Live Inkscape for Beginners Class (March 2020)

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good evening hope everyone can see and hear me okay so I'm watching the chat so if you guys can hear me okay and I don't have any echos or anything let me know I have a new computer so this is a brand new setup with the streaming application and everything and always concerned about echoes and whether or not the mic is picking up twice and all that good stuff so if you guys can let me know how things look and sound would be much appreciated try to go live a couple minutes early to give us time to work out any little kinks we might have with the setup so all right good good good so glad you can hear me and see me okay so here in a couple of minutes we've started and we will be doing kind of an impromptu Inkscape class tonight I am sick of hearing about the corona virus and thought why don't we get everyone on the line and see what we can do see if we can teach a few things tonight and kill some time that way and give it a raise mind off of all the panic that's going on out there so while we wait for everyone to get joined in here look like we got about 90 people on now hopefully we'll have a couple hundred in this class and be able to get through this pretty effectively so I'll tell you like I said I have a brand new computer I just set it up set it up yesterday and have installed my applications and my fonts and don't know if I missed anything so if I have a few hiccups bear with me during the tutorial but I think we'll be okay to get through this so where's everyone at tonight of course I'm in Louisville Kentucky I don't have Molly here with me this evening she's upstairs with her mother hanging out taking it easy Puerto Rico you know I've never been to Puerto Rico that's somewhere out I think I'd like to visit sometime we were just down in Antigua or Antigua as they say it down in the Caribbean but I would love to visit Puerto Rico sometime Pittsburgh I've been to Pittsburgh you know Allentown Redding Florida all over the country or North Carolina Ohio highest primettes close so I'm surprised you can even get on the screen so I wa Canada Michigan LA South Carolina Massachusetts Wow all over the country and beyond so very good up to 125 people we'll get started here in just a minute and what I will tell you if you've ever attended any of my classes either online or in person before is that I do not really set an agenda and it like a script and follow the you know anything to teach I start at the top left and work my way to the bottom right and I kind of do it on the fly and what I tell people especially when I'm in class in person I tell folks if you brought a legal pad and you're going to right now in steps 1 through 10 or whatever to do any particular function you probably should pack up and leave because that's not the way I teach I like to teach the way you know I just have a little bit of a different style of teaching I like to teach you how and why you use certain things and then teach you how to use them so that you you have to understand the fundamentals of what things do in order to use them properly so yeah I have Inkscape loaded up here I'm going to switch over to my desktop real quick and hopefully you'll be able to see this ok nice and clear and now like I said hopefully we won't run into any hiccups here and you know I think a lot of people set on their laptops and pull this for YouTube up on their Smart TVs and everything these days so we're using iPad to watch wildlife while they're working on their their laptop I did make a nice big red cursor here so you can see it on the screen hopefully a little bit better and we'll start going through some things in Inkscape and we will like I said work away from the top left to the bottom right kind of fashion and talk about different features and why you would use different features and I will tell you Inkscape is a very powerful program it does a lot and it will do a lot more than what you even will ever use it for in crafting so you know the when it comes to the the all the different features that can be used that we really only touch the surface of it in crafting so a couple people said I was frozen so all I did was switch to my desktop hmmm let's see what's happening here it is giving me a message let me see if I can make us an adjustment here on the stream settings stream output variable bitrate it's asking for a faster bit rate but I don't see well here we go let's see here let's see if that straightens it up any okay a lot of people were saying it's good so I made a little change there we'll see if it straightens out and gets a little smoother matter of fact while I'm talking I'm gonna switch back over to my desktop real quick and just see if it was something with the desktop session that created that so you know Inkscape has a lot of features and we're going to talk about the features that I use and how I use them okay and they can be you know very confusing I guess to some folks if you don't understand what and how and why you do sort of things what I'll tell you is that I have a playlist on my channel cut learning Inkscape it has eight videos in it currently and it is set up so that you have two videos which you start with which are kind of boring there me talking and then the next six videos are challenges and these challenges walk you through using all the fundamental tools so some people are saying that left and came back and all is good again is my desktop getting clear are you able to see that good and clearly if you could let me know that whatever he did it's blurry now so I am on my desktop and while we work that out bear with me just a few minutes here I'm just watching the chat there's a little delay between when I'm talking to the time I see your chats so you know there's several seconds there so bear with me as we work this out if it's blurry refresh your browser and see if it comes back and clear again also there's a little gear on your video at the that you change the quality and make sure it's set to the highest quality so let me pull it up here on my screen and see if I can show you where that is located [Music] so hopefully it's not gonna create any echo here but down here this little gear where you can set your quality set it up to at least 720 perfectly 1080 and that will probably take care of your blurry issues anyway okay very good all right seems like most people are saying everything is clear and if they're not you can refresh or go out come I can and you're you're good again so I am using Inkscape version 0.91 this is the version I've been using for the past few years and it is stable it doesn't tend to create any major problems for me and it you know there are newer versions there's point nine to four I think and then if you're on a Mac and you're using Catalina the the newest version of the operating systems then I would you have to use version 1.0 beta or above to using escape the older versions of Mac required X courts so just keep that in mind a lot of people don't understand the importance of installing from that link I posted that says how to install with Inkscape on Windows and Mac and they'll install either the newest version on Windows or they will search for it in the Windows Play Store not the Play Store but the Windows Store the Windows app store or whatever it's called and they'll install it from there and then they can't find some of the functions and things like that so you know I really recommend running the version that I'm using here all right so what we're going to do I'll give you the quick rundown Desktop here and we'll get started so on the left-hand side down the left you see a toolbar here with several tools on it and we're going to talk about which ones are those tools that we will be using and then of course across the top your file menus are your regular menus and then there are there's a button row right below those menus that changes depending on which tool we're using so keep that in mind and then at the bottom we have a color bar where we can choose different colors for objects and then at the very bottom we have a couple settings here that are kind of handy the opacity and the lock and the layer visibility we don't really work with layers much it's more objects in Inkscape in as it relates to design space Cricut design space objects are the same thing as a layer in InDesign space but the opacity is here and then over on the right hand side there's a couple couple toolbars but the first toolbar here on the left side of those two columns is your typical for example if you've been around Windows for a long time you used to have the file menu and then under it would be a row of button it's like if you were in Microsoft Word it would be like new print save open and that that's kind of like this toolbar here and the next two are is is relevant to some nodes and different things the only button we really have to pay attention to here is this top one and this is the enable and disable snapping button and what that does is when you get close to an object it'll jump to it and so sometimes when you're working with some things like offsets it'll say cusp to node I think it's what it says but it's basically snapping is turned on and you want to turn that off so what we'll do first we'll talk about the tools down the left hand side and the very first tool is your selector tool this cursor and the black cursor button and you will hear me repeatedly say go back to your selector tool and it's very important that you use your selector tool anytime you use different after you do certain tools so if you insert an object and then you want to do something with it you need to go back to your selector tool before you make adjustments or do various things with it the next tool is your node tool and if you've been around you know design for a little bit you've probably heard me talk about nodes and paths so when you're creating a any kind of an image or an object or anything and Inkscape in design space and silhouette studio whatever it is the machines are you know they're cut they're CNC machines and see and see most commonly most people see CNC routers and salsa like carpenters and cabinetry makers and everything you use CNC Sol's and routers they throw a sheet of plywood onto a big flatbed they use a computer design it and the computer will operate the Sol and and you know cut everything very accurately and then sew nodes and paths are what's used for the path your blade will follow so as you cut things like vinyl and heat transfer vinyl or if you're writing with a pen or if you're engraving or whatever you're doing as your mat moves forward and backwards in the head and the machine moves left and right it's following paths and and it's kind of like a just like a a path you would drive your car on or walk on you know it follows that and the nodes are what I kind of defined is intersections so when I Pat when an item comes to it it's moving along a path and it comes to a node it has to make a decision am I going to turn a left right am i right turn I'm over a curve am I gonna go straight ahead or whatever and if you have too many nodes that can be a problem because there there can be way too many unnecessary nodes that can cause problems with your cuts in the old days of design space if you used cricut design space more than a couple of years ago it was designed in shockwave flash in too many nodes was a serious problem for