Create A Comic Logo with Inkscape

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this is Nick with logos by Nick comm and in today's tutorial I'll be demonstrating how you can create this comic book style logo using Inkscape and if you'd like to learn more about how Inkscape works be sure to check out the Inkscape master class which is a comprehensive collection of over 50 videos where I go over every single tool and function in Inkscape and I explain what it is and demonstrate how it works I'll put a link in the description of the video if you're interested in checking that out so let's go ahead and get started here in Inkscape the first thing we want to do is just set up our documents so that we're all working with a similar view I'm gonna come up here to where it says view and make sure you have custom selected and then go to zoom go to view zoom and make sure you are zoomed in at 1 to 1 like that and now what I want to do is open up the align and distribute menu with this button over here we're gonna want to make sure we have last selected chosen from that drop-down and then I'm gonna open up the Edit objects colors gradients and Stroke menu with that button right there and now that we have that open we're all set up we're good to get started I'm gonna create a circle first so I want to come over here to the circles and ellipses tool we're creating the halftone pattern for the background first so I'm gonna hold ctrl and shift and click and drag on the canvas to create a perfectly round circle like that and then I'm gonna convert it to a path by going to path object to path and we just want to make sure this is black if it's if yours didn't come out black you could just choose the colors down here like that I'm gonna choose black for here and then I want to come over here to where it says blur and I want to bring the blur up like that now the percentage you should use probably won't be the same as mine it depends on the size of the circle you're using so I would just eyeball it something we want to end up with something that looks sort of like that right there I think that's pretty good and now what we can do is we can come over here to the Select tool and where we have width and height or W and H just make sure you have this lock icon turned on so that it locks the proportions there and I'm gonna double click on this number right here or click 3 times and it just hit ctrl C to copy whatever that value is because I'm now gonna create a square let's come over here to the squares and rectangles tool I'm going to convert that to a path first one's gonna make sure it has sharp corners and then I'm going to convert that to a path by going to path object to path and then I will come up here I'll grab the select tool or you know what what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take this circle I'm gonna right-click that circle and go to copy and then I will grab this square right here and I will go to edit paste size oh if I could find that there it is paste size and paste size and it's gonna make that square the same size that that circle is and I want to make that white I want to make that square white and I want to lower that one selection so that it goes beneath the circle so I come up here where it says lower selection one step click on that and then I want to click and drag over both of these right here so that they have them both selected and I'll come over here to where it says a line I'm gonna align it on the vertical axis and on the set on the horizontal axis like that and what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna change the width and the height of this right here wherever it is where it says like 391 I'm going to change this to a nice round a number like 400 and I'll hit enter so that we end up with 400 like that and I'm gonna click off of that to deselect everything and now I'm going to create another circle so I'm gonna come over here to the circles and ellipses tool I'm gonna set the color to black and you'll notice the color changes up here in the top right corner as I select the color I'm gonna change it to black I'm gonna hold ctrl and shift and create a nice little a nice round perfectly round circle like that really small about that about that size then I'll go to path object to path I'm gonna grab the Select tool I'm gonna hold shift and click on this circle here so that we have them both selected and I'm going to click on this button that says align top edges and I'll come over here to where it says align left edges so what I'm going to do now is I'm gonna click off of the canvas to deselect everything and now I'm gonna select just this circle right here I'll go to edit we're looking for clone and create tiled clones now in this tiled clones menu I'm gonna come over here to where it says trace I'm gonna pick on the trace tab and make sure you have this selected right here trace the drawing trace the drawing under the clones slash sprayed items we want to trace by color we want to have these two values both set to zero and over here where it says apply the value to the clones we the only things we want selected our size and color and then down here we want to choose than height and we want to set the width and height to whatever this size was that we previously said so I set mine to 400 I'm gonna set this to 400 by 400 and then I'm gonna go ahead and click create and you might want to give it a minute or two to process because this is pretty CPU intensive so my mind generated pretty quickly as you can see here we have our halftone pattern what I have to do now is close out of this menu and I want to get rid of that blurred circle