Create An Esports Logo with Inkscape

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[Music] this is Nick with logos by Nick comm and in this tutorial I'll be demonstrating how you can create this eSports logo using Inkscape version 1.0 and it's important that you use version 1.0 for this tutorial because we will be using the new offset live path effect quite a bit in this lesson and it's also important that you download and install a particular font known as Falcons I will have that linked in the description of the video it is a free font so go ahead and download and install that font before you launch Inkscape and you'll be good to go and before we get started if you would like to learn more about Inkscape be sure to check out my Inkscape masterclass it's a collection of over 60 videos where I go over every single tool and feature in Inkscape and I explain what it is and demonstrate how it works I'll put a link in the description of the video if you want to check that out so we'll get started here in Inkscape the first thing we want to do is setup our documents that we're all working with this similar layout the first thing I want to do is come up here and click this button to disable snapping I want this all disabled for the time being we'll be enabling it throughout the tutorial but for now we want that turned off we're gonna come up here to where it says view view we're gonna want custom selected and I'm going to go to zoom I'm going to zoom in at 1 to 1 and for now we're gonna want the alignment distribute menu opened we're gonna want last selected chosen from that drop-down then we want the fill and Stroke menu open which is this button over here or you could press control shift + F and let me just expand that so that I have both of these open at the same time I just want to change the way that those menus are Doc's there we go and we're gonna use the path effects menu too but I'll get to that a little later so what we want to do now is basically what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna break this up into three different parts and I'll have them time stamped down below because this is this is somewhat of an elaborate design so it's gonna take us a while to create this and the first part will create the text the second part will create the emblem and then in the third part will create the controller so let's start off with the text I'm gonna grab the text tool and I'm gonna click on the canvas here and I'm gonna use all caps for this tutorial I'm going to use the word eSports for example grab the grab the text tool I'm going to change that grab the text editor up here I'm gonna change this to Falcons there we go that's the font we're looking for let me grab the Select tool and hold ctrl and shift to scale this up what we want to do now is manually adjust the spacing between these letters and I also want to change the way that these letters interact with each other let me show you what I mean here on the thumbnail if you see here between these letters you'll see I have the letters kind of look like they fit next to each other like puzzle pieces I want to make it so that each letter is slicing off the top right edge of the letter that comes before it so to do that let me get this off the screen to do that I'm going to convert the text of paths path object to path and then I'll ungroup the letters like that and let me just bring the opacity of that down so I can see through them a little bit and I'm gonna zoom in to zoom in I'm holding ctrl and rolling up the mouse wheel to move the page around I'm just pressing down the mouse wheel and moving the mouse I'm gonna click this letter hold ctrl click and drag it to the right like that so that it's not quite touching the s but pretty close hold shift click the other letter bring these two over here like that do the same thing and that's going to come through here and do the same thing with the rest of this world with the rest of this word holding shift while we click on each letter so it drags the whole word over there this isn't necessarily a step that you have to do but I just think the design will look a lot better if you go ahead and make these letters look like they fit together so what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna duplicate this letter S right here by pressing ctrl D I'm gonna make that red and then I'll hold shift and click on the letter E and go to path difference and if you notice now if you move this apart it looks like those two letters fit with each other so let me put that back I'm gonna come through here and do the same thing with the rest of these letters duplicate that hold shift click the letter go to path difference take the letter O ctrl D hold shift click the P path difference and I'm sure you get the idea by now so so let me go through and do this with the rest of the word here difference I'm actually gonna use the keyboard shortcut for this last one because I haven't memorized I actually never used these menus up here I always use the keyboard shortcut which for this one is ctrl shift and - okay so let me take the letter S and hold ctrl and move that to the right a little bit hold shift click the T move that to the right a little bit while holding ctrl so that we're locking it onto the horizontal axis same thing over here with the R we're basically we just spacing these letters out apart like that looking good do the same thing over here now let me zoom back out to see how we're looking over here okay that's looking pretty good right there so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna