Creating Transitions in Davinci Resolve 17 - Anim Curve explained!

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oh everything you're about to see is available within the free version of davinci resolve hey a couple of the new modifiers found within fusion with individual resolve 17 will enable you to really quickly and easily start creating your own transitions you'll be able to do so without adding any manual keyframes you won't need to do any curves or splines and these transitions will be totally scalable so you can make them as long or as short as you like and last but not least they will work on any frame rate how awesome does all of that sound unfortunately it's actually quite easy to do once you get your head around it so in this video i'm going to introduce you to those modifiers as well as taking you through the entire process of course if you've got davinci resolve 17 you can follow along but you will need at least a beginner level of fusion knowledge to do so in the future i will do some more specific shorter tutorials to show you how to create your own transitions so with all that out the way my name's alex this is mr alex tech let's open davinci resolve and take a look so first up we're going to make some seamless whip style transitions so i'm in davinci resolve i'm on the edit tab i'm going to grab some clips just put them on my timeline i'm going to make sure we've got some overlap because we need the handles we're making transitions let's just bring that in and then we're going to open up the effects library we're going to expand the toolbox go to video transitions and you can grab any of the transitions in here doesn't matter which one i'm just going to go with additive dissolve because it's at the top i'm going to put that on a little cut like so then we're going to right click on the transition and we're going to convert to a fusion cross dissolve and that will just change that transition to a standard cross dissolve we can then right click on that cross dissolve and we can open in the fusion page and then fusion will open like so so these transitions work as follows you've got your media out which is obviously just the end result media in one is the first clip so the clip on the left on the timeline media in two is the second clip so the clip on the right on the timeline and then all this is doing is using the cross dissolve to dissolve those together like so giving you your simple cross dissolve transition now if you want to have a look what's in this little folder you just double click and you can expand it and we can see we've just got a dissolve node in here or we can right click and we can ungroup and then we just end up with the dissolve node itself if we click on dissolve open up the inspector in the top right hand corner you can see here you've got your background foreground slider now that just works by if it's over on the far left you get just the background i.e just the first clip and then if we go all the way to the right it's on one which means we just get the foreground not the background and anything in between is a blend of the two nice and simple now what we're going to do is just delete the dissolve because we don't actually want that and then we're going to start working on creating a seamless transition and now with these new tools within davinci resolve fusion it's way easier way quicker and way more reliable so what we're going to do first of all is just come on this little shortcut bar here we're going to grab transform and we're just going to drop it on this line like so so a transform tool obviously just allows you to move things around the screen what we want to happen is for this clip to move over to the right hand side and then we get the other clip to start off on the left move over at the same speed essentially replacing it giving us that white transition what i'm going to do i'm going to right click where it says center on the inspector i'm going to come to modify with and then i'm going to come down to this one here which is called vector result this is a new one within davinci resolve 17. with that clicked you get the keyframe over here that's gone red and now we can click on modifiers up here now this vector result is quite clever so we've got the origin and we've got x and y so what that means is the starting point essentially for this transition so 0.5 0.5 means it's directly in the middle if we move the x over we can start from the left we can start from the right whichever we want distance is how much it moves from that origin so it's a naught at the moment if we drag that up you can see it's moving over to the right and one means it's moved one so it's gone from 0.5 to 1.5 on the x axis if we drag it the other way it moves back so that's how we can use that to do our little whip transitions if you wanted to do an up or down transition you just change this angle here suppose to change this angle to 90 and then just move the distance you can see it now goes up or down really simple right so how do we make it so it animates all the way across well again we do that using another brand new tool so i'm going to right click where it says distance we're going to go modify with and at the top we've got this one called anime curves or animation curves and now we've linked that distance to the animation curve now the animation curve really simply will go from zero to one over the duration of the entire transition so if we hit play now all it's going to do if we look at the distance here it's going to go from zero to one and it'll always go from zero to one regardless of how long or short the transition is so we don't have to keyframe it we don't have to set up any keyframe stretches it'll always go from zero to one like so now within this animation curves area there's a lot of controls we can use to make this look way way better so at the moment you can see the curve here is linear which means that it's just whipping over at a constant speed we want some acceleration to make it look much better so in this curve use the little drop down and we can select easing then we've got in and out we use those drop downs and we've got all of these standard curves now i've talked about these in the past before because i actually wrote a whole lot of expressions to do exactly this which is how i built my previous transitions so i won't go into them now but i can spend some more time on them in a different video if you want to there is a link in the description to a website which gives you a demonstration of how these different curves look so feel free to go and have a little look at that and we can just pick some so if i'm going to pick expo because i like x bar i've messed with that in the past it's exponential