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my partner just said all right man you ready uh I don't know man I'm kind of scared I've never robbed a bank before because I think we're fixing the leak trust me I've been doing this for years literally guys we have a truck named roofing company he said it'll be fine I want to say are you sure like well what if we go to jail or something he said I've never had a problem I'm gonna say all right I trust you I guess did People Like Us don't go to jail man because now get going before we get caught okay okay uh I'm following your lead we're going through the back guys so I'm scared okay we're gonna make we're gonna make it's literally midnight right now there's nobody working in here so it's pretty chill I'm gonna say uh don't we need the card he said no oh okay okay I'm gonna say I'm sorry I don't know how this works he says did you not learn anything uh I was just nervous okay okay I'm following I'm following him it's fine all right so we're in here now and he's doing the card I was like bro I told you we needed the card he said what are you doing go go go okay okay you're right right okay I got the card covered there yes yes yes yes bro I'm scared I was open something easy I think it is aren't they gonna hear the bomb he said yes that's why we run okay okay you're right you're right right all right leave back up a little bit uh boys the follows gonna blow up the bank oh the alarm Okay Okay grab the money you got the money fake alarm set off okay I got I got I got I got it he said let's go let's go down now let's go now let's get to the defensive defensive defense yes right there oh my gosh we did it Jack it's too easy we're rich now oh my gosh that was the best decision of my life he said oh yeah I didn't know it'd be that easy to make money he said it only gets bigger from here I'm gonna say you're right and what the heck I just heard a door open uh you heard that bro I hear someone yo it's a cop uh freeze hands up oh my gosh we're gonna go to jail uh okay okay okay all right uh hands up hands up hands up he said you thought it's that easy oh bro we're stupid he said we don't have security for nothing you're both going to jail now oh my gosh oh man we just arrived at the jail he said you guys really thought of robbing Brookhaven Bank all I want to say was his idea but I don't want to throw one at the bus like that that's messed up he just said you guys are idiots he said we didn't think about it we did he said yeah you failed at the end and yeah he's kind of right he said mug shots now bro he's actually gonna go mug shots dude he said People Like Us don't go to jail hold on put my hands on my back again I don't want to get yelled at he lied bro he said save cheese haha bro another cops literally just laughing at us he said jeez he said looking like an idiot perfect next oh my gosh he's right we're so dumb for doing that bro he told me it'd be fine he said you guys deserve this to be honest don't blame me it's funny haha now cheese I'm gonna say cheese I guess you said perfect another idiot oh my gosh well this cop is so rude he said anyway change your clothes here oh uh okay bro what is this bro what we have prison outfits on now this is gonna be really bad we're actually getting to do he said now to your cells oh gosh okay I didn't talk I didn't talk to Jack really bad he said get inside I'm gonna say Jack you said people like us don't go here then enjoy your stay bro what you said we will we will what enjoy our stay you said yes because we are leaving wait wait what uh how are we leaving he caught us red-handed we had the money on us look above the beds my friend above the beds oh there's a vent uh he said there's always a plan B bro you're right jack I knew I could trust you I'm gonna say uh so when do we do it he said what's funny is he didn't even take the money oh yeah you left it there didn't you he said we'll do it when he isn't looking okay okay okay you're right you're right you're right bro we're gonna get out of jail okay okay so we're gonna get out of here and still have all the money bro it's gonna be easy okay okay all right all right he said yeah okay okay all right jack I'm following your lead just let me know when and there he is right there on his computer I'm not glad it's actually a good time he just okay keep an eye open I'll I'll open the vents okay okay I'm gonna say uh you're good for now he's still over there just uh typing away it seems like he said oh prisoners uh Jack uh come come I'm gonna say oh hey Walter he said I almost got what uh almost got the beds made they were a little rough he said yes bro okay he's on to us okay no we're not he said you son of a donut what I see the vents uh what are you talking about yeah it was like that she said yeah I don't care Jack come with me wait what uh where's Jack going can I come he said nah one by one questioning oh no our stories probably won't match oh this is bad this is really bad he's like getting the side okay I want to see what he's saying uh I'm just thinking let's do the wall no I can't it's Brookhaven oh wait no shift B shift B free cam he said so Jack and Jack said yes what's he about to ask he said why did you you try to rob the bank okay he has to die he has to deny it he said well it wasn't my fault what if he wasn't his fault bro what deny it said you didn't do it because if you do then you're gonna be guilty and you're going to prison for a long time bro he said he pointed a gun at me who pointed a gun at you he said it wasn't your fault what are they saying right now he said what do you mean by he yeah I'm confused he's a tap huh I already put a gun at him he's lying I didn't put any guns at him bro what the heck he said yes he said here's your partner in crime though he said enough tap he said no no I didn't want to do any crimes huh bro he forced me into this I want to see you forced me bro what is he saying he's literally lying he said how so with the gun I don't even have a gun bro what is wrong with this