Hide And Seek Brookhaven BUT ONLY ONE COLOR

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we're back in Brookhaven Roblox to play only use one color in hide and seek we take turns spinning a wheel of colors in whatever color it lands on we have to hide using a location or a disguise that matches it things get crazy so stick around for all of these funny moments and can we go for a super speed light goal of 500 likes per hour press it right now let's get golden melon it's time for us to spin the wheel of colors and play only use one color Brookhaven let's do it I'm spinning the wheel first dibs all right fine bro I'll find you first you think so I'm about to disappear into an ocean of Bloom all right see you sonny little did you know blue is my specialty how could blue possibly be your specialty when you're green and red like a doofus melon I don't know but I am perfectly fit to find yellow things in blue oceans yeah you think I'm gonna be yellow I'm blue yo chill I'm blue if I was green I would die get over here so I could touch you with my big old melon no you're weird you're really weird I gotta go guys I gotta go I have two minutes to find a really epic hiding spot and I'm gonna even make a disguise so I've gotta hide somewhere that's blue hmm what is the greatest blue location yo the school lockers no wait he's gonna see those too easily there's gotta be another spot that's themed in the blue colors let's think about this I'm not gonna do Lake Madison it's way too obvious what about maybe one of these stations are any of these blue oh the chairs the chairs are blue oh this could work actually no no no no I'm not doing this I'm not doing this I've got another idea I saw something on the trains television that was the color blue now I've just gotta remember where it is yes the dentist office I'm going upstairs and I am the latest patient and you can see the color theme on the walls is blue and the chair is blue now I've just gotta disguise myself as someone getting their teeth worked on oh that looks convincing remove my glasses and now I need to pick a new face with some messed up teeth Yo that works I'm getting my teeth worked on oh wait this is even crazier look at that one okay okay now I need to do something else to be more in Disguise yeah I'm an old western cowboy who forgot to brush his teeth for a hundred years and now I just gotta go over here change my color to blend in a bit more so melon doesn't think I'm the same person and get in the chair perfect I'm ready melon all right Sonny where are you hiding why are you doing a Southern accent that was rhetorical okay don't answer that question so you're hiding somewhere blue huh possibly like the arcade where are you little Sonny oh no please don't check the arcade they updated this okay you can stop you can stop you can stop now you only have four minutes left to find me bro they replaced the upstairs the arcade with tan Studios you can get tan now what happens if I get tan yo you're gonna cook you're actually gonna cook it do I get a little a little tan going what happens I don't know what just happened but I didn't roast it all I am no redder than I was before guys did you know I'm not actually a watermelon I'm just a person that's really sunburned and also wearing a melon head Ah that's cap I'm actually a watermelon can't believe you believe that now shiny first question are you closer to the barn or are you closer to the airport I suppose probably the Aero Port hmm that's very interesting shiny very fascinating now Sunny are you perhaps in the city or in The Burbs I'm more in the city area I would argue oh okay okay now are you inside her outside final question I'm inside now good luck finding me all right time to check this airport area you in this private jet Sunny area in here no I'm not I'll give you that one for free wait really oh thank you very much that's very kind of view no problem I could be lying but I'm not you can't lie it's not allowed well you're out of question so technically I can fib as much as I want but I'm not I'm being honest where are y'all hiding sunny I know you're close bro you're starting to scare me and the timer is still ticking down you have one minute left oh no this is not good sonny can I get a hint please ah let me think about the hint for a moment when was the last time you used mouthwash and where do you buy it in the bathroom okay you buy it in the bathroom good for you uh uh I don't know where do you buy the grocery store yo guys I just gave melon a hint that's half true half fake the mouthwash bit that would lead him directly to the dentist I almost said floss but that's even more obvious but then I told her where do you buy it and you don't buy that at the dentist they give it to you for free so yeah I messed him up a bit wait a second dentist bro maybe that's what you meant because you I think you can get mouthwash there sometimes they sell some Prada dude they don't sell product at the dentist you're right they don't but they do sell suddies what is this suspicious blue man doing here with some messed up teeth no that couldn't be sunny could it I don't even know what you're talking about I'm in the grocery store with the mouthwash yeah yeah hold on a second hold on a second are you sure you're in the grocery store section with the mouthwash because I have a green syringe and like the song says I'm blue if I was green I would die no melon don't do it please don't dumb and just like that I clutch up and win the hide and seek it's time for me to spin your only use one color see what I get it's spinning come on give me something good give me like green green would be goated well unfortunately for you your orange dang it that's probably the worst color where can I hide that's orange well that's your problem and you only have two minutes starting now one two three got to find some place that's orange where could I possibly hide um uh uh wait a second me thinks me thinks me thinks me has an idea so if I come into this school grab myself a later or is it later there's the later jump on the later and then jump onto this basketball net yes I'm on the orange hoop and now it's time to shrink myself down but first I gotta get rid of the evidence boom and shrink myself down to miniature size become orange is this orange is this orange I think this is more orange than the other orange and then I gotta find some orange clothes orange clothes yep that works and come on some pantalones yo hot Cheeto pants yes everything is perfect and then it's time for me to lie down now I'm hearing and Sony will never be able to find me all right Sonny I'm ready it's about time you had five seconds left let's see what's orange in Brookhaven there's really not much so you don't have a lot of good hiding spots there's quite a few when you put your mind together and you become creative you put your mind together because it's normally broken you had to repair it and combine it that's hilarious yeah that's what I do when I want to concentrate so there was only one thing orange I could remember and it was this chair and you're not in it oh wait basketball hoops those are orange no you're not there either unless that's you that little speck is that a person this is this is not good what was that I gotta check this where's the hoop guys I gotta move I gotta go I gotta go I gotta dip okay let's see these little Hoops there was something here I guess it was just some weird visual glitch maybe if I go upstairs it just looks weird through the window melon first question for you were you perhaps in the Brookhaven school where is a great use of the English language because I didn't play as I was there and yes I was in the school what the heck were you in the bath um pay perhaps yeah just found my next orange location yes yes dang it I actually really saw you I thought it was just a glitch nope yes I win well you don't I still have lots of time relax you got like three minutes okay melon for my second question are you inside or outside I am outside you're outside and it's orange what that doesn't make any sense yeah that's because I'm chilling chilling like a villain you've got to be near the school too I bet let's see here melon wait maybe the fire station it's kind of orange yeah Sunny let me give you a hint you are getting nowhere near me what what else could be orange where you're hiding I'm so confused wait wait there's no way he would have done this there's no way he went back into school and into that chair come on dang it he's not here and no I'm stupid he said he's outside what am I doing I'm wasting my time I'm wasting my time you've got one minute remaining Sonny dang it dang it dang it I need to find Orange oh guys he's walking this way this is not good this is not good he just spawned his Lamborghini there's got to be something did you spawn in a house did you spawn in a vehicle that's a Ferrari uh no I did not where are you oh she just drove right over me how did you not see me bro this makes no sense you've got to be here wait a second it's summertime are the slides back 30 seconds left Sonny dude the water park's not even back yet I don't know where you are and you never will 15 seconds bro bro the yacht no wait no you have to be outside wait maybe on this hill maybe there's an orange tree come on ten nine hey seven six five please where is he Joe what let's go sonny you literally drove right over me what are you talking about you're in this campfire over here yeah just look around for anything that's a little bit suspicious Sonny I'm looking yo wait the Flames aren't on you could have turned these on and gone in the orange fire uh sunny I just look for something that's a little suspicious why is there a ladder teleporting what ladder bro bro bro there's no way there's no way this is where you were I've just been chilling on this orange strip Sunny are you kidding me with the Cheeto pants too in the summer camp shirt that's not cool let's go you got a wrecked Sonny let's go whatever bro I'm spinning the color wheel and I'm gonna disappear now good luck and my only use one color is gonna be come on keep going keep going yes that was epic it's right on the line and I got yellow dude that's pretty solid it almost turned into green one of the worst colors ever what the heck is wrong with you sonny you tried to be nice but I'm not going easy on you anymore just cause you disrespected me like that whatever give me my two minutes to hide I'm out of here I've already been counting you have a minute and a half that's fine I don't need much time to beat you I've just gotta do this head over here click in it and let's see what would be a good Yellow House guys oh this one perfect and now that I have spawned in the University house I will go inside and become a frat bro actually I will go downstairs and disappear where where is it it's right here and then it's like wait where's the button uh is it this one right there yeah okay and I'm downstairs yep I'm pretty sure melon can't find me now and just to be sure let's get even more yellow oh look at these cute little yellow pajamas and I'm an angel oh and a king all right I feel pretty powerful now time for me to just sit back relax and enjoy this hide and seek melon good luck oh all right Sonny see where are you hiding according to the tracker I put on you you should be this way yeah nice try if you put a tracker on me you'd know you've