How To Design A Logo with Inkscape

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this is Nick with logos by Nick comm and in today's tutorial I'll be demonstrating how you can create this logo design using Inkscape so let me go ahead and open up Inkscape over here just so you know before we get started the font I'll be using in this tutorial is a font you'll have to download and an install before you open up Inkscape its I'll put a link in the description it's called Kirsty it's a free font to download so go ahead and download that open up the font file and just click the button that says install and you'll be good to get started otherwise you could use whatever font you'd like so we'll go ahead get started here I just want to set up our document so that we're all working with this similar view I'm gonna go to file document properties and I want to set the display units to pixels and I want to turn off the visibility of the page border over here then we can close out of that and then I want to go to view make sure you have custom selected we'll go to zoom view zoom zoom in at 1 to 1 then we'll open up the align and distribute menu with this button up here we're gonna want last selected chosen from this drop-down and then we'll open up the Edit objects colors gradients and Stroke menu with that button there and now what we want to do is come up here to the snapping menu we want to make sure we have this icon enabled right here where it says enable snapping yep we want that turned on and then we also want this one turned on over here which says snap nodes pads and handles and then we want this one right here that says snap cusp nodes and then the one right next to it as well snap smooth nodes turn that on as well and once we've done that we're good to get started so what I'm gonna do first is I'm gonna grab the circles and ellipses tool and I'm gonna hold ctrl and shift in the keyboard and click and drag on the campus to create a perfectly round circle like that and what I want to do is I want to take the opacity of that and bring that down roughly in half like that it doesn't have to be exactly in half just somewhere there abouts is good enough and then I'll go to the select tool I'm gonna right click this circle and go to duplicate and then hold ctrl on the keyboard and click and drag this circle over to the right like that now what we're paying attention to here is the overlapping area between these two circles because we're gonna create a shape out of these overlapping areas and use that as the as the the shield sort of designed for the logo so to do that I'm gonna have to create one more copy of this circle so I'm gonna right click that and go to duplicate and I'll take this one and bring this down here like that now if you notice where these three circles intersect that's what you should be paying attention to because that's where our shape is going to be created so I'm gonna move that down to about there I think that looks pretty good and what I want to do now is I just want to make sure that they're all evenly spaced out because if not you're gonna get this lopsided sort of shape that's not symmetrical so I'm gonna click and drag over all three of these circles and I'm gonna come over here to be aligned and distribute menu and over here where it says distribute this should be this button that says make horizontal gaps between objects equal go ahead and click that and it's going to make sure that everything is spaced out evenly and now with all of those selected we can go to path intersection and there's our shape right there so let me hold ctrl and shift and grab one of these arrows right here and just scale this up like that what I want to do now is give this a red outline so I'm gonna hold shift and I'm gonna click on the color red up here to give that an outline and your outline may vary in size but we're gonna fix that by coming over here to the stroke style panel and let me just set that to pixels and for the width I'm gonna change this to I'd say 25 I depending on what screen resolution you're using you may want to use a different size I would just I would just suggest eyeballing it you want to be roughly this thick it doesn't matter if it's a little thinner or a little thicker it doesn't doesn't really matter at all so something like that's pretty good I'm using a 1080p screen right here and a 25 thickness looks pretty good once we've done that I'll get a path stroke to path and then path break apart and that's gonna break that up into two different shapes now we can click off of that to deselect everything I'm gonna take this shape right here in the middle and I'm gonna make that black and I'm gonna take the red shape out here the larger one I'm gonna give that a black outline by holding shift and clicking on the color black over here and now I want to get rid of the fill color get rid of that red in so I just click this X right here to get rid of that fill and I'm gonna take this stroke and I'm gonna bring the size that down a little bit I'm gonna say maybe 20 that right there is what we're looking for that's pretty good I'll go to path stroke to path to finalize that and now what we're gonna do is we're gonna take some text and add it over this so let me click off of that I'm gonna grab the text tool over here and let me come over here move this over to move the page around I'm just pressing down the mouse wheel and moving the mouse I'm gonna click on the canvas to get the cursor blinking and I'm just gonna write in all caps logo design you could write whatever you'd like obviously for the font I'm going to click this letter T up here this icon grab the text editor and look for the font that I'm going to be using called Kirsti I'm just gonna start typing it in there it is click apply like I said at the beginning of the video you can use whichever font you like it doesn't really matter I just think this the style of this font matches the style of this design pretty well now we can close out of that let me grab the Select tool I'm gonna hold ctrl and shift and scale that up and place this over the design right here I'm gonna put position it just a little bit below the halfway point maybe like that and then I'm gonna hold shift and click on the shield and I just want to click on this button right here that says Center on vertical axis and that's gonna make sure that the text is centered up perfectly with the design right there so let me click off of that to deselect everything I'm gonna grab the squares and rectangles tool I'm gonna click and drag to create a square or a rectangle rather going over this text right here now what I want to do is I want to make that red and then I want to get rid of that outline by holding shift and clicking on this little red X down here in the lower left hand corner then I'll go to the Select tool and I'm gonna click this button over here that says lower selection one step go ahead and click that and it's gonna place it beneath the text and then I'll hold shift click on the text and with both of those objects selected I'll Center it up on the vertical and horizontal axis like that and now we can click off with the deselect everything so what I want to do now is click on the red rectangle right there and I want to right click that and go to duplicate and then hold shift and click on this black shape here in the center and go to path difference and then I'll take the other red shape click on that hold shift click on the border path the difference and there we have a hole punched out of that shape to make room for the text so I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna