CRAIG IN THE WOODS | Dream Daddy - Part 5

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Hello, everybody. My name is Markiplier, and welcome back to Dream Daddy. Now, we just got done with our second date with Craig, but we got a lot more Daddy to get through. 'Well it's been a long day...' I'm just ready to pack it in.' 'After a few bites of ice cream from the freezer, I turn off all the lights and walk down the hall to my room.' 'I wonder if Amanda's still awake . That kid needs some sleep.' 'As I pass her room, I can hear a faint sound,' 'But can't make sure- can't quite make out what it is. I get a closer look.' 'Is she... crying?' 'I knock gently on the door, 'Hey 'Manda?' 'The crying immediately stops.' 'Not right now.' 'Her voice sounds strained. she sniffles, I need to make sure she's okay. 'I open the door.' 'In the dark, I can see Amanda's outline in the middle of her bed, knees hugged up against her body...' 'Is everything ok?' 'I don't want to talk about it.' uuugh I... I just need to know if something happened... 'Did something happen?' 'No! Nothing happened, go away.' ooh.. I don't want to press it too hard, if she doesn't want to talk about it, then who am I to... really pester her? Alright... Something didn't have to happen.. People don't have to start crying just because something happens. Something could be bothering them for a long time. She was almost crying before, too. We'll leave her alone, for now. gently behind me she immediately starts crying again wow I have no idea what has her so upset she seemed totally normal I feel awful just leaving her to cry but I also get the feeling that if I tried to do anything else it would have only made Yeah, I get that feeling too. You know, like- I just- I can't press too hard if someone wants to be alone, like, I- I can't force my way in, it'll only cause more harm. awful things she could be dealing with right now more than anything I just want her to be happy and safe I have a hard time falling asleep when I finally do I'm still thinking about Amanda after a long night a very little sleep I roll out of bed and make myself a pot of coffee Amanda should be up for school soon maybe she'll be willing to talk about whatever's bothering her about ten minutes before she's supposed to leave Amanda comes out of her room and makes a beeline for the freezer Morna manda morning she drops a frozen waffle in the toaster and slams freezer door she won't look at me yikes so anything big going on at school today no okay do you need a ride to school no want some coffee Amanda pulls the toaster lever up and takes her still freezer-burned waffle out before it's finished cooking I have to go Amanda picks up her bag and story's out oh okay I haven't seen her act like this in a long time it's usually short-lived but it always hurts hopefully this blows over and things are back to normal soon I sit back at the kitchen table and look at a picture of Amanda and I hang it on the wall in it I'm teaching her to ride a bike her face is a mixture of excitement and pure unbuilt rated fear I remember how determined she was every time she would fall off some scrape her knees she would get back up and tried again finally I had to stop her because she was bleeding everywhere then she started to cry because she didn't think she needed bandages and wanted to keep trying as I put the bike away she just stood in the middle of the street and screamed then I took her for ice cream and it was like nothing even happened after giving it a bit of thought I decided that if I force her to talk about it I'm only gonna make things worse but I have an idea I start rummaging around for ingredients I hear a man to walk in the door instead of heading for the kitchen like she usually does she makes a beeline to a room she's clearly trying to avoid me hey pumpkin what can you come here for a second there's a moment of silence yeah I want to say sorry about last night I'm just worried about you kiddo I get scared when I know something's wrong and I get even more scared when I feel like I can't do anything about it dad I so just whatever it is and you don't have to tell me if you don't want to whatever it is just know that you have a dad in your corner who wants you to be happy honey you know I'm bad with words so I was hoping I could speak a language we both understand I pulled a cake out of the refrigerator and place it on the table hopefully this frosting is set by now Dada Dada took me a really long time because I ran out of red frosting Sorry you're sad, but I support you 100%! Right.. this is beautiful it's strawberry mana gives me a big old hug I grab some plates and forks and service up some delicious cake so it's really stupid what is this whole thing I know I've been really weird lately and this just I don't even know how to explain it I feel like I might have to make you a charm I'm listening do you want me to take notes oh I guess I should start on the top oh you know how Mr is going to the fancy art school What's the difference between Emma R and Emma P? Oh, No.. The one who puked in Dead, Goth, and Beyond? No, that's what YOU did! The best friend? The OTHER one? I'm gonna go with.. I think Emma R came first. The Best Friend? YEAH! you anyways ever since she got the acceptance letter I've been feeling like she's drifting away you know and she's been spending a lot more time with grace and Emma P just thought it was all in my head