Can The Most Obese Man Survive A ZOMBIE Apocalypse In Project Zomboid

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have you ever just wanted to lose some weight or even just improve yourself in general but find the modern world a difficult place to get motivation well what if that motivation was your life anyways everyone welcome to project zomboid where Society is crumbled and it's up to you to survive which means self-improvement or death and today we're going to be doing a whole lot of the former as I've made a collection of settings and mods to best reflect the Zero to Hero experience we will be starting as the most OB pece pathetic person and through time and training we will become a grizzled Survivor it's going to be a long road though and in order to raise the stakes all of the zombies will be the opposite of me Giga Chads from the start who are super human in strength tough in durability and they can even Vault fences with no issues we're going to need a lot of persistence to survive this one that's for sure what you're about to see might be one of the best shows of the indomitable human spirit that or one of one of the most pathetic deaths in all of zomboid history anyways everyone welcome back to project zomboid and today we are joined by a pretty hefty individual I mean look at those curves anyways let me introduce you to our character and our circumstance very soon first of all we are Bartholomew an unemployed loser who has a lot of negative traits no discernable skills and a 0% chance of survival well hopefully we'll bump that up to 1% as our negative trait list looks more like a CVS receipt which includes being obese thin skinned slow healer slow reader shortsighted plop phobia cowardly clumsy all thumbs weak stomach unlucky conspicuous disorganized pacifist prone to illness sleepy head smoker agoraphobic fear of blood slow Learners Restless sleeper out of shape and weak so yeah things aren't looking pretty good right now but hopefully if we survive the initial Onslaught we can work on our character our building abilities and turn good old Bartholomew here into a real Survivor today's not that day though as we need to focus on pure survival because on the opposite end the zombies we're going to be fighting against our Chads they run fast they're strong they're durable and more importantly I can't fence cheese them as they Vault right on over thankfully no no no no no that's fake right oh my Lord that is not a good sign what the hell I just got here okay we're going to be fine we're going to be fine we're going to go prone matter of fact I'm going to hide under the bed please get in there Bartholomew it's not looking good okay we're in we're going to wait a bit and we're going to see how things get um later I hate it here we're going to give this like 20 minutes and we'll see how bad things are after all righty it's been about 20 minutes I think we're in the clear we're already getting bored but hey we are alive I'm going to exit out of the bed and we're going to see how bad things are after I rest up a little bit and I find it really funny how the entire process of crawling over to my bed was enough to exhaust Bartholomew here I am really hoping we get some supplies out of this place though right that's what really matters okay nice we are losing our exhaustion we will be able to move very quickly just like that okay we're good and as you see I installed a lot of mods that will allow me to outsmart zombies and kind of move around them without being a Powerhouse of a person right I think there's only one zombie out where I'm at in the bathroom we're going to leave him inside there and we're going to look for supplies as I did set things to extremely rare so the chances we do find stuff are pretty low are there any zombies outside no it looks like the alarm did kind of work in our favor with that okay not bad let's go drink some water and we'll see oh oh right there right there perfect free weapon frying pan acquired we got some lemon and cheese two meat Cleavers those are perfect weapons better than the frying pan might I add an empty bowl and an orange plate I will take the plate because we can use that as a distraction everything else is kind of useless but I will take the bowl for a water source on top of that let's go remove this curtain really quick and make ourselves a nice little slink bag there we are and would you look at that Bartholomew you look like a real Survivor let's go make our plate throwable now so I can use it as a distraction and finally we can kill this guy right on in here hello goodbye please die quickly I'm a very fragile man please thank you goodbye it's insane by the way I need to rest up for like 20 seconds from killing one zombie this is pathetic but hopefully we will change that very soon because all of the traits we have right now are Dynamic which means that I can lose them and even positive traits in the future so the chances that we become a absolute Champion are pretty high we just need a good start and right now where the hell are we we are currently in the town of West Point in a pretty good position by the way right now the town of West Point I am not ready to tackle at all the zombies here are plentiful and they will rip me apart though at the same time we got incredibly lucky right because