I Tested 67 MYTHS in Roblox Brookhaven..

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so today I'm busting 23 myths inside of Brookhaven so for the first myth apparently inside of the secret room in this house there's another secret room now everybody knows about the secret room right here you come downstairs you go in the basement press that button okay but if you get on a laptop and then sit in all five chairs as you could see you should be able to open up this second room okay so it's in all five chairs and then you go over here in the corner and then you click this little button right there and then you have to kind of walk in the wall it's somewhere over here just walk around till you find it and boom right here another secret room it is true my friend said huh so that's Miss confirmed now continue on this myth apparently you can actually access an anti-gravity room where you can sit upside down okay so what you have to do for that is you just click right here on the the computers like small button so you click right over here wait where's the button at there you go you heard that noise then you gotta head to the underground bunker and guys I'm not gonna lie this myth is actually pretty crazy so this works okay cause you're in here you turn the lights off you press the blue monitor and then before it's at the password you actually have to walk over here and then you type in Marcus Brookhaven and yep as you can see look at this right here we have another secret hidden room where basically there's anti-gravity because you can lose it upside down and look at this like bro look at me my friend said what the heck is this I said have you seen this before he said I'm Spider-Man no okay this is pretty sick I'm not gonna lie so that is also misconfirmed so for the third myth apparently you can make cars fly in Brookhaven so what you have to do is go ahead and go to the jumping board at the pool you jump on it get some air time and then once you go really high wait come on come on higher once you go really high you just spawn in a car and oh wait did it work oh what the heck okay let's try that again hold on all right let me jump higher come on come on and okay I'm not gonna lie I don't know if that's been confirmed or not the cars kind of fly but they're also just kind of like falling out of the sky let's try one last time with the minivan or the big Man actually I said that Smith busted there's this car falling out of the sky but uh up to you guys so for myth number four apparently you can go invisible inside of Brookhaven what you do is go and make an avatar really small let's go ahead and make it Max or minimum size and then take everything off that way you're small just make your skin dark let me take off the face there we go and then you spawn in a motorcycle and come on oh wait wait wait wait wait no I did it wrong I forgot a step you need to lay down and ask you can see I'm not gonna lie I wouldn't say I'm invisible bro like it's literally a motorcycle driving itself so I think that's been confirmed that's pretty sick so relating to girls we actually have myth number five which is apparently you can make a ghost spawn in the museum so first you go to the hospital and then go to the second floor then you go over here and click on this logo then you go to the library and click on a red book and where's the red book at oh wait isn't this feeling I'm pretty sure you go right here and as you can see it's a hidden book in the ceiling and you heard that noise boys that's how you know it's gonna be creepy then you go to the museum and click right here on this display and wait is it working okay look at the red look at the red I don't want to turn around oh there it is oh look at that that's so creepy people what is that even like for bro and what are the noise wait is it looking at me okay no no I can't tell right now I don't know do I touch it do I touch it I don't know should I wait away my friend said yeah I'm out let me try one more time oh it doesn't work anymore dang well that's misconfirmed all right so for myth number six we have a secret room inside of the motel so all you do is grab your ladder put it down right there and then you just stick a sleeping bag right here in the wall apparently and let's see if it works come on put me in oh what the heck I think it's glitching out actually hold on let me watch this ready come on and wait uh let me try a little higher come on come on no it worked okay so that is true myth confirmed I mean to be fair it's not like a bedroom but uh it's a room and now that I think about it uh I can't get out we're stuck bit number seven so apparently there's a way to get under the map First You're Gonna Go to the movie theater now once you get in here you have to sit in three chairs so one two three then you're sleeping bag and put it in the screen and I think you can just face another way though and okay let's see if it works come on and oh it works bro literally under the map right now look at my friend oh my friend just died that's awkward he said ah well that's awesome to confirmed all right so for myth number eight apparently you can fill your car up with premium gas to make it go faster so as you can see I have my car right here fully stocked I haven't upgraded it at all or anything and I'm