Meet Joe Black Status Dynamics Analysis

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meet Joe Black is an excellent movie to learn about sub communications it has a lot of great scenes that really captured the essence of some very profound concepts and in this video we'll break down some of the most important scenes in the movie focus on providing tips that you can actually put into practice in your own life to become more attractive and charismatic much more big day in the big city what's on your mind fireworks update we are constructing the number 65 on the barge our troops from the State College of New Paltz will shoot flaming arrows at it when it catches fire so this is one of the first scenes in the movie Alison is preparing everything for Bill's party and notice the relationship between the two of them Alison follows his dad doing the whole movie like a little dog trying to get the validation and approval from him and it's interesting to notice that bill never gives her any validation so she just keeps following him around forever this is something that happens with a lot of girls and bad boys some girls love bad boys and become addicted to them because they never get any validation from them on the other hand they usually get bored of nice guys because nice guys are always validating them so they don't have the opportunity to chase so here's a very interesting conversation between father and daughter you love do you love do you mean like you loved mom forget about me a mom are you gonna marry him probably he asks her are you going to marry him she says probably now what you have to notice is that most of the long-term relationships out there in real life are similar to this one people in relationships are usually bored with their partner and I've heard about boyfriend destroyers before but what builds going to say here is one of the best ones I seen in my whole life it just hits her on so many levels so let's take a look very closely at what bill is going to say here it's not what you say about yours what you don't say maybe you're not listening oh yes I am there's not an ounce of excitement not on whisper of a thrill this relationship is all the passion of a pair of titmice bill says there's not an ounce of the excitement another whisper of a thrill this relationship has all of the passion of a pair of tick mice so with this sentence he's saying that she's not really in love that she has a boring plain relationship and that she's not happy with him I want you to get swept away I want you to levitate I want you to sing with rapture and dance like a dervish oh that's all yeah be deliriously happier please leave yourself open to me okay he continues I want you to get swept away I want you to levitate sing with rapture and danced like a swirling dervish be deliriously happy or at least leave yourself open to be here he says that a good relationship is one full of passion and emotion and that she's obviously not feeling this right now and that she should reconsider her relationship with Drew I know it's a cornball thing but love is passion obsession someone you can't live without I say fall head-over-heels find someone you can love like crazy and who love you the same way back how did you find him well you forget you had me listen to your heart bill keeps going I know it's a cornball thing but love is passion obsession someone you can love like crazy and could love you the same way back how do you find him well you forget up your head and you listen to your heart again he's hidden right in the heart of these women women crave this roller coaster of strong emotions and she's not getting anything like this with her current boyfriend drew because the truth is honey there's no sense living your life without this to make the journey and not fall deeply in love wow you haven't lived a life at all but you have to try because if you haven't tried you haven't lived stay open who knows lightning could strike he then says the truth is there's no planes living your life without this to make the journey and not fall deeply in love well you haven't lived life at all but you have to try because if you haven't tried you haven't lived and stay open who knows a lightning could strike so basically he's telling her that she must give true love a chance and forget about logic and go with her emotions so this is setting the frame for when she meets Joe black and gets swept away this is a very powerful scene because it is very similar to reality most women out there are in boring relationships with boring boyfriends that they don't really love and they stay together for years or their whole lives because it is the logical thing to do or it is convenient or because there is no other choice and this is why most women end up cheating in the relationships because they feel exactly like this there is no passion or excitement in their lives so when another man comes along and gives her these are strong emotions see she feels a life again honey honey honey you have to go on okay this is time to show on the time to reap you have to show sorry season no I like him I don't like him anymore cuz you cuz you might honey someone messes with you they mess with me that's it I'm on a plane in a heartbeat you let me know that when I get my phone in you're my first call I promise mm-hmm hit the books get the degree one so this is the first time Joe appears in the movie he's stuck in on the phone very loudly and everybody can hear him he's talking to what appears to be a woman and he's telling her that everything is going to be okay and that he is there for her now this sub communicates a lot of things this is communicating pre-selection because he is talking to a woman that obviously cares for him so anybody listening to this has to assume that there's at least one women that really likes this guy it also communicates that he is a protect of loved ones because he's telling her that he's going to take care of her and these are two powerful attraction triggers also notice that his tone is very playful he's laughing he's enjoying himself so even before he speaks to Susan he has already established that he is an attractive guy now notice how she quickly turns to get a look at him in real life this will happen all the time around you and if you are not aware you will miss it if you enter a room and you have great sub communications women will naturally feel interested and curious about you and will want to catch a better look of you and Joe here notices this and of course he opens her when you get good and reading sub communications you will see these indicators of interest everywhere and then it is your job to talk to the women and you will normally find out that she opens very friendly and receptive because she was already interested in you morning he's talking kind of loud there sorry oh not at all it was fascinating so he opens with good morning and the girl says nothing he keeps going he tells her sorry for talking so loudly now notice that it is obvious that he is having fun here he is enjoying the moment he has a playful energy behind his words and this playful energy is very important because he sup communicates that he is a very confident attractive man really why I'm interested I was just trying to be agreeable think he asks her really why and he gives her a deep look in her eyes she told him that she was just trying to be agreeable and Joe just smiles then this builds a lot of tension and she is the one that laughs and breaks the tension first and this is very important because you don't want to be the guy laughing just to break the tension you want to let the tension built to the point where she is the one breaking at first with laughter so you're a one go guy yes I am again