Can I Survive One Day Playing the HARDEST Survival Challenge | The Long Dark Interloper

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have you ever wanted a game experience that is so punishing that one mistake something as simple as stepping outside your cabin can kill you in a moment's notice if you said yes the long dark may be up your alley but I won't be stopping there as today we will be playing the most challenging game mode interloper in which the world is as cold as it can be the resources are spread out super thin and sparse and deathly white out blizzards occur almost every single day all while starting with barely anything survival for me will be a blessing especially with my 35 total hours anyways everyone wish me luck as I try to survive one day in this brutal game mode ah there's nothing quite like breathing in The Frigid frigid cold fresh air or I guess dead air looking around the area anyways everyone Welcome to The Long Dark I would love to introduce you guys a little bit better right now but if you look at my temperature bar we are on a clock that is ticking the one thing I will say while I'm collecting sticks into birch bark around the area is that we have probably like a 10% chance of survival given how many hours I have in the game because all we have for clothing is a single sweater some sneakers and the temperature is currently -12° which is not very good when I want to survive not to mention we're in Ash Canyon which is a terrible terrible spot to be and of course there are already wolf howls in the distance that's perfect if uh if I told you Ash Canyon was a good spot oh no no no no wait wait wait please please please please please please leave me alone oh my god there are more I I'm just running I'm just running I'm just running we're going to figure out what to do after all right this is terrible this is terrible this is actually terrible let's keep her calm look around for any structures right now anything I I need a run I need a haul give me the stone he did not get scared from that no please God it's fine it didn't make us bleed we somehow survived I need to find shelter right now oh my God all right we're going to hop inside he and we're going to calm down a bit yeah no that was bad that was really really really bad we have a pot belly stove in here some firewood a cooking pot you know what it's not that bad we didn't get ripped apart thankfully somehow someway we didn't bleed now we're going to take a take a small little chill pill we're going to loot this cabin and we're going to see what we have after that we can hopefully find another location to get as much loot and food as possible right so let's see what we have around here we got some cloth we have an arrow head two arrow heads some reclaimed wood a ragged down vest in a ski jacket that's actually so awesome it's looking on up for us we also have a few books here which I can use for Fire Starting material we got wood matches which is huge that means I can craft up some very nice things basically torches I want to warm up and I want as many torches as possible but we'll get to that in a little bit for now let's keep on looting in which we have a diary page which is kind of useless some ketchup chips which is not another box of matches some papers a sewing kit some books and finally a can of dog food I'll take it for now all right you know what this is not that bad oh my God is that more matches wow we got really lucky with the matches today huh damn okay there's a lot of stuff I can do inside of this cabin right now and now that we are in a safe position we can uh you know start to coexist a bit because as it stands right now we are slowly freezing to death and we had a huge chunk of our condition taken out by that wolf in which I kicked its butt by the way let's be honest here no you know no tools to my name no weapons I just punched that bad boy right in the nose so yeah my first order of business is to get a fire started then warm up then acquire water and then find a way out of this place I don't want to be in Ashland Canyon because I remember this spot not having too much in terms of loot or structures which is what I need right now also if you are wondering how I'm navigating throughout this area I am using a map because I don't have as much experience as the average player so knowing I'm going is going to be the only way I survive so yeah we will be able to chart out a course out of here if my navigation skills actually help me that's for later me to worry about though for now let's get this fire started so I can warm up and then craft up a few things so we're going to be throwing in some wood matches a stack of papers and a single book with an 80% chance of success now we just throw some fuel inside and we have ourselves a pot belly stove which is going to keep me warm which is really good because it sounds like a blizzard just started outside it also looks like it's becoming dark very quickly so I think we're going to hunker down in here as long as possible so yeah now that we have that cooking up I am going to start to boil water so I have a whole bunch to save my life we'll start off with two lers and then we're going to to be going around the area breaking apart as many crates as possible so I have a bunch of wood to feed the stove all righty that'll keep the fire going gone for a little while longer I don't really have anything else I want to do right now because outside it is a blizzard and if you don't know being outside during a blizzard is terrible because I will freeze to death and two I can't have torches