gonna go to the gas station now look along the side it literally says unleaded and then Super so it actually kind of makes sense that there'd be premium gas I'm not gonna lie Smith might be true so what you go ahead and do is go ahead and pull up to the gas station and we're gonna have my friend she tests out as well he'll be having a normal car then you have to get out two credit cards so the purple one or blue one and the pink one and then you can't just fill up because you fill up like that and as you can see it's working but no no you don't want to do that stop that you have to pay twice with both cards now guys this might be a scam I don't know but uh let's go and try it out and then fill it up okay story filling up and that's pretty good wait for it okay perfect and then we get in the car and I'm gonna say Ken light up my boy all right so here we go in three two one and go oh bro um what the this car is so slow low bro what what is this I'm getting smoked okay that's it I'm upgrading the car max speed 200 Turbo stage three oh we're gone oh I just crashed that's awkward well I'm not gonna lie guys that's uh that's myth busted kind of sad honestly all right so myth number nine apparently there's a secret room inside of the mall so you go ahead and walk in the mall as you can see go to the Happy burger go to the stove you put the sleeping bag right here and let's see if it works and come on oh and we're in yep secret room guys I'm not gonna lie I don't know what's gonna be used for like probably nothing but it is a secret room and we're stuck again my friend said no food rude for myth number ten apparently the fountain Makes You Spin now if you go and hop in the fountain we'll see if this is true I mean kinda wait let's see uh wait what the heck uh is this spinning uh I don't know oh look at this okay now this is definitely spinning like what is this I don't know what kind of myth that's supposed to be but uh misconfirmed honestly you can't do that in the pool so uh yeah for myth number 11 apparently the horse in the wheelchair are the same speed now that would make literally no sense because I mean it's a horse versus a wheelchair so we're gonna line up and in three two one go what no no way [Music] bro how was the wheelchair faster than a horse okay this is a scam I've lost all faith in Brookhaven myth busted so forth number 11. apparently if you go to the Eagle View house you can actually have a house with a window so you go here you get the small house which I'm pretty sure it's this one right here but you don't just get it right away as you just use a lot of Windows in here and none of them actually open because first you have to turn off all the lights so go upstairs when the lights off go down here turn the lights off and then you lock the door and then I'm pretty sure you can open up one of these windows and okay not that one oh I think it's this one and come on and yes as you can see you literally have a locked door but you can still open Windows that's kind of sick I'm not gonna lie to walk right through it so misconfirmed so for myth 13 apparently you can actually fly in Brookhaven now what you need to do first is go to the Brookhaven billboard and right on the billboard slash fly then make the billboard black and apparently it's supposed to kind of signal the command to work but I don't believe it so then you type slash fly in the chat and no okay it doesn't work okay I I didn't believe that one for a second anyways all right myth busted I mean because I'm slash AFK and or just AFK actually and then you can kind of fly that doesn't really count but uh mythbusted so for myth number 14 apparently if you sit at a bus stop for one Brookhaven hour a bus will actually come so we're at a bus stop right now and uh it's currently 1 p.m so I guess we wait an hour I'm not gonna lie to you guys this will probably waste of time but we'll see all right so we got about 20 Brookhaven minutes left or 15 now and I don't see any buses around here I'm not gonna lie to you guys this might be myth busted okay and we have two minutes left and there is literally no bus I was right and wait what what does that sound wait a minute what oh bro that's my friend on a bus okay bro uh myth busted he said hello senor number 15 apparently you can get a free apartment with actually having to buy it and let's see if that's true so what you do is go to the apartments go to like the second one grab her sleeping bag put it in the door and does it work does it work oh yo I'm not gonna lie that that is a free apartment I mean you can literally furnish this place with like stuff I mean you grab the props you can put a you know a for sale sign down uh like a like a little like a little little vanity thing bro said time to hide bodies hey yo chill so that is misconfirmed all right so myth number 16 apparently if you go to the art class in school sit in the art thing all the way getting close to the corner whatever you draw will come to life so I guess I'll try it all right I'm gonna try I'm gonna draw a dog guys I'm not a very good artist so maybe that's why it won't work or maybe it will work we'll see I guess but let's go out and just draw some legs oh gosh this is bad this is really bad this is a bunny I don't even know guys all right but I a little happy face