Creating Spear Pits To TRAP Zombies | Project Zomboid Zero To Hero #11

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you know I think out of every single series I've done in Project Des zomboid none other have come to as satisfying as finally getting our own van with gasoline because of the sheer fact by having this car we have opened up so many paths of opportunity for good old Bartholomew anyways everyone welcome to project zomboid and so far my good friend bartier has survived for 59 days killing 68 zombies weighing a solid 94 kilos going on down our skills are looking good and today we want to improve that even more right because my big plan for this episode is to finally leave this area load up all of the spears put it inside our truck and then go right on down to West point where I'm probably going to set up a massive kill pit right there or maybe over here right because once we set that up we will slowly be able to clear out the town of West Point and maybe just maybe we can loot the school that's going to be quite the ways away though and right now I still want to improve my character as we are still overweight which is going to affect the bottom line of stamina recovery so for the next 4 days just about we are going to be working out every single hour the only other things I will want to do is prepare more more water to you know to to to purify and check our crops periodically to get more harvests matter of fact there looks to be a whole bunch of tomatoes to be done so yeah that's all I'm going to be doing today it's going to be boring work but you need to do it in order to improve Bart let's get this bread all righty everyone welcome back to a brand new day it's been about a full week since you've last seen Bartholomew and I have to say things have been going great we've been doing a whole bunch of burpees we've been working out over almost exclusively and we finally worked on our character enough to gain some very nice traits and lose one right if you look right now we are both Stout and fit which means I finally have reached a point where I think I can remove Restless sleeper I followed your guys' comments and yeah after becoming fit and stout I thought it was very nice I still kept sleepy head though because I can lose it naturally I just have to sleep on time now but yeah we have reached level six in strength and level six in Fitness we still are overweight but we are 88 kilos going on down and I know for a fact 100% if I survive another 3 days I will lose the overweight perk I have no idea how Bartholomew looks shirtless at this point but I'm very curious to see if there's any physical changes with him being you know Stout and Fit I guess we shall see no nothing too crazy right now but I feel like that's going to change as as soon as I lose the weight but yeah it's currently 2:10 p.m. I did oversleep a bit but I think we can still head down and get our job done by the way I went through about three saucepans full of water so now we are running off of a kettle and some bottles yeah not really the best actually let me grab just the bottle pouring it on the ground and we'll go grab that once we reach an actual home so yeah we've done everything we've needed to the only another update I have is the fact that so much food is going to waste over there you have two chipped Stones which is actually really really good I'll take those but what I was talking about is the rotten carrots and over here we have a whole bunch of stale Tomatoes as well it's pretty sad but you know when you have a massive Garden like I do it's it's justifiable so yeah let's grab our bag pick up all of the spears drop it in the back and we can finally get a move on oh man it feels good being so fast quick and ready and I don't have to worry about getting tired as soon as I step outside the only problem is I really need to fix my sleeping schedule we wake up at like 2: p.m. it's not very much the best but I'm very used to having Restless sleeper okay let's do this and by do this I mean do it tomorrow it's raining out and we still are terrified of the rain so yeah it looks like it's going to be a tomorrow problem at the very least it gives me an extra day to fix my sleeping schedule all righty after waiting a full day things look a whole lot better so I will see all of you when I drive down to the end of the road here where I will make my decision on whether to slowly take the spears down to the kill pit or to just to drive the entire thing down right now all I have to hope for is no more setback please I've already spent enough time out here and of course it starts raining once again you know what I'm just going to leave it I don't think it'll bother me too much I have a job to do and we're making spear pits well here's the end of the road so far I don't see any zombies so I think I'm going to slowly saunter our way on down avoiding any saplings and as soon as we see a big group of zombies roll up on us I'll stop the car hopefully that doesn't happen but the thing I really want to avoid is going into a set of saplings and getting stranded and dying a horrible death as a group swarms me so far though I think we might be able to set it up pretty close to the uh oh no to West Point okay there's zombies here let's stop the car let's kill them peace meal and let's see how much more powerful B and finally we can see how much more powerful Bartholomew has gotten come on man it's been a long time we have literally become fit and strong look at that oh oh my Bart you are looking good okay let's go do a little bit of a scouting run before I drive in my car the rest of the way we are almost there though so yeah as long as these trees are pretty clear we should be good to go let's see any zombies no none at all okay there are about two up there but down here I don't see any let's go until we see the garage and maybe I'll be able to set it up right next to that area yeah no looking around right now we are cooking okay let's go drive it