Create ANY Image with Fooocus AI

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hey welcome back to the channel today we're going to be generating basically any image we would like using stable diffusion now if you've never heard of that it is an AI program that can actually generate really almost anything based on your text props it is a free it runs locally on your PC so you can use it as much as you like for no cost whatsoever and it is also uncensored which means if you want to do extra scary zombies well you can do it in this program now stable diffusion has its own way of installing its own GitHub page and everything but we're not going to be using that one today we're going to be using a different one it is called Focus or Focus or Focus or something like that uh anyways basically focused with 3os and the reason why we're going to be using this one is because it takes stable diffusion and it basically Tunes it so it's really easy to get good results if you've ever used standard stable diffusion sometimes you're putting in all these really lengthy prompts and trying to get it different styles and things like that and it's kind of a struggle to get it to Output what you want however it is much much easier with Focus or Focus so let's go ahead and get started now to install this we're going to be installing under Windows today and we'll need Windows you will need an Nvidia graphics card with at least four gigs of vram and also you'll need probably about 12 gigs or so of hard drive space because this program is quite large so let's go ahead and get started so you just scroll down on the focus GitHub page and by the way links to all of these will be in the description down below and you click uh on the click here to download it's just that easy and it's going to go ahead and download the program and this will take just a minute so we'll come back whenever that is done okay it's all done so let's go ahead and come up here and open up our downloads folder and here's the actual file itself now if you noted it ends in dot 7z which means it's a seven zip file and now 7zip is an open source free zipper and unzipper program and you can also use uh the a newer version of WinRAR by the way too if you own that uh but right here is the 7-Zip download page and I'll have a link to this in the description you would basically pick the 64-bit Windows version in this case uh download it and the installer is super easy literally just click next couple of times and it will be installed so you will need that to unzip this program so let's go ahead and go back to the downloads folder here now you'd want to uh typically unzip this somewhere where you would want to run it from basically it runs from the folder it doesn't actually install and so you would go ahead and uh unzip this and then I'm gonna move it somewhere so you could you know move it to your you know C drive or wherever I'm going to place it on my desktop so it's easy to find so let's go ahead and get this thing unzipped so I'm going to right click and with Windows 11 you have to go down to show more options uh and then here's 7-Zip and I want to extract it into its own folder so I'm going to select that and off it goes so we'll be back here as soon as this is done okay that's that's unzipped I would just right click it and I'm going to copy it and in this case I'm going to copy it into my desktop now just to save time I've already done that so let's go ahead and take a look at my desktop and out here is that folder and here it is now the very first time we're going to run this it's actually going to download a lot of files and so it's going to take quite a while but that's a one-time process unless that finds an update or something and so it's going to take a while the first time but when you run the second time it's going to be much much faster and won't download all this stuff again so let's go ahead and just double click on this run Command right here which is Windows batch file and it will start its download and installation process and we're just going to let this go as it works through everything notice it's already started to download here and these are going to be quite large so again you're going to need uh you know 10 12 15 gigs of space in order to actually have this program installed on your computer so let's go ahead and let this go and watch what happens here as it gets everything downloaded and actually launches the application itself okay now it's all done and it's actually launched a web browser and opened up this new interface but let's just kind of go back to the dolls command and see what happened back here uh it basically downloaded some really large files so I've got another 10 gigs worth of stuff and it's launched its own web server and actually has this little URL right here that if you paste in any web browser will actually open up this interface now it's automatically opened up a web browser and pointed itself to this interface so that part's all done and it's done a little bit more processing but now it's all ready to go so to actually use it in the very most basic way if you just come down here where you put your prompt in and you just put in whatever you want like a chihuahua and you just hit generate it's going to take a little bit of time because again AI images are pretty processor intensive and this is a laptop running a laptop 3080 by the way in Nvidia 3080. just to give you uh some idea here so we'll just wait just a second uh by default by the way the program's set to generate two images because you know you don't always get what you want on the first one so it's going to go ahead and create two for comparison's sake you can turn that up to you know four or six or whatever you like to if you don't want to do that or turn it down to one obviously two and it looks like it's almost got the first image done here and it's going to go ahead and generate the second one and we'll just pause until that's done and there we go we have our two images of a Chihuahua now of course it has this kind of standard cinematic style that's already picked uh so what if you want to change that uh well that's super easy all you need