A Not So Sloppy "Sloppy Joe" | Chef Jean-Pierre

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well hello there friends I got a surprise for you are making a not so sloppy sloppy joe yeah stay tuned remember thumbs up if you liked the video subscribe to the channel and ring that Bell stay tuned friend we're making a not so sloppy sloppy joe together [Applause] okay friends well you know what I like it but I don't like it when it's too sloppy so I'm gonna make one a not so sloppy joe but delicious all right friends I got bacon going you know bacon is always first normally it's onion but bacon takes first place all right so we got the fat of the bacon and now we're gonna put our onion and we're gonna caramelize the onion all right we're gonna caramelize onion we want some caramelized onion on the dear friends so I'm gonna let them do this I'm gonna let them caramelize for a minute and I'm going to talk a little bit about what I got in there so now I got I got some uh uh ground chuck you can because I got my own meat grinder so it makes it easy sometimes I put chalk ribs in there but I got a ground chuck so I grind it up if you can't get ground chuck could get 80 20 at the grocery store that's fine 80 20 80 lean 25 silly I got some bell peppers I got garlic and I got a few ingredients then uh you probably have in your cupboard somewhere I got my marinara sauce because I got I'm going to put a little bit of mine in our sauce in there uh you gotta do your tomato sauce you know you don't you don't have tomato sauce then then use chopped tomatoes it'll be fine okay now I got a special ingredient right there friends I hope you can find it this is a Arisa Arisa is a is a Moroccan hot chili pepper sauce it is amazing if you've never had a reset before you got to look for it I found it at Whole Food uh I know most grocery store have it in Europe and you get it everywhere in in America I know you can find it but trust me it is amazing it's the fragrance of and how is amazing I'm going to use a little bit of Worcestershire sauce and I'm also going to use a little bit of umamis this is a sauce that is um it's like a soy sauce it's got a little more flavor I got more Umami flavor to it so we're going to use that and a little bit of brown sugar very little normally I said I'm going to use a brown sugar but I forget Oh Mamma Mia look I always forget I got a little bread right there you're not talking about forgetting I'm always forgetting something you know it wouldn't be on my channel if I didn't forget something once in a while but I forget all the time and you know we're having fun that's what it's all about my friends look before I put the meat in there I gotta get the onion caramelized because if it then I caramelize they're not sweet and I want them to be sweet okay so it's very important so friends I'm gonna wait for those guys to caramelize a little bit and then I'm gonna put the the beef in there and we're gonna caramelize it we're gonna get the Maya reaction oh I didn't tell you but I got some beautiful English cheddar I got this amazing English cheddar shredded very very fine I'm gonna put that toward the end because I like it in my sloppy Joe I think it's up to you you know there's so many recipes out there most of them are sloppy mine is going to be not so sloppy friends I'll be back when the audio are nice and golden brown okay give me a minute okay friends enough caramelization I mean if I were to do some dish with Jessica melatonia because but I'm gonna put the meat in there now and guess what it's going to continue caramelizing my onion a little bit too so I don't want them to be too Brown otherwise they'll get burnt you see what it is now very important friends very important then we take the time to caramelize this dude this dude no really very important my friend my friend I'm telling you some people said oh you're calling me friend I feel like my I hope you're my friends I love doing this Channel and and I love it calling you guys friends because I feel like you're my friend you know let me tell you what happened and you guys understand what I'm waiting for this okay remember I had a restaurant for 22 years okay I was in front of the people every night when you put on salt before I forget right uh every night I was running around the kitchen the dining room and then I retired from the restaurant business and I opened up a cooking school okay I ran a cooking school for 21 years with the thousands of glasses thousands of people we had an amazing time every night we had a lot of students that came and came again and again and again they were here open and they become my friends so every night I was used to say hey friends and then coffee it happens and then cover it up and we had to close the school because nobody wanted to be around other people so I started doing the Cooking Channel on on YouTube and then every night I would do it and I would call people friend hey friend because I felt like I was in front of my group so and that stayed with me the whole time and I love it and then and you guys have uh uh appreciated and it's been amazing a lot of fun so God Bless America and God bless you too all right friends look look it's getting there it's getting there I'm not gonna put anything in there I'm not going to put anything in their friends until I see some Maya reaction and the Maya reaction is the colonization of the protein that is going to give us flavor I always relate this into um when you're making a steak you could take a steak and put it in boiling water in a cook right it'll be like that you can take a steak you can put and get a beautiful caramelization on the outside and that's called the Maya reaction it's extremely important then we do that all right also important when you do this to do it in a wide fry pan friend I tell you why because if you do it in the pots when you caramelize the meat the moisture see like right now the moisture the moisture escapes if you do it in a pot a tall pot the moisture stays in the path and it's more like a stew instead of being a commodization so if you're going to do this anytime you need to caramelize make sure you do it in a fry pan where the moisture can escape