This Is My Favourite AI Generator Right Now.

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this is my favorite UI right now because of how easy it is to get a great looking image it's free it's open source and it can be used both locally and in the cloud just check out how this EC prompt here gets you an image like this and it also starts up basically like this well not really like this maybe like that still pretty good eh oh by the way did you hear about the guy that walks into a bar he was then disqualified from the limbo cont test Ai and it is freaking amazing but first let's do a cat in a hat and we are generating and this is coming in live right now and uh we have here a cat in a hat and honestly it looks freaking good I'm going to show you two ways today I'm going to show the local version and the cloud version so what you see here is ruined focus and it is freaking amazing so the local installation here is going to be through the patreon guide but you can also follow along in the video and just do the same steps but it's going to be easy to just copy and paste from from the guide if you prefer that now there's going to be a link that you can download here if you don't have a seven zip or way to open 7even packages go to this link here make sure that you download this one here and install that one once you have the zip you can go right click show more options seven zip extract two that will get you a folder like this and once inside of here you're going to run or double click the Run that file which will launch this window here what happens now is that uh ruin focus is going to download the base model for you you can also if you have any specific models that you have downloaded from Civ for example you can place them inside the models checkpoints folder this is also indicated in the guide here it's also a direct link here to the base model if you don't want ruin Focus to automatically download it this for some reason the download is going to take a c minutes depending on your internet speed so I'll skip forward so our main model has now downloaded and then it's now downloaded some extra model so it's uh downloading a Laura here and the LCM Laura and then it's going to download some some other the couple of control net model stuff like that so just leave it running for a little bit and uh you'll be done in no time once that's finished and you have no errors you will see app started successful and it will automatically open a browser window that looks like this if you are getting errors I have some troubleshooting in the patron guide so check that out and if you still can't solve it you know comment down below and I'll see what I can do so what you see here is ruined focus and it is freaking amazing before delving into all the advanced stuff which at a glance you might say well where is the advanced stuff I'll show you in a second but first let's do a cat in hat and we are generating and this is coming in live right now and uh we have here a cat and a hat and honestly it looks freaking good and if we do this again you can see again it is coming in live with this is not sped up however I have a very fast GPU but we are getting pretty good looking images just from a simple prompt like this we could do a penguin in a tuxedo we're now getting our little penguin in a tuxedo and as soon as it's finished you can see it here now this is kind of a little overbaked got some lines here in the background so all good as our cat in a hat but we can fix that with a model switch that I'll show you later in the video I'm prompting for anime girl riding a bicycle in Studio G universe and again I mean looks pretty cool just from simple prompts like that and we're not cherp picking this at all I haven't uh cut anything away I mean I could have cut out that penguin still kept it so I'm showing it all to you right now now let's dive a little little more into the details here and what we can do and how to get it even better hey just a quick note from the editing side here everything that we're discussing today can be found in a detailed text and image guide in my patreon so check that out it's going to be super easy to follow and uh you're also supporting my work thank you now if you don't want to install this just head over to think diffusion press launch up up here go to focus press launch you have the choice of rapid and turbo since they give me hours for free I usually go with the faster one but choose the one that uh suits you best select how much time you want or just press launch and in a minute or two your focus will be starting and that will look something like this so if you would prompt for a cat in a hat here you will get the basically the same speed I had previously this is a 24 GB V Ram machine same as my local one now we were going to talk about the little button down here here this will get you the advanced settings here so there's a lot going on compared to the original Focus we have a couple of tabs we're going to take a look at I have settings models OBP which is super cool I'm going to get through that in a bit Evo power up and info so we'll start with the setting here so first you have the just a simple performance you can select speed quality you can use the LCM sampler as well or you can set a custom one I prefer to use a custom one and I usually set that at uh 2m Caris which is one of my favorites uh about 25 30 steps if you're using sdxl which this is preset for uh I would probably lower this to about four five which is a good CFG for this now you don't have to use custom you can use the speed one or the quality one and next up you have aspect ratios and now you might be wondering why why don't I have any size boxes anything like that I can uh enter it myself well because sdxl has been tested to work very well with some preset aspect ratios and these have been used inside of ruined Focus so these are the ones that you can select here and because of the main goal of ruined Focus to be easy to use easy to get great looking images without a lot of fuss you don't have any other options to set your width and height if you're here for ease of use well this is probably the only thing you're going to need for now you have your 96 16 you're 16x 99 you have a 43 1x1 Etc this is all I need let's use a 16x9 here for example as a preset you have a cinematic style selected there are a lot to choose from but we're just going to stick with this for now you can select the amount of images you want to generate you can also here's a little trick for you if you select this to zero you will just keep generating infinitely so this can be a great way to to just keep generating if you're stepping away from the computer if you're leaving it overnight and just want a lot of images set it to zero and let it generate it's going to generate until you get back and stop it or until it crashes whichever happens first you have a random seed down here so if this is selected you will get a new image a new seed a new starting noise each time and if you deselect this you will get the same image each time if you don't change any of the settings so now that I'm getting a cat here we need to stop this first and if we deselect this we put in seed you can say one or you know 9,000 doesn't matter any number and if we keep generating now we will get the same cat in a hat over and over and over again now you can change this while you're generating you have to stop it first so you can see now we're getting this gray cat here looking upwards a little bit with a black hat and now we're getting the same cat over and over again I think you get the point after seeing this second image here so let's stop this and let's put back random seed and let's check a little