I Tested 18 GLITCHES in Roblox Brookhaven..

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so today I'm testing 18 glitches inside of Brookhaven now for the first glitch apparently you're actually able to break inside of a banned Brookhaven house so I'm gonna go ahead and get banned from this guy's house really quick let's just Spam his doorbell and uh hello what's up buddy oh and I'm banned okay as you can see it's all red I'm not actually able to walk inside I'm trying to walk inside I literally can't but my friend can so what you do is you get your friend to actually carry you there we go and look at this I'm inside of a van Brookhaven house it's literally not supposed to be possible okay and oh look there's the other guy and okay you've been my friend too so now we're both out but it's actually pretty sick because it does work you're able to get inside of a band Brookhaven house so that is glitch confirmed so for the next list you're actually able to spawn ladders on top of each other in build up into the sky now it's also a two-person glitch so I'm gonna have my friend spawn his ladder and then what you do is jump on top of that one oh and we both fell and there we go and then I put my ladder on top of that one and look at this we're already floating it looks like we're hacking all right now he gets up here puts his ladder on mine perfect oh and he just fell to the bottom well anyways I'll have my friend delete his ladder and look at this I'm literally is flying in the sky I mean this is technically a flying glitch if you ask me you're able to get super high up you can scale walls you can go wherever you want really so um W glitch glitch confirmed okay so for the next glitch apparently if you get the Bugatti and you put on Max turbos and then put it to Max Speed then you set yourself settings to 1.5 and look Ken is scared if you drive full speed into the wall apparently you're able to actually get into another game or maybe another part of Brookhaven I don't really know so I'm sure you guys have also wondered like what's on the other side of those walls like what what are these walls doing in Brookhaven so hopefully this glitch works but all right boys here we go Bugatti Max Speed oh oh don't crash don't crash oh what the okay well nothing happened um Candy okay bud I'm gonna say you okay I think my friend is dead now he said smelling concrete um well that is actually glitch busted guys unfortunately that one doesn't work kind of sad honestly because I want to know what's behind those walls but I guess we'll never know all right so for the next glitch apparently there is a flying motorcycle glitch now all you have to do actually is get your friend to carry you on his back there we go and then he gets on the motorcycles on the arcade and now once he's on here you go ahead and teleport to a house and boom now if he moves and glitches out really weird so let me get him to stop moving but look at that that makes no sense and okay if I try to jump he's still there so I don't really notice when that glitch it's pretty weird not gonna lie but there's also just a creepy motorcycle there now I mean that's just weird I mean can I get on it oh what the okay and if you get on it it just brings you back to the arcade I guess yo this glitch is insane what the heck it's actually so cool oh yo I wonder if you saw that he said yo what the okay well that is actually glitch confirmed a pretty cool glitch in my opinion so definitely get your friend and try that one who said you were going through the floor bro I know that was crazy all right well glitch confirmed all right so for the next glitch you're actually apparently able to fly with just this Fountain right here so if you go ahead and get in the fountain and then just kind of swim around it a little bit you'll see that you just swim right now if you swim along the edges and then very slowly go over the edge I'm literally flying okay wait it's kind of glitch but why am I swimming outside of the fountain that makes no was that don't have to go up come on go up uh I'm trying to go up it won't work normally it would actually fly upwards let me try it again but here we go come on it takes a little bit of glitching you know you have to kind of try it a few times but you get swimming oh my friends had to be smaller I'm pretty sure it actually helps as well let me go make yourself really small 0.5 size come on I just want to fly and look he's doing it my friend's doing it what the heck it looks so funny his little legs are slipping so fast probably that's literally a fly unless you guys ask me I mean he's literally flying so oh and I'm doing it too yes actually stopped but okay that's the confirmed it definitely does work okay next we have a get under the map glitch so if you guys didn't know it's actually possible to live out of Brookhaven well I'm pretty sure at least we're gonna try it right now but if you go to the mall and then go inside of the movie theater and then you go down to the theater itself you stick your sleeping bag right over here I think that's where it is and then you go outside and oh oh uh guys it's the wrong way this is the wrong way okay hold on I did not want to die let me put a ladder right there or right there guys I'm definitely gonna die no okay you're