How to Use ChatGPT To Create a Killer PowerPoint in Minutes

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hey everybody it's Matthew Rathbun and welcome to the Channel please don't forget to subscribe in this video we're going to go through how to use chat GPT to create a meaningful PowerPoint presentation and reduce some of the stress and anxiety of the first draft so let's jump into [Music] it all right so in this video we're going to be using Chachi BT to marry up with PowerPoint to create a presentation and this could be for you as a speaker or a teacher or u a real estate agent which is my focus uh who wants to create a relocation uh presentation for people moving into your area whatever it is the same systems will work here and there's a couple steps we're going to take to get there now I do want to just drop in I love canva magic and I think it makes a beautiful presentation unfortunately it still isn't quite there for all the needs that I have that PowerPoint Point does need or keynote and Apple for that point but PowerPoints our primary focus here so with that I'm going to go ahead and and copy in a prompt I already created uh and again noting certain things and other videos I've done how to create chat GPD promps there's a whole lot of uh video tutorial about that so for here I'm going to do something simple you're a Content marketing expert working for a real estate firm create the outline for a 20 slide presentation for family moving en Richmond Virginia at content for activities that families would enjoy our people uh our people on a date uh be positive Whimsical and upbeat now again it's grammatically a mess but it's AI it doesn't need to be grammatically correct I just need to tell it what I'm looking for in the end result and with that I'm going to go ahead and hit enter and let it start coming up with its uh presentation you'll see it starts turning away right off the bat and it's going to go ahead and create uh some you know nice slides and watch to be on those slides and we'll get that a second just to turn away here and I was probably being a little aggressive here about by saying 20 slides um I I what I'm going to do is pause the video here let it finish it's 20 and then we'll come back all right so here we go we have our 20 slides it only took a couple seconds but just for editing purposes I went ahead and cheated through and um just paused the video for you so anyway so slide one is welcome to Virginia and then it starts with Virginia a glance and there's a couple bullet points here these are great so I like these I like these a lot and it gives me the first template and just a reminder Chachi PT in my opinion is like your your unlicensed assist and it's just your intern who's going to be creating some drafts for you that you're going to be using your humanity and your creativity to join together to make something really really meaningful so this is just to kind of overcome a writer's block or just make things a little simpler all right now that I have my slides here and I'm really happy with how they look and the layout I'm just going to go to the next step which is provide the VB code to import PowerPoint for the slides above now it's important to tell to for the slides above so it's not just creating generic code and VB is the Visual Basic code this is kind of the background language that PowerPoint uses to create things so I'm going Toad and hit enter here and when I do hit enter here it's going to take me down and start creating this code and it took a second to cook so I'm slicing this a little bit so you don't have to watch the whole process but then it created this gobbly go that unless you're a coder of some sort or no Visual Basic you're not going to you're not going to really pay attention to but it created this for my presentation so all I have to do now is click on cop Cy code and again it gave you the directions of what to do with the code once you've gotten it it tells you how to get in and edit it but I'm going to show you now in the video how to do that now I have switched over here to PowerPoint and just for clarification I am on a Mac and so on a Mac the steps are a little different here than they are on a PC and PC you can hit on 11 and bring up the Visual Basic editor or if you don't have a tab that says developer here in the top go into settings turn developer mode on and then you'll be able to click on develop V ER mode and go down to macros um uh under your tools on a on a Mac you're going to go to tools and then macro and then the Visual Basic editor so we're going to turn that on here and I already have some was working on but you're going to see this it's going to be empty here and over here in the top you're going to have a button that let you drop down and say we're going to create a module so we click on module and now we're going to take that code that we copied from chat GPT here and we're going to copy this in and we're going to hit um and we're going to hit play so I'm just going to ahead and hit the play button here and it's going to create now a new PowerPoint Deck with those things and look it's here now yes it's white and it's kind of basic this is where the next step's going to come in and they click on this button called designer so under your Home tab designer and designer is going to give you some recommendations for slides I find it to be quite good again not the biggest uh Microsoft fan in the world but this this feature is pretty cool so I'm going to go and click on this and you see it brings in this nice uh background of a city with some um uh lettering there and you can choose from a bunch of different ones if you don't find a slide you like you can open up more and enrichment at a glance and again automatically design mode is on and so it's going to start changing to uh different graphics and different backgrounds and so then it's got neighborhoods here and maybe I got this slide yes you're still going to do some editing but again AI is always a first draft it's just to help uh overcome some creative blocks or to um uh you know do the ground basic work for you to get there and they even have these animated things which I think is really cool and so I'm going to just dress this one up a little bit and so if I were to run the slide deck [Music] now right if I'm going to run the slide deck now this is what it looks like and you of course you can automate it depending on your experience in PowerPoint but that is pretty cool I mean I think it's a great start to get us up and going get those juices running and then you can just keep going with the designer mode to find different um Graphics that may work for you and keep up your your templates here um uh and add to them so that's it that's your process and good luck thanks so much for watching [Music]
Channel: Matthew Rathbun
Views: 54,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ppt with chatgpt, chatgpt for teachers, chatgpt syllabus, chatgpt, chat gpt prompts, chatgpt powerpoint, chatgpt 4 for teachers, chatgpt and ai for teachers, chatgpt how to use, chatgpt prompts, chatgpt prompts for business, chatgpt prompts for learning, chatgpt prompts for real estate
Id: 0Vt9CkKA4OU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 38sec (398 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2023
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