I turned Project Zomboid into an extraction survival game

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hey there friends I love project zomboid I also love extraction Shooters so here we are this is our extraction Zone on some sort of bridge that looks favorable I got some food let's head out where the heck am I I'm in this little house unfortunately I'm in the totally wrong place I've got to get all the way over here oh my God there's a gas station on the main road out of town here that's probably my best bet so I guess it's time to just head this way and hopefully bump into a car and if not at least I'm heading in the right direction oh there's a car there and this is a medical facility this could be a good shout oh no there's so many zombies though I can you just leave a man in peace like you're done for you don't need the medical equipment anyway that's it I'm coming in just like you I have no patience oh now we're talking all the good stuff cotton balls I'll just stick them in my ears and pretend everything is okay I don't suppose I'd be lucky enough to have the C work as well Oh I thought it was going to for a second wo look at this perfect condition hell yeah I'm going to take this and inevitably crash it into a wall at some point I just got to siphon some gasoline from another vehicle ah there's some Vehicles okay I might be able to get something from that five a day keeps the doctor away as they say and since I was just next door and the doctor is a [ __ ] zombie it's probably a good idea to eat your fruit or I could live on Candy instead let's go with that just boring it out some Survivor sees me from ref far like oh we needed that all right I got some gasoline out of this I got one bottle of gasoline it's completely full there we go all right we're off to a pretty good start we can head straight out to that gas station now I'm very slow because I'm a Sunday driver I put that on a lot it's a negative perk but it kind of keeps me in check I can't really be trusted to maintain the speed limit oh my God there's so many okay tread the needle we'll go through here we got to get up to the main road and then we're going to head straight to the gas station where hopefully we can organize ourselves a little bit fill up the car and move on with the next leg in our journey yeah that gas station is way too busy okay we're not going to the one in town I'm actually a little bit worried because we got a little bit to go before we get to that gas station and I'm running out of gas it's a minor flaw in my plan I also haven't seen any cars in a while so there's nothing to siphon from okay there's some there this might be worth a check let's just hope it doesn't get me killed that would suck damn it I was trying to fight them like one at a time but that road sign is pointing right at me it's directing them allall right here all right I'm going to try something a little bit risky I'm going to just run into the forest and hope for the best that's my plan B in this situation you might be already clicking at this stage that there's no never really a plan B with me okay I'll just shout in the forest then I'm going to loop around oh no I'm attracting more from the other side now that's okay I'll just quickly siphon the gasoline okay slowly siphon the gasoline that's cool too no take your time dude it's fine come on come on come on come on okay we did it I'll stand here right where the road sign is yeah look they all see me perfect plan and now Sprint go stop look looking tasty and go man wait I never put the gas in the vehicle that's fine that's fine that's fine add gasoline it'll only take a second all right cool all right that should do it and then at least I can get to somewhere safe please start please start any second now thank you oh my god oh Jesus I think my heart stopped for a second there I've almost died and we haven't even reached step one of my plan fill up the car oh that's bait that's B look how pretty that car is they're they're trying to trap me I'd go into that car and a big net would fall down on top of me right I got through the roadblock those zombies are getting crafty oh and we're here and there's a lot of them oh my God is there a lot of them oh Jesus this is bad okay you know what leave the car here for a moment I'm going to have to try and lead some of these away somehow hey you hey you hey you subscribe hey you hey you over here over here you all right I think that got their attention also yes I can see here they are in fact subscribing excellent come on on look at me I'm so yummy and tasty let it forever be known that I make money on the internet saying things like that I've wandered deep into this Forest I don't even know where I am anymore I know that I have to go that way whatever way that is like down left yeah hopefully I lost at least some of them in this wood oh there's still a few waiting for me here that's a really cool hat and I want it sorry man I don't even know if he was a zombie got the Hat I'm out of here look how well that compliments my shirt lovely contrast all right I'm going to pull a little sneaker rooo on them I'm going to jump over this fence and hope nothing is here okay