Easiest Install Ever! AI Art Generator on Your PC! MIDJOURNEY QUALITY | How to Install SDXL Locally

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hello everyone and welcome back to the Matt vidpro AI YouTube channel today I'm going to show you the absolute easiest way to create AI art or AI images on your machine at home completely free your images are entirely private not shared with anyone else and the quality is mid journey level very good now I've done a similar tutorial in the past but it wasn't as easy as this I'm going to guide you through the whole thing and I guarantee by the end of this video you will have it installed now if you're new to the channel and this works out for you I highly suggest you subscribe and if you've been watching the channel and haven't subscribed yet please consider it let's Jump Right In the application that we are going to be installing to create AI art is being updated over time to be compatible with more and more machines the first thing we are going to do is check if our machine is compatible this is very easy to do but if it turns out your machine is not compatible yet I suggest you watch through the tutorial anyways because at the end of the video I'm going to talk about future expanded compatibility to different types of machines this is not compatible with Mac yet like I said I'm going to talk about Mac compatibility in the future for now this only works on Windows our next step here is going to be right-clicking on our taskbar just like this it's going to bring up a little menu now in this menu I'm going to want to go all the way down to the bottom where it says task manager I'm going to go ahead and click that alternatively you can press the Windows button up here and search for task manager towards the top of our task manager there's a bunch of little tabs we're going to want to click on the performance tab we'll scroll all the way down until we hopefully see the word GPU at the bottom we're going to go ahead and click on it if you don't see any kind of GPU or Graphics interface listed then you might not have a GPU at all in this case you're not going to be able to run the software you need a GPU once we've clicked on that as you can see I have an Nvidia GeForce RTX 480 by the way thank you Nvidia for sending this out to me to make videos such as this possible towards the bottom we can see something called dedicated GPU memory this is the amount of memory that our GPU has to work with this is separate from your hard drive or your system Ram we need at least 4 GB of GPU memory to be able to run this so if it says at least 4 GB over here you're good to go now at the time that I am making this video and Nvidia gpus are the only ones that are supported if you don't have an Nvidia GPU it probably says AMD AMD GPU support is coming in the near future so if you're watching this farther in the future I recommend you check the date your AMD GPU might in fact be supported you should probably continue along with the tutorial anyways because on the download page for the software it's going to tell you whether or not AMD is compatible yet now the next thing that you want to do is click the link in the description labeled software it might look really complicated on this website but we can ignore most of this as we can see there's an example of the incredible AI art we can actually generate with this we're going to scroll down to where it says download you can directly download Focus which is what this software is called with this link right here so we're going to click that it will immediately start downloading it I'm going to go ahead and move my head so you can see this right up here as you can see it's downloading this file so I'm going to go ahead and click this little downloads button it's going to show me what I just downloaded as you can see the file is 1.9 GB so it might take a few minutes to download I'm going to go ahead and press this button that says show in folder this is going to open up to my downloads folder where Chrome has put the file for now I'm going to go ahead and minimize that Chrome window as you can see this file is not your average everyday folder it's a szip file now if you don't already have szip you're going to have to install it but thankfully it's super easy and quick it's very useful software to have on your machine click the link labeled seven zip in in the video description I have it set up so it takes you right to the download page and you're going to want to go ahead and download 7zip for Windows 64bit version right at the top here just like before our file will appear in recent downloads but this time we can actually just click it right in the web browser my desktop recorder cannot pick this up so I'm going to have to show an example on screen but it's going to have a message that's asking you if you want to allow this app from an unknown publisher to make changes to your device nice this might seem scary at first but don't worry this is very trusted software you do not have to worry about it just press yes close out the seven zip download page now the seven zip installer will appear and you're going to want to go ahead and click the install button now that it is installed we can click close And we have seven zip coming back to our downloads folder we can see that Focus installer can now be opened with szip we're going to do this by right clicking on it going down to to open with and then clicking szip file manager if you don't see it in here you can click more apps and scroll down until you find it we'll click okay and now szip will open up that file you can now close out of your downloads folder next up we're going to rightclick on our desktop go down to new and then create a new folder keep in mind this is the folder you're going to go into every time you want to create new AI art so I'm just going to name this AI art generator double click to open up this brand new folder and now that I've got both of these side by side I'm going to go ahead and select all three of these at once so they're highlighted blue and just going to drag them right into that brand new folder we just made it's