Running the World's WORST Gun Shop

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rise of gun in a world where it's a zombie apocalypse run a gun store that sounds kind of fun that sounds like a fun spin on my recent kick of store running games create map name OBO gun shoes games perfect select mode free mode creative mode story mode uh story mode has a asterisk so we will go with free mode although the game did cost $8 so it's not really free is it begin tutorial shirt oh my God buyers take the weapons they like and go to the checkout you have a limited time to sell weapons and get money if you don't have time to do this a buyer will leave f is flashlight use the workbench to assemble your guns the storage is your storage there are Parts you can build a gun and Fallout weapon crafting she sells you a hot dog press e to activate to the radio all right there we go it's chill music use the sign to open and close the store the store is now open Press B to go into the upgrade mode uh need $100 to build a tip jar how many dollars do I have $600 nice that's mine you need to keep your meter high all right clear the rubbish is the rubbish a pile of [Music] blood yeah don't don't worry about my alcohol bottles and my bloody floor this is a great business don't you love the Ripoff Minecraft music Don't You Love the c519 music playing in the background right now isn't it great I hit hit Jam truly so much garbage give me out upgrade mode I got to go into cleaning mode you need $100 to take out the trash why okay now I have no money I have 0 to begin my business business is not booming hello there good sir would you like to I need to craft a gun how do I craft a gun we have a broken vending machine on the floor which is good that is a good feature so here we are in the default zombie apocalypse asset back I was just in the normal asset pack yesterday so the zombie apocalypse one is a welcome [Music] change this is what plays on those fall asleep instantly playlists yeah really you are going to do background checks right well it's the zombie apocalypse though anybody still alive is good with me not enough money not enough money for hot dog whoops is that death stranding man are you death strand I got to find a way to get money how do I get money my mission is craft one weapon I guess I have Parts I suppose I have Parts in my inventory somewhere let's try to use the crafting bench sell weapon that's for selling was I supposed to buy the uh the weapons crafting bench the storage is where your parts appear okay I have no parts this is the crafting bench that's a bobble [Music] head I got to put these pieces in storage and then I can craft them is that what we're doing put all the revolver Parts into the storage bin and then need base part is that this are you the base part yeah okay place the base part on the workbench then you add necessary parts then you use the drill and the cutter all right uh let's get the uh the grip sounds pretty good go ahead and drill that on nice I'm smithing I'm [Music] smithing not bad Apprentice level work but solid okay this this is music is too loud what are they doing with this music that didn't even help that much there we go much much lower much much lower I now have a gun so I'll put you on the selling Shelf come and by My Revolver come buy My Revolver Ocelot for [Music] $60 so much garbage I thought I clean that blood up did he pee blood did he pee blood onto my floor yeah sell how do I sell Ching 82 nice we got some taxs in a world where you keep the sales [Music] tax sorry no more items upgrade shelf is the mission now all right that's the b key that's hold e to upgrade don't have enough money to upgrade okay so I wasn't supposed to spend all the money removing the stuff cool to know let's go find a way to get money how do I get money in this game the seller shop is the sellers shop I just take his stuff now e is buy item I guess I could just uh buy some cheap parts from him and try to craft to make a profit I guess that's what we're [Music] doing he's got 28 he's got expensive bayonet oh my God where's your base part I'm looking for base part does he have any base part he has energy drink can I have that yeah a subject of the past back in the day we had Monster Energy okay this is the base part I think so the cheapest base part is that one I'll buy that uh I'm not going to have enough to buy a full gun definitely not enough to buy buy a full guns worth here I need a cheap Barrel okay I did have enough nice so I can go craft the pistol again price is so low you'll pee blood not really sure if I want to go to that store all where was my uh shop where do I live can I go in your home oh this is my home what do you playing gun store simulator something workbench oh need base part okay fine here we go I said here you [Music] go oh wait not the handle the base part is this here you [Music] go oh the apocalypse likes [Music] revolvers why am I not able to place the grip why does it not go oh is this is this like a shotgun body I think it's like a shotgun body so the revolver grip won't work I mean it might it might work you don't know okay well I have a I have a barrel okay that Barrel goes on there come on can I just make an unfinished weapon weapon and sell [Music] that what if I sell this anybody want this oh needs complete weapon needs complet weapon I got to sell a complet weapon but you can't even finish the word complete seems a little unfair to me there's your collectible shelf there's your bed where you get your Energon back oh God it's got Energon why piano o ooh good game game is good confirmed all right this game rocks this game rules the last one I played in this asset pack had that same exact piano but it didn't play so all that game had to do was enable playing of the piano and it would have worked and they turned that off they turned off the playable piano feature what are you thinking Market simulator right how do I get money or more guns do I go into the orc stronghold is that how we do it is there a map the m key is yielding no results might is soft locked because I can't upgrade the Shelf oh there's the hordes that can I go fight the hordes oh there's a lot oh my God everyone's walking around very chill this is a very chill and peaceful Town considering there's literally like 20,000 zombies out there and all it's holding them back it's just like a one overturned truck not even that much just holding them back this is not safe this is not a