FOoOcus - The Best Tool to Get Started with Stable Diffusion and AI Art! 🎨✨🍆

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hello my AI art enthusiasts so stable diffusion sdxl has been out for a while now and you could use it on automatic 1111 or comfy UI but both of those apps have gotten a little bit more complicated with the introduction of sdxl you need a processor for the processing along with a refiner and sometimes a lower offset with LCM to make it go faster and you combine this with the exceptions when you combine it with different models along with the fact that a lot of extensions are broken it's enough to drive you insane but I think the biggest sin with automatic 1111 right now is that amount of vram it requires you need a minimum of 6 to 8 GB of vram and let's just say the six is probably not going to work for you you're about 1 setting away from crashing for the average user this is definitely a deal breaker with the average vram being around 4 to 6 GB of vram and then you have Cy UI which requires that you have a degree in physics to understand what's going on here there's spaghetti nodes and it looks more like Blueprinting for coding rather than an actual functional tool but I will say that cupi is the most efficient and best way to create AI art with stable diffusion when you understand the method to its Madness it uses much less vram than automatic 1111 but it's by far the hardest tool to learn and operate luckily you can just grab other people's workflows so you can skip about 30 minutes of tweaking your UI to get down to business however if you use automatic 1111 you take a closer look at comfy UI you'll notice that it's essentially the same tool without the interface either way I think we could simplify the equation and use a more refined tool that gives us the best of both worlds and allows us to just focus on creating beautiful AI art without being a prompt ninja or understanding what's going on in The Matrix with your insane knowledge of node connections so let's take a closer look at the generator focus and why I think it's the best tool out right now for the average person that just wants to create AI art and yes there's three O's and focus that's why I said it like that Focus I'm not sure why they spelled it that way maybe it's so it doesn't get confused with the word focus when you're looking for it or it's more edgy but uh yeah there's three O's in Focus this is perhaps the closest thing you're going to get to Mid Journey because this this thing has some training wheels to skip the BS Ure you get a nicer picture more than not and it has one of the most sleek and easy to use interfaces having said that it has its own default custom Style just like mid journey and it also enters its own negative prompt for you so you don't get an ugly picture even if you don't know anything about negative prompts those are on by default but you can always open up the hood and actually turn those off if you're brand new to AR this is absolutely the tool for you and it's a one-click installer so it's easy to install you don't need to install the PRX like python on it already does it for you and it helps you create beautiful images with its own custom default style as well as its own custom negative embedding that actually makes your picture look a lot more beautiful if you're new to stable diffusion you usually have to put a negative prompt so your picture doesn't end up messed up and it's not that easy to balance between the positive and the negative prompt but this tool will do it for you before we get into the super easy install let's go over some of the benefits of why you would choose Focus over some of the other tools out there the first reason being is that it's a super easy install this this is the only true oneclick installer all you really have to do is download the tool and then click on a button and it'll install everything for you so that means that it's going to download all your prxs like Python and git and it's even going to download the models and put them in the correct folder it's going to do everything for you and the cool thing too is this is actually a portable version of python so you can put this on a USB and then just bring it to another computer the next reason is that it has a Sleek interface and it hides a lot of the craziness that you see like especially with comfy UI you don't need to see all that but it doesn't stop you from having that flexibility too you can go under the hood here and it's also very intuitive the way it does it if you look at the resolutions it'll have all the resolutions built out so you don't have to actually put AR 16x9 or something like that you'll just have to click which resolution you like last but not least it uses considerably less vram than automatic 1111 which is a huge problem for a lot of people because it's kind of like a deal breaker if you don't have enough vram you're just going to get out of vram errors and you can't create anything and you're going to be very restricted to what your settings are because if you go a little little too high with the settings you'll usually get kicked out and it'll just break they really screwed a lot of people with sdxl because it uses an insane amount of vram with eight being the minimum and it says six with automatic 11 but good luck with that now let's jump into the installation process don't blink it's going to be quick so you got two versions here so you have the IL asvel version which is the originator of focus then you have the focus MRE version which has a lot more settings and a lot more control net features I'm going to stick to the vanilla flavored one from eliasville I'll leave a link for both the vanilla and MRE version in the video description but once you get to the site just go ahead and scroll down to the middle here and you'll see a download button so over here in the download section download for windows by the way this is a Windows installation and you need Nvidia graphics card there are some instructions for Mac as well as AMD users at the bottom but all you got to do is click on download here and wait for it to download so this file is going to be anywhere from 1.5 to 1.8 GB and when you extract it it's going to be 5 . 