The Best Sloppy Joe Recipe by Delilah | How to Make Homemade Sloppy Joes The Simple Way

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hey y'all welcome back to the simple way today i am so excited to share my sloppy joe recipe with you guys so make sure that you keep watching to learn how i made this [Music] first i want to show you all of these very very simple ingredients that we're going to use for this recipe and i'm willing to bet that you have every last one of these ingredients in your cabinet like right now so we're going to use sweet baby rice barbecue sauce tomato sauce garlic salt black pepper yellow mustard minced garlic chili powder half of a brown onion and one bell pepper also i'll be using brown sugar for this recipe i have here some ground beef which is 80 lean 20 percent fat here all of the ingredients i have already measured them out i'm going to show you guys just how easy this recipe is so first you want to go ahead and dice up your bell pepper onion and garlic if you're using fresh garlic make sure that you dice that up right now so now we're going to go ahead and heat our skillet on medium high heat you want to drop in that meat and we're going to cook our ground beef make sure that you chop it down so that you know you don't have like a lot of big large chunks you want your ground beef to be you know kind of crumbly so now go ahead and add in the bell pepper and onion once your ground beef is halfway cooked and you're going to cook this until the onions are translucent next add in your garlic and you're going to cook this for an additional minute turn your heat off go ahead and go drain that fat from the meat because we don't want that in our food for this recipe so now we're going to go ahead and season the meat with the seasonings and you want to let this continue to cook for about three minutes or so then add in the remaining ingredients the tomato sauce the barbecue sauce the mustard add it in [Music] mix it mix it mix it really well and you can go ahead and taste it if you like at this point or you can add the brown sugar and then taste it so now you want to cover this with the top decrease your heat to low and let this simmer for 30 minutes so now we are done now it was time to assemble our sloppy joe so i'm using just regular hamburger buns they are not toasted but if you want to toast your buns go ahead and toast the buns go ahead and add as much meat as you want it's your sloppy joe just make it how you like it make it how you like it so from here this recipe is complete i hope that you guys will give it a try so this was so so good if you normally buy manwich you can now permanently remove that from your grocery list because you are not gonna need it no more this recipe is so so good i hope that you guys will give this a try and then come back and let me know what you think of this recipe and i will catch you guys in my next video
Channel: The Simple Way with Delilah
Views: 381,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to make a sloppy joe, sloppyjoes, quick dinner ideas, quick meals, hamburger ideas, learn to cook, how to cook, meal prep ideas, lunch, dinner, breakfast, snack ideas, comfort foods
Id: 7Dbwd_uX2x8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 27sec (207 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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