out so you know what I think my my plan right now is to stay here for the night or at least until the blizzard goes away so I can find extra firewood to put into our stove let's wait for our water to pass by though so we have some good good portable water okay not bad let's go hop out very briefly and let's see if we can find some more sticks to f up our stove all righty everyone one it looks like the weather is a little bit mild for today I don't think we're going to find much but I won't go too far away from the cabin we will head back inside as soon as we get cold enough I can grab some basic supplies for now though like these Cattails and a whole bunch of other fora bles it is terrible out dude holy hell we won't be able to stay out here for a while but we do have these Cattail heads which I can eat into process yeah nope that's it though let's head back inside for the night holy crap it's bad out holy hell it's bad out there right now I am a tad worried that we don't have enough fuel for the night and I might just freeze to death inside that little spot there so yeah we're kind of screwed but hopefully we will just be able to insulate ourselves inside there I am going to throw in the extra two pieces of reclaimed wood and the reason why I want to do that is because I want some torches right we can take torches from this fire and having these will save my life later for one I can save matches if I go outside and start a fire with a torch instead of using it you know outright and two I can daisy chain them out and slowly keep me a little bit more warm than if I didn't have one so yeah we're going to be grabbing every single little bit we can out of the stove okay we have ourselves 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 torches all in varying conditions that should save our life we're going to use the last of this fuel to boil up this water and then we're going to go to sleep can I grab one more actually come on no what what if I threw in a no it's not worth it I'll take the water and we will go to sleep and we have woken up finally I did have to pass the time a few times and we are a little bit hungry but we are alive but we are alive and of course as soon as I wake up there's probably going to be another blizzard out here isn't there all righty everyone it looks like we're going to be rotting indoors for quite the while longer before I do that though let's look around for some supplies like sticks right at least we can use up our time no we're we are it's not good we're going back inside as soon as it clears up we are heading out though back to bed rotting it is insane to me how this blizzard is still going on man it's calmed down though so it might be clear enough out for me to head on out okay it is it's currently freezing can I pull out my torch and use it I can awesome let's get a move on then all right I'm pretty sure if we follow this River all the way down we'll be able to grab some Cattails on the way and hopefully get out of this area in one piece now I am going to be grabbing all of The Cattails on the way because this is going to be my only food for a while and I would be insane to pass this up now you also might be asking yourself why is it important that I have a torch out right now despite the fact that I'm freezing to death extremely fast and it's quite simple this torch right here is going to be my only source of defense against a wild animal right if a wolf or a bear comes up on me me having this torch the wind's too strong you have got to be kidding me you know what we're just going to get a move on if we see a wolf I will high tail it back to the cabin for now I just want to grab as much food as possible and get the hell out of here this place sucks oh and speaking about wolf there's one right down there awesome I'm going to try to avoid them as best as I can never mind there are two okay guys looks like we're heading on back home yep just a little bit more and we will be all set and ready I'm going to grab as much firewood as possible though because I need more water also if you look in the distance right now I see a couple of rabbits I just picked up these stones and I'm hoping that we will be able to kill a couple of these things come on I'm going to hunt these down right now because this might be an easy way of food right now yeah no I think I'm going to give up trying to kill those rabbits that was extremely embarrassing a dang it I threw the last one as well we still might be able to kill it but but right now grabbing sticks is much more important to me yes yes yes yes yes yes yes oh meat back on the Min pick him up pick him up kill them yes oh oh that's good that's some good stuff right there all right let's go grab some more sticks and we are going to be cooking for tonight oh Meats back on the menu now if I could kill that other one we would have ourselves a real meal I mean we got two more Stones I'm still picking up some sticks around the area I think I'm going to try my luck we can get our condition back when we're inside the cabin with all of these sticks here oh no oh no no no we got to go we got to go we got to go we got to go oh okay we made it we made it we made it oh I stared him down for a while okay that's all we're going to be doing today we are warming up inside and we have ourselves a free rabbit carcass to harvest all right that's some good stuff let's go uh tear this thing apart and yeah we're going to be spending the rest of our day inside here yippee all righty we are going to have to rip this thing apart with our bare hands right now so we're going to grab the