn't get eaten thank you is this Flopper watching me looks different than the other ah you're finally awake you can talk yes I see that you can sue I'm the wise flapper the voice of the king now speak tell me location of the sex headquarter you'll never win and correct we will win we will eat all humans you're gonna kill all humans yes all the humans then what about that one over there oh that is a flapper that is definitely a human in a flapper costume what no I am not that meow meow yes you are you traitor why is flapping my friend we all say meow meow sounds like a Flopper to me if you're a flapper do something only a flapper can do okay with a new what was that that was me using my Flopper arms it's true humans do not have flop arms so he must be a flapper but you don't have arms maybe he's evolved as floppus evolve all the time or oh he's lying he is not a flapper are you a flapper yes he says he's a flapper but what if he's lying about being a flapper then he is a human [Music] I'm a Flopper well okay that's fine then so if I say I'm a flapper that makes me a fluffer right oh [Music] oh are you a flapper no I'm a human okay I'm a Flopper you're a Flopper quick release in nice thanks oh boy okay now tell me the sex location in your dream so if I go to sleep I could dream about the location well awesome I'm going to sleep now [Music] wow this wide swapper is not so wise is it and you what was that who are you oh I was just surviving sir where did you get that Flopper costume this is the Flopper hot out so I borrowed myself this nice costume uh we already in the Flop behind out then the king must be here all right I'm going to put this mask back on call me images we still have to work together here it's not too late to save the world let's go yes sir whoa whoa this dropper can talk to are you the king I'm the king scored can you let us meet the king Over My Dead Body uh oh do you see how big it is We're not gonna win yay let's go home wait it's just a cat let me try this wow here little flapper I love cat food my muscles are about to explode so that's why they eat humans let's go to the Next Room yes sir huh what's going on here this is the homie of death the flapper is the keeper it will ask each of us three questions who answers correctly gets to pass safely what if you get one wrong then you get sent off the World by The Keeper floppa I'm not doing this I don't want to die it's mugging time stop who wants to cross the hallway of death answer three questions okay try me what do you call yourself major mugger the mugger what is your favorite color blue what are you here for to Maggio King okay you can pass easy peasant it let us mock his King as long as the answers are correct that's easy [Music] stop what do you call yourself no it is Maximus the mugger Are you a floppa oh yes you must be honest my friend let me show you what do you call yourself biggest penis the mugger what is your favorite color blue wait I think yellow is better [Music] stop what Victor what equals mc squared the answer is we invented Orange [Music] are you talking about the color of the fruit and if we're discussing this was the fruit named after the color or was the color named after the fruit I don't know that well luckily I often ask them questions [Music] thank you that's definitely the king oh I'm gonna make him should have brought something bigger [Music] wow the king sounds so much different than I expected one one you know my name you adopted me remember when I was in the garbage floppy but why are you doing this why are your floppers attacking humans oh I was just hungry love your cat food sucks bro that cat food was old I bought you new food but you decided to eat bacon did you bring me new food this time I'm not food okay you humans taste like sandpaper anyway so if I fed you quality cat food where you stop eating humans yes I will give you food on one condition send all of your flap of clones away from the city you don't need to find food anymore already done all right let's bring you to your new home foreign [Music] what a weird looking house you will stay here and people will come to feed you what makes people do that I don't know they've been playing raise a flop or two all the time they should do the same to you okay thanks Juan you know where to find me I sure do are we still friends after this don't you worry we're buddies for life only death can do us apart [Music] send the payload to my coordinate Roger that payload is on the way welcome to the early midnight show this is your Brookhaven mayor tonight we're here to celebrate our Victory against in the floppas with our two Heroes ladies and gentlemen Our Saviors [Music] I can't believe you've done this hello amen everyone [Music] thank you for saving the city now can you introduce yourself who are you [Music] the name is Juan [Music] I'm also looking for a job call me if you want me to rob the bank don't worry he him [Music] you just need to stay quiet I'll handle this [Music] but you said robbing banks is legal now right not yet well talk about that later what he's doing okay so Juan and his partner the city owes you to a favor what can we do for you as a movie director a new studio would be nice and legalize bankrupting wow are you obsessed with bank robbing or something we do not care don't care don't care all right thank you Heroes we will see what we can do and for the next show we will end world's hunger with violence your friends sacrificed their lives and all you can say is want to rob a bank they would want me to rob a bank too I must rob a bank to honor them but you are a Mugger your job is mugging people bruh not robbing bank oh so that is why he called himself robber you know the robber yes I'm his biggest fan after his death was announced I was so sad you know I will finish what he started I will rob the bank Dan why do you call yourself mugger I think it sounds cooler than robber also it's my name right but we aren't on the same boat I'm not into mugging people come on man I don't actually know mugging please teach me you've come up with awesome plans well sure if they legalize bank robbing which is never gonna happen it's a deal deal I'm going home now not seeing you again do it come on I'm here [Music] baby wow I can't believe it the mayor actually did that what are we waiting for let's go robbing I mean mugging how do we do that anyway all right I did a Mugger movie before I can teach you let's start with something small [Music] try to take the candy away from that kid it's mugging time [Applause] all right step one casually approach the child [Music] put that candy back two take is candy don't worry I have two of them you can have that step three eat the child what are you doing [Music] yay I love swimming all right good job come back here okay too