The Full Story of My CREEPY DAYCARE.. (Brookhaven RP)

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so today I'm telling you guys the full story of my creepy daycare from the way I found the daycare to trying to save the kids all the way to finding out the reason why they created this I hope you enjoy so I was in Brookhaven when I saw this daycare worker saying wanna come to our daycare we have candy and the kid was like yes so I followed them and watched them go inside now once they got inside the kids said where's the candy and the daycare worker said I lied winky face now that creeped me out so I need to go undercover and figure out what's going on inside of this daycare but I'm reading the chat right now and that girl just said you're staying here forever and he said uh oh this is not good okay listen listen I do not know what's going on in there but I need to figure it out right now so I'm gonna make myself a kid so I'm pretty sure all I have to do is go right here click on the size and then just make myself smaller okay so 0.5 not a little kid okay okay so I'm gonna go and try right now guys I'm not gonna lie this might be a mistake this could go really really bad but screw it okay I have to say this kid I'm not gonna just like let someone get kidnapped I don't really know what's going on but here we go here we go home I guess I'm nervous I'm nervous oh where's the doorbell okay we're going we're going they're coming they're coming um they're saying hi oh hey I'm gonna say hey I saw this was a daycare can I come in she said come in oh no oh my I'm nervous okay okay I'm going in uh wow it's really nice in here oh my gosh if I see two kids up there there's two kids in this daycare look they're talking right now I'm pretty sure that was the one who got kidnapped right there Aaron she said are you sure you want to stay here uh yeah I'm pretty sure why and bro the matching outfits are creepy bro like what are they wearing she said once you stay you never leave I'm gonna say never leave bro what do they mean by that like never leave yes okay that's creepy bro I'm not gonna lie I don't know anymore that um okay I don't really care as long as it's a daycare I love day cares okay listen listen obviously I'm just showing them okay I'm trying to make them think I'm a kid and think I'm like really dumb but they're falling for it obviously he said all right happy face oh my gosh this is really bad dude this is really bad and the guy just said welcome in um so I'm officially in yes you said there's food slides anything you need here oh uh that's awesome well I'll just go make some friends see you later okay okay I'm walking away now bro this is creepy bro I'm not gonna lie this is really creepy you know what's going on here this guy said talks to monkey look at that toy sad okay what is going on over here I'm gonna say so what's going on over here this kid just said uh oh another one dot dot he said uh oh what do you mean uh-oh what is what are they talking about I'm confused he said you know that when they mean you're here forever they're not joking bro what what is he saying they just can't be for candy yeah I know bro Aaron I saw that happen he said I've been here for three years bro what three years he said yup he said keep it down they might hear us okay that's true that's true he said he fell for the same trick okay I'm confused what do you mean by you're here forever couldn't I just run away like he said no they have guns and this kid just said what I can tell he's scared and they just close the windows that's creepy bro what the heck that's really creepy he just said a kid here before tried escaping and what happened and they didn't make it dot dot dot okay bro this is creepier than I thought I need to take a seat bro okay I really don't like this you said were you like a toy bro I don't want a toy I don't want a toy I want to get to the bottom of this and this kid just said I'm scared bro you're scared I'm scared he said so do I but I have nothing okay I'm gonna say so why are they doing all of this like I'm confused he said I'm not sure and this kid just said I have homework to do I can't be here forever look at his face he's sad I want to say bro homework we got bigger problems than homework how about never seeing your parents ever again and this kid just said yeah this is my all a pluses bro okay whatever he said they had a plan a plan uh what what kind of plan of us staying here forever okay I know that but what else and being there it's getting tagged that's how bad it is slaves throw what I said okay hold on hold on guys uh they're getting close let's let's quiet down he said keep it down okay yeah yeah yeah um gold that toy is nice wow nice toy okay I'm pronouncing this other right now because it's like really close he's like staring at us like she's creepy he said yes I agree everyone has one no uh I kind of want one second I have one for I do not care about these toys whatsoever but that guy is right there behind us and bro tell me why he has a knock knock who's looking at his bro what the heck okay I'm gonna notice I'm gonna say uh Hey Elijah