meat we're going to grab the hide and we're going to grab the gut we have no tools so let's just dig on in oh yeah I am freezing to death please stop cancel cancel cancel oh my God okay we need to warm up now that right there is what you call a beginner mistake I am going to have to stay in here for the rest of the night in order to circumvent that thankfully we did pick up The Cattails and we do have the meat to cook up now so it's not the worst now we can throw the sticks we found now let's go rip apart this rabbit after I'm done cooking up this water hell yeah we got ourselves 1 kgam of raw rabbit and we have ourselves some portable water as well the fire is going to continue for an hour 30 so I can start on the other things now like cooking up a nice laab of raw rabbit meat okay that should keep me going for quite the while longer let's harvest the rest of this stuff out of this little guy and then we can finally sleep a bit now that right there is going to be a nice morsel to eat later okay now what we're going to do is cook up water for the rest of the day and we are going to harvest the hide and the gut from this little guy here and with a little bit of elbow grease and time we have finally harvested up this rabbit here giving me a bunch of meat that I will eat for the night including a fresh gut which I will dry out for a future use later and now that we have everything I think it's about time we sleep we have enough water we have enough food yeah no the only thing that's left to do is to do that so I will see all of you guys in the morning when hopefully things are a lot better for me man I forget how bad it is sleeping in this game we've woken up a few hours before Dawn and it still sounds like the blizzard is going on outside but we are pretty warmed up so I'm going to go pay a small little visit outside to do a little bit of extra foraging and then we're going to launch ourselves back inside oh and it looks like the Aurora Borealis is going gone that's perfect well not it's not bad but it's actually it's pretty good because I can see running around in the dark without any Aid like a torch so let's go grab some Cattails some stones and we will launch ourselves back inside as soon as we get cold and with the hypothermia risk we're going to go launch ourselves back inside hopefully for the rest of the morning all righty everyone welcome to a brand new day and the outside actually sounds pretty clear so let's go take take a little peek and hopefully you know we can actually do stuff outside and would you look at that the weather is actually nice-ish I mean we are still freezing to death very quickly so we're going to head back inside which should hopefully give me a lot more time in order to think up a plan right right now our character is not the best when it comes to condition I would say he's about at like 35% and if I want to leave this area I need a little bit more condition I think right so my plan is to sleep inside this place a little bit longer and instead of going out on some big Trek what I'm going to be doing is warming up in bed and as soon as I'm warm enough I want to head out grab more Cattails along the shoreline and any Twigs heading back inside whenever I get too cold and I think if we stay in bed for another full day we should be at like a decent enough condition to actually make the Trek out of this area yeah that's the plan right now also you can tell in the background that the wind is picking up once again so I'm going to go eat our last half of The Cattails we're going to wait in bed warm up and we are going to be going out and doing a few looting runs also there's there's been cooking oil on the Shelf the entire time what oh that's awesome okay let's wait in bed and go go out and [Music] loot okay nice we have subsisted I think we did lose a couple of condition in our outing but we now have 22 Cattail stalks and 31 sticks right now we have no water so let's go start up a quick little fire and see if we can get that cooking up now because right now water is all I need [Music] all righty it has been one full day now it's at a solid 50% instead of a 30% I still have no idea if it's enough but I'm judging from the sounds of the wind outside it should be pretty clear for me to head on out and look around the area it is extremely cold actually I wonder if I should head out right now but what matters is that we are recovering slowly and surely we have 11 Cattails 2.5 L of water and we are subsisting we can't stay in here forever though so we are going to have to move out soon we will figure that out in the next episode though I don't know if I'm going to turn this into a series but for sure we have survived our first day anyways if you guys have liked this episode be sure to like favorite share and subscribe for more so yeah I will see all of you later peace the hell out everyone
Channel: Pr1vateLime
Views: 25,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pr1vateLime, pr1vate lime, The long dark, the long dark gameplay, the long dark interloper, the long dark interloper ep 1, the long dark hesitant prospect, the long dark ash canyon, the long dark interloper difficulty, the long dark let's play, the long dark crafting, the long dark timberwolf mountain, the long dark game, tld gameplay, hesitant prospect, the long dark bear, the long dark bear attack, the long dark bear challenge, the long dark bear hunting
Id: 2Xnjv108FYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 4sec (1204 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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