It Took me 70 DAYS To Become Fit | Project Zomboid Zero To Hero #12

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after having one of the most action-packed days of his life Bartholomew has finally gotten another day's rest surviving one more day anyways everyone welcome to project zomboid Bartholomew here has survived for 71 days killing 176 zombies and our big goal today is to reach the school in West Point in order to get a whole bunch of learning books I have no idea we're going to reach it by the way because it is only 11:40 a.m. and killing zombies takes up a lot of time but I would like to see how far you know we can get we're doing all right we are not infected matter of fact our laceration is not healed it's infected but that's just a simple wound infection that I can rebandage yeah I'm very lucky that I didn't get infected last episode what's not so lucky is the fact that there's a very very thick Mist outside to you know really screw up my day yeah no there's no way in hell I'm going out with this kind of visibility so it looks like we're going to be rotting indoors for a little while longer doing burpees or whatever to pass the time oh and by the way I spent the last night inside of this house washing off Bart and doing a little bit of exercise so we no longer have blood on us and it looks like we're going to be working out for a little while longer though I will give it like 2 hours just in case it clears up quickly okay there we are it cleared up after 3 hours which means we are finally ready to leave now our original spear pit is still pretty far you know back into West Point if I look right over there and I want to move up another one a little bit closer to the school so before I do anything in terms of combat or looting I'm going to go scout out the road down this way here and hopefully we will find another suitable location to drop another one of those bad boys potentially driving up our vehicle as well we're going to pull out our walking cane and we're going to take it real easy if we see any more than three zombies coming in after us we will run all the way back so far though it looks pretty clear let's hope it stays that way it surprisingly has for the most part because there is one yellow shirted imbecile right there but looking around I think this is going to be a pretty good candidate for the next spear pit location it's right next to a graveyard which is very thematic in my opinion and there's enough lawn around the area so I can lose zombies relatively quickly let's go drive down the van and that's going to be spear 20 I will say it takes quite the while to grab all of these and set it up but I guess it kind of balances out because it's a very good you know safety net to have especially in this apocalypse it is 6:50 p.m. so I am not going to risk it too much but I will check out maybe a little bit up ahead also that spear never existed that was in my hand that was extremely weird yeah okay uh there's two zombies right up there actually for me to kill one of them boasting a leather jacket which is something that I'm a big fan of okay let's hope that we don't screw up the juggling this time like last time there it is that's the kind of feedback I look for boom easy peasy yeah no it's insane how quickly I can go from Team spear to team screw Spears but that one experience was all it took for me to be using long or short blunt weapons now boom we got a leather jacket which is going to increase our protection to almost 95% on my good stuff holy hell we are one protected dude okay cool let's go follow the road down and see if I can you know clear out some more stragglers before I call it quits for the night after four zombies killed I would say that was a pretty good time expenditure it's really scaring me just man I I was expecting to like kill at least a 100 at this point but looking around at the the area we might just be able to walk to the school for the most part so yeah I'm probably going to hold off on making another spear wall until I see like tangible amounts of zombies that I can't just you know juggle and kill uh smartly yeah I am going to head back all the way past the church though and loot the house that I haven't touched yet which is going to be B right there I don't think I looted that but I did Mark it down on accident worst case scenario we sleep there for the night anyways it's time for my favorite part of the day looting what do we got we have welding rods a small metal sheet cooking metal working volume one that's actually huge we have a black vehicle right over here with an eraser and a tarp there also seems to be mechanics volume too some spaghetti baloney which I'll eat right now which I will eat right now the there's also strength Volume 2 Intermediate that would have been so helpful to have before electrician Volume 5 another screwdriver a black electric guitar which is terrible because of how heavy it is a pencil and in these final two rooms we have a first aid kit uh actually kind of big for the disinfectant it doesn't really you know do much for me because infections in zomboid aren't that big of a deal at all oh cool my laceration actually healed and in here we have a a single rubber ducky with some antibiotics and a bandage okay cool we've cleared it out let's wash ourselves off with the bathtub and I will see all of you tomorrow on Day 72 Bartholomew is still overweight but one more day of weight loss and we will finally lose it it's actually such a big moment for me I would say because as soon as we lose it our endurance recovery basically inre inrees by like 30% on top of it we will look fantastic on top of it we will have less chances to trip over fences and a whole bunch of other small you know helpful trinkets it still is extremely foggy out so I'm going to wait inside just for a little bit while longer maybe I'll go read the book until it clears up a tiny bit there we Are Holy heck did that fog last for a long time though it took about like 5 hours but we did get about halfway through metal working volume one yeah nice nice nice nice nice I should also clean up the bandages and we will honestly kill more zombies and just walk down the road there's not much else to do right now other than find food I think there might be a small office within the church that I could check out yeah it's worth a shot yeah no there's nothing here okay our next Target