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[Music] look at that what's up everybody blue gate we're in Miami we're with Aero assault boat fishing and we are destroying the shrimp and the mantis shrimp and we've caught flounder we've caught all these crazy creatures I'm so glad y'all are here thanks for the support I'm gonna put this camera down turn my GoPro on and y'all this is about to get real real quick let's go [Music] telling you guys they are the real deal they're located down here in Miami anything you could want to do you guys one of the coolest things about arrow assault is everything he does is kid-friendly bring your family your grandma your kids this boat is second to none storage dry comfortable everything you want in one business what did you just catch so what we just got was a mantis shrimp I'll tell you what there's looking a creepy-looking the alien like but they taste like Lobster how do you write here on the deck let's see him flip him over okay he's got that shrimp and then we got spikes all over their body look at that spike right there yeah totally get you look how gnarly that thing is y'all even look at the spikes on his hands Oh where's whatever you call them things rappers he was chef he would devastate you all right let's put him in and we're eating that bad boy look at the shrimp look at this thing y'all it's the same exact thing as deer meat for dinner just did a show on big manners shrimp yeah baby you guys just when you think this video can't get no better it just did whoo you guys check out that monster mantis shrimp catch and cook coming right up let me see you got another one yes what is your name Jeremiah just caught another mantis shrimp you guys we have the most epic catch clean and cook ever tonight yes number three you guys these boys are straight doing work on the mantis shrimp look at that we've already got four you just put the fifth one in here watch let me show you a trick look at that Oh alien straight alien a jellyfish you guys we're supposed to be shrimping and look at these mantis shrimp he's catching them two at a time look at that oh my goodness he will jack you up cap I hope you all are enjoying this video we got so much more awesome footage to go don't you put that thing on me you guys this is insane like insanity insanity for big mantis shrimp in a whole bunch of big gorgeous trap look goodness you just keep getting weirder what is it I'm afraid - oh just do better you get this thing off the boat port start laying eggs I've seen things like this on the sandbar those things that have like little cactus he looks disgust pikes on it will poke the heck out of you that thing is gonna give me nightmares what is [Music] hey cap and that ain't even the bread oh that is to bread that's the butter that's the bread how many are you gonna can't stop him we are gonna have a straight man a shrimp boil look at that keep catching the boys check this out shrimp that's a lot of shrimp a lot of management you guys everything mantis shrimp crabs sea snakes what else do we have shrimp a rock shrimp this crazy-looking thing we're done we've got our limit of shrimp we will see y'all back at my house the Stuart Florida we're going to be cooking up some serious mantis shrimp mantis shrimp that's right y'all are thinking this is a strip catch cleaning cook but it's not we're cooking management alright y'all I said the next time you see me we were gonna be at my house but I lied because these mantis shrimp or something that Robert and I and my oldest brother Aubree at Dubois in Jupiter Florida grew up seeing but never ate like they would bite the snot out of you for one they like question Crouch he like these vampire thingamajigger 's but we never caught him so I brought him to Roberts house he doesn't know I'm bringing him he thinks I'm bringing shrimp we're gonna walk up in here and cook these things and I'm so excited so let's take him inside look why are you always the first one in the dirt I like do you what I like to get in the dirt you gonna look I'm terribly high ie just not miss your local restaurant delivery service see what I brought you beautiful I got it made I'm glad you brought something over here can we have an Asian chopped salad kit two of them beautiful what's that holy crap that's the biggest management Bubba women sing oh my god no dude look at that photo so here's the crazy thing he doesn't realize this he just leapfrogged me on the pompano show dollars on purpose because you took the hand I have been researching how to catch the how did you catch him and dip nets but that's not how you're gonna catch it you're gonna do it the way the South Florida boys doing holy cow so a huge thing around here actually no I lie so a pretty big thing around here for some of these local guys like true true true Florida crackers they catch these mantis shrimp out of their holes that's not how I caught him so I didn't affect his upcoming show y'all just let me just say that he's going to catch them with these guys here in Jupiter dude feel though that right there is nothing but prehistoric gnarly ninja so these yeah yeah yeah no absolutely and the way they just they're super strong there's this tail right here is actually what he uses as a defense mechanism it will come up and slap the taste right out of your mouth you wanna know what's crazy I took one and put him in my fish tank and I'm going to show you a short clip I'm not gonna show you too much of it cuz that's gonna be a upcoming show just him and that tank feeding he's already making a little hole he's using a saliva or something and he's sticking the sand in a hole to where he can hide why because there's no there there might be soap in there I don't want to mess these things up this is absolutely as cool as it gets five more in there all right time to cook so I didn't explain last night because the web was blowing