add a little bit of a an accent here to make it look like the text belongs in there so to do that let me grab the squares and rectangles tool I'm gonna hold ctrl + shift on the keyboard and click and drag to create a perfectly symmetrical square like that just be careful when you're creating it you don't end up with a rectangle or a for a vertical or horizontal rectangle you want a perfectly symmetrical square and come up here to where this button is right here make corner sharp make sure you can click that make sure it's grayed out if it's not grayed out go ahead and click that we don't want rounded corners on this design and then I'll go to path object to path and what I'm gonna do now is gonna grab the select tool I'm gonna click on this square again so we get the rotation handles and I'm gonna hold ctrl I'm gonna take this top right corner I'm gonna take this handle while holding ctrl I'm gonna click and drag this clockwise one two three three steps clockwise like that so that the corners are going perfectly horizontal and vertical and what I'll do is I'll grab the edit pads by nodes tool click and drag over this node down here and then just press Delete on the keyboard to get rid of that and what I'll do now is I'll take this handle and snap that to that node and I'll take this handle and snap that to that node and I'll go back to the Select tool and I'm just gonna click take this top arrow and just click and drag this down like that and I'm gonna take this shape right here and I'm just gonna click and drag to snap it to that side right there and if I click off you'll see where it's it should snap to the corner like that I need to zoom in and out I'm just holding ctrl and rolling up and down the mouse wheel now let me make this a little bigger you stretch that out I'll make this a little shorter like that and then actually a little bit smaller and what I want to do now is just make sure it's centered up on the so I'm gonna hold shift and click on the shape and then just click the button that says Center on the vertical axis like that and we can click off it to deselect everything now what I want to do is make one more copy this so I want to right click I just click on that and then right click it and go to duplicate and then I'll flip that vertically with the button that says flip selected objects vertically and I'll just take this one and snap this down here like that and then I'll hold shift click on the shape Center it up on the vertical axis again like that and now we can click off deselect everything so what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna take this red shape and then hold shift and click this red shape and then right-click it and go to duplicate and then I'll go to path Union and then I'll turn that green and then I'm gonna hold shift in the keyboard and click the color green again so that it creates an outline around the shape otherwise known as a stroke now I want the thickness of this outline to match the thickness of this gap between the border and the shape here or close enough so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna come over to the stroke style tab and I'm just gonna change that to maybe 20 I think 20 looks good right there once we've done that I'll go to path stroke to path path break apart and then path Union and then I'll hold shift on the keyboard and click on this shape here in the center and then go to path difference and if you notice our design is starting to take shape so what I'm gonna do now is let me press 1 on the keyboard to zoom back out to a hundred percent I'm gonna click and drag over all of this I'm gonna bring the opacity all the way up to 100% and I'm going to make this all black like that now the final thing to do with this design it actually looks pretty good as it is right now but as you saw that I did in the thumbnail and added a few stars in there so I'm gonna add a couple of stars in there or three rather you could put whatever you want in there or if you want you could even leave it blank so let me show you how to do the stars in case that's what you'd like to do I'll come over here the stars and polygons tool from this toolbar up here will one star selected not polygon corners we want five-spoke ratio we want that to be 0.375 rounded and randomized both set to zero and once we have those parameters set I'm just gonna click and drag on the canvas to create a star and I'm gonna hold ctrl on the keyboard and I'm gonna click and drag I'm gonna move the mouse up like that to make sure that the star is sitting straight up like that it because otherwise if you move in a different direction it's gonna go in different directions we don't need that we want this going straight up like that and once we've done that I'm gonna get rid of that outline by holding shift and clicking on that red X down there I'll go to the select tool let me just make this red for now so I can see it up against his background and I'm gonna hold ctrl and shift and just scale it down like that and I'm gonna zoom in on this so I can see it better again to zoom we're just holding ctrl and rolling up the mouse wheel put this right about there I'll make that white hold shift click on the shape and just Center it up on the vertical axis like that and then I'll just take this I'm gonna right click this and go to duplicate and put this one over here and then then I'm gonna hold ctrl and shift and scale it down just to make it a little smaller like that that's pretty good then I'll right-click that and go to duplicate hold ctrl click and drag this one over to the right and then I'll hold shift click on the other star so that we have these two smaller ones selected and then I'll go to path Union and then hold shift click on the the shape here on the inside and then just make sure it's centered up on the vertical axis like that let me click off of it to deselect everything I'm gonna take this star I'll hold shift click on the other groups of stars right there and unify them both together by going to path Union and then hold shift and click on this black shape here in the middle and go to path difference now let me click off of that to deselect everything I'm gonna press 1 on the keyboard to zoom back out to a hundred percent and as you can see you can click and drag over all of this and you can see our logo is completed and you can now edit this you can make this red you can make it blue you can make it uh you could leave it black you could do whatever you'd like with it so that's how you can go about creating this simple logo design using Inkscape if you haven't done so already please consider joining the logos by nic mailing list in order to receive email alerts whenever new tutorials are posted your information won't be sold to or shared with anyone else and you'll never receive any kind of spam or promotional emails from me whatsoever the only time you're going to receive emails from me is when a new tutorial is posted and you'll get to watch it on the logos by nic website without any third-party advertisements interrupting your learning experience so go ahead and check the link in the description if you're interested in that if you have any questions let me know and as always thanks for watching [Music] [Music]
Channel: Logos By Nick
Views: 165,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inkscape, inkscape tutorial, inkscape logo design tutorial, how to design a logo with inkscape, logos by nick, logosbynick, nick saporito
Id: cESqiwJcJ6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 10 2018
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