6 Plus gab so it's packed pretty tightly so it's going to take a while to extract but once you click on download it's going to end up in your download folder wherever that is so just go in there and you'll see the zip files here so I download both of them so I have Focus MRE and then the regular Focus now if these folders are white instead of zip file then you're going to have to download some sort of zipping software like WinRAR or 7zip which are completely free but just go ahead and right click on the zip file and then extract all and you want to leave it in the default folder which is just going to install it to the same folder that's in right now but it's going to be a folder instead of a zip file and it's going to be twice the size actually a little bit bigger so I already did this but once you zip it you're going to cut the file and put it wherever you want on your computer so I cut and pasted the folder in my documents folder that's where I want it to exist let's take a look at what's in the folder let's start with the regular Focus which is the focus 1641 Focus folder has your focus files here your python embedding so this is actually Python 3.10.9 and it's portable it has all the py torch stuff in there already then you have the three different run files which is also your installation files so if you want the vanilla version just go ahead and click on the run which is what I'm going to do if you want more anime style photos click on run anime and then the last one obviously is for photo realism with run realistic now the first time you click on one of these run files it's actually going to install all the things that you need so the models is going to install it into the proper folders is going to download it and they're pretty big they're like over 6 gigs per model by the way if you're enjoying the video please click the Thumbs Up Button helps me out big time thanks by the way for those of you that already have automatic 1111 have a bunch of models like me you can actually go into the focus folder then go into the config file here and open it up and then you'll see here the first three paths are for checkpoints for lauras and embeddings and you can change all of these folder locations your stable diffusion folder for example this is my stable diffusion folder then for checkpoints I'll go into Mods and then I'll go into stable diffusion then I'll grab this address right here and put that into the config big text file over here which you can see I already done but something you want to pay close attention to is that the names are a bit different so I was actually to stable the fusion models and stable diffusion folder but it's looking for a checkpoints folder because that's the name for Focus which doesn't matter wherever your models are that's the path that you want to give it and something important to take note of is that there's double backs slashes here and so that's just a neater way of coding so you don't accidentally execute commands like sln for a new line or something like that but you're going to have to put the double back slashers in your address because the addresses in windows will not have that double backslash just add another backslash the first thing you notice is this thing's a lot quicker in starting up than automatic 1111 so if you click on run it's going to pop up immediately and open it up in a new browser so here we are starting up and there you go there's focus and it'll automatically open up on a new tab for you now as you can see here it's a pretty Sleek interface but it's pretty powerful it has a lot of things that are helping you create art in the background which is pretty nice I'm going to type in a simple prompt here I'm going to put dark elf vampire and see what that looks like if you check mark Advance or input image you're going to get a lot more options so right here you can see my uh creation coming to life and you can see we have a pretty nice coherent photo and and it used a refiner for us and it did everything for us in the background without us having to do the Laura offset or the refiner so this is a great tool and look at the art that it creates it has its own flare and this is kind of part of the charm of focus if you click on the advance button you'll see what's going on here go to style you'll see that there's a focus version two and focus enhance as well as Focus sharp and so all of these are working together to actually create a nicer image now if you go here to model the model tab you'll see that's using the jiggernaut XL and that it's using the Laura offset and there's no refiner needed for this one specifically but you could actually set the refiner so it'll automatically kick off now if you go to Advan you'll have a little bit more options here and then there's settings setting has all the different aspect ratios and it's kind of cool cuz you could just click on it and then you can choose how many images you want to generate so everything is very simple very Sleek you can even put a negative prompt here but Focus already has its own negative prompt or embedding by default now if you look at the way top here you have speed quality and extreme speed here so of course quality is going to take a little bit longer and extreme speed is going to be a lot faster let's try extreme speed so it's not faster than the LCM um if you ever use a LCM in automatic 1111 but it's pretty quick and it still gives you a really nice picture so this actually went through the lower offset and even the refiner process all of that at once now let's take a look at quality all with the same picture now if you look at quality you can see a little bit of a higher resolution let me download this photo and we Zoom all the way in as you can see the quality is pretty nice and you can see some pores as well as the fine hairs but her eyes is a little crooked so I might redo this one but you get the idea now perhaps one of the coolest thing about focus is let's go back to the style tab right here and you see all these different styles here you can actually click on on any of these and get a complete different style so let's do let's do craft clay and take away this stuff right here yeah so that's much different it's a bit cartoonish almost like a Nightmare Before Christmas style it's pretty cool now let's add pixel art and see what that gives us so that didn't turn out too well because I still have the focus version two and all the other stuff click so let's take that off picture is actually pretty nice here but let's try it without the focus default settings so here's your pixel