New Items For HomeMade MRES!

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hey everybody welcome back today we're gonna talk about some new items that I found for your homemade MREs alright everybody welcome back so if you guys were with me about a year ago and I figured it was time to update this video since I've gotten so many sub since then some of you may not have seen it I did a video on making homemade MREs this is actually one that I made back then I had another one that I recently put together an eight to make sure it was still good and I did a video on that and of course it was fine and what I'm showing you is some new items that I found to use in your homemade MREs I try to make these MREs actually MREs in other words stuff you can eat without heating up of course I'm gonna try a couple of new things I got and we're gonna heat them up today but I try to make them as close to military MREs as possible in a real emergency if I'm starving I can eat this cold you know what I mean I can even eat the spam cold if you like spam it's not something that needs to be heated up it's still cooked and ready to go so the premise behind this is that there's so much cheaper to make for yourself if you have a vacuum sealer and I mean when I first made these I actually have it here I made them in plastic bags so they worked fine for that and they'll work fine in a vacuum sealer I put him in a vacuum sealer about four or five months ago when I got my new vacuum sealer and it seems to hold up pretty well now again I have a lot of stuff that's in bags here so it gets puffy you know the juice and the applesauce and the chicken but it's probably fine you know it's as a general rule I like doing it this way because it sucks all the air out and keep stuff fresher but you can still do them as Ziploc bags and that's even cheaper when it comes to per item cost now I mean this thing here probably cost let's include the bag and everything maybe I don't know less than 5 bucks 5 or 6 bucks if you add everything in because I bought most of this stuff in in packs you know I bought like five of these in a pack I bought a bunch of these little juice boxes a bunch of these little you know they come in fibers pack type type display items so I picked him up that way so a little bit cheaper so you maybe think five or six bucks as opposed to ten or twelve dollars for a military MRE I don't have a heater in here so of course you'd have to carry a cook kit but when it comes to making up a couple of these for your go bags as opposed to spending 75 or 80 dollars for 12 meals these are way more effective way more cost-effective so this is definitely a affordable budget-friendly way to get some ready to go meals and you know you put a couple these together for your go bags you know if you have to leave from a fire a flood or hurricane whatever you've got meals ready to go you may have to heat them up you may not you know if you can you know if you're really in a pinch and you can't heat them they're still edible so I'm gonna go into some of these items here many get this out of the way first I want to tell you about is collect your packets from stores these are from what is it done Panda Express but these are really really valuable force multipliers when it comes to making decent MREs homemade MREs they can make the food taste a little better they can cover up tastes you don't like it's definitely handy and that for some reason Panda Express seems to love to give these things out to me when I go there they lorelei order like a a thing of pasta cores and they gave me all of this so I mean this kind of stuff is handy to stick in a homemade MRE you know you can just toss it in there and you know slides right in seal it up you're good to go so definitely even ketchups mustard stuff like that Mayo's anything that you get extra save them don't throw them out we also save them in our fridge too because there's always that time where you're you know just made a bunch of hamburgers and you oh shoot and get ketchup at the store well you have ketchup packs I'm just showing you these because I really like the stuff from Panda Express as far as what they give out you got hot sauce chili sauce potsticker sauce a little bit hot mustard soy so that's something you can always keep ready for your MREs now another thing that's gonna seem kind of counterintuitive here is if you've already eaten an MRE and there's something you didn't like in it keep it out there's no law that says you can't stick an MRE component into your homemade MRE this is something new that I've seen at Wal actually this is ready pasta it's basically al dente cooked so it's a little firm all you really have to do is heat it up you can microwave it or you can heat it up and water it if you want a cook stove really simple to make and again edible right out of the package in a pinch in an emergency let's move on to these now I've done these I've done these a couple times on my channel the Hormel completes these are also good any of this stuff is good for storing in your storeroom or your storage area if you keep a Rubbermaid tub full of emergency food these are good I would suggest checking on them more often because they do have these you know these little pull tabs here they are fairly strong I'm gonna tell you a story about them this particular entre not this one here I ate that one but this particular type on trade Swedish meatballs I had this in a work bag for five years it was my work bag that I carried when I went to the gun shop I worked at and one they closed and moved away I took that bag apart took it all apart and I'm like oh wow I wonder if that's still good totally forgot it was in there I ate it it was still just as good as new and this bag had been through extreme heat extreme cold rain wind had been everywhere it was just a small backpack that I had for emergencies at work work great so they will hold up for a while I'd still suggest rotating them out every year just because of the seal you know the way the seals could prevail or you know it could tear but I've done views the videos on these tons of times before you've seen them they're really really good and of course the good old staples spam and ramen I have a lot of people tell me Oh ramen goes bad in a year I have a Rubbermaid tub of ramen that I'm now rotating out and I will take case out and you know the big flats they have of cases of them and put a new case in and I'll eat the old ones now they're