easy that was just a kid try to mug those guards it's mugging time I taught in the dumbest way to mock people he is definitely not going to success wait you don't have a candy I have one right here huh why are you crying come here [Music] I don't think you have any idea wow it actually worked [Music] yes now I have the power I will mug this entire city what well try to mug me easy do you have a candy no I don't have a candy huh what am I gonna do now I have lost my will to live [Music] oh hey it's Our Saviors and who are you what is that oh no no no no I'm his biggest fan make bank robbing legal what a brilliant idea don't know I have a fan do you want to join me on the path of becoming the greatest mother of all time sounds awesome I'm in okay first mission give him a candy why though well to him I'll show you no no no it's mugging time just give them candy and eat them and that's how you muck people well let's go mugging let's go here we do not care all right that is our next Target is that Captain strong Cat Let's mug him wait hold on hold on I once saw him defeat an entire robber gang by himself oh yeah I heard about that the Rob gang of Master robber yes exactly let's mug him no wait look at his muzzle [Music] I heard he got blessed by the god of muscles the gadget himself yay pretty buffed huh there's two of us and there's only one of him let's go muck him you don't understand he's the captain of CA we could end up in jail hey what are we we're muggers and what do we do we mug people so let's go mug him [Music] [Music] what about you on a police brutality scene we're Captain strong can't beat up to men who just want to give him a candy no they definitely want to mock him while the victim is in coma for now many people has risen up and become mothers to fight against police brutality oh no director we need your help only you can stop the muggers laughs [Music] you must die director we need your help only you can stop the muggers how am I the only one that can stop them aren't you an undercut there are too many of them I can't go undercover forever they all know I'm a cop now all right how can I help just talk to them ask them to stop mugging that's brilliant what they worships the major mugger and you are his only partner maybe they will listen to you just ask them to stop being bad and be friends with them sounds ridiculous well is there another way I have a plan we'll have to do this together [Applause] free juice for me right that's right one a cup okay what is this juice Dynamite juice it will make you explode is that a metaphor hey want some juice oh yes please wait he just said that it makes you explode it's just a metaphor they say it all the time it will make you explode with happiness that's what they always say come wait what not me though oh my God the juice oh you want the juice no he just exploded probably with happiness too so that's why it's called Dynamite juice [Music] oh okay no don't drink that why not it will make you explode is it true no okay then this is murder it's not murder it's dynamite juice does someone just say juice it won't make you explode wait a second foreign [Music] how much is this juice it's free what a steal wait ask him why it's free okay why is it free because it won't make you explode all juice does that but this one does it for free what a steal I'm calling the police a few moments later hello police here what's the matter here is your drink officer oh thanks wait officer don't do it [Music] wow I feel like exploding with happiness huh and now why did you call me aren't you a Mugger do you want to go to jail well I'm in a good mood right now so I will let you off this time okay see ya wait why didn't he explode he did with extra happiness [Music] oh oh it's Joe and Moe the elite muggers [Music] it will make you explode what's in this juice lemon and a secret ingredient oh what kind of woman yellow one yum oh no my step bro I'm gonna send this juice to an analyst the analyst mugger is here kelski I know this is what's in this juice okay ma'am tastes like lemon ma'am yes you're right Why didn't it work on the police dude maybe it's natural selection wanna find out yourself really feel like this is going to end up with myself exploding that's a little predictable oh right it only works on manga's right then I'll test it on someone who is not a Mugger did you call me this is a serial killer my name is Jeff he is not a mother so he should not explode oh well free juice for everyone back to killing stuffs after this drink okay cheers looks like my conclusion is wrong R.I.P Jeff one drink to salute him I'm just gonna go what if I drink with you doesn't increase my chance of not exploding come on just a sip no pretty please nope with the cherry on top I'm out of here wait one last thing what juice gun [Music] oh the juice it didn't make me explode told you it wouldn't but why did the other muggers explode must be reloading who sniper wait what yeah you dumb mother see good plan how they didn't suspect the thing awesome plan but I'm running out of explosive ammo time for Plan B let's go a few moments later okay tell me again about the plan the free drink plan was awesome so we will switch the free food who can cook oh I know someone who can cook this man is he send blocks he good at cooking stuffs all right heisenblocks ready to break something bad yes yes sir it's breaking bad time okay where did that come from on the roof you fools fell right into my trap you're killing spree and here who are you I'm the master mugger I'm here to avenge for all the mugger's life you has taken how did one became a master so fast I thought the mugga Trend just started yesterday it's simple I took the ideal to the heart and mastered it wow his backstory is so much boring compared to the master robber leave this to me director go hide somewhere okay foreign instead of taking your shot you're coming right to me even though I has beaten many other hackers and robbers I can't beat the crap out of you without getting closer then come as close as you like [Music] later [Music] that's a lot of damage take Mr he send blocks and get out of here he might still be alive how fast I really am still able to talk huh pretty tough I'm not allowing you to die yet now come I want you to witness this no no no no no ggers of Brookhaven City he'd might call why would we have to listen to you yay you are not major mugger I'm his upgrade I'm the master mugger and behold the city's greatest cop has fallen we will take over the city and make it our own mugger City under my new leadership today we mug this city tomorrow will be the entire world let the Mayhem begin [Applause] s [Music] leave this to me [Music] and he's good as new wow thank you doctor I'm Steven weird you can call me doctor where all right Mr