Crazy Special Effects Makeup Transformations (Game)

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He didn't screw it up! Congrats Link!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/physicsty πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 14 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Oh my god killer redneck Link was so good

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/your_mind_aches πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 14 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Link's pronunciation of the "H" in words like what, why, white, etc has always struck me as odd. They finally talked about it in More, and he didnt even defend it. I assumed it was a NC accent, but apparently it's just a Link thing.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/physicsty πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 14 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

for some reason i thought the eggs and bacon was the face from silence of the lambs poster

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Sissinou πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 14 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

What a fun episode! And More was off the rails crazy. Grandpa Link is my new favourite.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/uptownzara πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Today, we go face-to-face with special effects. - Let's talk about that. (electronic music) (fire crackling) Good mythical morning! - This is the last week of season 17. We're gonna take next week off, for a little, short summer break, because-- - Yeah, just five days. - Listen, after this year, we can all use a little break, right? But, don't worry, because we're gonna be back with our summer season, starting on Monday, July 27th! And, "Good Mythical Morning", I meant to say summer, "Good Mythical Summer", - Yes. - is gonna be different this year, in that it's gonna be the same as the rest of the year, - Correct. - meaning we've decided we're not gonna go to three episodes a week, we already did that when we went into quarantine! So we're gonna stay at five days a week, - Screw that! - And there's not gonna be any guest hosts because that's not really feasible. We're just gonna be hosting ourselves, okay? - Yeah, so during the summer, - So, five days a week, us. - it's gonna be "Good Mythical Morning". - Yeah. - Okay, today, we're gonna break the buzzers out again, and, Link, this has been a very difficult thing for you lately, because we've been playing these time lapse games, and you've broken out into these incredible leads, - Yeah! - and you've just thrown it away and that's why today you're wearing I'm a professional loser shirt. Which, by the way, It's the worst fitting t-shirt - Look at the sleeves. - that you've ever worn on this show. - Lookit. - Which is fitting That it fits that bad. - This shirt is a loser. (Rhett laughs) - You look like such a loser. But, hey man, maybe you will redeem yourself today. I'm here, I'm here to try, but also I really want you to win. (Rhett laughs) (Link buzzes) - Stop, I know you don't want me to win. But, I think I've got a fighting chance. Because, this is about makeup. Not that I know a lot about makeup and makeup videos, but I mean, it's not like you binge makeup videos, right? - Well, you don't know me, that well do you? - Yeah I do. It's time for, mystery countdown theatre: special effects makeup edition All the clips that we're gonna be watching today are from the amazingly talented makeup artist Sarah Murphy. She transforms her own face into all types of characters. Her work is really amazing, we want you to check out her channel, it's called Sarah Magic Makeup. And it truly is magic. - Yes, and this is gonna work just like these games always do, there's gonna be ten points on the board at the beginning of this, we watch the time lapse video, the points go down, you buzz in when you thing you know it, if you get it right, you get those points. If you get it wrong, the other guy gets a chance. And then at the end, the winner is going to be able to time lapse transform the loser into a character of Stevie's choice. - Oh, okay Morgan you ready? I'm ready. Let's do it. - All right Link, get that big lead, get that big lead. - [Link] Okay - [Rhett] There's orange, (buzzer dings) - [Stevie] Link. (Rhett giggles) - What? - The Big Mac character from Happy Meals in McDonald's. - [Stevie] You're all over it, I got some comments from last time that I wasn't fair to you both about your specificity. So I gotta give you - It's not Grimace, It's not Hamburglar. - [Stevie] One more shot in the area that you're in right now, less specific. - Big Mac. - [Stevie] Somebody help me, somebody help me in the studio. - [Link] Is it that close? Go ahead. - [Stevie] I think I have to give it to you, I do have to give it to you. (counter dings) Yeah, it was Burger Face. But let's see how it plays out. I think you'll agree that's pretty dang close. - [Link] Oh, okay, - [Rhett] It's just a burger that's a face - [Link] So it's not a, - [Rhett] Whoa, whoa. - [Link] Oh my gosh, oh my gosh. - [Rhett] Burger Face! - [Link] Burger freaking face. - [Rhett] Ew, and the burger face eats. - That's much more terrifying than what I was thinking was in the realm of possibility. - Link man, true to form, seven points right off the bat. - Okay, are you fine with me getting all seven of those points? - I'm gonna come back anyway. No, no, I mean, listen, I