safe place maybe the Food Mart has something good do you sell guns Food Mart any gun pieces can I craft strong bads nunchuck guns there's an ammo box with nothing this uninter ammo box this door looks like a face look like a judgmental face I may have to roll cuz I'm not not really seeing any way forward here oh hang on what is this ah just distant Echoes of the past again you're tired okay I'll go to bed you know I'm just going to reroll because we didn't do anything yet we didn't do anything so let's just make a new one great game oh oh hang on there we go OBO gun yay [Music] all right now I won't build a tip jar before I have items to sell this is my new [Music] plan mhm so we put you there we put you there we put you there then you know the drill [Music] beer can thank you for subscribing wow 48 that's divisible by 12 it sure is 48 months of streaming 48 months of shovelware content here's to 48 more all right come into my shop come into my humble [Music] abode it's weird how cleaning the garbage cost $100 does it really cost $100 to move a cardboard box keep it clean keep the store clean so many puddles of Blood on the ground did I kill the previous owner did I walk in here and shoot the previous guy yeah buy that revolver it's real good it's real good Hardware [Music] upgrade shelf okay now I can afford to do it hold to upgrade and it's not working okay there we go why would I upgrade the Shelf first that seems to be the least of my concern I have no inventory why am I worrying about shelving my store is almost completely cleanliness customers are almost Happy to shop [Music] here the sales are to die for that's if you're a vampire you go ak ak ak the numbers here wait no the sales here are great numbers is The Count from Sesame Street uh the part store is the church right yeah by five parts I'll buy the cheapest Parts again but I had to be careful to make sure to buy compatible parts this time looks like they're all rifle SL shotgun parts so I got to be sure to buy a shotgun stock I guess that's a shotgun [Music] stock Goblin grip cork screw grip are these going to work on the shotgun the shotgun might not need a grip might just need a stock uh you cost nothing I'll just buy stuff that cost nothing and try to craft it into great things suppressors cost a million dollars so I won't be buying those need some barrels where's some Barrel action uh do I want the mags they're cheap might as well all let's craft some weapons the finest weapons in [Music] armor I do like the chill music it's not bad it is very like put you to sleep type [Music] music it's very ripoff Minecraft music I have a sneaking suspicion that the music will get copyright claimed on YouTube I have a feeling that will happen after a while you start to develop a six sense for these sort of things like this this this music is a little bit too good to not be copyright claimed somewhere I got a bad feeling about [Music] this you know the drill come on oh it has to have oh it has to have a grip and a MAG okay so it's like a EBR I'm building an e my finest creation yet can I use these guns can I go to the shooting [Music] range does the inventory give a description of what's compatible yeah probably but you probably it's probably better to just like learn it by sight honestly I can't shoot it I guess I don't sell any ammo all right there's one for sale where's my [Music] base get them on there I need more grip I didn't buy enough grip this one might not need grip this one just needs a [Music] barrel get them on [Music] there I said get him on there come on [Music] perfect did he steal my gun what the oh no he he didn't I wasn't at the register so he just left that's annoying that sucks I'll stop watching in 21 months for the memes yeah thanks once I get to 69 months subscribed I'm done yeah I'll stop streaming at month 69 honestly it's a good point to leave it off on am I hungry is all the way maxed out so hopefully I can sell these products and go buy a hot dog from the hot dog vendor what do you think the hot dogs are made of in the zombie apocalypse I don't think I want to know I don't want to know what the hot dog has made up during normal [Music] times you're watching Merchant of death gaming it took me 10 minutes to buy those bits nice thanks twitch thanks for the seamless integration of [Music] monetization it took me a long time it took me like a solid 10 minutes to restart my Netflix subscription because my Netflix subscription has been inactive for years cuz who cares and I wanted to watch three body problem so I had to reactivate my account for three body problem and they kept making me verify crap and it was really annoying it was not good and then I got into I turned the show on and it sucked I watched two episodes I was like ah it sucks cuz I like the book the book was good but I forgot that uh I made the classic blunder of forgetting that there's a reason Netflix adaptation is typically used derogatorily it was real bad bye my weapon please I watched the first two episodes I just I just don't even want to watch anymore it's like oh man they botched it all right hot dog time I need some hot dogs my stomach is grumbling stomach is grumbling without hot [Music] dogs hello can I have a hot dog please oh that's my full bar for 10 bucks that's good that's a good bargain that's a good deal hello Flamingo you are not the gun store the gun store [Music] is over here my reputation sucks there's no reputation so bad what do we ever do to these guys to make them so violent you can sell unwanted parts to the seller implying it's possible to amass unwanted Parts I wonder how you would even do that uh Scopes guess I'll buy one scope might as well where's his grips that's $116 grip that's too much that's an outrageous price those suppressors cost so [Music] much I canceled my Netflix account my mom tried to log into her account but instead resubscribed me it's only easy to give them money when you don't want to yeah Netflix is cracking down on login password sharing it's still kind of works sometimes but do you even want it to do you even want it to work really do you really want to give your friend your Netflix and then they'll like text you at 2: a.m. be like hey the password doesn't work like what yeah can you the password for me this is it's not my problem if you forgot the password yeah but I I typed it in right it just won't go in okay so what that means is you didn't type it in right what that means is you forgot