to do is go down here and click the advanced button and this is really where all the magic happens now the very first tab over here just has a choice between speed and quality uh normally I find that setting it on speed is fine you don't really need the quality doesn't seem to make that much of an improvement changing the uh you know the size of the images could be useful if you're doing it for you know Tick Tock or something but sometimes that can throw things off normally I leave it at standard size and I just resize it from here down here is the number of images again it's set to two by default and down here is a negative prompt area that's in case you want something to not be in the picture so if you're trying to generate something and it keeps sticking fishes in there and you don't want to have fishes in there you can type in the word fishes and it would you know remove it from the image at least most the time what you're gonna find out is AI is very creative but also kind of random and so it has a tendency to not always do exactly what you want but basically close to one two one and that's why it's you know you generate multiple images as to in order to find the one that you like the best and down here is something called random and if you have that checked it's basically going to create a random image every time if you uncheck that you know something down here called the seed and this is just a number and if I was to uncheck that and leave this number in here or type in one of my choosing it's going to basically generate the same images over and over and over again so if you need uh you know that to happen that's why you would turn that off normally of course you'd want to leave that on so basically we're not going to make any changes to this tab right here then we go to actually the most exciting Tab and this is Style right now there's only two of these dozens and dozens and dozens of styles checked so let's kind of talk about each one the very first one is specific to this you know Focus program uh and it's basically kind of like a language preprocessor so when I typed in Chihuahua here it hit generate this actually took the prompt and said hey let's add you know uh Chihuahua High detail you know you know realistic photo quality all these extra words that I did not type in and that's how you get such good results out of this program it's at least one of the ways uh is because of this language preprocessor so that's what that does and then here is the default for the Picture Style and it said it's slightly cinematic so you kind of tell these are kind of like movie quality images right with the dramatic lighting and the bokeh effect and all that sort of good stuff right so that's what's causing that to happen now by the way I find that leaving on this language preprocessor here the the focus version two uh works really well for things like cinematic and a lot of these like advertising and stuff that works really well uh however when you get down to some of these art styles like you know psychedelic or pop art stuff like that I find it can be too heavy-handed so you may not want to leave this turned on all the time you just have to kind of experiment with what works and what does it uh so and by the way you could turn on as many of these as you like and it tries to basically merge the Styles together and so that's another way to get things done so for example let's say that you um you know you want a Cubist art style but you want it kind of dark so maybe you'll come down here and you'll you know find grunge or something and or horror Gothic and select that and that will give you these two Styles mixed together so just kind of an example here let's go ahead and generate some other images just to kind of show you what it can do so I'm going to turn off this one and let's go ahead and go down here to claycraft and we'll hit generate again and there we go now we have our Chihuahua but he's made out of clay and super cute uh by the way each of these images on this laptop 3080 with eight gigs of vram takes about 30 seconds to generate somewhere between 30 to 40 seconds to generate for each one uh so just give you some idea how long it's going to take uh let's go ahead and pick origami and there we go now our good little boys here are made out of folded paper uh you notice on this one though it has a little bit of realistic Chihuahua showing through which is not quite what we wanted in this case so again that's where AI is creativity sometimes is a double-edged sword so uh what you need to do is just kind of look through here and find whatever you like and there's so many art styles in here it's just really amazing you've got watercolor and Sir surrealistic you've got uh Renaissance and there's down here is Medieval you also have all sorts of sci-fi and cyberpunks you even have like game styles uh like uh you know like Zelda style and stuff like that all sorts of horror you know Styles got you got Macabre and Lovecraft and sometimes grunge can be helpful or gothic uh so if you're you know into that that's a good place for that and those are the manga style back there and it's on and on and on down here we have dark fantasy uh up at the top there's another fantasy I do wish by the way they would sort these into alphabetical order but they just keep adding more to the bottom uh so that's really kind of cool uh there's even one here now call here sticker design so in case you want to start your own Etsy store boom right there you go uh so uh and there's even some double UPS on these uh like uh let's see here where's a duplicate there's actually a couple of uh like watercolors there's watercolor too there's two pop Arts uh stuff like that so there's a few that actually are like different flavors of some of the same style and that's because these are all based on these kind of individual uh you know packs of styles and images that people have built and so they include them and sometimes like there's two good ones so they'll include both of them to give you more options of course so anyway this is the very best thing about the the focus or Focus program is all of these wonderful Styles it makes it so