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look they can't even reach me they're stupid you guys suck alright hey what's going on guys lock that zip here y'all like bacon right what well you don't oh well then leave this we know what you hear I'm just kidding you don't like bacon you can stay but you should really reconsider your options I've been doing a little bit of research lately into how we can perform some extreme movements on our favorite swine's in Minecraft the big if you didn't know today's video is all about living inside of one we can finally see what the innards of one of the filthiest dirtiest dad was at Minecraft looks like and I got to tell you it's not pretty but there's rumors of something known as Pig Armour as well as a pig shooter bow and the loveliest slappy estuve all pig pieces of meat and we're gonna try and get our hands on some of this brand-new armor and weapons right now now if you want to know how you live inside a pig it could not be any simpler all you need is to feed him a lot of wheat that's right a whole stack of wheat as well as another star because pigs have a knack for swallowing shiny delicious pointed objects I don't know why but they do Sakura this book here it's simple enough all we got to do is throw another star and a stack of wheat on top of a pig while it stands on some grass we got to feed it look it up a little baby pig wait yeah it's next oh well then he ate that thing extremely fast that's like eating 21 pieces of bread at once that's impressive but yesterday's video we're gonna be exploring I live inside a pig in Minecraft we've done a lot of these videos before in the past you may have seen some of them here they are now step on in and we can get ourselves inside of this amazing little beacon we've done it there's a door in the side of this turtle this is not Emily as I swear oh and so without further ado it's time for us to hop on into a friend here Jeffrey throwback alert everybody know who Jeffrey is and we got to see what living inside this pig is all about but not before I beg for likes subscribe hey a comment on this video letting us know what you'd like to see us live inside up next it could be a block it could be an item it could be a mod it could be whatever you want so shouts out to Xavier and without further ado let's see what's inside this silly little big boom inside we go we're now in this giant pig it's so big there's clouds inside typical pigs they'll eat anything right okay so look at this place real fancy we got a farm this must be from all the food this stupid animal keeps eating all the time in fact looks like you ate some villagers as well and whole building pigs will really eat anything won't they okay well we should probably figure out what there is to do in here so why don't we start with this guy what's good baby what's your carrot fireman carrot farm boy yeah he's rabid get him out here before Columbia there's some leaves and carrots in the chest that move all six of them out of the glowstone portals that aren't blocked by glass don't kill them no animal cruelty is not acceptable when you live inside one says the villager Pig villager we have some leads here we got some carrots it looks like we need to get rid of some rabbits in the carrot farm okay I'll play this game with you boy easy with the text though gotta get the text out of the way yeah this looks promising we got a whole gang oh my god I'm a good mole I'm evil okay we got a couple of them don't my momma take can we boy let me grab one okay cool so I want to say we got to wait I know what we need to do need to hold carrots so they love me look now they want ya what's good boys boom I got another one now where are the other guys we got to lower them all using these great cares there should be a grand total of six bunnies if I'm not mistaken look literally all want me all friends and look I got six buddies oh they tell me this isn't the greatest day of everything look at me what am I the bunny whisperer look all my friends I want to name them all okay this one's Joel Benny Susan Lindsey um let's go mmm bunny and this one's called rabbit okay so Joel Benny bunny Susie rabbit Lyndsey I think that was all of them y'all about to get teleported come on down friends okay we'll see you later get up on there now today get up for now can we I won't trying you know why what gifts oh oh it's oh it's that what it's it's the other one oh look at my friends oh I need help all right take two guys y'all ready to get out of here I don't know why this pig swallowed you but a little embarrassing so one two three come on stupid rabbits wait okay bring her this one now I keep switching on me stupid animals gotta carry him by rope get in there ah come on we right is this yeah yeah that was close Oh Oh why do you realize there was three different bunny portals I never been inside a pig before I don't know what's supposed to do come on let's go come on