heisenbergs I need you to cook something for me something that tastes so good that it makes the muggers forget that they want to mug people got it I am the one who cooks [Music] oh my God are you done yet we're done when I say we're done behold the blue candy of science that is a pie wow that's definitely a candy okay what's in this candy mostly sugar and a secret blue ingredient um smell like illegal ingredients the muggers are gonna love it you make a few more nope can't do the ingredients are very rare because it's illegal you're goddamn right so there is only one pie I have to get master mugger to eat this for the next part of the plan I need to go to the bank now doctor come with me hide them bucks you stay here don't do anything dumb okay you're not supposed to put a fork in the microwave I am the one who cooks microwave meal [Music] then if we rob the bank [Music] we are robbing ourselves wait you're right oh what is the point of being mugger anymore I have lost my will to live [Applause] [Music] oh my god well I guess I will just go in and take the money I don't think you have any idea how fast I really am what are you gonna do what's all these money to bring together a group of mercenaries money can do a lot of things you know can I join the team I have some tricks up my sleeve of course you contact the master mugger learn him to the school at midnight I'll get a mercenaries ready then we'll beat him and make him eat the candy right yes then we will save look at the cop bring Justice back to this city let's go okay weird there is no free babics here I've been tricked we have met again [Music] couldn't live with your own failure where did that bring you back to me let's settle this your crimes and tonight your top brand can't even beat me how can you accomplish anything alone I am not alone mercenaries Assemble is John weak he's a man of focus commitment and sure will [Music] oh no but weak t8000 the Exterminator I will take your clothes your boots and your motorcycle he's a bulletproof man killing robot you won't be able to use your gun [Music] water gun that's my move it was an effective right it won't be next time behold foreign Bender master of elements what elements the element of surprise that's it surprise quit jerking around give me some real apartment Peter parking the man spider famous superhero I can turn into a spider [Music] really oh no I hired the wrong guy anyone else translucent The Invisible Man where is he that's the point he's invisible hello I'm right here sir wait why don't you go invisible I can go invisible but only when no one is looking at me how was that any useful time is over time today looks like I'm the last one [Music] faster I have come to bargain [Music] Master mugger I have come to bargain what the heck just happened I know it's pretty strange please listen to me don't shoot no [Music] Master mugger I have come to Oregon stop then you must listen to me alright what is your bargain you must eat this candy why would I are you trying to poison me there is no other way no [Music] I have set up a time Loop you can't escape until you eat this candy all right give me the candy [Music] can you turn off the time Loop now I'm going to eat the candy okay see that was easy changed my mind and right now behold the element of surprise nothing happens and you stop it begun [Music] surprise you're back I'm back why did you shoot him though he is candy I'm gonna mug him that's a pie [Music] wait no you have to make Master mugger eat it not eat him away this candy smells good I'm definitely gonna eat it bye have a great time oh no that's The muggers Hideout how am I supposed to get in [Music] I heard gunshots what is going on here the one lying on the ground is that our master [Applause] so it is you who beat our Master then you must know the consequences please don't hurt me hurt this dog instead laughs [Music] what kind of dog owner what's their dog killed that's not my dog whose dog is it then it's John weeks doll so what [Music] when you kill John week's dog John week will become John hospitalized you for a week let's do this oh luckily John week is not that weak he must have beaten all the muggers by now I think it's safe to go in [Music] die Luca you okay buddy what are you doing here the muggers are gone among you don't worry my friend took care of them I will get you out of here I have been lying here for a day I need something to eat I have something to eat don't eat that pie walk by this is candy yep that's definitely candy so it's edible right no it doesn't belong to you I mugged it so it's mine you heard that loud and clear yes definitely gonna arrest him [Music] why is he shaking like that what's in the candy some illegal stuffs definitely gonna arrest the one who cooked it too [Applause] [Music] well forgot that they're mugger oh what the dog doing where am I you may forgot who you have been remember your past self when you are not a Mugger oh right I remembered I am [Music] a bacon for real at least he is not a mother anymore what about the master mugger I'm gonna deal with him now let's get you out of here first here we go [Music] he looks pretty dead to me wow so we actually beat him we can't be sure citizens are still worshiping the muggers come up with an idea you need to get some rest buddy I'll handle this tomorrow welcome to the late morning show this is your mother city mayor muggers have taken over the city but somehow I'm still alive anyway your leader wants to make an announcement ladies and muggers major mugger hi guys oh you are not made a Mugger yeah that's our friendly neighbor bacon not major mugger I have always been and will always be a bacon and you can be one too be a friendly neighbor be bacon wow what a motivational speech maybe we should be a bacon yeah it's great to be good guys together we can cure cancer end world hunger pay taxes nope I'm not gonna pay taxes yeah being a Mugger is much better oh it's not working time for Plan B [Applause] hey guys oh my God an evil clap of breed has just returned to eat all the muggers which I'm definitely not making up quick better get inside the cage just right behind you so we can protect you [Music] and for those who aren't here you can hide in the police station jail [Music] bruh [Music] and that is how we got them wow I should have thought of that sooner well done director [Music] what about that giant alien cat Cube I thought you made that out to trick the muggers I have no idea it's like everything I say becomes true anyway I'm tired of saving the city all right I will use some plot changing device Mr brokers 93. cool I will go home now get well soon thank you director [Music] this is fine I will just get a new house crazy is happening I can finally get some rest [Music] why are everyone so obese with