instead of in the fat all right it's important it's a little detail friends but you know sometimes it's inner detail there is an expression it says something is in a detail I don't know what it is the expression but some of you are going to remember what I'm talking about sometimes I forget what I'm talking about but not now all right look look look I'm waiting for a little more commodization if you don't mind because then I'm gonna put the bell peppers I cut them nice and small you don't want them big you know you don't want any being right and then we're going to put the garlic and then friends we're gonna put all the rest of the ingredients but the rest is moist so and the tomato sauce cooked already I don't need to cook so I just want to get some nice color in here that's all so I'm gonna wait a minute okay all right I'm looking good I got some nice caramelization friends I'm gonna put the peppers I'm gonna put a little bit of brown sugar a little bit a little bit don't eat it a lot just a little bit oh I always forget to tell you about this thing right there this thing in the brown sugar I forgot what it's called I think it's called the uh the the brown sugar saver I don't know what it's called made out of clay it's pretty cool all right now look a little bit of a Worcestershire sauce as long as you measure everything carefully you're good a little bit of umami you know if you don't have it don't worry put a little sauce in there so watch for your salt but this let me tell you is going to give it a beautiful flavor friends and this is a star ingredient right there oh you got to try to find this yeah I'm sure you can find it online friends we're looking good this is very spicy be careful don't put too much of it in there oh no kidding it's spicy friends all right we're gonna put a tomato sauce I got about a what do they say about a cup about a cup of tomato sauce and then we're gonna gently cook this for a few minutes tomato sauce is cooked the meat is cooked everything is cooked so we don't need that much more cooking time you see oh I'm surprised I didn't get any on me yet and at the last minute we'll put a parsley we don't need the pasta here to cook hey hello it is beautiful you see and it's gonna have the right seasoning friends the Arisa if you can find it it's pure waterfall friends I'm telling you I I Amazon Amazon you'll get it and you're gonna go oh my Lord you know if I find a link on Amazon I'll put it in the description for you or wherever I can find it we used to have it in our store all right friends I'm gonna put a cover on it I'm gonna cook it for a few minutes okay just for a few minutes oh let's not forget to put the garlic friends gonna put the garlic in there I don't like to put it too soon you put it whenever you're comfortable but I don't like to put it too soon huh we're gonna continue cooking us for a few minutes and uh we're gonna cook it without the cover now we're gonna add a parsley it's beautiful my friend that's gorgeous look at this all right a cheese my friends let me tell you how I like to add it I like to add a little bit of it now and I when I shave it I shave it very fine very very fine you don't have to add the sheath if you don't want to you know it's up to you I just like it I did sinking melts beautiful you watch it's gonna melt beautiful as long as you get a nice cheddar you see it probably got not just a little more turn the heat off you know you're good let's let the cheese melt and I know we're gonna have plenty of seasoning in there because of the uh of the Umami and because of the Worcestershire sauce and a little bit of salt that I added the beginning you see how it's all sticky together beautiful and my friend this is gorgeous all right so we could wait a little bit so it's not so hot probably should right what do you think and then I had to add more cheese at the end just a little bit oh oh hold on hold on hold on remember I don't want to make a sloppy not too sloppy I should have done this before too big too big foreign got to be a little smaller and then we take it and we'll put it right on there friends now how much you put in is how sloppy you want it to be I don't want it to be too Slappy so I'm going to put very little all right it's up to you how you want to put it in Frenzy it always is don't let anybody tell you nothing and then what I like to do I like to smack it in just a little bit and then I take a little more cheese and this the heat of it is enough to melt that cheese and then I'm going to put my yes it'd be difficult to eat over there right so you see all of a sudden it's not so sloppy anymore my friends what do you think you like I love it I'm gonna test it it's probably too hot what do you think it's easy see oh the bread is bread the same bread I used for my uh hamburger for my cheeseburger look at this see it's still beautiful in it I love it see not too sloppy and and I hold together pretty nice what do you think I should take a bite mmm I love it you can test the Arista my friends and so much and it was so little remember I ain't putting mud don't put too much at the beginning especially I can feel the heat in the back the peppers are still a little crunchy give me a little bite to it it's amazing my friend I hope you make it not so sloppy thanks for watching Remember subscribe to the channel friends we need subscriber and ring that Bell thanks for watching we'll see you next couple of days with another fantastic video thank you [Music]
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 125,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sloppy Joe, sloppy joe recipe, sloppy joes, how to make sloppy joes, homemade sloppy joes, sloppy joes recipe, easy sloppy joes, best sloppy joe recipe, sloppy joe sauce, how to make a sloppy joe, manwich sloppy joe, manwich sloppy joe recipe, sloppy joes from scratch, best sloppy joes recipe, easy sloppy joe recipe, sloppy joe sandwich, homemade sloppy joes recipe, best sloppy joes, sloppy joe recipe easy, super easy manwich sloppy joe, easy sloppy joe sauce, sloppy joe's
Id: m3MBgP4cz8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 27 2022
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