Create Amazing Images with Fooocus - FREE

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today I'm going to show you how you can make images like these without paying any kind of subscription fees without needing to have the most powerful computer in the world and without having to be some kind of Genius when it comes to prompt engineering for images the program we're looking at today is called focus and let's get that sucker installed okay so you've got a couple of options when it comes to installing Focus but right now we're on what's called a GitHub page if you don't know about get and hub and all that stuff that's okay I didn't either when I didn't this is where a lot of people keep code for programs and where you can go get it so that's what we're going to do if you scroll down this scary looking page you'll see a couple of pretty pictures an example of the kind of thing you're going to be doing and a peek at the interface you'll see that it's actually spelled fuus but I'm not going to say that for an entire video so we're going to keep scrolling down and you see where he says installing Focus well you're in the right place but I also want you to notice this if especially if you've ever ever played with mid Journey a very popular text image software out there and it's meant to mimic some of the features even the newer ones over at Mid journey and this little chart right here tells you how to take the mid Journey feature and use it in Focus so if you've got some experience with mid journey and you want to see that then check that out now as you keep scrolling you're going to get to where it says download for Windows now if you're not on Windows you just have to scroll down and figure those out for yourself they made it easy for Windows users you basically just click here and then you're going to follow the instructions that are right here now if you've never ever downloaded a file before and never never opened an archive just read these instructions carefully you'll be fine but if you have then this is going to be old half follow these instructions can I trust you to do that because I really want to get to the fun stuff now I'm going to scroll down here and give you still another option if you go right below here see where it says collab if you don't know what collab is it's a service from Google where you can run programs on another computer so that if you don't have a computer that's powerful enough to run what you want like a lot of this AI stuff needs you can run it on other systems and that's what a Google collab is so if you were to click this button right here open in collab that's exactly what it's going to do now you'll have to sign in with your Google account and all of that but to run Focus from here you just click this little button right here it's going to start an installation process after it gives you this warning you say run anyway and it's going to start installing the software on another computer not yours when it's done it'll give you a link that you can click and it will open up the focus interface right there on your browser and you can get started right away but while that's very cool and if you want to try it that way be my guest the only problem is if you use the collab all the time every time you run the collab you're going to be downloading the software downloading all the models we want to get this thing on your computer so you either do the installation like I just showed you or you can do this if you just want to run it but the option I'm about to show you is what I recommend particularly if you are interested in AI in general and maybe would like to download some of the other AI software for maybe voice cloning or other interfaces to stable diffusion and just things like that so I'm about to introduce you to Pinocchio the link to Pinocchio is provided below because it would be really rude of me just to tease you with it install run and control anything on your computer with one click I haven't tried to control my cat I'm not here for that I'm here for this you can watch this little video and explore but here's an example of some of the programs that you can run through this interface with a simple installation this basically creates a portal on your machine to these various AI softwares all installed in their own environment which basically means they just won't conflict with each other on your computer if you're going to be running these types of programs make sure you have lots of hard drive space will you cuz these models that they're pretty big like multiple gigabytes and in fact what we're about to download with Focus you're going to need about 18 gigs of free space and then think about all the images you're going to create so to download Pinocchio you just click where it says download and then you've got choices so you choose your platform whatever you're going to download and just follow those instructions can you do that for me follow the installation instructions so we just don't have to do it here but if you get stuck because I didn't walk you through it there's lots of other videos out there right now talking about Pinocchio and focus so I invite you to look at all of them because you'll learn different things from different people I always do there's your AI tip for the day now you've got Nokio installed and now we're going to run it and when you do it looks like this well kind of like this because if you haven't installed anything it's not going to have much here at all you're going to want to click the Discover button up here and here's the Treasure Trove my friends what you're looking for is focus in life too right am I right you're going to click on download it's going to ask you how to save it so because you're going to have a a menu of items there and maybe you don't want to call it focus. Pinocchio pot maybe you don't want to do that so maybe you just want to call it Focus o o with three O's of course I've already done this if I hit download right now I'm going to be waiting again for everything to download so from this point on I just need you to follow the instructions can you do it download it and then there'll be a button that