I'm hungry The Whispers act like we're playing he said hey he said Gabby's making food oh nice good to hear she said I'll tell you when it's ready um okay and this kid just said that was close dot dot dot okay oh wait wait guys listen it's a daycare and it's night time right now so if it's night time shouldn't I be able to go home he's more like a prison he said no no no you don't know this okay this guy might be just capping bro he said they got guns surrounded listen listen I'ma just asked to go home and watch I'll go home I'm gonna say hey Gabby the food's ready oh no it's okay um can I go home my mom is probably waiting for me he said no don't do it she said oh no this other kid just said yeah I have homework to do she said hmm uh so can I she said eat first uh eat first this kid just said I don't even need the candy he's just scared now bro look at him she said yeah add a recipe for the food you'll like it a lot bro what are you talking about I'm so confused she cooks very well I'm gonna say so after I eat I can go home question mark okay maybe he's not lying bro I'm not gonna lie I I don't know anymore he might have not been capping she said if you stay awake for long enough okay they're not letting us leave um okay let's eat so eat now okay okay let's eat let's eat bro I'm scared I'm actually scared of this point bro what is going on right now look at this kid bro I can just tell he's scared I'm gonna say well where's the food this kid said start shaking bro he's literally shaking all over here okay cool cool she said enjoy uh thank you she said we're gonna go upstairs and make your beds right now um okay even though I didn't say I wanted to stay here but I guess I don't have a choice oh gosh okay Trey you weren't lying bro he said guys don't eat it wait actually I'm not gonna lie I'm kind of hungry so they put a special type of poison in it if someone asks to leave bro what so you will be sleepy no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no this is creeper than I thought this is actually creepier than I thought she said pancakes are my favorite bro he said and they do that every time in your Foods oh my gosh bro is that yours and I thought oh no I'm gonna say Trey dude we have to get out of here I know everything I've been here too long oh my gosh they're here she said hey hey hey uh how you doing Gabby uh hi Miss Gabby oh and the food's going away thankfully I I don't know why but it's going away she's all the beds done he said can't wait to have roommates she said yeah they are oh perfect I'm so tired ready to go to sleep okay I'm lying on this point guys I don't obviously don't want to go to sleep I want to leave this house but if I try to leave I I don't think he's lying I don't think he's wrong bro hold on the door's locked it has a lock over it oh my gosh is that a little surprised none of the food's done oh yeah I I wasn't that hungry and they just said come on upstairs okay I guess we're going where's the Aaron come on bro oh my gosh I'm actually scared bro I'm actually scared give me five we're gonna be fine we're gonna be fine where's the bed so there's two areas here and and here and Trey said let's sleep here guys okay yeah I'm gonna listen to Trey I don't know why you're saying that but um yeah this looks good let's sleep here let's look here um okay listen that's far away from them that's why I want to make sure I'm far away from them it's more far from them okay he wasn't lying okay um oh I thought you'll take the best but okay I'm gonna say well I'm really tired so if you can turn the lights on that'd be great good night guys okay okay I wanna go to sleep everyone just they're going to sleep and hopefully leave us alone so I want to talk to Trey more I want to ask him some more questions I really have someone to talk about too about she said good night sweet dreams boys good night okay we're up we're up they left there left us alone the lights are off he said guys eat these bananas throw bananas what still help okay I'm not gonna lie I didn't eat any of that Foods I am pretty hungry all right well thank you bro I won't be sleeping all right I'm gonna say so how do we get out of here they're saying give me your monkeys they're saying that monkey has cameras on them but I don't even have one so I'm good listen forget the monkeys how do we get out of here he said I might know a plan because I didn't have anyone here so I couldn't do it but follow me guys um okay be careful dude we don't want them to hear us oh gosh where are we going bro where are we going are all sticking I guess I don't know where we're going exactly but I'm gonna be very very careful let's all go over here and roll the door is literally locked but we can't leave right now to the gore that's that's kind of roots okay where are we going bro I'm gonna see where are we going oh under the playpen um okay this is kind of good but how do we get out of here he said come what the heck what the heck went to the ground uh Aaron I'm gonna say let's go I guess oh yo it's like an underground little bunker because you could hide here okay we could hide here but what does that