this game just some fluffy colorful mascots slowly chasing you around even my grandmother can run faster than that it's that sound [Music] hello director Wong oh hey bacon what makes you so scared nothing why are you here to make sure you are not kidnapped by that scary blue thing the blue mess got from that scary game I don't know if it is a mascot but yes [Music] silly bacon it's it's my dipping King we are safe here in Brookhaven but there is some big fan of it they called themself Cult of the rainbow friends they summoned blue to the Brookhaven [Music] cut up the rainbow friends why don't they go outside and get some real friends instead touch some grasses bruh anyway don't let it see you it will send you away from the world I thought it tears people apart and eat them yeah we are in Brookhaven so this is just a family-friendly version of it where would it send me to if I touch it to Brazil maybe you don't want to find out [Music] did you heard that hear what blue sound I didn't heard anything are you scared of it you'd better be I must be hallucinating I'm gonna see a therapist [Music] did you hear there's a fat monster roaming around the city yeah what's its color I don't know but definitely fat evil monster gutted sir is that the monster it's huge nothing to fear private we police are not afraid of anything [Music] oh my God it's so fat what goal Captain Luca tell him we have found the big fat monster hey I'm not fat it's just the R15 Roblox Avatar how did it get so fat stop body shaming people what does it want I'm going to see a therapist because you guys hurt my feelings hello oh my God what an ugly fat monster I'm gonna commit unsee it commit die how many more lives must this damn Beast claimed all right Elite officer here who is this black guy bruh no it's actually not black oh he must be innocent then nah can't be innocent it's ugly in fact hey gosh it's really hard to look at May I here you go stop doing that two officers are done request heavy vehicle backup bacon these guys are bullying me can you pick me up oh man that was my favorite bacon I'm going home we can't let it go again if it runs away open fire or not die or we will kill you please don't it's raising its arm to attack no I'm not prepare to fire [Music] had that been there the whole time how did I not notice that what a crazy misunderstanding oh my God a second monster [Music] come on fire you know now that the police in one touch I have to hide [Music] oh not good oh crap this is a dead end [Music] quick hide in the cardboard box wait what someone in there quite and get in now okay [Music] [Music] dude you saved my life who are you the name is Solid Snake master of stealth like sneaky Timmy who the heck is sneaky Timmy never mind so you are good at hiding yes an assassinating too bring a cardboard box with you keep yourself hidden from Blue and you are safe can't let it roaming around like this any way to get rid of it for good even a tank can't take it down we need a better weapon a weapon to surpass Metal Gear thinking that the cultist who about the cultists I would wreck them on sight you go interrogate them I will make a weapon that can surpass Metal Gear okay but what is a metal gear by the way I don't even know where the cultists are [Music] so they don't want to keep it a secret High [Music] what do you want can I join the cult you must be a rainbow friends fan to join yes I'm a big fan then answer these three questions how many monsters are in Rainbow friends rainbow has seven colors so seven what is the best rainbow friend monster you are wearing blue helmet blue pretty smart alright last question what's nine plus ten twenty one you stupid get out of here [Music] can't negotiate with them time to use the Box the cardboard box deals with break is an effective weapon noted [Music] it's undercover time [Music] huh back already who's at the door don't worry it's just some kids punching at the doorbell which I'm definitely not making up why did you get so fat suddenly oh I ate all of them kids huh got rid of them haha what you actually did that that was amazing yeah I expect nothing less from a faithful member of the Cults foreign green wait wait I have something to ask go ahead is there any way to kill blue why would you want to do that only red have that kind of power that's a pretty susque question it took a lot of effort to summon blue and you want to kill him yeah we even sacrificed a child for it you sacrificed what it was your idea and it worked okay okay so I have a new sacrifice idea for our next ritual let's go can't wait to summon green yeah we are ready come to the ritual room let the summoning ritual begin alright Fat Joe what will we sacrifice this time we hope the greatest tribute to any sacrifice ritual okay what the dog doing I love cake okay I hope it will work begin reading the summoned signs fimsy gron house mid for shame [Music] oh I don't think those are the lines Joe we have to continue the ritual begin casting the summoning spells [Music] that guy is breaking the ritual no he is actually break dancing there's no turning back the ritual is completed I love cake huh a man that's not our green that's a self-exploding green chef wow this ritual is even more broken than my parents marriage it's all the fact guy's fault hey I'm not fat the spell is on Cuda now we have to wait for a week to summon again Fat Joe you're fired for messing up on ritual wait how do you summon with only three members you think you are important our cult has more people than you think [Music] [Applause] [Music] leave before we sacrifice you instead [Music] filtration also didn't work I need to bring the whole place down can't let them summon more monsters what's on your mind's director oh hey bacon I'm gonna create a team of specialists to raid this place awesome what are you gonna call it the Rainbow Six Siege I can understand rainbow and Siege but why six gonna need six members for the team I think it's a good number now come let's start hiring we need four more members a few minutes later all right our first candidate get him in bacon show us what you got bro hello wait you looks just like bacon I'm Bacon's twin [Music] all right ham what's your special treat I can read mind awesome tried to read my mind tell me what I'm thinking haha silly director I can only read my own mind anyone can do that really yeah it's called thinking oh man I just discovered I had this like two weeks ago huh wow I can't even do that stupid all right you are less next one [Music] hello do you have any ability yes I do I can take someone's power oh did you took one yet no I can only take their power when they're dead so you are just basic human now not for long hey I'm here for the interview [Music] pretty sure that's illegal by the way what's the dead guy's