says install now here's what to know about the installation process depending on your whole computer set up and and connection to the internet this process of the initial installation could take some time so just be patient just go have a cup a coffee or hot chocolate or tea or maybe MCH is popular or just good old water I mean you know who isn't dehydrated these days and by the way as you use various features inside of focus you may have more models download when you activate those as well every time a model downloads that's a one-time thing so you won't have to worry about that later let's assume now that you have installed the software and now you're going to run it let's show you how to do that once you install it it will appear on your list here if this is the first thing you've done well it'll be easy to find click click Start and you'll see it run a few lines of code and it won't take very long because it's a very simple streamlined interface which is pretty much the point but once it's done its initial loading and remember if it's your first time it'll take a while this interface will pop up and this is the heart of the whole thing and at its core you basically have a big screen where the pictures are going to show up a prompt where you're going to type what you want it to draw and a generate button to make it draw it there's there's a lot of stuff going on behind this Advanced checkbox which we will look at in a moment this program is built for sdxl that means the high resolution version of stable diffusion which was recently released this thing is pretty freaking great and the images it produces are really really sharp and rival that of something like a mid journey and the idea is that you don't have to know how to type complicated prompts like you might have done before in mid Journey or if you've played with stable diffusion this Pro program does a lot of the heavy lifting and with some of the styles that are built in which I'll show you it does even more of the heavy lifting so for now let's just type anything and create an image and we'll go from there how about a house in the country and we'll click generate depending on the kind of computer you have it's going to take some time to create these images I have a an Nvidia RTX 3090 it has 24 gigs of what's called vram which is kind of the magic with AI generation that's where a lot of the the heavy lifting takes place however focus is designed to allow you to use it even if your graphics card only has four gigs of RAM now if you don't have four gigs of RAM on that graphics card well I hope you enjoy the show anyway all right so now we got a couple of really nice images they're kind of basic now let's check out what's going on in the background here I'm going to click the advanced button here here's where we could we can determine the resolution of the image and how many images are created and this area here is where you would put a negative prompt or typing something you do not want to see in an image like for example I don't want to see water so you type water in there like you just for whatever reason may had a bad experience as a kid with water this really isn't a therapy class just so you know random here is referring to a seed it's a number it's a random seed for whatever is going to happen here on this image and if you know the seed that was used to create the image you can create that same image over and over again by typing in the seed but in this case we want it to be random because we're not really trying to duplicate anything in particular you'll also notice that we have speed and quality and this was set for Speed let's do the exact same prop honestly I don't know if they're that much better but they're different they have a slightly different style you can click to see the bigger version of them just by clicking these little thumbnails or just clicking on them will rotate let's change the size of the image to 1024 x 1024 might make things just a little bit faster and still demonstrate things here nicely let's pop over to the style now you'll see that they've already got some things checked Focus B2 focus enhan focus sharp but you can turn all that off and you'll notice that they have lots and lots of styles and general consensus out there is that wow it's great that we have all these Styles but could we organize these in a little bit better way so he just got a scroll but a house in the country but this time let's just scroll down to something like futuristic Vapor wave okay I'm not going to do anything else just except hit generate again and see what we get with that style so we obviously got a very specific color palette which is is associated with Vapor wave but this isn't my jam this particular style let's try something else let's just see if maybe we can contrl f and search the page for maybe steampunk do they have that yeah we do so art style steampunk you can mix and match these Styles all you want but let's get an idea of the of just pure versions of it and then we're going to change from house in the country but let's just see what this style does to these images so you can see it's very specific it's got a steampunk style we got the clocks and the gears I guess and all that cool stuff so we got a couple of neat little renderings of some steampunk Countryside stuff let's change this up completely let's turn off the odd style here let's go with a cinematic look and let's go over some Wildlife how about just something simple like photo of a SCH squirrel making waffles just a common everyday thing we see in nature all the time now I can already tell this squirrel is maybe eating waffles I really want him to make waffles though let's see if the next one can come up but we do have a nice photo coming okay so these are clearly squirrels eating waffles and by the way if you want to get a closer look at this stuff there's not really a zoom here but if you right click on an image and say open in a new tab you'll get a browser window to open there and then you can get a better look at it and that's a pretty nice image right the colors are good the contrast is good the focus is good he's not making waffles though he's eating