and tail I think it's a rat actually what is that or else even worked and oh my friend's there um yep only one rat in sight and not the right I drew so all right well that's mythbusted myth number 17. you could turn into a zombie in Brookhaven all you have to do is spawn in the frat house once again and then you go inside of here goes to the arcade hit play and then you delete the house so hey I'm a Zombie oh well if you jump it doesn't work well no I'm supposed to say misconfirmed that was pretty cool he said no zombie bro no two so myth number 18 apparently you can go to space inside of Brookhaven so you spawn in the rocket ship house you go inside lock the door you go inside of the Rockets go downstairs press this button right here as you can see now that's on go up top to the main control room you sit in this chair right here press ignition countdown shift lights pad lights everything alert button and is it working wait what it's counting down uh cut engines wait no not that one is it actually gonna work no way you go to space in Brookhaven uh-oh uh let me get inside let me get inside let me get inside sit down three seconds and two one uh oh ignition wait what okay absolutely happened guys uh we're still we're still on Earth so uh myth busted so for myth number 19 apparently you don't actually get the same color clothes as the clothes you click in the clothing shop so as you can see there's a red shirt right here if you click it apparently you're not gonna get a red shirt so let's see if that happens and wait what uh I'm not gonna lie it's actually kind of close uh let me try that again um let's see no wait that's not red wait what the heck this is definitely not red okay what is this drip bro I need to change back oh this is horrible well let's confirmed I guess so for myth number 20 supposedly you're able to actually drown in Brookhaven all I need to do is go to the lake you jump in the water and stay underwater for about 10 seconds so I'll count to make it simple and bro I'm going upside down right now I've been in the water for about eight seconds nine seconds ten seconds and uh I'm not drowning okay uh myth busted nothing happened that would be kind of cool honestly I could use that on some people uh okay him right there but it's okay he's not gonna do that number 21 people say there's actually a hidden room on there yeah so what all you need to do is go down down to the Yachts go inside of the bedroom area go to the shower and then turn the shower on walk in and yep it's true hidden room in the yacht well that's pretty cool I can get the money let me get that ah don't mind me I got gold oh wait what the heck guns everything oh let me not let me not well that's what's confirmed fifth number 22 you're actually able to drive the yacht in Brookhaven so they said you turn the campfire on first and then go to the driver's seat and there's no way this works bro um yeah uh it's not moving bro it's not moving uh myth busted so myth number 23 apparently you can actually get a free cookie in Brookhaven all you have to do for example let's say you're watching a nice happy video you've subscribed it's happy like the video and then uh oh there's a fish with the cookie hey free cookie so today I'm testing 18 glitches inside of Brookhaven now for the first glitch apparently you're actually able to break inside of a band Brookhaven house so I'm gonna go ahead and get banned from this guy's house really quick let's just Spam his doorbell and uh hello what's up buddy and I'm banned okay as you can see it's all red I'm not actually able to walk inside I'm trying to look inside I literally can't but my friend can so what you do is you get your friend to actually carry you there we go and look at this I'm inside of a van Brookhaven house it's literally not supposed to be possible okay and oh look there's the other guy they said dot dot and okay you've been my friend too so now we're both out but it's actually pretty sick because it does work you're able to get inside of a band Brookhaven house so that is glitch confirmed so for the next list you're actually able to spawn ladders on top of each other in build up into the sky now it's also a two-person glitch I'm gonna have my friend spawn his ladder and then what you do is jump on top of that one oh and we both fell and there we go and then I put my ladder on top of that one and look at this we're already floating it looks like we're hacking all right now he gets up here puts his ladder on mine perfect oh and he just fell to the bottom well anyways I'll have my friend delete his ladder and look at this I'm literally is flying in the sky I mean this is technically a flying glitch if you ask me you're able to get super high up you can scale walls you can go wherever you want really so um W glitch glitch confirmed okay so for the next glitch apparently if you get the Bugatti and you put on Max turbos and then put it to Max Speed then you set yourself settings to 1.5 and look Ken is scared if you drive full speed into the wall apparently you're able to actually get into another game or maybe another part of Brookhaven I don't really know so I'm sure you guys have also wondered like what's on the other side of those walls like what what are these walls doing in Brookhaven so hopefully this glitch works but