ability bacon let me check the list it said his power is make the one who killed him explode well you reap what you sow next candidate top of the morning to you lads look at those muscles anything to show us okay so I can block bullets damn that's useful [Music] but it makes me bleed [Music] is there anyone that has an actual ability I have an actual ability alright what is it check this out when I jump like this then it goes around me that's called a backflip also I can run super fast why don't you say that sooner but only when I carry a stack of cash what okay as long as it's useful [Music] activate super speed [Music] I think he won't return silly bacon let's just wait for a little more [Music] we've lost all of our money any Kennedy left there are a few more okay hope they're not useless hello what is your power so my power is kind of complicated and what is it I can manipulate light waves sounds awesome [Music] even bacon can do that get out you picked the wrong house yeah boy how do you want someone with talents oh hey Luca are you here to join the team yes you know I got Tricks like making a bunch of Comedy skits using this game don't break the fourth wall Lookout welcome to the team I also brought these guys [Music] I should have thought of that sooner [Music] all right team we're the Rainbow Six get ready to Siege we have a cult to burn [Music] can't believe we don't have a toilet anyway newbie how was your first day working here I joined after seeing blow in the city it's amazing seeing him in this game you guys even sacrificed a shout right can't wait to do the same wow you sound like a psychopath I like it welcome to the cult yeah so are we the bad guys now it's okay to be bad even the police can't do anything what's there to be afraid of some special forces gonna wreck us out of front nowhere ha ha you're right nobody can stop us wait a sec I have to pee be right back [Music] are you all right over there I'm fine just a mosquito haha what happened to your voice oh I lost my voice after I screamed you know damn mosquitoes let's get back to the house so you are new here right yes sir you already asked that did you know about the green ship incident that happened today oh I didn't know that tell me about it oh it's terrible what happened to Poor Joe who is Joe Joe mama [Music] what is that noise let's go yeah hey isn't that Fat Joe the guy who ruined the ritual that's not our Joe he's the disguiser come at me I will bring this whole place down alone this is our cult headquarters you know one alarm and the whole place will come and wreck you up Jenna right now turn off appearance swap you are not Cultus Carl what happened to him oh yeah you dumb cultist [Music] we got Intruders sound the alarm right now cut off their power bacon bacon six going dark [Music] put on your night vision director we got to break some bones [Music] look a report what is the situation upstairs as I was going in the cupboard there are still many more Target upstair we won't be able to fight them head-on Mr Brookhaven any solution I have this device that can make rule to anything existing in Brookhaven let me show you anyone wearing night vision will get power Buffs wow I feel much stronger that's awesome wanna try sure anyone saying more than five letters in one sentence will die wait what what happened to the lot I'll go check the electricity [Music] foreign guys I turned on the power generator will you be my partner for life [Music] doesn't our uniform makes us look like Jetties they definitely bought this uniform from a Star Wars Custom Shop wait I can feel something coming maybe it's the force Awakening in you here it comes oh you know what this cult sucks I quit I'm the good guy now bacon what have you done but it's working though all the cultists are dead [Music] meanwhile [Music] when I die all of my money will be yours [Music] fight wait does that mean all of his money is mine now fortnite battle pass here I come fortnite battle pass [Music] congratulations sir you're stage 10 but cancer has been cured yeah baby don't you think that's a bit too many letters for a yes thank you I am the death I'm here to take you away from this life oh you are out of time now die [Music] everyone stands back I'm gonna defeat it in one punch [Music] I finally found a way to end world's hunger I want to die nothing happens wow luckily we turned up the device in time I hope not many people died because of it on the bright side more rainbow friend summons yeah but how are we gonna deal with blue fear not we got an admin on our side all right I figured that he's dead we still have the hackers right Jen October's report what's your situation YouTubers is out because of the five letters thing nope he choked to death trying to eat a whole Burger [Applause] tuba choked on a burger sounds like some sick album any information about blue it knows what we did to its cult it's coming for us be ready Roger that regroup with us then we will eliminate it [Music] Jenna [Music] director we lost her too anywhere we can hide now who is this the weapon is ready I have sent you the coordinates oh you are the sneaky cardboard box guy Drake isn't it it's snake anyway meet me at the location snake out new plan Luca we found a way to kill it let's go [Music] so where is that weapon of yours did it surpass the metal gear well known I only have less than a day to develop the weapon it did not surpass metal gear but can it kill blue all right behold [Music] a weapon that is just Metal Gear isn't it a bit small but it's packed with enough Firepower to bring down 10 tanks at once watch this [Music] thank you look at those missiles go but can it run faster We're not gonna run from Blue so it doesn't need to be fast all we need is a clear shot you guys need to create an opening and how are we supposed to do it I have an idea who is after us we will lure it into to the metal gear fire range normally I would use bacon as bait how do we escape after luring it you don't know do we do you know the way you have to have a bullet to know the way the cardboard box liquor embrace the power of cardboard box become one with it what bro what are you talking about man this is dumb are you sure this is going to work trust me now we wait for blue in my amazing plan when it approaches we run away how do you even run inside this cardboard box [Music] see who won a tech cardboard boxes now this is the part where we run away brilliant Target is in range attack immediately foreign [Applause] [Music] must have hurt after that one here comes another [Music] you gotta Retreat what happened snake snake [Music] there is no other way director we will fight it ourselves what are you gonna do roasting it until it run away in shame that's exactly what I'm thinking or we could use the power buff we