already lost you think your hiding spots that good I don't think it I know it to be true yeah I bet you didn't see this one coming Sonny tell me exactly where you're hiding I am hiding in the University house oh sweet thank you very much time and oh oh drove my car into the pool it's all right that's what frat Bros do you know now I'm coming in where are you funny you wasted one of your questions because you were gonna find my house anyways oh you probably went in that secret room thinking oh I'm so good and smart oh you know in this secret room no what do I do how do I get in the secret room again oh he doesn't remember oh yeah there's a stupid button somewhere where's the secret button guys I got a shrink I gotta get really small adjusting case now I can hide secret button where are you good luck melon time's ticking there's the button pressed it and now I open up into the secret area oh guys guys I got a Dodge I got a Dodge you probably went one step further didn't you sonny gotta whip out the laptop no I would not have done that Easter egg that's so good and started Computing oh gosh guys he's Computing and now compute this green into the color oh red green and red equals a melon he's right next to me and then computed into blue Sonny did yellow even make the cut probably not it's a stupid color your cringe your cringe bro yellow's too good to be on a hacker computer it's not even on their turquoise now it's time to hit the button where's the button supposed to be I gotta make a run for it I actually made it out where's the button it's supposed to appear where is it oh did you mess up the Easter egg oh maybe I forgot to sit in the main chair that's probably what it is guys it's time for me to lay down and disappear yes guys the button isn't even appearing I don't understand I thought I did everything right melon two minutes left to find me Sonny where are you you better not be back there sunny I swear if you did this thing that I can't figure out how to do right now Sonny are you in that super duper secret room no you're not um where are you sonny I know you're around here Oh I thought that was your leg but it's just a security camera oh you scared me not there that's it guys I gotta do this quick and now I'm gonna scare the becheepers out of him I'm gonna cause a spooky ghost to appear and then I get behind the TV he's right here melon's right here in the living room I just heard a weird sound bro this house is haunted you didn't know that no it's not quit the cab quit the cab there's literally no ghost wait you're right this house is haunted buy a yellow man dang it wait melon it's actually night time now something's not right wait what's happening what's going on dude I'm scared Sonny this is creepy bro the power just went out bro I'm going in the yellow bunk bed you're being such a baby there's literally nothing wrong with this house oh my God hide in bed go away guys quickly like And subscribe right now and stick around for the rest of this Epic movie there's so much more hide and seek to come this is Brookhaven RP but we spin a wheel to choose our only use one color then The Hider must hide using only that color both in their location and disguise why don't you check what color the like button is really quick and then let us know in the comment section also the first 99 viewers to subscribe on this video will win something incredible our Eternal gratitude and appreciation now let's get goated let's do this thing just please don't give me like pink or something did somebody say they wanted pink let's go oh do it no do it purple stop purple yes wait no purple's pretty bad too get destroyed melon oh my God bro where am I gonna hide that's purple that's your problem bro you got two minutes good luck okay I gotta get the heck out of here I'm just gonna be here on my swing what is purple on the map wait a second do you guys see what I'm seeing gotta sneak around hopefully Sunny isn't looking this way or cheating hopefully he's actually playing legit okay then I get off here exit my vehicular shrink down a little bit become the purple I gotta take off my melon too though so here rip off the face then all I've gotta do is lie down oh please son he doesn't think about this all right Sonny I'm ready whenever you are bro that was pretty quick that means you've got to be near the center of town no and I know just where to look the ice cream parlor Ross the only purple place on the whole map I'm not there dude I can smell you getting some mint chip bro you're getting some minty no it's not purple Broski bro you actually ate in here I thought for sure you'd be buying the countertop hold up let me get my favorite flavor bubble gum yeah let's go okay where else is purple oh the arcade's got a purple door maybe you're in here come on come on dang it melon my first question I'm gonna use it hit me with it sunny are you inside of a building I am not inside of a building okay that takes away a lot of hiding places what are you doing then I'm just chilling out being myself Bros just chilling hold on hold on hold on let me get myself some old-fashioned air support okay max out the speed on this baby melon you say you're outside somewhere huh yeah are you did you disguise yourself as purple or do you have a purple vehicle uh um I do not have a purple vehicle but I am disguised as purple wait so you're just randomly out here somewhere as a purple melon no I didn't say that that's what you just said you literally admitted it no I never said I was randomly out there somewhere I just said I'm purple fine next question um are you touching something purple yes I am buddy wait what there's hardly anything purple I know but I thought at first you just disguised yourself and that was gonna be your only thing because there's not a lot of purple on the map oh my God guys I just fell you just fell no that was you're not supposed to hear that bruh you forgot to mute you panicked now where are you where are you come on climb get the visual oh I think I know where you were I bet you you were right here standing on this for sure you gotta let me get my way back you're never gonna be able to find me Sonny bro I have no idea where you went just give me 20 seconds to return to my hiding spot what 20 seconds how far were you from your place when you fell don't worry about it I'm giving you only 10 more seconds yo chill guys I'm really confused I have no clue where melon is how did I fall down how did I get here last time no no oh my God I can't get back in the spot well I gave you 10 seconds melon I'm going back to searching yo chill out buddy I have no chill I've made the recovery yo guys can you comment where melon is and then I'm gonna go back in time after reading your comments and find him wait don't do that guys that's not fair dude that's why I invented time travel just for this purpose so I could find you in Brookhaven hide and seek yeah it's a very optimal use of time travel correct going into the future who cares winning the lottery no shot going to check out the dinosaurs never winning Brookhaven hide and seek against the melon cap himself yes sir okay melon can I get a hint I actually have no clue okay bro I'm near the center of town wait what you only got a minute left so you gotta hurry up bruh I'm moving I'm moving you're outside near the center of town on something purple I don't get it there's nothing purple out here you are so stupid Sonny that's not very nice Melanie is there anything here bro guys I is there anything here where is this dumb Melody are you the hospital bro I'm just chilling out you know I'll be what are you doing Sonny nothing bro you didn't see anything you didn't see anything I literally got you I see your little purple dude jumping around you're done bro you've been found no you don't know where I am where am I right now I exploded you where am I boom you're in the chimney no okay okay you found me bro fair and square but only because I gave you that hint I'm gonna give you the win because to be honest with you I would have never found you without it let's go my dog like that's the smallest random purple thing I've ever seen yeah I'm a genius okay my turn to spin that wheel come on give me yellow please I'll take blue I'll take blue keep going yes snow way you actually got a good color let's go golden I'll be taking my bubble gum blue ice cream and finding the greatest hiding place by melon whatever bro see ya down into the depths of the subway I go check this out let's take a seat come on let's head all the way over to Lake Madison and I could just sit on one of these chairs and it'd be pretty hard for melon to find me but what I'd like to do is maybe just maybe enjoy a nice swim in the water is he gonna consider that blue or transparent I don't know but what I do know is I'm gonna confuse him I'm gonna spawn this nice blue car right there but I won't be inside of it now guys I'm gonna do something never seen in hide and seek I got my blue car and now I'm gonna turn the whole world blue kind of all right this technology City's got a lot more blue on it so let's see how this looks oh this is crazy this is getting kind of crazy guys yo look at this place yo look at the roads they got blue all over them perfect honestly guys I bet if I make myself very bright blue remove my face and my sunglasses and get really small I bet melon won't even see me here this is kinda goaded okay melon I'm ready bro all right Sonny I'm gonna what the heck is up with the map why does it look so weird do you like it you like what I did with the place oh my God it's so much more colorful this would have been so good to hide for me before wait can you go in these buildings oh I think they're just for show okay but dude this is not fair like everything is so much color the roads are blue you could be hiding anywhere I know everything is so pretty now bro bro for my first question are you hiding near one of these blue lights what do you mean blue lights you know what I'm talking about like the blue lights that are everywhere like the new blue things on the map well yeah I'm using a new blue thing thing on the map but I mean but like they're obviously lighting up okay buddy everything in the new map lights up so what do you mean blue it's light it's lighter for my second question dude are you hiding on one of the like the road blue lights yes oh my God I'm never gonna find you guys this isn't good he's already asked the worst possible question I wanted him to find my car first this is bad okay for my third question are you closer to the city or the perimeter of the map I am closer to the city a little bit what the heck a little bit so you're not really in the city no I'm not but I'm also not on the outskirts I'll go around this way probably in one of those weird side roads guys I gotta move I gotta move I gotta move get my we gotta actually go to the car we gotta actually cross over torpedo mode go this is totally not cheating don't worry about it this is what melon does every time he changes locations he switches Lanes on us so today I'm giving him a taste of his own medicine move it move it move it move it oh my God guys I've got the best hiding spot for the next round gotta get back in my real quick melon you've only got two minutes dude you're running out of time quickly bro how am I gonna find you you're not going to find me bro I can see a blue car so wait a second but there's