guy he's a tab talk one more time he wants to deal it again uh okay I have to shut up oh my God this is bad this is bad does it continue please okay back into free camera I didn't see what's happening and no he's writing all this down he said well he told me if we robbed the bank I will be rich he's the tab forced you he said anyone can think that bro he's literally lying so when he said you'll be rich you decided to join him he said yes because he pointed a gun at me so I didn't have a choice I did not want to die bro he's lying about me right in front of me he said I see seems you didn't do anything wrong then bro what all Taps faults he said glad we're on the same page guys what is he said hey bro he said I'm still sauce of you but okay get your clothes wait what what what I'm gonna say uh what what about me he said shut up criminal bro what and bro why does Jack have his clothes done I'm gonna say Jack tell him the truth bro he said your friend is leaving and he just waved at me he said it seems like he did all this he said bye tap dude there's no way there's no way there's no way there's no way uh he said now be silent tap he said keep the man locked up bro what are you saying Jack he just said have a good one officer no no no that's it uh I'm breaking out I won't stay here bro I'm using the vent he said really yes really yo what the heck he's teasing me bro I just got tased he said now that's another violation haha he said sentenced to eight years for robbing a bank and try to break out of jail bro there's no way there's literally no way he said try to break out again and you'll get more years uh okay uh okay Officer okay [Music] oh my final day in prison guys I won't lie it's been a long journey here but today the journey should be over you know there's the cop again he said all right tab it's your special day Bud oh I'm finally getting out oh my gosh guys I was in here for eight years I mean I won't say I didn't deserve it uh but still I I can't ever forgive Jack for doing what he did to me is it hope we're going to behave now I'm gonna say of course I am I'd never do another crime sir he said all right can't wait to see that he said here's your clothes oh finally bro I haven't felt these in eight years ah it feels good to have my clothes back I'm not gonna lie to the shade pretty bad but besides that I'm chilling look at this smile on my face I'm gonna say officer Walter in the most respectful way possible I hope I never see you again you know because I don't want to be back here or anything he said me neither haha oh finally I'm free oh my gosh it feels amazing it hasn't changed a bit out here I won't lie it looks beautiful I'm not gonna lie I don't really know where to give first I don't have a job or any money or anything I mean I might have to sell my clothes honestly and hopefully be able to afford food oh actually I know I want to go check out my uh old house and see if it's still there I mean it should be probably pretty run down now though all right let's see what the heck whose car is that I don't even know and what the bro what guys this is where my house normally is it was right here before I left and whose car is that bro what I'm so confused right now um I'm gonna ring the doorbell I guess I'm gonna say uh anyone home bro what the whose house is this and Jack he just said huh he said tap you're out yeah I'm out bro I'm punching this dude yeah get on the floor Bud he said uh he said what was that for bro what do you mean what was that for I was in prison for eight years because of you and and how in the heck did you get this house he said that's in the past in the past I got out of prison this morning he said glad to hear bro I hate this guy I'm gonna say uh how do you even afford this house well what do you do now he said what the hell money we got the money we got bro uh you owe me some of that he said haha bro nothing is funny he just said oh ah okay well let's bring my money back guys that's actually kind of good I need that money right now boys he said about that I spent it all you spent it all he said have you seen my new car yes I saw its Pro what is this guy doing okay well what do you do for work now then he said I make movies oh um interesting I'm uh I'm gonna say uh can I be in one oh we could make a movie about our lives that would go crazy he said I could use more money but but what bro I don't know it's not a good idea bro it is trust me listen I didn't do anything for money right now guys I'm desperate like I I need money bad he said what if people find out that I'm the reason of the robbery bro thinking of doubt that actually makes me mad I'm not gonna lie I'm gonna say uh we can twist it a little bro he said I don't know man dot dot he said the idea could make money but it's just not a good idea okay interesting whatever I'm gonna say oh oh okay what else could we do then and bro I'm getting some food in here I'm not gonna lie I'm kind of hungry this is basically my house too he said you could leave what why is it this house isn't yours I'm gonna say I went to prison for eight years for this house it's basically mine I mean okay it's not mine but still bro he goes for some food or something he said tell that to the cops bro what is wrong with this guy he said get out before I call him to get eight more years bro what is wrong with okay all right you know what fine I hope I never see you again bro I'm getting out of this house right now bro this is insane guys this dude took all the money bought this stupid car this stupid house with a hot tub on the balcony and now I'm out here just hopeless bro like what do I do now guys and he just said whoa I'm rich yeah amazing amazing bro okay I'm going for another walk dude I don't know what to do I have to just find working on the city somewhere because without that I'm just screwed and whose car is that over there and oh look at the chat someone just said listen I need a new actor for the movie Now where's that to say now I'm confused for a movie uh I could definitely