Creating A Venezuela Collapse Supply List

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everybody today we're going to talk about what they're out of Venezuela and what you should stock up on for any kind of economic collapse hey everybody welcome back to the channel I've been watching the news out of Venezuela a lot lately and sometimes a real-life news story can be more motivating than any amount of YouTube videos or prepper videos you could ever want to watch and what we're seeing invent as well is a really good example of that if you've been paying attention to things they've been running out of as a new prepper and that's really what this video is geared towards you can put together a good collapse supply list that can see you through crisis breakdown a power outage or total economic collapse things you number need to remember about that as well is that as recently as 1970s it was one of the top which is 20 richest countries in the world so a lot of people like to say ah that you've never happened in the United States but well you know who can happen to fit as well I could pretty much happen anywhere and it really isn't a matter of a question of if but when you know these supplies in front of you are just a small representation and again these are representations this is not what I'm telling you to go out and buy tons of this is just a representation of things that might run out we'll go through them later there are representations of what you might need in an economic collapse type situation but it was also a perfect example of things you might need in a breakdown in a power outage and of job loss anything okay now remember economic collapse starts slowly it could be described as hard times in the news or a stock market decline you know it doesn't always start off with riots and blood in the streets and overnight turmoil so one of the best ways to prepare as a new prepper and even as an old prepper is to look at what they're out of an Argentine and stop yourself up on those items and they don't need to be expensive I've purposely chosen some of the cheaper items in my storeroom to give you good representations okay first thing we want to do is look food because the first thing that is well a ran out of was food the government took over um first of all they crack down on the ability to stock up on the food okay they took over the food distribution they took over the supermarket's they instituted a fingerprint registry for buying food basically make making prepping illegal because you can only buy what they tell you you can buy and begin to dole out the supplies government took most of the stores over and then on top of that they force the farmers to sell over the majority of their crops for a price that the government chose to pay these crops were then taken to market and marked up ridiculously and sold people who found out overnight they couldn't afford to eat so how do you prepare for that well you know we start off with food the first thing I tell people if you're if you're not really into prepping okay and you just want to have a good supply of food in an emergency and you really don't want to think about it get these I'm going to put that into the light for you um not particularly this brand although this brand is perfectly fine these are food buckets they're four-person 72-hour food supplies okay you can get four or five of these stash them away and you've got something you know and this again is going out to people who aren't necessarily Preppers who just want to be able to protect their family in any kind of emergency and food is your number one thing that you really need to start thinking about if you going to start stocking up on items okay you've seen these online you've seen them in the bigger bulk stores I bought this one in Sam's actually I've even seen them in Walmart it's not my first choice but it's better than nothing when it comes to food okay second thing is build a pantry I have some items out here and I'm going to knock down gold and silver um just canned goods you know go to the store every week buy an extra whatever you can afford per week of extra canned goods five ten dollars a week you know that can make the difference in having a food supply when emergency strikes or disaster strikes or even a total glass of your government strikes as opposed to having nothing okay and these are items that gosh they last i mean i've eaten spam ten years after i bought it it's still as good as brand new okay your last issue that you want to do if you have a little bit more money and a little more patience and you're actually into prepping is your freeze-dried cans okay again any freeze-dried can that you get is good I am NOT in particular advertising mountain house I like it they're very good but there's tons of other stuff out there there's the thrive program I mean heck you could start with a thrive program and do it I don't know how it works exactly and it kind of strikes me as multi-level marketing but there are people to do it and there are people that make money doing it you can start off with something like 20 bucks a week and maybe get one can a week or two cans a week believe me when I first started preparing in 98 I would go to the grocery store excuse me it's been 10 bucks a week on canned goods and it filled up a box you know that I thought I'd never fill up in no time at all so we've got the freeze-dried cans now gardening supplies move this out of the way here seeds again this is just a representation this is how we store our seeds when we get them from the store we get fruits from the store or vegetables anything that has a seed in it we put it in a bag and storm you can get non-hybrid seeds in any of the local stores a Walmart Sam's Club Costco a heck at Home Depot even has them you know so you want to stock up on that soil bug spray if you live in an area or natural bug killer if you live in an area where you're really set by bugs or pests anything gardening related I mean even something as simple as a shovel you know my second suggestion on that is to test your garden out now if you've watched my videos a couple days ago I did a video on my little garden that's going out there and it's doing pretty good but you want to know what grows in your area you know you want to actually see can I grow something from seed if you can't do it you know and if you're if you're constantly having failures then maybe you want to look into another option gardening isn't a solution for everybody you know you may you living in an apartment you may find it very hard