supposed to put a sleeping bag right here guys that's kind of my mistake but anyways once you do that you jump and look rest out of the map I mean it's under the map actually and yo wait what is that right there um I'm kind of curious guys okay I'm gonna go to my free cam right now and try to see if I can find out what this is because this looks pretty interesting I'm gonna find some kind of secret glitch Joe oh it's the plane what the heck when you use the plane it teleports you under the map that's interesting well anyways that's looking for invoice on to the next one okay so the next list actually involves the plane and apparently lets you fly the plane which I'm not sure if it works or not but if you go to the plane itself which is right over here don't go in the airport you have to go on top of the actual plane and then you go right here you walk to the driver's side apparently you can sit in the plane and fly us you have to do the city mode obviously sit down right there you turn around and um guys it's not working it's it's not working wait maybe you can listen with sleeping bag though I mean that's how you do it um no this is not gonna work guys well I actually listened to the airport but that is uh glitch busted unfortunately it doesn't work all right next we have the connectable car glitch so apparently if you grab two buses you spawn one bus first and then you put the next bus right in front of the other bus it's supposed to somehow connect and turn like a super bus I don't know if it works or not but obviously as we're finishing out today so let's go ahead and try in three two one and oh um it didn't work let me see uh no it didn't work all right well that's uh upsetting maybe I did it wrong let me try it again here let me put it a little bit closer I'll put it right there and oh it just moved my bus to the side and now we have three buses all right well that's also uh glitch oh what though we have four boxes all right well the glitch busted unfortunately it doesn't work all right next we have actually a flying car glitch what you have to do is stand on top of the diving board but don't actually jump on it don't do that you're standing right here where it says warning danger and then you spawn any car you want so we'll spawn a Bugatti started off and there we go wow it is flying all right so watch it fly back down and oh what though yo look at that thing oh my God okay I'm not gonna lie that's one of my favorite glitches it's just so funny you can use literally any car you want so I'm gonna spawn like the 14 wheelers car and oh look at the van the kidnapper man okay let me try this huge truck this one right here guys you know what I'm talking about right that one oh okay wait I could do it bigger for sure is there a bigger one which have that one oh okay I need to go more to the right I think or more to the left because this is a long car let me try it out please wait one second and come on oh okay yeah it does work it's just a little bit weird and now there's a big giant truck in the pool and no not the tank man oh no okay now actually bonus glitch on this one if you let your friend spawn the car you'll actually get inside of it so I'll let my Franklin spawn his car it could be any car as well and it should work it no it didn't work let me try again wait for it to come down come on come on come on come on and I'm in yo it's actually pretty sick I'm not gonna lie it can literally fling you across the map anywhere you want to go so that is let's confirmed all right next we have a glitch that can apparently get you inside of the secret tunnels of Brookhaven so you gotta go and get in your car and drive over to the cabin in the woods near the lake let's go for a quick little cruise over there whoops just crashed anyways go to the subway right next to it and then you go all obviously in the subway itself not sure why the lights were off but you walk inside of the subway you go to the back of it and now as you can see it's a secret room okay we're literally moving inside of the tunnels right now but if you somehow glitch into here which you do in a sleeping bag then you're able to actually get into the secret tunnels of Brookhaven now I hope it works boys because it sounds so sick but let's try it I think it should work come on and oh um guys I don't I don't think it's gonna work let me try it again and come on man I want to go on the tunnels and oh I think I'm outside of the map I'm definitely gonna die and yeah I just died oh my gosh I wanted that one to work bro oh that's glitch busted unfortunately does not work boys all right next we have this flying bomb glitch now this one involves making yourself super super small and then you pull out a bomb you have to lay down with the hurt animation and then you put the bomb right on your chest and it should make you fly now it might take a few tries but let's try it and oh um I'm not flying all right well all right is explode that all right put it again and bro it's not working what the heck I told you boys have to try it quite a few times so just keep trying it doesn't work all right come on come on come on I'm gonna put it right in my chest right there and yes it's working okay I don't stress on that or not but look I am literally flying up right now I'm a hacker bro you