got from earlier well it's coming try it observe lovely [Music] yo mama so fat Thanos has to snap twice whoa wait hey hey dude actually roasted it and took it like a champ is this Heaven why does God look like Luca wake up this is far worse okay this is not Brookhaven Creek yeah this is the back rooms great so we have to do backrooms funny moments now bruh the only funny things here is we are still alive they call this place the Maze of Terror all random horror entities goes here relax we still have each other stay close and we will find a way look director we entities are starting to appear hello I'm in Spain without BS I touch grass without the gore it's the rock reverse and the actual rock hey yo what the what color is your Bugatti it's Andrew taste and John Cena bro what are you talking about man Pizza Pizza hamburger hamburger [Music] what the heck this is getting out of hand at least they are not hostile let's get away from these entities first [Music] wow this place is such a maze of Terror come on it's just some weird stuff it's not that Terror what is that music I know this song it's from one of them experts oh thank you quick letter over there I got a pizza here this is getting terrifying you means terrorizing huh what the dog doing is that bacon bacon bacon how did he get here though [Music] he can blink [Music] this is so cursed not our bacon run [Music] stick together now we could get lost easily here everywhere looks the same did you see that director see what blue but fluffier oh crap it's blue no doubt we need to get out of here [Music] oh God it's even uglier up close stay away ugly blue dude I'm cool [Music] Lou you can talk Ugg everyone seems to forgot about me that blue you guys are talking about it's just a cheap knockoff so you are the original Rainbow friends cringe name I'm from Poppy's playtime yeah that's also a Crane's name how did you get here everything that is forgotten will go here banished from existence or you not clip in here after fall this is a nap clip it's some kind of command that can make you go through walls so if we want to get out of here we must use snacklip remember that admin device we got from Mr Brookhaven oh I should have thought of that sooner you stupid all right I will not live outside and teleport you out let clip me [Music] now to teleport Luca back wrong command you just teleported all of the entities Out oopsie you found it the weapon to surpass Metal Gear this thing what happened with our text bubble maybe it's the influence of the back rooms yeah they're not now I have the admin device leave this to me I will deal with this cheap knockoff oh okay [Applause] yo mama so fat she wasn't three back rooms levels at the same time foreign dude on cool it can talk game time's over time to send them away [Music] now to deal with vacuums entities wait what me [Applause] the next day as you can see right now battles are happening between this layer of evil creature core and one of the last backrooms entities stay tuned for more updates as the sex Port is bringing he's back to the city wow luckily I contacted the SEC sees guys in time they went pretty good job the city should be safe by tomorrow haven't you heard although the entities are gone the curse is still spreading what curse the curse of the back rose okay it affects people's but rarely turning them into backrooms entities or some unknown effects will happen damn hope no one got cursed all of this just because of some code meanwhile [Applause] you have been cursed wake up wake up wake up what is the curse doctor oven turn into an entities so an unknown effect will occur we don't know what is it until it happens my body suddenly feels weird it hurts so bad oh that's just your last state cancer sir your son has been cursed he's suffering from an unknown effect [Music] so we have to make another kid any way to cure a doctor the effect could be good or bad we don't have a cure at the moment oh my God whether it's good or bad our son will always use it for a good cause You Can Count On Me mob alright we can worry about that later let's grab some food for lunch shall we yes sir sir hello [Music] thank you [Music] everyone okay I'm good wow let's sit in and not even a scratch on us maybe the curse was just good luck our son is an actual hero [Music] hold up wait a minute [Music] this is all my fault what's the point of being good anymore why am I the only one that's cursed [Music] the world must suffer the pain as I do for I am the bearer of the curse I am I am the villain well amazing Adam speech well your parents are on the ground today you call the ambulance or something begun filthy civilian [Music] I will bring despair to everyone from the most simple bed Deets to the worst this city shell no pain what oh hey my legs are fixed thanks dude quiet I'm trying to be evil here now to avenge my parents [Music] banana appeals can cause car accident they must share the same fate as mine what the dog doing oh my God [Music] dude gotta work or we will get fired all thanks to that guy over there nice damn it how about something more evil like kidnapping like kidnapping [Music] you have been kidnapped kid you won't be able to see your parents again how does it feel thank you sir for saving me from my abusive parents what thank you sir for bringing this boy to me I've always wanted to adopt a child what yay my new mom [Music] um I'm fine when you're not really fine being we can't get into it because they would never understand fine at least I can kick this puppy and be evil that way [Music] thank you thank you sir for saving my dog you even risk your life for it what a heroic action quiet I'm not a hero I am the villain you heard me I am the villain oh what are you talking about man he called himself the villain do we arrest him sir let's see what else he fixes next two police officers can't get anything wrong if I just kill them [Music] this police officer was carrying a deadly virus that could have started a global pandemic thank you for stopping it in time wait what I called being infected thank you man you saved my life want a tool to do your job better sounds good maybe with a tool I can unleash my true evilness [Music] will make you my servant are you sure this guy is normal trust me he's a good guy I have a feeling that he was born a hero please take good care of him the world shall know my name the chosen villain all right let's see what I can do for you come to my movie studio foreign [Music] I have all the tool you need for your job great job fat orange dude you already make a good servant so methan acting Hall make yourself at home what is this machine I like this cute oh just some movie props would you mind if I reinvent this thing into the greatest destructive weapon ever known to mankind I don't know what you