the password to my Netflix and now you need me to reset it no but I didn't I didn't do anything wrong but you did though I'll do it I'll reset the password all I want you to do is to admit that maybe there's a chance you typed it in wrong and that's the reason what I I didn't do it dude I swear it's just Netflix being weird uhhuh sure I swear my nephew is watching Bluey not me put that on put it on that's not the base part what there's the base part put him on he needs a barrel no grip for that one wow get give him a butt though give him a barrel wonder if I should be combining Rarities or does it not matter at all where did the where did the sun go should I sleep the Raging red head thank you for subscribing Ragnar the red from old roor dead build a cooler I got plenty of missions nice plenty of stuff to do uh let's stick a spork on there yeah that'll keep back the undead [Music] horde who wants to buy my latest creation the spork looks a lot more menacing than it actually is it actually doesn't look bad but you know it's a spork so it won't do anything he don't mind the mess I'm still working on cleaning the store up would you like to buy my weapon enemy stand user thank you for subscribing cool Battlefront videos what is your expectations for the Orioles that they'll be good hopefully they'll be pretty good she's got an umbrella I want an umbrella you're hungry yeah I am I wonder if hunger matters at all it might not I don't know why this game has a hunger meter you know I feel like the default asset pack just comes with a hunger bar and people like yeah games have hunger bars that's something games have I'll just leave that toggled on I guess has anybody ever enjoyed a hunger bar though has it ever I guess the answer is yes because frostfall exists because people Mod Skyrim they're like man Skyrim sucks if I had to like buy Mead every day to not die and also you die from being outside then it would be fun that would make Skyrim way better so I guess there is an audience need complete weapon was not complete I didn't drill it I got to drill [Music] down hopefully the tigers are good this year too haha they're uh they're are they turning it around are they getting good yet I lose track of all the Midwest teams is the Tigers considered a Midwest team yeah they're in the central right I think are they in the central I don't even know attaku thank you you ataku for the bits you sound like a bionical name sound like araka white run was amazing you had me humming Weezer oh no I'm so sorry I've ruined your cool factor that guy's humming Weezer what a nerd no you don't understand I'm not humming Weezer I'm humming a a Skyrim parody of Weezer oh okay that makes you cool then that makes you a certified cool guy why didn't you just say so did that come with a grip I think it did nice just a barrel for that one that's a cursed weapon right there this thing has one shot you better not miss here you go you can buy that if you want no okay fair enough they're turning around and the pitching is very underrated yeah I think they're they're one of the teams that's like in the process of turning it around I think the Orioles were in the process of turning it around for like 6 years and it finally has been turned around but it did take a long time was very painful what game is this uh gun store simulator except it's not called gun store simulator it's called something different but that's what the premise is well the pause menu tell me no it's pretty much a Marcus simulator pretty much Marcus Munitions simulator except I think he just like gets guns from Bandits I don't think he has to go craft him himself so what else is there to do in this besides just crafting infinite guns what else can I do is that it is the whole Loop going to the gun store getting parts and selling them for like 10% profit that's like a real business that's like real business margins those margin are so boring I want to make a million dollars o okay I can stock the vending machine and I can buy water for a water cooler apparently would be cool to use the guns to kill zombies yeah it' be cool to craft a gun and go shoot zombies with the gun I mean there is a lot of crap inside the shop there's a tip jar there's a light switch security alarm that implies you can be attacked water cooler trash can order board maybe order board would be good I don't have much money though yeah here's the uh here's the shop tutorial ammo shelf customers will be able to drink water for free well I don't want that shooting range after the construction of shooting range buyers will come shoot paying you money well I got to build that then right how do I build the shooting range and why am I giving the customers free water in the apocalypse okay here's a shooting range right so how do I uh oh there's Parts back here nice that's huge there's a moldy sandwich back here I really got to go to the crate does that mean there's a barrel back here too anybody want some moldy steak I got some moldy steak insects are a buzz is it still not open $1,000 for that trash Oh my god well the shooting range is going to cost $1,000 to open so that sucks also I'm low on money which is not good got to keep the cash flowing got to prop up the [Music] economy it wouldn't take that long to grind that much money though I don't think it would just be very annoying come and buy my one gun I got one gun for sale will the mission give me rewards like am I incentivized at all to build a cooler besides the fact a mission told me to like is the mission going to give me money can you up the price of guns you sell I don't know I don't know if there's any mechanic to do that he likes his gun just go buy all the parts again seller reputation 60 out of 400 maybe he'll give me better prices maybe he'll give me a hot bargain once my rep is better oh he's got four for sale nice I have some stuff back at the shop so and I can't afford barrels so hopefully I can Cobble something together with stuff I have already this game needs a casino yeah it does need the casino the casino is a good feature let's try this one looks pretty good this is a huge gun this needs all the parts this is the gun you want you want this gun if you're fighting zombies this is the gun for you look at its [Music] Majesty [Music] oh yeah put this bad boy on the market let's try the uh little rifle guy he needs a stock need more butts I any barrels I need butts and barrels so I can't build you so actually go in here or