probably won't. I mean, I just defied the odds two times, it can't happen three times in a row, it can't! - I'm like Obi Wan, - It's impossible. - in between the force field. - [Rhett] There's just like, a dimple on the top. - [Link] What is this? What is she doing? This is tough. (buzzer dings) - [Stevie] Link. - C-3PO. - [Stevie] Correct! (counter dings) (Link laughs) - Oh, you know what, I was gonna say that but I was like, why is there-- - [Link] Why is there black? - [Rhett] I didn't understand the thing on top, but that's just her hair inside. - [Link] Look at her eyes! - I was very focused on the nipple on the top of the head. - Yeah - Like what thing? I was like, C-3PO early on, but then I was like, but he doesn't have a nipple - No. - on top of his head. The nipple's just part of her hair. - It's happening again. (Rhett laughs) - How do you feel at this point? - Bad! (combined laughter) Professionally bad. - Okay, round three. Oh. - [Link] Oh gosh. What is happening? (Link groans) - [Rhett] She what? (buzzer dings) - [Stevie] Rhett. - The Joker? - [Stevie] Incorrect. - That's what I was gonna guess too. It's not the Joker? Well then? (Link vocalizes) (buzzer dings) - [Stevie] Link. - Cruella de Vil. - [Stevie] Correct. - Yes! (counter dings) Is that cardboard? It's like, that crap works. (Rhett laughs) - [Rhett] It's very impressive. - Bring in the dalmatians. - Very impressive. And I'm talking about your early lead is very impressive. That's what. - Why don't you seem nervous? - I'm just, past experience. I don't have anything to be worried about. But this is 13 to zero, I mean, this might be the biggest. - No, I don't think this is as big a lead as last time. Let's just keep going. (Rhett laughs) Let's not talk about it. - Okay. - [Link] Okay, okay. (buzzer dings) Ooh, a quickie! - [Stevie] Rhett. - Mermaid. - [Stevie] Incorrect. - Mm, yeah, I did see scales. It does look like... what the? Oh my goodness. (buzzer dings) - [Stevie] Link. - Peacock. - [Stevie] Correct. (counter dings) (Rhett laughs) (Link chuckles) - [Link] That is beautiful! - [Rhett] Oh, wow! - [Link] This isn't in the face, this is in the freaking shoulders! - [Link] Now, it would be really cool if, like, all of a sudden, (Link imitates feathers fanning) it, like, splayed out behind her. - 17 to nothing. - Okay, alright. I'm gonna start really trying. Oh my gosh, that's nasty. - [Rhett] What is that? - [Link] It looks like bird crap on her face. She looked up at birds flying over. (buzzer dings) - [Stevie] Rhett. - Oyster face? (crew laughs) - "Oyster face?" - I mean, it-- - [Stevie] No. No, incorrect. - [Link] No, I don't... (buzzer dings) - [Stevie] Link. - I think it went all the way to one point, right? Uh, bacon and eggs. (counter dings) - [Stevie] Correct. - [Rhett] Oh. - [Stevie] I do like the idea of a YouTube video that's just like, - [All] oyster face - [Stevie] transformation. - I mean, she did Burger Face! - Yeah, right, I mean, they looked like oysters, - Burger Face, she looked, - I was like, "I can't tell," it's like, there's something in the middle there. - I thought you were, - 18 or nothing. - I thought you were giving me five. - I'm not giving you five! - For my lead. - As your coach, I'm also your opponent but I'm gonna play your coach here, now, this is the moment when something changes with you. You get into the late rounds of the fight, and you fall apart. (both laughing) Don't let it happen, man! Whatever energy you have at the beginning, you have to be a finisher! You have to take it to the end, man. - Mm, yeah. Finish him! Okay. - Yeah. - Alright, I'm gonna keep trying. I thought that's what I always did, but, okay. (buzzer dings) - [Stevie] Link. - The Grinch? - [Stevie] Correct. (counter dings) (Link screams) - I was about to say alien. Oh, look at her go. See, most of her face goes away. She's, is she putting eyes below her eyes? What is she doing? - Yeah, the eyes-- - Oh! The Grinch face is on the side of her freaking face! - Oh, it's freaking me out - She is good. at how much of a natural talent you have for this. 26, now, this is the biggest lead ever. 26 to nothing. - You know what it is? Because, in a past life, I was a hair stylist, - Right. and beside me was a make-up artist, and we worked very closely together. So I was acquainted with looking at the stylist work all the time. The artist. - Well, you didn't tell me that. (indistinct) - Yeah, all right, okay, now last time, it was similar to this, and I said that this was truly an insurmountable lead. And I'm going out on a limb, and I'm saying, this, this is truly an insurmountable lead. This lead cannot not be surmounted. (Rhett and crew laughs) - This is a ploy. - What, no! I'm just telling you that-- - You're trying to get me to not try anymore. - No, no, - You're trying to get me to coast No, no, I'm just saying that I just don't think it's possible. I think I could go, I could dig so deep, I obviously don't have a - Are you giving up? - natural talent for this. - You wanna end it right here? Is that what you're saying? If I were you, If I was in your position, My goal would be to do a complete shut out of me. You want me to have a big egg at the end of this. - But you wouldn't say that. - No. - You would just do it. - [Rhett] That's what I would, what we would be wanting to do. - Right, but you wouldn't say it. - So your goal now is to shut me out. - But I wouldn't state that, I would never say that because that's like, that's gloating. Pre gloating. - Okay. - [Link] Okay, here she is