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welcome back to smoking ribs I'm Russ Jones in today's video we're doing another ball we're gonna be doing crawfish and shrimp and I'm going to show you how to do both of those at the same time without undercooking or overcooking gonna get started right after this [Music] [Music] all right first thing we're going to do is clean the crawl fish a ball always starts with cleaning the crawfish now I've got a new product down here I want to show you real quick that's going to make this job easy most people dread the part of cleaning crawfish because you have to take your hand and swash them around and basically clean them by hand so I'm going to show you this product right here this is called a Cajun cleaner and it might look like a five-gallon bucket to you believe me this is much bigger than a five-gallon bucket holds 50 pounds of crawfish up to 50 pounds and that's what we're going to dump our crawfish into we're going to put this lid on we're going to turn the water on and this is going to watch the crawfish now it's not called a crawfish cleaner it's called a Cajun cleaner because you can clean anything in this from all your vegetables that's going in to the boil if you have a garden if you raise vegetables you can take potatoes you can take anything that gets dirt on it and wash it off real good through this and what by the way there's a little clip here that you're supposed to put down to take this on and take this off you can actually remove that and it makes your lid go on quicker and easier it has a quick disconnect here at the very bottom of this container so I'm gonna go ahead and get to crawfish we're gonna dump them in we're gonna turn this on and get it started I've got the water going in and here on moment you're gonna see the water coming up now I would I do want you to know that these are River crawl fish they're not covered in mud like most of your farm raised crawfish are these come out of the river so they're naturally cleaner but you are gonna see the color change on this water here very soon now take a look at that that is some murky looking water it's not as dirty as what I have seen what like I said real muddy crawfish but that's uh that's pretty murky but it's gonna clean out real quick the cool thing about it is instead of having to bend over and wash these by hand you can sit over here and Allowance chair and just drink a cold beer and let it do its thing oh it's already clearing up now even though that water is getting clear I'm gonna let them go about five minutes to really insure that and I can see particles coming up out of these holes here on the top it's pushing crud out of this bucket and all you want to do at this point is undo your Quick Connect and let it drain it's got a check valve inside of this Quick Connect and that stops the water coming out of the hose now we're just draining we're gonna let those drain and you're just going to hang out until we're ready to put them in a pot pretty cool product man yeah I am I'm filming in front of a live studio Walter yes today I'm gonna go ahead and get the water in this pipe but first we're gonna talk about this pot a little bit I just got this brand new and it's called the tunnel tube this is a new high-performance crawfish bowling pot I played around with this other day halfway full that's where you would normally bring your water level up to on a pot if you're bullying crawfish now today I might have to go a little bit higher than that because I'm also doing shrimp as well with the normal potatoes corn mushroom sausage things like that but anyway this can get up to a full rapid ball in about eight to eight and a half minutes and the other high performance pots I have and used in the past take somewhere around nine nine and a half so it's definitely faster and I want to see if this thing can I even lose a boil when we put this crawfish I'm sure it's gonna slow way down but if it's typical of high performance pots it should get right back up this has got a different kind of design on the bottom here's a picture of that this actually has like aluminum tubes that have been mathematically tuned in such a manner to get the most out put without without actually burning the pot up and I'm not going to get into all that because I don't understand it I'm just going to use this putt I'll have links in the description for the website where you can take a look at this and you can actually talk to the owner and he can show you or tell you more about it in addition to this round backyard type potty also has a square rectangular looking pot that is actually a commercial pot and I'm gonna talk about that a little bit right now you are looking at the 120 quart commercial pot this is a prototype so it's a little rough around the edges these pots come in 120 quart 30 sixty gallon and upto 100 gallon if I'm not wrong has a powerhouse under that look at that four burners can bowl and five minutes it has a basket this is a flip basket this will allow you to flip your cooked crawfish into a soaking pot for commercial cookers and if you have it staged outright you can do 1,000 pounds of crawfish per hour now I'll go ahead and reach out to tunnel tube and they can explain in more detail about these pots this is just giving you a brief overview it does come with a lid and uh like I said earlier they come in multiple sizes they also have steaming accessories to where you could use as a steamer basket as well I'm really liking the looks of this another