a good 4 to 5 years old I haven't had a bad one yet can you taste a slight difference ever so slight but when you're starving and you're hungry you're not gonna really notice that but seriously I have not had one that's you know rancid or bad the way they're describing it make him sound like they'd be like growing with mold and nastiness I really not had one go bad then again I do keep them in that row every time in a climate-controlled room it's basically a spare bedroom I converted to a storeroom now why do I pick these instead of the cans these are not cost-effective compared to the cans the cans are like you know to something and these are a buck something each so you're not really cost effective but they're slim and you can pack them in with stuff like that and there's your MRE a couple of these and some rice so that's why I've got a few of these I always keep a few around if I'm gonna make some more homemade MREs and that's probably what I'm gonna do with these eventually and we'll do a video on that when I do it but again really handy item if you can get the spam singles they're pretty good um the same stuff to taste the same it's just you know they're two of these is more than enough for a meal with some rice or some noodles or whatever so there's those Craig already Neil's actually did an entire video just on these type of meatless meals these things are awesome they're cost effective they're not too expensive they taste good again they say microwavable you can cook them in a pan you can just put them in a pan heat them up keep stirring it around they'll be fun you can also eat them cold if you have to meet an emergency again MRE meal ready all right let's move on to the new stuff now this is brand new I've never seen these Vitti Thai rice before they have a bunch of different flavors this is just their tire j'en and I like that so I want you to try so we don't try this out today again it's got these seals now sealed in a bag like this I wouldn't worry about it as much just left on your shelf if you use this in your storeroom first of all it's not cost-effective you can store an entire 5-gallon bucket of rice way cheaper than these individual portions but keep an eye on the on the peel tabs and we're gonna heat that up again in any in a pan you know we'll just heat it up with a little bit of butter in a pan it'll be fine and these guys these are brand-new from Velveeta cheesy bowls says its ultimate cheeseburger Mac and ultimate bacon and mac and cheese so we're gonna try these all out of it I set up a little burner here and I'm gonna show you how I heat these up and how I heat this stuff and we're just gonna take a little taste of each and see see if they're good to store again now if you're storing these for an MREs we're gonna open these up anyway to get rid of the packaging and you can do them just like that they do come with their cheese sauce separate so you're gonna be eating this up and then putting the cheese sauce in there so let me get my burner out and let me change the battery in my camera cuz I see it slow and I'll bring you right back now remember when I told you to save those those little sides you get from fast food places butter from KFC we've got a bunch of these every time they give you a biscuit they give you like ten butters I put them in the fridge you don't really need to refrigerate them cuz as you can tell it's buttery spread and yes I know this isn't real butter right there's always somebody has to come in the video goes that's not real butter that's got toxins and chemicals in it I'm like I know we're eating for survival here we're not eating for everyday diet so if you do happen to eat out a lot you can pick these up and they're you know basically a free component to add to your just but still frozen with my fridge they're free component to add to your your thing so what I'm gonna do is heat up the rice I'm gonna turn this on first and you just want to keep it in a low simmer and again I'm not gonna watch make you watch me cook every single thing here we're just gonna go through this and when it's done I'll bring you back and we'll taste it you know again this isn't a stove test or a cooking test or anything like that really just to see and the reason I'm doing this is because I don't want the rice to burn to the bottom this is a titanium pan still I don't want it to burn to the bottom this stuff isn't the best force for cooking but it works so we're gonna kind of turn that down there we go turn that down as low as we can now I'm gonna drop the rice in there see how we like it I get off in the bag there we go I'm not gonna cook the whole thing seems like a waste and this does seem to have a little residual yeah maybe I'll throw it all in there um it does seem to have a little residual moisture to it it's kind of sticky so now that I got rice all over my hand we're gonna stir it up a little bit and heat it up warm it up really all you got to do is just kind of take turn it around so it doesn't stick from the bottom and it should be heated up fairly quickly again if you're doing this in a pot you can cover it you can double boil it you know you can have a water under there and put it in something but this is just a fast way to do it I'm gonna bring you back when we try this out and see if we like it all right so this is all done it's been heating up for a while now I'll tell you one thing you can smell the lime on it it smells really really good this is again Thai lime and herb rice let's see if I'd uh go with it that's really really good yeah give you a quick look at it that's really good and I mean I think it was a dollar of 79 and that's really enough rice for two people if you're doing some spam and rice or something like that or maybe um hot dogs whatever you gonna put in there beans and wieners you know on the side maybe that's more than enough rice again I did a couple of freeze-dried meals as well with the thrive life stuff I would have no problem throwing that in there with some thriving lights that needed to be rehydrated like chicken or beef or something that would be awesome with it so there's that let's move on to the next one all right so we're gonna try these out next night I've never opened one of these so I don't know how they're gonna work I may have to put some water in the pan we'll see that is your cheese sauce pouch heat then stirring liquid gold alright so there's already a little cheese in here so I probably won't have to add much