Don't Quench the Spirit | Todd White

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[Applause] hey good morning you're good we're just believing next sunday night we're not gonna have encounter service because moms are just gonna have an encounter we're praying for every mom to get blasted by jesus that night not be able to function come on who who what kind of moms want that hey jesus name wouldn't that be amazing ah how you doing mom just with the lord that's so good oh my wife's gonna get it all my kids are going to lay hands on her food on their hands and all amen wow well i have been having a few eventful days i went up to minnesota this week and spoke at a church that's three miles from they would call it ground zero for the last uh i don't know what you'd call it a police a police officer shot somebody it's the same thing where this whole mess started with that whole yuck we just got over and uh it was amazing and lots of broken people came to jesus and it was absolutely phenomenal it literally was phenomenal you know that light shines brightest in the darkest situations so the darker it is the brighter we shine unless you have a basket on your head and then the only thing that's shined on is your shoes and that's not good right you need to let the light out of you for it to shine and let the darkness be lit up i was i was with the lord this morning for about three and a half hours got up early couldn't really i was up on and off all night last night and he was showing me faces of people he was showing me situations in their lives people were being healed made whole and i don't see any of them in here not yet anyway just in case but it was weird i was waking up it was i was in this situation praying and it's it's i've had nights like that where i'm up praying in the mountains for somebody i wake up and my calves are hurting in the morning does that make sense to you maybe not i believe that we travel i believe that our spirit man isn't limited i know it sounds crazy i'll probably lose a lot of you when we talk about this but i have i've been praying for people i've been in villages in my dream praying for uh praying for people like in a third world country it sounds crazy and i can't explain it i can't explain i'm hiking through trails to get to this place i finally get there and we pray and people come to the lord and people get healed and paralytics get up and i wake up and my calves are killing me because i was hiking in my dream okay anyway if that ever happened and you read the news that there was some dude that came into the village and this happened that would really freak us all out yeah okay so i don't want to lose just why we'll talk about that much more but because some of you aren't even smiling well it's my first time and last time here at lifestyle appreciate you guys are freaks no but seriously this morning um i woke up and the lord put this on my heart and he he first of all he had me pray in the spirit for about probably about 40 minutes and i just paced my closet like just like this pace back and forth for 40 minutes praying in the spirit praying in tongues which scared a lot of people tongue scares people so how many of you are scared of tongues i wish you'd raise your hand and get baptized right now in the holy ghost i remember my mom got baptized my mom got baptized in the holy spirit she spoke like a chicken she had no idea what it was we baptized her in water she came out of the water she goes and my mom is a very much need to be in control and so she's not okay she's like what's happening and she's literally playing praying in the holy ghost she has no idea what is going on and i'm like yes you're good mom she's like i'm not gonna it sounds crazy but this morning some of you are not laughing that's because you need that's that's because you need to be able to pray in the spirit do you know that it builds up your spirit man that tongues actually edify your spirit man it talks about it in first corinthians 14 right after the chapter of love goes in there and it talks about prophecy and it talks about tongues and it says that in a setting like this tongues can be confusing but there has to be an interpretation if it's a viable tongue with an interpretation it helps to provide grace to people that hear it because they understand but paul you know he's like you know i wish you'd pray one word rather than a thousand words one word that people understand rather than a thousand words that they don't so he's going to remember the confusion of it but then paul makes this statement i pray in tongues more than you all i'm like dude you just told us not to pray that but pray this he said i pray in tongues more than you all and the key is that it edifies your spirit man pray in the spirit strengthening yourself jude says in your most holy of faith it's so important you look at ephesians when it talks about praying in the spirit when it talks about praying in tongues after it talks about all your armor it's always praying always in the spirit and so sometimes we kind of check out on that we think it's gibberish well i just think it's gibberish but you can assume what you want but if jesus talked about it we should probably like believe it are you with me so this morning what i found is that like over the last couple weeks i've been praying in the spirit for about 20 minutes on the average every morning to start my day and i find that it actually charges my battery for the day it's so crazy what if that was a key what if you'd wake up and instead of coffee you'd pray in the spirit then after that if you needed it then you drank no i'm just kidding about coffee get your coffee pray in the spirit take a sip pray again just go after it and i'm trying to pray not real loud because i've got a family sleeping like in the other room like my wife and i we we have both our kids azariah and asher both stay in our room we have a four-year-old that's going to be five sleeping in a twin bed like a car's bed on the one side and then we have our 21 month old little guy sleeping in a crib and then my wife and i sleep in the middle which is really cool actually we love it because we get to cuddle with our kids in the morning and when they get up my kids roll into the prayer closet and see daddy in the prayer closet and it's just fun but i'm praying in the spirit i don't want to wake anybody up and i'm like i'm trying to under my breath but not hardly but they didn't wake up today and it was really good but i'll tell you what after about 15 min i don't know does anybody know what i'm talking about has anybody ever started their day with tongues i found myself like when i was praying for the sick on a consistent basis in all the grocery stores and all the malls and all the walmarts when i first was beginning to do this i found myself every time praying in the spirit not even trying it i would go through shopping and i'd be praying under my breath not out loud because i'm not trying to draw attention to me i'm trying to put my attention on the father so when i'm praying in the spirit i'm putting my attention on the father but it says that it edifies and it enlarges my my spirit man so as i do that