it so the next button down the little tweek objects by sculpting or painting we don't use that tool at all and then you have the magnifying glass it's there I don't really use it and I'll show you why the shortcuts you know show you why in just a little bit there are shortcuts that allow you to zoom in and out there is a measuring tool I don't use this a whole lot sometimes to do actually the most I've ever used the measuring tool was when I used ink skate to do like floorplan layouts for our warehouse so I wanted to try to make things to scale but I rarely use the measurement tool itself because once you design what you're doing once you put it in your cutter software as an SVG file then I use the measurements in there to adjust things next is the rectangle tool so just like in your other design software with your cutter you can insert squares and rectangles we do not use the 3d boxes next is the circle and ellipse tool and we can insert circles and we're going to go back and use all these so bear with me as I just cover them and talk about what each of them are the next is the stars and polygons tool and then we have spirals and don't really use that tool very rarely well I draw a freehand line the Bezier tool is another neat tool that I do use sometimes and I'll show you examples of how we can use that a little bit later too I do not use the color graphic tool I do use the text tool of course that we can insert text on our screen and edit and create text curved text all those good things I do not use the spray paint tool the erase tool I use it very rarely but you know we do use that sometimes it's it's you know not a heavily used tool but it has its uses the paint bucket tool feel bounded areas this is something I do use quite frequently and I do not you do not use gradients because an SVG file can't really have a gradient because you're cutting material and we're doing with it there is a pic colours tool and we will be using that and then there is a create diagram so I don't really create diagrams with this tool so over what we'll do first is we will insert a shape and we will start using this these tools and working with them and so first thing I'm gonna do is insert a square and I'm just gonna freehand draw a square or a rectangle it is not going to be perfect it is not as you can see if I go back to my selector tool there's that go back to your selector tool and as I drew that if you see up here it is in you know four hundred and ten pixels by five hundred forty two pixels and my measurement is set on pixels and if I choose this I can change it to different measurement types I can put it in inches so it is now six inches by five point four inches and while I'm on this let me go over here this is something I normally do cover first forgot about this under file and document properties this is a couple things I like to do now I like to set my default units to inches and then I set my units down here on the custom size to pixels I do have a video on my channel about sizing properly images in designing scape for design space actually I haven't tested this in the newest version of design space but it did have some sizing issues and if you didn't have this set on pixels when you would import your image it would come in like five hundred inches by five hundred inches or something crazy and here this measurement here is your page border so explaining the page border in some earlier videos I turned this off because it used to annoy me and you you really need to have this on when you save your mhm I failed to mention that in some of my older videos but if you don't have a page or document border when you save your SVG file you won't be able to yeah thumbnail preview of it it'll still work okay but it will not show you a thumbnail on a hard drive when you're viewing them and one of the things you can do the easiest thing to do actually here I like to do this for size of references to set that to inches and set it twelve by twelve and you see my page border went to a square and then I can set up back to pixels and here's the little thing that a lot of people really like I really think this is a must is to click on the background color right now the background colors transparent so it's white and if I'm gonna work with anything that's white it's gonna be really hard to see it on my screen and so under this button if I go to the wheel and I click inside these this wheel I can drag this around and adjust the color and so I like to adjust it to a gray color and so I see a question in the chat where those settings remain or you have to do it every time you open it so unless you save over your default SVG file these settings will reset when you open it back up actually I'm gonna make a video on how to do that I'm not gonna do that here because it takes too long to get through it and when I do a live class I'll walk everything through everyone through this and believe it or not it takes like the first 15 or 20 minutes of the class and it's the hardest part of the entire class because you have to get it on the hard drive you find it and it's different for different versions and everything but I will make a video on how to save that overtop of it and if you could find your default SVG file and your Inkscape install folder that's what you have to do so some people are pretty technical and they can find that alright so we're back to our design canvas and of course we have a scroll bar here so I'll move that over and when I click on an object you see that I get the sizing arrows so I can either grab it by the corner or I can grab it by the side and adjust the size of the object and if I grow it by the corner I can go size or height at the same time if I click the object a second time I get rotate arrows so I can rotate arrows around and rotate an object around in circles you will hear me speak frequently have shortcuts I am a huge advocate of learning keyboard shortcuts so you saw after I rotated that I jumped back right where it was really quickly ctrl Z as in zebra is your undo button and that's true most of these shortcuts are true in most Windows programs so if you learn your shortcuts you will spend less time going to your mouse and trying to figure out how to right click and find things then if you simply use your keyboard shortcuts like cut copy and paste is control C control X and control V so a lot of these shortcuts you will want to learn so yeah that default SVG file it's in the Inkscape folder it's different on Windows systems from Mac systems and it's also different if you're using 32-bit versus 64-bit version of Inkscape get that question a lot on which one to use for most crafters just install the 32-bit version on Windows it doesn't matter for what you're doing in most cases that that you know that you don't have to have the 64-bit version like I said that link I posted don't if they install it describes all out so when we're clicking on an object if I go to the node menu you'll notice I have these little things on the corners okay and I have them on three corners but not the fourth corner that's because this is an object and it's not a path yet so in order for every anything to go into design space or any other program for a machine to cut it it has to be a path and the way we make things a path is with the objects or objects selectively we go to path object to path and now you see since I'm on my node editor I have a different node on each corner that is the same our excuse me we have a note on each corner that's the same they're not different any longer and if I click on these nodes I can drag it around and I can change the shape and if I choose like right here in the middle to double click while I'm on my node editor keep in mind what tool you're working with if I double click it that's another node and I can further change the shape so give everyone just a second catch up there so so far we've talked about the selector tool and the node editor and we've created an object and turned it into a path and there are different types of nodes okay I tell people don't ask me what they're called because I don't even know I just keep going till I find the right node that I need to use and if I hold the ctrl key on my keyboard and I left click on a node you see how when I hover over that it turns red and matter of fact I'm gonna zoom in here real close that you can see it and if I hold control when I left click on it it changes the type of node that I have and you see that it puts these little handles that are extended out from each side and it also curved the the path instead of it being a short corner like it was before and if I grab one of these handles I can swivel it around and I can change the shape with it if I hold ctrl and I click the node again it changes the types of nodes that are available and oops let me go back to that okay and as far as you know someone says their version is different and they're lost as far as the things I've done so far everything should be pretty much the same I mean these are basic functions so there shouldn't be too much difference in what you're seeing here no matter what version you have okay and we can continue to you know if we wanted to we could insert more nodes in here and make more adjustments and curve these lines and what you want to be careful of is when especially when we get to the point where we're tracing objects like if we bring in like a JPEG or a PNG file we want to trace it if the image is not high enough resolution you'll end up with a ton of nodes which is a bad thing okay so let's zoom back out here and show you a couple of keyboard shortcuts your plus and minus key at the top of your keyboard typically I use the ones at the top the number key seems to work just fine too but the plus and minus keys zoom in and out in steps so if you press - it seems out if you press plus zooms in the other table cut I like to use it's the number three key and if you're selected on an object and hit the number three key it seems full screen to that one object you're selected on so plus and minus and three are the are the zoom in and out keys that I tend to use a lot so we're talking about nodes talking about making custom shapes and adjusting the curves and everything it's important to remember when you're working with an SVG file and you save it as an SVG file that it's not really an image file files like JPEGs PNG s being Peas and all that but they're called raster images and those types of files when you adjust the size of them larger or smaller it can affect the quality of them an SVG or an exf those are vector images that it doesn't really affect the quality no matter what you do to it if you were to save this as an SVG file and then open it in something like notepad you'll see it's a bunch of text it's basically codes that are mathematical equations that show where all the paths are how steep the arcs and angles are and all this things that's why you can adjust them without affecting the quality okay so now of course we have the magnifying glass I don't think I need to tell you show you what that does you can draw a box and zoom in and out right over a an object and what we'll do is we will now insert a circle and I'm gonna zoom out a little bit and when you're inserting any shape any new shape when you hold your ctrl shift key if you don't hold any keys and you draw it's gonna come out as a you know whatever subjective shape that you draw your mouse to so I'm drawing an ellipse