is going to be the residential house with a garage come on now there's got to be food in here matter of fact I see a can right there okay cool let's not rush in because there is a good chance that there's a zombie waiting to jump me at a moment's notice we'll take it slow calm and cool and as soon as we do that then I will feel confident enough to enter actually looking from here it looks pretty clear let's enter oh hold on here is what I would say if I didn't see two zombies right down there asking for a good old wallopin come on you two let's make this quick or you could just walk into the trees if you're not bothering anyone I'll let you live for a little bit as I'm too busy trying to find food okay what's actually on that table now uh chili perfect yeah let's pop it open right now and just guzzle that stuff down delicious on top of that we have a rotten pot of stew olive oil graham crackers give me those yummy yummy maple syrup oh yo that's good we also got some sugar here that I'll just eat straight up raising my blood sugar levels to astronomical amounts and that's it okay cool is there any weapons in here no just a juice box delicious there's got to be some other small things around here though like a belt forage in volume 2 mechanics volume 3 a small chisel which I can use for woodworking that might be huge because I can craft up makeshift Weaponry like clubs and I'm pretty sure we can even make a baseball bat let's see here boom okay we need two out of six carpentry we're not there yet maybe there's something in the garage though oh it's look who decided to show up late to the party sorry Your Friends Are Dead anyways it's time for the garage in which I will need to bash it down I don't have anything for that actually yeah no I won't be seeing what's in there for a bit it's fine it's probably nothing it is 5:40 p.m. I am a little bit tired so let's take it a lot more calm and cool I will see if I can reach one more home though [Applause] yeah no never mind that's as far as we're going today we are now normally tired so our combat ability has been effectively haved overall we got another house to our name we can sleep inside there and yeah progress is progress how much farther do we need to go um not too far actually yeah we should be able to uh pump this out in like two more episodes for now Bartholomew is getting a big old night's rest in the relatively secure confines of a well defended room there it is surprisingly after another day's rest Bartholomew is no longer overweight holy hell okay before I do anything else then I do need to wash off my character because I forgot to wash off the blood and we are now a nervous wreck but more importantly I am going to restart the game and oh wait nope it just it just popped up holy hell look at Bard in the character menu if that isn't character development I don't know what is okay time for the Moment of Truth everyone let's take off the denim shirt let's take off the jacket and I will see if we are shredded come on BART this is huge for you let's see those G man I have so much armor on so many damn layers all righty though Moment of Truth holy hell Bart actually has a sixpack back there that's not just um body hair damn Bart damn all right all right that's actually huge this is the kind of development I wanted to see we are now strong well we're not strong but we're Stout and fit dang I need to shave off our character at this point I mean I feel like we ditch the beard you know and we actually get like a shorter cut going on after everything we've been through it only took 70 days as well so first things first let's pop on our million layers drop off the tie and go wash ourselves off hell yeah hell yeah with the new clean clothing Bart looks 10 times more presentable it's actually extreme weird seeing him like so thin after like you know quite literally like I would say a dozen more than a dozen hours of him slowly losing the weight remember we started this challenge off at the max possible threshold of weight and after 70 full days of losing the weight with the Mina Chevron we have finally reached a normal point a normal starting point are there any zombies here no let's try to make it to the residential areas not after pulling in our car a little bit further just in case it hits the fan okay right here is good any more and it is Uncharted Territory I do remember there being a big oh my speaking about big groups of zombies hey boys come over here real quick yeah a lot of you yep right here come on there it is we got like three on us right now that's still good enough for the spear that's exactly why I prepared for the spear traps by the way oh yeah it's a good day oh hopefully I make it though how close are they oh my God they're they're they're coming in quick okay keep up the tempo buddy if it hits the fan and they get into my peripheral I can go into Super mode and by super mode I mean Sprint mode like absolute Lemmings boom let's repeat that a few more times and we will succeed oh man that was a that was very close that was extremely close what the hell okay that's a lot more than I was expecting I was not expecting the northern zombies to just jump me either oh my heart it's a good thing I leveled up sprinting before I went off on this Quest all right spear traps are here I am a little bit worried we don't have enough I am crossing my fingers begging and pleading if there's not we run anyways step right on in just like that yep yep yep beautiful perfect let's see those kills B yeah keep on keeping it up keeping it up woo okay we did it we did it that's like 20 zombies down just like that I'm going to go pick up the car and I'm going to go restock the uh Spears yeah no or maybe I'll set one up in this field over here there is a group down there so let's kill them first yeah let's set it up in the field holy hell what are these zombie skulls made out of all right uh how's our Hammer looking it definitely took a beating there I'm at like max strength as well but we're about halfway through our Hammer's durability oh man if you really keep them up they will eat blows like no tomorrow come on get knocked over thank you very much nice are we clear we are clear we are actually not that's another like 20 zombies yeah no we're going to have to kill the majority of them the good old f fashioned way let's see if I can get a small group and lead them back to our first