bunny come on Lindsey the other guys already made it where's my stupid rock come on you know I know you want this carrots I know you want these carrots yeah and then for good measure boom oh I can't punch you well that'll do Challenge complete whoo oh we got some goodies check this out we got another start and we got iron nuggets interesting let's go see what the farmer wants with these guys huh maybe y'all can get some trades going poppin off now what's good buddy why is it so laggy about I hate it Barrett farmer you got for me now there's stuff for eight gold nuggets really so what you're saying is you want a whole nother star and you not even give me one gold ingot and return all right I get it with the text all right buddy what about iron nuggets let's see ooh a pig sword this probably smells delicious pig sword I've done it don't mess with me I'm dangerous well look how excited he is he's literally going mad with power what have you got just witnessed I loved it I loved every second of it but then do we want to I mean can't and the rest of it's all stupid all right fine I don't know why I've just done that we only get a trait once you get one trade with the village and I get it with the text stay away oh look he's excited what's good dude you got an okay we can keep trading well let you enjoy your nether star let's go figure out what else we can do around here okay this guy's fresh what you got buddy wheat farmer how do you wait bummer I was going to finish planting the rest these seeds but I have two problems my back is sore and I'm out of seats well what do you want me to do about that can you please find 50 seats and plant them for me I'll give you some gold for it thank you so much okay okay okay that's fine so we got some seeds all right up on there what am I supposed to plant him in this little empty spot Wow how many seeds so what do you want me to do ah similar the turtle huh I should have known seeds and arrows well I got a bow but we could probably use the seeds to start planting for this poor sucker okay let's go find 40 more here we go we got 20 seats now hey this going quick well it's pig-like ate a bunch of dirt that defies gravity all right Billy Corgan is currently away can someone please smash these pumpkins really is anyone out there many moms dads out there know who Billy Corgan is because I know y'all kids ain't go kid just jump on them all right well it's time for us to begin smashing pumpkins seriously no one gets it fine I'll just enjoy that one on my own Wow well we get pie just for jumping on the pumpkins dude I'm all about it okay hold on smash smash yo this is going fantastic oh man I've fallen and I kick it up carry on what and then one of these for good I missed I got hit come on look at the stupid grass I like goofed on me okay can we there we go that's another one down okay we've killed a total of seven pumpkins I still don't know why I'm doing this I don't even know what it has to do with pigs but I don't want to ask you make questions before the stupid thing has indigestion I'm getting them by 8:00 no I may eat this pop I'm hungry I hope I literally don't know if I need that or not for anything but we're assuming we don't okay there's number nine and then number ten presumably the final pumpkin let's go ahead and smash on yeah that's good Challenge complete it looks like we got some extra iron nuggets and another nether star okay okay I don't think I need the leaves anymore so you know now we can just go ahead and find that actually what was the point of this one I don't even see a village around for this one where's Billy Corgan look there's actually another pumpkin whoa did I just nice double challenge alert I got I got double pumpkins that's good okay cool well that made me saved us some time I'm all about that Oh whoa are you seeing this look at this what is that what even is that hold on what the heck well it's a bunch of hearts why and it just disappears at the end hey boy you'll know what's up whoa fad breaker so I'm here just breaking down some fat in this here boy's veins get help just shoot ten of them and I'll give you cool stuff there's a bow in the chest but I'm not sure what the spare I was went there's somewhere around here okay so that's what the bow and arrows for okay well we got eight arrows and we got some bow unbreakable and look now we have thirty seats we got it's ten ten seeds off that guy it sounds like we're gonna need some more errors before we take these guys on but I'm curious let me try and break one right now can I come on now would it what come on out oh that's what fat sounds like guys this is why you need to stay healthy I'll get my way text what yeah got another one you get one of these crazies who it yeah the best shot in the land what about you what do you want whoa cake bacon me precious eggs they were taken by some kind of monster of the night sky anyway took eggs away now I cannot reach them can you