you imagine if there was just a hoorde there like that that wasn't the smartest thing like I'm brainless why are they chasing me this is a really cool little yard actually um it's full of zombies all right I'll leave oh no I won't okay they are going to burst down that door that is awful I should probably just try and get some gas and get out of here this place is overrun it's not worth looting like what even is a diner anyway I only eat candy and he nearly ate me honestly dude I would be terrible for you I would give you diabetes if you can get that as a zombie I'm like a Piata oh no no now now I've made it fun for them we don't want that either oh no oh no oh no that's getting a bit spicy for my liking I don't like that why are none of them dying I must have hit them all like an equal amount of time somehow all right Plan B cuz I'm getting tired and I don't want to Tire my guy out I'm going to go into the Back Garden I'm then going to pull a little loop-de-loop on them and try and run through the diner I hear something in the diner ah there's stuff in the diner this is awful this is awful oops sorry this is awful this is one of those times that I wish I just remembered important things I ran out of gas inches from the all right never mind it's fine we're going to extract everything is fine well my getaway kind of works other than my getaway car not working at all I I was going to say I'd love to remember which side the car is meant to be parked at but now that seems like a a distant problem you know I I would kill to have those problems again in fact that's what I'm literally doing I'm trying to kill them so that'll be my only problem again I think I actually have another I just didn't get to put it in because well impending death was on its way for me that's okay that was just a little test now we're going to pull up to the pump and this is going to work first time refuel from gas pump it actually did you ever get that feeling someone's watching you though and I don't mean you like I hope you're watching but I I feel like there are zombies near oh there are over there all right that's fine they're far enough away let me go inside and reward myself with artificial sweeners and sugar eat all healthy diet for a growing boy I'm going to grow more I'm never going to stop uhoh I'm drowsy all right we got to find a safe house next that's that's step two good cuz I hadn't thought that far yet I was only concerned with step one because it was so stressful ah step two is equally stressful if not more okay I'm just going to leave you in here you you enjoy the back room you continue your stock take there oh jeez she's trying to get out Panic drink can get out of actually this place looks pretty nice maybe I live here change a plan lady I live here now I'll be doing the stockt taking by the way corpses one like one corpse in stock is what I'm saying yeah oh safety goggles Thank God now I'm OSHA approved for the zombie apocalypse Ruby on a gold ring oh yeah I got that from a a family member and small gold looped earrings yeah that that was from my dead put on top of the ear okay oh I have a customer sorry we're closed I got a jump scare just at the social anxiety of having to deal with them and then I tried to let them in and they smash the window anyway I hate working with the public I don't know if I'm safe here for the night I'm going to go out on the Lim and say that I am here is the plan in the morning this is where we're at we're at the gas station we're going to drive down this road we're going to stop here hopefully get some new clothes to accessorize but also some clothes are better for protecting against bites than others but mainly the accessorizing pad and then we're going to drive onto this town and hopefully visit the hardware store and hopefully hopefully get a sledgehammer that all depends on a good beauty sleep though you can't accessorize without a good beauty sleep please don't die come on there's a lot of pleas and hoping in this playthrough I've noticed I can draw the extraction zone map oh that's so cool I'm going to draw another one all right lady I feel like I overreacted earlier so here's one of my maps no not both of them greeting I'll see you at the extraction Zone there's a lot of zombies but instead of confronting my problems I'm just going to get in my car and drive away that's what I usually try and do IRL trying to stay in character you know I want to be me in this scenario I'm extracting I the main character unless they die then it's someone else okay here we are at the clothing store it's just breaking morning and the the door is locked okay a now they're attacking me behind the clothing store well I can see why all you are coming here you all look awful like you see these earrings this is real stolen gold I'll have you know I'm coming in I want some discount deals right it looks good but it offers little in protection so we're going to have to find something else Polo X sweater oh that could look Chic denim shirt is even better oh wait he's putting on both oh God he's going to be warm and pants like on videos I don't really need him but yeah that could work oh my God all right this could be