are saying you stupid it's just a problem do anything you like see you tomorrow [Music] how about just an old granny I love easy target we got her money let's bounce [Music] thief thief somebody help me [Music] hot hot [Laughter] we are fully armed let's go robbing [Music] [Applause] thank you haha burn City Burnett that was only 10 percent power imagine 100 percent it can even destroy a planet hey how is it going uh my servant you came just in time to witness my first great invention the destructive blue reaganator 3000 you mean Laser cannon so it was you who shot the robbers creating a machine like dead in one night that was amazing I don't know what you are talking about I was shooting randomly at the city but behold I will turn it up to 100 power and destroy the Moon whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa [Music] you the world ending meteor has been shot down by a blue laser came from Brookhaven the world has been saved all thanks to our mystery hero hey that's pretty good wow you added yourself this time that was just misfire well you can always do it again right [Music] that's exactly what I'm gonna do I'm going to destroy the whole solar system this time forever foreign [Music] I'm here to deliver an urgent new an entire solar system has been destroyed the solar system was known to fill with war old ending aliens that could have killed mankind our hero with the laser cannon has done it again you stupid God damn it thanks don't go as planned huh but hey you are the Savior now just like me before you will get used to it trust me well that won't stop me [Music] again [Music] an alien spaceship has been destroyed again the blue laser killed Thanos again more world ending meteors have been destroyed again giant space monster has been shot down getting tired of saving the world yet I am trying to be evil cheap tribe never stop chasing your dream you know what I just realized anything bad I do will always lead to something good happening oh okay maybe it's your fate so if I do something good maybe bad things will happen instead so you will stop trying to be evil now if I tried to bring peace to this world there is a possibility that it will start a World War the world shall know my name the man who started a World War one week later and for the final reward the Nobel Peace Prize goes to skinny man and scientists soon he called himself the villain [Applause] [Music] the villain huh how come a villain could earn himself a Nobel Peace Prize he must have been manipulating people [Music] first I will put an end to this villain for I am the hero all right hero better get yourself some reputation first how do I get it you should start doing good deeds let's start with fixing my back it's been hurting for weeks and I can't even sleep but you are a doctor right you must know a solution maybe a back massage will do try throwing some punches on my back okay then Hold Up Wait A Minute oops I forgot about my super strength bruh not to mention the laser eyes because you know hero stuffs are you okay doc well he went to sleep immediately I guess his back is fixed one good deed done now the city shall know my name the hero is coming [Music] oh no my kitten somebody help don't worry ma'am I'm here to help my kitten is on the tree good sir can you do anything [Music] uh I don't see any kid in the man well he's in there can you take him down for me all right ma'am stand back I'm gonna take him down in a Flash [Applause] I took the cat down she must be crying of Happiness two Good Deeds down on to the next one huh [Music] excuse me good sir any good deed can I do for you shop oh sorry you don't need help shut up mate be quiet no talking in the library [Music] hey serial killer here time to die foreign what oh his gun doesn't have a silencer hey pal what you want to die next your gun is too loud uh please keep it quiet in the library ah okay I totally understand [Music] bye have a great time want some illegal crack depends are you selling depends are you buying depends are you a cop depends are you a cop um no well all right then [Music] rest well I guess this is an awkward mistake bruh yeah you're right hey no gunfighting using gun in public is also illegal what is your problem what kind of costume is that by the way I thought Halloween is over this is my hero costume because I am the hero and you guys dressing like a criminal so you guys must be criminal no wait we are undercover cops this is our criminal costumes yeah we are on duty here liar Halloween is over what kind of cops wear like a criminal well undercover once [Music] [Applause] oh my God [Music] Luca calling HQ we got a situation two officers are down Nico why are you calling me bruh oops wrong number bruh anyway there is a dangerous threat lurking around in the city again they just fried up two of my offices using what seems to be a deadly laser beam bruh okay so you want me to fight against some kind of superhuman with deadly laser beam we might need some help it's time to call him call the villain [Music] feels like someone just mentioned me hey wanna hear a riddle okay tell me a man is traveling down a highway when he accidentally runs over a hitchhiker all right there are no Witnesses and it's not his fault but he's not sure if that will hold up in court so he panics and puts the body in the car trunk then he drives home oh man that's dark the riddle is how do I bruh where should he how should he dispose of the body asking for a friend um it's a riddle ha ha I'm calling the police there is no need for the police for the hero is here what's the matter fellow a good man oh I'm just telling some riddles there is a body in this car I mean he's still alive but I'm trying to dispose of it don't worry my guy I will help you [Music] man feels great doing good deeds see ya thank you helping people makes me tired better treat myself too I think I'm gonna eat something [Music] there he is about to unknowingly create chaos again we must stop him get ready finally an actual Target can't get anything wrong for sure [Music] pirate will foreign [Music] [Music] the explosion fixed my choking where was it from wow you can never do a bad thing huh quiet I'm gonna crank it to 100 power now I have finally found you what the dog doing you were evil deeds and here villain I don't even know who you are yeah dude just saved you from choking oh it seems like orange here has also been manipulated I'm not manipulated sounds like what a manipulated guy would say so this is it huh we are gonna fight okay [Music] just the three of us the battle between the good the Bad and the Ugly wait this doesn't seem right I'm not ugly you know what are you doing with 100 power I will get him for sure dude can shoot actual a laser I thought it was just Lucas joke this is bad look what