EVERYTHING You NEED TO KNOW About Luma Mattes | Davinci Resolve Tutorial

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luma mats are an easy way to add visual effects to your videos for example fog over a cityscape snow in a mountain scene or maybe even a ufo flying over new york and so today we're gonna jump into davinci resolve and take a look at a bunch of different ways that you can work with luma mats but first let's take a second and understand exactly what a luma mat is now there are typically two types of luma mats there's the track matte and the alpha matte and no matter what type of mat you're using you're basically doing the same thing you're using a sliding gray scale to determine the transparency of certain visual elements for example in an alpha matte all of the black parts of the map will make the corresponding parts of the video clip transparent and the white part of the alpha matte will make the corresponding part of the video clip opaque and then anything in between black and white will have varying degrees of transparency track mattes work a little bit differently the black part of a track matte will go away revealing the video clip underneath while the white parts will stick around to become visual elements now if all of that was completely confusing to you hopefully jumping into davinci resolve and actually working with these will make a little bit more sense so let's go ahead and take a look at davinci resolve i'm in the edit page right now i've already got some clips lined up and ready to go i haven't done anything with them so we've got a cityscape right here this is new york through the eyes of a drone and then we've got a woman standing on the streets also in new york because that's just the easiest city to find footage of then we've got a clip here of a nice mountain scene guy walking through the snow and then here we've got a short clip of some jars sitting in an old farm and then we've got kind of a multi-layer thing going on we've got a guy walking through the park and then if we disable that track we've got a ufo with a transparent background and then below that we've got the guy walking through the park again let's go ahead and enable these video tracks and the first thing that we want to do is actually get the mats into our project so let's come over to the media page now i've already created some bins here i've got a bin for my footage a bin for my mats and then i'm also going to import my mats as video clips so let's go ahead first and do the video clips because that's just super super easy so we're going to take this luma mat here let's see here we've got some smoke we've got some snow got this little transition here got some fog some dust and some old grungy filmy thing let's go ahead and select all those and we'll just drag them into this bin here now let's come into our matte spin we're gonna take these same clips and we're gonna right click and we're going to choose add to media pool as matte now the big difference here is the luma mask that we imported as video clips can be used in the edit page while the ones that we imported as mattes can be used in the color page all right let's come back into the edit page make sure we're in our matte video bin i'm going to show you how to use these mats in the edit page so let's come over to our cityscape here and we're going to add some fog that would be this right here and we're just going to drag this on top of our clip now you'll see we've got our fog but it's on a black background we want to get rid of that black background so we can see the cityscape underneath so let's make sure that our mat is selected we're going to come into our inspector we're going to come down to composite and we're going to change our composite mode to add and now you can see that we've got a layer of fog over our city and we can change the opacity of that if we want so we can make it a nice little haze and then there you go you can also do transitions with this same method so let's come over here and we're going to find our little glitch here and we're going to drag that and we're going to set that over here but again we've got zero transparency so let's select that composite mode add and now we've got a little very very long glitch transition probably not the best thing to use for a transition but you get the idea so that's how we use mats in the edit page really simple really easy but not a lot of flexibility now let's hop into the color page and take a look at how we can use mattes that way now there are a lot of different ways that you can use these mattes in the color page for example we can do it simple like we had before let's go ahead and grab our video clip what we're going to do is we're going to add a serial node and we're going to right click on the new node we're going to go add matte timeline mats and let's find our fog there's our fog right there we got our fog now nothing happened you can see nothing happened in fact let's go ahead and add some saturation here maybe bring up our gain a little bit add a little bit of contrast that looks good and now let's select our second note again and in order to make our fog show up we just need to grab our offset and increase our offset and you can see the more i increase it the more that fog shows up and if i wanted it to maybe be black i can bring my offset down and now i've got this weird black smoke let's reset that we'll bring our fog up just a little bit and now we've got a nice hazy thing going on here another thing we can do is actually adjust this mat so if i select this mat come over to my key and come down and uncheck lock matte i can adjust the height of the mat [Music] and i can bring that up so now i've got that haze covering my entire scene now that's the simplest way that we can use a matte in the color page and from there we can build on all sorts of stuff so next up let's take a look at how we can do a transition so for that we're going to need to come back into our edit page and what we're going to do is create a compound clip a 12 frame long compound clip so let's go ahead and back up six frames one two three four five six zoom in on our timeline a little bit and we'll cut there and we'll come back to the middle one two three four five six and we'll cut there and then let's grab these two short clips right click new compound clip we'll just call this transition and hit create and now let's make sure that that compound clip is selected and head into the color page and we're going