again. - [Rhett] Person! - [Link] Oh, wow. (buzzer dings) - [Stevie] Link. - Spock. - [Stevie] Correct. (counter dings) - Yes! Those eyebrows, right? Who else has eyebrows like, Oh my gosh look at her. Look at that hairline. - [Rhett] That's Nimoy. - [Link] Whoa! - [Rhett] I was gonna say an owl. (both laugh) - [Link] Really? - I suck at this, man. - Okay, okay, okay. I think I have fakeup blindness. I have face blindness with makeup. (Link chuckles) Okay, here we go. - You know what, you know what? It's okay. Being in your, having been in your position a lot, you're gonna be fine. - You've never been in this position, you've never been, - You're gonna be fine. - I've never beaten you 29 to nothing in anything. - Well, that's true, Rhett. (Rhett laughs) I didn't point it out. - Okay here we go. - Starting on the shoulders. - I just don't. (buzzer dings) - [Stevie] Rhett. - Shark. - [Stevie] I'm gonna give it to you. - Come on, whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. We're talking about a queen sweep here, Stevie. - Uh. - [Stevie] Ooh. - You can't just give it to him. If you're on the fence. - [Stevie] I mean, - I mean, Big Mac got Burger Face. - [Stevie] Okay, people in here who have seen that video, what's the consensus? - If you need him to be more specific, you can ask him to be more specific. - [Stevie] Davin says shark is okay. (counter dings) And, Davin would know. And if anybody's gonna make a comment, - But it's just down here. - [Stevie] in the comment section, please make a comment towards Davin. (crew laughs) - I was gonna guess it's a shark eating a woman's head. - Okay, well, that's what it is probably. - [Stevie] But you didn't buzz in. - I wasn't asked that yet.If they had asked me to clarify, I would say, "the shark's gonna be eating her", who is the person being eaten by the shark. That's what I was gonna say. Okay? - Okay. I'm not gonna be a sore winner, I'm still trouncing you. - But no one asked. No one asked me. - All right lets watch the rest of it. I mean, it looks like a killer whale almost, nope, that's a shark, definitely. Oh my goodness. - [Rhett] Then right, then you've got the victim. - [Link] Yes, there it is. - All right, all right I mean, I'm just, you know - Hold on. - Still insurmountable at this point. - Unless, there could be 20 more rounds. (Rhett laughs) - All right, let's go. - I gotta still take some chances here. (buzzer dings) - Oh. You're starting early. - [Stevie] Rhett. - Volcano. - [Stevie] Incorrect. - Ah! - Yeah, I was thinking like a mountain. That's a good guess man, if her face turns red. - [Rhett] Oh! - [Link] What is that? (disappointed groan) (buzzer dings) - Ah - [Stevie] Link. - It's the "It" clown. - Ah yes. - Can't remember the name right now. - [Stevie] Yeah. (counter dings) - I know his name for points. - Boinky. No, - [Nick] Pennywise. Pennywise! - [Stevie] Boinky? - [Link] Pennywise. - [Stevie] Yes, correct. - [Link] Nick didn't tell me. - [Stevie] This is the final round. - So, prepare yourselves. - [Link] Okay, she's thinning out her nose. But it is a nose. (buzzer dings) - [Stevie] Rhett. - Me. - [Stevie] Be more specific. - Oh, you know what? It's a combination of me and Link together as a face. - [Stevie] Incorrect. - Oh. - How do you be more specific in that? First of all, if she did you, cause that was gonna be my guess, that's freaking amazing. All right, let's keep watching it. I see the beard. - [Rhett] Oh. - [Link] Oh! - [Rhett] Damnyell. - [Link] That was awesome looking. - My name is Damnyell, this is Richard. (chips crunching) (Rhett laughing) (Richard eating) - [Rhett] Wow. She did it, man. (Link laughing) Hey Link, you did it! (Link woops) Take that shirt off. - Yeah baby! (Link blows raspberry) - Act like you've been there before. - [Both] Okay. - [Stevie] I get to pick the character that you get to transform Rhett's face into. - And listen, I'm putty in your hands, man. Have you washed your hands? - Am I gonna paint his face? - [Stevie] No, with your, just use your hands and lightly mold him into Jim Carrey's Grinch face, please. - Oh. - I don't have a very moldable face, but I'll be as pliable as possible here. - Is there a reference photo here? - Eyebrows go down and up. No, the eyebrows go up, and then down in the middle. - [Link] Like this? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Like that? - [Stevie] I wasn't picturing you doing this with your shirt off, but I gotta say, it adds another element. - And then hold this, what does this do? - It smiles. - You wanna congratulate me? - Congratulations, Lincoln. (crew laughing) - My heart grew three sizes this day. Thanks for liking, commenting, subscribing, clicking that bell, and celebrating along with me, this has been a big moment. - You know what time it is. - And also subscribe to Sarah's channel. Sarah Magic Makeup. - Yeah. - My name is Jayden, and I'm from Middlesboro, Kentucky, and it's time to spin the wheel of mythicality. - Is that a horse mask? - And a fan in the background. - Mmm, click the top link to watch us paint our teeth with chrome tooth polish in "Good Mythical More". - And to find out where the wheel of mythicality is gonna land. Keep us close to your heart with our mythical necklaces! Available now at
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 898,714
Rating: 4.9570351 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, season 17, s17, will it, taste test
Id: ndV5jwa3H5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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