do that is she right is that that's already here she said I can get you a movie deal but I need an actor I don't care who it is uh guys this is my time I'm gonna say uh hi ma'am I overheard your phone call and uh did you say you needed an actor you said hello sir she said yes I did I'm gonna say uh I could help you she said do you have any experience uh no I just got out of jail today actually I probably should have said that guys that sounds pretty bad on me she said oh that's tough we'll make it work though wait what she said actually we can make a movie about that wait wait really that's what I wanted to do oh my gosh I could prove Jack wrong he said how long were you in jail for uh it was eight years like a very long time and she said why uh I kind of robbed a bank but I was with my partner and then he told on me so I went to jail and he got off innocence she said ooh drama I like it yes guys so so we can make a movie about it is that what I'm hearing guys is that what I'm hearing right now she said yes we can let's take you to the studio let's go boys who did hop in uh don't mind if I do oh my gosh there's no way [Music] I got the money let's go grab the card run downstairs the directions right there you just shoot out and make it real the director's talking gotta get the gotta get the get in the car and just drive away he's in cut cut okay okay we're good we're good he said Perfect all right cool cool oh my gosh guys recording a movie is stressful I'm not gonna lie I'm gonna say uh that's not exactly how it went down but uh it's fine I guess he said it's almost near um not not really to be honest but okay it's fine he said you're nailing this tap oh thank you he said this movie will be a bigger I can't wait to see it oh my gosh I love this director I'm gonna say I know it will he's the same to you cop Walter he said thanks he said all right you need to rest now five more scenes than editing yeah yeah true gotta record the inside of the the prison and all of that he said all right I'm gonna set up the next scene catch you soon um okay all right I guess I gotta rest for now boys I'm not gonna lie I don't really have anywhere to go uh I'm doing this movie but I'm still kind of homeless for the moment I'm probably gonna show in the park I'm honestly ah honestly guys I can't believe I used to live in that prison right there and now I'm sleeping outside of it but listen it's okay guys I'm telling you once this movie goes out I'm Gonna Be Rich I'm telling you guys it's gonna go so well I get excited thinking about it just a few more weeks and we'll be there ah boys well he said yo it's your big David he said welcome to your movie this is your big day let's light this up wait a minute what oh Fireworks off he said whoa bro my voice cracked so hard he said look how many cars we have here I know right the whole city came to see this movie he said I told you Perfection we oversold let's go rob hype guys not gonna lie we put so much work into that movie she said I knew you would be perfect for violently found on the side of the road but uh I mean I guess you're right you're the best agent I could have ever asked for and he said tab is the best actor whoa he said let's go inside now let's see it all right and he said wait huh he said we don't want to interrupt any people watching oh okay uh that's true but right now everyone loves the movie oh my gosh man that just feels amazing to hear guys after being in prison for eight years or something I didn't really even do he said we didn't dab Rose dancing I'm gonna say yes we did she said woohoo he said I'm hyped for this woo I'm gonna say I'm hyped too man today has been the best day of my life and someone just said tap wait what bro Jack uh Jack why are you here he just said huh do you know him tap he said who's this I'm gonna say uh yeah I know him he said I just watched the movie and it was great I'm gonna say oh really you're lucky I didn't tell them the full story he said we don't talk about that full story uh he said what is that I'm gonna say well I kind of mentioned it to the Asian at first but Jack was the reason I was in prison for eight years he said I'll pay you on 100K that's a listen what if he wouldn't have told on me it would have only been four years each instead he lied about the entire situation he said I see and bro what the heck there's the camera out and she just said now I understand he said Say cheese he said but because I lied you're rich from a movie haha so you're welcome I'm gonna say so you admit that you lied he said um no I'm gonna say Jack just tell the truth did you lie or not he said come on nothing will happen smiley face he said I uh fine I did it and yo there's the cup I'm gonna say look Walter he's admitting he's a liar he said uh oh he said I see he said no I didn't he's an agent of alter we got him he said you won't catch me what he's running get him you're under arrest bro what is going on right now he just said um he said those legs can run but not made from metal false accusations illegal he said and you're the one around the bank I'm gonna say well we both did he said 16 years in prison oh five five to your agency oh my gosh she didn't see he in a minute give him another eight I'm gonna say I already admitted it I never lied he said stand up for me and the director just recording this he said oh he said you have the right to remain silent this can't be happening oh my God gosh today's not even better day now ah Justice is served because I'm coming back for you tap yeah sure you are see you in 16 years bud you said I will don't you worry all right boys smash like button subscribe for more videos like this one anyways I hope you enjoyed I'll see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: Tappy
Views: 630,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tappy, tappy roblox, brookhaven, brookhaven rp, roblox brookhaven, brookhaven roblox
Id: ahW5dO6zYHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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