if we Bank it up north we will be able to make it to the the dock line or the shoreline and slowly follow that all the way down to the West Point Mansions I think that's going to be our best call hopefully we can get there without alerting Too Many Zombies because the zombies will run me down they will catch up to me and they will kill me before I head out though I would like a few more items if I could help it yeah yeah yeahoo let's see if we can make it over to the neighbors now one step at a time God you're so pathetic Bart there we are we're in no alarm no zombies let's go Loot and scoop we got ourselves a saucepan some margarine good for calories I need a lose weight ground beef we got an empty notebook and newspaper a free screwdriver a hoodie with long denim shorts the denim shorts are better protection than what we have so I will take that we got a broken window and that looks to be it okay not bad let's go check out the car oh and speaking about cars is that a Survivor home this early on in I think it is okay this might be a little bit ill advised but I think we're going to check that out very soon there's another screwdriver inside this blue car here does it have a key in gas it does not but we do have a lighter and a bandage okay let's go check out the uh Survivor home if we can get a weapon this early on I would be very happy and by weapon I mean something better than a household object the only problem is that there are two zombies nearby but as long as we kill them oneon-one and in my favor we should be a okay so let's kill ourselves a couple more zombies not a bad time to kill it took me like 20 swings okay the other zombie also moved out of the way so it should be a pretty easy uh in is there anyone inside no we're good all right let's remove the glass and see what we got we have ourselves two dead bodies a fridge full of nothing canned beans a baseball bat a machete and a round Point shovel okay that means I'm going to ditch these meat Cleavers immediately including the terrible frying pan so I can make room for some real Weaponry I think right now I would much rather take the machete it's one-handed it's a pretty lightweight weapon and it shouldn't exhaust me too much but I will take the round Point shovel as a secondary yeah yeah yeah we do only have six carry capacity so we need to be very mindful about what we take with us there we are let's see if there's uh some more guns around here though why not we got a farming volume with a pencil we got nothing in the bathroom and finally we have ourselves a leather jacket that would weigh me down but let's look at the drip real quick oh yeah we're looking really good you know what I'm going to keep it we are a little bit overweight but I can solve that pretty easily by dropping actually I don't really want to drop anything but we will throw off the sardines because this jacket might help me survive we're not going to be out running the zombies by any regard so having better protection is going to save save me in the long run and now that we have this you know very nice bushwacking machete we can set out on the Northern end and follow the shoreline all the way down if I find any more opportunities to loot I will take my chances but as it stands I need to get moving as we've already wasted like 3 hours cowering under a bed also that denim shirt's going to be mine and just like that we are all already drowsy it's 5:00 p.m. we should be able to make it if not we can sleep out in the woods oh these Woods are going to kill me though let's head up that way instead then very slowly and very methodically one wrong mistake and that will be enough to murder me everything seems to be pretty clear though from the alarm that went off at the start of the episode so I think it's kind of like a blessing in disguise yeah no it's a straight shot over no zombies of course it's not as simple as that there are two zombies they are looking in opposite directions so we can kill them pretty easily oh there is another thing that I do have uh I will showcase it very soon yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah if you look at my moodles right now we do have light conditions right which means I will be able to stealth a little bit easier once it gets darker which is very nice right now it doesn't really have too much of an effect but if we are unfortunate enough to not make it to our goal in a single day we do have that small little silver lining to maybe increase my odds of survival I mean already as it stands we are incredibly lucky yeah okay it's a straight shot down if I see any groups larger than like four or three I am going to throw the plate off in a different direction to hopefully you know mess up their pathing that or we could just you know crawl places as well we're already normally tired man this sucks all righty we have our first problem that's a lot of zombies and I am just one person so I'm going to try to equip my orange plate and we're going to try to throw off the zombies like over there throw it out there buddy that is way too close to me they didn't hear it I don't know what to do right now my only hope right now is we can lead the zombies in one at a time and to potentially kill them with our instakill screwdriver yeah you know what screw this I'm going back home to where it's