okay if I hold ctrl shift and I drag my mouse from top left to bottom right at a 5 45 degree angle it will make a perfectly symmetrical shape so there's a circle and if I go to a square when I do that it will make a perfect square now now I have two shapes here now the difference is this one is a path this one is an object I just drew this one so in order to make this one a path we get a path object to path and if I go to my node editor you will see now that I have nodes evenly spaced all the way around it you would think it would them being a circle we would need to have nodes all the way around it but with the basic shapes and then it can have the minimum number of nodes that are available there I'm trying bear with me on the chat I'm trying to keep up with that so if other folks can so if if you click on the document properties it doesn't bring up anything sometimes it gets docked somewhere and I've had a problem with that once before where I wouldn't try to open it it wouldn't absolutely know open anywhere on my screen and I couldn't find it and I ended up having to uninstall it and reinstall it to get it back it was really really bizarre keeping - Cape is a free open-source program so even though it is one of the best free open source programs I've ever seen that does still have some little bugs and adhering there so we go back to our selector tool and just like in our other programs we have basically layers we can work with where things are in front of one another only this time we're we don't use this from the layer panel these are objects remember and if I want to send this down I can say lower where I can say for you know bring the front lower to bottom all those things as far as manipulating out the position of different shapes now if I insert the next shape down is the octagon and star and again when I click on a tool over here you'll notice there are different tools up here on the top toolbar and I'm going to insert a star and I'll make this kind of big so we can see it here on the screen and if you notice my star is it's symmetrical but it's not like what I would call a perfect star in other words this point to this point isn't perfect okay and that's because of the settings you can increase and decrease the angle of your spokes on your star so if I click here and excuse me that's the X Y we go back to my star tool here I can control how many corners I have so if I wanted to make this a multi pointed star or the spoke ratio is a setting where you can define how sharp your spokes are so if I go to a point four zero that gives us a perfect star again if I choose more whoops didn't mean to draw an extra one there so now we have some different shapes on our screen with three different colors so hopefully everybody's following me okay on this so just another example of when you have a tool selected your tools across the top will change depending on what you're using so if I go to a circle you have different settings here this brings up an interesting point I want to show you something Inkscape has inevitably what I call ghosts in the machine and I would not normally say this if I didn't experience it myself in other words when when you change certain settings in Inkscape it will usually remember the last setting you had it on so if you turn on fill or stroke or something like that which we'll show you in a little bit typically when you go back into it it's going to have that same setting set there have been many instances where people have asked me about this and I have experienced that many times myself so I know it happens on its own where you use things you closing scape you open it back up and you're setting us totally different and it doesn't react right and it doesn't do what you expect it to do and so for example when you're making a circle up here there is a start and an end and typically basically it's zero to zero so it starts at zero because all the way around and ends at zero so if I were to tell it to end here when I draw this I'm going to get a pie so it started at zero it ended at 21 now if I run this up more I can draw a circle and a lot of times this is what happens people will draw a circle and they'll get a pacman shape and that's because their start and end isn't it zero so keep things like that in mind sometimes people will draw shapes and it will show that to show them on the screen as you know that there's a shape there and they'll see this little - - box around it but they can't see anything and that's because phil has gotten turned off somehow whether they did it or Inkscape did it on its own so that my star has a black outline because body fault on mine stroke was turned on so that's actually a good lead-in to the next topic so we're talking about a shape here that's filled with yellow and it has a black outline around it and if I hit control shift f as in fill her f as in Frank control shift and then F it will open my fill and Stroke panel fill is the color that is filled in the object and Stroke is the outline that's around it now I'm normally like these shapes let's see if stroke is on and I think it is but you just can't see it because it's a darker color stroke is the outline that's around it and if I turn stroke off you'll see that go away and I'll do the same thing here by clicking that little X and now I don't have stroke turned on so you don't see the outline fill if I turn fill off that's what I'm talking about you can see that there's a shape there but you can't see the shape itself because it is not filled and if I select it and I turn fill back on whoops probably should have left it selected and turn it back on and it comes back on not came back on it's a different color which is fine I can just go to my color bar and change the color back down here the other things to watch for you can have fill turned on and if opacity has turned down all the way like opacity is zero which is basically transparency or how opaque it is then it will be totally transparent so you notice that fill is turned on but we have no opacity and if I grab that and turn it back up then it comes back I'll show you the last one that will cause this sinking in here on the RGB panel you know RGB is grid green blue that's the three colors that make up colors on your monitor and if any guys can remember the old CRT televisions if you got real close to them and looked at them with a magnifying glass you could see a red and green and a blue dot that made up the picture so down here is alpha and this is basically the amount of fill so sometimes alpha goes to zero and you see fill is turned on past he's turned up all the way but alpha is at zero so we can't see anything so you have to be aware of those tools and how to use those and go back to stroke for a second I'll turn on stroke so you can see that outline and if I go to stroke style I can increase the thickness of that line now this stroke line is not what you may think it is you may normally think this would be an outline to cut and that is like an offset and is not the same so don't think you can use well I guess you could use it for that but you don't really want to use it for that and I'll show you how to do it out set a little bit later on okay now I'll show you briefly what the Bezier tool does I'm gonna get rid of a couple of these shapes here make these a little bit smaller so the Bezier tool allows you to kind of draw and make your own paths and points so if I take the Bezier tool when I click I can make shapes and go around and click and then join it back up to the last you know back to the point where I started and then if I were to change this to a path and go to the node editor I can then begin to do some things with this and do like a wireframe shape and make my own shapes with it this is a little bit of an advanced tool but gives you an idea of what you could do with this okay and this actually gives us a good little lead-in to the I'll jump down here to the Paint Bucket real quick just because I have this on my screen it makes it easy to show you if I go to the paint bucket tool and up here at the top you see it's set on yellow this is a bounded area meaning is a totally enclosed border and if I click there it will fill that area and if I go back to my selector tool you see I can pull that out it's a different shape it kind of looks like a potato or something but kind of get the idea of what you can do with that fill tool now what are the things I'm going to show you is that fill the fill bucket is not an exact tool and you have to be able to get past that so if i zoom in real close and look at this edge you'll see that the yellow doesn't go all the way to the very edge when I'm selected on the fill tool I can say grow or shrink by a certain amount that even if you grow it or shrink it it doesn't feel exactly you know the way that it should it is good for creating shapes and and you know duplicating a shape or something like that but it is not an exact tool and if you watch my Hello Kitty video on tracing an image you'll see how you get around that most of the time with that type of an image when you're tracing it alright so next tool down the text tool so let me get rid of this and we will insert some text now I'm gonna insert Troi tube here now before we started it start this I will warn you this is what happens in a lot of classes people insert text they quit paying attention they start making changes and start make choosing their own fancy fonts and everything and then they get lost so my advice is to follow along don't make changes and choices that take your attention away from what I'm doing because you get lost and you can't catch back up again okay so be very careful what we're doing here and pay attention now as it sets I have inserted a word just like InDesign space or in silhouette studio or anything else as its basic form this is a font if I double click on it I can put my cursor in there and I can change letters I can highlight it I could change a font if I wanted to and choose a different font and do whatever I want to do with it if I wanted to change the spelling or put a space in there I could okay it's an editable font still the problem with this is that I usually see people will do this they'll save their SVG file they'll try to import it into the cutter software and nothing comes in it comes in blank the reason is it's not a path this is a font everything has to be a path I can't stress that enough the two things you hear me say over and over again is it has to be a path and go back to your selector tool probably the two most common things I'll say when i teaching escape so how do we get it that way the same way we get a path object to path however there's more steps to it with fonts now that we've converted it to a path this is actually a set of grouped objects and so if I go to object ungroup you see that it separated them and I'll zoom in a little bit you see they they are all separate letters now now I have not clicked anything so everything has stayed selected let me close this so we have eight letters that are now objects they're not fonts I can't change these I can't edit them anymore they are a path and since they're all selected I can go back to path and go to Union and now it is all one object and if I go to my node editor and I click on it you see all the nodes selected okay now earlier I mentioned that so let's recap that real quick let me go backwards I'm gonna hit ctrl Z a few times here and there are four so