Inkscape Tutorial: Sports Team Logo (Hockey)

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this is Nick with logos by Nick comm and in today's tutorial I'll be demonstrating how you can create this sports team logo using Inkscape and in this particular tutorial the example I'll be using is hockey as you can see here and the fonts I'll be using for this tutorial is called Yukari mobile so I'll have a link to that in the description if you don't already have that font installed go ahead and install that font before opening up Inkscape and then we'll be good to go and at any point in this tutorial you could look down at the bottom left-hand side of my screen to see which mouse clicks and keystrokes I'm using so will minimize this and we'll get to work here the first thing we'll do in Inkscape is set the view to custom make sure that's set to custom and then we'll zoom in and 100% then we'll open up our align and distribute menu with this button right here make sure you have last selected chosen from that drop-down and then we'll open up our edit objects colors gradients and Stroke menu so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to write out our text so we're going to grab the text tool over here on the left and just click on the canvas and I'm just going to write hockey just for this tutorial and we'll go to our text editor up here and we'll find that font that we installed ukari mobile hit apply close out of that and then we can go to our select tool up top here and I'm going to hold ctrl and shift on the keyboard and click and drag one of these corner arrows to scale this thing up and what I'm going to do is with this is I'm going to take the opacity and drop this down about in half and then I'm going to change this from a text object to a vector path because as you can see here now Inkscape is recognizing this as a text object to see the little cursor blinking up there what we're going to do is we're going to convert this to a path by going to path object to path and then ungroup it with this button right here and it's going to ungroup those letters into individual little pads which will allow us to manipulate it further and apply different effects and then I'll go to path Union with all of those selected paths Union and it's can combine that into one object and what I'm going to do with this wording is I'm going to tilt this a little bit I'm going to click this a second time to get the rotation handles and I'm going to grab this side handle over here on the right and just click and drag that up a little bit to give that a little bit of a tilt maybe about that much and then click off of the graphic to deselect it and now I'm going to give this a little bit of perspective to make it look like it's bigger over here and gets smaller towards the end of the word we're to do that by grabbing the bezzie a pen or you can just click beyond the keyboard just press B on the keyboard to get that and I'm going to start this box that I'm going to draw down here I'm going to click down here I'm going to bring this line up to about here and then click and I'm going to bring this line over to the right maybe about here at about where the e is and then click and I'll bring this down to the right a little bit to about here click and then I'll connect it back to the starting point just like that and let's go back to the Select tool let's pull this thing out of the way I'll put it down here and with this selected I'm going to select this first and then hold shift and click on that box and go to extension modify path perspective and it took the word and gave it a little bit of perspective and I'm just going to take this arrow and pull this bring this in a little bit I don't quite like how wide the letters were maybe we'll do something like that that's pretty good and we'll take this box click on that and just press Delete on the keyboard we're done with that let's take this and bring the opacity of that all the way up and let's make this white and then we'll right-click that and go to duplicate and we'll make that duplicated copy almost black it's the next one over from black it's a very very dark grey ninety percent gray we'll click on that and we'll lower that beneath the white copy by pressing this button up here that says lower selection one step and then we're going to give that a black outline by holding shift in the keyboard and clicking on that same color that 90% gray and it's going to put a little bit of an outline we want that outline to be a lot bigger so let's come over to the stroke style tab and let's try out a 12-point stroke hit 12:00 hit enter we want that a little bigger than that maybe 15 still want that bigger let's try 25 okay what we want we want this thing to be so thick enough so that it closes in all these gaps in the middle here previously when it was a 10 you see there's a lot of gaps between the letters and this gap right here and between the legs of the H we don't want that we want that to be closed in and even with 15 it fills in a lot of this but you still got this right here so you take that up to 25 and there you have it and you can see right here there's a little bit of a glitch right here this corner got knocked out so what I'm going to do is I'm gonna give this a rounded cap and see if that does it yeah that works pretty well I just give that a rounded cap and that should fix that problem and then I'm going to duplicate that we'll go to edit duplicate and I'm going to come down here to the color picker and give that a nice shade of blue or whatever color you'd like and give that make that blue let's come over to the fill tab and we'll come over to the fill tab and under the HSL tab whatever RGBA that is we're going to click and drag over that right-click and go to copy and we'll go to the stroke paint tab and we'll give the outline or otherwise known as the stroke that same shades will erase that and paste that in there control V