down right here looks pretty good it's pretty close by to the garage but far enough away to where I can get out and get the hell out of here if I need to let's go check out the garage and if it's clear I think I'll set it up in here though I don't like the amount of trees nearby so I actually might try and set it up a little bit out towards that house right let's go check the garage and the shed maybe we'll find something nice inside like a ballpen hammer which is honestly a very good secondary we are also drowsy so I do need to keep an eye out for that anything else no we have a sport tire but that looks to be it around here at the very least we do have another spot to where we can actually sleep because of how large the room is so that's actually huge because all I have to do is Park my van inside here and we have oursel a base to where I don't need to you know abuse substances in order to sleep now let's see what's in the shed nothing let's head down towards the house it looks to be pretty clear as well all righty we have found our spot right here we can set it up next to the fence lines and this bad boy is going to be cooking the only thing I want to do before I start that is clear out some of the nearby zombies so I don't get jumped with a you know backpack full of Spears while I'm super duper encumbered that would end terribly for me so step on up my good sir and I will give you a quick little uh jab in the head nice anyways is there any zombies inside here thankfully no it looks pretty clear also it looks like Bart can sleep inside this house as well if I don't want to you know risk it in the garage which is something that I might do H yeah let's go loot around then we have nothing in the bedroom a nice bottle of red wine inside this cabinet which is huge especially because I can sleep you know in a bedroom we also have orange soda marshm mows lentils and a TV dinner processed cheese shrimp a crowbar which is in very low condition and finally an empty notebook okay everything in here is pretty damn nice I'm going to remember this spot I'm going to shut the curtains and I think we're going to sleep in here so you know what I will see all of you [Music] tomorrow and after a full night's rest I feel ready to tackle anything by the way my character can actually sleep without the help of alcohol anymore because of how slowly we get panicked right so if I speed up time very quickly I can hurry up right click something and press sleep before I get tired uh before I get panicked again so yeah we don't even need alcohol to sleep indoors anymore oh dude it's just I don't know Bart is just really he he's really really really gotten far and now we're going to get even even further I don't think there's going to be too many zombies around here let's go check outside really briefly yeah no we're looking good so yeah no green light to do our thing I'm even going to drive the van down a little bit closer that's how confident I feel there we are this is as far as I feel comfortable though so any further is going to be a resounding no but looking down man I don't see that many zombies I might have overestimated how many there actually no I do see a group down there yeah this is completely Justified okay now that we have this Kentucky van down I can lay down my ultimate spear trap right and my entire plan right now is to dig a massive kill box inside this backyard here and just fill it with death spikes so the entire plan is you know instead of me having to do the killing I can let the killing you know do itself yeah yeah yeah let's go paste them over now oh and if you're wondering if I'm going to be using all of the Spears in This One Singular kill box that is going to be a no I'm going to start it off pretty small and I'm only going to choose my battles very wisely right so give me 20 to start off with and we can dig it out dropping in about five each with that I feel a whole lot safer to do a lot of looting I am going to see if I can find a group of zombies to test it on but yeah I just it it is it is basically like having a fence line huh because they will trip over it even if there aren't any Spears in it but because there is one we have a very good way of fighting zombies I'm going to drop off the shovel and I think we'll go and look around for a group to test it on I do believe in Bartholomew's speed at this point to outrun zombies at at least long enough to reach the van we got another 50 more like 60 Spears left if you count to the ones inside of the passenger seat if you count the ones in the passenger seat so yeah we can do this like another two three times so let's start hunting for that big big group okay there it is we got two zombies right down over there we'll give it a shout we'll lead them over is it only the two what is going on in this place it's it's so damn like silent I hate it well I mean we can kill them at least or not or not what was that I'm sorry what I'm sorry I what the what what I need to replay that I need to replay that I'm sorry that is that is beans oh you have got to be kidding me it's a it's a scratch into El laceration Bartholomew might be dead it might be over for him and and I am pretty pissed off not going to lie especially after all the training I put in but you know I guess we're tired we're in pain we're injured let's not risk it I'm going to head back and we're going to rot indoors and if we get sick it's game over if not I've been blessed by RNG currently it's just a scratch and a laceration so we do have a chance of pulling through it's both a 5% chance on top of a 33% chance so it's not looking at the best our armor did save us quite a bit though uh because I would have I I'm I'm honestly very lucky to only have gotten two scratches but two scratches might be all it takes also if you wanted to see what the inside of my house looked like yeah I took creative Liberties to make it safe not that it matters anymore right I'm going to drink alcohol it might be it but even if we die I