in the background first that you want to get rid of the white square we don't need that anymore I'm gonna press Delete on the keyboard to get rid of that and then I'm gonna zoom in on this area right here by holding ctrl and rolling up the mouse wheel now I want to click on that black circle down there that blurred circle but without clicking on the little circles instead so to do that what I would do is I would just click on one of these little circles right here and then hold alt and click on it again and then it will select the bigger blurred circle in the background and then we could press Delete on the keyboard to get rid of that and by the way to zoom in and out you could just hold ctrl and roll up and down the mouse wheel like that and to move the page around you can just press down the mouse-wheel and move the mouse so now we have our halftone pattern I want to make this a little different though I want these circles to be running into each other a little bit so I'm gonna click on this circle right here and I'm gonna hold ctrl and shift and scale it up just a tiny bit maybe you like that and if you notice here whatever you do to this circle happens to these circles here because these are all linked clones to this circle here so if I were to change that to red it would change the rest of those to red so let me just undo that said I want that to be red I'd rather that be black I'll put this over here just so it's off to the side and I just wanna click and drag over all of these little circles right here and I just want to group them together with this button that says group selected objects or you could press ctrl-g so I'm gonna put this off to the side for now we're gonna create the star pattern that goes over the top of this next so I want to come over here to the stars and polygons tool and over here up in the toolbar I want to have stars selected rather than polygons I want to have eight corners spoke ratio and zero point seven zero zero and rounded and randomized both set to zero so if you don't have those values set go ahead and type those in now you probably don't have them by default I have them preset because I was just making this design previously so now that I have it set I'm gonna hold ctrl + Shift + click and drag on the canvas to create our star our star shape like that we want to make it we want to make it so that the points are going perfectly vertical up and down like that if you notice here these two points are going up and down like that and once we've done that I'm gonna convert that to a path by going to path object to path I'm gonna make this I'm gonna use a I'm gonna use a pink color like that you can use whatever color you'd like it's pretty irrelevant here and then I want to go to the edit pads by nodes tool which is over here and I want to click and drag over this node right here this inner node if you notice going around the perimeter of this design we have inner nodes and outer nodes I want to select all of the inner nodes like that so I'm gonna hold shift and click and drag to select that other one as well hold shift click and drag this one click and drag this one this one this one this one and this one and again I'm holding shift the entire time I do this so that I can select all of these nodes and once I've done that I have those selected I want to click on this button up here this is make selective nodes Auto smooth and that's gonna make them smooth like that and then finally I want to click on this button over here that says make selected nodes symmetric so what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna zoom in on this node right here again by holding ctrl and now rolling up the mouse wheel I want to click on just this node so I have just that one selected and hold ctrl and just pull these handles out a little bit so that that curve going in there that dip is a little more smooth and I'm gonna do the same thing over here I'm gonna click on all of these and just make those curves a little more smooth and fluid in there so that they look a little more natural because as they are right now they don't look they look alright but they don't look as good as I would like so I'm gonna take this and again we're holding ctrl while we do this so that it locks it on to this axis onto the axis that it's currently on I get this one over here like that and then finally I'll get this one right here now I'm gonna press 1 on the keyboard to zoom back out to a hundred percent and I'm gonna take this I'm gonna take this object I'm gonna right-click it and go to duplicate and I'm gonna make I'm gonna put this over here on top of the halftone pattern and make that black and then I'll take this object right here I want to raise this to the top by pressing the button that says race selected race selection to the top and then hold shift and click on the black star and just Center it up on the vertical and horizontal axis like that and click off of it to deselect everything and now I'm going to take just this pink star right here and hold ctrl and shift and scale that down a little bit like that so that it looks like the black one beneath that is sort of like a back shadow and I'm actually gonna click and drag over both of those objects and I'm just going to scale them up a little bit just to fit the size of the halftone patterns a little better like that so the next step is to create the text that goes on top of this so I'm gonna grab the text tool over here I'm gonna click on the canvas and just for the sake of this tutorial I'm gonna right Wow with an X book exclamation point and I'm going to change the font of this by clicking on this button up here that