and then we can lower this to the bottom and we're going to make this stroke even bigger so let's try 35 and see how that looks I'll go a little bigger than that let's try maybe 40 now you know what I think I think 35 looks better yeah like that that's pretty good and once we've done that let's click on this white the white word that says hockey and let's come back come back to the color picker and we'll give that a shade of gray maybe 20% gray and then I'm going to right-click this and do go to duplicate and then grab the bezzie a pen over here or you could just press B on the keyboard and I'm going to start this line on the outside here and click out here and bring that line straight through the center of the word right there like that click and then just finish this line up going around the outside of the graphic snap it back to the starting point then we go to our select tool and I'm going to hold shift in the keyboard and click on the gray hockey word and go to path intersection and then turn that white and then you'll see what that did a give it came it gave a sort of comment like a little bit of a reflection so we press one on the keyboard to zoom back out let's click and drag over all of this and group it together and put this off to the side for now now we're going to go ahead and create an oval so let's click off of that deselect it and we'll come over to our circles and ellipses tool and click on that and I'm just going to click and drag to create an oval maybe about that size and let's make this that same shade of dark grey that we used before the 90% gray and let's get rid of that blue outline by holding shift and clicking on the X and we'll go back to the Select tool and the width and height of this say that's pretty good like that about 436 by 233 somewhere in that range you can go for 30 by 230 or even 400 by 200 that's that's pretty good and I'm going to right click that and go to duplicate and I'm going to turn that blue I mean red and take the opacity of that and drop that down about in half and I'm going to hold ctrl and shift and scale this in about that much and then I'm going to right click that and go to duplicate and I'll turn that blue and then I'll right-click and duplicate again and turn that green and I'm going to hold ctrl on the keyboard and click and drag click and drag this bottom left arrow out to about here and then I'll hold ctrl and grab this top arrow and scale that out to about there I'm actually gonna stack in a little bit we're looking at the blue shape underneath the green shape here this the the the blue shape that's sticking out that's going to be the shape that we create so we want this thing to be not so long that it goes around the entire oval we don't want it like that you see the blue is going all the way around we want to leave this thing relatively small I'd say like that should be pretty good and then we could hold shift in the keyboard and click on that blue shape and go to path difference and then I'm going to right click that blue shape go to duplicate and I'll flip that vertically and horizontally and hold shift in the keyboard and click on this red shape and I'm going to align the top edges and then align the right edges and it's going to put it there like that so what we could do now is click off of the graphic to deselect everything let's click on this red oval and press Delete on the keyboard we're done with that and then let's click on this blue shape and then hold shift and click on that other blue shape and bring the opacity all the way up I'm going to press 1 on the keyboard to zoom back out and I'm going to we're going to make these blue shapes the same shade of blue that this outline is so let's zoom in over this right here I'm going to hold ctrl and roll upwards on the mouse wheel and we're going to grab our dropper tool if you don't see this icon on your screen just press f7 on the keyboard to get the dropper tool I'm just going to click and drag a little circle in there to make that the same shade and then we can press 1 on the keyboard to zoom back out we go back to our select tool and then I'm just going to pan the page over you can press down on the mouse wheel and move the mouse around to pan the page around and there we have our two shapes so let's click off of it to deselect everything and click on just this one blue shape right here and then we'll right-click that and go to duplicate I'm going to turn that white and I'm going to go to path inset and that's going to make that a little smaller as you can see here and I'm going to do that again actually path inset and that's pretty good and I'll take this and I'm going to put this right here by this blue shape and I'm going to click that a second time to get the rotation handles and I'm just going to rotate this around a little bit maybe about that much and we want these points to be near each other we don't want them connecting to each other like that we want them to be near each other like that we want the white in the blue shapes to be closer at these points and further away at these points and once you have it set up like that we can right click on that go to duplicate and we'll flip this vertically and horizontally and then we'll just go ahead and put this one up here sort of to like emulate what we did with the one on the bottom we click off that to deselect everything I'm going to press 1 on the keyboard to zoom back out and then I'm going to click and drag over this entire thing and I'm going to group it together and I'm going to click it a second time to get the rotation handles and I'm going to hold ctrl and grab one of these corner arrows and just click and drag this up one step so it's a little tilted like that and then I'm going to take this and bring this over to our word over here and I'm going to lower that beneath the word by pressing this button lower selection to the bottom we'll put this over here and we can just pretty much