unify all those letters together by selecting them all and going to path Union and now what I want to do is I want to a plot I want to apply a perspective like you see here so let me go to path path effects and you're gonna get this path effects editor up here I'm gonna click the add path effect button and I'm going to look for perspective there it is perspective envelope and I want to check this box that says mere movements in vertical and then grab the edit pads by nodes tool and what we're looking for here we're looking for the nodes in the corner but they look different they look similar to the other nodes but the look the node that we're looking for is white these ones are gray so they look similar so it's easy to miss them make sure you're grabbing the white node like that I'm just going to take that and pull that out if you want you could hold ctrl to lock it onto the axis pull that out a little bit like that just to give it a little bit of a perspective and now we can finalize that by going to path object to path now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna give this a bit of a 3d effect as you can see here if you notice is a bit of a like a 3d effect like it's coming out at you like that we're gonna use the extrude feature for that so let me grab this select tool let me just adjust that a little bit make that a little higher that looks pretty good I want to right click this text and go to duplicate I want to make this red and I want to hold ctrl and move this up above it a little bit I'm gonna hold ctrl scale this up a little bit maybe about that much it doesn't have to be exactly the the amount that I'm scaling it you can just eyeball it like doing here and then I want to select both of these actually let me move this up a little bit let me select both of these and go to extensions generate from path and I'm gonna look for extrude and right here I want to choose polygons and then click apply and it's gonna create this 3d block right here so let me get rid of this let me take this new shape that I created let me ungroup that the only unified altogether by going to path Union and I want to get rid of those empty negative spaces in there so I'll go to path break apart and then path Union let me get rid of the stroke or the outline I'm gonna hold shift and click on this X up here and let me come over here to the fill tab under the HSL tab I'm just gonna make sure that a column is brought all the way up and then I'll bring the opacity down partially like that and now I can take this red text up here our original text make sure it's raised to the top I'm gonna click this button raise selection to the top select both of these and Center them up and they come down here to the alignment menu Center them up on the vertical axis and then align the top edges like that so that we end up with that right there now we could take this and we can just press delete to get rid of that we don't need that right now so now what I want to do is I want to take this red text this original text layer and I want to make this white and then I want to take the black text beneath it and I want to apply an offset to it so I'm gonna come back up here to the path effects menu click the plus button to add a path effect and on this time I'm looking for offset and I would recommend getting familiar getting comfortable with this path effect because we'll be using this a lot throughout this tutorial where it says offset I'm gonna click the plus button to increase the offset and if you notice it's growing a border around the text right there by default it should have lighter if not just go ahead and select that there we go that's looking pretty good now let me finalize that by going to path object to path and now what I want to do is I want to create another copy of this text here let me show you where I'm where I'm going with this notice this little reflective effect going through the text there that's what I'm gonna create next so let me take this white text let me duplicate that by Crescent control-d and I'll just make this red so I can differentiate it up against the white and I'm going to apply an offset to this as well so click on the offset path effect and where it says offset I'm just going to press - this time I'm going to click that down maybe not that much right about there is what we're going for again we'll finalize that by going to path object to path and now I'm going to grab the rectangle tool I want to slice this in half here so I'm gonna use the rectangle tool as a reference point put that through there like that let me just make this green so I can see a little better okay that looks pretty good let me go to the Select tool and let me adjust that just a little more hold shift click on the rip on the red text that we have the green box and the red text selected and go to path intersection so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to color this in so let me select all of this and bring the opacity all the way up to 100% and I'm going to use the colors depicted here in the thumbnail or something very close anyway I'm probably not going to get the exact shades but I'll take the other black background here and I'm going to make this a very dark shade of purple like that then I'll take the white text in here I'll make that a light shade of purple maybe something with a little more vibrance that looks good maybe adjust that a little bit and then I want to make this an even lighter shade of purple so let me make this something like that down here I actually know this has to