no Road around here what doesn't make any sense are you near this road then that car just there to throw me off maybe maybe not what do you mean bro you said you were hiding near the blue lights that's not really close to the blue lights guys I gotta move this car so that I'm not a cheat man in the driver's seat I'm so small I can't get in the driver's seat get in the driver's seat Full Speed Ahead yo what the heck are you doing Sonny well I don't know what you're talking about bro it's a private server you're literally I can see you man what are you doing no I was on the blue line the whole time I I don't know what you're talking about you literally cheated and you still lost I was actually on the blue light line but then when you asked that question I needed to leave it's too easy for you to find me God it wasn't dude I was never gonna find you there's so much blue light whatever bro let's just go to the next round I'm embarrassed because I tried to cheat like melon would and I never cheat at any video game okay buddy all right Sonny it's my turn so spin that wheel chill give him pink purple then Pink Give Me Something red this is good for me I don't know bro you can't hate on red you're literally a melon true wait that means I can hide anywhere let's go no I don't know about that I guess you could plant yourself in the ground uh whatever bro I've got a genius hiding spot give me my two minutes oh my God guys so what Sunny doesn't know is that you can actually hide in these buildings and you are completely hidden from the outside so I just gotta find a building that's red and would you look here I found a red building just gotta jump in it and boom I've got my hiding spot all right Sonny I'm ready whenever what are with these speed runs bro you're getting hidden instantly two rounds in a row I'm just more goat sauce than you bro the diner looks awesome with this I kind of want to get some food in there now hold on let me get a little bite to eat then I'll look for you yeah we take that okay I got my grub first question melon are you using one of these new structures or lights or buildings to hi yes I am Sunny so predictable so predictable so now I just gotta find a big red light okay okay yeah pretty much oh I found it okay well I'll just check this building out next to the motel oh you don't gotta do that you don't got it yeah I really do though that's the thing I kind of really do okay is there a melon somewhere in this the problem is I don't really know how to check it out this is kind of confusing bro what are you in this oh dude you can't go in the building low keto where you at let me go here yo what is this place also I see you running away no you didn't see anything no get back here melon you're this dumpster where you belong wait you're not in there the heck I see you you're trying to stand at the Coca-Cola machine no you don't you don't see a thing what are you talking about yeah that's probably the ghost of melon's past you right literally look if I'm if I'm like around that corner then you can say you found me but I'm not around that but you're also not in this giant red structure and you said you were okay fine you got me I was in there dude what the heck I didn't think you would jump in the building there was literally only one red building from these new ones that's unfortunate okay it's stupid that that was the only one I thought there was don't worry I brought you something to eat here it's yummy what is that it's some grub bro some takeout from Brook's Diner it's my turn to hide and this time I'm getting yellow or orange I can feel it in my bones yeah well you got green buddy well I guess that happened that's actually way worse for me what the heck yeah let's go easy game oh my God he can literally hide anywhere on the map I always get green dude I'm so good at this game let's go alright I'll see you later melon okay guys I think I'm gonna hide somewhere and just disappear forever I might get off of my computer and go have lunch or something because melon will not be fined in me this could be kind of goated in the corner check this out guys backpack then you go for that sleeping bag even though you don't need it and you put a green sleeping bag in here like this perfect and you just go sit in that thing as if he's gonna find me you know and I could just make it even harder boom literally invisible I'm gone bro I'm gone I'm not on the map anymore okay melon I've hidden myself should I go to the bathroom maybe get some lunch get a massage like you're not finding me bro I should go to the gym whatever bro I always find my mark and I'ma find you all right let's see it okay uh first question yes I'm beautiful and jacked and I've got like a 30 inch bicep oh my God shut up are you on grass right now yeah of course it's green bro oh you're on grass bro I actually really doesn't help me the whole map is grass yeah I know that was a great question huh um I answered my second question are you inside or outside I'm outside because I'm on grass like you just asked oh my God I'm so stupid wait I didn't I didn't ask that question nice one bro I'll give you an extra question it's okay is the sun shining on your face not on my face yo next whip wait you can see me what yeah I saw your little purple car zooming by wait are you in the farm yo nice driving I like how you go in a perfectly straight line and then you go off-roading like a maniac I just crashed yeah nice one bro no you're not in this bar get back on the road and drive in an orderly fashion okay chill out dude why are you in the middle of the road like that that's dangerous no what do you mean why can you still see me I see everything Mr melon can you see me now of course do you see me now no you're underground in a tunnel of course I can't see you oh my God so you can hear somewhere in this direction they see him rolling melon salty nice one dude bro could see me here and you could also see me way over there see like under this bridge doing something weird yeah you know also why does this part of the map look so different now has this always been here I think it's always been here also you still have another question you can ask what is this what is this uh I don't know what you're talking about bro why do I see a sleeping bag that's part of the map bro that's part of the grass no that's not dude no it's literally not that's clearly part of the mountain no I don't think it is sunny I think I see uh a guy sleeping in a sleeping bag right now yeah what is he wearing uh I can't see his face then how do you know it's me because we're on a private server and there's only two people that's not necessarily true it could be a clone oh my God fine I'll literally sleeping bag in with you he's distracted about out of here nice one buddy I told you I'd find honestly I would never have found you if you didn't give me those hints where you're like oh I can still show you I can still see you I can still see you you were triangulating my position but I don't know how I saw that sleeping bag bro I got really lucky there I thought it was Blended perfectly in with the grass I thought it looked all natural it almost worked but it didn't make sure you guys like And subscribe today in Roblox we're squirm color hide but whenever a Hider is found they get infected and become another Seeker they are multiplying like clones and the worst part is melon won't let me win stick around until the end of the video to see if we can survive this hide and seek and unlock a big win melon we're in hide and seek but you can only use one color but it's kind of ironic because we're supposed to hide near the rainbow color right now Sonny I'm supposed to hide near the color blue oh really everyone gets unique color codes cool well I'm with you bro I'm right here I'm in that blue ball right there uh I'm gonna stick here I'm gonna stick here am I vanish yeah dude you're vanished The Hider won't see you but I could see you and you could see me I'm right here for moral support if you need me I'm flossing oh thank you so much swear if this Hider gets me Sonny I'm gonna be very upset oh uh melon hold your ground be strong Don't Be Afraid Don't Be Afraid oh no my color's Gonna Change in one second I got hi dear green please don't kill me I'm hiding your red hiding your rest stay away no I'm this sorry I'm gonna have to get you now yeah where are you I don't know are you right here oh my God two Seekers just jump directly over my head that was terrifying oh my God oh my God where are where are shiny I'm nowhere near you bro I'm not even close like you're not even close yo get back here okay melon there's someone right there in the middle of that block why don't you get them yeah yeah there actually is eat them you got you did eat them oh no where's pink I'm coming for you sonny no mountain police how about we uh collaborate here you help me win how about we what what do you have that I want because if I win it's like you win think about it I'm gonna watch you shouldn't you really shouldn't do this melon we could be friends no yes nothing I thought we were brothers we ain't Brothers you are very mean not today actually we are brothers that's why I made you a Seeker like one of me stick together at all costs even though you ruined my game there's a man in here now I'm gonna eat you buddy oh I see one he's gotta hide here hello little players is he safe if he's near his color can I touch him you can wait them out yeah maybe they're go fully immune but their time is gonna change their colors so you could just wait it out I'm gonna wait for this boy I'll eat you and you come back he's dead dude I see someone they're in here come on I got a gang of fans waiting for this guy goodbye I got somebody is he not here I swear he was here he probably already God it doesn't have any fancy pop-ups when you capture people maybe I did just look for anybody who's glowing I'm on your left there's two hiders left there's two hiders it gotta be up high somewhere where are they hiding melon we should split up and cover more ground actually you should go down the slide I bet you they're in the slide I am going down the slide anybody hiding in there it's going very slowly I didn't see anybody that's good news I guess gotta be somebody up here somewhere who forgot to move when their color changed are they more any cheesers with really goated hiding spots here dang it bro people got away yeah and it should have been me but you had to go and chase me you shouldn't have ditched me I didn't ditch you my color changed ditched me Sonny whatever bro this next round I won't tag you if I get found you know cause I'm a nice friend I really appreciate that Sonny but I will tag you if I get found infected or classic I think in fact it's more fun yeah I think so too because when you get captured you transform into a zombie this time melon let's run very far from the spawn area uh it's probably a good idea what's your chance to be the secret I've got four percent maybe maybe I'll get lucky nope okay nope nope I say we go to the kitchen I'm hungry let's go I could use some baked beans right now give that wander melon some baked beans and I'll take a hamburger pizza hamburger no with a pizza like a hamburger on a pizza oh okay I need to hide near a very weird color I'm gonna get very very far away okay I'm with you you want to go up here I gotta hide in your pink oh that's not a