ALEX WILD dugout life: Waiting for the STORM, I hid in a log cabin. FOREST BUNKER part 24

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Hello nature! it's time to clean up and remove the snow from the dugout The snow is already melting, spring has finally come every six months it is necessary to clean the chimney system look at how much soot! clear! and how much ash, it's time to clean up here even nails can be found in this pile of garbage) Great job, I'm happy with the cleanliness in the oven the window sill is a little too big as if at home not enough firewood now there is a lot of firewood. Enough for two ovens... the weather outside is great))) the wind is a hurricane, but it's warm, cozy and safe in the dugout the smell is wonderful The weather has changed, I can continue working Pleas, never operate a chainsaw indoors!!! you can suffocate fire safety is very important it's time to heat the stove and wash in the sauna in the evening the weather has been going crazy all day today... for dinner today, croutons with cheese eggs milk mix well dipping the bread and fry in a frying pan some cheese and the croutons are ready. Bon Appetit! +78 degrees celsius thank you for watching my video. See you soon!
Channel: Alex Wild
Views: 17,009,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dugout, log cabin, dugout life, alex wild, outdoor life, shelter, bushcraft, bushcraft 2021, dugout shelter, how to use a dugout, dugout pipe, what is a dugout, wood dugout, woodworking, how to make, house, bushcraft skills, the forest, life in the wild, bushcraft shelter, biggest dugout, dugout building, dugout in the woods, bushcraft dugout shelter, bushcraft camp, solo bushcraft, hidden, hurricane, snowstorm, sauna, forest bunker, wild, forest, warm, house underground
Id: 6YuNb10MBkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 40sec (1360 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 26 2022
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