you have to do to mimic a fraction of my power fill in we need to run he got super powers probably by the curse of the back rooms nope oh you want to get away all right I will let you go you're just a civilian [Music] oh no one you dare hit my servant like that take this [Music] rubbing using a helicopter what a brilliant idea that's right dude the boys are never gonna catch us up here you dare hurt innocent people you shall pay for that damn it better work on my accuracy mirror for sale here comment by buy one get one for the price of both oh crap he could have been killed if it hit him better call for Becca my turn a water gun is this an out of season April's full joke it might look like a water gun but I have upgraded it into a deadly Decay rocket hand Cannon wait wait wait nail disappear foreign if this is a real water gun where is my modified water gun meanwhile [Music] nice try little kid your uncle cannot protect you now time to be kidnapped [Music] have a water gun you Uncle didn't give you anything better to protect yourself yeah oh no one must have given the modified water gun to his nephew wait what how do you know my weakness you weakness water this is no ordinary water this is milk it makes me paralyzed oh Juan's nephew love milk he must have putted some milk in the water gun [Music] you found his weakness well done but it won't be enough to put him down who are you that's my old friend Billy butcher your service superhuman Eliminator let's Retreat first before he wakes up we need a proper plan to take him down they can't keep getting away with this I will find them and make them pay stop it your meaningless actions what what do you mean what you burn the hospital yeah he lasered my kitten I was just trying to help you killed innocent people you mean the car he even killed two of my partners no guys let's just Boop nobody wants her yeah go away hero you only bring chaos and Madness oh the citizens has found the criminal that was going on a rampage destroyed buildings and killing innocent people the criminal called himself the hero please stay at home if you see a man in the hero suit showed on screen [Music] fine I have changed my mind they want a villain they will have it no more the hero no more mister good guy a super villain is coming [Music] fellas we need a name for the team to win against in our hero Suicide Squad League of villains we'll go as the dudes sounds dumb whatever so what's the plan wait aren't you the one who have a plan just ask if you guys have a better plan so what's yours we found his weakness exploited then beat the crap out of him can't be that easy he must have found a way cover the weakness already [Music] haha behold The anti-milk Invader the fools ain't gonna see this coming let's say we can't make use of his weakness anymore then what are we gonna do we will find his other weakness how my team could have done it but they are shooting for season four right now shooting for what ugh a team to fight a hero we need a team of villains what if they remain evil and try to betray us well only one way to find out I just invented the villain Multiverse finder it will summon some random villains from the Multiverse okay but don't summon any superhuman I can never work with those sups [Music] wait they supposed to be in Saving bacon episodes where is Luke we are gonna make him pay send them back now okay [Music] this might take a while I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick let's try that again what is this place villains we need your help to defeat a hero if we defeat them we can return to our world correct all right tell me more about this hero handsome wearing Cape can fly has super strength and Laser Eye hey that sounds just like me Superman nope also his weakness is milk fools his weakness is a milk no wonder you guys need my help I know everything about Superman so are we a team now no chance I am Lex Luthor I can win him by myself for I am his greatest nemesis wow such a regrets red cape what about you want to defeat this hero together the name is Omni man and sure we shall see can you fight him toe-to-toe of course I also have super powers foreign but just said we should not work with suits don't mind we don't need butcher we got a superhuman with us now I don't know man I'm gonna tell butcher okay Omni man welcome to the dudes here's the plan okay butcher [Music] where is he meanwhile where are they face me Superman lowly civilian you dare to challenge me wait what is that silly willy outfit you're not Superman super villain doesn't matter you kryptonians are all the same [Music] wait this is a milk you think you can beat me with a fart bomb that's no far bomb you fool it's Kryptonite smoke one breath and your weakest snail I don't feel weakened at all this is fart liar you're mere human now take this what the heck Kryptonite usually works told you it's far what is your weakness milk for real like wait Superman doesn't kill people right told him he's not Superman where is Butcher I thought he's with you quit the talking he's coming just follow the plan got it [Music] [Applause] [Music] another one they think they can beat me by hiring clowns all right super power clown [Music] so what is your plan wait until army men tired about then we strike with my ultimate move [Music] getting tired yet looks like I have finally met my match it's time to use my secret move prepare to get obliterated oh milk [Music] you call that a secret weapon I don't like you your weakness is a milk I thought you and I are the same my turn take this my forbidden secret weapon please don't be milk [Music] he's distracted it's time to strike ultimate move Ultimate Weapon hybrid Cannon 9000. [Music] of milk [Music] [Applause] he's paralyzed finished him on me man we did it thank you we couldn't do it without you yeah you saved the city oh I wouldn't say so it's more like Under New Management always knew we can't trust the sups Brave mistake hitting me like that is not yours to conquer next time listen to what I said don't be okay the thing is finally [Music] take a good rest one because I won't stop achieving my goal Burn the City to the ground foreign [Music] seriously I don't know who you are we've never met him
Channel: Juan.
Views: 1,206,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: i hacked, roblox brookhaven rp, roblox brookhaven, brookhaven lututu, brookhaven robber, roblox robber, lututu robber, brookhaven rp funny moments, brookhaven funny, brookhaven rp funny, juan, juan., lututu and juan, lututu mugger, mugger, lututu, TOP 3 BEST ROBLOX Brookhaven 🏡RP - FUNNY MOMENTS SERIES
Id: 1vSk46Dc6eU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 36sec (8196 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2023
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