for a while but then I found out from Rosie M that both of the Emma's Grace and Noah all went to a party in McKenzie X on the same night they'd all told me they were busy studying for the I do need a chart- IhaveacrushonNoah-Eugh.. I dunno... That is a TOTAL mystery to me. I couldn't have pieced that together from ANY of the information I had previously. worst anyway so the only person I told about the crush was Mr and she promised not to help tell anybody I didn't confront them about the party thing because they didn't want to start drama so I just keep quiet and keep going about my business Amanda sighs then one day I invite everybody have to get notches at the ball and after not texting me back for like two hours even though none of them ever put their phones down for more than 30 60 seconds they all say they're busy like simultaneously so I tell them never mind I'll just eat nachos at home right but we were out of chips and I really want to run nachos totally understandable go go the ball anyway I get the food court in who do I see deaf of grace a poppy mor and don't hanging out together and eat nachos without me why'd it gets better I'm standing by the escalators watching them and I realized that Noah has his arm around mr which is kind of weird right but then they kiss no yes I know so I stole them over there and I'm like by grace drops a nacho on her shirt because of course she does and mor just glares at me grace grace nothing's coming up The- The- Boring one? I'm gonna SAVE! I DON'T THINK THIS IS IMPORTANT! BORING? Yes! I think that's a passing, acceptable answer. but anyway nobody will say anything and I'm just like you guys suck which I realized is not the most eloquent thing to say but I was very angry and really embarrassing I just want to get out there so I left without nachos my god which only further contributed to this shitty day and immediately drafted a super long text to the group chat asking him why I've been so weird they've been so weird and I wrote another one mor asking how long the Noah thing's been Oh, my God.. Eugh, What did Emma R say? you know what let let me just read it to you Amanda pulls out a phone reads word for word and arduously long string of text I cannot- I cannot believe that.. *starts laughing* Amanda's social life and well-being but man do I not understand what you talked about is all beyond me and I'm trying my hardest to be sebuah they were dating in secret for like months so I told her that she's been really terrible friend she's like well if you think I'm so terrible then just stop being my friend and I was like okay and then she left me on red and then wait let me on red what's that Oh like she saw my message and didn't reply and I know because there are read receipts I don't know what read receipts are but I'm just gonna nun pretend like I know what I understand gotcha so while this is all happening I talked to him a peod about how mad I am because she's a weak being kind of reasonable and Abednego who are about pissed I and all but ever I now know where Noah texts me is like how could you say that about me and I'm like say what about he tells me the demo piece set screenshots of everything I told her to the group chat that I got kicked out of alright I think you lost me on screenshots but that definitely sound bad so much more our blood honestly it's all just really stupid teenager stuff the bottom line is that everybody dropped me at my great hates me and now I have no friends Amanda so Cherie I almost expected it from everybody else but ours been there since dad died I can't believe she would just stab me in the back like that I'm not even that mad that you dating no I'm just upset that she lied to me about it for so long Amanda stabs at the remnants of her cake okay I get back I'm kind of mad she's dating Noah like what did I do wrong why did everybody just decide I'm not cool anymore why wasn't I enough I don't understand and as mad as I am at everybody like I miss them dad Amanda looks so dejected I almost can't take it what could I possibly say uh-huh anyway that's it that's old sordid tale thanks for listening tune in next week for more It's not dumb at all! You got alienated like, by your group of friends! For, like, no reason! Just because people can't talk about their feelings.. It's not dumb. NO IT'S NOT! guess unless you've secretly been a robot who's been approximating human feelings this whole time dad if I was a robot it would have transformed into a monster truck a long long time ago seriously I know you probably don't want advice but I feel like my duty as a dad if it's still upon you a few nuggets of HERE IT COMES! I'm ready! Let's see.. High school sucks-*breaks into laughter* Yeah, it's pretty much the bottom line of everything. High school just sucks. It. Just plain-old does. But it's not forever. High school sucks. But once you're out of that, you get to choose who's in your life! You get to choose who you surround yourself with! get out into the real world you're going to be exposed to all sorts of people and it's going to be easier to make friends with people who really get some of those friendships can last a lifetime I mean look at me and Craig some of them only last a little while and that's okay you're gonna make so many awesome new friends at the art school ultimately I think this says more about their character than it does about yours because you're amazing and if they can't see