please be a lad and get them on please please please do not step on the gigs else you will regret it no you calm down he says look man I ain't trying to swipe on you but what's in the text your than the text I enough all right I get it stop okay I'm sorry Oh anyone kidding latest wild how do I can we oh boy oh my it's unhealthy don't eat cake look at him over there he knows what he did stupid villager anyways oh hey oh hey more arrows that's good now I think that's ten arrows so as long as I don't miss again I come on oh why it's just bounce to me I've never seen that before we need to be so careful it hurts literally because this this is not going well up this stage we go if we get just how do i hmm Who am I say I do eat the pie I needed now if we hit one more stupid little there we go that's good that's good that's good that's good that's good I really I'm gonna eat again I'm away to eat again wait I think I could I use eat the cake oh oh best day this pigs eaten a lot of cake like yeah what is this like it's intestines or something like gross oh come on what okay good yes what do you got what do you got an egg that's what I did all this for in the egg oh that's right the egg now is complete except now I gotta get back somehow so great let's uh let's do this so carefully oh yes I'm so happy yes I got your eggs already leave me alone what actually can't we trade you but we can alrighty we're gonna go ahead thank you okay you only want to take one that's fine what else you got a I don't want that what he can no stupid how did this get here that would have been nice to have before you Eddie villager oh I mean I guess I should have been the one to check the trades but details right let's get back to business killing the fat I guess well that's great I just lost one of my arrows so now it's stuck forever we can't do nothing about that you now can we gonna pull one right out on i-10 out yeah and then you know I really like this left one there's really not that much space to go and do things so yeah okay okay okay we only got a kill I think four more because I goofed on one right yeah you know what let's do it a little real good I'm gonna feel myself feel myself hold on I get out check it out check it out check it out check shut up watch this look I'm the best yeah again watch look grace man alive yeah except we got to kill one more so now we need one more arrow look at that up there haunting me there's the one arrow stumped oh this would have been nice to have before a saturation potion ten minutes of it wow that's gonna make everything goes so quickly the check the seal check this out look Oh suddenly we've got instant saturation start healing up right away I'm gonna go ahead and eat this pumpkin pie everything is good in the world and now we have a speed boost that's always nice awesome we just got 40 seeds and we got three more arrows so we only need one of them to fire off so we should be able to trade with this guy in a hot second although I think he didn't have anything to useful for the city yes challenge completed okay what's good buddy with the text already come on can we there it is the big shooter ooh okay what does this do though does it do some like a man and then and then yeah there we go wait you only want one okay fine who asked you anyways let's see what this big shooter is all about now it's weird it looks like it's backwards so oh whoa whoa it's shooting me backwards just like I implied because it said it was backwards and it doesn't look like it takes any ammo Wow where am I dude this place is huge this is the biggest pig I think I've ever seen look at this wow we're like exploring everywhere right now this is great some I don't need to do anything else other than use this pig shooter from here on out travel those days are over it's good man oh that's it we got 50 seeds now I can go do that other guy's stupid tasks y'all ready for this check this out well oh yeah right on over to the farmers farm and that lovely okay we're gonna plant all 50 of these Oh fun look it gives me like a little I ain't even mad okay we'll play these I'll be right back one two three four five six seven eight M's in my prank count I mean challenge complete let's go see what that guy's at the chain.i dude your task is complete stop yelling at me with your text I'll take the gold nuggets why did both gold nuggets that's great I mean never stars whatever we got almost I mean this is useless what do I use gold nuggets for it looks like we've pretty much done everything on this little bottom area I don't know exactly what's going on over here but that's sheep the pig ate a sheep an entire other animal live NOLA I mean yeah they humans too but in a details digestion sheep Nick what is that about digestion sheep and what do you then what do you want beetroot farmer the villagers of feared still would it be true the villagers of fear no who's that they're supposed to trigger the fight-or-flight