there are basically four steps to creating text that you can put into design space or any other cutter software as a path number one you have to type your text that's the first step the second step is you have to turn it into a path the third step you have to ungroup it the fourth step is you have to go to path Union Union is like weld in design space so it's a permanent action it makes it all one object so hopefully you were able to keep with that the four steps again type your text number to turn it into a path number three ungroup at number four Union up now earlier I mentioned how important it is to know your shortcuts okay and I'm going to show you why now I know you can't see me so you're just gonna have to trust me telling you what I'm doing here okay so this is text you see I can put my cursor in there now I know my shortcuts in order to do the other three steps okay so I want you to watch carefully and I'm gonna show you how quickly using keyboard shortcuts I can get this ready to save us an SVG file all right ready go that fast I did all three steps in like two seconds so ctrl shift C was path object to path control shift G is ungroup ctrl plus is Union okay so that is apply it's so important to learn your keyboard shortcuts because you can be so much more productive with those all right everybody is so quiet now either have you really captivated her off put you to sleep I see Rhonda Moberly has joined us Rhonda I was gonna message you but I didn't know if you'd be available to help me out here so thank you for joining in so Rhonda has an excellent YouTube video channel with videos on Inkscape - she's one of our moderators in our group and she helps us out a lot so thank you for joining us Rhonda appreciate that more than you know so I can not pay as much attention to this chat now all right so now the eraser tool I will show you briefly this is why I don't really use it because it's it's not I just don't think it's that great of a tool but there are some cases where it makes it a little bit easier to use and so the eraser tool has two modes one is if you touch anything with it it just deletes it okay so if you draw a line through an object like this any object you touch with that line it's just going to delete it so all your shortcuts are on your menus generally so under path if you look at object to path control shifts see is right there object ungroup is control shift G so just look at your menus and look at the shortcuts that are right there on the screen on the menu beside the commands okay so back to the eraser tool the other mode is that it will erase you know like slice three things so if I do this and you mean notice at the top left there says with ten sets set on 10 pixels when I do that it slices through it with a 10 pixel wide line so if I wanted to make that let's say 100 pixels I can do that problem is you don't have real precise control but I guess you there's there's ways that you can use that if you maybe got a little creative with I just don't use it very often but some people do and of course the fill bucket like I said can you use be used to fill bounded areas and so again even though said the example I used earlier was that bezzie eight who I drew like a wireframe line and that was an impounded area now any of these objects is actually a brown deter a bounded area too so this circle is a bounded area this is a bounded area the center of this Oh actually the o itself is a bounded area what's not a bounded area would be like this this part inside to you so it's there's an opening there it's not completely closed okay and so if I click on that shape you see that I in a way duplicated it but it's not exact like I said that exact that that paint bucket tool is not an exact tool and if I were to zoom in let me get my magnifying glass here if i zoom in you see that it is not an exact tool so there's a little bit of variance there now what if I did want to just make another copy of an object or a shape or anything of course you can copy-paste see you can control C and control V or edit copy edit paste you can also hit control D is and duplicate and it'll make an exact duplicate of something now so control D is a real handy way just like in an you know it there's so many of these commands that you already know I've been using other software like silhouette studio or created the sound space you they just call them different things so you have to learn what the similar commands are so control D for duplicate and then in design space there is actually a just a duplicate button so you click on a layer hit duplicate and boom you've got a copy paste all in one command the eyedropper tool is the last one over here we'll talk about is used to make an exact color of something so if I want to click the eyedropper and actually if I want to select an object first and then I click the eyedropper and then I click the other object it will make it exactly the same color so it's kind of like that color sink panel and design space over there on the right you can click it and drag things from one layer to another and it'll make them the exact same colors all right so how's everybody doing it looks like dar is having a really good time tonight with it and like it's seen a couple of people say they were lost well you really have to go back through and watch this and do it at your own pace and like I said that learn inks for anybody that's getting lost that learn Inkscape playlist I have might be the ideal thing for you because you can do that at your own pace it's set up in like short videos that are all roughly about 10 minutes long I think and challenges that I take you through how to use each of these different tools and functions in little bits at a time so it can make it really different everybody learns a different way so it's important to understand that you know whether you learn it this way best if you learn it by the challenges best you whew you know Rhonda and then and some other folks out there have some wonderful videos and other people have different styles of teaching and different styles of learning okay so keep that in mind so don't give up on it I mean it's just another software tool in your toolbox that that you can learn all right so now we're going to talk about some some tools that are up at the top in the menus and most of the things that we work with are in this path menu as far as the different tools and we've already talked about object to path and there is a stroke to path so we'll come back to that in a little bit and we'll come back to trace bitmap as well I don't use trace pixel art at all so we'll come back to these two and but what we're going to talk about now are the functions below that start with Union yeah the bikes have different keys I'm working on Windows so keep that in mind if you might have to figure out what you need and you probably Google that too to find out what the Mac equivalent keys are so Union is a weld type function that's what they call it in design space so if I were to put these two objects over one over the other and overlap them and I go to path Union it will make them one object so if I were to cut this in design space it would cut all the way around the outside of it and that's it and even if they weren't touching if I did path Union it still makes them one object they're just two separate paths now that aren't join if that makes sense difference so and I know people get tired of hear me say like design space but look most of my audience is design space and Cricut the Cricut user base is a lot larger and people who are using silhouette studio generally do these kind of things in the silhouette studio software so I like to relate these commands to design space commands difference in the design space you have a slice function and it is it does like four different things all at once okay and what it will do when you overlap one object over the other it will slice it but then you'll end up with four different objects and you can pick and choose which one you have all in the one place and what we do let's say if I put this over top of this one it's important to note just like slice in design space you need two objects no more no less and nothing grouped or anything with whatever you're trying to do this function with so we're going to overlap the two and we've selected both objects and we go to path difference and what it does is it takes the top object and slices away the bottom object and removes it so I'll do that again two objects I selected both path difference and if you under it and again I'm going back quickly by pressing ctrl Z season 0 that's the undo the next one is intersection so if we do intersection it leaves the overlapping part and removes the other parts okay so we'll do that again one object overlapping the other path intersection now we have both overlapped and we do path exclusion and this removes only the part that was overlapping and I'm gonna stop right here for a second I'm going to show you where there's a good use case for this because I actually love this function I'm gonna move these parts over here and let's see here let me go I'm gonna go download a file here if you didn't know we have SVG design files on our website and we have a lot of free ones too so if we go to the free downloads and I go to the awareness section and I'm going to download this awareness ribbon and I'm gonna put that over here in design space now and we'll make it pink just for aesthetic purposes here how do I select to ABBA's you just draw a box around them with your mouse or you can hold either shift or control Kim or which one but let's see your control and that's shift so if you hold shift you can select those or you can just draw a box around them like that with your mouse - a little bit harder if you have a touchpad or really really really recommend a mouse when you're doing this so back to this ribbon here you know one of the things we used to get a lot of requests for back when Tammy and I were making crafts and selling them were awareness ribbons and decals and different things and what we would this is one of the effects I would do I would take a name like this and I would overlap at over a ribbon this is a really cool effect so so I want you to just really just pay attention here okay I don't want you going out trying to download this ribbon file and trying to do this live on the on demand here I'm just showing a case use or a use case I guess I said that backwards um for how you would use that particular command and if I were to put that over top of that and I get a path exclusion whoops sorry I probably forgot to ungroup some things their path exclusion and you see that it kind of does a reverse cut out of the name now I didn't really take time to position that second little itty-bitty pieces there but if I was doing that for real I would have scaled that a little better and position it a little better but you could cut that out of vaanil and make a decal out of it without you know and have it all one color it's very legible makes just a nice little effect I mean a lot of things with decals and tumblers and things by doing that effect so that was the path exclusion command all right so let's go back to these shapes and we'll look at take a look at the last one here and that is path division and what that did was it took away the one on top it sliced out the one on the bottom but it left both pieces and if you have done this in design space actually