might be able to survive long enough to lose the overweight perk and then I can I guess die in peace not really peace God dang it dude that sucks eggs I will see all of y'all tomorrow I'm drinking like a good quarter of this wine here okay everyone good news I woke up I am not dead I think we're good the laceration is still here we can clean up the bandages though but I think after a full night's rest we would have gotten the scare already if we were actually injured right because we do have let's see here prone to illness which means if I would have been infected I would have immediately gotten extremely stressed out and Queasy I think we're genuinely safe I'm going to go wash my character off pop on a jacket because damn I need the you know I need the protection oh my Lord that was scary I didn't even get to test my damn spear traps I don't know why there's no zombies here either maybe maybe they're deeper in maybe they're deeper in I have no idea this entire episode feels like a damn anomaly let's wash ourselves off though and let's keep on moving right on through one of the most empty areas I've seen actually you know what it might be the last time I visited this place properly with the same strategy I was playing against super zombies which might have been why there were so many here and I think now that we aren't playing with super zombies there's not too many zombies you know in the area also another thing I'm ditching the spears I'm pretty sure the spear is what got me almost killed there all right I'm switching over to a good oldfashioned Hammer now that I don't have to worry about my physicality yeah no I'm switching to hammers not after that BS oh if that would have killed me I would have been one of the most angry and mythed people out there we have made it to the graveyard though there are some zombies down over here actually there's quite a few for me to test out my spear traps let's lead them down and give them a wallopin let's go let's go let's go let's go right on over to the spirit traps boom we're here and now we can see it in action that's what I'm talking about that's what I wanted to happen the entire time zombies they just throw themselves in it and I benefit you know little to know problems on me I just can't step in there cuz I will die instantly nice okay there's one small benefit out of that entire just Escapade now let's see if the other zombies want to come on in or if I'll have to you know do it manually yeah you know what I'm going to do the other two manually all right nice that is the kind of performance I was expecting when I you know attacked those zombies with the spear all right you know what I think we're going to loot a couple more homes and I'm going to end the episode here at the very least I was able to Showcase why I wanted the spirit traps right because at the end of the day we still have a chance of survival even if a big group comes up on us as long as we plan stuff out accordingly so yeah I think as long as I don't have any other hiccups like before reaching the school might be possible I just need to create small checkpoints like that throughout the neighborhood so we've already looted that home there's no more here so let's go loot these two and I think we'll call it there first things first though we're going to do a 360 around the entire house to make sure there's no sneaky zombies you know what let's clear out those as well with the spear trap hey yo Chu nuts come on over here I got I got a surprise for y'all yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay they're coming on in let's showcase the reason why we make those spear traps now it's like clockwork it is just Clockwork that's 10 zombies down just like that and I really do think this is going to be the come up point where Bartholomew becomes a real Survivor hell he's even been scratched and he seems to be fine after oh so maybe you know maybe he is the hero of time or I'm coping I have no idea that's another five down now I feel a little bit safer to loot let's see what we got then we have some books some empty bleach bottles a kitchen knife a couple of cooking pots vegetable oil a whole bunch of cereal and peanut butter some beans a newspaper and some long socks that's it for this house let's go check out the other killing any zombie that dares tread my path okay cool let's see what we got in here we have more cereal and food a whole bunch of canned materials another zombie I hear upstairs Hello Goodbye a replacement denim shirt we got a walking cane which I'll use as a weapon right now we have a dead mouse a nice flashlight with a magazine and that's actually going to be it in here okay cool we've looted the two homes we've done quite a bit and now I can finally rest I am going to end the episode here as I grab all of these materials and head all the way back home right now my big goal is to loot just more of West Point getting more materials and Supplies on the way Bartholomew here has survived for 70 days 30 days away from the 100 days hopefully by then I can lose the weight and I can reach you know a good level eight or nine in Fitness and strength for now we are comfortably sitting where I need to be all right I will see all of you next time when I do some more looting I will see all of you later peace out everyone
Channel: Pr1vateLime
Views: 33,931
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Keywords: Pr1vateLime, pr1vate lime, Pr1vate Lime, private lime, project zomboid build 41, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid tips and tricks, project zomboid ep 1, project zomboid build 41 tips, project zomboid build 41 ep 1, project zomboid challenge, project zomboid day 1, zomboid, project zomboid, zomboid build 41, project zomboid modded, project zomboid impossible start, project zomboid hardcore, project zomboid insane, insane, difficulty, impossible
Id: VjoeSQSzlp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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