response but sometimes they get out of control in fact the held the pig you please get it back for me you may need some strong weapons the villagers of fear that sounds terrible no I can't help you man goodbye but hey this looks fun this is the world's easiest parkour like I'm not even like thinking about this these jumps right now I wish every part chorus is simple look at that Hey well it's good golden carrot person if you manage to produce nine golden carrots than you'll remove yourself well enough to take the soul of this very pig I won't tell you where to find the golden nugget of Kara she was purposely with repurchase virtue good luck I have no any what I just said that's okay you know we could actually make a whole bunch of these right now hold on wow there's like so many like collectibles in this we already have six of the golden carrots we only need three more golden carrots but where's this armor I keep hearing about it must be someone just got like armor to trade me nice full-blown sitting area like cafe cafe la Oh Inc just a pig with a full-blown shop inside of him I don't need these anymore okay there's anything too special in this area I don't know what the Sheep was about but that's okay I don't really care to bridge of spines it was just the pigs look another one all right you come with me yeah I assume you're useful you're coming with me sheep come on now yeah look at it he's excited Wow the whole mess of things going on over here okay well let me see you got something for me - mister what do we got green housekeeper his invulnerable corner forgotten we've trapped in the greenhouse but now I can harvest my mails until the FBI pig comes to remove it unless you wouldn't help harvester may be easier if you have proper armor well you got any armor for me you stupid he does yeah it's the pig help I've been waiting for this moment I've gotten the first piece Oh Pig Armour and look we've worn it is it do anything special it highlights things so it doesn't do anything special but do you look at that stupid yeah I'm talking to you cheese oh hey what is this ooh okay I mean I don't need those what is it like highlight like the chests or something oh and little creatures hold on oh look another villager what are you like a karate master standing up on like a single piece of work what do you want huh and this little piggy had silverfish oh well we had a web and I can go there and Squatch as pets myself says the potato farmer well don't worry man I got my Pig sward here we're gonna take these suckers out once this text gets out of my way Oh golly strong come on I'm trying to tack you yeah come on yeah that's good what is he yes perfect okay good I mean I don't was it do you hear that noise well I'm sorry mr. sheep I wasn't trying to kill him look wow they're like all fleeing oh whoa it like freezes them when I attack with the sword they don't move anymore how many of these are there they just keep spawning in it looks like hold on boys hold on now yeah look they literally get stuck and how many more two spawns Jon let's complete but they keep spawning in I'm not gonna ask questions let's get out of here mr. sheep get on out of here and close that yeah now they can't do anything okay so what do you got from me mister we got yeah I get it you want the nether star take the gold nuggets thank you big boots nice I love it now legend is according to the the the yeah I'm just kidding that this is all made that point is you can wear the pig boots look what happens you sneak you can charge up like a little pig look at this y'all ready check it on trade I trade up well be supposed to oh there we go whoa nice it like let's yeah hold on look you look good I'm like a swine on the loose there's angry is pig in all the land okay so now I got some basic tool that's a basic armor missing a couple more pieces of armor I think and I still don't really know what you're about but it looks like you got loose so we're gonna have to make do actually let's go find your friend he probably knows what's up look sheep I found your friend reunited and it feels so good yeah but what am I supposed to do with you oh look there's arrows pointing this way yeah oh I guess they're pointing everywhere well actually what's over here oh look I'm more sheep is this very supposed to be okay what does he have to say let's see what do we got two of the digestive no way this is supposed to go bring them here all right I brought the meat get on over here suckers go on in come on get it and you go I sit in get in yeah oh did you hear I'm sad come on so this text can go away at least thank you challenge complete don't whole bunch of villages in here yo this is seriously the fattest pig okay thank you very much we got the gold nugget now what can you give me in return here Oh Pig Armour okay this looks good pika whoa I just gave me so much stuff did you did you see that it gave me like many things at once I think I