so basically it's going to start slow get really quick in the middle and then slow down at the end i'm going to change both of them to expo and now if we hit play you can see it starts off slow speeds up in the middle and then slows down at the end it's still just going from zero to one but it's accelerating in the middle going way faster but immediately it looks much much better and now we've got this real simple whip over to the right hand side now while we're in here we've got some more controls for the animation curves we've got scaling and we've got timing so at the moment it's going from 0 to 1. if i change the scaling from 1 to 0.5 so half of what it was originally you'll see now rather than going from zero to one it'll go from zero to naught point five so you have some granular control over the length or how much this transition is going to move which means in the future we'll be able to do loads of really clever stuff which i'll come to in another video i'm going to leave that as one at the moment so it whips over like that perfect so now we're just going to copy this transform node we'll paste it up here we'll connect media to that one we're going to need a merge node so i'm going to drag the merge node down here and then we'll drag transform to that one we're seeing the wrong clip at the moment i need to see the other clip and that's because this transform has been attached to our foreground we need it on the background so we're just going to right click on merge change that to swap inputs and there we go now at the moment they're both doing the same thing which is not what we want so we're going to click on this transform the one that's connected to media 2 we're going to open up the modifiers we're going to come down to the vector and all we need this to do rather than starting at the middle rather than start to get 0.5 0.5 from moving across the right we just need to start at minus 0.5 on the x-axis which means i don't know if you can see it's now starting over here on the left and then as the transition goes through it's going to come in from the left hand side just replacing the preview slot giving us a real simple whip transition ignore these empty bits top and bottom i've used a wrong clip here for this demo but don't mind we'll stick with it so as you can see we've made really simply a quick whip to the right transition i'm going to jump back into the edit tab if i lengthen this out because we've used those new tools it will automatically scale to the length that i've dragged it to that also means it'll work on any frame rate which is really cool now if we were happy with this all we could do is right click created transition preset give it a name i'm going to call this quick whip right click on ok in my video transitions here we'll scroll down until we've got the user area ignore all of my ones that are currently in there and then here we've got quick whip right we can now preview it and then whenever we want to use it we can just drag it from there and it's ready to go so really quickly and easily we've made this whip right transition that's scalable and work on any resolution and now sits within our video transitions we've done no keyframing we've done nothing fancy we've just used the existing tools which is really really cool so i'm going to right click on this one now and go back into the fusion page and here we are so we've done a whip right let's say we want to make a whip left well again that's really quite simple i'm going to go into my media one transform we're going to go to the modifiers and in the scale it's one now this can go to minus numbers so if it wanted it to whip to the left we could just do minus one now if we have a look rather than whipping to the right it's whipping to the left so cool we're halfway there we just need to go to our other transform for our second clip we need to do the same thing minus one on the scale but because this one starts over here you can see it's whipping to the left it's actually going further off screen which is not what we want so we want this clip to start over on this side of the screen instead so we're going to go back to our vector result rather than being minus 0.5 in the x we're going to change that to be 1.5 which means it's going to start over here on the right all of our ins and out curves are already done so if we hit play we've got a real simple whip left transition now cool and then of course you could save this as a transition preset like we did previously and then you've got a whip right and a whip left so you can build these up really quickly obviously the thing that's missing from this though is a motion blur so we need to add some motion blur to really make this one look a little bit better now there's loads of different ways to add motion blur i'm going to show you how to use the directional blur node because i can also then introduce a new tool for you to use so it's really useful so i'm going to open up my effects library i'm going to open effects i'm going to resolve fx blur and i'm going to grab the directional blur i'm going to add this after the merge node down here now i seem to have a bug with my fusion if i click and drag it won't actually let me release in the nodes for some reason what i need to do is click on it it adds it down here to my little workspace and then i can just hold shift and my mouse drag it release and put it where i want it so there you go that's interesting anyway i'm going to click on my directional blur now that it's attached and as you can see we've just got a 45 degree angle blur currently so first thing we need to do change the blur angle to where we want it we want it at zero because we want it to be a horizontal blur and then we've got the blur strength so the blur strength it just increases the blur strength as you'd expect zero we've got no blur all the way to one we've got loads of blur so we're going to use our curves again here i'm going to right click on blur strength i'm going to modify with and then anime curves once again with that done we're going to click on modifiers so at the moment what's happening at the beginning it's starting off with zero the blur is steadily increasing all the way through to one until it gets to the end which is not what we want we want it to reach one when it's in the middle and then make its way down back to zero when we get to the end so all we need to do is click on this button here that says mirror and that will do just that it'll start off at zero ramp up to one in the middle and then back down to zero at the end so now we've got this transition now that motion blur is looking a bit strong so we need to dial that down and we want to add some curves to it as well so it's not quite so linear