do for us okay you can hide here and then once this morning they'll come looking for you he said and leave the door unlocked and then he could signal for when you can come up oh it's actually smart because they trust Trey right I'm gonna say dude that's smart and this dude just found a cookie bro don't eat that cookie bro we don't know where that's been okay hold on hold on let me explain Trey's plan though I'm gonna say so basically that actually will work because they trust you they'll leave the door unlocked for you but if they wake up in the morning and we're not here they'll go look for us but a little do they know we're still inside or we can run right out I'm gonna say bro you're a genius and he said by the way you guys need to sleep here make no noises okay all right we won't we won't we won't don't worry bro trust me bro I love Trey bro he's actually so smart I'm gonna say Trey we're getting out of here together bro he said finally after three years bro three years it's insane you say good night guys I'm gonna say good night bro I'll see you in the morning oh my gosh once we escape oh I'm nervous I'm actually nervous I'm actually so nervous okay and it's going up okay okay he's gonna let me watch I want to make sure he's all good okay we're good all right Aaron back down there okay this is actually insane same guys bro like the fact that I'm gonna stick it right now the fact that I actually can't leave I'm gonna say bro do you think the plan is actually gonna work he said maybe dot dot dot you're right maybe so but there's only one way to find out he said how do we know the look for us bro he said that we can never leave and if we do they'll find us so they're gonna have to find us oh my gosh this is genius all right Aaron go to sleep the plan will work perfectly tomorrow good night bro Aaron says snores I'm gonna say haha we're actually so smart ah it's the morning after right now 9 16 a.m and wait it's The Morning After bro wake up wake up Erin bro why are you sleeping like that dude and look at the chat oh my gosh um the girl said where are they she said I remember two more kids were here and then Trey's like I don't know I was sleeping she said where did they go uh they probably escaped he said am I late for school bro late for school we're stuck at a daycare Trey I mean Aaron use your brain he said oh yeah oh look at the chat let's check the house first and Teresa just check around the neighborhood they probably escaped so what do we do Bravo Aaron just don't type okay she said no we're checking the house first oh no no okay let me look up there bro I'm kind of scared too but let me see if I can maybe get a good look up there what's going on oh my gosh oh my gosh he was right there bro okay I can't a good look right now but he was literally right there I'm not sure you guys saw that or not bro oh my gosh they have guns out right now I'm looking for us that's actually not good bro oh my okay I'm coming out I'm gonna stealing some more I should Trey over there oh he's right there he said I can't find them oh my gosh but they both have guns they're both looking for them and Trey said look because they go check the neighborhood it should be there if they're not here oh he's really trying to help us out oh my gosh he said shut up Trey oh my gosh well they're so mean they get me when they're mad bro he said okay sad face bro poor Trey look around there's a teddy bear again I'm going down go back down listen Aaron just hide here stay here okay so we're gonna stay here until they leave they're gonna leave is right okay only a matter of time before they realize we're not here we're hoping they'll finally Finance they find us right now we're screwed but if they don't which they shouldn't then they're gonna end up leaving and we should be able to break out while they're gone Aaron said do you think we're gonna make it out bro yes bro don't worry he said I hope so dot dot and look at the trash she said let's search the neighborhood okay they're gonna do it they're gonna do it let's go let's go and Trey's here he said tap Aaron they're gone come out oh my gosh yes dude it worked but they're not gone they're not gone they're still here right there is it weights oh my gosh that was close dude they almost saw us okay I'm gonna say let them let them get a little further away in the daycare oh my gosh yesterday they're driving away and we can leave right after they go yes yes just get in the van and drive away get in that van did he knock it in it bro is he dumb okay they're gone they're gone they're gone they're gone he said finally I'm gonna say yes bro Ray we did it after three years let's go bro where's Aaron what the heck Aaron he said whoa all right come on bro straight wait up bro we're gone we're gone let's just run as far as possible bro we made it out boys let's go he said we can live in my mom's house um okay I don't really care bro as long as we gotta here that's all that matters dude oh my gosh the airport right there too much probably hop on the plane and then maybe you could run away from there but no we can't afford playing tickets we're a bunch of