Create astonishing presentation using free AI tool || Best trick ever to develop PPT using ChatGPT

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hello folks hope all are doing great welcome  to Guru Tech Solutions discover the ultimate   presentation hack want to transform your ordinary  presentations into jaw-dropping visual experiences   Unleash the Power of our latest video where we  unveil a groundbreaking technique that's about   to revolutionize your slides ever wondered how to  effortlessly add that wow factor without spending   hours designing the secret lies in a free  AI tool that does the heavy lifting for you   no design skills required watch in amazement as  we guide you through simple steps to turn Bland   slides into captivating stories say goodbye to  mundane and hello to extraordinary don't miss this   chance to up your presentation game and leave your  audience in awe are you ready to dive in [Music]   step number one open your web browser and type  chatgpt this will lead you to the official page   of this popular free AI tool although chat GPT  has launched its updated version chat GPT for   which is not free and we have to pay for it but  don't be Panic we are using the free version in the prompt bar we will ask chat GPT to  generate PowerPoint presentation so my area   of interest is how mathematics improve  critical thinking skills and I ask it to   act as a professional to make PowerPoint  presentation on the given topic and will   last chat GPT to generate six slides besides we  will ask jgpt to fill the relevant tax as well   you can type your own topic by following the same  steps once you are done with the typing hit enter   now chatgpt is creating different slides and  filling the text as per it was instructed you can scroll down and see  the progress it has created   seven different slides around our area of Interest the very first slide is about introduction  and title would be enhancing critical thinking   through mathematics you can see the text which  we can include in our slides likewise the slide   number two is about interconnectedness  of mathematics and critical thinking   slide number four is about real  world application and likewise you   can see the other slides as well and text has  already been filled by this free AI tool and   the final flights will be about  the conclusion of our presentation   so far we are done with creating the slide titles  and relevant text to include in our presentation before we move to our next  step just copy the entire text here comes the step number two again in search bar type this will lead  you to the official page of Microsoft Office 365. you can log into toit by using your Gmail or  Outlook account like I have done using my ID from here click word then  you have to open a blank file once this blank document is opened The Next Step would be pasting the text  which has been generated by chat GPT for that I will use shortcut key Control Plus V  here you can see the entire text has been pasted now from here you have to click  keep Source formatting the same   let's dive into step number three go to home  and Export it as PowerPoint presentation once you click this pop-up will appear here  you can see various predefined templates   we can select as per our choice if you are not satisfied with the  given templates you can click see more   by clicking you will get more options for this time I am choosing this  template and then we'll click export here you can see that your text will be  including in presentation support for   image and tables is coming soon  it means that whatever we have   input in form of text this will  generate automatic presentation let's wait for a while boom see the magic and astonishing presentation  is ready don't skip the video more important   steps and features to discuss ahead you can  scroll down and check these slides one by one Here Comes slide number one to seven so far presentation is available online if you want to use this presentation offline  or in simple words you want to download for that you have to click here and  choose open in desktop app you just   have to wait for a while it will take a few  seconds and it will download to your system it's still processing this might take few  seconds and it depends on your connectivity once the process is over the presentation  will be opened in Microsoft Office here you go the PPT has been downloaded from here you can go on slides by  slides in order to make certain changes you can make further changes  by looking at different slides let's suppose I want to make some changes in  this slide I can cut the title from here and I   can paste over here to make it more professional  likewise you can make other changes if you want   once you are done with changes  you can check the final look   here comes the final look isn't it amazing  we just created this astonishing professional   looking presentation in few clicks  ready to level up your presentations   with this free AI tool you're just clicks away  from creating presentations that leave a lasting   impact if you're as excited as we are about  making your slide stand out hit that like button   and hey don't forget to subscribe and turn  on notifications so you never miss out on our   latest tips and tricks got questions or want  to share your success using this technique   we're all ears drop your comments below  we'll meet in next video till that bye [Music]
Channel: Gurru Tech Solutions
Views: 145,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tutorial, technology solutions, ppt, chatgpt for ppt, auto presentation creation, free ai tool for presentation, ChatGPT for power point presentations, AIforPresentation, EffortlessPresentations, PresentationMagic, presentation atomization, presentation using free ai tools, auto PPT, power point presentation, free ai imbedded with power point to create ppt
Id: dFbBRMfjrY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 30 2023
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