let's just try again how about let's be a little bit more specific photo of a squirrel in a kitchen wearing an apron surrounded by mixing bowls flour on I just want you to understand I'm putting a lot of detail in here but it's not like you have to know all these art styles or camera lens I'm telling it exact what I want to see on here we're going to see how specific it gets flower on his fur spon in a bowl mixing the batter okay this is a sloppy prompt but I hope that regardless of its sloppiness we get close to what we want let's find out so I didn't change the Styles at all because I like that style I want to see what it'll do now we're talking see now much more specific that squirrel is wearing a free apron just like I asked it to it is surrounded by mixing bowls there is I'm guessing flour on his fur there's a spoon in a bowl of waffle batter we've got waffles right here and the squirrel is mixing the batter folks that is a win now these look like pancakes but that's nope nope look at that the second I said that it turned into a waffle all let's look at these that's pretty good that's nice don't you think look at all those waffles you made what is that stuff oh that's the batter shall we just just for fun let's see if we can make this a 3D squirrel but I'm going to help it along by saying a Pixar how about just a Pixar squirrel in a kitchen wearing an apron I'm just going to click let's just see what happens there's no real rules here folks that's the idea just be creative try stuff it's not costing you anything except time that's pretty cute definitely got closer to a Pixar thing look at that definitely not photorealistic definitely a carer but the kitchen has a similar style it looks good I've got my eye on this style lyrical geometry I got to know what that is I don't know if it's going to work with this prompt but we're going to try it and see looking good they could probably be a little more Pixar but that still looks good the detail is really really good the depth of field the focus in the back it just looks good we're going to uncheck all this stuff we're going to go down to lyrical geometry cuz I don't know what that is Click gener great what is lyrical geometry ooh that's a cool style and now I guess I know what lyrical geometry is I really want to see that look at that that that's good stuff okay just for fun the craft clay real quick okay that is impressive this was the craft clay style so these squirrels and some of their stuff seem to be made of something like Play-Doh and if you look at the next one there you this very much suggests exactly what I just said this is some really good Play-Doh sculpture but hey we didn't ask for crappy art did we so that's kind of the basics you can get in there and play till your heart's content now before we get onto the more advanced stuff like image prompting and variations and inpainting and out painting let's jump over here to the model tab this is going to determine the computer model that is going to drive the art basically so right now what we're running is the sdxl base model along with its refiner when sdxl first came out they had the base model and the refiner and if you wanted to get the best result you wanted to use both of them but as the models have been fine-tune over the course of time more of the models that are released by independent people do not need that refiner but by default Focus installs the sdxl base and the refiner but if you have other models downloaded you can put them in a particular folder and then they will appear in this list as you will see I have added to the Juggernaut XL L version one and real viz xlv2 oh whatever I'm going to take this refiner off and I'm just going to render the exact same image and see what kind of different thing we get it did turn off the Clay thing but let's just see what kind of overall feel cuz I think I went back to the default uh Focus setting so we'll just see if we can see a marked difference in what is produced based on the model that is driving it because some models are trained on such a specific style that it would have a hugely different look this one doesn't seem really that much different cuz after all it was the real viz so it's not some crazy art style and the sdxl base is also meant to be realistic so probably a poor example for showing something crazy but really I just wanted to show you that you have the ability to add your own models if you know how to do that kind of stuff but Bob okay enough where do I get these models and why would I want them okay I'm going to show you right now so since this is just an introduction to focus I'm not going to get too deep into all the things that you can do and find at civit AI but this is where you will find other models that can completely change the look and feel of what you generate or make certain Styles way way easier because these models were trained on that particular style so you can just sort of scan this page and see wow you can create stuff like this yes you can with this free program Focus yes you can using these models right here that you can download absolutely free so if you're really into this stuff and you want to know more about this and you'd like me to make a video about it well why don't you just tell me in the comments or something otherwise I'm going to get back to using the focus interface so we're going to leave the model just where we are clicking the advanced tab here has other options here which we're not even going to change cuz you just don't need to and we don't need to get into it but if you want to there's a document link right here which will take you to everything you'd like to know about using this program and I highly recommend using this guide and going through all of this because look at some of these images would you like to know how you're getting these results definitely follow through with reading the documentation okay let's look at a couple of other really cool features that are more like mid journey and can help you to save a ton of time in creating a specific look without having to understand prompting or downloading specific models let's check this out we're going to click on