The Graham Norton Show 2012 S11x10 Emily Blunt, Russell Brand and Paloma Faith Part 2 YouTube

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Russell Brand your new movie Rock of Ages is open tonight and it's a huge musical and it's been on Broadway being on the West End is it like is it fair to call it a kind of 80s rock Mamma Mia is that player we can describe it in any terms you want what it is is it's a film it's I think ten pounds you can watch the film for that amount of money in the film there is Tom Cruise Oh in the film people sing merry jolly songs it's an enjoyable experience it is here to promote it yeah it's a perfectly good film I mean it may not solve the inner torment and angst that you go through as a human soul but it's certainly a lovely distraction litter their sequence there's Alec Baldwin it's one that has got a baboon in it boom that was not in the original script a baboon that materialized at the behest of Tom Cruise he never bought it but Tom Cruise yeah he said wouldn't it be good had my character add a baboon no and said no the Tom Cruise since about 1985 a baboon came this is the Boone's I think the baboon in my opinion is not a charming animal what it is is it it's an aggressive little thing and it's like say a chimp I love a chimp the light for little thing yeah friendly affable but I baboon it looks forever on the precipice of doing something aggressive they dress it up in clothes they'd sellotaped a nappy or knit it didn't like that when you've got to wound that up it at a trailer well I had free girl baboons in it no but yeah that goes I've got problem with that it goes what are you jealous I said I don't have sex with baboons but yes because you've talked you've been on record that but how lovely Tom Cruise was to work with the names are really nice find like Tom Cruise like people mean about him I think for their entertainment but like what is when you meet him you'll remember there he is look at Santa Cruz in a Cell in the foot he's pretending to be someone else for money yes he's kind and like it was my birthday during the film he bought me stuff you found out like oh you like yoga do you here is a yoga mat you know that happen by exchange I recreated that was like a verbal photograph because you're working with Tom Cruise is it that the next film you're doing yeah I started in the autumn yeah are they doing that here they are yes what is it's called all you need is kill and there's lots of killing and I do a lot of killing you've done anything like now I haven't I have to learn to be one of the best soldiers alive which is hilarious but um I'm gonna try yeah cuz I gotta train all summer I'm learning all these martial arts and stuff it's pretty cool actually and I met Tom for a table ring he's impossibly nice isn't it he is really kind in the table rude for this film he turned up the film are just done he come to the table read and that just means you know it's called a table read there's a table there's some reading he came fully dressed up in that Club er bold up as a rock star with five people in abandon that you know I didn't read the script yet really that's amazing it looked amazing he's like it come there as the person listen we've got a clip of a Rock of Ages this is a kind of sing off between the conservative housewives and the rockers of Hollywood led by you yes you know I've heard you sing before but I don't think I've ever heard Alec Baldwin sing or Tom Cruise to do a lot of big like musical rehearsal singing teachings yeah you have to have singing lessons off this bloke run behind it like tubby and he's got like a very nice like looks a lot like Pavarotti but with a very neat white beard imagine where I live but all these here white and he saw like one of those people you think this bloke is definitely gay because he's like hello it's nice to meet your time and then all of a sudden goes this is my wife Nick baby what's your wife's name Dave by turns out he's got a wife and everything taught everyone to sing me bolduan Tom Cruise everyone until everyone singing and like he's got really lovely manner with him like the way it teaches you to sing is by resonating out of different cavities in your head that's how you have to do it mouth that's a cavity near it I'll probably ever complicate it like your go to you for this he goes uh for this line sing it a bit like this one one one more why why why and then you should go well well well well why just no no more like a baby like an angry baby have to do it a bit more like that and he has no attachment to the actual language that you're saying like in that film game to the Greek view code offer a little bit of rice stabbed in the back no I directed each sang business when I had to sing the word blowjob right in this song but I can get to the ring where it goes all of these blowjobs in limousines are the same no no it's not blowjobs its blowjobs he was like he had no relationship with the concept that blowjob isn't funny ha music now when you meet girls go on a plow job there's one under - integrator Cupid's at the blowjob bit can be in the program that's my main concern yes that I think that it does good we keep putting it into my mind as I'm so yes I was coming up next Paloma will be singing wha it's too low a blowjob faith it will fit but you say you know what's talking blowjob faith is something every man must have let's face it could go wrong but in terms of in terms of you know singing teachers and going out there and trying to prove you can see presumably when you start out you have to do those showcases that yeah was there a showcase where you put on a fake belly well I was in the early days yes I had to do a showcase for like the record label and I was really into prosthetics back then cuz I've been a bit of an art school student yeah you get rigged up with blood bags and all that and I was doing what I was showcasing what I rigged up with that bag people don't just all know your mum's mine in the blood by organic goats finger selves a bit arty but yes I was sort of on stage showcasing my songs and I had like a prosthetic belly and I slashed it open in a song about the death of my childhood yes of course and and then afterwards I got a stage and they were like you know we we think you've got great voice