little kids there's a big house over there I'm gonna say uh abandoned house right down there let's just keep going there he said OMG yeah wait what and they have guns she said what the heck oh no uh he said hey she said where do you guys think you're going oh no no no no no no they're saying hands up oh my gosh so one of my last videos I purposely went undercover in a creepy daycare to investigate I ended up finding out that this daycare was a prison that once you joined you could never go home all the kids in there were trapped so I helped them break out but right when we got out the daycare owners caught up to us in a van and pulled out guns so now I think we're getting napped oh no guys bro they literally have guns pointed us they said you think it's that easy to escape uh no I didn't think that at all this guy said please don't shoot us yeah and he said please know I have homework bro homework she said you were gonna get us in trouble um you know we we weren't trying she said we treated you good not bad but now bro what they did not treat us good at all she said you won't see any treatment near good not even decent now they're saying they're gonna they're gonna treat us badly are you kidding me like you already were how bad could it get I'm gonna say this isn't good they said get in the car right now get in the van uh oh are we doing it guys he said I don't want to get in yeah me neither bro the guy said I want to also experience eating steak bro what I said okay I guess we're getting in guys we have no choice they literally have guns we have no choice oh my gosh this is so bad bro we just broke out guys we were so close we were literally out I don't know where are they taking us uh the house is back that way I'm gonna say um ma'am stop the van please she said what um where are you taking us the house is back that way she said don't worry about it wait what's um what's going on where are we going um guys guys where where are we going she said it's a better place smiley face bro what and this kid said my stop and stop ahead to the left you can drop me off there bro they're not gonna do that bro we're stuck here forever I mean don't worry we're gonna break out there's no one let them kidnap me like this we were so close to the end but it failed I know bro I know and what that wait what is this house uh she said it's in the house go on this is a house bro what it's literally like a tiny Shack it's like it's like a hill with some solar panels she said go on kids I mean just get in oh she's mad she's mad oh he's mad too he said get it now okay uh she said cough more like bunker yo what the heck they have plants here like what is this okay wait this is even a house like where are we I'm confused she said down right now I just want to go down again okay okay I said ah he's running okay let's go down let's go down and yo what the heck yo this is like a huge bunker bro no no no no no no no no no no what is this what is this what is this I'm so confused right now she said follow me um okay okay just don't shoot please this kid said I can't believe you were even able to afford this she said I'm not broke like your family bro what that toxic she said anyway get in there get in where what what the plants it's plants this guy said can I put my arms down they're getting tired oh and this kid said tries to hold tears she said I guess okay I'm putting my arms down too honestly she said but get in okay okay well everyone get in everyone get in just listen to her guys yo what the heck she closed it um hello we're in here she said I know takes a chunk Off plan needs it bro what are you doing stop eating she said hey don't eat my plants you said your plants need water and now she's watering the plants in front of us bro he said cops the guy said the plants are fake like you miss Gabby yo don't back talk right now bro it's not a good time for that they could literally kill us he said oy watch it brat he said they're gonna get us I'm gonna say okay wait wait wait so why why are we here she said you're here because you escaped the last place and we need all of you bro what so then make sure you're not escaping again I put you all in here wow okay so you're saying we're stuck in this bunker forever she said you guys will see it's an impossible place to escape and she said if any of you try to escape again bro look at this gets crossed she said or even think about it did you guys see this uh no I I can't actually there's a big wall oh this kid said I miss my family bro I feel so bad I'm gonna say bro keep it together this guy said I missed my homework bro what is he talking about she said oy kids look okay sorry sorry and what the heck yo that machine what does it lights up on fire it's like an incineration of a scene and she just had a smiley face um so what what what is that for though like well I'm confused not not for us right she said so don't even think of escaping she said it totally isn't for you boys and sent a smiley face bro where are we and he said you're making s'mores with that right bro this guy does not know how to not be scared he does not care he's just like oblivious