art dark elf as if it was something from Nintendo try a couple more try the undead art this one looks pretty nice and it kind of matches the theme I don't know what to think about this photo I don't know if I'm turned on or kind of scared of it um butter face let's try Masterpiece so definitely unclick the focus version to focus enhance and focus sharp which is the default or you're not going to get a lot of the other styles but you could mix Styles I mean that's a thing and it creates some pretty nice results there you go I mean he creates some really nice pictures here's the bad dream style which makes some pretty pretty cool art and I like how it's kind of photo realistic all right so let's quickly take a look at some of the other features here if you notice when you check mark input image you'll get four squares here and you can mix and match these squares in different ways to get something different up here so right now I put py cany with a higher weight and then image prompt on the right side and it serves as a control net to get that pose on both pictures so as you can see the models are in that pose and this one's a little bit more stronger with her holding the candle and then this one her faces in the same way so let's try putting face swap so we're going to swap the face and use this pose let's try that out and generate so as you can see it kept the pose except in this image she's holding a cup instead of a candle but in this one she's holding a candle has the hood we swap faces with the girl at the bottom okay so let's try cpds with cpds as you can see because it's the first time for me to use cpds it's actually downloading the model but it was pretty quick so the face swap and the C cpds are pretty small but the py cany is like 2 gigs or something okay so I'm not sure what cpds is but this tool is pretty intuitive because at the bottom you'll have a document here which goes directly to the manual so let's click on it and see what cpds is all right so I found cpds and it stands for contrast preserving decolorization and it looks like it just kind of washes out the color it's a bit strange but let's try a few I guess let's remove this one and generate so it created a unique variation it's like a much older pict as far as I can tell it just looks like it mix the picture older I'll probably have to learn more about that and get back to you guys all right so I mixed two images here so similar to how mid Journey has blend mode this also has it and you can blend up the four pictures all you got to do is click on input image down here then type what you want to see over here so mix these two images down here as well as add a prompt I put this unicorn with this lady in a field of flowers and it chose to go with the photo realistic but it still has the Pegasus here and These Wings still kind of have those psychedelic colors and the girl you can't really tell so much if her face is exactly what this is down here but it's pretty close same type of girl let's just put it that way here's an example of if you mix like a flowery field with a robot now you have a robot in a flowery field so that's kind of cool so here's an example of pyro Kenny and it's more of like a a control net capturing a pose to make the other picture exactly the same and this is if you use one image and then you put something in the prompt it will capture the pose and use the prompt to create the character so if you're doing an upscale you'll actually just click on upscale here choose the type of upscale you're doing leave the prompt blank ignore the pictures that's going to be the result click generate so I'm going to do upscale fast two times and it did a pretty good upscale my photo right here pretty clean result now let's try a variation so we're going to do a strong variation put uh maybe dark elf zombie zombie and press generate and as you can see it's starting to look like Golem here which is pretty cool so um and this one oh man his nipples are torn off thing is pretty sick yeah pretty creepy something I'd like to see a movie of AI has a great imagination okay so that's the variations now let's uh go into imp paint so if you haven't used this before just like the control net models it's going to download it for you and if you notice there's a left right top bottom at the bottom left here and what this is is out painting so this is going to extend your photo to that direction so let's grab a photo here maybe this photo right here and I'm going to extend it at the bottom and the left and just for fun I'm going to use the brush here and I'm going to increase the size and then imp paint something anytime you don't want nudity to show you can type in NSFW which means not safe for work and that's in a negative prompt so that's something I don't want to see so I'm going to cover a little bit more here actually I'm going to change this here I'm going to put blonde hair and let's try that so I'm imp painting blonde hair and I'm extending to the left see what we get and here we go there's the results so she now has blonde hair and extended my image to to the left this is the original take out the Imp painting you can see it's not that wide on the left here and she has black hair so now she has blonde hair and the left one's extended so not bad all righty so that's how to install focus and it's basically just downloaded from the GitHub and then click on run I'm actually going to create a 30 second YouTube short on it because that's how easy it is but I hope you found value in seeing the examples and features and how to use the tool if you like the video please hit the thumbs up button it really helps me out big time and check out these other videos here on cool AI [Music] stuff
Channel: Artificially Intelligent
Views: 23,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fooocus AI Art, Stable Diffusion Tool, Easy AI Art Software, AI Art for Beginners, Install Stable Diffusion, User-Friendly AI Tool, Best AI Art Tools, Fooocus Tutorial, AI Art Creation, Simplified AI Art, Digital Art AI, Getting Started with AI Art, AI Art Beginners Guide, Easy-to-Use Art AI, Fooocus Stable Diffusion, AI Art Software Review, Beginners AI Art Tool, Fooocus Installation, easy ai art, free midjourney, best way to start ai art, Install Stable Diffusion 2024
Id: 8k4UPKaAiSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2023
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