it this could be my look the one time in my life I really don't have to stick out and I'm like yeah this is my moment I found myself I need to figure out how to get back up my UI I I pressed something and now I don't know how my car is doing I can't get it back all right I'm going to spell my name that'll fix it oh I got out of the car okay and I'm crouching all right that didn't fix anything then it must be one of the other Keys I've narrowed it down at least wait n turns off the engine oh God go go go vehicle info you damn it why couldn't my name be Ken wait didn't do anything it just hand breaks and gets you to get out the car this game is trolling me ah stupid game I tricked you I just let oh God no wait hold on I got in the back seat hold on hold on I get in I please don't die like okay yeah a stupid game I tricked you by quitting and joining back now I don't have to learn all right I think this is my offramp I nearly hit that tree Jesus Christ everything we encounter almost kills me and I'm starting to feel like it's partially my fault hey denial has gotten me this far maybe it can get me through the zombie apocalypse but now we got to find the hardware store and this place seems really overrun oh no when I go on the grass I go even slower Mario Kart rules still apply all right you know what we got like a classic American Square block of houses here I'm just going to drive the whole way around and then surely they'll have followed me away I got to drive as fast as I can which admittedly isn't very fast but I'm trying that's what counts so I paused it just for a second so I can explain my thought process here so this is the hardware store I just arrived I left the horde behind me I hope it can't catch up this is a police station by the looks of it and they have lots of guns and I'm really tempted to go try and get them but there are a lot of zombies I don't think I can resist though despite like dying to nearly every mild in convenience I have to go yeah I can handle this and just Dive Right In oh God I nearly got bitten immediately these are the first zombies I'm fighting oh God I I think my hammer just broke oh God my hammer broke all right I also have this baseball bat oh but they're armed they got guns I guess if I could kill you just managed to pick up that oh I'm not going to get her am I eat some ice cream man you've earned it we're just going to we're going to ponder on this whole thing that that hord is still right behind me by the way but yeah we're just going to ponder on this eat some ice cream yeah look full tummy look Happ oh my God all I keep going or was this all uh or was this all an elaborate plan to lead them away from the hardware store no no it wasn't I can't even say it okay I I think I've split them up kind of well for for a change let's see if I can do some damage here oh no they're still coming fast however I can use that fence to my advantage in a way aha look how agile I am no don't go for my toes that's not allowed all right it's time to stop messing around this is the wrong store hold on I need to find the hardware store I thought it was this one where the hell am I okay I am in the right building this is apparently Hardware oh there actually is oh God just in for a quick browse that's all okay um nothing here for me yeah this town is dangerous and I hate it they're everywhere I don't even know where the cops are anymore so I can't even get a gun probably addressing all the chaos I've caused in the town it's like some muscle memory for them yeah well there's a new sheriff in town and his name is the me I I am the sheriff now we're talking now I'll get some respect around here a lot of zombies unfortunately the town has rallied around the old sheriff and I think I need to get out of this place this town could be my end okay there's only one around my car but he's walking into a fence surely I won't die to that stupid one I think he even has a dunce cone on please no please no please no please no not to the stupid one not to the stupid one all right pH God he reverses even slower you'd swear there was no Panic whatsoever he literally is a Sunday driver all right we're blowing this joint I hate it here and I'm never coming back okay sayara honestly I hate that place I don't think I've ever been there before but I never want to be back there again West Point all right I'm leaving a bad Google review on that whole town whole town fell dead tried addressing it with local police and the whole town turned on me also hardware store pretty bad not going to lie we are around here and I've just realized that that town I said I'll never go back to has a gun store on the edge so I think I might just drive here and then walk into the gun store I'll just pretend I'm someone else the zombies probably only see me as meat anyway yeah I killed that guy who said your town was a [ __ ] hole I'm a different dude okay we're going to leave the car here in this nondescript location let's just remember it was near trees and we're just going to slowly make our way there oh I've already been spotted I got to drop some stuff they're too heavy for me including my shell suit jacket today sucks he took the zombie