arrange how this should be positioned I'm actually going to hold ctrl and shift and scale this in a little bit to make this a little smaller we want to make sure that these two points right here are visible we don't want them hiding beneath beneath the word because we're going to use these two points as a place to put the puck that we're going to draw next so you know what that's okay that's pretty good like that so let's click off of that to deselect everything and then let's draw a little hockey puck so what we're going to do is we're going to grab our create circles and ellipses tool and we're going to click and drag to create an oval let's turn this red and bring the opacity down about in half and we'll go back to our Select tool I'm going to make this thing about this wide in this high it's about 450 by 145 that's a pretty you can go for 50 by 150 that's a pretty good shape in size so once we do that I'm going to right click this and go to duplicate and I'll turn this green and I'll hold ctrl on the keyboard and just click and drag this copy down to about here and then I'll grab the bezzie a pen click on the tool or you could just press B on the keyboard to get the Bezier pen and we're going to turn on our snap two pads up here and I'm going to snap the cursor on to the far left edge of this green oval and click and then hold ctrl on the keyboard and bring that line straight up until it snaps onto the edge of the red shape and then click and while still holding ctrl bring that line all the way to the right click still holding ctrl bring this line all the way down here until it snaps and then click and then we collect go of control and just bring this line back around to the starting point and then we can go to our select tool and then we could hold shift and click on the green oval and go to path Union so it's all one shape like that and I'm going to take this red object and I'm going to right click that and go to duplicate and hold shift in the keyboard and click on the green shape and go to path difference and then I'm going to take this red oval I'm going to duplicate that again right-click duplicate and I'm going to turn this copy blue and hold ctrl and shift in the keyboard and scale this in maybe about that much and then I take this green shape and I'm going to right click that and go to duplicate and I'm going to turn that blue and I'm going to give this an inset as well I'm going to go to path insect and that's going to make it a little smaller I'm actually going to do that a few more times to make it a little smaller but instead of clicking on the menu over and over we can use the keyboard shortcut which you can see here is control and the parentheses sign but control nine work so I'm sure do control nine one two and maybe one more time a third time and that's that's it that's pretty good and then we could right click on that and go to duplicate and turn that red and let's come up here and turn off our snap the paths and turn on our snap to cusp nodes and with this red objects selected I'm going to click it a second time to get the rotation handles and when we do that a little crosshair is going to appear in the middle and what I'm going to do with that crosshair I'm just going to take and click and drag that on to that corner right there until it snaps what that crosshair is that's the axis on which the object will rotate so if that crosshair is in the center and I rotate this around it's going to rotate relative to the center now if I take this crosshair and put it at the corner it's going to rotate relative to where the corner they're where they were the crosshair is so once that's in the corner I'm just going to take this but this bottom left rotation handle and roll all rotate this down a little bit about that much and then I'm going to click this again to get back to the scaling handles and I'm going to hold ctrl and I'm just going to click and drag this arrow until it scales out a little bit until this red corner exceeds the blue shape so before I did that you can see this the red corner is within that shape we don't want that we want this thing to be outside of that shape like that and once you get there I'll hold shift in the keyboard and click on that blue shape and go to path difference and you see what that did we created that little shape right there and then I'm going to right-click this and go to duplicate and hold ctrl in the keyboard and just click and drag this down to about here and then I'll right-click that and duplicate it again hold ctrl bring that down to about there and then hold shift and click on those other two blue shapes so we have all three of these little blue crescent shape selected and we're going to space them out evenly by going to the the distribute panel and the button that says make vertical gaps between objects equal you can go ahead and click on that and then go to path Union and then I'm going to hold shift in the keyboard and click on the green shape and make sure that is centered on the horizontal axis and then we can click off of the graphic to deselect everything and we'll click on the red oval and then hold shift and click on the green shape and go to path Union and then we can click on this blue shape and then hold shift and click on that blue shape so we have them both selected and go to path Union and I'm going to bring the opacity all the way up I'm going to make that white and then I'm going to click on this red shape right here I'm going to bring the opacity all the way up and I'm going to make that the same shade of dark gray that we've been using the entire time then ninety percent gray and then I'm going to go to path linked offset and I'm going to make that offset copy the same color of blue that we used over here is so what we're going to do is press f7 on the keyboard to get the dropper and then just go ahead and click on a blue portion right there to make that the same shape and then we can go