she said what no I'm gonna say do we even get like beds he said no bro what she said we gave you beds last time no last time you gave us sleeping bags she said but you ran away listen if I get a bed I won't run away this time I'm captain she said you're not getting all right never mind well that dream's dead she said actually if you behave you might get it eventually oh okay all right whatever I don't care about that much anyways this this dirt and grass is more comfortable than a bed right guys dirt and grass very comfy she said we got stuff to do so stay here we'll be upstairs oh okay so I guess they're gonna leave us alone for a while okay that's good though I need to talk to train air like really bad because uh okay and turn the lights off and they're going upstairs uh what the heck all right we're finally alone I'm gonna say guys how the heck are we getting out of here he said yes this guy said I don't know well we need to think bro he said ass nicely bro you're okay this guy's not thinking you're not thinking right now bro Aaron said hmm he said perhaps there's an emergency button to get out of this thing I mean that might be true because it's like a bunker but he said you think they're that stupid okay that's true probably not you said oh wait I remember what what do you remember what she said he's been here once how have you been here once dude huh because they had only me but they didn't trust me so they took me with them and they went here oh yeah because Trey was in the daycare for a while whenever I first went in there with the Aaron she's been there for a long time she said I saw weapons here what the heck is that weapons bro if we can find a weapon it's easy we'll break out so easy guys so there's boxes over there there's boxes over there hold on maybe we should how do we get out of this cage so we're like a glass cage bro with plants he said everyone try finding a weapon um okay I don't think we're up in this bushes but I'll look Anthony has a flashlight and his backpack we could use to see better but it won't help much okay that's useful but yeah pull it out I want to see oh what the heck bro wait no put it down put it down that's way too bright bro yeah yeah way too bright they're gonna see that and why don't hear like a blender upstairs what is that let me see if we can zoom out oh yeah what the heck bro she's on the table right now what is she doing oh yeah they're making food what the heck they're both making food on the table up there he's dancing on the food it's like stepping on it for like for fun he said spit bro what the heck did you food he's on like around a bunch of food right now so what what does he mean spits he said he he oops throw what he's spitting in our food you know what the heck he said you guys come over here what happened what happened Trey I found an ax yo what how did he find an ax I mean that's actually they're actually just plants over here so it makes sense I mean they were they were probably using that to harvest the plants and they just left it bro they're so dumb he said we can break the glass oh well uh guys guys guys don't talk don't talk don't talk oh everybody shovel oh hey what's up guys he said what was that uh oh she saw it um he said hey my favorite people she said fave question mark weird anyway your food oh our food that's the food they spit in bro they're trying to give it to us actually um they said Ty Miss Gabby and Mr Elijah yummy bro do not eat it I'm gonna say Don't eat yet guys because they're still here I don't I don't want to say it in front of them that'd be really bad I'm gonna say we can eat together she said I want to say uh we like eating in privacy she said something wrong with the not eating uh no just did I want to see you take a bite yup bro Aaron took a bite no Aaron bro is it good he said yes oh he's so dumb he doesn't know that he's spinning it bro okay whatever whatever I'm gonna say can you guys go now and she said that's a special type of me he he what do you mean special type of meat like what the heck she said okay brats whatever oh he spit it out he didn't swallow it he spit it out he's so smart he said that was the worst food ever bro I needed to tell you about it bro they spit in that food I saw them doing it he said my homework tastes better why'd you beat your homework you said what yes dude and he said you know you could have pretended I mean he kind of did pretend he didn't even swallow it he said well it looked good bro listen listen who cares he said once I go to sleep we're going to pretend to go to sleep and then he'll tell us when to stop faking bro what I mean I guess we could do that makes dirt Castle bro what dirt Castle it's going to go to action he'll break the glass okay okay that's true we do need to act really bad oh they're back they said OI kids uh hello and they opened it up uh why do they open it follow me oh uh okay yo yo chill chill with the gun show with the guns uh where are we going why are they why were you guys where are we going uh I'm confused me confused guys oh what the heck is this another room yo there's three beds in here sleeping time wait