spear line though come on just like five please anymore and I will cry like clockwork that's three more down I am going to go rest up at the church here to get my stamina and we should be able we should be able to finish the rest of them off wo this is not easy work now we have finally reached like the population threshold it seems and now it's going to be downhill from here on out worst case scenario I can head back to my base and restock on supplies and Spears for now we have more than enough to continue our journey just a little bit further let's try to get the rest of them in one by one now or in groups of twos so even the groups of twos I don't feel too confident in having higher strength truly pays off oh man you know it's still all RNG based whether you push the damn zombie down or not but having k your chances at higher levels really helps out when two sprinters are coming in at you all at once you know I think there's one more zombie a part of this big group and then I'm going to back up my van and drop down our next pck of death these spear traps have and are going to continue to save my life man we set it up we did get tired though and we are a little bit hungry so I think it's finally time for us to head back all the way home I am going to leave my van out here though and I'm just going to go the good old fashioned way down oh also while we're going down I am going to grab that one crowbar I saw before as well even if I said it was low condition uh it's a crowbar so it should last like longer than my average Hammer you know yeah I think it was in this home here actually okay never mind it wasn't in here that is a light bulb not a crowbar dang I wonder where it went I'll look around a little bit more at the very least I can wash my character off ah no it was actually in the home we were resting up in for a few days hell yeah I mean I'm glad I just found it you know also inside this place we do have some more food that I can Chomp on we're going to have canned tomatoes and canned spetti spetti spaghetti balone yeah and with that we sleep another day after doing a little bit of working out of course do you remember the 21st night of September I sure as hell will as it's today anyways we slept for another day and I will say looking at Bartholomew's trait list I definitely feel like we lost a few negative like perks right the only problem is I don't know what I started with ah you know what I lost I lost hearty appetite and high thirst because we aren't overweight anymore oh that is actually so cool I think we did lose one more but I have no idea what it is but yeah we are actively improving our character slowly and surely surprisingly I am still a smoker it's been like 73 days that might stick with me for the rest of my life but hey we're strong we're fit and we're ready to kill some more zombies and that's really the only thing I have in mind today we're going to run down maybe kill one more pack of zombies to reach this home not not there not there but there and then we will have a big neighborhood of trouble waiting for me there's also a small shack there that I might want to check out as well overall progress though it's going oh oh oh hello there that's a big group of zombies let's see how many is there five oh six oh man seven no way they're seven that group of zombies right there is the exact reason on why I can't like relax in this challenge all it takes is one of those groups like maneuvering up into like a house somewhere and I am a Sitting Duck anyways the the the shack that we wanted to reach is right down there and I don't see any other zombies to try and harass me while I go loot this bad boy matter of fact it looks like they smashed the windows in for me well ain't that peachy of them huh I guess what matters though is if there's anything actually in here we have thread a box of nails really that's it huh magazines of round Point shovel so I will use that as a weapon some more sugar which I will absolutely devour right now and that's it okay cool it looks like we're going to be using the shovels for a bit how's my crowbar looking a little worse for wear honestly honestly I don't like it being so low because of how much we need to juggle zombies if that breaks mid zombie juggle we are going to die so I think we're only going to be using you know Mint Condition weapons anyways our spear trap is right down there and we have a small group of four right over here yeah nice one idiots maybe in another life man you can tell night and day how different of the Bartholomew now is from the first episode we were able to kill like 12 zombies with an extremely heavy shovel just like that I mean we did rely on four uses of the spear trap but aside from that man that was all power from us you know a good old-fashioned muscle power we have killed 222 zombies with it and I think this is going to be a good spot to end the episode we cleared out the majority of them down over here as I no longer see any big group and of course it is just the beginning with this place well I'm going to save it for next time we are very close to the school so it's going to take a little bit more time but I think with our muscle power and heading back to our original base for Spears we can pull it off I'm going to end things off right here right here in this field so if you guys have liked this episode be sure to like favorite share and subscribe for more I will see all of you tomorrow on whether I head over to the school finally or run away with the tail tuck between my legs to grab more supplies at the Mansions whichever way it goes I'm sure Bart's going to have a good time peace the hell out everyone
Channel: Pr1vateLime
Views: 32,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pr1vateLime, pr1vate lime, Pr1vate Lime, private lime, project zomboid build 41, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid tips and tricks, project zomboid ep 1, project zomboid build 41 tips, project zomboid build 41 ep 1, project zomboid challenge, project zomboid day 1, zomboid, project zomboid, zomboid build 41, project zomboid modded, project zomboid impossible start, project zomboid hardcore, project zomboid insane, insane, difficulty, impossible
Id: hMs6jdKHKmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 49sec (1369 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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