all right boys here we go Bugatti Max Speed oh oh don't crash don't crash oh what the okay well nothing happened um Candy okay bud I'm gonna say you okay I think my friend is dead now he said smelling concrete um well that is actually glitch busted guys unfortunately that one doesn't work kind of sad honestly because I want to know what's behind those walls but I guess we'll never know all right so for the next glitch apparently you're is a flying motorcycle glitch now all you have to do actually is get your friend to carry you on his back there we go and then he gets on the motorcycles on the arcade and now once he's on here you go ahead and teleport to a house and boom now if he moves and glitches out really weird so let me get him to stop moving but look at that that makes no sense and okay if I try to jump he's still there so I don't really know how to put that glitch it's pretty weird not gonna lie but there's also just a creepy motorcycle there now I mean that's just weird I mean can I get on it oh what the okay and if you get on it it just brings you back to the arcade I guess yo this glitch is insane what the heck it's actually so cool oh yo I wonder if you saw that he said yo what the okay well that is actually glitch confirmed a pretty cool glitch in my opinion so definitely get your friend and try that one who said you were going through the floor bro I know that was crazy all right well glitch confirmed all right so for the next glitch you're actually apparently able to fly with just this Fountain right here so if you go ahead and get in the fountain and then just kind of swim around it a little bit you'll see that you just swim right now if you swim along the edges and then very slowly go over the edge I'm literally flying okay wait it's kind of glitch but why am I swimming outside of the fountain that makes no set time to go up come on go up uh I'm trying to go up it won't work normally it would actually fly upwards let me try it again but here we go come on it takes a little bit of glitching you know you have to kind of try it a few times but you get swimming oh my friends had to be smaller I'm pretty sure it actually helps as well let me go make yourself relatively small 0.5 size come on I just want to fly and look he's doing it my friend's doing it what the heck it looks so funny his little legs are slipping so fast bro that's literally a fly unless you guys ask me I mean he's literally flying so oh and I'm doing it too yes oh it's so sick oh actually stopped but okay that's just confirmed it definitely does work okay next we have a get under the map glitch so if you guys didn't know it's actually possible to look at a Brookhaven well I'm pretty sure at least we're gonna try it right now but if you go to the mall and then go inside of the movie theater and then you go down to the theater itself you stick your sleeping bag right over here I think that's where it is and then you go outside and oh oh uh guys it's the wrong way this is the wrong way okay hold on I did not want to die let me put a ladder right there or right there guys I'm definitely gonna die no okay you're supposed to put a sleeping bag right here guys that's kind of my mistake but anyways once you do that you jump and look we're outside of the map I mean it's under the map actually and yo wait what is that right there um I'm kind of curious guys okay I'm gonna go to my free cam right now and try to see if I can find out what this is because this looks pretty interesting I'm gonna find some kind of secret glitch oh it's the place teleports you onto the map that's interesting well anyways that's looking for him Boys on to the next one okay so the next list actually involves the plane and apparently lets you fly the plane which I'm not sure if it works or not but if you go to the plane itself which is right over here don't go in the airport you have to go on top of the actual plane and then you go right here you walk to the driver's side apparently you can sit in the plane and fly us you have to do the city mode obviously sit down right there you turn around and um guys it's not working it's it's not working wait maybe they can listen with sleeping bag though that's how you do it um no this is not gonna work guys well I actually listened to the airport but that is uh glitch busted unfortunately it doesn't work all right next we have the connectable car glitch so apparently if you grab two buses you spawn one bus first and then you put the next bus right in front of the other bus it's supposed to somehow connect and turns like a super bus I don't know if it works or not but obviously as we're finishing out today let's go ahead and try in three two one and oh um let me see uh no it didn't work all right well that's the upsetting maybe I did it wrong let me try it again here let me put it a little bit closer I'll put it right there and oh it just moved my bus to the side uh and now we have three buses all right well that's also uh glitch oh what the we have four boxes all right well the glitch busted unfortunately it doesn't work all right next we have actually a flying car glitch what you have to do is stand on top of the diving board but don't actually jump on it don't do that you're standing right here where it says warning danger and then you spawn any car