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so guys I have just come back from insomnia 61 which was absolutely amazing by the way so everyone I met at the convention thank you you guys are incredible that's not what this is about this is about what we did on the main stage which most of you would have seen from my livestream and video yesterday so insomnia thought it would be cool to challenge me to one of the hardest levels in a game that has come out recently in crash bandicoot's the new re-released remastered version this level was so difficult in the original crash bandicoot game that they cut it quoting the creator that it was just so so difficult they didn't want to put it in the game with the rerelease they decided to put it back in to challenge newer players to be able to do it as a DLC now on on there on the stage I I didn't do too well oh yeah oh yeah yeah yeah I didn't do too good okay so I thought I would redeem myself and actually go ahead and try it out and today I even had to pay for the privilege of trying to complete this level because I definitely need to redeem myself it was embarrassing let's get straight into some Crash Bandicoot now armor this is one of the rare occasions where I have played a game off the camera for you guys me and gem when this came out bought it and literally played from beginning to end of the first game in like a day and some of those levels are really challenging too but this one this one was so difficult they didn't want to include it in the game so let's head to store me a sense I'm a little bit scared I'm not gonna lie look hey it's good luck you're gonna need it here we are at on stage I got through the first at checkpoint now I don't like making excuses but there was a lot of trickery going on with my controller during the insomnia stage show so this is why I want to redeem myself right now there's lots of these like moving platforms a lot of these guys to get out of here Punk and all of these and your timing has to be absolutely impeccable to try and complete this otherwise you're gonna hit them big old spiky things and you're gonna be a big shrub or but as you can see I'm doing pretty well so far oh geez no no no any time this better this is one of those big at timing sections here we go this is it this is it oh that's it smashed it yes I don't be able to collect all of the extra bits as well to unlock the bonus levels but I'm at least going to try there we go nice okay see look I'm doing better already and then we'll do this get up here spin this dude out the way and I'm almost at that first checkpoint part already look at this oh man I'm definitely redeeming myself this time this is bad this about is bad well here we go that's x that's x there we go up I don't weigh a little bandicoot's oh there's more of these punks here we go here we go what get out of here where you got for me next level I'm pretty sure I'm super close to the checkpoint is just up here as I remember I was only playing it yesterday on stage which is crazy but I should be able to get up here surely yeah there's this bird guy which was really difficult with controller lag I mean this game and especially this level in completely reliant on your timing so I was mad secretly I was mad but that's our checkpoint completed let's into this this was super hard this is a really really fast platformer this moves as well there we go look at this see I'm smashing it high this level in the game where we going next we got another bird which I think we need to catch on the way up there we go guys I haven't died once yet I haven't even died once I am oh okay this is as far as I got on the live stage as far as this I need to kind of jump on those stairs then get onto a moving platform let's see if we can do it here we go here we go yes okay no I did that I have no idea how I did that but I did let's jump over there we go see guys I've got this I've so got this and he's throwing it onto that how am I supposed to do that are you kidding me oh we have to do on the middle like that okay here we go and yeah that's it that's it get out here scientist Punk I know a scientist just like you and he's a punk also we've got another one of those weird Einstein bonus level things and we've got another wacky wacky I think that's his name let's call him wooden mask or Johnny either way we got an extra one of him so if we hit one of those those spiked balls we should be okay there we go there we go Oh almost died okay I'm feeling pretty good about this now this is my first first attempt today this didn't say ha ha that was close where am i what what what no what was that what was that are you kidding me it hasn't even given me another one of the mosques you all this level's minas put me all the way back here no ok I got another mosque that's perfect I'm almost back to where I was before if I can do this without a game over I have properly redeemed myself here it is so it kind of pushes you off at the bottom which is weird I don't know how I'm gonna do this guys but I'm gonna try no that was a noob mistake such a noob mistake I've only got one life left haha really ok ok it's gave me mad already I've got zero lives left so if I die again I'm gonna have to do the whole thing again and I definitely haven't got enough apples to be able to get a new life either or why once no what is that guy doing why do we get hurt if he touches our leg why go away ok ok we're back so you need to jump across twice I think and then go up I'm not sure you can duck on this game so I'm gonna do that and then I'm gonna go across here and across here yes ha ha I didn't get a checkpoint though so I need to be a little bit worried let's do this this there we go ok please what you can put a checkpoint there you can put a little one there why not okay what do I do now do I bother going across the stairs or no I think I should oh no not like that how many lives have I got - no okay there we go Oh jump yes is a checkpoint there as well I have no idea how I survived that thank you wherever the mask is cool thank you okay this is gonna be tricky here we go here we go this is it where's that where's oh my goodness he's touring that far I need to study this what's the timing this is it this is it no need to wait longer okay I think it's actually slower than I think here we go yes yes get out of here jump do not put another checkpoint now I know I just had one but okay what on earth do I do now do I go down here I think you can