of anything we're gonna get a pan here just dump it in there we go side and again we're gonna keep it remember you want to keep it on low so you want a stove that can do low heat I don't know if you can see that flame there but it's very very low you don't want it to be sizzling and crackling and burning a knack out of your food I managed to avoid doing that with the rice this looks like it's the bacon I think I see bacon in there so give me a few minutes let me heat that up Pamela will do taste alright now we're gonna dump cheese sauce in there and try it out all right drop it in there it really looks like that mac and cheese that comes with that pouch too so it's really no different and it heated up very easily in a pan it seems to already be kind of moistened with the cheese so it really wasn't a problem I'm getting it in there so let's mix it up now that the pots all melting in there good and this is the bacon and cheese this isn't the hamburger let's take a look at it there you go yeah tastes like any other taste just like regular mac and cheese to me um bacon is nice and crispy in there although another good side dish or entree depending on how much you want to eat definitely something I would stick in there again these little packs they're nice and small very you know you can definitely get that into an MRE so let's try out the next one all right this is the cheeseburger mac this one here open it up for you I will say these seals do feel very secure not really worried about them then popping open they actually take a little bit of a tug to actually get them out you're not gonna fall out of there or a break from just normal usage so let's heat it up I'll bring it back when that's heated up all right now you notice these don't burn to the bottom this is nice and warm now as you can tell by the steam coming off this make sure yeah okay put that cheese pouch in there okay this isn't like a you know I'm not telling people to eat the stuff every day in your survival food but to have it as a ready to go meal when you're starving you gotta evacuate your house whatever and again that's kind of what I feel bug out bags are for I have a separate kit set up ready to go if I have to ever totally evacuate my house and never come back bug out bags to me or for short-term emergencies now if I have to leave you know some kind of horrible disaster has happened am I gonna take all my bug out bags and my ear and my you know full nevercominghome kit of course but and if I got stuck with just a bug out bag I'd be pretty well set up for a few days at least but a bug out bag is just too small to carry enough where you're never coming home again you know we all like that idea of us just strapping on our packs and walking away from our home and into the wilderness but you won't last long with a bug out that you really need a more of a support system and you need some somewhere to go to so let's give this a try here yeah hamburger is actually very good I'll give you a look at here yeah now again I'm gonna tell you store what you like don't store stuff that you know you normally find disgusting if you're watching this video and you're in the middle of your Paleo diet and you find only you know protein and or whatever you know of course you're not gonna you're not gonna take that with you but for a survival food in a situation like that making a homemade MRE is very cost effective and as you can tell from all the items pretty tasty you know definitely if I was hungry I wouldn't be turning any of this down if I even had to just eat the rice alone I need it cuz it's really that good so I plan on doing some more videos and making up of some more homemade MREs but as you can see they're really not any bigger actually a little smaller than most military MREs and you can pack pretty much anything in there and these little containers that this stuff comes in you know they'll fit right in there so maybe you can get a little pack of chicken like this here and heat that up in a pan heat that mac-and-cheese throw it in there with some with the bacon can't think today with the bacon and you'll have yourself a decent meal and it's a very small thing these are kind of thick because they got you know applesauce and the juice drink and all that you really don't need all that you can get a little Crystal Light individual those little packets you know of individual stuff and with the water you have you can make yourself a drink with your meal so anyway that is the video for today some new items that you can make homemade MREs out of and let me know what you come up with if you can think of other stuff I'm always on the prowl you know when I go through the Walmart section there where and also in Smith's I look at the section with a canned food it is and stuff like this because it's amazing what you find it you know I want to correct something I didn't find this rice in Walmart found it in Smith's so you never know what you're gonna find and it's fun too you know I have a bag over here one of those little shopping bags just full of foods like this that when I get around to it hey let's make some more homemade MREs they really work well they even work well for power outages you don't have to be bugging out to use these you could lose power a little stove like this and a pack of complexities and you have food so definitely a cool idea thanks for watching guys don't forget to check out our amazon store down below don't forget to check out our Oh like link we have a live video coming up pretty soon got lotsa neat flashlights in there and tactical stuff and anything you need for your weapons don't forget to check out our thrive life link because that's where this can come and play too you can pack up some thrive life food and be ready to go with that stuff just as easily as any other pre-made stuff anyway folks thanks for watching stay safe and stay prepared
Channel: Iridium242
Views: 52,059
Rating: 4.9273167 out of 5
Keywords: Water-Filter, hiking, camping, Survival, Iridium242, iridium242, bugoutbag, prepping, preppers, bushcraft, camp, preparing, prepper, backpacking, bug out bag, prepping items, prepper foods, food storage, bug out gear, bugging out, emergency bag food, make your own mres, home made mres, make your own gear, prepping on the cheap, survival cheap, affordable prepping, affordable prepping tips
Id: 0mDBMyzhTnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2019
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