thing about this pot it has a 200,000 BTU burner and that's actually a little bit lower than what I've got on my other big pot there in the back is 250,000 BTU and this can actually get up to a ball quicker so that's telling me something right now whether this design that is definitely working we're getting ready to put it to the test I'm gonna go ahead and add some water to this we're gonna get it boiling we're gonna time it see how long it takes again today I'm going probably about two-thirds full today because of the addition of 15 pounds of shrimp we have ignition now we're going to go all the way up on this water's up to a ball took around eight and a half to nine to get it boiling and probably about nine 1/2 to 10 to get it really in a real hard Bowl I've cut my gas in half because that's the beat of this pot once you achieve that boil you can save a lot of fuel by lowering your volume of gas going in and it will maintain that boil this is the first step in perfect crawfish perfect shrimp is ability to get these things up to a ball quick not so much the initial ball but the return boil once the crawfish goes in I'm gonna go ahead and add the seasoning let me show you what we got all right I am out of frog bone Cajun season we've been using a lot of that down there at the boat ball and crabs throughout the week but another one of my favorites is Cajun land this is some really good stuff this is four pounds going in now a good way to kill this foam go ahead and put some liquid crab ball in 16 ounces that is that arise liquid crab boil I'm actually going to lower this a little bit more still got a pretty violent ball there alright that's looking good now in addition to the cage Lynn I'm adding in some swap fire this is four and a half pounds I'm gonna put about half of this in there I do have quite a bit of product going in here as far as crawfish and shrimp but I'm thinking a half a bag of this that should do it on the last crab boil video it did a few weeks ago I only use half of one of these containers of cayenne pepper this is 7.25 ounces well today we want to kick it up I was told that those crawfish wouldn't spice enough I know how to make them spicy here we go when I do do my Stan crawfish it gets a lot more than that you think it would set you on fire man but if it really don't and guess what got another half a bottle they want it spicy they gonna get spicy this is a five pound bag of yellow onions my wife pureed these earlier with a little bit of water going in those will completely dissolve away you won't see any onion just the flavor this is a whole head of celery same thing if your red and a little bit of water we're going after the flavor you won't find any celery in this pot when it's all said and done now we got a little thing of bay leaves here I don't know how many it is I don't dump them all in there you can't hurt it I'd say it's probably about 15 bay leaves got six heads of garlic going in all I did was cut the end off too exposed to garlic going in I've got probably a dozen of the mandarin oranges these are little miniature oranges and about seven or eight lemons cut in half going in a lot of people will squeeze that juice in there believe me when I get this up back to a rip-roaring ball there'll be nothing left but pulp inside of those lemons and oranges all the juice will be mixed in give this a good stir so you won't let this go around ten minutes just let all that Merry little that the oranges and the lemon discrete all their juices and just everything come together and get happy all right we've been going a little while here so we're gonna go ahead and add in the thing that takes the longest to cook this is these little new red potatoes going in not going crazy with a whole lot because there's not many of us and what I've found is there's always a lot of leftovers for most people you've one to two and that's it so we're gonna let that go ten minutes all right we've been going around ten minutes now I've got some connect a sausage their original sausage along with some button mushrooms two cartons going in we're gonna let take about five minutes then going about another five minutes now I've got some corn we've got about a dozen pieces there again not a lot of people eaten here today going in we're gonna go about another five minutes we've been going another five minutes what I'm getting ready to do is turn this wide open again because we're getting ready to dump some crawfish in here now I'll explain a little while how all this is coming together and how this produces the perfect crawfish and shrimp here we go put our lid back on go get this back to a screaming boil alright we just got back up to a boil we started timing these and at three minutes I'm allowed to shrimp in that took roughly a minute to get back to a returned bowl try doing that with any other kind of putt most pots that are slick on the bottom take somewhere around 20 minutes to get back up to any kind of boil this did it like one minute now it's time to go in with the trap look at that it's still a bowling though shrimp did not kill the boil it ain't bowling hard but it is ball we've had our shrimp in for a minute and a half we're cutting the fire off look at that no fire still boiling this pot is amazing we're gonna straddle on the ball boss just like so we're going to cool this pipe down I'm just gonna stand here and we're gonna stir this pot for about three minutes it's going to drop this water down to around 150 degrees or under which stops the cooking