that well that's their problem I'll keep that in mind I look down at the table did we just eat the whole cake yeah we did you see the whole cake well I gotta go run this off. she closes the door she turns around hey pops yes thank you you're always welcome Awwww! De-Haha-aww! *giggles* Awww! That sucks though. Oh, they got high school relationship drama. Oh.. It's always the worst. People drop people out of friend groups at the drop of a hat. And they don't think about the repurcussions of that. And also people don't talk about their goddamn feelings! Oh, why's everything got to be lies and subterfuge? Man, teenagers are the most- Incredible liars in the entire world! Okay, all right. Hey Craig. Oh Craig Imma say, but hey Craig. How you doing Craig? Man, if I got oh-You know what they say about third dates. Things get pretty serious. Are you sure this is Dream Daddy? Oh.. *laughing* Oh, God! I can't commit! I'm afraid of commitment! What would I-God, I would have to date every single dad, wouldn't I? Wouldn't I have to date every single dad? Oh boy.. Oh god.. But I haven't.. Eughhh.. Agghh! Do I go for the completionist route? But I kind of want to see what it leads to right now- Then I'll have a more educated guess on what's coming in the future. At least finish off this one path, and then I can always go back to the save I just saved. Right? Probably. Maybe. I doubt that's 100% true, but I'm just gonna go with it. it took some time for our schedules to line up but I was finally able to find a weekend where Craig and I could go camping he always stays so busy with working the kids but it's good to know that we'll be able to spend some time relaxing together in nature since our first run of man's regular runs with Greg I mostly do them because it only seems like the only time we did to hang out but the added benefit is that I've seen a lot of improvement Oh hell yeah. camping gear from college Greg put me in charge of bringing the sleeping bags in the tent while he takes care of the food so I got to check to make sure everything is ready to go Craig should be here any minute now a man is going to be spending this weekend on a school trip to our nation's capital she hasn't been away from home without me for longer than the day since she was 14 cheese and feelings nervous about it as I am I doubt it. She's probably excited! sitting on top of her luggage in order to get it finally yeah hey Bob's ready for your trip once I get this bad boy all zipped up I'm good to go how much did you pack that seems like a lot for two days oh it's all my camera equipment lenses tripod flash you gonna even have time to take pictures I'll find a way I need to get some good shots from a series of national monuments who look serious about one of those internet series where I reimagined Disney Princesses our founding fathers I'm kidding nobody likes those I'm taking portraits of my friends oh I'm gonna be in the woods out there in nature you know roughing it just me and cracking mother nature the old Mod the red dead freeze are you gonna be all ready really mm-hmm I'm gonna have any signal out I know it will be a NIGHTMARE not to hear from me! couple days without constant updates on who just got voted off the International haunted house hunters well I guess you enter the record push down a flight of They were really beautiful stairs. suitcase and lifts into the next door the four bedroom comes run give you a big hug relax the head Ron I'm a big kid now I can take care of myself hopparoo know that there are robotic standards and to mom chaperones the most trouble I could possibly get into is falling asleep at a tether ice cream on me oh well all right don't feel anything okay since you asked nicely But I was gonna steal the Declaration of Independance.. my bag by me Craig's already strapped some camping gear on top of my modest foot status car he notices me carrying my equipment and hurries over to take it I say-now don't you... Don't you fuckin' dare.. DON'T YOU DARE! Don't you dare! it's your weekend to relax take it easy I guess I can't argue with that everything's good with Amanda yep on our way to a school trip to Washington DC what about your offspring already in Spanish Lee's for the weekend I'm ready to get my camp on hello the rest of my stuff into Craig scar and we get in Oh No what's wrong I think I left my juicer plug in we can't go back are you worried that somebody's gonna break into your house and cold-press some carrots no it's just by to try to relax man let the juicer float away take all your fries and blend them into pulpy good vibes Craig takes a deep breath do we have anything to listen to uh all I have is my place is a series of CDs that guide OH YEAH! Shawnty's the best! yeah Greg and me a thick case filled with CDs take your pig thumb through page after page of kids sing-along CDs oh yeah twinkle twinkle little star takes me back way way back keep going because at the end of Jason find in the very last slot of blank CD with Craig's handwriting on it DJ keg stands mix Volume one that made it just for the trip I think you'll like it about the CD into the car stereo and it's immediately I'm transported to our old dorm room hit after hit plays it's una for both happily screams singing the lyrics to each song as we fly down the highway the song was Carl's favorite Carl the third roommate brought the dog home one night and I couldn't pry you two apart we spend an