what happens is it's almost as if i'm charging my battery to where i start to hear more clear i don't know like does this make sense to anybody besides me okay i'm gonna i'm gonna start doing it more and more i'm going to try to get up to an hour every morning praying in the spirit every morning just pray in the spirit people were like what do you think about jesus i think about the throne room i think about my father i think about how it's amazing that i can approach the throne of grace in time of need always and receive grace because i need that and so i i want to position myself to be so heavenly minded that i'm early incredible are you with me i want to be there look there's a lot of people that get upset about a lot of different things and it seems like tongues is one of our what is tongues are one of the most upsetting things to the body of christ it just seems weird because usually it's because somebody does it and somebody does somebody doesn't because it it just doesn't make sense to their mind when you become too smart for god then we're in trouble if god who's way smarter than you said that tongues is part of the program then your brilliance shouldn't shouldn't eclipse what he said are we with are we with each other here okay so i just wanted to kind of start with that because all this came out of that so i'm in there i'm praying and all of a sudden all this god just downloaded a bunch of stuff so i i kind of want to share it with you are you good with that i mean i've got 37 minutes left so i'm going to i wrote a lot of stuff down so i'm telling you there's no way i'm getting through this i'll probably get to one thing okay all right here's what here's what i did i i was reading this morning um i was reading two different scriptures one of them has to do with grieving and one of them has to do with quenching and one of them says in ephesians 4 30 and the new american standard it says do not grieve the holy spirit of god of whom you were sealed for the day of redemption and the translation of that word grieve is lupio is the is the greek word it says to distress reflexively or passively to be sad to make sad to cause grief to grieve in heaviness to make sorrow to make sorrowful so he's saying that you and i have the ability to make the holy spirit sad are you with me i know none of us have the intention of wanting to make him sad like he is joy like the holy spirit is joy i i'd liken him to be like a puppy dog that you let outside like for one minute and let him back in they're freaking out so i believe that he wants to greet us every day with that joy he is the joy of the lord are you with me the lord is the spirit where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty but there can also be grieving so i want to be really careful so if i'm going to find out what the deal is with grieving and so i just let me i'm going to read something i read this this morning this was charles spurgeon i was totally rocked like do you guys know who spurgeon is one of the greatest preachers man i mean amazing let me just read this piece that he wrote on grieving oh my gosh the spirit of god is in you and he's bearing with you and it's very very easy indeed to grieve him sin is as easy as it is wicked you may grieve him by impure thoughts he cannot bear sin if you indulge in nasty impressions or if you allow your imagination to code up with nasty acts or sinful acts if your heart goes after covetousness if you set your heart upon anything that is evil the spirit of god will be grieved for thus i'm sorry for thus i hear him speaking of himself i love this man i want to have his whole heart yet he's entertaining these filthy lusts his thoughts instead of running after me and after christ and after the father they're running after temptations that are in this world through lust that's like intense so what he's saying is that anything apart from running after him is running away from him okay i did this the other day i said lord i'm going to think about you all day that lasted for like a couple minutes but my heart kept going back to him but what if you and i could focus on him all day long what if we could focus and set our mind on things above what if we could focus on the father on a continual basis but how can i focus on the father if i'm putting the world in me yeah but i got a job yeah but i got to work yeah but i got to this you don't have to take part in the trash conversations man you don't have to laugh at the filthy jokes you don't have to be a part of it you're supposed to be in the world but not of it this isn't a spank me message because we're going to get to the good stuff just bear with me here but when you read spurgeon it's just a spanking bro i'm reading charles and i'm like oh my gosh oh my i read a little bit more i'm like oh my oh my it says and then after you're seeking after worldly lust the spirit's grieved he sorrows in his soul because he knows that he knows what sorrow these things must bring our souls we grieve in him we grieve we grieve him yet we more more if we indulge in the outward acts of sin so he's talking about the inward off at the inward act of the thought process but he's saying it it's even worse because now we're outwardly indulging in it and it's not just a thought now it's become an action oh my gosh oh i can feel them holy spirit do what you do just bring your conviction lord not condemnation you would root out the things that need to go that you'd root out all that ungodly competition that's in our hearts god we want to know you jesus we thank you can i get kenny out here to play guitar i'll help this a little bit he is sometimes so grieved that he takes flight for a season for the dove will not dwell in our hearts if we if we take loathsome trash inside of there a cleanly being is the dove and we must not take that place which the dove frequents with filth and mire if we do he'll fly elsewhere we commit sin now now here's the deal as the spirit of god is in us he says behold i'll never leave you but he does take flight in our perception of who god is for a season if we're going to continue in the muck and miracle it's so important he doesn't leave your person but he will leave you being able to hear his voice if we commit sin if we openly bring disgrace upon our our belief system if we tempt others to go into iniquity by our evil example it is not long before the holy spirit will begin to grieve again if we neglect prayer if our closet door is cobwebbed if we forget to read scripture if the leaves of our bible are stuck together by neglect if we never seek to do any good in the world if we'd live merely for ourselves and not for christ then the holy spirit will be grieved for thus he says they have forsaken me they have left the fountain of waters they have hewn into themselves broken cisterns i think i now see the spirit of god grieving when you are sitting down to read a novel and your bible remains unread well sorry this is hard for me perhaps you take down some book some book of travels and you forget that you have a more precious book of travels in the book of acts with the apostles and in the story of your blessed lord master you have no time for prayer