apocalypse much better than having to throw away his jacket this baseball bat is pretty good I need to get a different weapon though what if this breaks there it is and there are some zombies but there there's nothing crazy I think I can handle this amount I think the trick is to just deal with them in small groups so let's rather than trying to sneak past them just face our problems head on for once stay down stay down all right they all died on top of each other how cute I see Shutters on the window please tell me I can just walk in even this door is locked but there is a barar next door going to loudly eat this packet of crisps now just in the middle of the baring lot oh it actually heard me okay I got none left it wasn't a share bag this place is also locked but it does oh you got to be kidding me all right quick quick quick we don't have much time I need bourbon I need bourbon not Wine Not wine I need bourbon oh [ __ ] this isn't good this isn't good no no they're coming in they're coming in this is awful God yeah they're coming from everywhere oh God all right that plant is done for what are the odds I really needed to get in there too I'm not doing so hot I just wanted to get some basic necessities and then make a malt off and throw it at the gun store opening it would open open up a gap for me to get through and Rob the place was that too much to ask I knew this town was a bad idea this car makes me really nervous with how slow it goes on the grass oh God very tired awareness severely reduced I got to get some sleep all right here's a little side road maybe I could find a little house in here I could sleep in my car but I'll most likely die oh no like whoever's sleeping in that identical car there's an alternate reality where that was me might be good any zombies following me will be like oh yeah that's the car he's dead there's a lot of blood around that house so tired so desperately inhumanely tired oh no this house looks kind of boarded up this might be the one come on no stop it I'm so tired I'm like a zombie myself We're Not So Different you and I maybe we can come to some agreement okay you know when I said maybe this is the place maybe I was wrong huh maybe maybe I was wrong I think I'm a lot weaker because I'm so tired okay I think the car is still running I'm pretty sure the car is still running please still be running yes it's still running okay good well this place clearly isn't going to work oh the junk Baron that was my nickname in high school uh I hit a tree all right I'm getting out again oh no got a few zombies in here but not much maybe I can deal with them despite my weakened State oh no oh no okay I found this Hammer earlier in one of the stores that lame hardware store that I made fun of okay this is getting ridiculous I can't even kill these three zombies okay okay that's one down come on man I've hit you like a 100 times okay all right I no you f off come on I've had a tough enough day already come on come on man die oh my God okay I think that's it please don't be alarmed okay thank you thank you oh no someone Alo came in here with me time to eat some candy oh no they're in they're in no get back okay I think that's everyone dealt with I'm going to do this crossword and I think I have to do one more thing before I can finally let him sleep and let's go turn off the car oh no you've got to be kidding me the car is going to have to stay on idling all night then great unless I can be very tricky and oh my God I barely got over that that was dangerous I'm going to shout and then climb back over again no they still didn't clear it enough I I need the place empty cuz I can't even fight like one zombie right now all right I'm going to go to sleep then oh no zombies after coming in there's two zombies over there where' you guys come from yeah I can't even handle this zombie I I need to just sleep after this and hope I don't die this is going to be the riskiest sleep ever but maintenance plus one I'm not too sleepy to learn that look at that an open window this is so stupid but I don't really have a choice all right let's give it a shot and oh man I I hate this I hate this so much yes sleep okay I woke excellent that's a great start it's very fog but hey I'm alive I'll take it all right operation get the car and drive away oh my God how many of them are there come on come this way oh God there's a hoorde there as well all right over the wall this better work I need to get out of here with that car oh no oh no oh God I don't even know where he came from I'm only scratched I'm only scratched just bandage it for now all right just get in just get in we're just going to have to go okay how did I even get in here is the next question oh my God there's a lot no no no no no no no come on push through push through all blue you got this excellent I can't see a thing where are my lights I that didn't improve anything I still can't see a thing all right here's a road and there's a road block of zombies by the looks of it it's impossible to see a thing all right I think I'm on the main road oh man even driving is just going to be awful in this yep that's your own fault for walking in the road in the fog okay