don't go in there I can just put them on the floor what about you membrane hello sister of battle hope you enjoy that weapon any any more butts not enough butts in stock I think that's all I need for this one though right yeah I can sell the crappy pistol who wants a John Wick pistol anybody want one it's okay it's a decent weapon [Music] naha hello bloody lady you know you can get a shirt right we have sores you don't have to wear the hospital gown what sup phor thanks for subscribing I can finally watch a stream again oh boy back in action after all this time oh there's no guns for yeah I know it takes a while it takes a while for me to craft these these works of art I should sleep because the gun guy gets mad if you go in during the night time apparently dream dream nothing that's good sometimes dreams do nothing but keep you awake all night hello has Matman I don't have anything for you unfortunately so much garbage so much constant garbage in the store all right Mr seller I need your butts I need to see more butts I need your bases I need your barrels my seller rep is going up I wonder what the seller rep goes up to get better prices probably the tutorial told me the answer to that question but I have long since forgotten what oh it doesn't stay together that's lame that's super lame all right he needs a butt got plenty of butts now he needs a barrel I have two barrels now I have a legendary Barrel [Music] yeah more customers yeah maybe but it's I think it's my reputation with him I don't think it's my reputation as a seller currently my reputation is awful somehow and it says day three Wei oh Wednesday okay like what do you mean Wei who's this Wii you're talking about out of barrels already I don't know oh [Music] shucks I'm constantly out of goods I can't even afford a hot dog right now I got to make some sales 96 that seems like it's not enough that seems like I'm getting ripped off I think I'm losing money on these [Music] sales I think my business will soon die not ideal I have no Barrel so I probably can't make one right now got to get barrels [Music] yeah my money is down big time it's down to 158 [Music] so uh all those barrels are so expensive these days who can even afford this [Music] junk barrels is my hang-up so I need to get some more barrels [Music] I want to open the shooting range up because it seems like the shooting range is an infinite source of free money but it's going to take a while to get there and currently I feel like I'm in a negative economic state where like I'm just going to lose money every time I sell something which is [Music] bad I got to keep the store clean as well well why is there so much blood who is bleeding who's bleeding all over my store I'm slowly getting my reputation out of the red though which is nice give him a MAG one of my favorite uh like a group think internet things is when uh that one guyy like threatened moist Critical with a gun and then moist critical made a whole video with his gun and like the whole Crux of his video and he was like it is not called a clip it is called a magazine and then for like months everybody on the internet pretended that they knew that and cared deeply about it like any video where a magazine was called a clip would have like 20 comments um actually you know it's the the technical term is magazine that was very funny a lot of people decided that was something they cared about yeah I didn't drill it that was the issue come by my ramshackle production please oh I have barrels so I can make something I'm putting it together I have no grip so I can't make that one though whoops oops get out of here [Music] that any butts you'll get your weaponized audience moment someday yeah someday I'll be able to weaponize my audience something very annoying I'm trying I've already tried in the past to weaponize my audience to bring back Bionicles but it hasn't worked so far cuz that we got that Lego ideas project to a th000 I mean 10,000 but nothing happened it didn't get approved that's what my audience will be weaponized for one day when I have a million subscribers I'll get Lego to make a bionical set again that's my goal that's the longterm goal of those sho's games is to bring Bionicles back and I'm only half joking about that that's only kind of a joke uh that needs a grip that's the issue need something more gripping all right Mr seller I will take oh that's a cheap one I guess I'm buying all the cheapest Goods so I shouldn't be surprised when my weers don't sell for [Music] much again I am starving but I don't I'm not convinced that matters I'm really not convinced that does anything at all oh I'm moving really slow never mind I'm at a snail's pace that's all it does is make you go slow okay I can walk slow unless my guy starts going and taking damage then we're in trouble short-term go dolman too yeah bring back dolman I hope that dolman Studios can make dolman too I hope they're working on it I hope they're working on dolman too I hope they didn't make their passion project to dolman and then uh [ __ ] media was like all right uh that still one copy so make mobile trash now I really hope they get to make dolman too and not just become a mobile trash Farm Studio cuz if you're a game developer and like you have you have some skill like clearly they can put a game together if you're like uh if you're like a publisher you're like okay you know what you're doing like you know how to make a game but also nobody bought dolman so just go make some Clash of Clans garbage instead just do that what the heck this one cost every resource I have it needs a magazine which I don't have uh oh leg [Music] oinks let's keep things a bit more basic for [Music] now dolman pop yeah they're they're they're a small dolman Pop Shop yeah you need a magazine so I can't build you I think I had the necessary competence for this one right and a barrel this is a crappy gun this gun sucks who's going to buy this gun I wouldn't trust this [Music] weapon oh hang on yes of course good sir I will take that off your hands my store rep is going down though because of the garbage there we go nice and clean nice and tidy yeah cough up the coin uh I need grip I need grip and mag I should buy hot dog too so I can run faster yeah I feel like I'm not making any money [Music] you would think it would be this game once you hit customers with bats you would think the zombies would attack your shop sometimes the diner is popping today tasty it feels