to the edit path by nodes tool and we'll see this little node right here we can just take this and pull this out pull that out about that much and then go to path object to path and that will finalize it at that size so once we've done that we can go back to the Select tool let's turn off our snap to custom nodes and let's click and drag over the entire pup graphic that we just created and group that together and I'm going to hold ctrl and shift on the keyboard and just click and drag to scale this in scale that down about that much let's come back over here and put this on our graphic I'm just going to hold ctrl and scale is a little more still a little too big and then I'm going to click this a second time to get the rotation handles and I'm going to hold ctrl on the keyboard and just click and drag this around until it looks like it's going in the direction that these lines are going we wanted to make it look like this puck is being sent out by these lines right here and I'm actually going to make this a little smaller it's still a little too big and I'd say that right there is pretty pretty good maybe I'll bring this down a little bit you know what maybe I'll make that bigger again yeah like that that's pretty good and basically what I was trying to do is make this blue area stick out from the black area right there so just to give it a little bit of shape to the overall design and let's press 1 on the keyboard to zoom back out we're almost done we have one more step and that would be to tie this entire design together by giving the entire thing an outline so let's click on there a little word right here and let's ungroup that and then click off of the graphic deselect everything and let's click on this blue shape right there and we're going to we're going to duplicate that by going to edit duplicate you don't want to right-click that because it's not going to right click on that shape it's going to right-click on one of these objects that are layered above it we'll go to edit duplicate and I'm going to make this white and then I'm going to hold shift in the keyboard and click on the white key to make that outline white and what I'm going to do next is I actually skip this step let's click off of that to deselect everything and let's grab our our rectangles tool we're going to want to put a backdrop behind this entire graphic so we can see how the white outline appears while we're creating it so let's just click and drag and create a rectangle and let's make this just make this red for now let's get rid of that white outline by holding shift and clicking on the X and we go back to our select tool and we can send that to the bottom with this button right here and then let's take this white wording and we're going to have to make the outline a little bigger in order for it to appear behind the entire graphic so let's go to the stroke style tab and let's make this a little bit bigger than whatever ever number you have there at about five or 10 - and see how it look so I'm going to write in 14 hit enter and then I'm going to take this and send this to the bottom with this button right here and then I'm going to raise it one step with this button right here raise that one step so it's up behind it's it's above the red backdrop and as you can see here the outlines a little thin now I want it a little thicker than that so let's try 45 and see how that looks alright that's pretty good we could leave that how it is and then let's click on this oval graphic here in the middle right here and let's ungroup that you just click the young group button and then click then click off of it to deselect everything and then we click on our pup graphic and ungroup that as well with this button click off of that to deselect everything and let's click just this black oval right here in the background we'll right click that and go to duplicate and we're going to turn that green for now just so we could see it and let's zoom in on this right here I'm just going to hold ctrl and roll up on the mouse wheel to zoom in we're going to grab this blue shape we're going to right click that and go to duplicate and press one on the keyboard to zoom back out and then we're going to hold shift and click on that green oval and unify it together by going to path Union and I'm going to turn that white and I'm going to give this a white outline as well by holding shift and clicking on the color white and the stroke style let me start out with about 20 then we'll send this to the back lower selection to the bottom and then raise it one step so it's above the the red backdrop and that we want this this white outline to be consistent with the other white outline we use and we can see here it's a little too thick so let me try let me try 15 to see how that looks alright I'd say that's pretty good then I can press 1 on the keyboard to zoom back out it looks like we already are and then you can take this backdrop and we can turn this black or gray or whatever you want and that's pretty much it we have finished our logo we can click and drag over the entire thing and group it together with this button right here and as you can see we finished our we've finished our hockey logo I'm going to right click that and go to duplicate and put this over here to see that you can't see the white outline on the on a white background so that's why I like to put it on a darker background so you can see that white line white outline so that's pretty much how you could do that in Inkscape if you have any questions let me know otherwise thank you again for watching
Channel: Logos By Nick
Views: 53,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inkscape, learn inkscape, inkscape tutorial, inkscape logo, inkscape logo design tutorial, inkscape for beginners
Id: 9t84ruLFZXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 22sec (1342 seconds)
Published: Tue May 03 2016
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