says view and select font family it's a little T icon or you can just press control shift + T and we're gonna get our little font menu up here and the font I'm going to use here is you can use whatever font you'd like really but I think for this design what really works best is something like kaamika axis so I'm gonna choose that if you don't have this font installed I'll put a link to that in the description of the video click apply and there we go we have our chemica axis font I'm gonna grab the Select tool now and I'm gonna hold ctrl + shift and scale this up like that we want this to be pretty big so we can see it we're gonna be working with this a little bit I'm just gonna make this font a different color for now I'm gonna make it I'm gonna make it green and then I'll go to path object to path and then I'll click on this button up here that says ungroup selected objects and what I want to do now is click off of it to deselect everything and I want to hold controlled ctrl and click and drag these letters away from each other like that we want them to be pretty separated and again I'm holding ctrl so that it locks it onto the horizontal axis so that we don't go accidentally off into space like that and they're no longer aligned so what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna click and drag over all of these I'm gonna right-click them and go to duplicate I'm going to make them black and then I'm going to click the button that says lower selection to the bottom and it's going to put them beneath the green letters and I want to give them a black outline by holding shift and clicking on the color black down here and depending on what your presets are you'll notice a very thin outline coming around the edges there I want to make that bigger so I want to come over here the stroke style tab make sure we have this set to pixels and I just want to try something like maybe five to see how that looks okay it looks a little thicker but not thick enough I'm gonna try maybe fifteen that looks a little better I think I'll go with that and over here where it says join I just want to make sure we have a rounded join like that and what I will do next is I want to click off that's deselect everything I'm gonna take this green letter right here make sure you have the green one selected and not the black one selected you'll know you have the green one selected when you see down here in this little stripe it shows you the color of the object you have selected so I have that selected I want to turn that white I want to take this one turn that white there we go take this one turn that white and then take that one and turn that white as well and what I'm going to do now is I'm going to click and drag over both of these exclamation point items and just raise that to the top with this button this is race election to the top and hold control and just click and drag it over to the left like this so that it's slightly overlapping the letter W same thing I'm going to click and drag over all of these objects now I'm gonna raise them to the top hold ctrl click and drag them over here so that they're slightly overlapping the letter O do the same thing select all of these objects raise them to the top hold ctrl and hold ctrl and just click and drag this over to the left so that these letters are all sort of overlapping each other like that so what I'm going to do next is I'm going to click off of that to deselect everything I'm gonna click and drag over everything I'm going to group it together with the button that says group selected objects and then I want to right-click it and go to duplicate and I want to turn the whole thing black by just clicking on the color black like that and I just want to move this down into the left slightly just to offset a little bit and I'm gonna come over here where it says lower selection one step click on that so that it lowers it beneath the word there so it kind of looks like a little bit of a little bit of like a blocky 3d sort of effect like that I think right there looks pretty good finally I'm gonna click and drag over the entire thing I'm gonna group it together make sure we have a raise to the top and I'm just gonna place this over here on top of our design I'm gonna hold ctrl and shift and scale it down so that it fits nicely one thing you'll want to do before you scale it up here where it says when scaling objects scale the stroke width by the same proportion make sure you have that turned on because if you don't have that turned on the the size of the outline is going to change as you scale it like watch what happens here as I make it bigger the outline or you know what I got to turn it back off as I scale this up the outline gets smaller so if I turn this on it locks the outline to scale in the same proportion as the the text item here so I'm gonna put this over the top I'm just gonna scale this down like that I'm gonna place that there I'm gonna click on begin to get the rotation handles I'm going to take the rotation handle right here this little corner arrow and just rotate that around to give it a little bit of a slant like that and there you go we have completed our logo design so that is how you can go about creating a comic style logo with Inkscape if you have any questions let me know and as always thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Logos By Nick
Views: 85,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inkscape, inkscape logo, comic logo, comic logo inkscape, logos by nick, logosbynick, nick saporito
Id: x2Ow0BNKNnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2019
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