Classic Sloppy Joe

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[Music] alright then just go what it moves here blunt cut the air camera being the background be knocking out a few fires today and we have a special guest in the house Bruce McNabb McNabb come on over here for a second [Music] Bruce and while we down forward Nova Scotia Nova Scotian can yeah my name a little bit okay and tell us what you do well I usually work up in the Arctic he's going up there but I'm also a writer down here taking some pictures of London and they love it so far we got here today but I was on YouTube and writes some articles and travel travel magazines and it brought Smitty so it brings mitya takes them up takes Smitty all over the country right yep so Wendy's a traveler all right we're gonna get busy we're gonna make a smoky table a sloppy it's a sloppy Diablo Joe so somebody asked me to do a sloppy joe I forgot to write his name down but then somebody came in and said how about this sloppy diablo joe sloppy diablo of us at Diablo sandwich his name's josh resent and so funny it's a it was in smokey and abandoned and diablo sandwich Beaufort e Pusser comes into this cafe and smoke he's in there getting a couple cheeseburgers to go and he walks up to the counter instead then I at the checkout counter and beautiful walks in and not doesn't even know who he's chasing this guy bandit abandoned and so Buford eating the sandwiches the hablo sound looks like a sloppy joe like it gets it all over his uniform shirt and smoke eCos ended wait but I said really we're really funny scene and then Buford goes back to use the restroom and smokey takes off and then not Sally feels pulls up in that Trans Am and they ha you just junkies jumps in the window and hauls ass and and let leave her in the dust so it was really good so uh but I think you know got to be spicy going to be along the lines of sloppy joe and so I guess a beautiful triple hot or seeming sausage and it's the bulk of bulk sausage so I'm just gonna get a little bit of oil to get it started and you know what I'm making up here we're going to sample this here later so you know we'll gonna Brown it up real good spread it out who cooks well [Music] don't leave the handle in the skillet that's where you get burned pull that will pull that right out I want to use some nice a little bit of flavor in there you got some nice that's some nice color multi colored peppers be nice some nice color in there a little bit of a red onion okay so they're not fake a little garlic butter for our rock ones and some nice large potato rolls [Music] what have you got that smell-o-vision yet not yet oh my god Yeah right like the home like like Mama's kitchen Sunday ready thinking that back Meagan I so dig gravy today the other time you had a little bit onion and creates a little bit of moisture you know gonna step off the drippings off the bottom they're not the nice scarlet red oh yeah butter garlic you know when I when I worked in this restaurant we had a problem with the drains it albeit not every people always know any restaurant business say all the problems have the dish machine goes down the water heater blows always on a Saturday and so Friday or Saturday night put us up little boiler and no they tie doesn't happen a chef would say all right put a foot of Panna garlic and onion on a stove walk through the diner with it that smell is incredible right this Diablo [Music] you wanna lock it down [Music] right and they're not [Music] we hit a little French red hot a little bit of garlic granulated garlic never have too much garlic flavor look now little bit of red pepper flake there's a little bit okay all those different pepper flavors can attract you're going to hit every different taste foot [Music] well better wool socks washes hair who almost got scared they're glass we've got all about those crazy roll a little bit of just a little bit of babyrage just a little bit instead Adam brown sugar I'm out a little bit of barbecue sauce just y'all pick up everything on the bottom just a little bit of water nice poem and hold them every year if you have a problem with your skillet it Hanna cooking something just full of water on ketchup [Music] all right I'm concerned I do turn the fire down in an hour now again I know I got a reputation we're going full blast but contrary to popular belief more ketchup all more water [Music] gotta have I was thinking about grinding it you know but let's see you know we're gonna leave it you notice they didn't drain off any of that fat just let the natural like you know the ketchup has got a little bit of thickener and probably to soar summit you know sloppy joe is meant to be a little greasy but this is perfect [Music] boy oh boy yeah all right so being here's a million dollar question and you too Bruce okay come on in over here the serious question American cheese and I wanted you know the beauty of that stock each other do it open-faced so maybe not so sloppy Diablo Joe we've got come up with a good name button so I was thinking of melting the American on the hamburger bun Barnes potato roll and putting a Diablo on top or put the Diablo on the bottom and put the cheese on melted cheese over the top of that what do you then do one of each one of these ah nothing better work and this would be a bike I can fork because for a I wanna get another one of my white parts dirty so alright so we have a consensus well I don't even ask you know I you know what huh I'm okay they're all right whatever whatever it all eats his cheese so we're going to do two do you hug the other thing is the young that you know sloppy sloppy Diablo it's going to SOG out when we put it on here but that's kind of have fun that what a good stuff you know oh you know what hold on this gotta be melted we'll be right back all right [Music] we got a good melt [Music] I'll put these over there although cheese melted on toasted garlic toast name [Music] know what I'm gonna put it right on the plate [Music] [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] - without the cheese [Music] presentation purposes so I can still showcase that a beautiful color okay right above the parlor and we'll be back like 3540 seconds [Music] i bruise a big clue [Music] all right dig in see what you think one with cheese on top whoa Jesus take your pick [Music] nice cheap mail we used to have you know growing up filling it's so good [Music] very [Music] Lakeisha fool believe it or not my girlfriend you know I've been talking about doing this for a while but I didn't tell her anything she came home with some cans of manwich honey ham a hungry man the bandwidth [Music] magic time Wow let it not [Music] what I didn't put a lot of barbecue sauce to overpower but uh you know what I like it because it gives it that sweet right up against the house awesome that hot sauce a little bit of bushes here gives it a nice tang but you know you know there's a different extra fee try not to travel over this with the cheese underneath when the bread doesn't get soggy [Music] good old good old time cookin man ahead whoever developed this sloppy joe to begin with and there's a nice little variation but [Music] against the chef's dream a cook's dream always develop a recipe to live sound but I think this one's going to live on Glenn and its own and essential it's got a little bit of heat partner from that triple hot right right Bruce it's still got a little bird but it's not an uncomfortable burn you've got the flavor from the you know if you like a little hot approval I'll pin you in there serrano get pulled over a white pepper in there a little bit more black pepper well you know the only thing we're missing it's a nice cold beer I'll tell you what it's a pair up it's a pair of nice with a cold beer right be some of that outer lights or a revival or tox brewery here we got a leg so many great breweries here to their revive their revival out of our lights just built a huge addition their brew and it's Tehran was a real small brewery now they're back stock capacity now the revival just built the tap room and what is the mystic soup set up next to a new grilled cheese and soup next to this Tap Room Todd's brewery I just had a chocolate coconut stout it's unbelievable so you know all these craft breweries open up they start off and again think they explode you know like get some restaurants and that starts serving their beers and the tap rooms open up revival will open up the tap room last week to our wait to get in people's been here I think they were passing out samples and stuff throughout the parking lot but just it's it's really crazy but Dave let's go with a blues or CD sausage company tell you what order up a bag of that triple high couple bags gonna get that five five zero five pounder Michael five pounder cut it up freeze what you're not going to use put on your spaghetti sauce your chili not telling you what and it's dynamite I gives you some Martin's potato rolls and guys go to Blues there I just ruin my dinner it's five o'clock we're not going to be her face [Music]
Channel: Chaplin's Classics
Views: 161,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sloppy Joe, Diablo Sandwich, Comfort food, Home Cooking, Moms cooking, Old School Recipe, Classic Recipe, Classic Sloppy Joe, Classic Sandwich, Hot Sloppy Joe
Id: Gk934RcF-j0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 8sec (1268 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 10 2020
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