you want so we'll spawn a Bugatti started off and there we go wow it is flying all right so watch it fly back down and oh what though yo look at that thing oh my gosh okay I'm not gonna lie that's one of my favorite glitches it's just so funny you can use literally any car you want so I'm gonna spawn like the 14 wheelers car and oh look at the van the kidnapper van okay let me try this huge truck this one right here guys you know what I'm talking about right that one oh okay wait I could do it bigger for sure is there a bigger one oh okay I need to go more to the right I think I'm more to the left because this is a long car let me try it out please wait one second and come on oh okay yeah it does work it's just a little bit weird and now there's a big giant truck in the pool and no not the tank man oh no okay now actually bonus glitch on this one if you let your friend spawn the car you'll actually get inside of it so I'll let my friend go on spawn his car it could be any car as well and it should work it no it didn't work let me try again wait for it to come down come on come on come on come on oh it's actually pretty sick I'm not gonna lie it can literally fling across the map anywhere you want to go so that is let's confirmed all right next we have a glitch that can apparently get you inside of the secret tunnels of Brookhaven so you gotta go and get in your car and drive over to the cabin in the woods near the lake let's go for a quick little cruise over there whoops just crashed anyways go to the subway right next to it and then you go all obviously in the subway itself not sure why the lights were off but you walk inside of the subway you go to the back of it and now as you can see it's a secret room okay we're literally moving inside of the tunnels right now but if you somehow glitch into here which you do in a sleeping bag and you're able to actually get into the secret tunnels of Brookhaven now I hope it works boys because it sounds so sick but let's try it and I think it should work come on and oh um guys I don't I don't think it's gonna work let me try it again and come on man I want to go to the tunnels and oh I think I'm outside of the map I'm definitely gonna die and yeah I just died oh my gosh I wanted that one to work bro oh that's glitch busted unfortunately does not work boys all right next we have the flying bomb glitch now this one involves making yourself super super small and then you pull out a bomb you have to lay down with the hurt animation and then you put the bomb right on your chest and it should make you fly now it might take a few tries but let's try it and oh um I'm not flying all right well all right just explode that all right put it again and bro it's not working what the heck I told you boys have to try it quite a few times so just keep trying it doesn't work all right come on come on come on I'm gonna put it right in my chest right there and yes it's working okay I don't stress on that or not but look I am literally flying up right now I'm a hacker bro you said yo what the oh and oh it disappeared oh and yo what the heck's happening to me now all right well unfortunately didn't work I want to try to get no boys that was such a sick glitch dude come on let me try it come on it takes so many tries that works half the time and yo yes it worked again I love this glitch guys comment down below which glitch is your favorite but we're still not done we have a lot more to go all right so that's glitch confirmed all right next apparently there's actually a glitch where you can drown in Brookhaven which if you guys didn't know is pretty much impossible but there's a glitch for it so what you have to do is go ahead and grab your binoculars find a house spawn the house in it can be any house as long as it has a pool in it so we'll go ahead and spawn this house right here go to the backyard spawn your pool in now what you have to do actually is just go inside of the pool okay and if you want you can put a sleeping bag in there to make it so you actually lay there no swim but once you're in your pool I'm gonna say Ken hop in buddy you're gonna drown with me oh that sounds good all right so you just spawn the pool and there we go and um we are now stuck yeah we're definitely drowning listen boys I'm not gonna lie I don't know if this counts or not it's drowning but in my opinion it does so I'm gonna say that is um glitch confirmed we are gonna drown all right so next is apparently a way to actually explode your car in Brookhaven now it doesn't involve this thing right here not none of this this doesn't count it actually makes your entire car explode now what you gotta do is get your friend to spawn in a car and then spawn in your own car so then you want to get them to max turbo and also Max speeds get some distance between each other and then you want to go full on speed with your car so here we go in three two one go okay come on come on come on come on come on come on oh what though okay that didn't work all right so that is uh glitch busted um yeah it just made a little loud noise kind of unfortunate okay for the next list we actually have a pretty cool spying glitch and what you do is make sure you have no house then you want to go ahead and click the house button and the binoculars and then you can actually