that one was a little bit my fault I kind of saw you but I didn't react in time all right I think I'm approaching the train station here and there should be a break in the military fence around the train station from my studies of the map should be a place where we might be able to get some weapons and hopefully get that walkie-talkie to find the extraction Point well to communicate with the helicopter I mean aha I see it just got to finesse through there perfect oh no not perfect all right now perfect how do I finesse my way through that though very carefully I guess all right we're in got a few zombies wandering around here but not that much all things considered pull the car up here take the key and slowly work on these zombies so I can get inside oh nice the gates opened I can even bring my car in here then this is more like it I'm full of energy now I can kill all of you earlier there was so much sleep crust in my eyes I couldn't see but now I'm unstoppable okay on second thought I don't know if I should bring my car in here yeah it might be easier to just leave it now let's just hope we can find some goodies ooh military boots that is so in right now what do oh God he just slid in there like he was some kind of liquid oh no oh no now there's a lot okay I'm very glad I'm not sleepy because they're suddenly all entering my tent oh no oh no oh no it's time to go everyone a I've fallen over and I can't get up all right hold on a laceration oh no that's not good that is not good at all I should have just pieced out of there as soon as they started coming in I have some painkillers maybe they'll help keep me in action oh they broke through that gate oh no oh God I think that's me bit I was going way slower than I thought I would oh no no no no no I'm losing a lot of blood all right desperate times call for desperate measures oh hold on having Sunday driver sorry okay I may not be able to take you myself but my car God you're making it very dramatic there oh God oh God I'm bleeding out fast oh Jesus oh Jesus don't die come on come on don't die all right few okay I think that's all of them dead but I'm not exactly in tiptop shape okay time to just start taking all of my pills I've got pain pills I've got beta blockers anti-depressants why not please there's got to be a medical tent here somewhere right this kind of looks like one no nothing wait the US Army walkie-talkie yes that's exactly what I need okay my health is going up slightly I saw there there you see that tough day yes the TV is speaking to me what are you advertising I need it find yourself an ambush by folk you don't know yes okay eat that sausage straight from the oven I'm cooking up all my food even though it's stale and and eating it I've just been carrying around raw meat in my pockets oh God hello all right I'm going the other way oh my fuel isn't doing great either this is really going to hell fast isn't it but there is a medical tent yes this gate is open okay I have my plan look at me zombies I'm so tasty okay now I just need to run around and hope I can close this gate and everything will be fine yes all right and there there's there's more coming okay that's that's fine too I just I don't want to destroy my car I really don't okay I've got another plan they've broken the gate already oh God I think there's actually something wrong with the fuel tank I think it's leaking or something and there it goes out of gas all right I just made it back to the break in the fence and where I tried to trap those Zombies by that gate this leads to that so hopefully I can just go out of there get my medical supplies and leave my health is looking all right it's gone back up I'm not on the brink of death there is the gate and I don't see any zombies oh I see a zombie but I still don't see zombies all right here we are there's got to be something come on give me a needle damn it there's nothing I could put on this medical coat and pretend I'm a doctor though oh this is infected oh God damn it okay let's see my neck oh God that's bad that's really bad I immediately start losing so much blood okay I can't Stitch it but at least I have that in case I do need stitches the the problem is is I need rest and my car is out of fuel there are still zombies everywhere maybe if I can just go for a little rest that might do me okay it's time to get a little bit ridiculous this might be a stupid idea but I'm dumping all of my stuff in here and I'm simply going to pick up one of these beds there we go got one half of it in my bag and I've spotted this lookout tower that I think should be safe to sleep in ooh it also has a gun for me turns out we're just going to have to sleep on the floor there's not enough space for that bed no matter how many times I try and it's foggy again status report we are right here we have no fuel and we're heavily injured I think I'm going to have to look here and try and get some fuel from some of the vehicles hopefully fill up my car or get another car and then either go to this gas station which is just down the road or try and make it all the way over here probably going the outskirts cuz I'm not doing too well I feel like it's now or never we