Stable Diffusion | Fooocus Tutorial - How to Pose Characters

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have you been struggling finding ways to pose your images for characters individuals what have you with the focus image generator look no further in today's video we will be covering how to pose characters in Focus AI image generator it is super easy and with just a few clicks you can be on your way to posing images based off other image prompts so welcome back to the channel Channel and let's get right into this video so first things first I have the focus image generator open here I'm going to go ahead and click the advanced tab to bring up the right hand side menu and as well as the input image tab to bring up the image input menu so let's go ahead and do those things click click as you can see we now have access to the right hand pane we have access to the bottom pane now if you're not familiar with this go ahead and watch uh my focus tutorial uh General video uh that covers how to get this locally on your machine and kind of using the uh interface at its base level just to get you up and running so this video assumes that you already have this on your machine and you know how to start this up and use these features we're going to be covering how to use a specific feature called pyro cany which will allow you to make posed images of individuals characters um specific scene settings you name it and this will help tremendously we're going to go over to the image prompt tab now if you look you have these spaces to put in an image below this you have this Advanced tab we're going to go ahead and click the advanced tab now that brings up this accessory menu where you can either face swap you can pyro cany cpds um general image prompt you have your weights your stop at points and you can kind of fine-tune these parameters to get a better output to be closer to what you're looking for we're going to leave everything at the base stock level for this tutorial you will still get amazing results so I'm going to drag and drop an image input and we'll go through a couple of these in this video videos to in this video sorry to show you now I already have some images on my desktop which I will then Place into this image prompt category and with this pyro cany when I click generate it will automatically generate an image based on the pose of the input image as long as the pyan is selected so right away you can see that uh this is working tremendously well based on the image prompt now it won't be perfect every time especially if you have uh your image prompt contain paining individuals in specific poses where um say yoga poses maybe your uh the hands are strange or you have crossed arms uh this AI model tends to do pretty poorly with hands fingers things like that so you might have to tweak some of the parameters to get something more closely to what you're looking for but overall this is a very good job right out of the gates with no extra tweaking and I even have this on the speed mode not the quality mode now this image the skier does not have the ski poles could be fine especially if they're doing like a downhill no pole ski run um I don't know anything about skiing um this image pretty awesome kind of looks like they're falling kind of looks like they might be falling but uh you could go through this iterate a couple more you could inpaint things you could edit details super great feature of the focus AI model pyan saves your life saves you time so let's try a few more let's X this out I'll get a new image and we'll give this a new prompt I will do female sitting in a coffee shop reading a book holding a cup of coffee now with the py cany still clicked we're just going to go ahead and generate now you can also input other images to give the model a better feel for what you're looking for you also can do face swap uh with pyate canany and with image prompt so you can really fine-tune this um as much as you can creatively conceive in your mind pretty much you could create images with this model and this model does a fantastic job now if you really want to get like a very realistic looking image of a person or a scene uh stick around to the end of the video because I will be covering how to get a more realistic uh image output from the focus AI image generator uh it involves using a different model refiner so stick around I'll show you how to use that and uh yeah let's try another image but as we can see uh these two images fairly great let's try one more so here I have a image of a mountain biker I really like mountain biking uh this is not me I just took this off of Google so my prompt is mountain biker in the snowy mountains with pine trees let's see what the focus model does with that overall not too bad not perfect could use some fine tweaking so as you can see it's very easy to pose individuals using the Pyro canany feature in the focus AI model generator um now as promised I will show you how to get a more realistic image so let's go back to the coffee shop images that we had I'll use the same input image we'll keep this on pyate canany and what I want to do before I generate I want to put my refiner [Music] model as this one right here realistic Vision now in order to get that you need to go to a website and just download and put it into a specific folder um I will make a tutorial video on how to do that so keep an eye out for that um otherwise a quick Google search uh there's other uh great video on YouTube that already cover this I will be making this video um I just do not have the time to go through that at this very moment um but you do need to get a refiner model put it into your folder uh structure of the focus image generator that you have on your machine and then you reload and start this up in your in the browser and then that will have you uh and that will gain you access to the added models now there's a bunch of them that you can get out there um but if you want a very realistic image uh this realistic Vision I have found to do very very well so let's go ahead and put this to the test so my prompt is woman sitting in coffee shop eating breakfast holding a cup of coffee now I'm going to click generate here and what you'll see is the standard generation and then it'll quick flash to the refiner model it's taking the base model from the Juggernaut and it's going to be generating an image and it's going to feed that image over to the refiner model which then is going to refine things so you'll see it kind of drastically change um in the blank of an eye so you'll see the first part it'll change and then you'll have the final result so let's go ahead and click generate [Music] here I don't know if you saw that change look at this next one you see how it is and then it'll quickly flash to it a different style hopefully you guys could see that if not kind of go back U maybe Slow Down the video you really can see it or if you just do this on your own um the more images you generate using the refiner model for realistic Vision as your refiner model sorry mouthful you'll definitely uh know what I mean when I say that it drastically changes um but the end result is exquisite such a good job of creating a realistic image this looks like it was a you know image taken from a photographer clearly looks like it was edited in Lightroom Photoshop something like that nothing too altered um pretty crazy huge cup of coffee that's like a hybrid mug with a lid pretty cool um but as I said you could see in this image the hand is not perfect and that's something you could fix or you could just keep generating or tweaking your weights or stop at points to kind of um get a better output and this one looks fantastic again the hand looks kind of like a dinosaur hand of some sort but um that can be fixed and uh you can alleviate that by just kind of luck trial error more outputs things like that um different prompts I'm using different input images um with the Pyro cany selected so that is how you get a more realistic looking image out of the focus AI image generator and hopefully you found this to be helpful hopefully this makes it super easy to use Focus to create images that are stylized and posed in specific ways that you've been looking for um it is super easy and I really am glad to share this with you I know I was looking for this information and um since I found it and it's been so helpful I wanted to make the video to help you guys out so if you have any further questions on the focus AI image generator or uh voice cloning things you would like to see me make videos about in regards to AI or programming uh just comment below or send me a message and let me know I would be more than happy to take suggestions for future videos so with that being said thank you guys so much for watching make sure to hit the like button and consider subscribing if you're not already I will see you guys in the next [Music] video
Channel: Zachary Jolly
Views: 351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fooocus tutorial, character posing, digital art tutorial, character design, art software, posing characters, animation tutorial, digital drawing, character animation, art tips, graphic design, creative process, art education, drawing tutorial, pose reference, character sketching, digital artists, art community, creative tutorial, illustration tips, ai generated art, stable diffusion, fooocus, ai generation
Id: pw_2opc_HHQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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