I have a design space open here I can show you that real quick if I insert a circle and a square and then I slice it it does all four of those in one command in design space so if you think about that these four commands I did difference intersection exclusion and division kind of all did the exact same thing but it's all in one command in in design space itself all right so so far we've talked about the object to path command union which is like weld then the four commands which are like sliced difference intersection exclusion and division okay I don't use cut path I don't even know what the heck it's used for we'll go back go down to combine and break apart so let's do this with combine it's probably that it's a kind of a tough one in silhouettes to do they actually have command called combine paths and it's the same function so I'm going to duplicate this circle here and I'm gonna make it a little bit smaller let's change colors so that we can see it and I'm gonna put it over top of it now here's a good time for me to show you the align panel so if I hit control shift a is in a line it will bring up the yellow line and distribute panel and I can with both objects selected say Center this way and center this way and now the two circles are perfectly centered and if I select both of them there's a couple of different ways I can make this into like a donut or maybe that coffee ring type layout one we've just covered I can do path difference and that would slice it out now remember these are paths so the outside of this circle is a path the outside of this circle is a path the color of the objects is it were a totally irrelevant really it's just for what looks how it looks on your screen because once you put it in your machine the color is going to be dependent on the material you put in to cut with it okay and if I select both of these and I go to path combined it actually kind of does the same thing where it combines the two paths and now I have a path out here and I have a path inside of here if I move it over here you see it's transparent you can see my document border behind it so it's there's multiple white ways to do kind of the same things so and hopefully I'm just taking a peek at the chat here real quick hopefully doors gotten back in in there are you seeing the screen okay I don't see anyone else saying that how many problems with that so hopefully we're able to load up and refresh and get back in and let's not be doing too bad I got 219 people online watching right now so hopefully that is beneficial to everybody that's in here right now I'm very pleased with how smoothly streaming is gone so far I have to tell you that this has been much better experience than when I tried a couple years ago when we use this program path combined yes a compound paths it's that's the kind of the same thing so if you use sorts to do compound paths or combine paths or are pretty much the same thing now that leads me into the next command which is break apart and if I select that object and I hit break apart look what happened I broke the two paths apart so we combine paths said we can kind of join paths and combine them together we can also break them apart yeah let's talk about there's two commands coming up here next there's inset and outset and and then there's linked offset okay I'm going to show you a linked offset first and then we'll go back and look at inset an outset so I'm putting insert the word for YouTube again and I'm going to just change the font to something a little bit thicker I think I have probably impact installed so impact font is a nice thick font where I tell you what we'll use milkshake milkshakes a great free font for personal use from Laura Worthington Laura Worthington is the creator of the Samantha font that beautiful font everybody loves these has all the swirls and everything yes break apart is different from ungrouping so ungrouping only on groups and grouped objects if in and grouped objects do not become one they're just kind of joined together for the purposes of resizing and moving them around and I should point out it's important that you don't have anything grouped when you save your SVG file because it will group them all together once when you save it if you group things and then you save it it will grab groupings inside of groupings and when you upload it to design space at least on the web version I haven't tried it on the new version it got really wonky so it's the best practice to not group before you saved so Glenda's asking is this now going to cut the inner and outer path yeah so when I had that that doughnut shape on the screen it would cut the outside and then cut the inside I hope that answers your question there I don't have a translation sheet maybe I should do that I mean that's kind of a that's a good idea see if we can put something together like that a lot of people ask me to write a book on a escape and man it is hard to find time to write a book it is so much easier to make videos I might do that at some point or make some kind of a guide or something that's a tough thing to to find time to do or our business has grown so fast and then and I tell you here lately if you've been paying attention I'm really just now getting back into doing videos and getting things and their controls so break apart my best example for break apart would be to go watch after we get on here go watch the Hello Kitty file the video on how to trace Hello Kitty I'll show you exactly of what you would use that break apart for it's a very very handy feature so I have I'll tell you that just doesn't look right for a very good name so I won't put my wife's name up here it looks a lot better than Troy Tube does in that font tami join me for a little bit on my live video last night love and she's on my videos we just got back from vacation the other day this font is milkshake so if you search milkshake font you will find it it is a free for a personal use font from Laura Worthington if you want to know about it using that whole Samantha font go watch my video on using Samantha font the only difference though is and that needs version of the design space you have to use control-v is and victor to paste you can't right click and paste yet in there so I have already made this into a path so if I select my no data tree you can see that it's a path again to do this you have to have it as a path a lot of people just search Troi tube Hello Kitty or Troy Troy Tube trace probably you'll find that out under my Inkscape how to playlist to see that so a lot of people ask how do you do it off set on a font then they said well how do you do it on an image well it's the same thing because this is really an object anyway this is no longer a font I've changed it to a path so you follow the exact same things okay and so with this selected I'm gonna go to path linked offset and you'll see that it at this one little node up the top now sometimes this is like over in the middle or something somewhere I'm not sure how it chooses where to put that node I think it might be like the topmost point of the object or something but what I'm going to do is grab that with my cursor and just drag it out and you notice it makes it all fat so you can't really see it as well but what it's done is it actually created a layer behind the object and if I were to go down here and select a color it will change the color of that lower layer so if I do this I can drag that off so you can see that I'm going to show you another good example here of how to use break apart - this is another good and so now we have the name and we have the offset layer underneath of it now here's the thing this this is where a lot of people make a mistake they will then save this as an SVG uploaded and they only get the name they don't get the lower offset layer the reason is you guessed it's not a path so until I go path object to path its that object is not a path okay so now if I go to my node editor I can see that both of these layers are paths now here is our case for break apart this is a real simple one you just have one hole here sometimes you do this depending on your letters you might have a bunch of holes and things in your letters and you want to get rid of them all at once I could select this and go path break apart and then path Union and it makes it all solid so imagine if you have several letters with a bunch of different cutouts and the centers and everything that you want to do that then you would be able to break apart in Union that in one step there are two steps I guess real easy do that again please okay so we'll go back so we have this again this is a path okay you always want to be working on a paths when you're doing these things so with this selected path break apart now I'm not clicking anything this is some of the important parts you don't click anything because you already have it all selected you see this part this part this part these are all separate objects that are all selected so I'll haven't clicked anything I did path break apart and then I'm gonna go path Union and now it's all one piece yes dar you have to object to path object to path go back to your selector tool those are the two things I'll say all the time repeatedly over and over again yes it is easier to pulse with a remote than to use the mouse yeah Ronda is exactly right a lot of times people don't convert the text either so both ways it is a everything has to be a path if you save an SVG file and you bring it into design space or anything else and something's missing chances are you didn't make it a path so Betty says you can't get the first part are you talking about the doing the actual offset Betty is that what you're missing if that's the case we'll go back I'll do this whole thing one more time this is something a lot of people like to see over and over again so it doesn't bother me to do this again because this is a one of the most desired features people have out there and that is the offset layer again I've created the name and I've already turned it into a path ungrouped and union two so this is all one object okay and it'll be the same thing if you were working with any kind of a shape that's a path you cannot set it to default back to the selector tool because that would be annoying to a lot of people because a lot of people don't want to go back to the selector tool so you have to go back to that and select it you only mess that up a few times and struggle with it before you really start to learn and remember to go back to that so okay I got you Betty well dude we'll do this again again I've created the name I have gone object to path I have ungrouped it and I have Union so this is a one object path and then okay so you want to see after I typed her name okay so let's go all the way back then let's just go all the way back start over we'll do it all again and get everybody on the same page here and so I've typed her name I'm gonna change the font I don't think anybody don't have any problem doing this part of it because it's the same in just about every program so I've typed her name and this is still a font I can select and change the font here okay and the steps you have to go through this is step one I've typed her name step two as I go object to path step three object ungroup step four Union I actually have a separate video under my Inkscape how to's that show exactly how to do this whole process too by the way so if you don't pick it up this time feel