Fooocus Outpainting: This Was Unexpected!

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in my ongoing Quest through the mystical realm of AI image creation a persistent Spectre haunts my path yes it's the vexing curse of Phantom watermarks and Elusive signatures etched upon the very fabric of the images being generated now these Arcane symbols not of my making appear as if by some mischievous sorcery marring the purity of these digital tapestries yet undeterred I press onward seeking the ancient wisdom needed to banish these unwanted incantations and reclaim the untain Glory of these [Laughter] creations hey everyone I'm Jeremy welcome back to mind renders I hope you guys enjoyed that intro just trying something a little different uh yes today is about those pesky watermarks signatures autographs just things in general that you don't want to see in your images and more often than not I find them in my art generations and uh like fantasy art like you see here what you see in front of you here is a program that's free and open source it's called breadboard Bo um I would do a separate video on this but the project right now has been abandoned by the developer for a different uh AI related program which in itself is really amazing so I might touch on that later it's called Pinocchio and you may have heard of it because there are videos out there about it it's pretty awesome it basically lets you launch all kinds of different AI apps in one app and that does include Focus back to the issue at hand these stinking watermarks so I'll make this a little bigger and I'll zoom in in post-processing as well so you can see how gudy this Watermark is and these watermarks and autograph signatures whatever you want to call them most often show up when you generate images of Art and I'm going to show you guys how to get rid of those in a very nice easy efficient way using Focus so let's jump over there and get started okay here we are in Focus I have it zoomed in to what is this 175% so you can see a little bit easier as I work here and what's really cool about this is you don't really have to use any advanced settings for for inpainting and out painting really you can just use the default settings so I'm going to start with doing that and I'm going to click on input image down here in the bottom left we're going to go to the inpaint or out paint Tab and we're going to start really simple we're just going to browse for the image I'm going to grab that one that has the signature on it down here and you'll notice when you hover over the image you can see that brush and here's a little secret is it when you're hovered over this image if you click control on your keyboard and then scroll at the same time together you can make your brush bigger or smaller by scrolling up and down so just a quick tip you can do it over here as well on the slider I like to get a good size that's you know that can fit in this little crevice down here now I'll zoom in so you can see this a little bit better but here is the trick when you're doing this make sure you may have to lift up on the clicker and click again but make sure you paint out a little bit further so it kind of adds a little bit more area to it so it doesn't look so weird and you'll see when it turns out here at the end and as we scroll down here make sure none of these output directions are ticked and for the method you just want to make sure inpaint or out paint default is selected here and then all we have to do is Click generate and this will take 30 steps because the it uses the uh default settings and that is 30 steps now you can do this using a turbo model so if you have one for example that takes five steps load it up and click generate one thing to note is by default it will only generate two images if you don't use the advaned section if you want more than two you just tick Advanced and then slide the image number up to four or six I I recommend at least four to six images so we'll keep it at five for now if you are running a turbo model I recommend 6 to8 because for whatever reason the turbo models when you're out painting or in painting uh they take a few more tries to get you know a better result and you'll see that here in a second all right all that's left to do is make sure that we have our painting done where we want the signature to be removed and then just click on gener at and watch the magic unfold before our eyes so again this will take 30 steps I'll probably fast forward this so we can see the outcome here momentarily I'm coming back in here mid generation and I'm going to show you a couple results I'm getting it's looking good I mean I'm impressed already with what with what's going on here with these generations and you can see when I click here in the bottom right corner how things change and how it kind of adds its own iteration of what should be in that corner poof just like that all of the images have been generated I am pretty happy with the results here so if we were to take a look at all of these I would say between this one at the bottom and this one right here which is the one we looked at earlier and yeah we can you can make it a little bigger so you can float through them here you can see it did add some stones in there this one's pretty nice that one's pretty cool when they're zoomed in and you look at them they look really nice so that that turned out really good I'm happy one thing I will tell you though is sometimes when you do this you'll actually get another signature that ends up being generated in there talk about annoying so yeah you'll be pressing the generate button a couple times but the tool is there for you to use it's free I can't complain and like I said you don't have to make any changes to the aspect ratio the speed the style the model or anything because it doesn't take any of that into effect because basically all it's doing is using the model to change the small area that you brushed so just keep that in mind when doing this however if you do decide to use a like for example a turbo model you do have to make the changes to your guidance scale um because most turbo models have a certain guidance scale that you have to use and you also when you're using Focus you have to make sure that you come in here and you change the sampler to DPM ppor sde and then the sample steps to five or six or whatever that they call for in that particular turbo model so that's a little bit more advanced um but you can do it if you know how to use a turbo model and I have shown how to do that previously on the channel then you already know how to do this so you're good to go so there you have it take this as a very basic intro to out painting and I'll get into uh more detailed guides in the future again I'm starting with very basic stuff so bear with me here um I've had a lot of people in the comments on my videos say can you do a video on that can you do a video on this uh yeah I got some good stuff planned so stay tuned and before we dip out I know I'm going to get a lot of questions about this breadboard app and what is it what are can you show us more about it yes of course here is a hot take I wanted to do here because I don't plan on doing a full video on this so I'll just do a quick overview uh this is breadboard it's free and open source very very awesome software uh I have this uh streamlining my images across the network um it doesn't do any of the hosting or anything the images are hosted on my AI machine which is the computer I'm on right now and I shared out the folder where the images are outputting um so I can use breadboard this application right here on my laptop upstairs and I can also generate images from there so it all works out really nice and what happens here is when you click I do a lot of wild card stuff lately I've been this is all wild card generated stuff so I have three wild cards going here I have a color I have a land structure and I have a building structure so I'm having I and I want to know what those wild cards are when they're being generated so all I have to do is Click an image and I can see the prompt right here along with the seed the sampler everything you need to know about the image so it does a lot of uh stable diffusion metadata all the PNG embedded info now you can't see that with using regular Focus unfortunately I will say that so if you try to use this using regular Focus I don't believe it embeds PNG data yet but I use what's called ruined Focus lately for the last I'd say week I've been using ruined Focus an amazing app it's basically a fork of focus it has a few different settings some are good some are kind of weird but the developer is very active um for that fork and one really cool thing about Rune focus is you can generate unlimited images if you set the slider to zero which is something I love and I do all the time because when I'm working I just let that puppy run and I have this here running in the background uh popping images which is really cool because every time it finds a new image it does like a live update and it makes a little popping noise as you heard at the beginning of the video and it just lets you know that there's a new video and if I or video a new image and if I really like that image I just click that little heart icon and save it for later and we're good to go all right I wish I could blow you guys away with more information but you know what it's about time to close off the video here uh there's a lot going on guys I got a Discord server I've had it for a while I keep forgetting to tell you guys about it but if you guys want to chat and hang out you want to show us your artwork jump on over to our Discord server I'll put the link in the description below you can also find the link on my website if if if I forget to do that check out my website at mind over there and I share my workflows um all of my wild cards are over there that you can grab and use so there's some valuable information over there check it out subscribe to the newsletter and if you like this content give it a thumbs up consider subscribing if you haven't already thank you so much for watching I'm going to get started on the next video bye for now now
Channel: Mind Renders
Views: 4,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stable diffusion, ai image generation, fooocus, outpainting, inpainting, faceswapping, face swap
Id: Ah1ENzmILgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2024
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