be a medium shade of purple my bad okay so we'll do that okay now we're going to apply to a gradient to this so where it says up here in the fill and stroke menu we're looking for a linear gradient click on that grab the gradient tool which is right here I just like to press G on the keyboard and then take the darker stop and put this towards the top and then take the lighter one and put this towards the bottom and I'm gonna hold ctrl to lock it onto the vertical axis so that we end up with something like that right there now let me go back to the Select tool I want to take this text I'm just gonna make this a little lighter I'm just eyeballing this here I don't like how that looks before so that's looking pretty good right there so that's part one we have the text finished let me click and drag over all of this I want to group it together and press ctrl G on the keyboard I'm going to put this off to the side for now maybe I'll even scale it down like that hold ctrl and scale it down and now we're going to create the emblem so let me grab the actually first let me show you the thumbnail here I'm gonna create this emblem that you see in the background to create that shape I'm actually going to start off with this square so let me show you how that works I'm going to grab this squares and rectangles tool I'm gonna hold ctrl + Shift + click and drag on the cabbage to create a perfectly symmetrical square like that I just want to come up here to where it says make Carter corner sharp make sure that's enabled if you can't click it and it's grayed out that means you're good to go we don't want rounded corners for we're about to do here so it's important to check that and let me convert that to a path by going to path object to path and I'll go to the nodes tool and I want to add some new nodes in here I want to add one right here and add one right there so let me select those nodes click this button up here to the top left that says insert new nodes into selected segments and then come down here do the same thing and then I want to select these two nodes right here the two new ones and up here where it says show transformation handles for selected nodes let's go ahead and turn that on so we can see the transformation because we want to do is we want to hold ctrl down and just hold ctrl and shift actually and just scale them out like that pull them out about that far that's looking pretty good and now I want to take these bottom ones down here and hold ctrl and just scale those down actually let me hold ctrl and shift then I'll hold ctrl and move this up like that that right there is what we're looking for that's sort of it's kind of like a squared shield kind of shape now once you're done making that shape you can go ahead and disable this transformation handle because the next time you go to Newton use the nodes tool that will get in your way if you don't need it so I like to always turn that off when I'm done now let me take this and scale this up a little bit let me take the text actually and I'm gonna raise this to the top and place it over the emblem here let me Center them up on the vertical horizontal-axis like that I'm gonna take just the text and hold ctrl and shift and scale this up like that and I want to take the shield right here and I want to make it the same color as this dark purple down here so I'm gonna grab the dropper which is over here we can just press D on the keyboard there you go and now I want to create these little accent pieces going on the inside of that shield shape so to do that I'm going to create a duplicate of this object I'm going to right click and go to duplicate and I'm going to make this the lighter shade of purple so let me grab the dropper again press D on the keyboard and use this lighter shade as a reference there we go back to the Select tool and now I want to do another offset so let me add a new path effect we're gonna use offset again and I'm going to use the - I'm going to shrink this down like that and what I'm paying attention to here is I want to make sure that the thickness here this the padding between the dark and the light here is pretty much the same or close anyway to the thickness of the wording here I want the I want the padding to be consistent between the shield and the text so you may have to tweak that manually I'm not using exact measurements or anything I'm just going by how it looks on my screen that's good enough so let me go to path object to path and now what I'll do is I'll create a duplicate of this right-click it go to duplicate and I'm just gonna make this a different color for now maybe red bring the opacity down it doesn't matter what color it is let me hold ctrl and shift and scale this down to make it smaller and then I'll go back to the nodes tool up here select these two nodes right here and then turn the transformation handles back on and then hold ctrl and shift and scale these nodes up like that so that they surpass so that they extend beyond the the white via the lighter purple shape there which is what we're going for let me turn those off go back to the Select tool hold shift click on the other shape so we have them both selected and go to path difference and now we want them to be two different colors so I'm going to go to path break apart to break them apart and separate pieces paths break apart and let me click off of that to deselect everything I'm gonna take this one right here and make this the medium shade of purple which is right here so let me grab the dropper again just press D on the keyboard and just click on