bad idea and jump up here oh I got my color this is my color how is this not my color oh no that's not pink oh no that's purple this is pink here bye melon I think this is my color yeah it is it is if you turn into the glowing color I think you're invisible and there'll be a huge message on your screen if you're not in the right color you sure yes I'm positive okay is that the secret nope that's just a random player hiding on their yellow see everything's cool hiding your pink again I need to be an ear blade how come this guy's a Super Saiyan and he's saying big fan is he a secret why am I a Super Saiyan are you guys no you guys are hiding his colors I'm confused yeah I don't know either you are the goat yo his name is Bob and he's AB goaded oh that was close I'm making a move oh no why she jumped right as it oh melon leave me alone I don't know where you are Sonny but when I find you you really don't have to you like seriously seriously do not have to you remind me of what your color was uh my color was Aqua turquoise yeah I don't think it was that I think you're somewhere here oh no melon stay away from the blue where are you Sunny you're literally not gonna find me melon but there is a player inside of the oven that I'm ratting out they're hiding behind a cupcake I know you're up here melon I'm really far away from you and uh I I'll wave to you oh I don't even see you go down to the oven and I'll wave to you I'm at the oven see look I'm over here I'm way up look at the Shelf with the green box and the yellow Ting just go get the person behind the muffin I don't see you oh I see that person time to eat you where are you I am such a snake where are you sonny I don't even see you by the way I'm so far from you it's not even close and now I hide behind this parcel melon won't know he's very dumb bro I swear you're up where I was before I'm all the way up nothing can stop me all the way up I'm pretty much in that oven bro where are you for the people they want to see what happens if you get a win yeah yeah I want to see two why can't I eat you bro I don't understand Duke you suck bro this makes no sense come on 12 seconds left I can see your stupid Flame I was in my secret spot that's so unfair bro did I grab you you are very mean yes I'm a Seeker you don't see that I'm a Seeker the big red yes I had 10 seconds left let's go stop cheesing me just leave me alone I get it it's because you love me yeah sure and I've lost on you bro hit you with my dance moves I rub it in but for real how do I get rid of this stupid fire it's giving my cover away I don't know I honestly don't know how I got this I don't know how to get rid of it me neither it's kind of bad luck no Mr melon you deserve to be the secret for all of the crimes you've committed I'll get you right away if that happens honey no you won't you'll never find me well you don't have to worry oh it was close yeah yeah yeah whatever you say I'm going to school it's time to open the books and do a little bit of learning learn and knowledge big knowledge out here partner I'm gonna have the biggest Intergalactic brain ski that you've ever seen yes I got the best starting color ever I gotta hide near yellow no I got blue okay yeah that's that's just kind of trash like low-key no cat like low-key don't say that I want to stay near your dough melon you're my friend please yo look there's books dude I got this stupid flame they're gonna be able to see me wait can I still see your flame yeah you're right this is just ridiculous how do you get rid of this are we poisoned I'm right here I don't understand how do I get rid of the flame we're too hot bro we got too much heat we're big dripping like if I buy something will it go away I'm gonna buy the bear pet 28 Robux scared of the flame please like uh seriously do not want people now I just have a floating pet next to me oh no how is that help I gotta hide near the color black I gotta choose a new color oh it's yellow goat mode my little bear will keep me safe right oh no where is the color black it's fine melon just stay hidden you won't get caught there's a black potion on the top of the desk going up going up no I'm getting seeked after no no no no no no my color's changing I gotta go ping no it's not working go stay away oh no you can see my flame melon you need to run to a new color early this is really not good this is really really not good mellow how much time do you have I have 20 seconds okay you're good maybe they're gonna lose interest no no why are they coming after me okay I'm fine that was close that was scary though yes we lost interest they don't even know where I went yeah yeah this person's blowing my cover gotta make a big move I gotta make a dash I gotta make a Mad Dash for it please I gotta go Blue I gotta go Blue yeah I actually did it I actually made it get away to the rainbow color please don't find me oh my God baller baller don't slip on accident holy cow two Seekers jumped over my head this is not good Sonny they're hunting The Seekers are hunting they're hungry bro they're trying to eat we need to find a safer place where there's no Seekers around yellow hi dear rainbow that's so far from anything for me melon you could do it bro I'm at the yellow book ski and nobody saw me I don't see a rainbow anywhere near me I don't see a rainbow I got a bigger Dash I gotta make a dash you got this melon you got this 53 seconds left we can win both of us oh this person's golden recovery yes she went for the other person please please please I need to find one more good hiding spot yo no I got caught I thought I got away please yes back to back yellow don't find me melon please just leave me alone for once in your miserable life in million times where are you sunny I see you could be near this portion on the others oh it looks like I can just see you sonny straight up no you can't hey buddy actually hey buddy I'll try to get the clutch for you hey yo what why was he coming for me Sonny I don't think you're hiding at the right color five seconds [Music] oh you did do it I did congratulations so many players hot on my tail they were trying to get me bro I survived we are golden we're playing hide and seek and rainbow friends but we spin a mystery wheel and can only use one color it's gonna be epic Sonny are you ready to spin that wheel to decide your color I was born [Applause] ready sorry I've never slipped even once in this game yeah let's see it let's see you not slit trust me this whole game I won't slip I promise you okay fine melon I'll believe it when I see it now I'm gonna spin that wheel let's go and this is for me melon my only use one color is gonna be oh that's golden that's actually golden let's go it's purple bro no why that means you can hide in the vents Sonny I slipped I slipped Sonny you're so trash Melody for talking all that trash a second ago that's Instant Karma oh gosh I slipped over you all right I'm picking my morph and I'm gonna go hide all right give me my two minutes two minutes that's me giving you the two minutes perfect guys I am going to choose purple in the hey yo what I didn't unlock that morph is this a joke how do I not have this more fun log I was hoping to become the little tiny purple in the vents but sadly I don't have it I'm not even sure how that's possible I think it's glitching so instead I'll be forced to be the tiny purple Mouse yes I am now purple's pet and I am gonna teleport support myself into an overpowered hiding spot called chapter one now as this tiny pet you can see I get stuck on pretty much everything but I can jump so now I just have to find myself a teeny tiny crevasse and hide myself inside of it wait can I hide the balloon I look kind of cute though look at this purple with a balloon body I need to find a better spot I'm getting sidetracked can I go in here into the sewer vent yo it's just my butt sticking out time to go into Hemlock Woods I gotta find a better spot guys I am determined to find a glitch spot for this purple morph oh that's pretty good low-key that ain't bad and it suits me because it's literally a sun morph yeah I think I'm gonna hide here melon I'm ready oh who lives in a pineapple under the sea sorry that's what that reminded me of Sunny Square forehead yo what what you got against my forehead I don't know well it's just very square and large yo I got a good bulbous forehead yeah bro first question you already know what I'm asking where where are you teleported ah I'm glad you asked melon because I teleported to chapter one chapter one I'm gonna find you in a blippi spliffy sunny I bet you you hid in the fence it's just so simple minded and easy to predict I don't know what this voice is I'm gonna stop doing it now good I was kind of getting creeped out Sonny second question are you in some secret spot on the rainbow friends map I would not call this a secret spot what are you doing then just hiding out in the plain open field pretty much actually now that you mention it you win this man no sonny are you a large more that's my last question I would say that I am quite the opposite of a large morph no you're that stupid or at that that's stupid that I had that aren't you that little mouse purple Mouse yeah wait thanks for the hit dude I'm gonna go back then and find you really quick where are you Sunny are you in here oh that was so close you were just around the corner I found you no I blew my cover but it was too funny when you ran past me bruh you didn't say anything I would have never seen you you were so tiny and hidden behind that little thing I know I'm so cute and cuddly but I also got diseases cause I'm a rat now get over here he's dead I killed the melon Sonny it's time to spin that wheel to decide my color I'm on it bro your color is red let's go I don't even need a morph Sonny yeah you do you have to pick a morph fine I'll pick them more but I look so epic which morph do I want to be gone yo I could become the unmasked red does that can I be ow okay I don't have him I can't become that morph I'll have to take a look at the other one ones because I want to just be basic old red you know yo I could become the smallest morph in the game Red's pet fish yo this is definitely what I'm becoming now I'm gonna teleport away chapter one yes this will be perfect for me I can hide in the tiniest of crevices I can be hidden for real I think I'm gonna go to this dungeon area I could hide myself in this Locker or try a little bit of Parkour yeah I don't know what's up with this ladder yeah this ladder sucks it doesn't even work I'm not doing parkour I give up melon Earth to melon you've got one minute left I'm still looking for my spot okay I'm very chill right now bro like all the way yo guys my morph is small enough to fit into the elevator this is such a golden spot all right I'm ready there's no way you're gonna get me yeah and when I do bro I'm gonna Crush that Walter melon I'm gonna turn it into tiny bits of juice and Rhine and [Music] [Applause] Mel you're red well then fine my first question is which morph did you pick I may or may not have picked Red's pet dude this is a pet gameplay now alright so you chose a tiny little redfish yeah I may have done it okay melon I have to ask the boring question now which teleport option did you choose I picked chapter one dang it there's so many spaces you could be hiding here well I'm gonna just use my big juicy Galaxy brain and sniff you