input image right here once you do that you've got several tabs here upscale or variation image prompting inpainting and out painting we're going to briefly look at all of these things upscaling means to make an image bigger so if you wanted to take take one of these images here and make it bigger we could just drag it directly from here into here and choose to upscale it one and a half times two times or a fast two time in this case I'm not going to upscale it I'm going to vary it subtly so that just means doing a variation if you're familiar with that feature in mid Journey this is just like that so I'm just going to click on vary and make it a subtle change and I'm not going to change anything else I'm just going to click gener at I left the prompt in there we'll do it next without the prompt in there and see what happens so you can see that it's very close to this image you'd be hard pressed to find differences but here we've got this little whatever that is in the background which is not here in this image the spoons are a little different but basically the composition is the same so if you just wanted to tweak it a little bit and see what it comes up with then using very subtle is what you want now we're going to do very and we're going to click the strong button and we're going to click generate and see what happens leaving the prompt in there so now it's still the same basic image but we don't have eggs back there there's not a blue bowl back here my memory skills are good so it definitely again it didn't change it drastically it very much is a variation of this same image so now let's take the prompt out and let's just let it vary what it sees here based on what's there and now I'm just going to click generate with no prompt and see what it does in terms of varying this image I think you're going to want to leave the prompt in because there's no squirrel in this picture obviously it changed the image completely so let's just put it back to very subtle and still leave no prompt now click generate and see what happens okay still in there no prompt and it is definitely varying this a little his face is a little different looks more like a rabbit actually now the blue bowl is back the spoons are kind of in the same configuration but the face is definitely different this is a dog and that's what I was going to do next I was going to say cat or something and see what happened but it just chose to do a dog so now instead of a squirrel in there it just changed it to a dog that's cool that's more like a little bunny see so it's not a squirrel anymore it's a bunny and a dog and all I did was nothing here and click veryy and chose the subtle option and use that as the base image and you can do that with any image you want even an image that didn't get created in here what are you talking about Bob well let's find out how about I bring in an image that I was that I created with with something else some some other time so I'm going to empty this out and then I just Dro this one in it's one of my favorite images that was created using this technique in the first place and we're going to have some fun with this image momentarily no prompt here nothing about a squirrel it only has this image to go with so let's just click it and see what happens with the very and subtle look at that no prompt necessary it just said oh I got got you I'm going to give you some variations so now we're creating some animals in there now how cool is that I didn't have to do anything I just dropped that in there and said you know what give me a slightly different version of this image and it did a couple of them I'm turning off all the style stuff completely just to make sure this is pure and it's not influenced by any other thing hard to tell I mean it looks maybe a little brighter looks like maybe something has been taken off of it but it's still doing the same thing it's giving us variations of this so now I'm going to show you image prompting I'm going to go down here I'm going to click the image prompt Tab and we've got four areas and I'm going to go ahead and click this Advanced button here so you can see from the beginning how this all works so let's say we want to generate more pictures with this style without having to type anything else and and completely different images we're not varying this one we're going to create a whole new image but we want it to have the look and feel of this thing with no other influence over here I'm not going to choose any of these Styles in fact it doesn't work as well if you do have any of these you want to free up everything for this situation to work so what would we like to build in this style how about a fancy bedroom okay something completely opposite of what we've got here and I'm just going to click on generate and again image prompt is selected here doesn't need to be anything else going on in here okay so let's click generate and see what we get okay that does not look look like a fancy bedroom let's see what the next one does sometimes the second generation is better but the reason I put the advanced tab here is because if this kind of thing happens if we're not really getting the bedroom look we're looking for we can add more or less weight to this as a prompt so this is suggesting the style and it might just be a little too strong so if I back this down to five so this structure of this image and this exact style is getting a little less focused and then hit generate and see what happens here it's generally a game of playing with those weights until you get what you want and still this seems more like we're getting way more emphasis on the mushroom itself and not a bedroom these are cute but it's not a fancy bedroom so I'm going to take this weight down even further and the other parameter we have here is stop at and this what this is saying is that it's going to stop using this image as the influence or about halfway through the generation process so the other thing we can do is have that stop earlier but first we're going to play with the weight we're going to try one more time with a fancy bedroom how about a fancy highrise apart bedroom in the city with an awesome view