jump on this guy let's test it here we go yeah we can okay this is gonna get really nasty now we go what yeah buddy I need way more apples than this though thank you okay we should be able to run down here huh okay that's not too bad we grab some apples from this as well got a nice 10 solid ten apples ha man the checkpoints are so far away I think I can go from the third step yep okay this isn't too bad yes no yes no I think I did it and there's another life down here oh yes okay we back up the two lives which actually means three gives you one at zero oh man I'm actually nervous I need to literally study this and see how it works I think it's now yeah no yeah yeah yeah yeah that's it okay how does this work that's not very nice we get though we get auto no that's the end that's so near the end and I have to do this whole bit again oh geez okay let me let me go back to it [Music] there are lives there are lives are you kidding me I have to do this and finish it now yes okay I'm down here I'm down here I'm ready I got 57 apples I need another life I slipped off the edge it's game over again Oh guys I need to get back there to checkpoints okay I'm back I got a little bit further than this before but I have two lives which means three gives you one on zero and I should be okay to do this I can't actually remember where we got to before buts let's do this here we go what really Freddie I just died again I just died again I've got zero lives you know quick these can just disappear least I've got one of the masks now that's goods I lost it I lost it I've lost two already know that was such a noob mistake ah so with this this is really really tricky cuz you can't actually jump off you hit the top of the other stairs and then dies so what I need to do is like slip down here let's like catches you at the end and then you have to jump over it's so weird I know I have to start again okay I'm out here repping the four lives four lives I managed to get here it straight away I'm actually not doing too bad at all but I think I might be able to do this now here we go huh not too bad not too bad I can remember I go up to next but here we go come on I need to just take my time and not mess this up no I think it's when I press record when I press record I just lose all sense of being able to do this again we're here I must be able to get past this bit surely I don't think I've done this bit yet this is the bit I got - why can't I do that but are you kidding me what's why why I'm so nervous to do this job now I've got like I got three lives left including the zeros that's not too bad but still and I think I have some chances to get some lives as well in this bonus level but man I can't concentrate yes yes okay this better be the last head there we go we might be able to get some more lives here let me just see what this entails come on bonus level okay there's a life right there there's a life underneath as well how how am I supposed to get those I need as many of these lives of I can get huh yes I died so what's good about this is you can keep retrying these bonus levels over and over again so I'm giving some time and I'll see if I can grab some more lives to complete this cuz I I don't know how far through we are I'm hoping we're pretty far so if I do this correctly I'm actually in the running for a good amount of life so I've got three so far but we can get some more but I'm not sure how I'm gonna get up there to be honest do I need to go from here let's see huh yes I do ok we do this carefully um oh jeez no there's only one more life over there I don't out to get it yes I did it ok so you need to go all the way up here and then I think you need to kind of like go backwards and forwards but there's literally no way I can do that it's so tricky so I'm just gonna get the the normal amount of lives I can get and just call it quits there I can do it but it'll take me so long so I'm gonna talk to this guy hey buddy how's it going he's gone I was gonna see how far we are to the end over 4 lives 21 apples I could have got some what apples why didn't I do that no you know what I think we can do this there's bird action going on here we go man missing those apples was a big mistake or ninety-four apples which is insane alright let's try this here we go it's gonna keep on holding right I've got some apples that I can get boom that puts us up to 96 massive mistake guys ok we need to jump this early and go over to the other platform let's do this here we go boom boom done ok this guy's gonna feel like he wants to throw these that's fine I just need to skip the one in between there we go ok ok this isn't too bad get outta here I just need I just need some more apples I've got six lives four more apples and I've got myself another life as well that's a decent amount hop hop done oh we have to go up okay I don't trust that though at all let's go up the two happens okay that's not too bad I thought those gonna be a spike at the top okay that's why it's hard I get it I get it I've just lost another life I should be out to collect some more apples now though right and get that life back I should be able to let's try this there we go yeah there we go how many apples do I need to why at least I can get that back this is gonna be a super hard jump you kidding me alright here we go yes now what happens when we get up the top of here we need to be careful whoa okay there's another question white box up there which is good you can grab that what does it have inside apples I've got myself that life I made up for it wow this is major timing right now major timing oh you have to do it through this platform here that's crazy don't it okay okay I'm gonna stay silent for most of these jumps just because they are so intricate in terms of timing I need to figure out how long he stares last okay here we go here we go here we go huh yes that's perfect that's so perfect please give me a checkpoint otherwise I'm going all the way back quick quick quick jumps quick jumps quick jumps all the way to the top that's what I'm talk about we've got this no just on the edge I'm all the way back here oh my goodness oh my goodness this is terrible okay I'm back at the fast bit I think I can do this I just need to jump a little bit later no earlier than before this is it this is it this is it here we go here we go don't do that again should've got more lives I should have got more lives no I keep dying guys I've just wasted two lives on that one jump I