that and there to give that that same color maybe a little lighter there we go I'll grab the select tool take this text item raise it to the top once again and as you can see we are on our way we just have to now create the controller illustration so let me bring that in here as you can see now now we're going to create the controller the shape of this controller is a very unique shape there's no tool that makes that specific shape and Inkscape so we're gonna manually create it using ellipses so let me move that off the screen we can do now is you can take this and just hold ctrl and shift to scale that down put it off to the side for now may be a good idea to save your work at this point in case Inkscape crashes you don't want to lose all of this that you've been working on so I'm actually gonna do that real quick myself okay so now that I've saved my work let's create the controller now so I'm gonna grab the circles and ellipses tool I'm gonna click and drag to create an ellipse like that and while I'm creating this shape I'm just gonna for now make this black and I'm gonna make sure the opacity is down in half like that because we're gonna be able to see through these shapes I'm going to convert this to a path by going to path object to path and then I'm gonna grab the edit pads by nodes tool and I want to take these two nodes up here and hold ctrl and just scale them up like that not too much maybe up about that much and then I'll take this node and hold ctrl and scale that down a little bit now let me grab this select tool I'm gonna make this a little wider again I'm just eyeballing us it doesn't have to be exactly like what you see on my screen just something there abouts is pretty good I'm gonna click on this so I get the rotation handles I'm gonna hold ctrl to take this little hand on the top right corner and I'm gonna rotate this clockwise one to two steps like that now let me duplicate that by pressing ctrl D I want to flip this horizontally and hold ctrl and move this over here like that and now I want to grab the ellipses tool again and I want to create another ellipse going through the inside here like this make sure that this is oops make sure this is going through to the other side like that that's looking pretty good now I just want to make sure that these three shapes are spaced apart evenly otherwise you'll get a little bit of asymmetry here so let me select all three of those and down here in the align and distribute menu and under the distribute panel you should see something that says make horizontal gaps between objects equal go ahead and click on that and now we can unify this together by going to path Union and we have the beginning of a controller shape but if you notice it's not quite there yet if you notice on the thumbnail here the controller shape dips down like that and then it dips upward like that so to do that we're gonna have to manually create that shape so let me grab the Edit path by nodes tool again and I'm gonna take this note up here I'm gonna click and drag this down actually there's two nodes there's one cigar grab both of those let me undo that with ctrl Z if you end up having two nodes there like I do just click and drag over both of those and combine them together join selected nodes there we go and then hold ctrl and just click and drag them down like that and then just take this handle and make it adjust it so that it's this line right here is going flush with the rest of it don't worry about this side we're actually gonna exclude this side and duplicate this left side let's take this one and do the same thing move this up here like that adjust this handle there we go now what I want to do is hold ctrl and click on that node so that it makes it automatically smooth I want to do the same thing up here hold ctrl click on this node I'm actually gonna bring this up a little more there we go now what I want to do is I want to temporarily turn on snapping where it says enable snapping turn that on and over here where it says we're gonna want this one that says snap to custom nodes and then this one that says snap to smooth nodes and I'm gonna grab the Bezier pen over here or you could press B on the keyboard I'm gonna snap to that middle node that we just created and click and then bring the line straight down to the other node click on that and then finish this shape up going around the outside of the controller here and that the starting point now I want to grab this select tool hold shift click on the controller and go to path difference and now we have half of a controller so what I'm going to do is I'm going to duplicate that right click go to duplicate flip it horizontally and then snap it on to the left side over here so that we end up with this symmetrical shape now let me turn off the snapping now so that it doesn't get in the way for the rest of the way and I want to click and drag over both of those and go to path Union and we now have our controller shape so now it's time to add some buttons and some some simulated lighting effects in here a little bit of shading and some buttons so to do that let's first add these buttons down here grab the circles and ellipses tool hold ctrl and shift create a perfectly round circle put that right there and then I want to duplicate that by pressing ctrl D instead of right-clicking and going to duplicate we're just going to press ctrl D just easier to do that make this red just for now hold ctrl ctrl and shift scale that down and now I want to take both of those and group them together and I want to duplicate