out you went into the Blue Castle secret lair because this suits you your Reds little pet fish so you're out here acting like you're a secret experiment so I'm gonna bust through the wall enter the elevator and find you in the cloning room I'm just a little cutie patootie now where are you with your little cutie patootie fish come on come on show yourself oh no you probably glitched into one of these red clone machines I'm gonna reset my character I gotta do this and now I'm gonna morph into the fish that way I can morph into any of the locations you're trying to hide in and now I can sniff you out and by that I mean I can kind of like gobble gobble gobble whatever noise a fish makes glub Club melon I have one question left what are you doing I don't know I sound like Mario let's go anyways you got one minute left that's plenty of time because I still have a question and I'm gonna ask a really smart question what would you say the last major landmark you saw was I'd say the elevator elevator it's right around here somewhere I think I go through the store and then this door where's the elevator I'm forgetting how can I forget where the elevator is not at a time like this 30 seconds left Sunny yo keep that time to yourself I will sniff you out bruh yo I think it's over here I think the elevator's just through this doorway yes I found it can you open it up with these buttons yo you can just slip it no why are you the fish why because you're the fish and I wanted to make sure I could glitch everywhere you're such a troll I think you made a goat bro I found you even in your secret fishy location you couldn't escape me and now it's time for me to spin the color wheel let's see what I get next give me something overpowered the best color of the game keep going Cody yellow dang it bruh I got blue oh such a mediocre color Sunny that's fine I could choose the classic rainbow friends morph and I'm gonna do that I got two minutes you got two minutes go two minutes okay guys melon thinks I'm gonna choose a classic morph now but I'm actually gonna go all the way back here and I'm gonna choose one of the scariest morphs ever nightmare blue look at this guy he's so freaky and I could do a jump scare move yeah that's freaky I don't like this this guy looks like a monster and you know where monsters belong in construction sites yeah I think I'm gonna just hide here I wonder if melon will see me I'm gonna try and hide right behind this post and see if he'll just run away that's perfect melon I'm ready let me find you I don't know why I keep doing impressions but this is what I'm doing now it's your thing every time a game starts you got a new voice yeah now first question Sonny where the heck you wanted in this game called rainbow friends fine let me refresh praise my first question are you potentially hiding outside or potentially hiding on the inside guys he just ran straight past me that was it's always back in here I'm hiding on the inside I'm hiding on the inside hmm interesting fascinating theorem now if I went to the right side of my screen and looked at all these blue buttons which button would I press what does that mean oh the teleports yeah I asked this every time Sunny you know what it means spawn in morph area wait you're the spawn in morph area yeah yo I bet you I know you're doing you're probably just hiding as the blue morph in the blue morph as the blue morph in the blue more no don't do that there's not a double blue where's the double blue there's so many more choices melon so many more blues oh I gotta check so many blue wait what did I just see I gotta hide guys I gotta hide what did I just see over here uh what is this little blue man doing I'm not little I'm huge yo chill or I'll touch you sonny and I'll eat you oh you're so close to eating me Luke try biting again try putting it oh you were close you were so close that time whatever bro you win this round and it's time for me to spin your color then let's go the wheel spinning melon you're only use one color it's gonna be orange orange orange you're glad I didn't say banana orange and I'm not glad I'm not glad at all all right orange is my color I got two minutes I'm gonna go pick an orange pet no don't pick a pet bro they're too small fine I won't pick a pet what do I wanna become that's orange are there any cool orange morphs yeah what is in here it's just like a bunch of questions marks you know that is not orange I don't even know what that is maybe I become an alphabet lower character I could become the letter N he's pretty orange yeah let's do it let's do it I'm gonna go and teleport you odd City because we never go to odd City and I'm an odd bull right now maybe I could slip into a crack and into this building as this character wait could I do parkour yo can I get on these windows dang it it's possible and when there's a will there's a way okay it's not working I give up where do I hide I'm so lost yo wait I know exactly where to hide I know exactly where to hide guys hear me out I can just chill back here no one ever checks back here all right Sonny I'm ready it's about time I was about to run out of dances the robot's my last one guys I just jumped over the fence what the heck did I just do Sonny you're so done you're never gonna find me Sonny that's what you think I'm choosing pastel Violet and I'm gonna Zoom like soon where you at bro call me Ronaldo don't even worry about it I'm not worrying I'm just sniffing you out with my robotic upgrades I'm a cyborg now it ain't a thing you know right dude hold your chicken wings you don't need them all I need to do is find a little orange pixel and you're a dead man good luck question one for you melon are you inside or outside I'm definitely outside the sun is shining and it's a beautiful day out today I'm happy to hear it because I'm also outside and I'm about to enter odd World okay okay I thought you would overreact and get freaked out and scare yourself so you're not an odd world then odd City perhaps I may have teleported there potentially yo is this you what the heck there's a little cat here that ain't me Sonny I promise you okay then oh no I'm stuck I actually got myself stuck why am I so dumb get unstuck pastel work with me pastel work with me all right I gotta reset I should not have done that I tried to squeeze through a building mistakes were made okay so you say you're not an odd City I'm gonna go on fields then how about that I'm so confident Sonny you're not gonna find me fine second question are you glitched out of the map I may have done a weird glitchy poo are you kidding I don't even know how I did it to be honest with you actually that's a lie I know exactly how I did it dude my brain is hurting what did you do that's for me to know and you to never find out fine before you glitched where was the last place you were closest teleport tell me odd City you were odd City what the heck yeah I told you I was on city did you climb up a building somehow bruh you capping on me make the jump you can't get over this unless you can climb a building there's a fence you're blocking everything out yeah it's weird that you can't get over that wait why are you laughing about it dude you are so sus how do I get up okay climb this oh wait I think I know how can I jump off these windows get up dang it pastel cooperate do the thing what I can't grab this window that's impossible Sonny you also only have a minute left this is crap this is crap this is definitely not crap I know you went over this fence you were laughing and it was so sus 30 seconds how did you do it wait can you jump on this part of the sign come on glitch it yo you can how'd you get out of there melon what did you do bro I told you it's for me to know and you to never find out I don't know how you did this glitch 15 seconds come on get lucky give me an extension give me a time extension please I'm not asking for much here okay ten nine eight seven because you literally cheated you literally glitched out of the game this morph better make it yo you're done you're done no bro pink is next level pastel was struggling to even get halfway up the fence and then look at these jumps Bros Got anti-gravity shoes pink is the most overpowered morph ever dude I was coming over here to taunt you you see your letter n stands for never again will you troll me I still won though wait melon what was that did you see that there's a blob here is someone else in our game what do you mean that is so cursed melon there was a little black blob that just shot out of the wall yo Sarah again yo what the heck is that that just scared me can we survive for 24 hours eating only one color in Roblox it's time to only eat the same color food melon for 24 hours or how however long this grocery store takes okay give me the red food wait I will I refuse to eat melons dude if I see melon I'm not eating it you're just taking it out of the grocery store you could pretend you're saving the melon give me all the red food let's go bro I'm stalking my card up with a whole bunch of mustard oh wait is this yellow soda what is this banana flavor gross actually it's kind of goated the amount of food I have on me right now is Unholy bro I feel like I'm a doomsday prepper for real bro I just robbed the store of so many Doritos yeah what are these are these giant melons what is this I don't know dude it looks like cabbages and what's this ice cream Red Ice Cream I've got all these huge melons give me these they kind of look like tennis balls yo give me this red bread the singular loaf of bread that's gigantic I need more yellow stuff wait what are these are these huge mushrooms bro what am I to do with this is gigantic why it says go to the kitchen and put down food why would I do that because your cart is gonna overfill bro what if you topple it over give me that ice cream now hold up I don't got enough food yet I need more food I like how these are all ingredients as if we're gonna bake some amazing recipe with all this at the end yo I'm literally stealing a cowboy hat what the heck all right I'm putting these in the kitchen I don't know what I'm supposed to do with these but I'm gonna do it anyways maybe you get slower if you have too much stuff give me these yellow carrots oh my Lord I got so many ingredients oh I can eat food I'm supposed to eat food too I'm gonna start making food Sunny what are you doing spending too much time grabbing food yo there's a mystery one I'm taking it yes I got the Rainbow Food let's go eat your food to increase team score bruh I'm solo out here I only have myself you already have 14 points eat the food wait I gotta cook bro what am I supposed dude oh look at me second I only got a minute left melon how come you have zero points bro cause I gotta eat all the food oh it's all going on the table time bro you gonna be thick after that oh my God it's so loud melon look at green team look at Green Team oh my God they got so much food they're now eating it oh no come on yellow stay in the lead I hope I brought enough food over here green is too strong melon I'm Solo solo no I ran out of food almost me too dude we have to work together if we're gonna win this which means we need to choose an empty team which one is empty yo red yo if we can blind red and yellow you don't think yeah you're right yellow and red makes pink everybody knows that it's a fun fact melon I'm dancing on you bro hey Sony what up dude