Blazing Fast Image Generation with DreamShaperXL Turbo using Fooocus

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I wanted to show you guys something here a little different today these are some images that I had created using the focus app that we're talking about today and this is using the M surrealism paint uh painting or something like that style and I really loved how the colors popped so I thought you know what I'm going to print a few of these out and put them on my wall grabbed a frame off of Amazon and there they are so if I back up a little bit you can see they're kind of high up but I like them either way but this is the computer I'm using that's my 280 GPU right there that does all the heavy lifting for the image creation or generation that's the GPU that actually made those images right there so there they are and there that is this is the 11 gig vram version of that c it's probably 3 or 4 years old I'd have to double check a messy workbench area I just got done building my wife's new gaming PC you can see there's a 2070 super great card creating some head shot for a future video for face swapping later that's the go XLR soundboard a very basic setup here I got one of those sit stand desks that you can raise and lower my little Docker logo there my wife made me but yeah there it is just something a little different and today we're going to be talking about turbo models in Focus so let's get started now as you saw in the previous clip I'm running a 2080 TI graphics card by Nvidia and focus currently only supports running sdxl models which you can see right here we can get these models over on the civit AI website here you can sign up for free you can even sign in with your Google account if you want to and once you sign in be sure to click on models at the top then go over here to the right hand side click on filters and make sure checkpoint and sdxl turbo is selected then you'll see this page with all of the different turbo models listed here basically listed here by popularity in this case I think the most downloaded today we're going to be focusing on dream shaper XL this is the turbo model that we will be implementing into Focus there's a big blue pretty button here we can click to download so go ahead and click that and download it also I wanted to mention that uh civit AI does run safety checks on all of the models that they host and there's a little link here that you can click and you can read all about their model safety checks if you desire just gives you a little bit more piece mind okay so after the model is done downloading you will place it in your models folder I'll show you how to get there this is the root Focus folder you'll click on the focus folder you will go into models and then in the checkpoints folder here and this is where all of my models live and this is where yours are going to live as well I have quite a few different turbo models in here I've been playing with and testing over the last couple months uh but today go ahead and drop your dream shaper XL file in here and if you are running Focus already be sure to close it because it won't see that model unless you're restart it so let's go back to the main folder and click double click on that run.bat and we will start it back up now once Focus starts back up you'll have a fresh web UI here ready to go with default settings and I'm going to walk you guys through really quickly how my what my workflow is for using dream shaper XL as a turbo model and focus it's actually a lot more simpler a lot more easy than you might think so let's start with clicking the advanced box under speed under performance rather I'm going to click on quality my aspect ratio I'm just going to change it to 1024 x 1024 I'm going to change the image number to Six and I'm going to leave the negative prompt as random now under the style tab I'm going to keep these default three selected so Focus V2 Focus enhance Focus sharp under model this is the big one obviously we want to make sure you choose dream shap or XL Turbo I'm going to change Laura to none and then refiner should be set as none as well now under the advanced tab this is where things get obviously a little more advanced we're going to set the guidance scale to 1.5 and our sharpness to three I'm going to make sure we check and select the developer debug mode we're going to scroll down and change the sampler to this one right here DPM ppor sde we'll change the forced overwrite of sampling step to six so I'll just tick this up to six and again this might be different for the hardware that you're running on your system so those four settings between guidance scale image sharpness uh I wouldn't change the sampler I would leave that as DPM ppor sde but you may change the steps up or down if you give or take your Hardware so you might have to play with those ones a little bit before I start making images I wanted to show you guys how I save my prompts and a handful of images that were created using that prompt in Focus this is a really cool open-source software called use memos and you can get it on their GitHub page over at uh GitHub I don't think YouTube lets me add links to my description yet but you can access this publicly I have it hosted out through cloudflare uh at prompts doind to go along with it so you can see what I've been kind of messing with over the last couple weeks here but what I'm going to do is show you how when you open your logs file and I'll even show you how you can access that file so when you go into the focus folder I know I'm kind of bouncing all over but it'll be in the focus file in the outputs folder this is also where all of your images will be stored by date that you generate okay and you'll see this little HTML file in here that you can double click and it will will open up and look just like this yours might look a little different if you haven't updated yet but what's really cool is I requested that they add this copy to clipboard button and what it will do is it will copy all this information into your clipboard so let's click that I'll click okay I'll go back into focus and under Styles I can just untick all of this stuff and show you that when you paste this in there it says load parameters so it uses this code with all of the settings that I generated that image with and you can load that into your instance so this makes it really easy for me to share my workflow a little more efficiently with you guys so you can just paste this in there it will change the model the Styles but one thing that it does do here I'll click load parameters it added the Styles here but it does knock it down to one image number so I'll put this back up to three going to change this yeah that it that's actually the right aspect ratio too because I made these head shots look more more like a portrait style but it also will add the prompt in into the input box automatically for you so this is really cool um You probably will want to randomize this um for me I like to randomize it because it'll just create images I already have um but then just click generate and you'll see just how fast this turbo model works it's pretty amazing it's preparing the images and it's going to move the model over to the GPU and now it's going to start cranking out these images in just six steps because that's what we set it at under advanced in the in the settings there so you can see just how Crystal Clear these images are going to come out here in just a second we'll let this finish up we'll click on it look how beautiful this is this is Turbo so fast look at that detail over here on the logs page we do a quick refresh and we can see the image that we were just looking at again I want to reiterate this is a turbo model in Focus I don't see any artifacts this image looks absolutely pristine to me if we zoom in a little more um we lose the quality obviously because the image is being it's being scaled larger than what it actually the resolution is we can see how perfectly round these eyes are and it it's not always going to be like that just so you guys know um you're going to end up hitting that generate button quite a few times until you get something but this just so happened to work out on the first try for me during this tutorial so how amazing is that one more quick thing before we take off is I wanted to show you guys uh how long it took for these images to generate and then save so the last one took under 13 seconds and then the rest of them took about 15 seconds as you can see here if you want to know more details about the images that are being generated and any errors that you might find always look here in the command prompt where focus is running and you can view all that information there okay so that's going to conclude today's video on how to get a turbo model up and running in focus wasn't that hard at all was it now you can see here under my model tab here I do have a quite quite a few other different turbo models that I've been playing around with and all of these are definitely excellent models uh for people I definitely recommend checking out pixel wave turbo this is a really great one it does say excellent because it is indeed excellent and uh yeah be sure to use safe tensor models um yeah just for your own safety but anyways thank you guys so much for watching uh if you like this kind of content be sure to subscribe click that like button just you know to help me out with the algorithm so my videos get out there tell your friends about me I'm going to be making all kinds of cool videos just like this with different apps in the future so be sure to stick around and I will see you guys soon thank you so much
Channel: Mind Renders
Views: 702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: S4b5tQoUfBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 37sec (577 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2023
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