to do you may just not have the time to do it you know you may be busy working a job and you may not have the time to tend to a garden so it's not the right choice for everybody but it is another way to increase your food security okay moving on one of the other things that they're running out of in Venezuela is hygiene items okay so now again a representation I wouldn't wash myself with fells NASPA soap but something like this is awesome because it can be used to wash so many things from your clothing to outdoor stuff you know anything you want to wash down really good this is good so but you know just going to the store and buying a six pack of your regular soap you use everyday and putting it away you know that could be one of your weekly preps you could spend $10 on hygiene items okay baby wipes that's another thing that they're running out of and this is a real big important one and sanitizer if you haven't watched some of the earlier videos from the patriot nurse the biggest thing that's going to get people as she has mentioned is infections you know it's not going to be the gun shot it's not going to be the stab wound you're going to die valiantly in battle on here in front of your house maybe it's just that nick from that rosebush that gets you infected you end up with MRSA and you end up dying from it keeping yourself and your hands clean these two items can really help with that another thing laundry soap laundry soap is a really short supply and I picked this one here because believe it or not I buy these in Walmart I forget how much they are I think they're like a buck ninety-nine or something maybe two dollars they're really really cheap you can find this brand in particular in dollar stores as well and don't discount dollar stores for prepping if you don't have money you know if you're just starting out and you don't have a lot of money to spend don't discount the dollar stores but yeah they're running out of a dishwasher a dish detergent I mean lottery detergent dish detergent at this point I consider a luxury laundry detergent so it's just another item to to grab okay alternative energy now if you have watched my videos you know I have lots of solar projects I have lots of cook stoves I've made my own hobo stoves and cook stoves and rocket stoves I've tons of videos on that you can scroll back and again this is geared towards the new prepper you don't need to go out and spend $50 on a propane stove if you've got an area where you can harvest a lot of wood you can make yourself a hobo stove out of a number-10 can or an old coffee can and be just as good so let's move these things out of the way over this way so we have a little more room I like doing videos like this because it gives you a good representation you know and of what you can get how easily you can get it medicine and medical care all right first aid kit is of course a representation this is a first aid kit I bought in Costco a couple years ago it's been rotated out a lot of the stuff that's in it has been replaced if this is all you can afford and I think this was $29 that's fine that's great you're better off than 99% of the people in the world you know I read a story the other day that I forget what it was but it was some ridiculous amount like 8 out of 10 people couldn't come up with $1,000 for an emergency you know well it's the same way with prepping you know I guarantee you if you talk to a lot of people something like a first aid kit is really not one of their top priorities right now everybody's just trying to get by so if you can con yourself somehow to come up with a little extra money you know and put some money aside and say you know what no matter what this happens this is my prepping money and I'm not going to spend it you know get yourself some first aid all right there is a good book you can get it on CD it's called where there is no doctor stuff like that you know education real important and read it before you know don't say okay I got my book I'm ready you know read on read this stuff watch the videos as I mentioned before Patriot nervous is an excellent resource on YouTube with tons of information on medical stuff you know um let's see we want to stock up on things like pain relief uh you know over-the-counter stuff allergy stuff colds diarrhea medicine inflammation anything that takes down inflammation aspirins creams anything over-the-counter and stock up on sales there's tons of sales out there folks and let me tell you something for basic stuff like this kind of stuff I have your pro finding all that you can go to your dollar store and you can stock up pretty good keep an eye on expiration dates but don't live and die by them I need an aspirin that's ten years past its best by date you know when I forgot to rotate it I'll say more like five or six years perfectly fine you know aspirin by the way lets off a smell when you open it if it's bad it's vinegar the vinegar II smell you don't want to use it at that point some have said it's poisonous instead of not regardless these are items you can stock up on okay some people purchase veterinary antibiotics I'm not gonna go to the legality of it but let's face it in an emergency if you need to save your life a life of your loved ones all bets are off okay this is fish cipro okay you will find that this stuff is very very inexpensive and you will also find if you look up the markings on the pills another good book I would tell you to get for this kind of stuff as a physicians Desk Reference it will help you look up a lot of stuff um when it comes to medicines you will find that they're marked the exact same way some have even said they're made on the same lines they're just not held to the same standards in packaging or FDA sanitation approval maybe if you're dying from a massive infection and you need antibiotics I don't think you're really going to care honestly is it legal well it's kind of a gray area you know I wouldn't set out with the intent of buying a ton of this stuff to resell because that would make sure that licensed physician I'm not licensed pharmacists but to keep some and keep it for emergencies and if you have an understanding doctor and I've done this with some doctors where you can talk to them and they'll give you advice give you dosages or you might even be able to get your doctor to say hey you know I'm really concerned I really need this type of medication or that type of medication is it possible I can get an extra month's supply if it's not a narcotic if it's something like blood pressure medicine or diabetes medicine