but the spirit sees you very active about all the worldly things you have many hours to spare for relaxation and your own personal amusement then he is grieved because he sees that you love worldly things better than you love him his spirit is grieved within him take care that he does not go away from you for it would be a pitiful thing if he left you to yourself again ingratitude and unthankfulness tends to grieve him nothing nothing cut a man to a heart more than having cuts a man to his heart than having done his utmost for someone else he turns around and repays them with ingratitude or insult if we don't want to be thanked at least we do love to know that there is thankfulness in the heart upon which we have conferred and which we have transferred our services to when the holy spirit looks into our soul and sees a little love for christ no gratitude to him for all he has done for us than he has grieved again the holy spirit is exceedingly grieved by our unbelief when we distrust the promise that he both gave us and apply and has applied when we doubt the power or the affection of our blessed lord jesus then the spirit himself says they doubt my fidelity they distrust my power and they see jesus is not able to save us to the uttermost thus again the spirit is grieved oh i wish the spirit had an advocate here this morning that could speak in better terms than me i have a theme that ever masters me i seem to grieve for him but i cannot make you grieve nor tell about the grief i feel in my soul i keep saying oh this is just what you have done you have grieved him let me make a full and frank confession even before you all i knew that too often i as well as you have grieved i as well have known as you have grieved the holy spirit much more within us he is i'm sorry much within us has made that sacred dub to mourn and my marvel is that he has not taken his flight from us and left us utterly to ourselves now suppose the holy spirit is grieved what is the effect that it produces within us when the spirit is grieved first he bears with us he is grieved again and again and again and again he still bears with it all but at last his grief becomes so excessive that he says i will suspend my operations i will be gone i will leave life behind me but my actual presence i will take away in other words he still stays there but the presence of god is taken away [Music] david says don't don't take your presence from me moses said if you if you don't go with us then don't go we can't afford to be a church where god's present doesn't come with us i can't afford to be a preacher that god's presence doesn't rest on and i have to really really guard my heart and protect my heart in a place of doing actively the things that really greet him just the way that we speak the way that we communicate the way that we look at others the way that we think about others god wants our whole hearts man i'm overwhelmed i was sitting there this morning just crying god don't let me grieve you holy spirit i'm so sorry if there's any way that i've grieved you please god when i'm on the brink of grieving warn me cut me deep i don't know people that pray that way because we're so much about maybe church on sunday but we're so much not about jesus every day and the holy spirit the presence of god is our best friend and he's all we have and some of us have never tasted and seen that he is good so the world's still tasty the book of acts the holy spirit was all they had they didn't have the new testament we do and some people value a book that they didn't have more than the holy spirit that they did have and we can't afford to be those people we have to value the word and have that above and beyond anything but the spirit of god is the one that reveals the word and the book is closed without him oh oh he suspends his instructions we read the word but we can't here's what look i'm just going to say it again holy spirit i'll suspend my operations i will be gone but i will leave life behind me in that person but my own actual presence i will take away and when the spirit of god goes away from the soul and suspends all his operations what a miserable state we're in it is the lukewarm church he suspends his instructions we read the word we cannot understand it we go to our commentaries to get stuff but they can't tell us anything we fall on our knees and ask to be taught but we get no answer and we learn nothing he suspends his comfort we used to dance like david before the ark and now we sit like job in an ash pit and scrape our ulcers with a pot shirt there was a time when his candle shone around us brightly but now he is gone and is left and has left us in the blackness and darkness of our own soul because we've wanted the world more than him now he takes from a spiritual power once we could do all things through christ but now we can do no things because we're doing them through the world we could slay the philistines and lay them in heaps upon heaps but now delilah deceives us and our eyes are put out and we're made to grind in the mill like samson we go on preaching but there's no pleasure in preaching and no good follows it we go to our track distributing in our sunday school we might almost as well be at home there's no machinery there there's no love and no life there's no intention to do good and perhaps not even that but alas there's no power to accomplish the intention that we have the lord has withdrawn himself his light his joy his comfort is spiritual power they're all gone and then all our graces flag our graces are much like the flower when it has plenty of water it blooms but as soon as the moisture fails the leaf drops down at once and so when the spirit goes away faith shuts up its flowers no perfume is exalted no no perfume is exhaled from that flower the fruit of your love begins to rot and drop from the tree and the sweet buds of our hope become frostbitten and they die oh what a sad thing it is to lose the spirit have you ever my brethren been on your knees and have been so conscious that the spirit of god was not with you in presence what an awful work it has been to groan and to cry and to sigh and yet go away again and no light shine upon the promises not so much as a ray of light through the of the dungeon full that's so intense [Music] god says that the pure in heart shall see god this isn't an accusation against anybody please don't take it that way i'm telling you that we we have holy spirit i am going after presence like never before but i don't just want his power i don't want to grieve him and i want to know the things that grieve his heart and i want to know what moves his heart i just want to move his heart i want to love well but i want to love with every part of my being i don't want any part of me not loving i want to be a man of prayer deep in prayer communing with god i want to be one that is deep in the word that the world can't take away what the word has given me i want to be able to have hope and build hope in people i want to see hopelessness driven out i want to live with a broken and contrite heart forever because that's the one that god says he'll look upon and a broken and contrite heart can't grieve