from the window now that's really specific and we've turned the weight down here so we should get there we go so now we're definitely getting the apartment with the city with the awesome View and we're going to see what kind of influence we get from this image here because now I think what we want to do is increase weight of the image it doesn't have enough influence over the image at this point cuz I think because we put so much more detail in there there was more to emphasize it other than fancy bedroom so we can see it doesn't really have that look at all so let me just go ahead and stop it I'm going to put the weight back up to five so we've got the bedroom forming for sure we've got now elements like the little animals are in there so we're definitely getting the suggestion from this image because there little animals in there so it's not picking up so much the of the mushroom stuff it focused in on these guys maybe if I go back to the original image that was the with the mushroom and start over put that one back in there and try it again whoa okay it now is picking way more up on this kind of creature here we're definitely borrowing the style more no mushroom though I bet you if I said apartment building in the city decorated with a mushroom theme that it would probably choose that mushro style we got some mushroom going here I think we'll try this one more time just with the throwing the mushroom theme in there to see what we get and then we're going to try a completely different style whoa okay well we definitely that helped it's definitely borrowing now from this mushroom structure completely oh look at that so see you can help it along with the prompting and hack away at it until you get what you're looking for but yeah that's pretty good that's more what you were going for so it didn't happen automatically but without that picture it wouldn't have that exact style okay yeah those are cool cool okay let's choose a completely different art style maybe something that's distinct and recognizable like a Salvador do so we'll just go search for one and we'll just pick an iconic painting that is very indicative of that style this this isn't the one right that we're all thinking of but this will certainly do something cool that you can do is if you got this open on another tab you can click and hold that image so you get it sort of transparent go back up here hover over the the focus Tab and then just Bo drop it right in there no saving necessary didn't have to remember where did I save that by where all right so now automatically now we've got this as the style instead of that other one we'll keep it with the prompt and we'll even say keep it with the mushroom thing and theme and let's see what happens borrowing from this style look at that see you can sort of see it start with one and then and then like it starts normal and then it starts to ease into the style but I'd still like a little more Dolly well no see that's what I'm saying you it it can surprise you cuz look here at the end it did kind of throw that Dolly thing in so let's give it a chance let's let it keep going I think I do want to up increase the influence a little bit to see what we can do and maybe instead of mushrooms I'll say melty clock theme oh that's cool yeah so when you zoom in on these they're definitely getting there so let's let's increase the weight of this up to maybe six you don't have to do much otherwise this this image will completely take over so you kind of want to hack away at it and and instead of mushroom I'll just say a clocks theme okay definitely we've got some a lot more influence coming in yes this is what I'm talking about look at that now we've got the highrise apartment in the city how could I ever have prompted for this I don't know how I would but using this one image took care of all of that and I had to use zero of these Styles and finding that right balance these are nice there's still a little bit more more photorealistic than I would have expected they don't have that painterly look they look more like real sculptures at least from where I'm sitting so I mean I could pop this up even a little bit more or I could add boy I don't know any kind of style in here and throw that on there and I can also add other images so let's say we choose another Dolly image like this one here same similar theme click drag drop it here make sure image prompt is there let's see if we can't get this to look like we're expecting it to look cranking up the volume all right I can already tell we've done it so see you just play with the weights a little okay pretty cool so here we are in pixel Bay where we can get royaltyfree images and I'm going to just say bedroom I'm going to use this one here so I'm going to take this and I'm going to drop this into this area here let's take an art style like van go that everybody knows and click generate so we can already see what it's doing here it's doing a fantastic job it's got the it's got the basic shape of this bed and it's clearly added the elements of the artwork onto the walls and within the design could probably do a little bit more weight with this but we're going to change the technique for this bedroom and it will be even more precise in terms of the layout very very clearly a Vango style what we're going to do now is we're going to change this from image prompt to py canny it's going to look at the shape and the depth and the line and it's going to basically create a a much more detailed outline specific to the elements that are in this room the various pieces of furniture I also want this aspect ratio to still be a little bit longer all right so now we've changed this to pyro cany this is still the style in terms of the prompt and so let's see what happens if we just click generate again no other prompt in the text box here we go so now you can see that not only does it have a bed there but it also has the outline of the Ottoman and the blanket it's it's picking up on various details and we can increase the weight the strength of that decrease it so that we get more of that but again very heavily influenced by this style so we could maybe do a little bit of