they'll probably give it to you it probably won't be a big deal let's move on here oh and make sure you stock up on things you regularly take like I said blood pressure meds diabetes meds even if you have to order them online or talk to your doctor about it every little bit helps now is the time to get this stuff they can make things easier this is another you know they're running the hospitals don't even have basic sanitation out there in Venezuela so I mean if you can get yourself some band-aids you know if you can't afford say ordering this stuff online although it is much less expensive than antibiotics you'd buy a store you know if you can't do that just get yourself some band-aids some antiseptic creams stuff that's cheap dollar store great resource alright let's move on to that now the last thing we're going to talk about is gold and silver okay some people will say that gold and silver is not you know you can't eat it it's not a not a valuable resource than that you collapse well if you've watched um and read some of what fair fell discussed in Argentina when they had the collapse in this country gold and silver jewelry was really popular as a black market item for buying and selling okay um if they're taking gold and silver jewelry my guess is I'll probably take these some people say it's a store of wealth not for bartering or trade if you've got somebody that say is willing to barter or willing to sell items and your country's currency is worth nothing and you offer them you know a tenth outsoar half ounce of gold for something chances are you might get it if you've got somebody that maybe is blocking access to a store you know like in in Venezuela where the military is shutting down grocery stores maybe you can get that guard to look the other way for a couple of pieces of silver a couple pieces of gold maybe you can feed your family you know again I generally store gold and silver as a store of wealth I don't tend to go overboard with it I do have a good amount but I don't go nuts with it you know I'm not going to keep thousands and thousands of ounces it's more of a store of wealth and it's more of a for those little inconvenient situations like that where you may need to pay somebody a bribe you know again we're talking about what-if scenarios if I told you thirty years ago somebody's going to fly planes in the World Trade Center you would told me I was nuts and then it happened it's what-if scenarios you know so with all that said we're going to move on to the final part here so I hope I haven't bored the heck out of folks okay I tend to try to keep something in front of the camera I don't like to just talk so anyway one of the things we're finding out if you watch on certain parts of Facebook and Twitter is that barter activity is exploding across men as well you know you'll see people bartering for you know feminine hygiene items you'll see women trying to you know barter for diapers for you know maybe some water or food you know it's it's things like infant formula it's not uncommon to see people bartering for if you watch some of the videos coming out of Argentina you'll see the long lines of grocery stores you'll see people you know buying things and bartering them so you know it's something to think about again I did a video on lots of good barter items it's not an exhaustive list but it's a pretty good list of things that you could possibly stock up on for barter some people may have an aversion to bartering say alcohol or cigarettes because they don't feel it's healthy again we're talking about worst case scenario we're not talking about you know I wouldn't go by my friend to pack cigarettes because I don't want him smoking you know we're talking about worst-case scenario collapse where that pack of cigarettes may buy you a loaf of bread so again this is know by no means an exhaustive list but a start place for you to start your prepping goals and mainly this is geared towards new Preppers that maybe you're watching situation event as well and going oh my god what should I do you know it's it'll serve you not only in a total crisis but for any other disaster as well the point of the video being both new new and old Preppers can learn something by paying attention to the news you know if I tell you now to go out and buy a first aid kit and you have it and there's you know an earthquake well you've got first aid you know you may not have everything you need but you can stop bleeding you can treat people you can take care of minor cuts and bruises so learn all you can from what around the world may be different in your location country you know for the most part people are the same and they're going to need the same goods the same items so if you can stock up by watching the news and watching what's going on in Venezuela it'll probably do you some good and especially for new Preppers that are overwhelmed I think they need to buy a billion things concentrate on the important stuff first okay once you have that then you can go off to things like gold and silver guns and ammo you know of course that stuff goes without saying that you're going to need that and the last thing I want to talk about is skills okay do you have a skill that you could barter before can you fix things are you good with electronics you know are you can you repair firearms now that's a common you know thing that everybody's like oh yeah I'm gonna gunsmith but can you really fix them you know I can refinish guns right here on this table you know I can do work with the solar I get people electrical power you know so that's that's kind of thing that you want to think about you know can you offer a service do you have a propane stove the way to cook maybe nobody has it so that's just something to think about so anyway thank you for watching I hope I didn't bore you too much with talking really you know the items I showed you here are mostly representations of things to buy if you can't stand beans and wieners don't buy them anyway thanks for watching we'll see you again soon
Channel: Iridium242
Views: 158,555
Rating: 4.8848829 out of 5
Keywords: Venezuela Collapse, Prepping, preppers, venezuela prepping, SHTF, bug out bag, stockpile, WROL, government collapse, govt, how to prepare for an economic collapse, prepping in venezuela, survivalism, survival, new to prepping, Survivial, food lines in venezuela, riots in venezuela, iridium242
Id: hvT5Ui7v64s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 56sec (1136 seconds)
Published: Sun May 22 2016
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