like I'm on an endless treadmill not really sure how Prof profitability do I want to buy the red arrow ones or the green ones I don't know maybe I want to maybe I want to buy the green ones cuz they're green maybe I don't know it's hard to tell yeah I need magazines I need some clips from this guy ooh cheap Clips unlock more components okay how oh cuz seller rep okay the seller rep being grinded up gave me more components time to rock on completely with some brand new components how do you afford your gun seller lifestyle stop coughing blood on my store this is the bloodiest Town everybody just bleeds out all day nobody wants to retain blood anymore that's a problem with today is society it also might not feel like I'm making much progress because I'm not using every single component like I have some components that aren't being used and like one component is equal to like all my profit from one sale so if it's I have an unused component it's really going to eat into my margins you're complete right you're done you make more money running a blood bank uhhuh seriously shouldn't somebody be Scavenging for parts yeah I feel like Scavenging for parts would be better than just buying them from a guy this is ready to sell right is it not ready to sell it's not why not what is it missing I don't [Music] understand does it have to have a scope [Music] I don't think it has to have a scope cuz the necessary ones you need to sell are yellow like this one needs a barrel and a grip drill the grip did not drill the grip did I not know the drill aha I wasn't the grip you're right buy my Wares yes $75 yeah I'm not going to get anywhere in this unless I can scavenge for parts but I I did find some parts in the back room there but not that much okay that was a decent sale what do I have a lot of I have a lot of butts and Mags I got to build some rifles think the tip jar will help that's true I should build the tip jar that could help now I need some Rifle action put I'm on a bit of a budget so I got to be careful here give me your worst ever barrels give me your crappiest mag give me the worst weapons in armor can you adjust the price I don't think you can I think the price is auto [Music] sets all right this guy yeah I have so many magazines that I haven't sold a lot of my money is tied up in magazines right [Music] now that gun looks okay looks kind of cool I'd wield it kind of has a MP 40 Vibe going kind of has that's like the default gun of the bad guy faction the generic bad guy gun is that gun I have no grip okay got to get a grip you can sell stuff to the guy maybe I should sell parts to the guy that's probably smart yeah plus five for a tip not that much of it tip I wonder if reputation increases the tip you yet uh what do you need Mr gun need a MAG I have mags you can have that needs a grip as well and supplies are low let's just go sell crap to the guy see what it'll get [Music] me there's got to be a way to like scavenge Parts like part of the post-apocalypse is Scavenging Parts need parts I got to I got to bring it I got to bring it from the bin that sucks that's not good all give me some grips give me some more projects to work on is that a rifle I need rifle ones I need ones that can be turned into [Music] rifles maybe they'll tip me when I have water maybe the water bottle makes someone to tip you maybe the free water gives you a [Music] tip [Music] because again I have I've I've sold like 10 guns and I feel like my money is just consistently going down I guess I'll try to sell stuff one at a time to the vendor guy I guess I'll do [Music] that please purchase my weird gun thank you so much can I go in there is there parts inside of these buildings the building is completely Barren your rep has actually gotten worse somehow yeah it's not really going up it's not increasing cuz the shooting range feels like the way to get steady income but I don't know if I'm ever going to be able to build my way up to that let's try to sell let's just try to sell all my components I'm not using let's try that I got a lot of them can I really only sell them one at a time to this guy plus 10 was it worth 10 what was that worth did he rip me off am I getting scammed it was worth 51 he totally ripped me off what the heck he scammed me what a ripoff what a jerk right here's this one this one looks kind of cool right who wants it come and get it fresh off the presses Parts there are several types of part am I missing something here tips oh not actually tips radio water board vending machine cooler quick access board ammo machine reputation it is taken oh reputation goes down if nothing's on the shelves what I don't have enough Capital to keep the shelves stocked at all it's not my fault I got no products oh someone I was in the menu when someone tried to buy that LOL that's not going to help the reputation at all I tried to buy a gun from this guy but he just like stood there and complained that nobody was buying guns from him after a while I just left okay 24 tip jar that's pretty good so the tip jar is probably just RNG but the chip tip jar does seem to be a path to [Music] success what's the point of a shop Sim if you can'tjust prices I don't know I feel like you should be able to do [Music] that like just set uh maybe maybe instead of like having to individually set the price for each gun maybe just like a what the what why am I puking maybe like a like a markup percentage like I will charge 10% markup on this and like the lower the markup the better rep you get with the less money kind of a simple system like that all right Mr Scam I'm here to buy your stuff stuff by a variety of [Music] projects I should have looked to see what I had before I came [Music] here where's your [Music] grips give me your worst [Music] item you should close shop when you're making guns that's true that's a good idea cuz then they won't come in and be like nothing's here I should only have the shop open really when there's a gun for sale that's a good idea imagine how much higher my rep could be if I was doing that from the start oh well you need a grip I only have one grip so there it is Mark up 10% can I change that somehow that's a flashlight how do I change the markup is it possible maybe it can't be done see more bunson thank you for subscribing let's just try to build a full rack of items going to open for sale tomorrow and sell them and I have no grip that's good out of grips again grips who needs them throw a butt on