entire semester fabricating a story about a foreign exchange student roommate who had a really bad confident sound exactly like a dog's bark then we had a room inspection that RA was so suspicious of us but could never prove anything the girl was just under a blanket blessed that pups courage under fire man we did some dumb things back in college the arse flybys we bailed out tunes and whatever non-existent ear voices register in soon enough we were surrounded by lush trees and spectacular vistas of everything amazing the needs that's dope it feels good to be back out here bro real good we parked our car at the entrance to a familiar trail load up our gear on our penance I'm thankful that I've been working on the health over the past couple weeks otherwise I've been dreading all the hiking that's about to happen Craig looks intently has his phone everything all right yep we've got to fire off one last working Craig pocket saponin we start off on the trail relatively easy but I know I would have been huffing and puffing at this point if you weren't all for all the murder sprints I take a look around me and taken all the tall trees and animal chirps everything okay back there there's no reception oh yeah being out in the middle of nowhere will do that Let's see.. The reception is the least of our worries! What about the BEARS? There are a lot of BEARS! (Imma save just in case) Save dat here, okay. Let's see. You trained for this.. Oh! That survival Wilderness training! your calf muscles and fly out there like a rocket ship all the way back to Maple Bay you're going to be fine we're going to be fine this is our weekend keep marching down the trail but seems like Craig is still worried after a vide stopped in his tracks maybe we should go back you can find another campground that gets good phone cell reception Craig seriously what's wrong I mean just really nervous my dad didn't think kicking into my mind keeps conjuring up all sorts of worst-case scenarios what if something happens to the girls I don't have a signal I have no way of knowing let me tell you that feeling never goes away no matter how old your kids are you just got to remind yourself that they're in good hands Craig doesn't say I give them a reassuring punch on the trying to remember why we came out here the plan was to get away from the goal and just focus on ourselves for this little trip no distractions no cell service just to dad's relaxing out in the woods Craig looks at me directly beyond no distraction no cell phone service to Dad's relaxing outdoors we're going to have some fun this week Greg and I get back to Mars not too long of a hike before get to the campsite we're both glad to see there will be only people there can't believe you still have extent bound into my attic and already checked it for holes seen better bit days sure but I think we'll be able to spot I dump the bag of fabric and bowls on the ground we unfold the tent in the desired spot I am Craig the sticks still know how to do this right of course we do we do not up to 20 minutes to struggling like people in a bad infomercial we somehow managed to build an upright structure that closely resembles what a tent would look like if you ask somebody to draw a picture with one roof - shut I wouldn't put this up against the storm but I think we'll be able to survive tonight we set out a couple of chairs in our cooking equipment admiring our handiwork bro look at this go looking upon the kingdom we have built upon this rock we shall grill our me to drink our brews where we hope the minion over this land verily and look at our camping chairs which we are going to sit upon so what's next on our camp Stravaganza docket well now that we have shelter settled I think it's bambor as abusive exploring there's a waterfall a little bit off the way here we like let's get hiking man recognize enter into the woods we amble along taking our time to chat and Meyer the wildlife Greg reaches out and Armin stops dude I Oh ma god! It does. It DOES LOOK LIKE THAT THING. THE THING THAT WE ALL KNOW IT LOOKS LIKE. THE THING THAT WE REMEMBER THAT IT LOOKS LIKE FROM SO LONG AGO! That tree looks like a butt- *Mark bursts into laughter* perfect maybe even has a backspin I thought we were going to have a great time camping but this makes it even better Greg holds back up snicker I asked fire to have everything get this one I'm snickering to now let us analyze this tree further Greg and I share our huge belly laugh at our awful jokes the best thing about this is that there's no I think everybody out there is here to tell you your jokes are bad, almost as bad as mine! I'll get there if I ever get to dad hood. We high-five. We're so cool! Greg and I hit the trail again it's been a long time since we've been out here but everything seems more or less familiar you point out old landmark said we remember back from my college days I think we're getting close down check it out it's clearing up as we get closer I can hear water running GO SKINNY-DIPPING! We're going to-we're gonna skinny dip! beautiful waterfall spilling into a large body of water that runs into a river mouths a gape with the genuine beauty of the place we go to investigate the waterfall this bird gorgeous bro nature so rad hearing further we get an idea of how beautiful is I think we could jump off of it like the old days there's old dad here is happy on dry land looks like you could climb right up