look at any house you want right everyone knows this but if you pull out binoculars while you're in that menu you can spy wherever you want and if you turn your UI off it gets even better now as you can you can look anywhere you want you could spy anywhere you want it's super sick so in my opinion uh that is looking firmed okay so for the next list apparently we type slash AFK in the chat it makes you levitate and oh it didn't work oh wait maybe it's just AFK actually and yeah you're levitating you know I don't know if this counts as a glitch or not but in my opinion it kind of is self glitch confirmed all right so for the next glitch apparently you can actually kill people inside of Brookhaven now you do that with the garbage truck so first thing you gotta do is spawn in a garbage truck then as you can see you have this little button on the side of your screen what you do is you actually grab your friend with the garbage machines you drive up next to them and I'm sorry bud but you're gonna have to die today let me take my speed a little bit lower there we go you line up right next to them I'm gonna say uh a bit closer please you said premium trash you press the button and oh it doesn't work bro I thought it worked I swear I did I'm gonna say uh buy a car maybe that'll work all right let's try it come on and okay that doesn't work either boys well boys that is glitch busted unfortunately it does not work all right so the next Stitch we actually have a race track ramp glitch now it's kind of debatable this is the glitch because it wasn't meant to be used like this so it kind of is but if you go ahead and actually get a tow truck and then you light it up in the middle of the road just like that put the tow truck thing down it is now officially a ramp then you get your friend in a super fast car and we'll see what happens with this boys here we go and you drive at it Max Speed oh gosh I'm nervous I'm so nervous it should be a real man come on oh well that that didn't work what the heck man come on again again again again again and okay well that's uh definitely glitch busted all right so for this glitch apparently you're able to die in Brookhaven using this thing right here so what you want to do is you go ahead and just drive up into it with your car you put the lift up and oh I'm not on this thing properly and yo what the heck I'm falling then you lower the lift while you're under it and I'm definitely going to die boys oh no oh no um do I die do I oh I didn't die oh well never mind guys glitch busted so today I'm testing 28 secret places inside of Brookhaven so for the first one apparently inside of the downtown Subway if you click right on the downtown part of the downtown station sign you can go inside of the wall right here and it works and oh okay don't wait too long let's get kicked out now continuing this if you keep walking you actually get put under the glass fountain it's actually pretty sick now if you keep walking you can go right under it and actually even swim so yeah it works next if you go into the hospital everyone knows about this Suka room up there but if you go actually to the X-ray room and you jump behind this black thing right here walk into the wall you're in this weird room with a filing cabinet now if you jump behind the filing cabinet there's another secret place now in here they have this weird little tool to be honest I don't know what that does but it's okay now for the fifth one if you go under this desk and press this blue thing right here you get teleported into the weirdest place I've ever seen okay look you jump up and like you're swimming but you're not swimming and then there's a server disruption power off line guys I don't really know what's going on here to be honest with you but all I know is I found this secret place so I had to share it with you guys now take it out of here you should go to this thing right here and then click the blue right there and it puts you next to the yacht it's so weird now number six actually has to do with the yacht if you get on top of it and then walk right over here on the side you see you're walking in slightly and then you fall in perfect you can walk inside of the yacht and look it even says wolf pack was here which is the owner so it's definitely a secret place pretty cool you can hide from basically anyone in there let me back up a little bit actually and no one would ever know now secret number seven is in the cemetery now everyone knows about this little hole right here okay this is no secret obviously but what if I told you to actually bury yourself alive now it's not this one it's not this one but if you walk right here you fall inside side of this and guys it's also a good hiding spot like no one would ever find you here and also there's a castle game for Less I don't know what it does but it sounds like a little zombie when you click it and you knock on it it's kind of creepy to be honest with you so I'm not messing with that okay I don't even want to know but that's secret number seven now for the next one you have to get the college house wait for it to load in you walk inside you go all the way downstairs and if you press this button on the bookshelf right here it opens up a secret room okay now you may have heard of this one already but for number nine