that bad boy I guess we'll just keep him there for now adding Scopes might add markup yeah but then I got to buy the Scopes be right the markup percentage might go up the more is added to the gun markup 10 I probably the markup percentage is determined by how legendary the components are would be my [Music] guess [Music] talk Ren thank you for gifting a sub to I like jelly 223 got a jelly fan in the chat that's not how markup works I'm just trying to figure out how it would work in this game if I was developing this game how would I do it not even how I would do it how do you how do I think the developer of this game did it the worth the smallest Barrel that's hilarious a giant rifle body and the barrel is just like one inch long that's funny this is a bit of a comedy gun you're not really supposed to buy that one it'd be funny if someone did though dream I was fighting off zombies with a spoon but it turned into a lightsaber wow that's so cool that's one of the coolest dreams you can have the store is very clean got a nice clean soref front we got weapons for sale personally I would remove the hunger meter immediately yeah personally I wouldn't have a hunger beater because it's completely pointless and not fun in the slightest the store is open I got to buy some grips come to my shop has Matman actually you're a stalker you're not has Matman has Matman is yellow lots of Shadows of Chernobyl out here today water board seems annoying because you got to build the exact gun they want maybe water cooler increases tip maybe but like does it security alarm seems useless give me all your money okay tip jar 37 tip jar that's not bad that's pretty good cammo 3D printed Parts would be a neat Edition yeah in a zombie apocalypse I guess a zombie apocalypse could like raid I guess you could raid the 3D printing warehouse and like get that up and running if you have electricity you could do that but you have to get like filament I I imagine filament would be pretty limit limited into zombie apocalypse probably the infrastructure to manufacture 3D printing filament is not there [Music] anymore all right buy some grips grip time I found another gun store simulator on Steam that may be better or at least as bad as this one all right we'll take a look [Music] the bayonet might help the markup but just like I can't justify that kind of an expense let's keep well stocked on grips and barrels I guess let's see what I can build with this stuff [Music] you can make okay filament from a plastic bottle yeah I'm sure there's like janky ways but if you're going to make a gun out of it you kind of don't want it to be the jankiest way possible besides gunsmith Sim this might be as good as it gets with gun shop Sims which is very surprising to me I feel like a lot of the like gunsmith Sims they don't really focus on like the running a business part part they just want to focus on the gun porn part cuz there's there's a lot of apps like gun porn apps where it's like look how cool this gun looks may maybe the people that make those aren't interested in adding a hunger meter I can't imagine why I can't imagine why they don't want to add a hunger meter to their game it's such a great Improvement to every game that has [Music] it got to have hunger [Music] where is this music from uh it's probably in the credit somewhere I'm guessing the soundtrack is an original of the game yeah I have no idea I got no idea what Tunes they're pumping yeah give him the blue grip he deserves a blue grip this he not need a MAG he looks like he would need one but I don't see oh the mag's already in there it's just a very small mag I gave him the worst mag [Music] ever all right open for business yeah my rep is going up now now that I closed the store when no products were on sale that help big time that was a good Strat took about an hour to figure that one out unfortunately I did find some gun parts back here you I feel like Scavenging gun parts would be a bigger part of this it feels like in order to get the shop going you would like walk around town and like find enough to make like 10 guns at the very start of the game maybe there is stuff there 26 tip not bad not bad like my MS paint cash drawer it's very good maybe finding the Collectibles gives you money but there's no way apparently there's like 20 of those though so there must be part of the map I haven't gone to yet if I have bypassed 20 entire [Music] Collectibles Oh yay the worst gun ever is in stock how'd you know just what I [Music] wanted she just left some casings on the ground Sweet Life on Deck HD thank you for subscribing [Music] oh come along with me let's go out to see crappy games on the PlayStation 3 that's my theme [Music] song all right is there any explorable places where Parts can be found I guess this will open up a a new area it's $100 I don't think it's worth trying like maybe that'll open up a new Zone because there's this there's like a weird bunker but the bunker just doesn't open you can't loot to the drawer I should be able to build a gun and then walk into the gun store and Rob the gun store [Music] duh all right shopman give me your cheapest Goods did I close this door I hope I did buy a few mags just in case it's like a ppsh barrel I want that one that's a good one right I bought a lot of Wares I have many Wares from this guy now straight up making a Marcus munition Sim we looting guns and parts and selling them would make this much better yeah if if you could like go into the zombie building if you can go into the zombie infested part of the city and like tar off some gun parts and you bring those back and sell them that would be good that's that's like a whole another game you know it's like grafting a whole another game onto this I just want to tar off some gun parts is that too much to [Music] ask a terrible gun a cartoon gun A gun drawn with a crayon I had 500 now I'm down to 21 and I probably will be in the hole for a while cuz I did buy a lot of pieces I can only sell three at a [Music] time I out of butts already but I have more [Music] butts [Music] build one more then and we'll open it up now save some time I can get something to assembl while the customers filter [Music] in here we go here's a Harpoon Gun if you're going whaling this is the weapon for [Music] you any customers yet nope not seeing them keep on Crafting I suppose any customer nope H mildly [Music] concerning come on in customer there's one welcome to my humble shop hm which