taking this down and this up a little where we've already got a pretty strong weight there but I hope you can see the difference what we've done here is it's finding the outlines of the various elements so there's just more detail specific to this base image like you can see this has got the the lines in the window here whereas the other ones just painted the whole wall with this kind of image so those are pretty good but now let's try these new weights they got the tree again with the windows so it's just tweaking till you find something you like there's no right way or wrong way it's where you say oh that's the look I was looking for these are both really good because they've got these details you can see the elements of like this little piece right here is turned into this even that little shape of the tree has been translated in this from this really nice job now there's this third area here and I don't know what it is so I'm not going to talk about it we're going to end with the inpainting and out painting feature which is extremely cool and again a lot of this is meant to mimic what you can do over at Mid Journey so we click the inpaint or out paint tab here and we're just going to use this image here as an example which I just generated let's drag this down in here and now we can play let's look at the out painting first and what this allows you to do is to take this image and make it wider or taller if I take this out completely and I'm going to say left here so it's now going to expand this image to the left and I'll show you what I mean just by clicking generate but before we do that I'm going to go back to settings take image number down to one and then click generate okay so you can see here's the original image here and then this is where it's filling in just new information adding a little bit of that cup extending the wall and just making stuff up because we didn't tell it anything specific to do but let's do it on the other side and this time I'm going to take this off put this back on extend it to the right and I'm going to try and add an element just in the prompt like let's just say a mouse and let's just see if it will add a mouse to the counter now this is not in painting this is out painting with some parameters within it we're extending the existing image and hoping that it will throw a mouse in there cuz we told it to it is extending just like we expected it to but it didn't do the mouse let's let's emphasize let's emphasize the mouse Mouse by popping up its uh weight significantly and we'll click it again and just see if it adds it no worries if it doesn't because really that's what mainting is for okay still not adding the small Mouse so let's move on to in painting because that's the really exciting way to get the results we're wanting anyway we'll choose one of these images to work with because we it's added more elements and I'm actually going to choose this one because I think what I'm going to try and do is turn this into a mouse so let's clear this out we're going to go up here and we're going to drag this one down drop it in and now we're going to click this little paintbrush here and now we can if we hold the control key down we can scroll with the middle wheel of our Mouse and then select things so we're going to select this right here and now we're going to just leave this here A small mouse sitting on the counter and and oh I also do not want to extend it anymore so I'm going to make sure to click that off and let's click generate now again the first time you use in painting and out painting it's going to download new models that make this possible there we go now you see we've got a small Mouse exactly where I told it to that's the beauty of end painting we're getting several choices of mice okay I'm just going to go ahead and stop this since we can certainly use one of these so we've got that Mouse so we're going to drag that in here now let's see what else we can do to this image how about I want to see if we can give this guy some antenna I'm just going to put it here and then now I have to remember how to spell antenna there we go it's doing exactly what we wanted to okay so now we've got several choices all of them are cute shall we do one more thing to this we'll use that one we'll drag this down what if we made this one eye Green Let's just try it say green eye totally is doing it we have got a green eye in progress the pupil's a little weird but I like it still it's good okay so now we got that and now I thought it would be fun if we gave him a scarf so let's uh drag that down there let's change the size of this a little bit and let's just draw wear a scarf would be okay in this round this is the closest we got to the scarf we're looking for I'm sure if I just kept hacking away at it changing the weights things like that I could get that scarf but you get the idea there's so many choice so many things you can do with inpainting and out painting okay we've done a lot of talking about this program and you could spend hours days weeks months years of your life playing with this stuff and I urge you to let your creativity go crazy and play with this stuff experiment with downloading these models if you're into that at the civid AI site there's lots of training stuff available you can learn a ton and there's lots of other people like me out there doing YouTube videos on this and other similar software where you can learn other techniques and their points of view everybody's got different tips tricks and hacks it's worth watching a lot of different people if you like this kind of thing but if you'd like to see more or like me to dive into any other particular aspect of the creative use of AI let me know in the comments I can't read your mind you know but I can read your words
Channel: Bob Doyle Media
Views: 9,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fooocus, Bob Doyle, Bob Doyle Media, AI, Artificial Intelligence, Inpainting, Outpainting, Enhancements, Pinokio
Id: ynSE0S3fc2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 22sec (2062 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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