process and that is key and produce some perfect crawfish perfect shrimp they're still actually cooking right now but in here in another couple of minutes they won't be and when everything begins to sink that's how you know they're absorbing all of these seasoned water all the stuff we've added to this water they are already sinking we hitting them in go in a minute yet so ball in perfect crawfish perfect shrimp it really comes down to having the right stuff to do it with and I'm telling you that a high-performance pot is almost a must it's critical you've got to be able to get that return ball back really fast to where you can go by time if you've got a slick bottom pot and you're waiting on the seam to return the ball you're gonna be late 20 minutes plus and by that time you craw fish or shrimp they're already run they're overcooked so with that first off you're able to really control the outcome of this crawfish and shrimp and then after that the key thing is lower the temperature very fast very rapidly to stop the cooking process and it's going to produce a nice farm Carl fish and other shrimp will be perfect cooked they won't be rubbery and they'll be easy to peel just about everything has already sunk to the bottom everything's absorbing all this goodness and that's telling you one thing that the water has cooled and it should be right about where I want it I've been going roughly three and a half minutes and I've used this enough just ball balls to know that it does that in about three and a half minutes we're going to be close enough I'm not even going check it so I'm going to go ahead and turn this water off we're just going to let these soak for 20 minutes we're gonna actually check them after 10 minutes because I got a lot of spice in this and 10 minutes might do it don't put your lid on you're wanting to keep cooling this if you put your lid on it's going to inhibit that we have been soaking about 25 minutes we just pulled them out we're letting them drain back into the pot we're getting ready to dump these into an ice chest from there we're gonna serve them up in our Cajun party boats and we'll be back here in a few minutes I'm gonna get everybody's reaction on what it tastes like how they pill and what their thoughts are be right back [Music] but we just put all the crawfish and now we're fighting off flies as you can see but they like crawfish too all right everybody's gonna take a bite of this you know the crawfish a shrimp and I'm gonna last their thoughts on it y'all go ahead don't let me know if the flavors right is it spicy enough how does it pill how odd a mushroom okay y'all might recognize this guy this is Brian from smokehouse Bayou we did a video here a while back on his beef jerky what are you thinking about it man look the shrimp are just they're very easy to peel you know and the flavor is just right good did a great job that's the whole purpose of this video to show you how you can do both in the same pot and both of them come out and just right and the amount of spice is so left to you if you don't like them too spicy then certainly don't put as much spice and you know that's just something you got to play with but this is how we like it this is how we do it have you tried to crawfish it well they called a firm okay crawfish is different than shrimp shrimp tend to get like rubbery tough and crawfish they'll turn the mother ship they're overcooked right now you might remember this guy this is grant the guy from Rising Sun crab traps that was on another video here a while back what do you think grant they're really good I mean the flavors excellent there's no it's perfect perfect okay that's what I want to hear you're too shy I'm not even gonna interview you so I haven't even tried one yet I did just lick my fingers from that bulb of garlic I picked up YUM that's all I can say about that we have had a fantastic time today getting our Bowl on with family and friends tell you what that tunnel tube pot did outstanding very impressed with that and the Cajun cleaner wow man such a simple idea but does a fantastic job by the way these things are selling out fast I'll have a link in the description box do you think you got a use for that other than crawl fish and if you're down here then definitely for crawl fish hope you enjoyed the video until next time smoke your ribs rollin we've been soaked in 25 minutes give or take a minute or two but just pull them out we let them drain now from here we're gonna pull them into an ice chest and just let them hang out we're gonna start serving up some of these Cajun party boats over here so everybody can partake and we'll be right back we're gonna get everybody's thoughts on it braids do it one the party boat parked it and closing what the party locator glow [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter]
Channel: Smoky Ribs BBQ
Views: 449,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to boil crawfish and shrimp at the same time, how to boil crawfish, how to boil shrimp, Cajun cooking, Cajun style boil, high performance boiling pot, how to clean crawfish, crawfish boil, seafood boil, how to cook crawfish, boiled crawfish, crawfish recipe, louisiana crawfish, cajun crawfish, crawfish cooker, crawfish boil recipe, seafood boil sauce, seafood boil recipe, how to cook crawfish louisiana style, how to cook crawfish at home, crawfish, shrimp, seafood, boil
Id: 9ke5VDOZQlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2019
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