one is the best I will choose this [Music] one thanks for the funding now you're going on the [Music] Shelf day is turning tonight and the sisters of battle need a lot of guns a lot of Heretics out there in the zombie apocalypse will customers still come in or is it too late has night Fallen across the land all right mag and grip can do oh my God MP5 with a Uzi grip yeah sure why not who cares it truly does not matter I got nothing else to add to that [Music] one they're the Hitman nuns oh yeah they're the Hitman nuns you solved it they're the Hitman Absolution nuns all the marketing of that game was the nuns and they're in like one level that's a weird game I found a vending machine that dispense health potions if only yes St is open there TI up a little bit the reputation is currently neutral so it can go a little bit higher I need grips I have some grips I can build some crappy revolvers I'm going to try to like completely get rid of all my inventory by strategically buying only I need ah yes please enjoy are there any in the rest of the game nope there's none to be found nice nice nun [Music] upon when I wanted to see Dune 2 there was like three trailers for evil nun movies how many evil nun movies can they make there's so many there's like in this nun Village the devil's in the details this summer it's like how many of these you guys going to make none more they'll make about none more I think there's that none game coming out too there's a nun game coming out non gaming all right so what do I need I need a grip I need to build rifles I need to build some rifles because my rifles I have a lot of rifle parts that can't be used currently how much do you cost a build 200 h it's a big quality of life upgrade but 200 is kind of a lot before I have the shooting range unlocked yeah I can never get into playing non games you know it just never formed a habit how much for the cooler the cooler is 250 but I don't think the cooler does anything it just says the customers get free water and I have to restock the water I don't think I want [Music] that it sounds sounds like a waste of time oh crap I don't have a gun sorry I'm sorry no my rep my hard grinded rep okay what do we need what do we need I need to build three magazine type guns maybe it gets you rep yeah maybe it gives you rep but I don't know what rep does I need three magazine fed guns so you and your are mag fed I think buy some grips if you can afford the nice stuff the margin on that is probably higher now I'm kind of in a good cash flow I'm in a good cash flow state of mind now all right you know what I said about shopping smartly I'm not going to do that actually just doing missions give you anything I don't know that's why I'm hesitant to buy the cooler because it seems like a big waste of money all right you need a [Music] grip give him the goblin grip yeah oh yeah the the more legendary Parts the more the markup is so if you can afford the legendary stuff you buy that but like I mean like duh you know it's okay give him some booty grab at the [Music] booty several hours later he'll discover missions are the key to gamep playay yeah W the mission gives you 60,000 credits when you do it that's crazy if only I would have known oh she's back what do you want hit man none okay good sale good sale a good [Music] price he doesn't need a butt to be sold I can I can load this one up this one can have one of everything good get rid of some of my inventory it'd be cool if he got the cooler it would be cool it's true crap crap oh that was close close call almost missed the sale I need a weapon in the zombie apocalypse it's pretty life or death out here but I'm not willing to wait more than 5 seconds for one if you take a second longer I will not buy a gun from the only gun store in town okay now we got huge profit so like the first the first like hour was very grindy but now that we're moving at a good Pace here the money is spawning in my goal is to get the firing range once I get the firing range I don't know that's the goal though oh my store's getting dirty uhoh stop bleeding on my floor [Music] although buying the firing range will mean I can't put that money back into inventory which could be an issue you need a butt which I have none of great you need a butt too right oh you don't need a butt okay nice nice you merely need the essentials [Music] Okie doie you're tired uhhuh tell me about it zzz maybe the reputation increases your tip maybe the higher your rep is the more tip you get maybe that's its purpose okay we're close like one more batch and the firing range will be open for buzziness we need butts we need some of everything I guess I'll buy a hot dog for convenience it's annoying going so [Music] slow finally an excellent rating mhm I I guess the reputation affects the tip that's the only thing I can imagine it affecting this game isn't even in Early Access this game is like selling itself as a 1.0 so hopefully I get a mechanic in there oh there is one guard okay there's one guard I gu just watches the zombies all day says man if these zombies ever climbed over the walls we'd be so screwed we'd be dunzo just give me all your stuff honestly I'm breaking the [Music] bank [Music] probably needed to buy more barrels whoops good thing he has some cheap [Music] ones all right so after this batch maybe the firing range can open at last are you closed yeah you're closed good oh yeah I got some all reds got some all red [Music] Parts these are going to be some quality products except for the barrels the barrels suck who needs the barrel not [Music] important all he needs is a grip that's an easy one an easy weapon % profit on that bad [Music] boy Buy Low sell High that's what I always say I mean this what needs everything this what needs the [Music] works have a lot of crappy Barrels in [Music] stock has the markup increased due to rep Maybe I think I think everything is 14 now so yeah maybe maybe the rep did increase the markup cuz it seems like the default markup is 14 now cuz it was 10 and I went up four tiers that would make sense that does add [Music] up let's build some more quality products for the valued customers of Apocalypse bird think the store owner just charges out from the back room pointing at MP5 at you you want to buy my gun you want to buy it huh yeah it's for sale it's for sale all this yeah I was just building this in the back room don't worry about it it's fine I wasn't going to blow you [Music] away