free to go look at that you can search on tree too and shadow and you'll find that video on how to do this so now that this is a path we're going to go with it selected path linked offset and then we're going to grab this little node and drag it out and just so I can see it I'll change the color and again with that layer selected I'll go path object to path and that is my two pieces and then of course I'm going to get a path break apart path Union and that is our finished two layer product so hopefully everybody picked that up here's another I mean you can keep this going to I mean if you wanted to even select this layer and then go path linked offset and do it again and then change that color and then change that to a path then you can have a three layer effect so you can do some pretty cool different text effects with that okay so now we're going to go back we're gonna do a okay so we're going to the linked off someone's asking about length offset and the offset command so we're gonna go back to actually now and do that we're going to talk about the inset and outset commands so inset shrinks your paths or outset expands your paths and this is the way you can either make paths narrow or more thick depending on what you need so if you wanted say you were working with a really really thin font and again almost all this I have different videos on it on how thicken lines and fonts in Inkscape you could make your lines thicker or thinner depending on what you're wanting to do so inset if I go path inset which is also control left parentheses you can see that it thinned out the lines and if I keep hitting that on my keyboard it won't make them thinner down to the point where they're almost unrecognizable okay I'll set which is path I'll set or control right parenthesis will make them thicker so if I select my object and I go right control right parenthesis or if I select path out set it will make them thicker now where does that come in handy let me show you this I will type Tammy's name and we'll pick the samantha font which is a really thin font and you'd imagine depending on how small you're going to cut this it might have problems cutting and depending on which material you're cutting and out of Laura Worthing and actually about a year ago released a little bit over a year get released to samantha craft font which body thought was a thicker line font for cutting different materials you know if you're cutting heat transfer vinyl this will typically cut pretty well pretty thin but if you're cutting in heesu vinyl or cardstock things like that the thinner you know every material has its limitations on how thin and tiny it can cut so with the Samantha font if you're using the regular samantha font and i want this to be thicker first i have to turn it into our path and all these things got to do those for fonts when i hit the control right parenthesis i can thicken it up and make it just a little bit more bold so i'll go back now here's the trick I use a lot sometimes let's say let's let me put these together let's say this is like a really small word and I'm in here when I try to out set by default the settings over if you were to go into the preferences and look I think the default setting is a two pixel outset at a time okay and if I have a really small word and I out set it it can make it so bold it doesn't look right okay you see how messy that looks the reason is because this is a small word two pixels that's a lot so what I'll do a lot of times I'll zoom way out I'll make it really big and then I'll start doing my out sets because two pixels doesn't mean as much so at that scale I press the control right parenthesis about ten times just now in order to thicken that up so I hope that makes sense it was a matter of making the two pixels have less effect on what I was working with because I was zoomed out and I made this really big so hopefully that made sense to you it's just a little trick I use it's real quick and easy and it makes it a lot easier to deal with those changes well thank you Brenda I'm glad this is a game changer for you so if linked offsets not working for an image typically the image is either not a path or it's grouped with something or something like that so remember it has to be a path so especially if you if you bring in anything that's like you know a PNG fouler something you're gonna have to trace that first before you can do any kind of an offset or anything with it brain overload yet this is a lot of information so you might be a good candidate for that challenge class lit playlist so they learn Inkscape playlist looking at the questions here can you convert an image uh-huh yeah of course I can yeah I'll do that here in just a minute I'll show you how to do that so we'll get to that tracing and image here in just a moment and I'll probably do that in a simple way for this purposes of this class the last command I like to cover in this class is the simplify command and it's kind of hard one to do though I don't I'll be honest I'm not prepared to show that one because I don't have the image I normally use to show simplify but I'll explain what it does for you if you were to search my YouTube channel I'll bring this up if you were to search Troi tube is it simplify whoops if I could type simplify or here it is tracing and cleaning up simple images with Inkscape I'll show you some examples in this video of how to clean that up and and the example that I use in this video is a like a image I found on LAN where somebody just drew and traced and ghost if you certain if you look real close you see how rough the edges are and in that video I show you how simplify can help you smooth those out so that may be something you want to look up for that simplify command I'm just honestly I'm not prepared to show that and demo it right now and so what we'll do let's see here we are almost an hour and a half Amen time flies when I get through these classes it is takes a lot of time to get through this I'm gonna look at the chat here real quick it is ironic the simplifies company it's hard to explain so it's kind of like I tell you what I'll show you I cannot just realize how I can probably show this to you I'm gonna shriek and draw a line and let's see if we can do something here to make this really jagged or something cuz I might be able to show you this all right this is probably not a real good representation I'm just kind of doing this on the fly here so bear with me so you see how I just free handed that and there it's not very smooth there's a lot of little points and jagged edges and things it's not real smooth if I look at the node editor lets me let me turn this into a path here so if I look at the noted or you see all these extra nodes here that really shouldn't be needed and one of the things I could do is like I could take my node editor and I can highlight a group of nodes like this and I can delete them and I could smooth this out manually you see how I'm kind of you know smoothing that out by deleting all those nodes I'll go back to this level here and you see we're back to where we have all these nodes if I go to path simplify it'll reduce those nodes for me and tend to reduce all of these little jagged edges if I do it again it'll further simplify it but do it again it'll further simplify and you see how rounded the curves and edges are compared to the way it started okay so simplify will reduce the number of nodes now one of the things you have to be careful is simplify doesn't work well a lot of the times because depending on your image in that video with that Ghost I just showed you I show a pretty good example of how it can work for you a lot of times simplify I guess oversimplify things and it can really distort the image you're working with so this is you know it's its it can be useful I don't use it a lot usually because I'm kind of like OCD about it I like it manually adjust the notes myself and and make those changes but you know it is what it is all right so who wants to see me trace an object everybody pretty much so I have on my desktop here a bunny silhouette and this is a let me see what kind of file this is this is a jiff and it is G if it's not gift people like to collect gift but the own the creator of it says its jiff I had this arguing my son a couple of weeks ago so what I can do I can either do a file import or I can just drag and drop it in there and when you get this box that says import if you want you can just say don't ask again hit OK and it'll come right in okay yeah my my son it was kind of funny I was with my daughter at my son's house couple of weeks ago and he was arguing with me over whether it was jiff or a gif and and Tatum I started making fun of him when we started saying yeah we want to go to Atlanta Georgia it's a so we were giving him a hard time about that I don't sound like I'm in Kentucky well you know it's a long story I grew up in West Virginia actually for the most part didn't have much of much of an ax until I actually moved to Kentucky and I'm in Louisville I'm not in like Eastern Kentucky in like Coleman country like southern West Virginia Virginia West Virginia kind of country so I've never had really that kind of an accent when I lived in West Virginia I traveled all around the region and I kind of lost my accent so I was working in like Pennsylvania Virginia Ohio and everywhere and I almost didn't have an accent and then when I moved to Kentucky I was here for like I don't know two years I was talking to somebody one time and I said did you watch American Idol last night now I stopped like dead in my tracks and I went did I say Idol so yeah I've picked up a little bit of the accent here so this image this is a pretty good example because we have the silhouette of the body but we also have this block around it the words the little owl or her that icon is down there and and so we're gonna trace this and show you how to to create an image now of course this is a copyrighted image and I want to encourage this you know all the standard disclaimers just want to show you somebody for training purposes how to trace an image a lot of times you have to do this with logos and things too so with the image selected this is one of the important parts here you have to have your image selected when you do this and we're gonna go to path trace bitmap and this little box should up and sometimes it opens like docked over here on the side but usually it'll open right up for you these are the steps I used to trace there's probably different ways you can do this so you'd hit colors and since this is down to just a black and white image I'm gonna run it all the way down to two two is the lowest it will go and tracing images you typically know you choose the number of scans based on the number of colors plus one in other words if it's a three color logo you would put it on four in order to select your colors and sometimes you have to tweak that just a little bit just to get exactly what you want out of it but I'm just going to colors I'm going to uncheck smooth because smooth is kind of like that simplify command only it doesn't when you trace so you want to avoid doing that in most cases stack scans it's not necessary here because we're not doing multiple colors and we're going to select and remove background we're just going to remove all the white from it and if I hit so Steve my shoelace I'm guessing that Steve I guess yeah it must have been the paracord videos that