Grown Up Sloppy Joes

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Sounds amazing! Making tonight! ๐Ÿ˜‹

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/LunaVirgo13 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 10 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
what's up today I'm going to show you how to make a more delicious more in balance and slightly fancier version of a sloppy joe think of it as a sloppy joe with its shirt tucked in or a sloppy Joseph let's call it that to get started I need to experience the standard issue cafeteria sloppy joe to see if it's as bad as I remember for that I've got a good old-fashioned can of Manwich here by the way Manwich is a sick name for a product but looking at this ingredient label I'm not super excited to try it two out of the first four ingredients are high fructose corn syrup and plain corn syrup straight out of the can though it actually doesn't taste that bad it's kind of like if you added ketchup to Taco Bell mild sauce now to make it sloppy I'll follow the four step instructions on the can step one is cook beef thoroughly for that I'll just Brown off a pound of ground beef in a non-stick pan then step two add Manwich sauce now the can doesn't say to do this but I cooked this sauce down a little bit so that it wasn't so soupy and then step three is to ask to be called Chef by everyone who addresses you that's awesome I assume it's because your sloppy joes are just going to be so freaking sick that they have no choice and then step four is to serve dig in and leave hunger behind oh I got it this tastes like an overly ketchup hamburger from McDonald's just kind of uh Bland ground beef with tons of corn syrup and tomato product yum honestly it's a pretty low bar so of course we can do better to get started I'll need one pound of ground beef I prefer to use 80 20 here because leaner meat would not be unctuous enough next I'll drop my meat into a bowl and then add one gram or a quarter teaspoon of baking soda this soda is going to help inhibit the beef proteins from bonding together while they cook making the beef nice and tender one of my main gripes with sloppy joes is that the meat tends to be tough and gristly and it gets stuck in your teeth also if you're wondering if more soda here would make the beef more tender I tried that and made this recipe with 4 grams instead of one and Not only was this version borderline mushy the extra soda raised the pH in the sauce so much that it caramelized a lot more than it should have and it had a really weird unwelcome dark flavor to it moral the story is some soda good a lot of soda bad and very weird now I'm gonna let this beef sit for a second while I bust out some quick knife work for that I've got one onion and one poblano pepper for the onion I'm gonna go with a small ish dice here too big and the onions won't melt into the sauce and they'll Stand Out texture really in a way that I don't like in total I'll need 150 grams of onion for the papano I'll also go with a pretty small dice here and I'm using it over a more traditional green bell pepper because it brings some mellow heat and has a lot more green chili flavor I'll need 100 grams of poblano once I've got my veggies diced I'll grab a large non-stick pan and drop it on the stove over medium-high heat and once that's hot I'll add in a good long squeezer of olive oil and then in goes my onions my poblanos and then a strong pinch of salt from there I'll jump in and Fry these two together to soften them up a little bit and to get some color going around the edges that'll take about three to four minutes with pretty frequent stirring and once the aromatics are softened up and starting to take on some color I'll add in my soded beef from there I'll jump back in with my ground meat musher to spread it out and break it down by the way this musher is one of only two or three single purpose tools that I keep in my tool drawer in my opinion it doesn't much much better job at crumbling meat down than a spatula or a potato masher and it's very worth the five dollars it cost now I'll continue to smush this meat for two to three minutes or however long it takes to break it down into very small particles smaller ground beef particles not only have more surface area to catch that flavorful sloppy joe sauce but they're also better to eat and after about four minutes this meat is starting to take on some nice Browning it's cooked through and most importantly we've got it crumbled down into an edible size so next comes some seasoning in goes five grams of salt 5 grams of onion powder 5 grams of garlic powder 2 grams of black pepper 5 grams of paprika and then a strong pinch of chili flakes next I'll give that a toss to combine and then fry the spices with the meat and veggies to open up their flavors that'll take about 30 seconds or so and once I'm there I'll add in 10 grams of all-purpose flour and then stir that in this flour is going to help thicken the sauce a little bit and also help emulsify the beef fat later on so our Josephs won't be overly greasy and once the