if you get out a laptop and then sit in all four chairs while you're holding the laptop it does something kind of crazy it allows you to click this button Reggie on the ceiling which will then open up a secret hole in the wall did you feel around for it I'm pretty sure it's in this corner right here but as you can see it is another secret room it's super sick and now you feel around with your mouse right here press this button you heard that noise right that actually allows you to enter an upside down room which I'll show you in one second now for the next one you have to make your way to the Food Mart go right behind it and then it opens up a door in the mountain now obviously Secret Agency room is pretty cool but I'm going to show you something cooler for this you have to turn off the lights so make sure you click that then you walk right here press this button it'll pop up with password on your screen and before you type it in you have to walk over to the corner right here and then type in Marcus Brookhaven just like this do not misspell anything and make sure to the same exact caps you hit enter and watch this boys password approved now if you couldn't tell we have this room right here where you can go upside down it's weird as heck guys I'm literally sitting sideways right now all right miss it upside down let me do it right here come on and it's just so funny bro I love this room show this to your friends because none of them will know about it guys trust me the number 12 is actually the fact you can go inside of this mountain right it's not that cool of a secret but it definitely is a secret because it's not the agency and it's here actually instead of a mountain so I like it now for number 13 you need to get The Farmhouse so that one right there let it load in and then you want to grab the shovel right next to the fence maybe asking why do you need to shovel well you're about to find out turn the water on so that way it spits out of this little uh Barrel thingy and then you want to stand right here not too close not too far and then dig five times so that's one two three four and five and as you can see it teleports you into this secret room under the barn it's actually super sick no one knows about this and no one will ever find you in there and also says it's your bar if you were to close this faucet it would be impossible for anyone else to even get down here it doesn't matter what goods they're using it will not work so yeah pretty cool secret area now for number 14 now if you load in this three-story house with the pool then go inside of the pool you can actually find a secret room you may be wondering well where is it so you fill in the wall right here and there it is guys I had no clue about this earlier so the fact that I found was actually pretty sick you could literally hide here with your friends from anyone and let's be honest guys who's finding this probably one of my favorite Secrets now if you load in this house right here with the mo it looks like it's on the beach I will a lot I feel like the fact that the elevator even went down it's kind of secret maybe I'm dumb but I didn't know that but the real secret is if you play sleeping bag in the ceiling and then jump up to it now you'll need a ladder for this so let me get one out really fast put that right there jump in the ceiling and you're essentially out of the map now guys you need to be careful because you can actually fall to your death and die which I don't really want to do but I like this secret because no one's ever really gonna figure this out it's sort of a glitch I'm not gonna lie I'm not sure it's actually meant to be in the game but I'm gonna call it a secret now I just fell but as you can see you are out of the maps you have to be very very careful like I said but pretty cool in my opinion now next if you load in the military base estate walk all the way to the back go inside go upstairs of course and then you sit in this room with the paper okay or sit in this chair with the paper should I say and then you go and jump out of the chair and then stand under this little triangle thingy right here and watch what happens boys and uh it's not working actually okay hold on okay you have to do it really fast actually boys or else it won't work so let me try it again walk right under and yes it worked then as you can see you now have a secret safe that nobody really knows about now you can't even go out of this room normally you have to actually glitch out well not glitch out use a secret room and you touch that wall right there and boom teleport back very cool in my opinion now for number 17 you need the hotel then you go inside walk to the left in the elevator and if you go up and then go down really fast make sure you're standing in the corner you'll go into a secret room with the save I'm not gonna lie I actually love all these secret rooms I didn't know about a lot of these until yesterday so I'm glad I learned these places there's also another Secret inside of the hotel if you put a ladder down right here in front of these two couches and then just literally spam jump into the ceiling okay I know it sounds weird but it does work you'll just teleport to a room okay so watch this and boom look what did I say I teleported to your room now you can actually