going to extract and copy those files into this new folder so now that we've done this we can exit out of that so the next thing we now want to do is click this run.bat file we're going to double click it this will start it up it's going to open a command prompt it looks a little bit scary but don't worry it's just installing things and getting everything ready for us as you can see right now we have a download running this is first time only it doesn't happen every time you run this it has to download the AI models that are actually going to run on your machine so my internet's pretty quick it downloads this fairly fast but this might take a few minutes once those have finished downloading you're going to see a new website window pop up this is actually where you're going to generate your AI art I know it looks like a website but it's all hosted locally on your machine no one is being sent your data at all I can promise as you can see this little command prompt will still exist here don't close it out unless you want to close the whole app just minimize it for now obviously down here all the way at the bottom it says type your prompt here this is the words you're going to use to generate your AI art we all know this say photo of an adorable kitten and press the generate button it's then going to look load your Generations it takes a little bit longer sometimes than normal websites because you're using a consumer grade GP for home machines not a server level AI processing chip but you can see in real time our AI image is in fact being generated this is really cool stuff actually shows you the whole process and everything and this is how it works right off the bat it does two images now if you don't want to generate two images you want to make 30 images or you only want to make one you can definitely change that and I'll tell you how to do that in a second but for now I want you guys to observe the quality of these Generations all made on my computer at home for completely free these are definitely mid-journey level they're photorealistic you almost can't even tell that they're AI generated this is due to a variety of reasons first off we're using stable diffusion XL which is one of the latest and greatest amazing models for AI image generation it's very powerful it already competes with mid Journey right off the bat not only that but this this program we're using to generate has some built-in optimizations and tweaks to make things look and work even better so you get a fantastic experience right out of the box we can even expand upon our prompt wearing a sombrero and you will see it can do that as well it's a fantastic AI art generation model both cats wearing sombreros so what if I want to download and keep these images it looks like they're on a website well they're actually stored on your local machine if I minimize this window window and go back to that original folder where we first ran the program with that run.bat and I click into the focus folder you'll see a folder labeled outputs this is where all of your AI images get stored as you can see going into that outputs folder there's a folder for this specific date and if I click in it here is all of our images we created already saved right to your own machine in their full Glory so that's where they are stored up for you I suggest while you're generating to just have a separate folder with your Generations open at all times so moving on let's get into some more of the advanced settings that are provided with Focus the program we are using if I go ahead and click the advanced button down here A whole slew of options is going to open up to the right so first thing is first we have our performance on either speed or quality of course judging by what you're doing you might want to change this I'll set it to Quality just to see how much slower it truly is then we've got a bunch of different aspect ratios resolutions to pick from that we might want to generate in let's select 1024x 1024 a perfect square which is pretty standard for AI art generation and then as I stated earlier here's where you can change the number of images to generate for any given prompt so yeah let's go ahead and generate 10 images for our next one this is something that you commonly would not do with a typical website based AI art generator that you'd have to pay for then we've also got negative prompt so this would be anything you don't want to see in your image typically you'd see something like messy gross deformed malformed ugly would appear down here in the prompt and they've also got this random button selected down here this is going to be where you can change your seed so if I wanted to generate this exact image again with this same prompt I could do so over and over again and get the same exact result with that seed being locked the same exact numbers but if I click random it's going to make a new random image every single time so I highly suggest you just leave random on unless you know what you're doing now moving on to style this is where you can select a ton I mean a plethora of different styles to mess with again you're a little bit new to the AI art generation scene I suggest just not messing with style yet once you get more comfortable with things and you learn a little bit more about the AI generation world you can kind of mess around with these and see what you like the best a quick example would be oh if I want to make only anime based Generations I could click this anime and it's going to give me anime only generation ation or cinematic or pixel art and finally we get into the advanced settings and I really suggest you don't mess around with these at all unless you really know what you're doing the great part is for you more advanced users this is going to look really awesome you can load up your own luras on the side here and add weight to them which is awesome if you want to add more base models or different refiners you can also do that up here so this is a fully formed fully fledged AI art generator all built into your machine with a one-click install it's amazing and down here you can also do sampling sharpness as an