but you've got a ditch the prosthesis there's a lot of blood yeah it was like well I've done it before when I had fish come out Danika Chloe hey are you like this story different roaches actually they were brought out dose of market yes la yeah yeah take a flush out the belly go near buyer by coincidence spy it I don't think so alright but now getting back to the rock and roll thing the first time you kind of played rocker was in Forgetting Sarah Marshall now you looked the part but you did it to do quite challenging that you to surf and you never horse ridden before it was a horrible experience and Jason Segel wrote that part as well yeah he's like some cackling dr. death digger this is I have to do surfing I'm no good at that that's basically standing up on top of water no Jesus only done it once horse riding that's to art they also don't want you on it becomes pretty clear right wound up mine was it did a weird laying down fee they go right Russell you are in charge of that horse make sure it knows you're in charge of it how kicking it I don't kicking it is like a lovely horse go you got show it you're a boss am I the boss look at the size of the bloody thing it goes make it stop when we get to this mark they were filming with their cameras for make the film you'll notice if you've seen Sarah Marshall right no bloody horse riding in it wrong it all went our cruel and malevolently all experience was the author was meant to stop about a certain point because he's a horse he don't know that we just went on horse house like people owes me on his back and like in those five of our horses I feel embarrassed I mean our horse I was just on it back in a horse house take one lira and it's a much more familiar scenario I've been relaxed your look is perfect we're playing kind of rock stars but you must get offered other roles sometimes they offer me sonogram it involves a haircut I go what's the point please look good here not really not for a job you've patted it down a bit I'll pay it down your fish belly wave guns your own Barney that's because you always look like Russell Brand yeah are you recognized presumably you're always recognized yeah you're not gonna blend into a crowd well you're tall as well so that's quite I'm quite long yeah no silo yeah there you go but do you like being famous do you know what I like being recognized I like some elements of it and when you first get famous E is really really good fun for the girls then though you sort of realized that it's a sum of it is quite contaminating you know because you can't really have a private life and stuff like that and that's sort of a bit of a weird thing that's not as bad as oh I've been laying asphalt or I've been looking and what you wouldn't put that on the ceiling anyway that'd be dangerous right or like you know you've got sort of fiberglass in your lungs it's not terrible terrible thing it's just a bit of a pain in the arse it's alright but it's also like lately I've become a little bit disillusioned with the old celebrity because I think people go on about all the time you know and it's sort of like it's used to distract us from things that I think are important and that we should be thinking about you know and I'm not saying I'm part of it I'm owning a few quid a bit so I'm not saying I'm better than it I'm just saying it's a shame that it's all over the papers and all over the telly and this stuff when we're facing an ecological and economic crisis that would destroy our planet if you don't cheering oh you've got that Palomas pointed out I wrote down on my hand because it's important I am doing a event with His Holiness the Dalai Lama at the Manchester Evening News Arena on Saturday if you are under 25 you can come for nothing His Holiness will be talking about consciousness and young people and inspiring us and giving us hope I've got intro in Wow and moderate the interview me this is in chaos with Graham Norton again with Dalai Lama I never met that that alarma before no Harlan County's a cracking fella like it what if I meet him he's up at night on the Rothman sector I just looked on your hand and it says H H down on which of course now I understand says he's low yes I thought for a second is then high Dalai Lama oh I must remember high Dalai Lama is such a fan and it doesn't mean recognized you must get recognized wherever you go plop fizz fizz again you know I mean I do sort of own enough but I'm a little bit like Russell I tend to sort of phase out I'm a bit of a dreamer it's not rudeness will tell you I chose out well you have quite a few time I've already yeah Jeff after the 90 I felt myself phasing I don't necessarily notice that much and I prefer that but I do I quite often you know I still get the bus and tube and stuff and sometimes people ask me why let go what are you doing on the bus and I just say going on that easily you're doing on the bus not kind of little fish out your guts and Emily I well I know there are occasions when you aren't recognized no I mean I think people sometimes think they went to schools me or that you know something like that but I also I don't know I feel like some people know you straight away and then other people will say oh that's the girl from so-and-so and then I had this kid come up to me and say she was really cute she was about six and she went are you the girl from the Gilmore Girls and I said no no no I'm not in she went mmm are you the girl from the bridge to terabithia and I said no no I'm not she went oh then she just walked away and I heard myself go scream at her but I was in The Devil Wears Prada and she turned and I think I father looked a bit shocked that I just shouted it and she looked me into it I haven't seen
Channel: The Graham Norton
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Keywords: the graham norton show, graham norton, graham norton show, british comedy, british show, interviews, graham norton interview, graham notron interviews, graham norton show season 1, graham norton season 2, graham norton show season 3, graham norton full episodes, graham norton show season 13, latest episodes, Emily Blunt, Russell Brand, Paloma Faith, Comedy
Id: BwItYCrVsMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 03 2014
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