mean I don't know exactly but now I'm missing my legs okay so in fear we only need it looks like three more carrots that are gold in order to move on and technically we have enough gold to make two of them so really we only need one more so what are you about yeah that's right the carnivore guy so I'm gonna see can we we can oh wow no that's not what I wanted to do can we go through the roof we just did whoa let's be noclip amazing you stay away I don't like him the meat monster y'all might kill you dead you suck I hate him look at him he's the worst way isn't evil so we can't do anything this guy even what what does he want what do you want what am i doing huh let's go back out yeah okay so we got it Oh get up quick Abe we need ohm ellen's we got it help him with his melons that's plenty okay so let's break the melons I presumably that's what we're doing I right I'm sorry right the melon that's good attack him so he leaves me alone break the melon okay that's good okay attack so he leaves me alone break the melon okay that's good now y'all getting the pattern into by now right the melon right the melon okay uh-huh I don't see any more oh there's one right there okay great I think this is the last one can we oh oh no no no as always seems to be one get away meat monster what is he even doing in here he's like I have anything funny to say I'm sorry well this for sure looks like the last melon so there it is challenge completed how about it look at this look now we can thank you very much and now we can I got a pic Hjelm I'll need that now I know we have enough carrots to just trade this guy and be on our merry way but I saw someone over here talking about fear villagers and I want to get to the bottom of it so let me literally look it like goes downwards so let's see what do we have waiting in here Hey empty uh-huh Oh Oh what's good dude what are you an indicator illage of indicator creator villager oh hey all right hey there's the beetroot there is that it we just needed to collect that and then okay well oh it's the fear village you what always strong okay no no no no no bad you stay closed like this is stupid they can't open doors what are you worthless I hate him okay so here I did what you stupid tasks give me the goods thank you and what do you have to trade anything piggy power knock back ooh okay let's see what this is all about now they start spawning Rui Rui Rui Rui right and what's good boys boom boom is it even I mean no no no no no look look they can't even reach me they're stupid okay you can all right no oh oh my gosh oh I'm so fast I'm leaving we gotta get up here ASAP Oh oops fallin nice okay look I think we're fine can we just thank you very much and oh those just disappear we'll look at this look at this so soon we now did it we got ten golden carats total of ten of them instead so if I'm not mistaken we can trade you these guys and get a pet pig we just got ourselves a pet pig not bad where would the oh he spawned oh look at him look at him he's a little piggy are you gonna follow me get over here Pig soul can I nice what it like it like whoa whoa it like froze me in place Pig soul you're I mean what you're just a pet pig you just follow me around now oh he does own that nice look I get a little pet pig that's great well stop breasts get the heck out of here using my great Pig bow my friends this has been living inside a pig in Minecraft look at the size of this stupid thing we got some fresh new pig Armour a pig sword a pig bow and a piece of meat so you know I don't really know what it means but we didn't get any leggings I guess pigs don't wear legs it makes sense really all the same my friends that's gonna be doing it for our live inside of Pig status y'all love it if you did drop it like on the video thanks for subscribing as well and let us know in the comment section what you'd like to see us live inside up next always sure to be the best shouts out in Xavier Hans the dragon zero one four for this awesome creation whoa check Michelle linked in the description of this video hope you all have a great day my friend I'm gonna kill this poor guy he deserves a always invincible well whatever it was Elin
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 1,284,629
Rating: 4.8513346 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, how to live inside, live inside mobs, minecraft house, house, tutorial, funny, gameplay, no swearing, no cursing, comedy, gaming, spotlight, crazy, challenge, adventure, trolling, how to live inside a block, minecraft how to, how to, live inside a pig, pig house, pig minecraft, minecraft as a pig, minecraft life as a pig, pig, pig life, farm, minecraft farm, minecraft 1.13, 1.13, logdotzip minecraft, logdotzip,, minecraft logdotzip
Id: DeyAqVIK_s8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 25sec (1525 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 28 2018
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