I've done that's funny oh that's right you used to do paracord I remember that now having that conversation so we hit update and it'll show you a preview again if you don't have your object selected here it's not going to show you a preview so keep that in mind and I'm gonna hit okay because this is such such a simple image when I click this it's going to take like a split-second it's not even going to look like it did anything so I'm gonna click it now you see how fast that happened now if I go over here I'm close this box get it out of the way I can grab this and drag it off and now you've seen that I have traced that image and I can delete my original image so now if I click the node editor and click on this you see that I've traced it and that is now a path and there's a couple different things I can do here remember that eraser tool this is where it might come in handy so let's see if it erases the whole thing or just this line Oh erase the entire thing so we're not gonna be able to do what I thought there I thought maybe I could erase that line in order to do that I would have to use the other function so we're gonna put it on the node editor and what I'm gonna do is select this now I'm going to be careful not to overlap the bunny here okay so I'm gonna create that I'm gonna select that and you notice it kind of gets all jacked up but that's because this outer path is this frame as a path and I kind of broke it that's overlapping right now I'm just gonna leave it alone and I'm gonna keep deleting it get rid of the words down there and there yeah now you see that I've gotten rid of the that whole frame and everything around it so take a breather right there let me get a drink not sit right here you still do any compare chords Steve I have a ton of that stuff oh you know what I need to ship that I promised someone I'd ship them all that so it's gonna donate it and I kind of forgot about it I need to get that out of here so actually a Rhonda Carell can do vectors too so it's in the same realm we actually a lot of people use Corral for lasers city the corral will save us a DXF file liking scape will but it has it's like and they'll be illustrators like some differences there with it and used to use it quite a bit but Inkscape is kind of like you know for crafting I don't know why you would really use much more than Inkscape so now we have our bunny traced and everything if I go to a node editor I can see my nodes around it all that good stuff why do you say we save this and import it into design space so I'm going to go to file save as we're just gonna save it on my desktop here and I'm gonna call it bunny now here's the the part that a lot of people ask I'm saving it as a plain SVG file there's different types of SVG files and they're typically the three types you save as our Inkscape SVG plain SVG or what's it optimized SVG the differences are plain SVG so optimized and Inkscape can save additional information in the file remember earlier I said that a an SVG file is not really an image file it contains all kinds of information and so the saving is a optimized or an Inkscape SVG can save information in the file that's not really used by design space or other programs in it and really design space has been really picky over the years about certain little things in SVG files so I save as a plane as Fiji vows to try to simplify it as much as possible so you don't have to worry about extraneous information in there not that I've necessarily ever run into anything but you know we're now there it is real finicky when it comes to that stuff so I always choose plain SVG file if you save as an Inkscape SVG file it will save things like font information so if you're designing something and you want to come back later and finish editing it you want to save it as an Inkscape SVG file so we'll remember all that font information and everything in there until you get to the point where your design is finished and you want to save it as a plain SVG that's kind of like final and lockdown you know you're not gonna make any changes to it after that for the most part now here's another question I see a lot where people actually say when I try to close I've saved it you see up here at the top left it says it's saved as Bunny dot SVG and I've saved it I know I've saved it I can see it on my hard drive but when I try to close Inkscape it says you're saving your closing without saving it what it means is you haven't saved it as an Inkscape SVG file if you know you you've saved it you're finished with it everything you can hit close without saving its gonna leave your file on your hard drive just fine now oh there's all my shapes I was slicing with earlier I hit upload and I hit upload image if I go back here I can either browse for it or I can grab my file and drag it and drop it over here save it and I can insert it into my design canvas and there it is you see over here I was working with our logo earlier so I have a layer there I need to get rid of but there's our bunny now one of the important things I want to point out here you notice on my desktop the bunny has an Internet Explorer icon as I mentioned this is a brand new computer I have not installed the extension yet to show thumbnails for SVG files a lot of people will see this and sometimes they'll be associated with Google Chrome so the icon would look like the Google Chrome icon and it'll say Chrome HTML file or something like that and a lot of people will see that that world comes to a standstill until they get an answer on this and that is why are my SVG files now Chrome documents that only means the SVG extension has been associated with a browser okay what I mean by that I want to show you this if I open my Windows Explorer and I'm looking at my file folders and I'm gonna go over here and I'm gonna look at my desktop you notice only have these three files here I can see but I can't tell what kind of files they are if I go to file options I click on the View tab by default in Windows hide file extensions for known file types is checked if I uncheck that and I hit apply now you can see I can see that it is bunny dot SVG this is the bunny one two three four dot Jeff this one is true two thumb dot jpg so this was the thumbnail for this video video that I did and generally it's a good practice to keep that turned off so that you can see your file extensions so you know which one you're working with the fact that this is associated with Internet Explorer or Chrome or Inkscape or any other you know program means nothing on how it's going to work okay Oh feel free to take care of your thumbnails at this time okay so let's just do that while we're in here and we'll make that the last part of the class I guess so if you go to our web site over on the left side there's a little orange section and under Inkscape there is viewing thumbnails for SVG files so I have a video on this too but you can click here to download it this does matter which version of Windows you have so most people today have the 64-bit version of Windows and so we want to download the 64-bit version if you are unsure which version you have you want to go to control panel go to system and it will tell you which version you have system type months a 64-bit operating system so if you have that you'll download this one if you have the 32-bit version you'll download the one that says I 386 and now the data is downloaded I'm going to install it o told me that it wasn't want to do it here it must need some permissions see you put me on the spot now it's not working let's see what happens here [Music] all user account controls turned up on this system so I'm going to go in the control panel user accounts user account control settings are too high I'm gonna turn that Dale let's still not let me do it well let's see what's happening here why is it not letting me do it I've not seen an extension that will let chrome do it so basically after you install this extension that I'm talking about here I'll have to find out why that's not running it may not even be able to do it here live on the video but after you do that you have to have this associated with Internet Explorer so you would want to if it says Chrome if your SVG files show a chrome document you want to want to right click on it click open with and then choose other app choose another app you want to choose Internet Explorer and then choose always use so that's what you want to do there okay and if you click on it it'll just open it in Internet Explorer and show it to you but well this is uh I might have to do this off lawn and figure out why that's not working like I said it's a brand new computer so it has some budget stuff turned on on it I've tried running it as administrator and it just doesn't like it for some reason it's probably some kind of thing in the system security that tells it to to install without it being signed or something but I'll figure that out and get back to everyone and try to let you know what I had to do to get that installed because I do need that and installed I have tons of SVG files so but that should pretty much take care of that for you I think I've covered pretty much everything in a beginner class that's a little bit less than 2hours that wasn't too bad what else you have any questions or anything see what people were kind of things people are asking and what I might be able to answer before we wrap this up tonight my drinks empty if you heard that again that Inkscape playlist that you might want to check out if you go to my youtube channel and you check out learn Inkscape if you type in troy - blurring Inkscape these two videos are like I said they're real boring they're me talking just like you've listened to me talk for him his two hours tonight but they are extremely important especially this first one and then these videos the other six videos while I tell people to do is to go through them and do them over and over again until you can import your SVG file you created in the design space and do it all by yourself without watching the video with no errors now I'll tell you there is something that's pretty much an erroneous error that pops up sometimes actually quite often and that is you'll import an SVG file and we'll say that the image the SVG file contains autoflow text elements and that is usually an erroneous error you can ignore it move on and everything is usually okay after that so well lets me say yes you can watch this at any time this will be live on the YouTube channel try not to blabber too much at beginning and just get right into it so people didn't have to put up with me blabbering now I'll blabber it again I guess you know this you know at this point a lot of people know who I am and who we are at 6:51 vinyl calm yes say yeah Chrome has no effect on Internet Explorer you know being associated with your SVG files it you just associated with Internet Explorer that the extension that shows thumbnails works with Internet Explorer what it's associated with has no effect whatsoever on you being able to import or upload your SVG files to any other program and I like to point out when you especially when you download SVG files let's say if you bought files from somewhere I mean you download and unzip them a lot of times they'll come in multiple formats like PNG file you know DXF files JPEGs and and all that the the thing about that is if you don't have these file extensions turned on you don't know which file you're working