Oh, no! *wink, wink* Whatever will we do.. taking his clothes off *giggling* Don't look at Craig's butt! Imma look at Craig's butt.. that that is one good but Kraig turns around suddenly he catches me look off I I do a lot of glute workouts, bro. *Laughs* Major glutes in the running, you know. All the Murder sprints, ya know. I glute it up everyday. All day, everyday. Major glutes.. and the running, you know- all the murder sprints, you know, they gluted up. Every day, all day, every day. And I ignore the fact that there were eggplants shooting out of his butt. I mean- how high can you count? Let's put on a show.. WHO NEEDS PANTS ANYWAYS?! If ever there was a Markiplier way of addressing this.. Who needs pants anyways! I AGREE! Jump into love.. Aghh! *Giggles his head off* I've awakened the beast.. I'm a wild animal when I'm in the corner! Let's see, hammer fist, dunk him, squirt water at him with your hands. Well. That's not very.. Dunk him? Hammer fist? What a Hammer- Oh! is that like, Bloom? Oh, yeah, hammer fist. I'm not gonna dunk him! Yeah.. I'll race you to the top.. I'm Gonna Race Craig to the top. Aww, fuck. You know it. Oh god, you know it. I- I live for danger.. Never felt more alive! Alright, alright. Okay. It's getting cold. Let's probably head back Let me start the fire. oh *End of subtitles, rest is auto generated* Go overboard I'm going to go overboard. That's what I that's how I roll I over board really give him that by the present yes You're an amazing hard-working father with a steady work ethic and everybody loves you Your daughter thinks you're a superhero the neighborhood dad's respect. You immensely most of your blood looks great Stop you make the cry Okay, okay Go on your tears putting out the fire eventually Craig is Miraculously able to get something going he blows on the embers and gently places the glowing moss into the base of the pit soon enough We have a nice little fire going way to go man regular old outdoorsy fella Hooray for not dying, bro Exceed ones lawn chairs Craig Broughton cozy up to the fire Warming up my hands relax man. Take it easy. Let me handle dinner My watch is Craig stokes the fire And sets up a makeshift grill for the steaks if I just read this slower gets a lot more central after all that hiking and swimming in Fire-starting, I'm able to relax a bit with the sound of crickets in the scent of steak still in the air I actually feel pretty calm Craig expertly sears two steaks in a pan He's been heating up on the fire cracking time and crushed ginger over it while blasting them open butter wow, I didn't know he was actually good at cooking the fanciest I ever saw him get in college was when he started sprinkling the Seasoning packet onto dry ramen and eating it up straight If this happened you cereal every morning with beer instead of milk. I grew up. I guess I Think these are just about ready Breakfast just stayed on steaks on a paper plate and sets them aside I start to reach for one, but craig smacks my hand away dude. Let the rest that will be more flavorful that way Patiently, I noticed that smooth jazz in the background I can hear that I hear that I Hear that I basically return to my seat eyeing the steaks longingly from a distance they smell incredible Craig prepares a side salad for us in the meantime sprinkling feta cheese on the Roof freshly chopped greens He played sit next to a generous pile of roasted potatoes covered in olive oil and Rosemary Once it's all ready. We sit down by the fire and dig in Everything tastes, okay, bro. Oh my God I already know it tastes good. I'm salivating just fa5. That's what I like to hear Remember how for an entire semester we would eat burritos for breakfast lunch and dinner? It's so hard not to go back to that look at you now Man your kids a great job great ass and now you cook like a vengeful wizard whose arch-nemesis in Microwavable food? I'm really impressed by how much you've gotten your life together craig laughs, but there's no humor in it Glad you think that bro glanced at Craig while he fixes its salad He real grew out of his baby face But something about his expression that makes him seem so much older than he is a sense of maturity he didn't have in college He looks exhausted You okay? Oh, yeah? Come on. I've known you for long enough to see when you're down. I don't know I'm tired bro like being out here is making me realize just how drained I feel You work really hard greg it can't be oh man. I have to for my girls. I volunteered their school I cook them healthy meals for them. I do everything I can make sure they're safe and happy when they're with their mom I'm always working overtime so I can support them And you work out a lot so you can crush anyone who stands in their way? I that and I don't want to fall my old habits I need to set a good example for my girls everything. I do is for them, and I wouldn't have it any other way But it seems like it's bleeding a try if that's what it takes to raise them well that it's worth it Craig buddy. I know you're where you're coming from here, but you got to take care of yourself - I do though I in exercising It's not what I mean, man - little butter on too much toast you know do you get that I? Could be more butter for you is what I'm saying your toast is so big. It needs my butter. You get me craig You get me one you're spreading yourself, too thin lively it's balanced It's great that you care this much about your