safe we made a little bit of progress let's hope it sticks so I guess I will see all of you tomorrow all righty after a full day's worth of sleep we have woken up at the very very prestigious hour of 3:20 a.m. we're in a nervous wreck we're sad we're hungry so today we're going to help ourselves to some dinner right and I think we're going to grab this freshly defrosted ground beef and we're going to cook it up as you see I decided to rest up at the Survivor home area and I did a little bit of barricading right because this place is the most defended with the barricaded windows but more importantly that means no zombies going to run through right right other than that one right over there we are pretty set in not getting jumped so yeah this was the best chance for me to survive uh hopefully we're pretty rested up I doubt it uh we might actually be able to loot a little bit more because of the dark outside we'll see very soon for now I'm hungry and what better Cuisine can you get than just pure ground beef oven broiled delicious bada boom we'll grab that in our normal inventory and I think we're going to head out with it still being dark out we should be able to use a cover of night pretty well unless there's a zombie in front of me okay there's one out there he looks to be naked you know that that that that's his problem let's use this cover of night no no no no no no no no oh my God where where where where where where oh my God okay you know what I'm going to stay inside for the rest of the day nope our jacket saved our life there oh oh get me back in Bartholomew is not him oh oh man okay how bad is it wow they really tore up my jacket huh well you know it saved my life going for protection so yeah you know jokes on the game I'm going to go back to sleep we're going to wait till it's day out because yeah no I forgot we don't have Night Eyes we're we're not cat eyed so yeah going out is a death sentence Oh man where did they hit me looks like it hit me in the shoulder and the stomach how good is my armor pretty bad but it did save my life so you know what I'll count that as a win all right now we're good we are a little bit off schedule with our sleeping plan but it is bright enough out for us to move out the only problem is that it's foggy out good old Bartholomew here is terrified of the fog so we are going to get a little bit more stressed out heading out but there's no better option than to head out right now right let's get a move on hopefully the zombies that we saw before the massive group of them have dispersed so I can slip right on through all righty the zombies are still there but hopefully we can lead them out one-on-one and kill them to make room for our Escape yeah that's really our only option it is a good thing we decided to sleep then there's one B this is terrifying I hate it here okay we're going to rest up a little bit before we head out even further yeah just killing two zombies is a is a miracle for bar alamu here I'm going to call him Bart for short because uh yeah with how weak we are we are slowly increasing our strength we don't have a lot of space to shove the zombies so we have to play it very very very close when juggling them it's still possible but it's very dangerous and it leaves no room for human error we're going to sit for like 20 minutes also digital watch huge does it have an alarm it doesn't we're safe also that's a lot more zombies than I'm willing to handle right now man okay you know what I'm going to try to head down south and around that way then hopefully the area down over here won't be as bad all all righty that's three down things are looking pretty clear up ahead I am a little bit worried that the fog is gone but I think we've paved up ourselves enough to make some really good footholds yeah yeah yeah there's two up here and then we'll be passed to the majority of them we just got to keep up that energy this sucks this sucks so much I am trying so hard to move and it just gets worse man there's no place for me to go right now there's just more and more zombies I'm I'm barely making progress here okay that's going to be our first level of the series by fighting our way through this horde we have leveled up our sneaking by one whole level hey it's about the small gains right okay we got like five more zombies to kill and we can make a small little bit of progress I'm thirsty I'm also tired already things aren't going too good but hey we could run back all the way to base could things get a little bit more dire how far have we made it up barely any distance huh uh I might want to head down and clear out a house really quick to rest up at yeah no I'm definitely going to do that this is a marathon not a race and my God are we last place right now okay we're going to head all the way back the long way to my original house and if we're going to be doing that I'm going to kill that big group tomorrow yers we're already exhausted but we do have ourselves a mint conditioned leather jacket to replace my old one to increase my odds a survival but hey even when progress is slow we are still making it that right there is a school bag which is 10 times better than my terrible sheet bag so we're taking that bad boy immediately I am cutting things a little bit close though so I do want to get a move on very very soon