god on purpose because when god cleanses the conscience from dead works in order for us to serve god it's the blood of jesus it's the mercy of god god is a good good father and it's the kindness of god that leads up to repentance but it's us seeing his kindness and his goodness and his mercy he's not mad but he does get grieved and i can't afford to be a man that grieves him this morning i found myself just on my face in a place of repentance lord if there's anything in me that's grieving you at any time anywhere no matter where i am bring it to light so that i can forsake it but give me grace to forsake that and put in the truth inside of my heart so that all i will do is love you with every part of my being i don't want to be a man that just preaches i want to be a man that loves you with all of his heart with all of his mind with all of his soul with all of his strength and i want to be able to be the man that loves his neighbor just like he loves himself the only reason that i can love myself is because i see the value that you have in me the price that you paid for me life and death is in the power of the tongue god my tongue is hooked to the new heart that you've given me my heart is not stony it's a heart of flesh and my tongue comes from the heart of flesh in the old testament it says that the heart is deceitfully wicked that's why in the new testament we had to get a new one but after we get that new heart it's only a period of time if you don't season your life with the holy spirit with you don't season your life with the truth about what god says is that the false hope that the world has creeps in and all of a sudden your heart becomes callous and we can't afford to be calloused heart we need to be a people of a soft heart of a sound mind god didn't give us a spirit of fear but of love and power and a sound mind and a sound mind doesn't come because i learned a lot of stuff from books a sound mind comes because the holy spirit is is allowed to renew me in the spirit of my mind and is allowed to work inside of my heart where i give him full permission where i give him full reign and authority within my life and allow the word of god to be magnified above his own name like he said and i can't tell you that i love god unless i'm willing to honor the infallibility of his word because if god's magnified his word above his name and i'm going to say i love god but i don't love the word i'm not telling the truth and the absence of the holy spirit in the presence of god he is our teacher says call no one on earth your teacher for you have one teacher the christ jesus christ was jesus the one anointed by god so our teaching is the anointing our teacher is the anointing first john 2 27 says you need no one to teach you for you have the anointing that teaches you all things that are true and when we get born again the holy spirit comes to make his home inside of us and it's amazing but that is just the beginning it is essential to unlock your potential but potential unrealized is potential unrecognized [Music] born again is the beginning that is where we get birthed from above brand new dad amazing dad but if i don't find out what my dad says i'll still be listening to what my father said and i'll still be listening to the opinions of others boy he said this and she said that and i can't afford to live that way i can't afford to live inside of any place of grieving [Music] i don't want to grieve god i want to inspire god imagine being able to inspire the father what if you lived your whole life and never realized you could inspire him and you get to heaven and in the first five minutes you find out what you did what you didn't do that's not okay i want to live my life full on for him something has come awake in me and it is in that broken and contrite heart please in the place of weakness knowing that he is strong the pride of man tries to get you to be strong about everything and we build up what we call our own strength because we've been wounded so we protect ourselves but that wounding actually produces calluses on a heart that was flesh but now it's becoming stoned again and i don't need that in my life man and neither do you i promise well i can't be vulnerable because i'm going to get hurt no transparency and vulnerability is the only way you keep from getting hurt this is the hardest thing because it's completely backwards than life in life it's all about me myself and i in the kingdom it's all about him in life it's all about what i have to do to look out for number one in the kingdom it's all about what i what i get to be to look out for him and the kingdom is what i what i what i give in order to gain in the world that's what i get in order to have it's completely different oh gosh if you look at ephesians 4 and you read through it it talks about do not grieve the holy spirit and it has a lot to do with your actions and your words if you read it you'll see it spend some time and look at it it's powerful i want to move on to my to my next scripture that i have only have a little bit with with you the power of god the hearing of god hearing god's words of knowledge hearing prophetically has awakened in me like never before it's actually kind of scary [Music] but it talks about quenching don't quench the holy ghost don't quench and the reference scripture for that is in first thessalonians chapter 5 and i've just read verse 16 through 24. so don't grieve and don't quench because either side of the spectrum is illegal i can't afford to not greet i can't afford to grieve him grieving has to do with character quenching has to do with power and i do not want to quench him rejoice always verse 16 of first thessalonians 5. pray without ceasing and in everything give thanks for this is the will of god for you in christ jesus if we started our life out with that sandwich right there rejoice always pray without ceasing and everything give thanks if you ate that sandwich every day think about it rejoice always pray without ceasing and everything give thanks if you prayed without ceasing you'd run out of words to say so you'll have to pray in the spirit [Music] it says for this is the will of god in christ jesus verse 19 says do not quench the spirit don't despise prophetic utterances examine everything careful hold fast to what is good abstain from every form of evil now may the god of peace sanctify you completely spirit soul and body be preserved complete without blame with the coming of the lord jesus it's amazing how he says that you're actually your body can be without blame that freaks the body of christ out man but if you don't grieve your body won't be jacked up we teach about the war between the flesh and the spirit and our spirit men in our flesh we fight it's not that it's my flesh is weak but my spirit is strong and my flesh can't dominate a strong spirit and if i say strong in spirit that means that i'm going to stay strong in heart if i say strong in heart and strong in spirit my flesh doesn't ever have to rise up and be strong that's how my spirit my soul and my body are preserved blameless why because my my spirit man's born again my soul gets renewed in the spirit of my mind and gets