got three lives left to complete this I am so not ready sod already what I told you it's giving me a pity mask okay here we go we're back again I managed to get past it we have got two lives and one Mosca to try and do this because we've got the mask I think we might be okay depends along this last right here we go yes I've got past it oh I've got past it okay I need to see what is above this ramp right here it's it's those stairs okay that's not nice that's not nice at all right here we go yes I've lost my important thing I don't know why I did that how far could this be how far could this be yes yes okay checkpoint at the top that is beautiful news hook yes yes keep it up okay okay we have got one more life to use it but that's absolutely fine don't worry about it how far do we have to go we've had the bonus level already usually ask me at the end I'm going for it I'm going for it I'm going for it here we go and get out of here that's what I'm talking about these are really hard cuz you just don't know when to jump hot but okay that's not too bad who's gonna kill me I really thought he's gonna kill me now the birds move huh BAM okay that's it that's it come on show me the end show me the end where the top of the wall okay that's good news that's really good news that's not good news I think the end is right there this is my last chance on this I have to do the whole thing again now and get all the way back right let's see how I do guys I'm not even kidding you I'm back here already not lost alive I'm on four lives so I can get another four from here I think but let's see if I can get all the lives it's super hard though I've learned this different jumps you can like clip off the edge you can go that little bit further which is crazy and that's really the only way you can do it so let's try here we go there we go that's it I even jumped too far over the thing well that's what you need to do okay I managed to get four with a decent amount of apples I'm just gonna go if it becomes an issue I shouldn't be okay I will have nine lives after this with a decent amount of apples I should be fine because I remember most of this and I think I'm gonna be okay I also have a mask with me too which gives me an extra little buffer just in case I do mess up I should be okay yeah boy yeah we did it okay right let's let's not lose lives on these next bits I have a mask in tow so I should be okay should check boy boys that's what I'm talking about do one more Apple for another life which is good that makes us up to 7 this is the pug that got me last time he ain't gave me this time though I'm gonna get him pow okay here's the movie in there I think we had to go all the way over to here that works that doesn't work okay I can't get back up I'm dying I'm dead a dead letter L is poorly timed I don't think we get another R with one Apple away that's so annoying okay I've just realized I just changed my battery Mike I forgot to press record for the past four minutes but we are here to three lives remaining on this bit which I really can't figure out and I'm pretty sure we're close to the end because it's called stormy ascent we're almost at the top of the wall here haha but three lives and I am out I think I need to jump on it and then wait a little bit I'm pretty sure let's give it a go here we go that's the only thing I haven't tried yet yes yes I almost got to jump the next time okay there's nothing in here no checkpoints no lives what do we do next week to study this very very carefully oh man I'm just gonna go for it I'm just gonna go for it and see what happens so we do this and then we just jump to that next is that it that was it okay right moving Birds now that's not fair but I'm just gonna do it and see what happens here we go jeez jeez jeez know that it's hard guys I mean how are you supposed to do that one life to go I cannot mess this up oh man this is it zero lives and I'm back to beginning again I mean I am so close I can taste it I don't even know what to say I don't even know what to say I don't even know what to say right back up again I've been doing this for one hour in 25 minutes and now I have to start again see you soon guys okay we back up here we've got seven lives we must be able to do this shortly I just need to figure out the birds bit and then I think we're home free I'm guessing anyway so here's this bit I think we can do this there we go there go almost got a job oh don't know how I did that but I did this bit super easy so we just need to jump on this platform here and just wait I guess I don't know why that's made super complicated I guess so you can overthink yet this bit I have no idea let's just hit the bird the farthest away you can get and then fall okay wasted life great we meet again Birds I must be able to do this come on right here we go boom fly up fly up yes yes oh my goodness is this it sorry girl life it's at the end y'all guys that's the end give all the apples you can give me give me all the apples we're only three crates away from perfect badda-boom stormy ascent has been done yes only there's three boxes as well I'm pretty sure those are in the bonus stage I'm pressing the X button and I've done it that was way too much oh that's a pee paw so I completed it in about one hour and 46 minutes crazy on stage they gave me a real Swift in five or ten minutes there's no way you can do that all five or ten minutes that's insane guys I did it I completed one of the hardest platforming levels around in the world at the moments and almost took me two hours whoa whatever guys I hope you enjoyed this video if you didn't please do it because I like with it that'd be greatly appreciated and why don't you stick around and watch some more videos by me every single day by joining the greatest team on YouTube team TDM today and for every single day of videos I don't even make sense but you get what I mean yeah thank you so much for watching guys you are the best and goodbye [Music]
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 4,976,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, crash bandicoot, dantdm crash bandicoot, crash bandicoot dantdm, thediamondminecart, minecart, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, app, crash bandicoot stormy ascent, stormy ascent
Id: oqkInZgow2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 50sec (1190 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 28 2017
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