to do the same thing add another serial node and then we'll right click add mat timeline mats and we're gonna find our transition here and again we're going to select our second node and we're going to bring our offset up and if we play that probably need to bring it a little bit more go ahead and bring that there we go just bring that all the way up play that again and you've got yourself a little transition now another cool thing that you can do with matt's and davinci resolve is you can actually isolate those mats to specific parts of your video clip for example let's come over here into our little mountain scene and once again we're going to add a new node and this time we're gonna add a layer node on top of that so hit alt l and then we're gonna select our layer node and we're gonna right click same thing add matte timeline mats and then we're gonna find our snow which is right here let's bring up our offset you can see our snow but you can see the camera's shooting out from a cave it's very unlikely we're gonna see snow inside this cave so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna come into my power window and i'm just gonna create a really quick power window here soften up the inside a little bit soften up the outside a little bit and now if we play we've got snow coming down outside of our cave but it's a little bit too [Music] translucent so let's go ahead and bring our gain down and there you go now obviously this snow is probably not the best element to use in this particular scene i would like some smaller snowflakes but this is the first thing that i found so this is what i'm using so up until now we've been using a single track mat in order to add our visual effects but we can actually layer these and create multiple mattes so let's go ahead and move on to our little clip of our jars here i'm gonna add a little bit of saturation a little bit of contrast that looks good right about there let's go ahead and add our serial node right click add matte timeline mats and this time we're going to look for our grunge and scratches select our node bring up our offset that's looking pretty good maybe bring that up a little bit more okay that's good let's come back to the beginning make sure our node is selected we're going to add another serial node select it right click add mat timeline mats and this time we're going to use our defocused particles of dust and once again bring our offset up and now if we play that back we've got some dust we've got our grunge and scratches that's looking pretty good now so far what we've been using are track mattes which removes the black part revealing the video underneath and then any white or gray parts will have various degrees of transparency now let's move on to our alpha mattes which will make an entire part of a video clip transparent while leaving the rest translucent or opaque so i've got a clip of my friend here walking through the park he's not really my friend i've just used this video clip three videos in a row so i feel like we've developed a personal bond anyway let's go ahead and make this guy separate from the background basically is what we're doing so first thing we're gonna do is add a serial node now there are a couple different things that we can do here first what we're going to do is remove the background basically we're going to separate the background from our subject within the same video clip so let's go ahead and add a layer node and let's select our layer node and we're going to right click and click add matte timeline mats and we're going to do our green screen hd and now you can see let's go ahead and select our second serial node here if i grab my saturation bring the saturation all the way down then grab my layer node and bring the saturation up you can see we've separated our background from our foreground now that's all good if you want to work like this but let's say i wanted to put some kind of visual effects element in between the foreground and the background for that we need a few different video layers and that's why if we come back to our edit page we've got the same video clip here sandwiching our clip of the ufo let's come back into the color page we're going to delete our matte we're going to delete this we're going to reset this node and now what we're going to do is we're going to right click on our node we're going to click add matte timeline mats green screen hd and then what we want to do is add an alpha output so let's right click anywhere in our node area and click add alpha output and then we're going to connect the green dot on our mat to our alpha output so let's go ahead and do that real quick and now you can see if we come back here and we desaturate you can see now we've got three different video layers we've got our background we've got our middle ground which is our ufo and we've got our foreground and so now let's go ahead and reset the saturation on that if i come back into the edit page what i can do is select this ufo i can make it smaller change the position a little bit we'll start it from over here and then we'll come over to the end and we'll move it over here and maybe up a little bit and now if we play that back whoops if we play that back we've got our ufo flying in the background got our guy turning to watch it pass him and there you go now obviously that doesn't look realistic at all i would have to do the some color grading on our little ufo there to make it look like it was part of the scene but you get the basic concept now if you're wondering how i created that luma mat for that guy walking in the park well i did that using runway ml i just did a whole review on that earlier this week you can check that out right here and for more tools tips and tricks that'll make you a better video editor make sure to subscribe to the channel and hit that bell so you don't miss anything thanks for watching and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Jay Lippman
Views: 41,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: luma mattes davinci resolve, how to add luma mattes davinci resolve, how to use mattes in davinci resolve, davinci resolve luma matte, luma matte davinci resolve, alpha matte davinci resolve, alpha matte vs luma matte, track matte davinci resolve, davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve, jay lippman, jay lippman davinci resolve tutorial
Id: idbuxBc3k2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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