use the vent to just walk out but if you go back in you can teleport to different random room so walk into the corner and then boom new room right okay that's the same room I got unlucky but then teleported this one and then look see this is different room so interesting Secret in my opinion I'm not sure why they made it like that I feel like it's a little bit weird but a secret to secret next if you come to the mill and packages area walk behind the building a lot of people know about this one because it's pretty popular but there's a secret room right here now if you walk even further down here there's another secret which if you press this light bulb right here you get to go into a secret criminal bunker I won't lie this is one of my favorite secrets in the entire game because you can actually look at the cameras right here and you can see police cameras you can look all around the map and these actually work you see people running around all the time so probably one of my favorite secrets in Brookhaven now next if you walk inside of the police station you go inside of these cells go up in the vents everyone knows about this okay I'm not gonna count this as a secret but then you walk inside of the wall right here and where is it I don't know gotta kind of just fiddle around with it keep walking keep walking and there we go perfect you walk in right here you're on this hallway you see a cool little room okay not really much here except some picture some guy that's actually creepy I don't know why that's there anyways you go behind the cabinet and you press this key card you get a blue key card that's one speaker you may be wondering what does this blue key card do well if you walk outside the police station click on the house go to house number 13. go directly behind the House pass the solar panels past the mountain you'll find this random room in the middle of nowhere and it's actually an electrical room now if you pull out your blue key card you press it right here and that's another secret pretty cool because it's impossible to get in this room without a key card literally nobody knows how to so you can hide from anyone in there now there's actually a password here too which is your name just all lower case I don't really know what it does but is it approved so I guess that's cool now next if you get the garden house and then you walk inside jump in the water okay you can swim around here of course but then if you swim I'm pretty sure it's right here in this corner you go into a secret area with extra plan they may be thinking this is the secret well no it's not you keep walking into the wall you go swim through here and you find the secret hidden save and you stash all your money in there of course so next if you get the bunker house then go inside I'd go down this ladder right here you walk around the edge and then you'll think okay well is this a secret and no it's not a secret of course you walk right here to the missile and then you jump in the wall you jump up here this is also not the secret you go into this wall and then you find a safe it's crazy I'll always say for so hidden like I thought they were all just kind of visible but now that I realized that there were so many stage that I got that I just didn't know about now for probably my favorite secret in the entire game if you spawn in this house right here you can walk inside go upstairs and click this attic button and you'll literally be able to go into the attic I think that's pretty cool in general okay I didn't know about this either then obviously you have a safe whatever but then for another secret if you grab these crystals walk out of your house go to the church or funeral home whatever you want to call it grab a ladder jump on top uh and you need parkour skills for this boys it is not easy come on uh please please guys I can't jump okay there we go you press this button right there go back down inside of this and you'd actually spawn in a casket which I'm not sure why it's not there uh there we go you have to click this button right here that says funerals then you click this white button on the casket now guys watch very closely when this happens okay because it's gonna be a big beam of light I'm gonna teleport somewhere crazy okay so here we go in three two one and let's do it and oh that's not working what the heck okay I might have waited too long let me try it again press that go downstairs and press this and look at this oh the people light went by so fast maybe I can get like a replay of it but as you can see it teleports you on to one of the arcs in my opinion very cool I've never seen anyone up here unless they climbed up but even then who climbs up here I don't think anyone does anyways boys that was 26 Secrets inside of Brookhaven try them all out for yourself and let me know which one's your favorite if you enjoyed leave a like subscribe if you are new and I'll see you boys in the next one peace foreign
Channel: Tappy
Views: 217,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tappy, tappy roblox, brookhaven, brookhaven rp, roblox brookhaven, brookhaven roblox
Id: Aw1v6ESUdns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 48sec (2148 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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