kids, but can't neglect your own needs because you're too busy taking care of everybody else You matter - I don't know it's just I know I can provide for my family And if I take a step back and look at everything objectively I know I'm doing right by them I don't know, but I can't explain it man There's always that voice in the back of my head telling me I need more to do more like it's never enough for me every time I try to relax that voice keeps telling me. I don't deserve it to be honest. I feel even feel guilty being our goddamnit I just realized I didn't realize that dating craig cuz he's me ah fuck ah I have a great ass that I'm not enough butter for my big honking toast. God damn it. I'm cried Craig you're trying your best, and you're doing an amazing job That's a fact, but even if you weren't you would still deserve happy Mom man, do I though oh? Yeah, bro. Oh, yeah, Bro, bro elian Hi, Abra There are some significant difference between the two of these In saves in case seems suspicious ah oh there We go look at Craig and think about what a good friend and even better father. He's compassionate. He's hard-working. He's relentlessly positive He encourages everyone to be the best version of themselves He makes me want to be a better person if you could only see yourself the way I see you Brick beams he gets up and walks over to his supplies. Come on. I brought the desert Well, are you going to use the campfire to tour stops and some cranberries? Oh? Oh what I know little nothing about cooking craig pulls out marshmallow Hey, well, you still know how to make the s'mores right? I think the more important question is do I know how to make s'mores? Do you know how to make s'mores as I recall uses is completely black in the marshmallows? I stand by that it's charred on the outside but gooey in centers preserved Brutish quick throws of marshmallows at me and I catch it in my mouth ah remove Used to be able to do that at a greater distance against the women disadvantage Give me a week of practice and I'll be competitive again Greg And I sit in the warm glow the campfire watching Embers float up towards the sky The stars are so much brighter out of here. Yeah, I miss this mark Me too. We stay here until it gets late half remembering stories from College We watch as the fire dies and eventually clamber into the ten Crawl into the ten nine for all Mice I? unfurl my sleeping bag Wait, where's the other sleeping bag? Look around for a second. Oh, no, we only brought one I musta left it at home oops It's all yours dude. I'm sorry. I'll just curl up over here in the cold No way here craig unzips of sleeping bank and spreads it out So there's enough room for both of us to lay on top of it Hi, bro. Good night, bro. Roll over and we face away from each other without a blanket It's really cold and shiver without realizing. I find myself nestling closer to Craig. I'm sure he won't mind It turns over I feel its breath on my neck it's hard to focus on anything else I turned over trying to get more comfortable I opened my eyes to find Craig's faces only a few inches from my own for once he looks at peace Sides flutter open his hand finds a place on my waist Not sure who leans in first, but suddenly. We're kissing we look at each other again. My heart racing Craig. Oh, man I got strong feelings for you bro feelings. I can't deny anymore I run. My answer is here to the down his chest Craig brings me closer wrapping his arms around me I feel so broke Secure nothing. I'm gonna make it run after that one rook here. I feel so bro You know talking about old times fun good ah I like making new memories with you. God. It's cheesy I don't care my smile tracing the lines of his hip with my finger. We kiss again not worried about it's getting too cold I don't know what any of these scores mean, but I keep getting ranked s which I think is great My total seems a lot higher than my points seem to suggest Did it though nailed it got it? Okay, alright. So anyway. I don't know if that's going to end in the game after that But I'm gonna pause it here because obviously I want to play this more. God. I love it I'll probably make longer episodes later on because it would take her ever if I just go deeper for Dad So I'll probably just try to try to do longer episodes or more of it, but I had I love this game so much It's just so good. Oh so good so thank you everybody so much for watching let me know what you think of this down the comments below let me know what the The Craig path is and and obviously there are there are so many endings to this obviously you could have it have like bad dates And whatnot and I know there's just so much exploring happening in the game So let me know what you think and let me know what I should do next but I'm probably not gonna listen to this fall To my heart that's what this games all about so, thank you everybody so much for watching and as always I will see you in the next video ~Buh bye~ :3
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,988,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dream daddy, craig, dating, simulator, markiplier, ending, date, dream daddy markiplier, dream daddy ending, dream daddy gameplay, dream daddy lets play, third date, secrets
Id: 9i5myKsIO1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 29sec (2369 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2017
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