what you're giving us beds he said oh um well that's nice Trey said darn it he didn't want a bed I guess I don't know she said I mean it's impossible to escape so I guess we can trust you this time right and pulled a gun on us oh yes yes of course of course of course uh we would never we would never even think about escaping Trey said I don't like sleeping in the beds I feel better in the plants and the dirt bro what he said gerd too bad just get to your bed already okay listen just just just get in bed Trey he says only two well there's three beds look at Aaron just sitting elegantly on the bed like she said get in bed he said fine okay okay finally he's in bed she said good boys Aaron said start shaking bro what what's wrong Aaron he said sweet dreams kids uh thanks good night guys okay wait for them wait for them to turn the lights off Aaron said guys I found something and yo what the heck a gun dude where did you find this interest results the ax oh the ax that's good he said it was in the boxes oh okay okay uh guys what is that right here uh camera bro put the weapon down Put the gun down put the gun Put the gun down Put the gun down hide the stuff guys there's a camera right there there's a camera right here um I'm gonna block it I'm blocking my body there's a camera right in front of us guys that is not good I'm gonna say guys listen come over here come over here come over here on this side on this side of the room they won't be able to see this with the camera so we're fine over here it's angled that way anyways all right so we have a gun and we have an ax all we need to do is just wait a little they fall asleep and we break out easy he said whoa Tracy that's gonna need more details listen obviously more stuff might happen but we'll figure it out he said maybe we should stay here I mean we got free food and roof over our head bro dumb interested what about this uh what you failed school you said what no he says do you want to stay here now Aaron loves school he said anything about that no not at all okay okay listen so look we're all on the same page we all want to breakouts it's gonna be fine guys he's an I have homework to do okay okay bro why is the other clipboard out right now Aaron put it away he said let's see four plus two is uh okay whatever Trey said listen okay okay what I got a detailed plan okay and it is he said so they had me stay in this room that time that they took me here and Aaron said doesn't involve me doing my homework okay so how do we break out he said this room is glass that's very very loud so don't break the glass okay wait a minute can we just walk through the door bro we can walk right through he said no right he said we can you guys are so dumb okay okay come come come come come come over here over here over here everyone stink everyone's think all right come on come on come on the room's right over there it's gonna be very careful he said there are two our rights I know they are bro oh my gosh our footsteps are so loud they're so loud bro all right it's fine it's fine all right they're right there sleeping okay see I can literally see them oh my gosh it's insane uh Elijah said wakes up in the chat yo what uh guys go go go go go go go go go go out out everyone everyone get out jump jump come on no it's locked and hold on bro it's happening again he said I heard something everyone hide in the plants okay you're right you're right everyone had everyone had everyone hide I'm hiding this one why are we hiding in the same plants oh no his chat is so big his chat is so big he said hmm should we check are they coming I don't even see them they're in bed still they're in bed still he said Gabby question mark oh dude hide hide she said oh sure and oh my gosh she said what's that noise yeah they're up they're out they're out guys hold on guys if they go to the room they're gonna see we're not there we need to run we need to run we need to run he said we could run out yeah we have to we have to we have to we have to they're right there are they in the room I can't tell they're right there no run run follow me take the car take the car come on come on come on everyone everyone and everyone in everybody in go go go we are gone it's back and I won't start okay are we good later oh they're shooting they're shooting oh my gosh oh my gosh and why is it so slow why is it so slow he said get back away and shoot it he doesn't give a crap okay we're gone everyone in the subway in Subway in the subway in the subway oh my gosh finally we're safe guys we're safe alrighty guys so we successfully made it out of the daycare that was insane if you don't forget to smash the like button and subscribe for more videos just like this one hope you enjoyed I'll see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: Tappy
Views: 1,172,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tappy, tappy roblox, brookhaven, brookhaven rp, roblox brookhaven, brookhaven roblox
Id: 1DlgD7OcaXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 11sec (1571 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2023
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