got to try and get everything and we got to make a break for it I'm that Survivor who gets scratched SL bitten and I don't tell the others and I get on the helicopter anyway oh my God I near left without my stuff ially left it all in that little closet I'm going to have to drop my Poncho as much as I don't want to to I had it in case it rained I can hear something outside oh maybe a rainy day is coming going to eat this entire this entire little bottle of honey that I've been carrying around nothing like a healthy breakfast of an entire bottle of honey and an entire carton of milk oh why are there so many it's like some idiot just drove a car through here and drag them all over this way how am I drowsy it's 1:00 p.m. it's not even lunchtime yet okay wait siphon gas siphon gas why can I not siphon gas I can wash the vehicle just strip down to my bikini and start washing it okay there's some cars and I think I only Drew like a couple of zombies out here the hell is that noise I hear a banging noise are they banging on a tent is that tent full of bricks siphon gasoline excellent wait I should check if this can actually run first my car isn't doing so great oh this has a bit of gasoline in it all right let's take a look at this not bad you know I'll take it Beggars can't be choosers and I am certainly a beggar all right you know what that's enough I've got like a little bit in the tank I'm pretty sure I left some stuff in the car but I don't even care I got to get out of here I don't think it's that important I know I left my broken baseball bat in there but that was more of a sentimental value sorry there's an ambulance there at least but there are so many zombies here take that North Route as I said earlier to kind of loop around rather than going straight straight through it's a little bit longer but hopefully it'll have a bit more peace and Tranquility there are a few houses up there as well that you know it might be a good spot to take a res in the only problem with this plan is we are avoiding the gas station entirely which isn't ideal I'll be honest with you all right these are the houses and this one actually looks pretty quiet right away come on don't be too tired to beat up one zombie come on man okay I may be able to beat one but I can't beat two I'm just going to run you over with my vehicle if that's cool thank you oh now they all want to get run over by my vehicle where are you all coming from okay I don't like this at all there are a little bit too many for my liking here okay a little bit I meant to say a way way too many like I'm pissed off right now okay here's the new plan I park in the neighbor's house and I'm like oh what a lovely home I love this and I immediately run next door in fact I think I'll run to the place I just was because surely they all just tried to follow me right hello please be open let me in I'm a friendly burglar I hear one at the door as well all right a coming they're in but no worries I drank all the milk and ran away and now I'll just run along the coastline until I get to a house that doesn't have an overwhelming amount of zombies I can't deal with them I'm too sleepy oh now that's a place I could sleep that looks safe why does it have to be locked let me guess it's alarm too siren start going off okay another risky sleep but that's kind of the theme here it's 3: a.m. all right I'm just gonna stand here I'm just gonna speed up time just idling here okay let's get moving all right I've stuck upstairs and my guy is already drowsy somehow so I'm going to go for a little sleep here again okay he slept until lunch he's needs a lot of sleep doesn't he oh no okay we got some zombies on the coast that's all right I kind of need to go Inland a bit and try and find a vehicle this isn't good like what if I get tired again there are a few zombies Jing me that's not good but honestly relatively quiet oh no oh no he's not he's not feeling too good though why is he not feeling too good I'm too hot I'm too hot hold on I'm too hot okay that's more like it now he's speedy again come on die all right excellent that it oh there's actually one guy over there who didn't join in he's a pacifist that's okay an empty gas can that is exactly what I need I don't know if this is the best idea but I'm heading back to my other van to try and fill that up and none of the other vehicles said Keys oh my God you all won't fit in that come on get your own car okay they're all heading over this way now nice good Jump Man why did some of you not come over am I not tasty enough for you what the hell is that okay okay please start please start come on you can do this yes good van my favorite vehicle ever that's right I'm slowly getting away I'm actually glad I'm looking behind me reversing right now I don't want to see him many are in front of me come on man go go come on oh no here's the gas station but I was really hoping it would be a little bit empty it really doesn't look like it's empty yeah this is an absurd amount of zombies all right I'm going to have to get a different plan to get gas I think but I don't even have enough gas to go somewhere else all right let's leave the van there and I'll try and get gas