bit about the other settings next up here we have models and the sdxl base 1.0 that was the preset model that was preloaded with the ruin Focus now you can select another model let's say that for example I I use the think diffusion model here I can say closeup portrait of a Viking Warrior is remove the Laura here that's preset and now we're using a different stable diffusion model to generate this image it's going to take a couple of seconds to load the model but uh after that you're going to be straight back to your beautiful Generations so now our render has started here we have the Viking coming in it's a man with a helmet we have some cool backlight here he's almost like in a studio yeah so we had the image number set to zero here so he just keeps generating so we're just going to stop that we're going to set image number to one and we are going to restart that one so remember to change back from from zero to a number if you don't want it to infinitely generate and here's our um finished image and U I think it looks pretty good for just a quick first generation now you might be asking well what about all these models how do I set them well if you are using think Fusion they're going to be preloaded but if you are using the local version you are going to need to go into your ruin Focus folder ruin Focus models checkpoints and then you can drop them straight into here now I told you about OBP well I didn't tell you about OBP I kind of hinted at it so OBP is one button prompt and it's probably the coolest feature of ruined Focus except for its Simplicity it's basically what it says one button prompt you have instant one button prompt and then you have one button prompt with them some settings let me first show you the instant one so if you press instant one Buton prompt you're getting a random prompt here so now it says realism art by Chris cookie landscape art alien ugly par shade figure female surrounded by a couple of femes t y y y a lot of just random stuff so this can be a super cool way to just generate something creative get some inspiration for something that you haven't previously used you can keep pressing that getting getting something brand new uh but you can also have a little control over this so let's say that you know that what you want to create you can select the settings here so let's say that I have have a subject type animal here we can set okay you have some artists there's a lot of styles to choose from let's put in whim Le here type of image let's do digital art and you have like the prompt fi here here it says place this in front of generated prompt so you can say snow winter so now we would get an animal in snow winter with a Whimsical digital art style so our prompt got snow winter stylized by niceta cheate digital art Furious Cavalier King Charles Spaniel in Focus hopeful fucha bloom engine I mean that's pretty cool and if we change this let's say for example that we want landscape and let's do CI and well let's keep the digital art for now we can do the snow win yes let still snow winter again and just instant one button prompt that so now we got snow winter digital art winter reads landscape of a crowded Egypt snowing rust Decor octane engine designed by David a Hardy and John Gerard so looks like almost like some kind of desert but there there is actually snow here and you can just keep using this random prompt here and you can put more words in and more settings it can be more specific uh with with what you want this is just super cool to be honest I like this not very sci-fi but um a very cool image nonetheless now we're going to check Evo in a bit uh it's one of the more experimental features first off we're going to check up the the power up and the power up is say a cheat code and here's where you have the control Nets you have your image to image your UPS scale and whatnot so let's say that you want a cany high for example you can drop your input image and that we it will use this as a reference now you don't have a lot of settings like you do in automatic 1111 you can do go into your custom mode here which will give you more control but still not as much let's say you change this to the depth for example you can change the start the Stop and the strength just enough amount of options to get uh very far to be honest and there is even a in painting feature if you click the button down here which will give you a little brush to paint the mask with as you can see here and this is basically the same as you get in automatic 11-11 now bear in mind this o in painting is still a little rough but I expect it to get better once they keep developing the tool now let's check out Evo or what I believe is evolution because it kind of evolves your image nine different ways so if we started with a prompt for example woman portrait and press one here for example you can see from the prompts here that some of them are changed one some just say woman portraits this one says Felix portrait this one says woman forom this one says losange portrait and well the rest say women portrait or woman portrait so now we're going to get nine rendered images and after this we can select one of these nine with the buttons here to keep it rating on so it's going to evolve from that image moving forward so that I think that's a pretty cool feature to be honest now is it a a groundbreaking amazing revolutionary feature no but it's kind of fun you know and sometimes that's what the AI generation is all about now I think for the mode here I would probably set that to words so it'll give you more more random Generations instead of just changing uh you know letters here and there like the San portrait what what even is that but I'm going to speed this up and then we're going to press the next one so let's say that we like this one number four here we can keep uh iterating on it so if you press number four here we going get that prompt and a lot of the evolutions on that now you can set your evolve chance here so the that's basically now it's 10% of evolving you can set it to something even crazier as you can see a lot of the prompts get the same woman portrait woman portrait so only a few of them are actually changed so let's say that you set this to U 80% for example so let's quickly make another one I'm going to pick the the number five here with evolve chance of 80% so that will probably give us a lot more Randomness here again I'm going to quickly speed this up so now we have got a lot of weird stuff going on here and as you can see from the the prompts we still have the woman portrait then we have Crest teares we have doing portrait we have sorin teleg graphos scope wherever that is and then we have tripod tough tlit and binic aanta and TRV Co tooth so I mean I have no idea what's going on but we're getting some some cool stuff uh let's see what the number four was sorin teleg graphos scope so that should be this one so this is a sorin teleg graphos scope and if you disagree put it in the comments below and tell me what it really is and this is a tripod tftl we have our bitro canic amania this is really weird all of this quite fun to be honest and the last one here info basically just gives you whatever metadata you have for R for that particular image this is Rune Focus I like it a lot test it out locally or in the cloud whatever works best for you hey have you seen this video here check it out thanks for watching I'll see you in the next one see you
Channel: Sebastian Kamph
Views: 64,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7ncu4f-PFGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 34sec (994 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2023
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