Use Your Words To Create An Attractive Reality

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the words that come out of an attractive man are very different from the words that come out of a man that is not attractive an attractive man thinks very differently from a man that is not attractive men that are attractive say things I come from that belief that they are attractive everything an attractive man says corresponds to an attractive reality on the other hand when an average man has no clue now how attraction works says something everything that he's saying is coming from that belief that he is not attractive everything that he says he's building a frame where he is not that attractive man for example when a man that is not attractive approaches a girl words like am i bothering you sorry to disturb you do you want me to leave these are some examples of words that will come out of the mouth of a man that is not attractive he does not think he is attractive he does not believe that he is that attractive man these words are building a frame where he is interpreting the situation in a way where he is lower value than the girl he's so low value that he assumes that his presence is bothering the girl my saying these words he is building a reality where he is not attractive if an attractive man approaches a girl different words like hey who are you I'm so perfect I know he's nice to meet me these are similar words would come out of an attractive man because he assumes that he is attractive he believes that he is more valuable than the girl he assumes this higher value in fact he believes he's so high value that he interprets the situation like if he is giving the girl an awesome opportunity where she can gain a ton of value by being with him now if an average man that is not attractive gets into a conversation with the girl he would have no idea of what to say to make the girl laugh and attracted to him so he would probably say something like so what do you do for work okay so how old are you oh okay so what do you study after each question he will be thinking oh I am running out of things to say if an attractive man gets into a conversation with women he would probably ask some of these same questions but he would also know what to say to make her laugh and giggle and how to improvise to take the conversation in all kinds of different and exciting ways where everything that he says is making the girl more and more attracted to him so I was that guy that had no clue about what to say to a girl I liked I had absolutely no clue so how long did you live that back three years it's pretty long sight that long really yeah do it and then you came here yeah so I've been here about six years I was that guy that after asking her why was her name what was her age what school she was going to I started to think oh now what and there were a lot of times where I had those really awkward silences you know those times when you look at the girl she looks at you and you have nothing to say maybe you can relate to those awkward silences that it sucks so I basically had to learn from zero how to talk to women and as you may have noticed I am kind of obsessed with this subject I am obsessed because I see the huge potential that becoming a true master at this table has I still remember the first time I used this new information to make a woman laugh there was no turning back for me I decided to become a master at this written about your betrothed and uh it was honestly you brought a tear to my eye because when they well you know maybe if I cannot summon his moisture in you I'm not doing my job properly that's all I've ever wanted at the right-half so I began to study conversations are you going to study what attractive men were saying to women to make them laugh and giggle and incite them to touch and hug and kiss them and chase them all the way to Beth after some time of studying patterns began to emerge I realized that all the things they say were coming from the same underlying structure attractive men say things that come from the same underlying structure the same set of values and principles that build the frame that women find attractive women find irresistible this frame they were using their words to build a frame that was very attractive to women my mistake can I leave you an attempt that would really send him over the edge I'm afraid I'm not that cool well perhaps you just out of practice so one of these attractive patterns that I call that traction formulas is called cocky and funny cocky and funny provides us with a very interesting framework to convey our higher status to women when you act cocky this means that you believe yourself to be higher status and as I have mentioned in my previous two videos women are attracted to highest status males only a higher status person is arrogant but if you are arrogant you can come off as an asshole so that's why you combine the cockiness with humor when you insert humor along with being cocky women will know that you are higher status and subconsciously will accept your higher status because they are laughing and having fun and they are enjoying the interaction with an attractive kyra status male why should I be chosen to be an usher I'm Chuck Bass now cocky and funny are just labels to describe this way of interacting with a girl about this way this way of acting feeling and thinking you could also call it challenging and fun or superior and self-amusing this kind of person has a very specific personality he has a very specific way of thinking he has some beliefs he has a way of feeling and acting in the world and if you look at all the attractive characters in TV shows and movies they all possess this cocky and funny trait this is a pattern that attractive men have this added to this superior and self-amusing frame comes out in the words they use and it is a pattern that can be learned and if you master it you will possess an incredibly powerful skill that will allow you to attract any women you want but with a man according to you according to me is the only according to that matters there you go cocky and funny lines build an attractive frame around you because we know that women find how you status men attractive and only a high status man would say something that is cocky and funny an average and that is not attractive and does not understand these principles these patterns would not say something cocky and funny to a girl it is impossible average men do not understand what causes attraction in women and when they see someone act in this way around women they do not understand the logic behind it their minds cannot process what the hell is going on this is a style of communication that is not logical it is emotional and as you may have heard women are emotional creatures and if you know how to stimulate their emotions with your words they will become obsessed with you most men cannot get this because they think that such behavior would be something that repels women is very counterintuitive our rich men are socially conditioned to believe that women respond to the provider frame this superior and self-amusing attitude is a style of communication that happens on a very different level than what most men are trained to understand it is something that is out of reach for them because it's something that goes against all logic at least when you have no idea of how attraction really works and how it is trigger in women and you are basing all of your knowledge that you have of women on what social conditioning on culture has impart to you so when you study attractive men you will notice that what they say corresponds to that cocky unfunny frame every single time everything that they say is coming from this superior and firm frame every word that's coming out of their mouths is flowing out from this belief from this character and is creating this attractive reality around them and once you start internalizing this new attitude the words that come out of your mouth when interacting with women will be very different your words will be building a frame that women find irresistible your words will be creating a reality a frame that women get attracted to this type of communication is what makes women laugh and giggle and chase you want to kiss you want to you now of course this is the only attractive pattern that I discovered there are others equally or even more powerful patterns than this one I call these patterns the attraction formulas which is the name of my new program where I explain these patterns in depth so that you understand exactly how to create this attractive reality this attractive frame around you and then I provide examples of how to use these formulas in actual conversations with real women this program is designed to teach any man no matter he is a skill level what to say and do to spark attraction in women this is a program that will not only teach you how to never run out of things to say ever again but will give you a very simple structure to have exciting and fun conversations with women every single time conversations that make her laugh and giggle and makes her want to punch you in the arm playfully and they get attracted to you this structure is so simple to understand and so simple to implement that you will be able to start sparking sexual attraction in any way when you want immediately after going through the program so if you are interested in that check out the link in the description box I am Gav from sub communication mastery and I will see you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Subcommunication Mastery
Views: 19,452
Rating: 4.8538814 out of 5
Keywords: attractive conversations, how to talk to girls
Id: 9dq8TcxDq3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2017
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