said yo what the oh and oh disappeared oh and yo what the heck's happening to me now all right well unfortunately didn't work I want to try it again though boys that was such a sick glitch dude come on let me try it come on it takes so many tries everyone's half time and yo yes it worked again I love this glitch guys comment down below which glitch is your favorite but we're still not done with a lot more to go all right so that's glitch confirmed all right next appealing is actually a glitch where you can drown in Brookhaven which if you guys didn't know is pretty much impossible but there's a glitch for it so what you have to do is go ahead and grab your binoculars find a house spawn the house in you can be any house as long as has a pool in it so we'll go ahead and spawn this house right here go to the backyard spawn your pool in now what you ever do actually is just go inside of the pool okay and if you want you can put a sleeping bag in there to make it so you actually lay there no swim but once you're in your pool I'm gonna say Ken hop in buddy you're gonna drown with me bro said sounds good all right so you just spawn the pool and there we go and um we are now stuck yeah we're definitely drowning listen boys I'm not gonna lie I don't know if this counts or not it's drowning but in my opinion it does so I'm gonna say that is um glitch confirmed we are gonna drown all right so next there's apparently a way to actually explode your car in Brookhaven now it doesn't involve this thing right here not none of this this doesn't count it actually makes your entire car explode now what you gotta do is get your friend to spawn in a car and then spawn in your own car so then you want to get them to max turbo and also Max Speed get some distance between each other and then you want to go full on speed with your car so here we go in three two one go okay come on come on come on come on come on come on oh what though okay that didn't work all right so that is uh glitch busted um yeah it just made a little loud noise kind of unfortunate okay for the next list we actually have a pretty cool spying glitch and what you do is make sure you have no house then you want to go ahead and click the house button and the binoculars and then you can actually look at any house you want right everyone knows this but if you pull out binoculars while you're in that menu you can spy wherever you want and if you turn your UI off it gets even better now as you can you can look anywhere you want you can spy anywhere you want it's super sick so in my opinion uh that is looking firmed okay so for the next list apparently we type slash AFK in the chat it makes you levitate and oh it didn't work oh wait maybe it's just AFK actually and yeah you're levitating you know I don't know if this counts as a glitch or not but in my opinion it kind of is self glitch confirmed all right so for the next glitch apparently you can actually kill people inside of Brookhaven now you do that with the garbage truck so first thing you gotta do is spawn in a garbage truck then as you can see you have this little button on the side of your screen what you do is you actually grab your friend with the garbage machine so you drive up next to them and I'm sorry bud but you're gonna have to die today let me take my speed a little bit lower there we go you line up right next to them I'm gonna say uh a bit closer please you said premium trash you press the button and oh it doesn't work bro I thought it worked I swear I did I'm gonna say uh try a car maybe that'll work all right let's try it come on and okay that wasn't working either boys well boys that is glitch busted unfortunately it does not work all right so the next Stitch we actually have a racetrack ramp glitch now it's kind of debatable this is the glitch because it wasn't meant to be used like this so it kind of is but if you go ahead and actually get a tow truck and then you light it up in the middle of the road just like that put the tow truck thing down it is now officially a ramp then you get your front in a super fast car and we'll see what happens with this boys here we go and you drive at it Max Speed oh gosh I'm nervous I'm so nervous it should be a ramp and come on oh well that that didn't work what the heck man come on again again again again again and okay well that's uh definitely glitch busted all right so for this glitch apparently you're able to die in Brookhaven using this thing right here so what you want to do is you go ahead and just drive up into it with your car you put the lift up and oh I'm not on this thing properly and yo what the heck I'm falling then you lower the lift while you're uh under it and I'm definitely gonna die boys oh no oh no um do I die oh I didn't die oh well never mind guys glitch busted all right boys how's this video if you're interested leave a like if you did subscribe if you're new that we don't miss out on any new videos anyways I hope you enjoyed I'll see you guys in the next one peace [Music]
Channel: Tappy
Views: 1,094,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tappy, tappy roblox, brookhaven, brookhaven rp, roblox brookhaven, brookhaven roblox
Id: npy8ROL4dEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2023
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