transformed by the renewing of god's word it gets transformed changed moving from glory to glory being transformed back into the original image that it was created in the beginning before we ever ate the tree and my body follows suit because my spirit and my soul dominate okay that word grieve gosh spenomi is the word extinguish do not quench extinguish quench of things or of things of fire to be quenched to quench to suppres to suppress to stifle listen to this don't stifle so do not stifle the holy ghost so good don't to damn like a water would be have a damn build up that's stifle to choke to stop to stop up in english it conveys some interesting nuances as we ponder quenching stifling the spirit to smother or suppress like a fire being smothered smoldering fire being put out snuffed out gosh to impair the respiration or obstruct the passage of air because the spirit is pneuma which means breath of bear or air in motions breath to be exficiated to die from lack of oxygen we don't while we don't die when we quench him there is a sense in which our spiritual life is dead without his energizing and empowering us tony evans said this to grieve the holy ghost is like letting corrosion build up on a battery so that the power of the battery can't be accessed the life of the christian when the holy spirit is grieved the charge and power available is declined or lost pray in tongues kill the corrosion i'm serious all right gosh i have so much oh my gosh i spend a lot of time on grieving sorry stop putting up the fire of the holy ghost stop hindering him and stop repressing the holy spirit for in doing so you're preventing him from exerting his full influence upon the world around you second timothy 1 6 and 7 says this for this reason i remind you to kindle the fresh the gift of god which is in you stir up and fan the flame of the gift that's inside of you through the laying on of hands god did not give you a spirit of fear but of power and love and discipline and a sound mind second timothy 1 6 and 7 pastor translation says i'm writing to encourage you to fan into plain to flame and rekindle the fire of the spiritual gifts that god has imparted to you when you had hands laid on you god will never give you a spirit of fear the holy given the holy spirit gives you mighty power love and self-control this is the amplified classic version that is why i would remind you to stir up rekindle the embers of the fan into flame and keep it burning the gracious gift of god the inner fire that is in you through the laying on of hands god did not give you a spirit of timid timidity of cowardness of craving and craving and i'm sorry of craving and cringing and fawning fear he has given us a spirit of power and love and a calm and well-balanced mind discipline and self-control i don't know if you guys remember on the day of pentecost but what rested on them tongues of fire rests tongues as a fire rested upon the disciples on the day of pentecost like it's there it's right there tongues oh no and fire rested upon them look in matthew look what does it say in matthew 3 11 it says john says as for me i baptize you with water for repentance but the one who's coming after me is mightier than i that i'm not fit to remove his sandals he will baptize you with the holy ghost and fire and fire and fire john i baptize you with water the one coming after me he's greater than i john the baptist said this he said to jesus when jesus came down to get baptized he's like you're coming to me for baptism but i need yours but john couldn't have jesus's because jesus couldn't give that baptism until after he was crucified and resurrected that baptism didn't come until after and the old testament says that john was the greatest of all old testament prophets greater than elijah who called down fire greater why he was greater than all of them and then it says but he who is least in the kingdom oh my gosh says john the baptist was the greatest of all old testament prophets now you're looking at elijah you're looking at daniel you're looking at all these guys and here you go whoa are you kidding me greater than david greater than any all of them john the baptist high watermark of all of it then he says but he who is least in the kingdom is greater than john why because john couldn't have it john couldn't have the baptism of the holy ghost and fire but it's available for every christian listen a baptism of fire is amazing it's like pouring a quart of gasoline on your head lighting a match you don't care what people around you think you're burning oh my oh my god oh i was out in minnesota and uh [Music] i was going to the airport in my plane i went to check in and my plane had maintenance issues and the guy behind the counter said the plane that's coming in has maintenance issues and we don't have the part so we're not gonna be able to get the part so i'm gonna book you on another flight tomorrow a couple hours it's okay thanks man so i got i came out the guy goes what do you want to do i said i don't know maybe we'll go get something to eat or something and then just and we didn't have enough time so we went and stopped at this restaurant and they didn't open till 11 it was lunch time and we were going to order something so about quarter to 11 quarter to 11 they answered the phone and says hey can we place an order and the lady goes sure he can place an order it'll be ready around 11 o'clock so he's on the phone placing an order talking to her and the holy ghost says to me she's got problems in her next severe problems in her neck i want you to go in and pray for it now he's on the phone in the front seat so i know it's a specific word so i go in the restaurant you know that door's open about five minutes later i walk in the restaurant and this guy goes in and i walk up for later i go hey i said my friend just called you in the car he's ordering food for me i said my flame my plate is this and we kind of went out of our way to come to the restaurant just to but i just really hurt in my heart that you have a problem in your neck and it's severe she goes yeah i said well don't you think that's weird she goes absolutely weird i said yeah because i wasn't even on the phone with you and this has to be weird i'm like it's weird for me she goes yeah she goes hi this just strange i said well i got great news for you and i shared my testimony about being an addict and all that stuff and she goes how is this great news i said because i'm in front of you and i should be dead right now and i got to the end of the testimony and i shared she's crying she goes oh my god you're making me cry i said because the spirit of god is real and he spoke to me about your neck not because he wanted me to tell you about it but because he wants to fix it so her another lady walked up to the thing and she's like what's going on is there a problem and the lady goes that's my daughter i go no way so i backed up and shared my testimony again i did i shared it and she just looked at me and i said to her i said you know i said she goes that's really crazy i said yeah and the holy spirit told me that her father was the same thing but he didn't recover and i said you grew up with a dad