the tension is building so you are one group a one girl guy she says he answers yes I am but it's almost like he's playing with her he's smiling so these builds a lot of tension and she laughs a little bit just to release some of this tension off so here comes the first statement of intent of Joe right right looking for right now actually hmm who knows you might beer no don't laugh I just got in town I got got a new job trying to get in this apartment he's saying that he likes her he's very honest and direct and this upcoming case that he is used to getting attraction from girls because he is not begging he is telling her who knows you might be her he's not totally sold yet he's evaluating he is qualifying her notice that all of the time she is not being very receptive and sometimes if you have any experience called approaching you will notice that the first women will not be very receptive and the majority of the guys will lose state and will interpret this at SF she is not interested at all and will end the interaction too early notice how Joe keeps going he just keeps pushing and interprets everything that's good you could be her uh-huh yeah I could I'm I'm not working at the hospitals I see its lucky day and just get in the big bad city not only do I find a doctor but beautiful him as well you mind me saying that he notices that she is getting uncomfortable but he still keeps having fun and pushing the interaction forward her acting is also really great she's up communicating that she's interested but she cannot be interested because she has a boyfriend so she is acting all bitchy oh yeah yeah absolutely this is gonna buy you a cup of coffee um I have some patients coming in so I should probably yeah I gotta go get to the apartment and get off to work I still like that another cup of coffee hmm let me do that well yeah um okay she tells him that she doesn't want the coffee and he insists he killed his friend he keeps the phone he keeps his cool and pushes for the coffee and she finally agrees this is key once you get comfortable approaching women if you want to get good fast then you are going to have to be a hard closer you will have to keep pushing until she clearly tells you to off if not you keep going a lot of beautiful women will test men to see if they have the balls to persist most guys don't so when you are one of the few guys out there that has the balls to persist and keep going you are going to have a huge advantage I want you to pay close attention to this thing because I believe it is a perfect example of an intense frame battle and this is the first time bill and Joe meet each other you probably heard before that you can tell everything by a person's eyes well in this scene you can tell who has the strongest frame based on their eyes pay close attention watch who has the stronger eye contact and who become submissive and why you when I dude Joe esters directly into bills soul he has laser eye contact this is a type of eye contact you want to have with women when you first meet them these sub communicates that you have a strong reality the person with the most steady eye contact will have the strongest frame usually you can tell everything by the eyes of the other person you can tell exactly what level are they at their congruence their confidence their perceived a status notice that Joe's gaze almost doesn't move while Bulls gaze starts to wonder this is when you know Joe's frame has won you do now something to take notice is that Joe is always fascinated by the most mundane things like peanut butter and normal people yes sir hello I'm Joe Black it's nice meeting you yes of course mr. black sir pleasure what is that you mean this yes it's Laura Scudders Peter this is very powerful because when you are fascinated by life you project this emotion into the world other people feel that you are very interesting and even fascinating because they can feel that emotion coming from you so in the movie everybody is fascinated and curious about Joe black because Joe is fascinated and curious about the world communications is hereby called to order our soul order of arson our soul order of business today is a is an acceptance of John Banach use generous offer and billow of these delicious cookies so drew is talking here and Joe is not paying any attention at all he's more interested in his chair and interrupts him without any consideration the jelly ones mmm and a cup of tea with milk I think like to try it English style yes cup of tea with milk please is there anything else mr. black how about some water NY yes thinking hot or cold cold and a glass hmm drew tries to tease him by asking him if you would like anything else being sarcastic by Joe wins the frame by saying yes thank you another dress in the sarcasm so drew continues and loses the frame and ends up looking like an asshole and also he is now working for Joe which position scheme has a lower status than Joe also notice the battle language of Joe he's acting very serious very elegant his back is very straight the way he uses his hands is an indication of power the way he looks his facial expression and the way he uses tone and gestures to denote a cocky attitude when he answers the question he also looks away so drew is now chasing him he drew is looking directly at him while Joey is just looking anywhere chillin and doing what he wants he's getting drew to react to him drew mentions the phrase death and taxes and Joe asks what does it mean notice how drew loses his temper immediately his joining John Bontecou is every bit as certain as death and taxes death and taxes yes death and taxes yes but an odd pairing it's just a saying mr. black hmm by whom doesn't matter and why'd you bring it up you're not familiar with a phrase in this world nothing is certain but death and taxes I am now glad I could be of some help Joe stays very calm and in control not an ounce of emotion this is called being unreactive and this is very attractive to women and this is a characteristic that high status men possess Joe is extremely nonreactive during the whole movie which is awesome to watch because even when people are freaking out around him he still keeps the frame and sucks them in because of his unreactive Ness continues with the sarcasm and Joe doesn't have to do anything to win at this point he just lays back smiles and watches how Drew is reacting to him I keep a regular office hours if there's any further information you might need on sayings common phrases manners of speaking my door is wide open the Tia can provide perhaps even the milk low-five yeah okay well I think we've accomplished everything we're going to you Joe family stands up takes his time to get his cookies thanks everybody present and leaves everybody thinking this guy is a bus because nobody does that is not a bus could act his way and keep his frame this morning huh shall we adjourn but matter is still on the table bill Joe yes thank you for the delicious cookies who is that guy so if you like this break then go ahead and subscribe to the channel for more videos like this one leave a thumbs up and share the video if you liked it leave any comment or suggestion below and if you want to learn more advanced techniques and tactics to become more charismatic and attractive then click the link in the description box and subscribe to get your free report I'm Dave from sub communication mastery and I will see you in the next video
Channel: Subcommunication Mastery
Views: 16,772
Rating: 4.7179489 out of 5
Keywords: meet joe black, brad pitt, claire forlani, anthiny hopkins, jake weber, status, charisma, brad pitt body language
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 04 2016
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