LOBSTER TASTE TEST! How to Cook Lobster! Which one is the best?!?!?!?

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are you guys this is probably one of the most anticipated requested videos I've ever been a part of that was just Tebow jump off the chair and there if you were one on one that noise was he's like holy cow you're filming I better come interrupts you anyway everyone's like I think Maine lobster the bass or on I think this is the but I think that's the best the truth is that I know of there has never been this comparison done on YouTube that is a slipper lobster that is a Maine lobster that is a spiny lobster we caught these two on Saturday and this one I just bought from Publix he's alive weighs 2 pounds real quick debt now he's done very quick and easy easy for me not easy for him so everyone knows that Maine lobster are typically steamed so we're going to start with that and I'm gonna make it really good steam not just you know basic steamed gonna take some quota bla Chardonnay nice full-bodied Chardonnay throw that right in there oh yeah look at that that's nice then we shall take lemon and not just lemon we're gonna take in cut some lemon zest out of there and then we just throw them lemon peels right in there no seeds I try to keep the seeds out not that they hurt anything okay good then we'll take some rosemary threw that in there provides such a nice aromatic and then big old piece of garlic last but not least sea salt this is our steamer it looks like a flower you can buy these for like seven bucks at your grocery store they work super well throw it in there now the lobster will sit on top with Maine lobster you want to steam them for 13 minutes for the first pound and then three minutes for every pound additional so this one's two pounds we're gonna steam them for 16 minutes whoa that smells good let's just throw them right in there didn't one pop of our our steam before we get done before you see the final product leave in the comments below what you think is gonna be the best slipper Florida or man I'm just gonna let I don't even know I I mean I leave enough so I'm gonna cook the tail here I will be cooking the head section of this Lobster in a soup tomorrow but for now I'm just gonna throw them back on ice get out all the vent and then we're gonna do the same thing with our slipper lobster a lot of people will just take the the tail and twist it off I believe you get more meat and you don't tear them by cutting into it like this I just think it'd look at that man look how snow-white that meat is just cut right there please much smaller Vint there Wow okay the sucker looks hard there have a sharp knife thank the king is rock solid pretty pretty alright so let's look at the meat that the slipper lobster actually appears to be a wider color okay so in the manner of fairness I'm not doing anything super special to my tails all I'm gonna do I'm going to throw a stick of butter right in that girl pan and then I'm gonna take some every way it's a fish and chicken many of you might think this is an unfair advantage because anything you put this stuff on it's gonna be pretty much delicious oh all right that's all we're doing that's everything how's this gets melted goodness we'll just take skin side down sit him right in there [Music] [Music] there we go alright moving right along just take a pair of tongs and watch The Love happen look at that [Music] oh all right you guys it is time to eat I've been cooking these nice and slow let's get them out real quick put them over here there's our Florida lobster oh my goodness look at that that is just love potion number nine in here Oh let's turn everything look at that smell hey I think this Lobster cheated because being cooked in white wine with zest and all that I mean it's hard to it's hard to part that look at I mean okay comment time if you were here which one of these would you take your first bite of just look at this will you look about get that freshly drawn water already so let's just grab this lobster here ooh take that tail off and take the claws off I do realize there is lots more on that I know there's a lot more meat in there but bear with me the two things that most people eat are the tail and the claws that's tamale or the road right there [Music] here's our Florida lobster or our spiny lobster should come right out whoa I almost dropped it free jump are y'all in this stage has been set anxiety is at an all-time high Florida lobster slipper lobster Maine lobster time for the testers test test tasters John and Sarah to step right up are you guys Sarah is going to start off with number one now write down your answers plain all right Johnny nine could be the same thing let's see what you think everyone say hello to John McRoberts kill it off alright so now they've tasted it without butter now I want both of them to come back and taste it with a little butter on it just to see if the butter helps one or the other right in there that's the tiebreaker wait you think Emma yeah you're upset you're not in this competition and the winner is number three in three okay so mine I got one in three I got three times yeah absolutely I really I thought it was gonna be the slipper but that was the Florida Lottery if the middle yeah yeah when I had it without the butter it tastes more like king crab to me it was very meaty and it tastes just like king crab then with the butter and obviously threw it off then number three with the butter it was just all-around more sweet so that's why I like it and so just to finish it off I've got to try some of this it does it does taste a lot of life king crab slipper lobster definitely good tastes kind of like a giant shrimp floor lobster Florida lobster all day long to me now let's go with a little butter go ahead claw with butter that is off the chart slipper lobster doesn't have as much flavor Laura offer [Music] okay here we go to me I like the Florida lobster without any butter just straight up no butter I like the Florida lobster the most and then the Maine lobster and then the slipper lobster with butter I like the Maine lobster and then the Florida lobster then a slipper Lobster don't even wrong the shovel nose or the slipper Lobster is good but it's not as good as the main or the Florida I think the the answers have been all over the board here just goes to show you it's all good but for those of you are like oh my gosh Maine lobsters way better than floor Lobster you're wrong because I mean I think Florida lobster is is just as good if not better than Maine but it probably has a lot to do with how fresh the lobster is how well you cooked it and whatnot the key is get out there and try maybe do this challenge yourself and see what you think but for me they're all good I would have to go with Florida lobster though that's it that's all I got for you now if any of you want to see more about deer meat for dinner hit the subscribe button and then hit that little notification bell and you'll get a notification any time we upload a new video I'm actually going this afternoon to do a video and lock set to River with my little brother and all week long we're gonna be filming and go check out deer meat for dinner komm we gone
Channel: deermeatfordinner
Views: 1,969,986
Rating: 4.7889819 out of 5
Keywords: TGBTG, how to, cook lobster, maine lobster, florida lobster, spiny lobster, slipper lobster, shovel nose Lobster, seafood, lobster challenge, robert arrington, deermeatfordinner, deer meat for dinner, DMFD
Id: vmagbkz9Mp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 04 2018
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