just like that as a matter of fact ma'am her father hurt you so bad that you struggled as a single mom and you did a really good job they're both bawling and i said i just want to tell you how amazing the father thinks about you and i started to share and prophesy over their life of how amazing god thinks they are they're crying and i said ma'am i said would it be okay if i prayed for your neck she goes please so he prayed for her neck her neck gets healed and as i'm sharing with her i said oh my gosh honey i said you have severe stomach stomach ailments she goes my stomach kills me every day this is a daughter i said well now that we're here and we're praying why don't we just pray for your belly to be healed she goes it's warm i said i guess we don't have to pray then she's like what is happening and i shared the kingdom i shared and she's she's like you know i didn't i didn't do anything to to do anything for god and i said let me tell you a story and i said jesus hung on the tree i said you've heard the story she goes yeah she goes i i've heard it before i see well there were two other guys that were hanging beside him on the tree and both of these guys were hardened criminals man and they both deserved death but jesus was in the middle of these guys he never deserved death [Music] and he was on that tree for your sin and my sin and he took upon himself the sin of the world the whole world's sin your sin was hanging upon jesus on that tree she's just looking at the ground and i said there was a man on the one cross and he started hollering at jesus saying come on if you're really who you are then get us out of here come on jesus didn't say anything because he was a sheep led silent to the slaughter and the whole world was against him and the pharisees that were against him were shouting bring yourself down off of there and i said and jesus looks at the ones that are completely coming against him because see honey you grew up with religion you didn't grow up with relationship you saw religion that didn't want anything to do with the church so you and your mom both walked away from the church not wanting anything to do with it look it's true i said right you had a father in your life that claimed to know god but he did all the things that i'm telling you that i did yeah i said these pharisees are screaming at jesus and jesus looks at them marred on the tree father forgive them they know not what they do and she's like oh my god i said that's what love does oh and it gets better this guy's heckling jesus and his friend at the last minute their dying breaths says to them don't you care don't you have any fear of god in you this man never did anything we deserve this this man is innocent and he looks at jesus he says today he goes lord when you come into your kingdom remember me now this man lived his whole life in sin didn't do anything good everything bad his whole life and here he is hanging on a tree dying a death that deserved he deserved it he's dying the same death jesus did but in his mind he knew that jesus didn't deserve to die that way he said lord today please remember me jesus looks at the man without any prequalification without any earning anything he didn't do anything for god his whole life he's hanging on a tree he looks at the man he goes today you'll be with me in paradise what did he do to earn that she goes nothing i said what do you think you have to do to earn it she goes nothing i said how about you and your mama didn't do anything to earn it but jesus did everything to give it to you how about both of you give your life to him and they both looked at me and said what do we have to do i said nothing he did it all all you have to do is believe they looked at me and go we believe i go let's pray so we prayed and the holy ghost went whoo and landed upon them at the restaurant all because my plane got jacked up listen this is not just for todd white the preacher this is for todd white the son this is for me because i'm a joint heir with you of the price that jesus paid we have an inheritance and you and i don't have to grieve and we don't have to quench the holy ghost we have equal access to the same father the same holy spirit that raised jesus christ from the dead dwells in us and if he doesn't he wants to you don't have to do anything to earn this what you have to do is see the price that he paid but he didn't pay a price for you because you don't have value he paid a price for you because god determines the cost god determines the cost and if the father thought that you were worth the price of his son then the cost that god determined was equal with jesus god so loved the world that he gave his son to get you and there's nothing that you have to do to earn it nothing and we can live in a place of being free from grieving and free from quenching because the power of god is available to further his kingdom and not yours and all of us have the ability to walk in him one more testimony last night we were at we went to uh topgolf my wife beat us all i was terrible i i was bad she had like 120 i had like 14. she's amazing so we're going through and and the girl at the end was asked she goes will you take our picture because we were going to take a picture and and just we're hanging out with friends and so the girl goes sure she gets her camera and i walked over to her and the lord said she has head and neck trauma and i said hey honey i said you have head and neck trauma she goes yeah what what is what's going on i said oh honey i said i have a relationship with jesus i said the holy spirit just spoke to me about you he loves you she said why i so love that why i started sharing my heart she starts trembling picture over because the picture's not important she is she's the apple of god's eye it doesn't know it when we hold god back when you grieve him you can't know him when you quench him you don't let him flow through you we can move all that out of the way and go after him it's all available god doesn't want us to move and whacked out character he doesn't want us to move without his power you can't just work on character or you'll have no power and you can't just work out power you'll have no character it's no grieve and no quench it's both it's jesus he's given us the ability we have everything according to life and godliness man so i'm sharing my heart with her and i said hey i said look at me the lord says she's suicidal wants to be done with her life i go oh no no no no i started sharing it what's happening right now i said god she goes this is real i said it sure is real he loves you he sent me here for you you just played and played golf i know but you're here and i'm here and you're more important in this game i proved that with my score and i had jackie come over and love her her name was taylor i said taylor i said honey i said my neck and head are good we didn't even pray i said you know it's awesome because god just he doesn't just want your neck and head he wants your heart she looks at me she goes what do i do i go i'm so glad you asked you don't have to do anything all you have to do is believe do you believe that jesus died for you she goes well he had to have how