that by pressing ctrl D again hold ctrl and click and drag these over here so that we have a copy over here and again we want to make sure that this is centered up on the controller so let's group those together with that group button up there hold shift click on the controller and then again just make sure they're centered up on the vertical axis like that I might even make these a little bigger bring them down a little more okay that looks pretty good now I'm gonna ungroup those actually no there we go this is the ungroup button just you'll have to click it a few times because it's grouped several layers deep so we'll have to do like a deep ungroup on that what we can do now is let's create the D pad over here and the buttons over here so let me grab the squares and rectangles tool zoom back in just create a very simple very simple rectangle like that let me zoom in I'm gonna use this little rounded node at the top right to make this to make the edges of that rounded and then I'll take this note up here and bring that in life like that so that we end up with slightly rounded rectangle a slightly rounded rectangle like that right click that go to duplicate and then we're just gonna rotate that 90 degrees with this button that says rotate selection 90 degrees clockwise there we go I actually don't like how that button how this came out so emotionally to delete that I'm going to grab the nodes tool this is a little too elongated so I'm going to convert this to a path path object to path this is all optional you don't have to do it what i'm doing here i'm just being meticulous at this point i'm gonna take those nodes bring them up a little bit with the arrow keys and i'll do the same thing again control d rotate it 90 degrees and that looks a little better i'll just go with that select both of them go to path Union now let me just scale that down a little bit put that right here now I want to put a little circle behind this but behind this as well if I bring this back in you'll notice there's a circle behind the d-pad and a circle behind the button so let me create a circle control and shift to make a perfectly round circle I'm going to make this it's gonna make this green for now layer this beneath the d-pad with the button up here that says lower selection one step hold shift click on that and just make sure to Center it up on the vertical and horizontal axis like that I'll move this up here I'm gonna make this a little bigger then I'll take this green circle duplicate that by pressing control D and hold ctrl to move this over here and now we can create some buttons so let me create more circles over here ctrl and shift I'll make that red I just want to Center this up make sure it's centered within the circle there take this circle control D to duplicate it bring this one down here shift-click both of them and then group them together ctrl D to duplicate click on it again to get the rotation handles and then hold ctrl and rotate this counter or clockwise rather until you end up with buttons going in all four directions like that and that's what we're looking for so let me hold shift and click on both of those I want to group them together shift-click on the circle and center that up within the circle and the vertical and horizontal axis and what I'm gonna do now is now that we have our buttons in place I want to add I want to add some more details in here so first let me just click and drag over all of this and do a deep on a group let me just make sure everything is ungrouped here and now what I'm going to do is I'm going to let's click and drag over everything let's bring the opacity all the way up like that let's take the controller and make this the medium shade of purple which is over here grab press D on the keyboard to grab the dropper there we go go back to the Select tool I want to make this I want to make these black circles the same shade as well so I'm gonna press D to get the dropper back to the Select tool D for the dropper there we go and now I want to go back to the Select tool I want to take this D pad these joysticks over here and these buttons and make them the same shade as a dark purple here so let me shift click all of that I'm gonna make sure I have all of that selected and then I'll come over here and again D for the dropper and make this the dark shade of purple like that that's what I'm going for it and now back to the select tool let's take this green shape hold shift grab this green shape hold shift grab this circle down here and then this circle down here as well and make this the light shade of purple so once again press D on the keyboard to grab the dropper there we go and now we have that colored in the final part of the controller here is to add these little these little shading these little this little shading effect here so let me take this controller object right here I want to duplicate that by pressing control D I want to make this green or whatever color you want just some kind of contrasting color I want to bring the opacity down like that and once again we're going to use the offset path effect so I'm going to add a new path effect right back to offset over here and where it says offset I'm just gonna use this minus symbol make this a little smaller like that that's what we're looking for now let me finalise that I actually make it a little smaller now let me finalise that by going to path object to path and then let me duplicate this by pressing ctrl D and I'll make this red and I'm just going to move this up up like this I'm gonna hold ctrl and just scale that