like 47 so it was incoming tide the shrimp had already went out with the tide and we're coming back in so they're riding the tide they're up on the surface Donovan said he had never caught in any of this mantis shrimp first when I saw I said that's it that what we need to get is the mana strap but we still caught three and a half gallons of shrimp you would have to really you would have to feel how armor-plated and awesome these guys are they got these big huge eyes they just hang out they dig down in these holes and they tuck these little like weapons pow and just grab fish see how you'll grab the little fish pulls them down to the hole and it's like you're going to Chinatown with me now boy you know this will show you just how sharp they are look they're literally sharp as razor blades if that got on you Oh in right here all the little holes line up to where they just go right in the perfectly in line they've only got a couple on this side yeah okay though so all I did was split them down the belly a normal off shot split them down the back these I split down the belly took out the little bit of the waistline and that's it other than that they're completed take some butter little bit of garlic more [Music] let it melt down I guess we need more garlic I'll put all that in there all of it it smells good I know that but can y'all smell it now we're just going to let him go for a swim I let the pinchers on you don't need to but I want to jail the seed to full effect hmm you think you're gonna be good I think they're delicious looks like some aliens up in now whoo look at that though see we get fancy over here y'all shout out the dear Mieke stuff never in a million years knew that would work serves eyeballs look here's our boss just gotten really Sarah saw her brand-new house going up in flames well how do we stir it now though look at that though we got a poor spark going on up in the hill just shake it shake that was perfect y'all know that that was pretty dope I'll give it I'll give credit where credit is due they're already practically done hmm they look whate Bigelow silverfish it looked like some crazy creatures I know that maybe a minute or so I'm gonna be done who taught you how to do that I'm self-taught I knew I didn't I knew you could do it with certain liquors but I didn't think vodka ever do that we're gonna make some magic happen y'all is corn hey you know what's up that's a love potion right there y'all we're gonna do a little beady eyes though that let you know with that the movie the alien that's what this that's what they base it off of was this little creature hmm I'm excited to try one look how good this looks I can tell you one thing deer meat likes is a lot of garlic hmm dude drop a fat thumbs up if you love garlic butter ginger fresh seafood we forgot to put the ginger in it did we yeah but look at that if that was like a five-star restaurant Miami that'd be like a $300 plate you can believe it but are you all ready okay are you ready I'm ready our child let's save lesson real quick dear lord thank you for this day thank you for allowing all of us to have a safe life a healthy life and a prosperous life thank you for bringing all of us together and thanks for Sarah watching my kids all weekend dear lord thank you for dying on the cross and forgive us of our sins amen amen he's just um making up for the fact that he just said that this was a nightgown even though it's not I wore to church today now I feel really good about myself okay I feel like I'm starring in one of my own videos but it's not one of my video is how do you get it out like Lobster you just watch me don't cheat off me and honey it's more um moshi-moshi wish to have somewhere else completely yeah it was very flavorful yeah but a part have you ever tried no use did we cooked him in a half a pound of body but like drawn butter everything means drama later hey hit the like button if you think we should have some drama but if Duncan hmm hit the like button if you notice I went in the bathroom and fix my hair a little bit before I said the blessing I was blessed a big old front teeth okay yeah as a kid people call them buck teeth I feel like you need to pick with your hands oh because the fork is not really helpful like lobster it's like kraut where you just got to pick out it you weren't nervous to try it a little alien looking thing no one even think twice looks like Lobster meter for feet why would I think thank you are you excited to go fishing with arrows oh yeah you think you remember um I'll try I'll try all right this is a heads up when y'all watch my boat fishing video y'all are gonna see a superstar in action with a bow a fishing bow at that just a heads up mmm I will say this how do you go so fast maybe I was hungry the flavor is amazing yeah look how about that corn no I think Warner's on the boy thanks I cut up in the corn bagging it dumped it in alright y'all that's enough we're gonna eat I want to eat I still got to try them you already know they're good I don't need to tell you they're good they just did thanks for subscribing if you haven't hit that subscribe button yet hit it because there's big things to come thank you all for watching but like Jake always says be getting up out here it's time to get out of shape CEO
Channel: Bluegabe
Views: 1,741,760
Rating: 4.8313136 out of 5
Keywords: mantis, shrimp, catch clean cook, how to, deermeatfordinner, deer mom, bluegabe, cleaning, catching, shrimps, river, ocean, fishing, netting, homemade, home cooked, recipe, style, shrimping, pet, mantis shrimp, Gabriel Arrington, Robert Arrington, Sarah Arrington, Miami, bow fishing, intercoastal, arrowassaultbowfishing, arrow assault, cooking
Id: kf9quLnYuu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 22sec (1102 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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