could this happen holy spirit such a better evangelist than we are it's called presence evangelism to where he absolutely enters the room and evangelizes with his presence and that is where you and i need to be so she got born again and wiped out with the holy ghost i mean wiped out with the holy spirit [Music] and i had another one of the other girls that were with us come love on her and she gave her a hug and prophesied and shared her heart with her and i go hey you can't take our picture you need to be in it so she goes really i said yeah hey god break her heart [Music] for a season i've been so busy with trying to make sure everything was okay ministry-wise this is a big place dude i don't know if you know that or not you know we bought this with four employees [Music] who does that god and i'm so excited but i but something happened and i just got busy even with coven i got busy and i thought god was riding me a busy but there were so many decisions and so many things that needed to be somebody so much stuff and i that i thought i quenched him [Music] i quenched him i didn't allow him to flow through me like i could have i mean it still happened but not like not like now this is ridiculous and i wanted to get a million times worse and better you know what i'm saying i want to be a wrecking ball for the holy ghost i i don't i don't want to just have church [Music] i don't want to just be your normal christian i don't want to live mediocre [Music] i want to burn i want to burn and i don't want a congregation of people that just want to listen i don't i want a congregation who wants to want to burn with fire why would you want to get to heaven and find out all that you could have done why would we have to wait to five minutes after we passed away to find out the life we could have lived why would i want to why would i want to do that why would i want to go to heaven and be like oh my god you mean i could yes it was all available for you no i want it now hershey said about about you know once we get there no no no i need it now god has blessed us with every spiritual blessing now he's given it to you now you have an inheritance now you're a joint heir now you have everything that jesus had and everything that jesus has is the father's because the father gave him everything and the holy spirit will give you all things that jesus has he wants us to walk in power he wants us to walk in purity he wants us to shame the devil every day not walk in shame he doesn't want us to walk in guilt and condemnation and regrets i want to live a life that's free from regret and it's the goodness and kindness of god that leads me to repentance and keeps me in repentance why would i want to waste another moment why would you waste another moment of today when your lunchtime could be explosive with kingdom power to where your life could be a volcano of holy spirit eruption to where you would be so fearful of holding him back [Music] what if the tables were split instead of being fearful of letting him out and stepping out and being a fool you would be more afraid of holding him back because you're going to blow up like a volcano and burst everywhere because there's nothing you can do to run along how you just let it go what if fear no longer had dominion in you and one of sin no longer had dominion in you because you were so sick and tired of being sick and tired what if you could with earnestness get up every morning and go after god with everything in you what if your alarm clock didn't defeat you anymore [Music] what if you knew that the only way to prime your pump was to actually go after jesus in the spirit what if nobody could stop you man would have fear no longer had a voice in you because the shepherd has one what if the stranger could no longer speak to you because you were burning with life's intention and life's intention is to glorify god because it is god's will that all come to the knowledge of him and be saved to the uttermost that's what god's will is god's will is for us to rejoice always pray without ceasing and in everything give thanks god's will is not for us to complain to gossip to criticize god's will is for us to burn with heavenly fire to where the flame inside of you would be stoked where the flame inside of you would oh would burn again to where there wouldn't be anything to put out your flame there'd be no smoldering anymore where your soul would be on fire for him what if nobody could stop your loving devotion for your king what if your work no longer petrified you anymore what if your neighbors no longer made you cringe in fear what if your heart was a burning inferno of god's love what if what if come on who here is hungry because i'm done i'm done i want us to go after god i want us to go after jesus there are people up here right now that have said i'm positioning myself because i am not going to stay silent anymore it's not okay to think you're bankrupt when you're rich with god it's not okay to think that you don't have when you have everything according to life and godliness aren't you sick and tired of being silent aren't you sick and tired of letting the enemy speak louder to you than the father let's end the confusion and go after jesus let's be burning with zeal let's not wait any longer let's go after him let hunger drive you to your knees let the passionate heart cry of god people are dying and going to hell let's not sit back and watch it happen let's be a part of the problem fixing jesus we need you set a fire in our soul god set a fire in our soul god for just a few minutes would you just go after him would you rededicate would you recommit [Music] would you stop letting life speak to you louder would you stop letting pride keep you sitting would you allow your heart to get stirred once again would you allow the holy spirit to stoke the flame just like one of those wind things my grandparents used to have and they blow on the fire until the embers got hot would you let god fan your flame would you dare to do that would you dare to look like a fool which is worse someone going to hell or are you looking like a fool which is worse looking like a fool or someone going to hell because they didn't see god in your life i'm over it man it's time we get passionate about jesus i'm not sorry because my life is going to become way more undignified than this i thought i'd wear a jacket today just because because i can preach in one but i want a bunch of burning embers i want this sanctuary to be full of burning embers [Applause] come on not dead wood let's go after this together this morning could you dare to position yourself in a place of prayer for 15 minutes right now just 15 minutes to go after god could you do that people like well i don't want to get out of my seat because then i'll look funny oh my gosh you look funny sitting god do it god i'm asking you to touch me touch my heart in jesus name come on man god i'm asking you to touch my heart right now touch my heart set me on fire set me on fire god let me be kindling on the fire to burn wood let my life be kindling god do it in me do it in me setting my family aflame do it at me do it in me do it at me [Music] do it at me kenny