with and a lot of people will go to upload or import a file and they'll choose the one that they see the thumbnail for and a lot of times that's just the PNG or the JPEG and they're ignoring the one that might be associated with chrome internet explorer when that's the actual SVG file and so they get really confused silhouette studio design actually if you get if you have I think it's Business Edition if so what studio you can save your file as an SVG file there is a website that you can convert a syllabus to do file to an SVG if you google it but depending on your design it may not work quite this smoothly it's what you're expecting so Vicky took her pain meds right when she got the alert so I bet you had a really good time tonight good Susan I'm glad you're not intimidated you know what the secret is out Betty if you go to our website go to the learn section under Inkscape you'll find that extension the secret to not be intimidated is you got to remember that computers and software are nothing unless you do something with it so you it's really hard to do something that can't just be fixed easily you know you hit undo go backwards don't mean you know probably the biggest obstacle a lot of people have with Inkscape is they install it they open it they see this blank screen and they're like where do I go from there I don't know what to click on I know what to do and that Inkscape learning skate playlist I have really addresses that and get you in and get your feet wet and get you started on it so I really really you know encourage you to not be scared of it not to be scared of your computer don't be scary even did a video last year Hunsdon my vlog I was doing a daily vlog for a while and it was like you know I was like there's that says like get it out of the box or something like that I mean people are scared to get their machines and her heat presses out of the box don't be scared of it you can't be scared of it you can't be frustrated with it you know five years ago in January so I think it was about January 20th by the third week of January five years ago 2015 I purchased I went up to Columbus Indiana I was they were sold out everywhere he couldn't find him anywhere but Menards had a head the Cricut explore that the old original agreement and I bought it Tammy been bugging me for a couple of weeks since she won and won and I I was at first I was like god I don't want anything to do with this you know I mean if I T God I'm a consultant and not do like consulting for investors and whatever you know that work I was doing at a time and she talked me into going up and getting it brought it back this is on a Saturday and this is right after I just a couple weeks after I had I had lost my job and I was out of work for a few minutes and within like 15 minutes I was cutting out these really cool little intricate shapes and I no lie I tech sent her a text she was out somewhere running around and I sent her a text I said this thing is badass that's what I said to her and it's Sunday I got so frustrated with it I put it in the box and put it on her desk and I said I don't ever want to see it again and then Monday morning I went got it back over desk I said I can't let this thing beat me I was still unemployed you know he did some things to do and you know I went and put it on my desk and it's on my desk for almost two years after that that very cutter and we used to pay our bills for like four or five months while I was not at work it was really incredible and that's what put me where I am today with our company and everything so so don't let anything into him adichie when it comes to that that if you get to the learn section getting then go to Inkscape you find an article in there on that extent that says how to be thumbnails that thinks what it's called you are very welcome so again I just wanted to try to you know break the monotony tonight and break up this nonsense about the coronavirus and all the panic that's going on out there I know it's a bad thing I know it's a bad virus it's ugly you know I posted on my wall today that Google sent out what I thought was the most common sense information that I've seen yet it said hands washed them off and elbows coffee into us it Hoff into your arm don't cuff into your hands for you're not only spreading it around or or maybe even touching your eyes nose and mouth with your hands you know which is the next what face don't touch your face feet stay more than three feet apart from other people when you're out in public if you feel sick stay home monitor symptoms and everything you know viruses are you they've been around forever there's no cure for them there's no prevention for them are you news take precautions against it and the same things applause to this that in my view that the other things if you're sick you have pneumonia bronchitis all these other things stay away from nursing homes and children and sick people who have compromised immune system that that's the same rules that apply so so don't III just don't see a reason to create all this panic at this point because the most the people that have had it it's like a really bad flu you know I know it's a it's relatively the the you know that sores that was out several years ago and I was a pretty bad thing and they were able to contain it pretty quickly I'm done a lot of reading on this stuff and and so I I'm just not going to change my life around this this virus that's out there because we all have to work and we have lives to lead and everything and you know it I just want people to to not panic and go out and buy up all the toilet paper I mean come on so yeah yeah so exactly if you have a diagnosis somebody said they have a diagnosis 20 minutes from and so yeah if you're high-risk stay away from it say you know just looking at the chat here say first thing wash your hands don't tell the toilet seat so hopefully everyone found that helpful so Glenda you remember when I was brand new in the cricket community wow that is yeah there's several people that have had tell me every now and then they've been following me since you know for five years since we got started in this and it was a fun time I mean I wouldn't trade it for the world even though life was kind of tough at some times but I you know we Cricket had a bad release of their software in like April 2015 if you probably remember that if you were around then and I happen to figure out what was wrong with it before cricket did and they asked me to release a video and the workaround and that was the the take off of my youtube channel and and really you know got me going and and DeWanna who runs the big cricket group that has like 300,000 people she really encouraged me to do videos she really liked my videos that I had put out and you know I owe a lot to her and and the management team at cricket I not I'll tell you the cricket has a the upper management team I went to the maketh on the last megaphone they had which was about a year and a half ago yes it's been five years from this since I got started in this been three and a half since you and I got together and started doing this online but meant to the cricket mega thought about a year and a half ago and actually got to meet all the cricket man ajma'in in person all the top management team and yeah they couldn't have been more welcoming to me I was you know very I had a great time out there had a group of people that hung out with all week and just really had a wonderful time and you know some of the I remember a couple of people seeing me across the hallway and coming over grabbing my arm said hey come over and let's talk because they knew who I was and it was just a really really welcoming feeling that I had out there and I had a really good time with these folks and went out there a few weeks ago and had some meetings so it's it's been a really crazy ride and watching our company grow and and and what we've been able to do and what we're going to do this year this is probably I think this is gonna be the fun year for us we we spend the last three years growing like mad we have a strong chance of being the fastest growing company in our region this summer if they don't cancel that because of ours but anyway you know that this year we you've heard me talk about this and the group up we take care taken over the additional warehouse space we have and make it a lot of changes and plans right now and you know we're making a lot of adjustments and getting prepared for a lot of new products that yeah I think you guys are gonna be really really surprised this year at the the different products we're gonna roll out and what we're going to do and some of the approaches we're going to take and unroll out there you know there's some some big things coming can be more excited for the business from that aspect so yeah Betty you might be running the same thing I had with this error that was stopping me from running it so if I can get that figure out I'll do a video on that in the next day or two and get that out there this is the next lesson you know I don't know this is an impromptu class tonight I I just decided literally less than an hour before we went live with this class that I was going to do this and I just yeah a few what made me think about that was a few years ago there was an outage on design space went down one like everybody was offline nobody who worked and I said hey let's do a design space or an Inkscape class and just get her base mind off of it and I decided to do the same thing tonight so well we'll see what the future holds in the meantime if you want to know more if you feel like this beginner class was good for you and you want to go do some other things there's the Inkscape how to's playlist which has specific things in it so if I can go it's fun this here Inkscape how to's somewhere here well you see if I can find it here escape how to's get my whole playlist here well I'm glad this has been a good distraction I think some of the distraction probably overloaded some people tonight but here we go Inkscape Hal twos and so I have a lot of specific videos in here now how to do different things with Inkscape you know how to do all set some patterns you know here's that what I call a reverse knockout that was the one ikat exclusion feature that I showed you and you know there's curving text videos you know all kinds of stuff in here different things that you can do how to conform things to a shape here's how to do a monogram with a layer using inkscape so there's a lot of different things here and different different tutorials and and fun things that I've done over the over time so you are very welcome so okay well I will let everyone go for the evening and I will quit blabbering I've got to get to bed myself got a long day tomorrow tomorrow's Monday of course so hope everyone has a good evening hopefully you enjoy the class and learned at least one or two things tonight if you did and go look at that learning escape playlist and and go look at the Inkscape how to's if you feel like you've advanced past that and I appreciate everyone's time attending we'll see what the future holds on some more livestream classes in the in the near future
Channel: TroyTube
Views: 26,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PqV1aN_1lVo
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Length: 119min 18sec (7158 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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