How to use ChatGPT for the first time ever FOR BEGINNERS.

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in my last video we Dove deep into llms and we looked at some of the most popular llms out there we mentioned chat GPT is the most popular however there are still a lot of people out there who haven't started using it and if that's you this video is for you I work in the AI industry and I'm a big believer that everyone should be learning chat GPT best used as a tool in your productivity tool set this means that it's currently not going to replace you which we've talked about about in this video but that it's something you can use to do your job better learning chat GPT now will help you create better content solve more problems answer questions that you have every single day but also it will protect you and your job in the future when employers start looking for candidates who specifically have an AI skill set so if you're totally new to chat GPT and it feels really overwhelming for you but you know you need to learn it let's look at it together when you go to chat GPT for the first time it's probably going to look a little something like this I'll leave a link to it for you down below login process is really easy you're just going to either click login or sign up if you're signing up for the first time and you're going to sign in with Google you can also currently use your Microsoft account or apple I'm going to choose my Google and login the chat GPT interface currently looks like this let's go over each section when you log into the chat GPT dashboard you're going to see some recommendations for conversations you could start down below by the message input bar this is meant to help you understand the types of conversations that you can have with chat GPT it's very easy to start a new conversation you can either send a message in this message bar at the bottom or you can click the new chat button at the very top of the leftand column in this black left column will be all of the previous interactions you've had with chat GPT if I scroll here you can see that I've got quite a few going back to 2023 I can click on any of them and see the conversation that I had this is great so you can reference these conversations at any time you can use chat GPT similar to how you use Google all of the things that you search for in your day you could use chat GPT for or if you need to create things like you're struggling to write an executive summary for a document you want a YouTube script or you just want some ideas for where to eat you can do pretty much anything in fact let's ask chat GPT how can people use chat GPT you'll see it's starting to give me an answer it takes a little bit of time to populate chat GPT says you can use it for conversation and companionship information retrieval problem solving language learning writing assistance therapeutic use entertainment and creat creativity and automation assistance when chat GPT generates a response you'll see there are four icons at the bottom the first one will let chat GPT read the response out loud to you this is great if you want to record things for Content or if you just want chat GPT to speak to you or maybe if your vision isn't great the second is a copy button so that you can copy the response chat GPT gave you and input it into other documents or chat with real people the third is a regenerate button so if you don't like the response that chat GPT gave you you can tell it hey try another and then the fourth is bad response telling chat GPT it gave you a bad response is helpful to its developer open AI so that they can improve the technology this also helps chat GPT learn what types of responses you like so that it can customize those responses so let's say I don't like this response and I want it to try again I'll hit Regen generate you can see that chat GPT starts creating another answer for me and now it gives me these same four options here in these little icons but it also asked me if the response was better or worse and again this is really important just because it helps open AI improve chat GPT now there is a section of chat GPT we haven't talked about yet you'll see in the top left of this main section we've got chat GPT 3.5 and there's a drop down here so GPT 3.5 is free and it says great for everyday tasks this is the version of GPT that the average person is going to use and that you're probably going to use there is a paid version of chat GPT using the gp4 model that includes a lot of upgrades so here you can see the different plans we have the free version which is what everybody uses then there's the plus version which is $20 per month this gives you access ACC to the upgraded model you can browse create and use gpts in the GPT Marketplace you can actually create your own chatbot and give it to other people and then you can access other tools like Dolly which helps you create images browsing Advanced Data analysis and whatever else chat GPT adds to GPT Plus in the future there's also a team version of chat GPT this is really great for businesses that want to use chat GPT in their company or even small businesses and small teams I've personally used chat GPT for things like creating emails for a marketing client tweets and other social media content comparing chat GPT to other AI products learning about specific blockchains I got some time management tips video ideas names for a YouTube channel learning about ai's impact on job jobs I've got sugar cookie recipes and obviously a lot more I use chat GPT really similar to Google so it's almost like having a conversation and be able to like save and catalog those conversations it's really helpful because Google is getting very annoying with how many ads and like sponsored content it shows you I also find myself using chat GPT a lot when I get stuck in my daily work like if I'm writing some marketing material and I can't come up with those first few sentences I'll tell chat GPT to create some kind of intro for me and that helps me get started a lot faster versus having to sit there and just wait until my brain gets creative enough to use it it's also important to say that chat PT is not perfect it's also not great with like hyp specific information so if you're looking for information that is unique or or really nuanced sometimes chat GPT doesn't understand the complexity of let's say every single industry that's why open AI created the GPT store so that users could improve on their model and make it a bit more specific overall it's a great tool and definitely something that many of us are going to be using and learning much more about in the future and this is simply because AI is becoming even more important the technology is moving so quickly so if you haven't yet go and watch my video about what is artificial intelligence so that you can get up to speed on everything that's coming look at this cute
Channel: It's Just AI
Views: 4,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: artificial intelligence, computer science, data analysis, machine learning, siri, alexa, ai
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 35sec (455 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2024
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