A great Homestead Supper ♡

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hey guys let's put our shoes on go out the back door step out on the homestead and let's see what we can find for supper tonight [Music] okay guys I'm gonna I've got some things gathered up here from the homestead that I'm gonna make only use for supper tonight now I'm gonna make it a quiche and I pretty much got everything I need right here just from walking outside and gathering up what I need I've got something a little cherry tomatoes these are little son goes I like these because they're tart they're a little bit tart a little bit sweet and I've got some just little baby cherries and I've got me some some basil that I just picked I've got some time here that I've had dried I picked me in squash I've got some little head of a fresh garlic a little garden of course I've got some fresh eggs out of henhouse so I'm gonna make me in a good old homestead quiche and like I said I just walked outside and we got what I needed and that's what homestead is about so let's get started on our separate I've got five bags here I'm gonna break him up you Tim my my bow now I'm not gonna make a crust for this one so it might be more like a frittata instead of a case but either way but for me Deenie I think five eggs is cleaning and I'm not gonna have any meat in this case strictly vegetables and cheese because I'm gonna I've got some refried beans that I can and I'm gonna make some flour tortillas and that's gonna be our supper so I wanna mix now the way I was taught for frittata is if you need to make some eggs consistently and get them to cover a frothy state now don't have my half and half in there yet I'm just gonna keep working a little bit you know what I got over here and I forgot my happen I'm always forgetting something that don't matter squash over here okay I'm gonna put forth over pepper cream in there five eggs fourth of a cup of cream in fact you can put a half a cup of cream okay I've got all this goodness here on my chopping block here and of course this onion did not come out of garden - yes that I think I got these at Walmart and they're not too good they're nothing like what comes out of your garden though just what I've got right now and I'm not gonna cook these onions a lot of times I thought I you and then step then vacation off the top of it I'm not going to because I just want that freshness there okay that was probably about a fourth of onion that I've diced it and then you don't have to put onion if you don't watch out [Music] onions are good for you and I just have forgotten my bell pepper at the beginning and I remembered my bell peppers aren't real big yet either good I went ahead and picked one because I wanted my cage you know here in Arkansas here are my hair laneways our bell peppers really don't start coming off too really I mean about July August I don't know why you know a lot of people are already getting a bunch of a bell peppers but around here we're just going to just takes a while I don't know know what the deal is I'm just gonna cut this little bell pepper up you can put in kind of pepper in it you want put a jalapeno in there now I've got some little Italian red bell peppers that are coming on out there they're still green that turn red yet and I'm waiting on them and I've got these little tomatoes and I'm not running to dice them up I'm just gonna kind of cut them in half and put them in here I don't know that I'll use all open the the little sunny goes when you bite into one it kind of makes you pucker at first and when there's then it's sweet I like it like that I tell you the hotter it gets your Tomatoes really aren't as sweet as they need to be I've been growing some English cucumbers and this year instead of planting them right out in the Sun I've got him over called the greenhouse and they do get Sun but they're just not right out in the Sun and they have been doing so good and the cucumbers are not bitter at all and just seems like they're thriving real good right there so maybe I didn't send right with them this year okay I think that's all Tomatoes I'm gonna cut up the squash now the way mr. Brown likes course he likes it couldn't cash just like that don't need all of it I'll just cut them in half like this and I've got some spinach here you know when you forget like me to thaw something out for supper and you've been at work all day you just don't have time to even think you come home you're exhausted but you're hungry and your old man don't even mention my take me out to eat something like this it's great you don't have to cut that spin job I'm gonna keep it how if you want to but I like to cut mine out I'm just minding it in there for the health benefits of it I've got some basil about the garden it looks kind of limp because I wore Sprint's it off long ago this stuff smells so good I've got herbs growing by my backdoor and a pot and every time I go in and out that backdoor it smells so good that's what I smells all the herbs and even that that stem fact I'm going to put the whole thing in there then I'm gonna roll it up so I can cut it julienne it real good stop cutting the fingers off put that in there let's see okay yeah right here I've got some fresh thyme out of garden and I'm just gonna take it and just kind of go backwards with it let off it's already dried and I bring I'll nip off the tops and I'll bring them in uh-oh my weather radio is going off and that's that's the bad weather coming probably thunderstorms yep severe thunderstorms okay I've got a little piece of fresh garlic out of the garden to cut the end off you know when I planted this garlic last fall in the garden I didn't I hadn't ordered anything to plant but I had some clothes in here from some organic garlic cloves that I bought at the store and that's what I plan it so they didn't get real big next year I'm gonna make sure I'd get some bigger garlic but it's still really good and then plugs are really tight so I'm gonna get this garlic chopped up and I will get back we'll stick this quiche in the oven I'm gonna put a little bit of fat in here not too much just little bit about half a teaspoon and a little bit of black pepper right about half a teaspoon and I've got some taco seasoning that I make up myself and put about a half a teaspoon of that in there too I'm just gonna stir this up okay I'm gonna put the quiche filling I'm gonna go ahead and put it in my my pan and I'm using a cast-iron skillet and my squash pieces I'm just going to kind of lay in there like this on top and I use this queso fresco a lot and a lot of my dishes if the Mexican cheese it's a Kremlin cheese I'm gonna crumble some of that up in there too I really like this cheese it melts good and anything that you put it in just put in as much as you think you like you put in in countries paper jam I'm just gonna crumble it all over and and put some more squash pieces so what discourse are there will be our mate substituting this frittata so it'll be good and healthy for us okay I'm gonna put this in a 375-degree oven and cook it for about 20 minutes and I'll check it soup is done I was that Mexican frittata or quiche I want to make me some refried beans someone put down tablespoon Crisco or lard or whatever you got and bottom of my pan I'm gonna let it heat up and I've got a jar of beans that I can do or you can use canned beans from the store or if you have leftover pinto beans that may be cooked a big pot of beans or something like that shortening melt nobody just dump her bags in there you want to get them warmed up and then once they get warmed up during third we start mashing I think I'm gonna put a little bit of my taco seasoning and they're not very much this a little bit it's got garlic and cumin and chili powder in it I'm not putting salt in it don't let that warm up okay you see the things that come up to a good bull and they're starting to thicken up so I'm gonna start mashing them and stirring it don't take long and I don't like my refried beans real real thick so this is about the right consistency just vicious make sure you don't scorch them just keep stirring and mashing them you can leave some of the beans whole okay that's the refried beans about that easy good and healthy guys if we like this video give me a thumbs up share god bless you
Channel: Whippoorwill Holler
Views: 74,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #frugalmeal
Id: _fb_RW229M0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 27 2018
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