oh dude that is that is very nice that that is super duper nice and because we were proactive in killing zombies all we have to do is kill that last guy there and we have ourselves a straight shot [Music] home anyways everyone welcome back we are very low on food and my Escape Plan is taking a lot longer than I would have liked but this is the series to where I can't act like the big you know the the big zomboid player right I am on the ground and I am a worm if I were to push things hard my body would collapse under me and I would die a horrible death so instead of focusing on clearing out the River today I am going to instead procure food and supplies right we still have like probably a probably like five to four days until the chopper event hits which is going to be the big you know killer so yeah you know we can take our time with this we do have these canned sardines to eat for now but after that we are out how's it looking over here no zombies I see a car break up with a trailer but let's focus on the house for now it looks pretty clear from the outside but in order to cover all of my bases we are going to be doing a 360 of the house there are three down there but they aren't really too much of a problem by the way I'm already drowsy holy hell I suck I suck so much maybe we can find some vitamins that would be a game changer for me let's see we got ourselves a hand Fork another leather jacket pants pens an empty cooking pot a fork and frozen chicken I can't eat that right now but I will keep it if I don't find anything else anything cool in here painkillers M it could be useful I would have much rather preferred vitamins but maybe we'll find some in the uh cars right oh nope those are zombies okay that's a lot I won't be able to kill them with fence cheese I mean I can but it's not oh my God okay okay we're fine we're fine we're fine I died he he was too fast he was too fast for me I was sloppy I was slow that's why we need to take it slow oh thankfully his friends didn't join him or else I would be uh dinner right now okay let's kill the other two then we have nothing inside the trailer we have a tote bag inside the back of the truck and finally we have absolutely nothing wow that sucks well we've already cleared out the majority of the yellow house over there and I'm pretty hungry so let's give that a gander and I think I'm going to end the episode after I was not expecting to still be in my spawn area this late but you know you really can't control the zombies oh would you look at that we got ourselves a small dinner banquet inside that is a very good sign we just got to get in there's two and we just leveled up our strength oh yeah that's the kind of gains I'm looking out for and I think there's going to be One More Zombie there we are okay we did it let's go grab our rewards though right let's see what we got in here we got ourselves another magazine I will be taking those because I can turn those into armor we do have ourselves a water bottle and some food laid out for me to eat I don't care if it's stale that's food we're going to eat the entire steak and we're going to take the salmon and pork chops for later the kitchen knives are also huge because I can turn those into Spears the water bottle self-explanatory and now we can go check out the other bits of this place we got ourselves a full bowl of soup it's looking pretty fresh that is a lot of food I'm probably going to stay here for the night now it is a little less defended but I can barricade the upstairs to circumvent that okay that's it for the first story let's go check out the second in which we have an empty bedroom a couple of crates with carrot seeds a bathroom with Foundation makeup and finally a master bedroom with a big hiking bag oh hell yeah okay you know what things are looking on up for old Bart and I think this will be a good spot to end the episode we really didn't get a lot of progress done I mean actually we have let's let's be honest here we were able to gain an extra level of strength we're also leveling up our sneaking and Light footed abilities we have killed 47 zombies despite being quite literally a genetic dead end things are looking pretty good and if we keep up this momentum and Tempo I think we'll become a real Chad in the future anyways if you have liked this episode make sure you like favorite share and subscribe for more next time Bart's going to make the big Trek over through hell or high water that or I'm going to live here for the rest of my life I have no idea we'll figure that out real soon though peace out
Channel: Pr1vateLime
Views: 88,299
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Keywords: Pr1vateLime, pr1vate lime, Pr1vate Lime, private lime, project zomboid build 41, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid tips and tricks, project zomboid ep 1, project zomboid build 41 tips, project zomboid build 41 ep 1, project zomboid challenge, project zomboid day 1, zomboid, project zomboid, zomboid build 41, project zomboid modded, project zomboid impossible start, project zomboid hardcore, project zomboid insane, insane, difficulty, impossible
Id: 9QDr3oVMHbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 3sec (1503 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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