so first things first still within the modifiers i'm going to change curve to easing and change my in and out let's choose a different one this time let's just go with quad and see how it looks no i don't like that one so let's go with let's try quint it's going to take a little bit of experiment to get used to all these let's just stick with that for the time being now obviously the level of directional zoom is too strong it's too strong at this point now what we can do again is use this scaling so i'm going to go to the middle of this transition so the point where the directional zoom will be at its strongest which is here and i'm just going to bring this scale down until i'm happy with it about i'm going to go with that so i've ended up being on 0.413 so now rather than going from zero to one back down to zero it's going to go from zero to four one three and then back down to zero again so we can just control the level of the blur and that looks much more like it so again let's jump back into the edit tab let's shorten this and we'll hit play and now we've got a real call whip transition with motion blur that's completely scalable and will work on any frame rate and of course any resolution as well so these new tools are super clever and they're going to be really useful for creating your own transitions there's loads more that you can actually do with this so i'm going to show you one more while we're here it's going to be a long video but there we go so i'm going to just start completely from fresh i'll grab an additive resolve it doesn't have to be that one it can be anyone as i say we'll right click or convert to a fusion we'll right click again and we're going to open infusion this one i'm going to leave the cross dissolve as it is because this is just a real simple blur between the two we're going to grab a transform node and put it at the end there and what i want to do is do a real quick zoom in and then zoom out transition so with the transform node selected in the inspector we're going to come down to size this time because we want to increase the size and then decrease the size so same again we're going to right click modify with animation curves now what's interesting about size because i've linked size to the animation curves rather than going from zero to one it's actually already scaled it because you can see the size goes from zero to five i don't know why i can assume that was intentional but that's what it does it goes from zero to five so we need to amend that so we're going to click on our modifiers you can see here now the scale is at five i'm going to change that back to one and what's happening here is it's starting at zero it's finishing at one which is not really what we want so first things first we're going to take mirror because we wanted to zoom in and then zoom out again and let's have a look this time so we're starting off at zero we're going to one and then we're going back down to zero so we don't want it to start at zero because if we start at zero we can't see anything because zero size means you can't see anything fortunately under the scaling this is other option called offset but what that means is you can offset the beginning so rather than starting at zero go to one we can have it start at one and go through to two so the scaling is the same we're still going through one we're just adding one but we're starting off from a different point so i'm going to make this offset one so now we're going to start off at one so you can see it's filling the screen it's going to zoom in to two and then it's going to come back out again to one at the end so now i've got this real quick little zoom in that's linear so we want to change the curves so let's change that to easing and we'll change that to let's just go with expo again because i know what to expect from that one and now we've got this real quick whip inwards and outwards now i want that cross dissolve to be a bit quicker so let's just modify that we'll open up cross dissolve go to the dissolve this one should already have the animation curves attached because that's used by default so we're going to go to modifiers it's linear we'll change that to easing or change it to expo as well let's see if this looks any better that's starting to look a little bit better it whips in dissolves and then whips back out again now again what we'd really like to do for that just to really sell the effect is to hide that transition just a little bit more with some blur so again effects library open effects i'm going to grab the resolve fx blur i want to go to zoom blur this time we're going to add that down there so i've got zoom blur zoom blur does exactly what it says on the tin it's got this zoom style blur if we give that a click in the inspector we've got the position of it and then we've got the zoom amount it's the zoom amount we want to modify so i'm going to right click modify with animation curves by default it's going to start off at zero and go through to one not what we want so we're going to go to modifiers first things first we'll take mira so now i'll start off at zero go to one and then go back out again so if we hit play how does that look not too bad let's change the curve to something else let's just go with that one and there you go now we've got this zoom in out transition with a dissolve and with the zoom blur so that's working really well again no keyframes no splining it's got curves the transition will work regardless of the length we can save that as a preset and job done so hopefully from this video you could really see the potential of some of these new tools available to us to create transitions and titles and loads of other stuff within the fusion tab how cool is all of that anyway i hope you enjoyed this video if you did give me a thumbs up if you got any comments or feedback make sure to leave them down below and if you're new here you enjoyed this video you want to see some other davinci resolve stuff some techy stuff and everything else in between make sure to hit that subscribe button thanks ever so much for watching folks take it easy i'll see you next time see ya you
Channel: MrAlexTech
Views: 42,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MrAlexTech, Mr Alex Tech, davinci resolve, davinci resolve transitions, davinci resolve 17, whats new in resolve 17, new in resolve 17, transitions davinci resolve, creating transitions in davinci resolve, davinci resolve 17 transitions, transitions davinci resolve 17, davinci resolve anim curve, seamless transitions
Id: 7369N3r0a4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 15sec (1215 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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