advanced setting but yeah this thing is going to be updated soon it might look a little bit different from what I'm showing you here because you might be watching this in the future but uh yeah this is a really great program and the advanced settings here are fantastic I suggest just leaving the advanced settings on here you want to learn to to play around with this thing you want to change resolution image number all that stuff also with this program we can do input images you can upload an an image that you already have on your computer and you can either upscale it meaning the resolution of the image will get bigger or you can vary the image so if you upload a photo of your dog it might be the same dog breed but he's going to be maybe a different color his face is going to look a little different and then they've also got in painting as well so this means that I can upload an image and erase the eyes let's say and replace them with different looking eyes or I can upload a really closeup photo of a face and expand it outwards I'm trying to aim this towards beginners who maybe haven't heard of this stuff before so if you're very deep into the AI Arch generation world this is going to look like just awesome things that you already know about that you're excited to play with all right so I think that about covers it in terms of the utilization let's go ahead and see what this thing can do in comparison to Mid Journey just to show off to you guys this thing is the cream of the crop when it comes to AI art generation this right here is a really cool mid-journey generation this skull and I'm going to go ahead and and take the prompt here and toss it right into our generator we don't have to pay for Mid Journey we can make a very similar image right in here for free on our own machines privately again we're going to do 10 variations of this this is one of the advantages to generating on your own machine and by the way at any point when you're generating you can click this big stop button and it will shut everything down all right so I am back after those generations and I think that we got some pretty decent results overall of course every single AI art generator is going to be a little bit different so these didn't really turn out as colorful as mid Journey's output was but they're still extremely detailed as you can see and very much coherent and sharp this was mid Journeys for reference but if I wanted more color in my skull I can just change the prompt and I don't have to worry about burning through any kinds of credits like mid journey I quite literally have infinite credits to play around with I'll even go ahead and try a style in here we go with enhance hyper realism and surrealist and actually I'm going to remove all these negative prompts cuz it's a skull it's supposed to be a little gross and we are back check this out guys I do love that you have a really nice selector to see everything you just generated you can click on everything but really cool detailed skulls here but let me tell you it is difficult to beat completely free and man this I think it is mid journey level pretty much it's so good here's another nice really detailed mid Journey generation checking out these Generations they all look pretty awesome very realistic everything is saved to that folder like I mentioned earlier very high detail good looking gens accurate Reflections the bubbles like we asked for and the prompts really can't go wrong Mighty impressed okay one last little trick I'm going to go ahead and teach you guys let's say that we wanted this in a higher resolution if you guys remember we got that upscaler built right in so what I'll do is enable input image go back to my file and and drag in the generation of my choice right to the drop image here and we'll say upscale 2x then click the generate button and you can see it begins to upscale that same exact generation to a higher resolution and there we can see the resolution has increased by two times super high res at this point and man you really can see some of those nice fine details with this really really impressive all running on your machine at home for completely free does not get better than that let's go ahead and talk about future compatibility so on that main page we originally downloaded this software you can actually generate this with AMD gpus right now using Linux I don't have an AMD GPU and I don't have Linux so I can't provide a tutorial on this but if you have Linux chances are you'll be able to figure out how to install this and run it with an AMD GPU tested on a6700 XT GPU so yeah for you Advanced users it is compatible with am AMD gpus on Linux but compatibility for Mac users overall and windows users with AMD gpus is coming soon and also if you guys want to know why this software is so awesome and all the hidden little tricks that they do I suggest you read these as well because they're pretty awesome the creator of the software has done a lot of things to make this thing work really well just like mid Journey does and yeah it's just great software I'm so happy this exists easily the best atome version of stable diffusion or AI art generation I've ever seen so if this tutorial helped you guys out please consider subscribing and leave a like I'll see you in the next video check out some of my other videos by the way and also check out my Discord server linked down in the description it's a great AI community on there see you in the next one
Channel: MattVidPro AI
Views: 34,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to install ai art generator, how to install sdxl, how to generate ai art using stable diffusion, how to install stable diffusion, how to install ai art, how to create ai art locally, install stable diffusion tutorial, install ai art generator, how to install stable diffusion sdxl 1.0, stable diffusion tutorial, how to install stable diffusion on windows, stable diffusion installation, install stable diffusion, stable diffusion install windows, stable diffusion guide
Id: aiZWEbUjAGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 18 2023
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