wonderful it is now night time though so I guess I should just like keep building no reason not to not like Enon actually matters at all grippy grippy I found this gun quite gripping I feel like reputation will go down when someone tries one and it explodes immediately nah I don't think that would happen I think it'll be fine I can't see that ruining my entire business I'm really trying to run this store like Boeing you know because Boeing is a great successful company we're going with the Boeing strategy make everything very cheaply and that's pretty much the whole Strat cut as many cost as possible especially when you are in the business of like a life-saving Implement like something very important like for zombie apocalypse guy a gun is basically as important as an airplane no refunds yeah no refunds as well that goes that saying okay I need some more bodies I got no bodies screw the three body problem I got a zero body problem my main issue with three body problem TV show was that they split the main guy into like five different people like the main guy from three body problem book he goes in like 50 side quests which is it's a bit jarring he's around quest lines so much but then they they added like so many like new characters they split them up like every quest line he has has their own character now and it's too much there's too much to keep track of I'm not going to make it sail sail sail yeah aim trainer on no tip rude Too Many Bodies yeah Too Many Bodies that's the problem the too many body problem never heard your opinion on the show was it good now I stopped watching after episode too it sucks it did the like the flashback timeline the flashback timeline was fine but it was moving really fast like pretty much the entire flashback timeline story line was over by the time I was on I was finished episode episode two I was like what that's supposed to go I mean it can go as fast as it wants to but I feel like they could have made it go a little bit longer that's like the most important part and it had like no buildup keep on Crafting I think I'll be able to open the firing range today amazing maybe the writers cut the corners cuz they were offered a gig with Star Wars yeah maybe they got offered Star Wars again that'd be [Music] funny that's a hilarious gun that's a modern warfare gun I like in the new modern warfar you can build very funny guns in those games your gun can look real [Music] Goofy [Music] oh there's crouching Wow first ever Crouch H I think I want this one oh Thief how do I stop him kill him what kill him what he just took it what I didn't have a hot hot dog I was hungry so I couldn't run fast enough to stop him that sucks come on that just sucks oh he did drop it I made him drop it that's good he didn't get away what stop doing that that sucks I hate that so much please don't steal my gun Sheriff Marshall please actually buy it what why is everyone stealing it what did he even drop [Music] it can somebody buy it please why is everyone stealing just this pistol is it like flagged to get stolen don't even think about it lady I'll punch you okay she's buying it you think I would keep a shotgun under the counter for situations such as these I guess I don't you got to buy an alarm to make the thieves make a sound effect that that just sucks that's just not fun at all and even after you get the alarm you still got to chase him down why would they have that in this I don't get it maybe had some water for the customers it wouldn't be this hostile yeah if I had a water cooler they wouldn't be shooting me so much or stealing from me so much don't you dare steal good that should be a thousand right yeah firing range time after I make sure she doesn't obcon with my rifle thank you so much all right firing range time let's do it yeah is it not ready [Music] what open the firing range let's do it how do I build it do I got to build I went B mode right yeah okay I don't know how how much does it cost 250 I have 250 nice after the shooting range buyers will shoot the purchase weapons paying you more money you can improve the level of shooting range to increase profits okay so you got to sell a gun though you still got to sell guns and I'm still a little bit light on funding here which is kind of bad so how much money will get me to shoot the [Music] MP5 let's find out this gun's going to explode in your hands don't trust this one either I got to sell those two guns to get my money back and then hopefully they'll come shoot them and give me a million dollars guess your Halo streams are no longer on the platform uh the one isn't the rest of them should be they're not really organized very well though so good luck finding them I'm never in the Master Chief Collection category when playing Master Chief Collection so it's a bit hard to find old content all right use my shooting range come on I built it just for you we're just not even going to talk about that I'm going to I build a shooting range just for you come on come use it go shoot zombies what do you go go to the range I built it come on customer [Music] this gun has great stopping power it stops whoever shoots it from being alive and now come into my come into my Shooting Gallery why is no one coming to the paraka playground I invested all my funds into the paraka playground and nobody is here only shows your last seven it should show more than that it should show the last 60 days sometimes there's weird filters on what streams are shown and what isn't because twitch sucks at being a streaming website even though it's the only streaming [Music] website okay so I bought the shooting range and nothing happened that was kind of my goal my Chase item goal was to buy the shooting range and they won't use it so I mean this game this game is fine it's a fine game I would Play It Again The Chill music helps a lot good job a pimp game Studio on the this one uh I feel like you should be able to go scavenge guns and stuff but maybe you can and I just there's a picture of like a warehouse and a garden there so there's might be some mechanics that I didn't uh notice on this so if it turns out this has a lot more gameplay I didn't see I'll look at it [Music] again [Music]
Channel: oboeshoestwos
Views: 95,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: O4LdgxvZXz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 36sec (5136 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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