can you sing set a fire come on i want to sing just a couple of songs i want us to enter in just for a couple minutes if you have to leave go if you can stay stay let's pray let's go after the lord what if god set your kids on fire what if god sets your family on fire what of you are the answer that god's been looking for what if you are the one that he has been grooming in your heart what if today all kinds of smoldering trash was taken off of your fire [Music] come on i want us to cry i just want us to cry out right now i want us to go after jesus please let your heart cry out [Music] jesus mark us mark us [Music] god [Music] come on i want more i want more i'm gonna get me some interns and some staff to start laying hands on people right now i want you guys to cry out just pray position yourself for more come on jesus i want more i want more [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i want more [Applause] [Music] baptize people afresh let a fresh branding of your fire of your love come for god [Music] a fresh branding come holy spirit [Music] holy spirit come right now a fresh fire a fresh fire healing can hold this stuff a fresh fire come holy spirit increase god more [Music] more here we are god [Music] more more god don't hold back god baptize people afresh with a fresh living flame of love [Music] a fresh living flame of love come holy spirit a fresh living flame of love [Music] a fresh living flame of love come god right now holy spirit do what you do [Music] fresh flame of love comedy [Music] fresh [Music] a fresh fire guard [Music] a fresh living flame of love a fresh fire that cannot be snuffed out increase god more more a fresh living flame of love got a burning passion for your name if i can get some staff down here help me pray please [Music] fresh a fresh baptism [Music] fresh come on holy ghost god we say more we welcome you come on lord jesus jesus jesus come holy ghost holy ghost god we want to be a people that finished so strong that finished so strong that runs so white hot in jesus name white hot flames [Music] fan the flame inside of everyone god jesus thank you more [Music] father i thank you for healing and wholeness all over the house god in the mighty name of jesus i thank you that no sickness will prevail [Music] all sickness all disease get out in jesus name thank you lord [Music] healing and wholeness every cell be healed all joints be healed all organs be healed in jesus name all disks be made whole in jesus name infertility be healed in jesus name right now jesus name thank you lord we ask you for more oh heart disease lung disease get out jesus name thank you so much blood disorders be healed in jesus name all diseases be made whole in jesus name thank you father wholeness jesus god i thank you for doctor's confirmation in jesus mighty name thank you father jesus name lord i thank you that everybody that walks out of this place will be a conduit i'm asking you to speak clearly god open up words of knowledge open up the prophetic realm i thank you father i thank you for words of encouragement in the name of jesus god thank you [Music] i thank you for the bible coming alive like never before i thank you for your word coming alive in jesus name the spirit of wisdom and revelation and the knowledge of you but come alive in jesus name we thank you father jesus name thank you jesus name thank you lord god father i thank you for wholeness i thank you for healing and holding us god in jesus name [Music] jesus name thank you lord god [Music] father i thank you that you're healing people all over the room in the mighty name of jesus [Music] in the mighty name of jesus [Music] it's turned in my heart memory loss being healed jesus name thank you father [Music] jesus name thank you god thank you food allergies being healed jesus day thank you god [Music] dreams coming awake your art is coming back jesus [Music] thank you lord god healing and wholeness god thank you great grace [Music] more lord jesus name thank you [Music] best years of your life ahead of time [Music] father thank you in jesus name god mark the whole family [Music] god thank you god i thank you for great grace i just heard in my heart frustration is over a season of joy god thank you for real joy i bind those thoughts and command them to never touch you again i thank you for freedom jesus great freedom great freedom great grace great freedom great grace jesus [Music] jesus [Music] jesus jesus more father i thank you lord i thank you for the gift of music [Music] the gift of music god thank you jesus thank you lord thank you lord god thank you that prayer has been answered god i thank you jesus name yay so good [Music] thank you lord god thank you for your grace your goodness [Music] father i thank you for wisdom [Music] jesus thank you for wisdom god we love you we thank you we give you glory in jesus name thank you lord [Music] thank you lord i thank jesus for your extended family [Music] touch them god right now jesus name thank you lord beautiful lord we love you [Music] kenny can you sing o lord you're beautiful [Music] oh lord you're beautiful your face is when your eyes are on this child your grace about this to me [Music] [Applause] [Music] guard god and keep them god we worship you we say yes to you god [Music] is [Music] and i [Music] is [Music] is [Music] and when your eyes your grace oh grace [Music] holy [Music] is [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] jesus we love you god we thank you lord we worship you god i thank you for a fresh flame in our life i thank you that even today you would speak to people that god wherever they go you would speak to us about the person next to us god we love you father i thank you that when we look in the mirror today we will see a person that's changed we will see a person that's transformed we will not see yesterday we will see you for who you've called us to be today sons and daughters in jesus name amen on let's give the lord praise for what he's done amen [Music] the lord is good yes and i just want to i just want to encourage you guys with just closing out with what todd was sharing out of thessalonians he said this faithful and absolutely trustworthy is he who is calling you and he will do it everybody say he will do it listen he will do it he will fulfill his call by making you holy guarding you watching over you and protecting you as his own so our confidence is in him alone amen amen hey we want you guys to join us tonight at six o'clock for our encounter service it'll be a great time pastor william hen will be bringing the word it'll be an amazing time of worship but if you would just stretch your hands towards me i just want to bless you guys i declare that the lord bless you and keep you the lord make his face shine upon you the lord be gracious to you and look upon you with favor and grant you his peace in the mighty name of jesus and everybody said amen go and sin no more have a great evening you
Channel: Risen Nation Church
Views: 5,885
Rating: 4.8983049 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 50sec (5270 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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