you have the worst dance moves you literally don't know that was kind of cool a little bit let's get our grocery carts hold on I I'm gonna cheese this melon I'm buying the yellow gold card what does that mean I don't know it costs 200 Robux I'm doing it yo I'm buying things through the walls let's go I got these Rainbow Foods melon it's sticking me in the floor okay I'm good now okay where you at bro where you at bro you buy anything if you have a rainbow cart uh uh no I can only buy pink things still but I wonder if it does something special for me or if I just look like the goat you ain't a goat bro what do you mean we're on the same team we can both be golden we the goats that's what I was gonna say yeah there you go oh I'm getting these huge grapes they're gigantic bro soda as ingredients yeah it's good for you why did I buy a hat why could I cook that that doesn't even make sense just take everything yo give me this loaf of bread and these radishes oh my God this is a lot of food over here there's a lot of pink stuff we gotta defeat Green Team melon look out for Rainbow Food rainbow food is goated I don't know how they got so much of it I got bow Rainbow Food do you really holy smokes dude you're crazy okay I should go hunting for rainbow food because that stuff's so big I think it's already gone why what does it do I think it gives you more points bro because they had a lot of rainbow food I have 70 Foods on here oh look at all of these Donuts grab them Sonny grab them I think we've gotten everything that's pink in the store I think it's time to start cooking it's reload loading the store is reloading melon okay maybe you're right okay I'm getting this potato and let's get out of here we gotta start cooking start cooking together oh my God I think we cut it a little bit short here Sunny what are you talking about bro this is gonna be light work put down my food look at it Go Go vacuum bro it's stacking we gotta start cooking holy smokes make food we making that food bro Wait no that's put down I need to make food yeah making that grub stack it up and then we're gonna eat it together is our Tower gonna be bigger than greens dude I'm nervous that they're green is too big again nah don't worry about it don't worry about it wait why am I in the put down section again no make the food you gotta keep cooking Sonny we're gonna lose I'm trying my best bro honey start eating I'm gonna keep cooking I think wait can this person eat for us what are they doing I'm eating Sunny are they stealing our food all right I'm eating I'm eating no melon melon we need to cook more there's not enough time there's not enough time eat eat I'm eating I'm eating dude cook the Rainbow Foods hurry up red is in the lead we can beat them we can beat them no no we were so close Sonny what this time for sure this time for sure we need a new team mascot team black let's go let's go this time we're not gonna lose melon Sonny we better get a hundred eats in dude what if I just buy 10 000 eats right now you can just buy eats uh I actually don't know if that's buying eats or buying something else just says plus 100. okay look for the rainbow look for the rainbow food right away yes there's so much over here give it to me yes melon I'm stacking the Rainbow Food I'm stealing all of it too this is the play you go for the Sparkles up front come on Yo there's three none behind no she snagged all three of them are you kidding me okay bro I have I have all rainbow I have all rainbow I'm huge how many do you have how many foods bro I have like all rainbow in my car I'm good look at this thing it's so sparkly check me out oh yo we're getting the spicy Doritos too we got the heat grab the cookies grab the milk get the hot sauce okay I don't know about these black Tomatoes they might be a little bit rotten nah don't worry that that's just that's just their color don't worry about it all right I'm getting the bread too it's a little bit burnt but that's okay and then where is the rest of this stuff ooh grab a hat you got to get those hats okay melon at a minute 30 we have to leave the store keep collecting I'm getting all the grapes yo eggplants I don't know wheat I don't know what that is these are the no those are bottles I have so many bottles here to pick up but we gotta move melon start making the food I'm going Abandoned Ship we have enough we have enough I gotta put it down first I have the biggest stack ever there's no way we lose this wait I gotta put it down put it all down put it all down bro put it all down put it all on no cat no cat look at those Rainbow Foods at the end and then I stand here and I make this grub look at it melon it's beautiful dude keep going keep going we gotta make these quicker I know I'm trying I'm timing it trying to time it you can oh I messed it up I went too soon maybe cheesing it's bad don't try to cheese it bro okay a little more a little more effort here from both of us and then at 35 seconds we start eating you go wait you go it'll keep making food okay let's go eat it yes I need no don't make food I need to get to the rainbows just come and eat come and eat come and eat eat grab up grab up grab up we need the Rainbow Food it's so annoying that you eat from the top it's counterintuitive yo we're actually just dug through that food and now we get so many points make some more make some more yo go eat 73 not even let's go destroyed everybody Sonny we're the actual literal goats but can we do it twice uh no okay fine we'll do it blue team melon we need to beat our high score we need to beat our high score get the Rainbow Foods do the Rainbow Foods even give you any more yes they give you doubles she's trying to steal it she got one she got one that's not okay my rainbow donut nobody picks that but me rainbow milk yeah you know oh rainbow milkshakes they don't play they don't play out here yo rainbow food give me that let me pick up the Rainbow Food I'm getting rainbow bread for days rainbow drinks yes I got them I stopped that person dude I got a lot of rainbow grub now we just need normal blue oh look at this blue chicken out here that looks deliciously rubby rubby rubber blue lobsters these are rare bro yo you roll the other side of the store stop following me sorry I'm just collecting Doritos and Coca-Cola so many things little blue strawberries sure buddy mushroom tops we are gonna break our record melon are you sure 73 is nothing we're getting 80. you're right Sonny you're right I actually think we're probably good because it takes too long to make the food we had a big tower there last time of unused yeah bro I'm already going back I'm putting down the food and I'm gonna start cooking up I'm with you I'm with you I'm with you now we will eat the most blue food the world has ever seen stack them let me make food fine dining some excellent Cuisine okay so what do we make these Foods until what timer like 30 seconds left and we both eat uh I think we're gonna make these all before we'll have enough time we'll have enough time to eat it all okay this is good this is good for once we planned our diet accordingly our eyes was not bigger than our stomach we shall see we can totally eat this this is normal we're probably gonna have a little extra time though we probably could have gotten a bit more food I don't even know if there was any left dude I stacked so much up all right bro all right but we only have 73 Foods I'm gonna start eating no no I'm gone that is good stuff Munch Munch yellow team thinks they're gonna win this they got 37 points then we show up and we eat the whole Tower and when we pull up we go crazy oh first place we gotta beat our high score come on new high score new high score come on yes 80. I told you we were gonna get 80. let's go bro no way anyone's beating us was there even any more blue food I don't see anything blue dude we forgot the hats today in Roblox we're playing hide and seek in the garden of man band but we can only use one color the rules are simple spin the color wheel to pick your color and then use a morph and hiding spot that matches it can you unlock the like And subscribe button right now quickly press them bro I've been so excited to try hide and seaco this card in a bad man map it's gonna be epic let's do this sunny I'm hiding first give me my two minutes dude not only will I give you your two minutes I'm gonna give you your only use one color more okay spin that wheel let's go melon you can only hide using the color stop stop stop hey yo are you kidding me wait I guess that's actually not do bad there's tons of cool pinkamorphs they can become well you better choose quickly bruh choose one of those opilla birds or something your timer starts right now good luck where are the apple of birds do I even have any unlocked I should I'm pretty sure I blocked at least one opella oh this is not good I haven't found a single opilla please wait yes collect a pillow Bird original oh that's so clutch here we go yes I'm a pill a bird oh this is a fancio pillar bird now we can hide anywhere on the map I think I know where I need to go follow me we're gonna head to the Nether and enter a secret spot unlock here enter the nether okay guys I'm gonna hide in a super duper secret spot I don't know if Sonny knows this but you can actually crawl on the lava so it can come back here and dang it it'll be sick if I could get under here uh I think an even better spot would be if I can climb this mountain yes over here climb up the mountain and hide right behind these nether Waiters second am I gonna fall into the never-ending void and die well I'll use this as an escape route if Sonny comes to get me alright Sonny I'm ready it's about time brother and I'm gonna sniff you out like truffle pig bro okay buddy we'll see about that wait a second why do I smell a watermelon trail leading to the Nether Portal it's almost why would you look at me or not you're such a dirty cheater Sunny bro I just baited you I actually didn't know you were here but you fell for it and now I know you went to the nether let's go or maybe I'm baiting you there's no way you're thinking 12 steps ahead like that you're not that smart maybe I am that smart I just bought a sword and when I find you I'm going to poke you with it we'll see about that wait a second melon did you go back behind the zombie area let me check the arena for you hello melon are you in here no can I fight them off at least yo get wrecked Get Wrecked melon when I finish defeating these zombies I'm gonna find you bruh maybe I'm hiding in the TNT area dude if you're hiding here there when I kill these zombies collect the gunpowder I'm gonna blast my way in come on I got the gunpowder now just gotta craft it up melon if you're in here you're gonna blow up soon check it out sunny and crafted one TNT dude this thing is humongous I just gotta place it right here activate the explosive oh melon are you in the chest you're actually not in there I just unlocked a morph at least but you're not back here yeah I baited you sonny I'm not even in the nether are you sure why did you just say uh oh nothing are you back here melon you're not in this little crack I just crawled in there the heck wait you can walk on lava melon I'm gonna ask my first official question are you in the nether yes my assessment was very accurate and precise in what game though I have Minecraft open right now and I'm in the Nether on Minecraft