on foot I guess as stupid as that sounds oh sweet Jesus yeah this looks even stupider than it sounds oh this is ridiculous come on I really need that gasoline okay I got a tiny bit of fuel that's like nothing oh no now they're all over my car why are you doing that maybe I can distract them by going into this house and then hopefully just jumping out the window none of them are looking please have enough fuel to just go a little bit please have enough fuel to just go a little bit please start come on oh my God how I haven't died in one of those instances is a kind of miracle in itself no no no oh man that sucks I just wanted to get to here to refuel oh Insurance yes I would like life insurance immediately actually oh my God Jesus bad news everyone this is as fast as I can go right now I'm not able to go any quicker oh no and I've been spotted I have a mini little horde after me and this as fast as I can walk I can't defend myself I'm exhausted oh I know you guys love Windows how about Windows H how about you start hitting some of the windows instead no you don't you don't care wait I got a few of them onto the windows are these doors open no I don't even know what this building is I'm just kind of hoping for the best please be open please be open no there's a gate okay that is my chance if I can get through the gate and then maybe hop the wall I can at least sit down yes okay can I hop this wall please let me hop the wall good man despite having no energy he managed they got through that gate in no time though all right I'm just going to sleep here just just right here this is a riskiest sleep yet are you sure you want to sleep yes just sleeping on the side of the water please okay I lived damn it I wish I had a poncho oh look my enemies no don't break the gate come in hey fellas uh-oh this is a dead end no no no no no no no no more nonsense take fuel gas can okay yeah no more nonsense fill it up now everyone this way come on oh my God that's a lot but I got to commit I'm going to keep shouting yes that pulled them away now you just have to start you hear me that's all you got to do friendly little beef there as well just to warn them that you know get out the way I'm really nice okay we get away from them as far as we can until I see another zombie there and then we we come on we add the Gasolina add Gasolina come on no come on yes no please man my car can't take any more damage another gas station but we are not stopping we are almost there we're only 650 M away from the extraction point I don't know if the van will get us there or not but I'm going to try is this it I think this might be it but I don't know if I can get through here with my van which I don't know does it even matter at this point the van is kind of ruined okay we're going to need to open my shotgun shells and just keep going north along this bridge come on we're here request extraction expected arrival in 179 minutes oh sweet Jesus helicopter took off and it's on its way oh but here come all of the zombies oh God where did you come from Jesus I thought I was okay behind all right this is where the gun really comes in handy oh but they're coming from everywhere I wonder if I'm able to like confuse them a little bit like if I could stay hidden back here oh there's already one here okay new plan what if I shout here and then I run around this way okay the rain is cing down I've gone out this side I don't know if it's a good idea or not but I'm going to start taking a few of them out if I can how did I miss two from that range oh no I don't want to get boxed in here there are quite a lot of zombies no matter how many I kill oh no the helicopter's right here I mean that's that's good it's just it's going to draw even more isn't it okay where are you Chief where where is this helicopter they're going to call it off due to the weather I bet bad weather helicopter can't fly I was joking come on he's not just leaving is he like he's going to come back in the 30 minutes left in that timer right like it's scripted he'll come back right God is angry at me he doesn't want me to live ah this is a joke there's just as many right behind me go to extraction Zone I can hardly move anymore no no no I was right there oh my God that's devastating you killed 100 zombies I if it wasn't for my stamina I think I would have done it but there he is not every story has a happy ending but I hope you enjoyed that was so much fun uh thank you very much for watching and I hope to see you next time bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 358,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, project zomboid, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid tips, project zomboid guide, project zomboid build 41, project zomboid multiplayer, project zomboid mods, zomboid, project zomboid review, project zomboid challenge, project zomboid guides, project zomboid update, callmekevin project zomboid, call me kevin project zomboid, extraction shooter, extraction shooter games
Id: neurZizT2us
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 9sec (2109 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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