flour is stirred in enough to hydrate it and the raw flavor has been cooked off I'll add in my wet ingredients that's going to be 50 grams of tomato paste 50 grams of ketchup 15 grams of yellow mustard 15 grams of brown sugar 50 grams of worch or as I like to call it were chest ER sure Worcestershire call it whatever you want but in my opinion sloppy Josephs are just as much about worch as they are about the ketchup so I use a lot next I'll add in 20 grams of red wine vinegar and then this won't be surprising I'm gonna add in a little bit of better than bouillon beef paste about 10 grams lastly I'll add in 350 grams of any kind of store-bought stock and then I'll jump in and stir to get everything combined and once we're looking Saucy I'll bring this sauce up to a simmer reduce the heat to medium low and then think made in the sponsor of this video for making such a dope non-stick pan if you haven't heard of Maiden they're a cookware brand that partners with multi-generational factories and Artisans to help bring you a curated collection of materials and shapes that you need in your kitchen over the last year I've switched most of my cookware over to maiden and that's not just because they're a sponsor and I got some of it for free I mean that part was nice but I like the first few pieces that I got so much that I went out and spent some of my own money on a few more maiden's professional quality products are made for the home cook but their kitchenware is all also used in multiple Michelin starred restaurants because it's professional quality this 12-inch non-stick pan that I'm using in this video and all of maiden's non-stick products use the same composition of their five-ply stainless steel line that I love the non-stick surface is double cured made without pfoa it's non-toxic it's super easy to clean and bonus its oven safe up to 500 f plus it's held up really well for me which is amazing because I'm super hard on my cookware check out maiden's non-stick cookware using the link in my description for a limited time they're offering viewers of this video 15 off their first order with my link now for about 10 minutes I'm going to reduce the cooking liquid while also coming back intermittently with my meat musher to break the beef down even further cooking the meat with wet heat kind of braises it and allows the fat inside to render more fully making it more tender combine that with the soda and we're going to have very luscious very tender beef and after about 10 to 12 minutes of reduction when I come back and push my spatula through the sauce you can see it leaves a pretty wide Gap there's there's also going to be a bunch of beef fat sitting on top and that's totally okay just give this a vigorous stir and the AP flower that we used earlier will emulsify that fat into the sauce and you guys don't under reduce this sauce either if it's too loose the meat mixture won't hold itself together and it will literally just crumble off the sandwich into a pile on your plate that's too sloppy now the last step is to taste for salt levels and I think we got it babe let's try it real good now to make this into a sandwich I'll drop a non-stick pan over medium heat from there I'll brush a liberal amount of melted butter on the inside of a squishy store-bought brioche bun these little brioche joints are widely available and exceptionally soft way better for this sandwich in my opinion than those stale dry quote hamburger buns not for my burger bro next I'll pop my buttered bun in the pan and then give it a light toast on both sides this is going to bring some much needed crispiness to a sandwich that is normally just pure soft and once I've caught a little crisp around the edges like this I'll pull it out next I'll drop four to six ounces of my meat mixture and then I'll attempt to mitigate slop here by tidying the meat a little bit my hope is that piling it tall and tight will keep most of it on the bun and off of my wrist slash plate and there we go a not so sloppy sloppy joe oop I'll just tuck that in a little bit I'm in control here Joe or should I say Joseph wow you've really matured it used to be a total mess of a sandwich but now your beefy Savory a little bit spicy a little bit sweet and perfectly in Balance textually this sandwich is so different from the Joe's of your pass it's tender and juicy isn't the right word but I'll say pleasantly moist it's just a deluxe version of an otherwise very unglamorous sandwich and it's so much more flavorful than I expected let's eat this thing [Music] thank you
Channel: Brian Lagerstrom
Views: 641,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sloppy joe, sloppy joes, sloppy Joe recipe, sloppy Joseph, sloppy joes from scratch, homemade sloppy Joe, school lunch, lunch lady land, best sloppy Joe recipe, Brian Lagerstrom, weeds and sardines, how to make sloppy Joe, sloppy Joe sauce, grown up sloppy Joe
Id: 3kjmBf4sWq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 41sec (521 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 06 2023
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