that's cap okay that's cap I don't have it opened where are you bro I've checked everywhere except the mountaintops oh no uh guys I might have to use my super duper escape room I can't jump this I pull me up and over please crank it crank it three times let's go get me up I'm gonna find another way maybe I can make the jump here climb up yes this is good okay I'm on the top melon as soon as he crosses I'm entering the super duper escape room melon where are you direct out here this is my super duper escape room get over here and I'm gonna blow you up off the map boom I got you bro G dang it I almost escaped but now it's my turn to seek Sonny and I'm gonna spin the wheel for you what color am I gonna get something bad you got blue Sonny bro that's perfect what do you mean that's perfect I have a great great idea for this start my timer you've got two minutes okay guys I'm gonna go inside of the kindergarten and check this out gotta go through here and then let me go over here pick a blue morph in secret so that melon doesn't find me come on I gotta have something blue unlock oh no this isn't good where are my unlocks how do I not have any blue that's blue it'll do no it's got too many pixel effects I'm captain fiddles but I got this glitch all over me yikes and I need to find an ax to chop that up are you kidding this isn't good guys I don't have a lot of time but if I could track down some tools I might be able to make the Great Escape that's a hammer that's a good start please where's the hatchet I don't remember where the hatchet is can I hammer this out no I need a blow torch where's the blowtorch where's the blowtorch I gotta become Sunny if I'm gonna find these tools quickly destroy the planks dang it it didn't work blowtorch got it and then I must grab my equipment blow torch delete the bars we're going deeper wait I can't open this I need to find a blue hiding spot this is not good where's the screwdriver oh I got the app this could work and I think the screwdriver is in here and here nope that's not a screwdriver where is it I know it was in here somewhere whatever it's not important I've got the ax I'll break it into a pillars Hideout access opened and now I will descend into the ball pit and open these doors and open these doors wait why is there nothing blue anywhere I thought it was blue down here all green please tell me I can open this is not good guys Sunny 30 seconds left that's plenty of time I just found something pretty cool the question is what do I do with it yo new morph grab that guys what is this inside the egg another morph a giant chicken wait I don't need Mars right now I need a hiding spot wait guys the walls are blue I can totally hide here just need a blue morph and preferably one that doesn't have crazy special effects and I want to blow my cover well he's got a blue head and he's too cold yes I could blend into the environment perfectly look at this green and blue I matched the wall I'm literally invisible perfect I'm ready finally Sunny first question if I press the teleport button which teleport are you closest to the underground or the garden uh I guess the garden dang it I was really hoping you'd say the underground nope um Sunny where are you Heidi melon you're starting to freak me out dude relax bro I'm so confused where are you I went deep into the kindergarten you'll never find me bro my hiding spot is top secret this goes on forever I know isn't it awesome second question did you go down a slide I did not go down a slide dang it bro this map is so big and confusing I know bro I'm gonna win this round for sure I'm gonna go back up to the garden now it's okay you're a great gartener yeah very funny Sonny yeah bro you were born into Farm patches so you know exactly how to garden them okay sonny when you go into the garden and you walk in to the hallway with like a pillow bird and all the tables did you go left right or straight I'm just gonna help you out I went towards opila Birds area yeah bro why are you so excited I gave you a free hint nah bro that was all on my question just gotta find a stupid blue morph now oh I need to find an ax to destroy this area yes indeed you do unless you took a right no you need the ax I'm helping you out you need the ax dude this place is so big that's why I'm helping you're getting more hints take an ax and Smash down the planks go from there I don't even know where an ax is well then you're gonna lose is that your final question let me ask you one more question after I ax down these wooden planks Sunny uh where are you exactly I'm not answering that that is against the rules of hide and seek why ah what the heck bro I drop down you definitely dropped down here didn't you yeah you did I know you're down here somewhere guys I'm scared melon is freaking me out oh no there he is guys that's a little sucky why do I see a green morph with a blue head and why does it say Big Man sunny on it what are you talking about I'm camouflage you with his ax chop chop chop oh hey I brought you back to normal size good job melon you found me it only took 12 hits that's all I needed yeah cause you're so dumb cause I'm so good didn't even need 13. whatever you're small brained I'm gonna spin that wheel and choose your next color Here We Go activate the wheel spinner and a sign melons color as oh you're gonna like both of these you got green yo let's go now I can pick any green morph that's like the second best color it's the exterior of a wander melon I'll see you sonny okay bro your timer starts right now good luck choosing a morph and a hiding spot okay guys I've become choo choo Charles band oh my goodness God I'm too big I'm just becoming normal band man oh I'll become this mutant man this guy's cool zombie bandband and now guys I'm gonna use the scissors that I picked up wait they also pick up blowtorch no I gotta go get that blow torch really quick oh it's right here perfect then I use this blow torch to bust down These Bars oh I can't equip tools while morphed guys I'm gonna have to reset my character really quick then destroy These Bars yes then use my ski zores to cut this rope and wait what did that do that didn't do anything oh yo I could get this morph now I thought this would unlock a new area I'll take this morph while we're at it but now I've got to find a secret area guys I know just the spot come to think of it let's go this way I'm lost I think it's this way I don't know maybe it's through the doors doors no where the heck did I go I can't even remember anymore oh here it is now guys I can either go this way or go down the slide I think I'm gonna go down the slide this map is too crazy big Sunny will never find me and I open up wait no I'll open the band van door because it's green this this is perfect then I just gotta beat this I'll be this is gonna be pretty oh I'm dead Perfect George what how are you supposed to beat this this is gonna be difficult hey melon 25 seconds left cheers oh guys I'm convinced this is impossible how are you supposed to beat this oh what oh you're supposed to cry I understand now I get it yes I can do it I can do it yes jumbo Josh bricky now I can become this green morph and stand at the end here Sony will never find me I'm ready Sonny melon I'm getting off this park bench and I'm coming to scout you out my first question is which teleport did you use the underground layers or maybe just a casual kindergarten ah just a casual k bro you're inside the Casual kindergarten all right I gotta ask questions then this is gonna get hard this is gonna get very hard so you're standing in the entrance right did you go left right or straight I'll describe the room cafeteria main hallway yeah main hallway I went straight left I'll give you that straight left okay let me just get this in case I need it this will be helpful get these thank you so you went straight and then left you went past the naughty corner I think so I'll give you a hint look for a slide I see a green slide going down face first I never said I went down there oh well too late I did and then I get the more yeah yeah flaky box nowhere those guys are the goats you know what I'm saying yeah the goats bro I love lanky box dude this is mad creepy there is a giant hole in the ground with a yellow ball I gotta go past there it's it's like the sun it's so beautiful I'm following It Go Go shiny so shiny melon I found a top secret morph collecting ban ban and then I teleport back wait I'm just in the hole in the ground room again okay okay I'm seeing tropical trees and a little pool oh there's a garage door whoa what is this place okay melon next question did you go a room where there's all kinds of different curtains like ban bans room or pillow Birds room jumbo Josh's room maybe oh yes you did didn't you I wouldn't call them curtains though hold on I'm smacking things up wait these are definitely curtains bro there's full rooms everything I didn't do curtains I didn't go in that room because this one has jumbo Josh with planks to break and then I grab the morph I didn't do that I didn't I'm not I wasn't in that room no yo he's so cursed he's so weird looking what does this room need a key do I have all of the keys dang it I don't whoa this is pretty cool I need a blowtorch to break this I'm finding so many Secrets but I'm not finding you good luck I'll give you another hint I did go down the slide okay I went down the slide right and then I showed up where did it shoot me out I'm so lost it pooped me out right around here maybe oh I'm lost I see doors ban ban oh pillow bird and jumbo Josh what is this person doing they're just staring at an Obby I got ta ow I got electrocuted dude this is so hard I can do this though if I just believe crawl jump crawl Dodge no way 30 seconds left Sonny dude I get it I'm on a timer and why are you getting so antsy all of a sudden am I getting why is this vaporizing me don't worry about it dude this is impossible why am I so thick there's no way that why why is it good gotta be careful I mean I don't know I don't know man yeah you do you're so us you did this one I see you back there no you're trash Sonny 10 seconds left this is your last try Focus up just this player is blocking why am I on the ceiling hey Sonny now I'm pancake no no let me up why am I under the bath this is my tub in five four three two one hit the Whip and hit the Nae Nae let's go that is so unfair I glitched into the ceiling teleported out of the map and then got teleported back to spawn bro DG you win let's go I knew that was you you were the green jumbo Josh yep I was and I'm also a wiener welcome to Brookhaven hide and seek with sunny and melon today we're using a mystery wheel to choose our only use one color The Hider then has two minutes to find a hiding spot that uses their one color then the seeker has five minutes to track down The Hider and can ask three questions to gather Clues on the hiders location melon it's time for Brookhaven you can only use one color dude let's do this thing Sunny let's go this is for you dude which color are you getting please give me something good keep going keep going you're screwed oh my God are you kidding me it's the Clapping boom he's getting pink let's go bro there's like nowhere pink on the map sounds like a you problem bro you've got two minutes to find your hiding place and make sure that it's pink okay guys one thing I've noticed on this sign over here you'll