up a little bit when I'm paying attention to here is the little piece that's extending from little green piece that's extending from underneath the red object here that's gonna make up the lighting effect so I'm gonna go with I'm gonna go with the positioning like that hold shift click on the green object and go to path difference so now I just want to keep this object here I want to get rid of this so let me break them apart by going to path break apart click off of it to deselect everything and just take this and get rid of it I'm gonna take this object bring the opacity all the way up and make this the same color that this is right here so once again we're grabbing the dropper tool press D on the keyboard make that the same color and now I could just duplicate this object ctrl D flip it horizontally and then just place it over here on the other side like that and then finally I'm gonna put one more piece right here so let me duplicate this object again make this green bring the opacity down and come back over here to the path effects menu and add another offset bring this down right about there roughly the same as we did before finalize that by going to path object to path and then I want to duplicate this control D turn this red and then I'm just gonna take this bottom arrow and click and drag that down like this and I'm going to hold ctrl and bring this up here like that and again when I'm paying attention to is right here this little green part that's it's excluded from the rest of it I'm gonna hold shift click on the green object so we haven't both selected and go to path difference and then we can go to path break apart hold shift and click on this little piece right here to deselect it though we only have these two pieces selected then I could press Delete on the keyboard to get rid of them and now I want to take this object bring the opacity up and once again we're grabbing the dropper and making that the same shade so okay so now the controller is finished we have all of our individual objects finished I'm going to click and drag over everything over the controller rather group it together let's bring it over here I'm gonna hold ctrl and shift and scale it down it's time to put everything together now the place that's right over here I'm sizing it up so that it fits within here nicely but then the top parts of the controller are expanding beyond the emblem they're just a little bit not by much but just a little bit and one thing out one more thing I want to do for the controller here if you notice I have a little bit of a I have some padding going around the controller so I want to do that as well I want to add some padding around there first let me Center it up with the idiot with the emblem here I'm gonna hold shift and click on the emblem and just make sure it's centered up on the vertical axis like that now I can click on the controller let's ungroup it click off at the deselect let's take the controller shape right here duplicate that by pressing ctrl D I want to make this the same shade as the dark purple here let me just grab the dropper tool by pressing D make that the same color back to the select tool and now I'm just going to lower this until it goes beneath the controller there so I'm gonna lower it one step at a time until it goes beneath the controller there we go and then we'll add an offset and path effect offset and I'm going to increase this offset and again what I'm paying attention to here is the thickness of this padding making sure it's consistent with the thickness of this padding and this padding over here we want everything to look nice and consistent like it all belongs together nice fluid looking there we go now let me go to path object to path to finalize that and let me just take all of this right here the whole controller with the padding and just group it all together there we go I'm just gonna scale it down a little bit we just double-check make sure I have it centered there we go so we have the design finished for the most part I'm actually gonna make the text a little larger there we go you may have to adjust the sizing based on how your design came out I'm just gonna manually tweak this a little bit the final part now would be to add this yellow outline going around the entire design just to tie everything together so to do that let's take everything let's press control D on the keyboard to duplicate everything and let's do a deep on group click the ungroup button a few times to make sure it's all ungrouped and go to path Union and now I'm gonna make this yellow because it contrasts nicely with the purple there and I want to send this to the bottom where it says lower selection to the bottom and then finally one last time we will add an offset path effect so but by this point I'm sure you're pretty familiar with this path effect we're just gonna add this in manually like that that right there looks pretty good now we can just finalize this by going to path object to path and there you go we are finished with this tutorial there you have your eSports logo design made with Inkscape so if you have any questions leave a comment below and as always thanks for watching [Music] [Music]
Channel: Logos By Nick
Views: 75,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inkscape, inkscape tutorial, esports logo, inkscape esports logo, logos by nick, logosbynick, nick saporito
Id: 9AxIW39TeAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 43sec (1963 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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