easy to make something that literally looks like it's you know a medieval manuscript or something like that now finally there's one more tab over here let's talk about that real quick uh these are kind of the refiners and the base model which in this case is stable diffusion XL that's the new high-res version of stable diffusion and there's also something called a refiner which helps improve your pictures basically and then down here we have Laura's now Laura's really cool because they actually help customize the look of the uh whatever you're doing now of course over here we have all these Styles but let's say we wanted like a specific person or something like that so let's go ahead and actually see if we can get that done by setting a Laura so what I'm going to do is I'm going to come back over here to my web browser and we are going to go to this website called civet AI Civic again links in the description and let's go ahead and find a model that we want to use so I'm going to click on models over here uh and I'm gonna go ahead and search for one and I'm gonna search for uh Emma Watson okay it's gonna hit enter on that and it's going to pull up all my Emma Watsons over here now some of these models are for older versions of stable diffusion so I'm going to use this filter right here and I'm going to pick SD with stable diffusion XL 1.0 that's the version that we are using and right here is the model the the Laura I'm sorry that I'm going to use and this is a Laura for Emma Watson basically it puts her face onto whatever image you want and it's a 200 bag download so I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to click the download button and we are going to go ahead and download this and we'll be back as soon as that is done okay that didn't took just a second so let's go ahead and open up the folder for that now right here it is and it says Emma XL and at the end it says safe tensors down here and that's what means it's a Laura model what I need to do is I need to copy this into the correct folder uh in focus and so I'm going to right click this and we're going to hit the weird new copy button in Windows 11 and we're going to minimize all of this and that and right out here is our Focus window right here remember where we hit the Run command well we want to go into the focus folder and then we want to go into models and right down here are Laura's okay and we're just going to put our Laura right here in fact it says put more is here okay will do right there is our Laura so now we have our Emma XL uh mini right there okay now we can actually use this to generate our images so let's come back over here I'm going to open the program back up again notice there's a refresh button down here I'm going to click that otherwise we won't see our uh our file oh now we'll drop it down here and let's change that to Emma okay so now down here I'm going to say Emma Watson as link from uh let's see the Legend of Zelda all right and hit generate here and let's see what sort of results we get now you notice by the way while it's generating there's a weight over here and the weight is how much impact this Laura is going to have on the image most Laura's work uh well between somewhere it's usually between 0.5 and 0.8 uh you can Crank It Up really high but that may not be what you want on that so generally play around with like 0.7 and 0.8 and see how that goes uh of course if you need it more then you crack it up more if you need less just you know turn it back down oh okay so I've got our first one here that's pretty good that kind of looks like link and also looks like Emma Watson and there we go we got two actually excellent images of Emma Watson as link and of course we could extend this down here we could say Emma Watson as link from The Legend of Zelda you know in New York City in the 1930s and it's going to probably put that in the background so that you know you can just extend these out as much as you want and if you don't want any cars on the street well maybe you go over here to settings down the negative prompt and say like no cars or something like that or cars because you don't want cars so that's basically how you use the program let me show you one more thing though uh you might be wondering well we're generating all these images you know of course I could you know right click and and save them or something like that but where did all these go well let's go ahead and find them we're going to go back over here to our folder where our Focus program is at uh and we'll go all the way back out to the beginning where we hit found the Run command so I'm going to go into focus and then we're going to go into outputs and that's going to have the date so today's date today so I'm just going to go in here and there are all of our images that we've created and if we double click on this log file which is a HTML file by the way so open up a web browser it actually says the exact prompt if there's any negative prompts and all of the settings that were used like there's any loras or whatever used they will all be in there so you can recreate these exact images it even has the seed that it used so you could type that c number back in and have it generate this exact image over and over and over again you notice down here on the Laura it's using that Emma Laura right that we downloaded all right and there we go there's all of our images and so that's it you now know how to use and run stable diffusion to generate really any image that you would like particularly using the focus or Focus uh flavor of stable diffusion which I think is the absolute best for most folks who just wanted to get in there and get a good image and are not interested in all the Nitty Gritty details of AI image generation so I certainly hope you liked the video and if you did please hit that thumbs up button or maybe even the Subscribe button and I will talk to you next time
Channel: HolidayEffects
Views: 16,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: knPwE59LWyI
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Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2023
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