notice that it says happy Holidays guess what color it's painted in pink all I gotta do is climb up this ladder then I'm just gonna go shrink myself down a little bit what's a nice little pink outfit I could put on oh yeah I look cute in this and then bought a dream I'm ready whenever Sunny let's do this bro there's only a couple of places on the map that are pink so I'm gonna to start with hair and nails let's take a quick look is this little melon chilling bag here bro you back here dude you perm on I bet my mom we got pink firm right now look at us kidding I don't have boys bald your boy's shiny on that top okay melon I've checked the standard pink building so now I'm gonna ask my first question okay shoot Sonny are you inside or outside I may be outside okay so your boy melon's outside the question is what is pink out here no don't tell me you're doing something dumb like this where you come on one of these mats pretend that it's just pink and then you lie down on it oh boy um melon my second question is are you lying down on a pink thing like a mat nope I am not so he's outside he's not laying down on something that's pink actually I have no freaking idea what you're doing then I'm just chilling dude wait a second that gives me an idea my third question did you spawn in a vehicle or a house and make it Pink I didn't spawn in either okay so you're not using a pink vehicle you're not using a pink house is there even anywhere pink on the entire map um I don't know wait what is this dude nice one bro you thought you were camo no you can't get away I got watch you melon stay away that is the worst camouflage I've ever seen you stuck out like a sore thumb so I was just supposed to look cute up here and you weren't supposed to realize that happy holidays was written in pink I mean it's kind of pink I guess but dude I could see you from a mile away in my bus yeah but I didn't want to make it Pink because that would be way too obvious yo Sonny spin that wheel let's do this come on give me a good color wait actually just give me yellow just give me yellow oh wait you're so done dude I can hide almost anywhere oh my God why do you always get the good colors well technically melon black is a shade it's not actually even a color oh whatever just go hide guys check this one out melon wants me to go high so let me go high and I do this I gotta take my glasses off they're too obvious and then I go like this boom bang bang he'll never see me guys okay melon I'm ready wait you're ready already yeah bro that's how I be dude you're definitely only like right next to spawn or something nah bro I wouldn't do that guys how do you not see me where are you I'm everywhere no this doesn't count I I get two minutes to hide that was a good one Sunny bro you just threw that round right away no no no no no no no no I get two minutes because I took less than two minutes to hide so it was kind of like a cheat code where the round doesn't count I'm out of here you got 30 seconds that's fair I I actually respect that a lot okay guys I have 30 seconds to hide where should I freaking go oh I could go hide underneath my air support bus melon would never suspect that I left this here last round so it looks legit that it's here let me just get some black pants no those are too bright I need something darker that nobody could see and your time's up sonny I'm coming to find you I saw you run this way so you gotta be around here somewhere we talking about 30 seconds is like a lifetime for the goat okay buddy okay you're not in the sled yeah nice one dude man thinks he's Santa Claus out here for my first question are you hiding somewhere in the private chat no why would I go in the private jet dude are you being ironic right now nah bro like I got Robux on me but I don't have that man any I'm not rich like that for my second question are you somewhere in the Dyna Plaza meaning anywhere that's connecting with that parking lot nope I am nowhere near that kinda sort of I mean maybe I'm near it but I'm not in it what does that even mean bro I gave you too much information already kind of sort of near that that makes no sense you make no sense melon um for my last question are you inside or outside interesting question I'm gonna go ahead and say that I'm outside bro what I don't know what the viewers are gonna say about that you guys comment down below is sunny inside or outside right now like how does this count give me my wheelchair I need to go around faster maybe he's in the center in the Falcon is he trying to pull a quick one over on me dude it's not black I can't hide there you're really overthinking it now I'm so lost maybe I'm inside of your wheelchair cause it's black no you're not no you're not nope did you ever realize by the way that you're melon cap you're kind of a terrible melon you have to kill kill one of your own kind carve them out then put it on your head oh this is naturally growing dude this is my own grown melon cap oh for real it's like a turtle shell now where are you hiding I don't understand he's like I'm kind of close there but I'm kind of inside I'm kind of outside you're so vague with all your answers I gave give you more information than required bro I'm even gonna give you one extra question and you have 45 seconds left to find me good luck bro what wait that's his school bus from earlier is he hiding in his school bus dude I'm nowhere near that thing why can't I drive your school bus I don't understand because you're trash bro is he in here I can't even tell you are in there sonny I found you bro you driving this bus for so long it didn't see me dude it was so hard you're so Blended in that's how you do a camouflage not some stupid holiday sign melon it's your turn to spin the color wheel again let's do this boom give him trash keep going purple purple no let's go bro that's my second favorite color let's go this color is actually crazy I'm out of here okay guys I think I'm gonna spawn in this estate to throw Sonny off a little bit and then we'll set up just far enough away from the estate so we can have a good view of Sunny running around so let's hide just outside of the estate I think right here is pretty good go like this and boom I'm ready and I'm hidden all right Sonny I'm ready whenever so you're hidden somewhere with the color green I've got three questions to ask to help track you down question number one I've got to do this because there's so much green everywhere are you inside or outside I'm outside does that help you out Sunny so at least I know you're not hidden inside because there's so many random little bits and piece of green but outside my dude yeah there's kind of still the entire map dude outside's way worse the whole map is green pretty much wait I found a cabin that's got some green on it that didn't used to be there is it possible that the schmelon would be hiding in here anything is possible Sonny it says happy holidays and there's so much neon lighting here this looks like a place melon would hang out maybe he went in a secret attic I don't know but you ain't up here my second question's gonna be are you near the center of the map or way far in the outskirts I guess I'm closer to the center so you're outside closer you have a huge house on the hill no what are you talking about oh my gosh how did I not see this before I've got to find it north of State big man melon dude there's candy canes all over this house this thing looks awesome for the holidays but now I bet melon's just doing one of these or he's in the grass like this boom oh wait you don't phase into this grass you look good Sonny whoa you could see me you've got to be higher up then I could be anywhere on the property I think you just blew your cover because I didn't even know for sure if you were here this could have been a trap It's gotta be somewhere in the green I bet you're not even in this oh wait of course you're not in this I already asked that you're outside what am I doing for my final question melon are you hidden in a tree no I am not check all these bushes out till I find that dang melon and you went quiet so I bet you're in here yeah for sure yo Sunny also you only have 30 seconds left I've gotta track you down man oh Sonny I'll give you one extra question considering you only have 15 seconds left go quick did you glitch inside of something nope nine eight seven six five four three two one let's go Cannonball okay melon where were you show me right now yo I literally threw you off so hard with the house I was just chilling right here I was hoping you were gonna ask asked me if I was on the property and then I'd been like no but I'm really like right next to the property but you didn't even ask that question because I thought you were [Music] pure on the property property bro how could I ever trust you again um you don't ever trust me again I'm your greatest rival Sonny you might be my greatest rival melon but you're also my best friend and now I'm gonna spin the color wheel and whoop you oh that was so wholesome Sonny nah it's not wholesome I'm gonna win I'm gonna destroy you crush your whole spirit and soul just before the holidays let's go yellow is the best color in the world you know what normally I'd be mad that you got your own color but on this map it's terrible bro you got like barely any places you can hide okay guys I have two minutes to hide I need to make sure I choose a really smart location and I think I know just the spot let's go into the daycare nobody ever hides in the daycare and I'm just gonna go right here oh wait I could do something cool what if I put some boxes on me I actually don't think melon will know okay I'm ready okay sonny imma find you for my first question Sonny are you inside or outside I'm inside but just to make sure let me ask another question Sonny are you in the city or or not in the city yeah I'm in the city area that doesn't mean it's gonna help you find me we're my third and final question are you closer to the barn or the other side of the map I'm closer to the other side of the map let's go now what's yellow over here nope I don't see you in here you're not behind that or maybe he's in the car wash guys I don't think melon has any clue where I'm hiding right now sonny can I get a hint my hint to you is keep checking the buildings located at the center of town are you lying to me no I'm not I'm being super honest and the viewers can tell cause I'm the goat I'm not even worried buildings close to the center of town but you said you're closer to the other side I don't know what side the Barn's on dude the Barn's way off in the distance you have to be honest you can't just lie but no well I'm not lying because I don't have the information on hand what do you want me to do yum no that is such a crazy spot Sunny how did you see me I was like dude I don't remember these boxes being here my gosh I thought you were gonna for sure run out of time this round let's go dang it your four IQ melon seeds you rub them together and made something ingenious I know bro cause I'm too smart here's your prize bro just take the money all I want for Christmas is some fat stacks yo
Channel: Sunny and Melon
Views: 329,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1wC2IEd9Bi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 16sec (5836 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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